Monday, 2016-02-29

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daemontool_EinstCrazy,  the week end was hot around :)07:47
daemontool_should go in shortly07:47
EinstCrazywell, you've commit it, haven't you?07:48
EinstCrazyor I need to commit in freezer?07:49
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EinstCrazydaemontool_:  ping07:59
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daemontool_EinstCrazy, here I am08:14
daemontool_but it needs to be rechecked08:14
daemontool_and reverified08:14
daemontool_cause there was a bug in the infra08:14
daemontool_so the guys changed something yesterday night08:14
daemontool_(or last morning depends on the TZ)08:15
daemontool_so the job is here search for freezer-api08:15
daemontool_we just need to wait at this point08:15
EinstCrazyOh, I got it08:16
EinstCrazydaemontool_: which commit is the change ?08:18
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daemontool_Change-Id: I10a5ea8d581029eba8f3ab5e016a1dd1919fa11708:24
daemontool_ Commit08:25
daemontool_for Depends-On you need to use Change-ID (it start always with capital i)08:25
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openstackgerritdaiki kato proposed openstack/freezer: Add space to log message
daemontool_all can you review please:
daemontool_frescof, vannif_  m3m012:06
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slashmedaemontool: done, added a small comment12:24
dmelladodaemontool: some comments, thanks!12:25
dmelladothere are some things that aren't really clear to me, but I might be missing some context12:25
daemontooldmellado, thanks12:29
daemontoolI'added some content12:29
daemontoolthe except Exception12:29
daemontoolthere's a new flake8 version12:29
daemontoolwithout that the pep8 gate job would fail12:29
daemontoolwhile the rm .testrepository12:29
daemontoolyou are right12:29
daemontoolit's not necessary12:30
daemontoolI-ve added it because12:30
daemontoolwhen I do my dev locally12:30
daemontoolif the test fails12:30
daemontoolthe .testrepository directory is not removed12:30
daemontooland I have to remove it manually and rerun12:30
daemontoolyou are right12:30
daemontoolI'm going to remove it12:30
daemontoolthe only thing12:30
dmelladodaemontool: I see your usecase, didn't think about it12:30
daemontoollet's approve that so we are unblocked12:30
daemontooland I'll do the change sugggested asap12:31
daemontooltoday the gate job12:31
daemontooltake 5 hours12:31
daemontoolto be verified12:31
dmelladocool, I'll +1 it. and about the gates it's terrible, yes12:31
daemontoolthank you12:31
daemontoolI'll remove12:31
daemontoolthe rm .testrepository12:31
daemontoolit's ugly12:31
daemontoolyou are right12:31
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daemontoolbut it would take 5 hours now to change that, because of the ci12:35
daemontoolslashme, m3m0, vannif_  frescof   anyone of you can +A please?12:45
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slashmedaemontool: done12:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/freezer-api: Switch to testr from pytest
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daemontoolEinstCrazy,  re: the path of tests now changed13:34
openstackgerritFausto Marzi proposed openstack/freezer-api: This is incorrect url in example doc and conf
openstackgerritFausto Marzi proposed openstack/freezer-api: Fix url from stackforge to openstack
daemontoolall, please review
daemontoolvannif_,  can you take a look please to
daemontoolyangyapeng, re: can you please add a bug to the commit message so we can approve it?13:39
daemontoolEinstCrazy, same here + fix conflicts due to last changes13:39
daemontoolwe need to get this things done for mitaka m313:40
openstackgerritEinst Crazy proposed openstack/freezer-api: Replace assertEqual(*, None) with assertIsNone in tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/freezer: Switch cinder api to v2 and add --force and --incremental
openstackgerritJin Nan Zhang proposed openstack/freezer-web-ui: This is incorrect url in example doc and conf
daemontool_zhangjn, ping14:22
zhangjnI'm here14:22
daemontool_now this patch is in14:22
daemontool_re: cinder incremetal backup14:23
daemontool_what we need to do there14:23
daemontool_is to save also the metadata for the volume14:23
daemontool_so the volume can be restored under pretty much any circumstance14:23
daemontool_tomorrow please sync with reldan14:23
daemontool_also from here
daemontool_we need to be able to remove backups14:23
daemontool_retain them etc14:24
daemontool_we need to wrap around the cinder backup apis14:27
zhangjnjust backup volume metadata?14:28
daemontool_yes, we should split these steps14:28
daemontool_so we have the incremental14:28
daemontool_but we need to backup also the metadata14:28
daemontool_and also be able to manage backup deletion14:28
daemontool_they cannot be stored there for ever14:28
daemontool_or the user needs to have a way to delete them automatically14:29
daemontool_according to a retention policy14:29
daemontool_but there are few challenges14:29
daemontool_so I think zhangjn  you need to talk with Eldar14:29
zhangjncinder backup provide incremental backup api14:29
daemontool_we support that with
daemontool_but now that support needs to be extended14:29
daemontool_- backup also the volumes meta data14:30
daemontool_- wrap around backup delte endpoints for autoamtic backup deletion and retain, etc14:30
daemontool_please sync with reldan14:31
daemontool_zhangjn, sounds good? do you feel comfortable working on that?14:31
zhangjnping EinstCrazy14:31
daemontool_or is EinstCrazy  that is supposed to work on that?14:31
zhangjndo you can contact with reldan14:32
zhangjnEinstCrazy: you can follow this work.14:33
EinstCrazyOK, I'll contact with reldan, and work on it14:33
zhangjnI will push you, EinstCrazy. LOL14:36
daemontool_ok ty14:39
daemontool_slashme,  anyone from us is working on the python-freezerclient split & repo creation?14:39
slashmem3m0 is working on the code14:40
m3m0only in the split, I haven't done anything for the repe14:40
slashme- We need the pypi repo to be created14:41
slashme- We need to merge this14:41
slashme- And this14:41
daemontool_slashme,  I can do the repo work not a prob14:41
daemontool_ok I'm taking a look14:41
daemontool_after this14:41
daemontool_I'll be full time on block based14:41
slashmedaemontool_: awesome14:41
daemontool_can't bloody wait to finish that :)14:41
daemontool_but the code is the main thing14:43
daemontool_the namespace change14:43
daemontool_the imports, the deps....14:43
openstackgerritJin Nan Zhang proposed openstack/freezer-web-ui: Fixed importError urlresolvers
daemontool_m3m0,  are you going to do that?14:58
daemontool_the name space change?14:58
daemontool_m3m0,  also that change needs to include: from vannif_15:00
daemontool_m3m0,  also the history is not there15:00
daemontool_we need to create that repo15:01
daemontool_by filtering the apiclient directory we have now15:01
daemontool_then add the other fails15:01
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daemontool_so we keep the history15:01
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m3m0I'll do it like that daemontool15:45
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daemontool_m3m0,  thanks a lot15:52
daemontool_use git filter15:52
daemontool_or something liek taht15:52
daemontool_like that15:53
daemontool_I've used when I've splitted the other repos15:53
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slashmedaemontool_: I created an etherpad for the midcycle meetup.15:56
daemontool_slashme,  ok15:56
daemontool_I have to buy the tt15:56
slashmeWe need to send an email to the ML Asap15:56
daemontool_slashme, ok, do you want to send it?15:56
daemontool_slashme, I'm checking the flights16:03
daemontool_in the st patrick day week16:03
daemontool_prices are really expensive16:03
daemontool_can't we make it 1 week later16:03
daemontool_sorry to say this only now16:04
daemontool_or I can do it anyway16:04
daemontool_let me check oen sec16:05
slashmeYou need to define this with ddieterly, you are the main persons flying here. I think dmellado was also interested.16:06
daemontool_I don't think ddeterly is going16:07
daemontool_it's ok16:07
daemontool_the price difference is only 100e16:07
daemontool_slashme,  ok you can send the email anytime please16:08
slashmeI'm pretty sure he said he'll come16:09
daemontool_slashme,  ok16:12
daemontool_so 15-16 march?16:12
dmelladoslashme: it'd be great but I need to check dates and availability16:12
daemontool_I'll be there 14-1816:13
dmelladodaemontool_: will you be presenting any session at the summit?16:14
slashmedaemontool_: don't take your ticket yet, let's wait for ddieterly opinion first.16:15
dmelladoworst case we can do some sync there ;)16:15
dmellado(and some beer too xD)16:15
daemontool_dmellado, lol, I think so :)16:16
daemontool_I'd like also to go the IRE16:16
daemontool_I can go, that's not a prob16:16
daemontool_thought there was more differences on prices16:16
daemontool_from different weeks16:16
daemontool_but it's expensive anyway lol16:16
daemontool_it's all right for me16:16
dmelladoI guess that if you're coming from the US ticket flights are going to be a ripoff16:17
daemontool_I'm going from Italy16:18
daemontool_it's about 327 euros16:18
dmelladooh, then it's more expensive than I thought16:18
daemontool_the week after is about 250 anyway16:19
daemontool_otrsmethign liek taht16:20
daemontool_or something like taht16:20
daemontool_slashme,  for me is OK anyway16:20
* dmellado checking google flights16:21
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dmellado289€ for me, but recall watching way cheaper flights16:22
daemontool_I've checked on skyscanner16:22
dmelladodaemontool_: should be the same, but check;f=MAD,XOC,XTI;t=DUB;d=2016-03-14;r=2016-03-1816:24
dmelladojust in case16:24
daemontool_slashme,  feel free to send the email when you can16:26
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slashmeJust checked with him17:17
slashmeHe won't come17:17
slashmeLet's settle for 15 and 16 march17:17
slashmeI'll send the email and you can take your ticker17:17
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jith_Hi all, is freezer-api required for taking backup in ssh location using freezer-scheduler...23:57

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