Thursday, 2017-07-27

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trinathsstrating freezer-api gives me this error
trinathswhen I start $> freezer-api , it runs on localhost. but I need to bind host to an IP address. it doesnt work properly with freezer-api06:26
trinathsany clues ?06:26
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trinathsjiaopengju: any comments ?06:38
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trinaths1szaher: ping10:31
trinaths1m trying freezer remote storage usecase. When I try manually the freezer-agemt, I get this error in freezer-api.log  =
trinaths1im using freezer newton10:35
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trinaths1jiaopengju: ping10:40
trinaths1jiaopengju: im trying freezer remote storage usecase. When I try manually the freezer-agemt, I get this error in freezer-api.log  =
trinaths1jiaopengju: I have enabled password less access between compute and remote-storage nodes.10:42
jiaopengjutrinaths1: are these files exist '/home/kube/freezer_backup'  /var/lib/nova/instances/b2f4d219-506a-463e-80be-1bf5f22f3266/libvirt.xml10:44
trinaths1jiaopengju: yes10:45
daemontooltrinaths1, try to pass explicitely the ssh key path without using ~10:45
trinaths1jiaopengju: ok10:45
daemontoolI assume also this file exists:10:46
daemontool   /var/lib/nova/instances/b2f4d219-506a-463e-80be-1bf5f22f3266/libvirt.xml10:46
trinaths1daemontool: yes10:46
trinaths1jiaopengju: [anaconda root@node-1046 ~]# freezer-agent --action backup --path-to-backup /var/lib/nova/instances/b2f4d219-506a-463e-80be-1bf5f22f3266/libvirt.xml  --backup-name instance_222 --storage ssh --ssh-username kube --ssh-key  .ssh/id_rsa --ssh-host --debug --container /home/kube/freezer_backup10:47
trinaths1Critical Error: [Errno 2] No such file10:47
jiaopengjudaemontool seems means use the full path of '.ssh/id_rsa'10:48
daemontoolyes paramiko returns an error where some dir is involved10:48
trinaths1jiaopengju: yes. please see this, [anaconda root@node-1046 ~]# freezer-agent --action backup --path-to-backup /var/lib/nova/instances/b2f4d219-506a-463e-80be-1bf5f22f3266/libvirt.xml  --backup-name instance_222 --storage ssh --ssh-username kube --ssh-key  .ssh/id_rsa --ssh-host --debug --container /home/kube/freezer_backup                                  Critical Error: [Errno 2] No such file10:48
daemontooltry with the absolute path for the key10:48
trinaths1daemontool: ok10:49
jiaopengjupath like /123/45610:49
daemontoolyes like /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa10:50
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trinaths1jiaopengju: daemontool: i did that way too. it did not work well.
trinaths1one doubt doesn freezer-agent mandatory requires freezer-scheduler running? I'm trying freezer-agent in manual mode.10:52
daemontooltrinaths1,  nope, you can use it directly10:53
trinaths1daemontool: right.10:53
daemontoolwhat is this?10:53
daemontool   /home/kube/freezer_backup/metadata/tar/node-1046.domain.tld_instance_22210:54
trinaths1daemontool: is this the error 1970-01-01 23:42:03.719 8598 DEBUG paramiko.transport.sftp [-] [chan 0] listdir('/home/kube/freezer_backup/metadata/tar/node-1046.domain.tld_instance_222') _log /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paramiko/ 1970-01-01 23:42:03.721 8598 ERROR freezer.main [-] [Errno 2] No such file: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file10:54
trinaths1daemontool: why its listing that non-existing directory? puzzled10:54
jiaopengjutrinaths1: what version do you use?10:54
trinaths1jiaopengju: newton10:54
daemontoolI think that is the log file of paramiko...10:55
trinaths1daemontool: no. its the /root/.freezer/freezer-agent.log10:56
jiaopengjutrinaths1: please add --no-increamental True and take a try10:56
trinaths1jiaopengju: freezer-agent: error: unrecognized arguments: --no-increamental True10:57
jiaopengju--no-incremental True10:57
jiaopengjutrinaths1: sorry10:57
daemontool--no-incremental only should be enough10:57
trinaths1jiaopengju daemontool: its --no-incermental true10:59
daemontoolok thanks10:59
jiaopengjutrinaths1: and it works?10:59
trinaths1still errors:
trinaths1its better now. it created directories11:01
trinaths1but existed with errors11:01
jiaopengjutrinaths1: if you use freezer-agent, it's no need to see the log of freezer-api11:02
daemontoolI think  this is the the following line in paramiko that is generating the error11:02
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trinaths1daemontool: its a logger bug ?11:03
daemontoolI'm not sure if it uses a different file or the same logging file used by freezer11:03
daemontoolso what happen if you pass explicitely the log absolute path to the freezer-agent11:04
trinaths1daemontool: will try now11:04
trinaths1daemontool: its the same kind of error. but this time freezer-api.log is not populated.11:06
trinaths1do I need any conf file for agent ?11:06
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daemontooltrinaths1, if I remember well, you can use a config file for agent but it's not required11:07
trinaths1daemontool: okay.11:07
daemontoollet me think, I'm not sure11:07
trinaths1daemontool: when I did not give --log-file option, the agent log got populated. when I have given --log-file option, the agent log did not get populated.11:08
daemontoolyou have space in the ssh node right?11:09
trinaths1yes 1 TB11:09
daemontooljust to doulbe check, can you verify this file exists on the remote node?11:11
daemontool    /home/kube/freezer_backup/data/tar/node-1046.domain.tld_instance_222/85815/0_8581511:12
trinaths1kube@minikube:~/freezer_backup$ ls /home/kube/freezer_backup/data/tar/node-1046.domain.tld_instance_222/85815/0_8581511:12
trinaths1kube@minikube:~/freezer_backup/data/tar/node-1046.domain.tld_instance_222/85815/0_85815$ ls -l11:13
trinaths1total 806811:13
trinaths1-rw-rw-r-- 1 kube kube 8257720 Jul 27 11:02 data11:13
daemontoolszaher,  are you around?11:14
trinaths1daemontool: do I need to give any additional options for freezer-agent ?11:15
daemontoolas far as I know, that should be enough, let me check11:16
trinaths1daemontool: ok11:16
jiaopengjuszaher will not be here for several weeks11:16
trinaths1jiaopengju: yes. I see a mail in ML11:17
daemontooljiaopengju, I'm on a windows box now, does it work for you storing onto an ssh storage?11:18
daemontoolotherwise I can check later11:18
jiaopengjudaemontool: I do not have a newton environment11:19
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trinaths1daemontool: a manual sftp also worked fine.11:23
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daemontooltrinaths1,  I don't know, need to test it, are you online in couple of hours?11:24
trinaths1daemontool: yes.11:25
daemontoollast thing, can you try to backup a directory instead of a single file?11:25
daemontooluse a different backup name to do this test11:25
trinaths1daemontool: ok.11:26
trinaths1daemontool: same error.11:27
trinaths1daemontool: while I restore the same, I get the same this error.
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daemontooltrinaths1, thanks for the info12:00
daemontoolwhat if you try to use rsync instead of tar and back backup engine?12:00
daemontoolshortly I'll test it anyway12:01
trinaths1daemontool: ok.12:05
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daemontooltrinaths1, ping13:26
daemontoolwith --no-incremental true works13:26
daemontoolbut the incremental does not13:26
daemontoolso it's a freezer issue I think it returns error13:27
trinaths1daemontool: oh okay13:27
daemontoolbecause cannot it cannot find13:27
daemontoolthe tar metadata13:27
daemontoolthat's a guess13:27
daemontoollet me check13:27
trinaths1daemontool: but for me --no-incremental too didnot work well.13:27
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daemontoolchange backup name when using --no-incremental13:28
trinaths1daemontool: oh okay. let me give a try.13:28
trinaths1daemontool: did u try restore ?13:28
daemontoolnot yet13:28
trinaths1daemontool: ok13:31
trinaths1daemontool: can you share the localrc for multi node devstack with freezer13:40
daemontoolthe multi node should not change in localrc13:43
daemontoolyou mean supporting multuiple backends to store backups?13:43
trinaths1daemontool: nope13:43
daemontoolah ok you are looking for a localrc for a devstack deployed on multiple nodes?13:44
trinaths1daemontool: I have installed installed devstack ocata controller. not in another compute node I want to know the localrc changes required for freezer for devstack compute node.13:44
trinaths1daemontool: yes13:44
daemontooltrinaths1,  ok, I don't have it currently, sorry, I use a deploymend of openstack rh osp in the lab13:47
daemontoolI assume you need that13:48
daemontoolto automate the deployment of freezer during devstack install?13:48
trinaths1daemontool: yes. I need to know how cinder and freezer are configured in localrc of devstack while installing a devstack compute node.13:51
daemontoolok, this doesn't help at all?
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trinaths1daemontool: i'm looking at
trinaths1daemontool: at the compute-node config, can I enable freezer as I did it in controller? I think freezer-api must not run there13:54
daemontoolnope, freezer-api runs on controllers only13:55
trinaths1daemontool: agree13:59
daemontoolbut you still want to install freezer agent there probably13:59
trinaths1daemontool: true said. the how to enable cinder and freezer-scheduler and freezer-agent in devstack compute node ?13:59
daemontoolwhy you need to enable cinder on the compute node?14:00
daemontoolfor freezer I think if you add the following it should work14:00
daemontoolenable_plugin freezer newton14:00
daemontoolin [[local|localrc]] section of your local.conf14:01
daemontoolthe cinder dependencies neede for Nova on compute are deployed when installing nova14:01
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daemontoolnot sure why cinder would be needed explicitely on computes14:02
trinaths1daemontool: that makes sense. okay14:02
trinaths1daemontool: agree14:02
jiaopengjuvnogin: do we have meeting today?14:05
trinaths1daemontool: today we have freezer weekly meeting14:05
vnoginjiaopengju: I'm not sure. It seems that szaher on PTO14:06
jiaopengjuvnogin: I know that. Thanks14:07
daemontoolmhhh there's no topic change there14:07
daemontoolin #openstack-meeting-alt14:08
trinaths1daemontool: yes.14:10
daemontooltrinaths1, use the ocata version of freezer14:10
daemontooleven if you are on a newton openstack14:10
daemontoolthese issues are not present there14:10
daemontoolit works correctly both backup and restore14:11
trinaths1daemontool: yes doing the same now. moving to Ocata controller and compute14:11
daemontoolanyway my feeling is that incrementals for ssh doesn't work14:12
daemontoolI think the meetings have been suspended14:13
daemontoolotherwise in the meeting room the topic would have changed already14:13
daemontoolnot sure14:13
trinaths1daemontool: okay. since PTL is on leave this might have happened.14:14
trinaths1daemontool: okay. thank you for the help. i'm now leaving for home its already 20:00 hr at office.14:14
trinaths1daemontool: bye14:15
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daemontoolOcata works quite well... but ssh backups on newton are broken14:16
daemontoolrsync also works14:19
daemontoolin Ocata including incrementals on ssh14:19
daemontooleven tar, but the current level is not updated in the printout14:19
daemontoolbtu it works.... well done :)14:19
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_freezer master: Updated from global requirements
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