Friday, 2017-05-05

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mriedemdiablo_rojo_phon: did you ever happen to find out if we have a flipboard in the onboarding rooms?19:18
diablo_rojo_phonmriedem: Yeah. I put I. The request to get them so they should be there.19:19
mriedemsweet, thanks19:19
diablo_rojo_phonNo problem.19:32
ianychoiflipboard! :)19:47
mriedemthingee: the community goals for queens session is smack dab in the middle of nova onboarding and a bunch of other sessions, so i likely won't be there19:49
mriedemdoing something like that on thursday would have probably be better due to the front-loading of the sessions on monday/tuesday, but that ship has sailed19:49
thingeemriedem: ugh thanks for letting me know21:19
mriedemthingee: np, no schedule is ever going to work for everyone23:16
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