Tuesday, 2025-03-04

hberaud[m]#startmeeting openstack-eventlet-removal15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Mar  4 15:00:09 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is hberaud[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.15:00
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_eventlet_removal'15:00
hberaud[m]Ping list: amorin, JayF, gouthamr, ralonsoh15:00
hberaud[m]waiting 1 or 2 min for folks15:02
hberaud[m]#topic feature freeze15:03
hberaud[m]we just passed the feature freeze, and final epoxy is one 1 month15:03
hberaud[m]from the point of oslo, all the deprecations are in place, we are just waiting for a RFE https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/94290415:04
hberaud[m]how are your deliverables at this point?15:04
ralonsohNeutron is not ready, there missing agents15:05
hberaud[m]s/is in one/15:05
hberaud[m]Do you have an estimate of the remaining work?15:06
hberaud[m](to complete the migration)15:06
ralonsohthat will be ready, for sure, in F. We are expecting the oslo.service release without eventlet15:06
hberaud[m]the second part of the oslo.service migration will be shipped with F15:07
hberaud[m]that's too late for epoxy15:07
hberaud[m]and we are waiting for the patches to start our reviews15:08
ralonsohjust to be sure, was it expected to deliver all the projects without eventlet in Epoxy?15:08
hberaud[m]no no :)15:08
ralonsohahhhh uffff15:08
hberaud[m]it wouldn't have been possible15:08
hberaud[m]I think we are in a pretty good shape15:09
amorinmistral is almost ready, still some eventlet in tests, oslo.services, coordination, stuff like this15:09
hberaud[m]I'd not have expected that amount of things done 15:09
hberaud[m]that's awesome15:10
amorinsome of them will disappear during F cycle, because I deprecated them in E15:10
hberaud[m]#topic PTG preparation15:11
hberaud[m]We are currently scheduling and preparing the PTG15:11
hberaud[m]I think we will at least propose I cross session15:11
ralonsohwhat projects in particular? 15:12
amorinthat would be nice to have status on each projects, but also on cross-projects, like oslo stuff15:12
hberaud[m]I'd suggest to you to start thinking about it and if you identify topics that you want to share with us, then, I'll share an etherpad with you15:12
hberaud[m]ack, I take note15:13
hberaud[m]I'll ask my oslo teammates to see if they plan to schedule a PTG session for oslo15:13
amorinthat would also be nice to share tips and tricks proejcts were using to get rid of eventlet15:13
amorinsometimes I am wondering how neutron/nova does the work, to avoid reinventing the wheel on mistral project15:14
hberaud[m]ralonsoh: all projects are welcome15:14
hberaud[m]amorin: good idea15:14
amorinlike, the wiki page was good, but more oriented to async IO15:15
amorinwhich is not possible in most project for now I believe15:15
amorintalking about this: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Eventlet-removal15:15
hberaud[m]After some discussion with Designate folks to give them some entry points, I recently wrote a tiny document, which is more a collection of how to split your work etc... maybe it can fit well with this kind of tricks15:16
hberaud[m]yeah aboslutely15:16
hberaud[m]in all the case I'll communicate you soon all the details about PTG 15:18
hberaud[m]Do you plan to schedule eventlet specific session to eventlet for your deliverables?15:19
ralonsohfor sure there will be15:19
ralonsohI need to ask for it to my PTL15:19
hberaud[m]If yes, then let me know. This way I'll update the wiki with the various dates and places15:19
hberaud[m]thank you15:19
ralonsohI'll tell you as soon as I have this info15:19
hberaud[m]thank you15:19
amorinnothing will happen on mistral side on PTG15:20
hberaud[m]#topic final release candidate deadline15:21
hberaud[m]RC1 starts next week, and final release candidates deadline is March 2715:22
hberaud[m]so, if some of your deliverables (neutron by example) are rc deliverables, then you still have some time left15:22
hberaud[m]I think the same is true for mistal IIRC15:23
amorinhow is it triggered?15:23
hberaud[m]what? The building of rc releases?15:24
hberaud[m]those are convenience patches from the release teama15:24
hberaud[m]they are automatically generated15:24
amorinok, perfect, nothing to do on project side for this15:24
hberaud[m]you just have to validate them 15:24
amorinexecpt having green CI / ready code15:24
hberaud[m]and sometimes, you might request a RC2 if you observe a last minute bugs15:25
hberaud[m]but even RC2 are more or less convenience patches15:26
hberaud[m]you just have to keep an eye on proposed releases https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/releases+status:open15:27
hberaud[m]patches should be labeled with topic epoxy-rc1-deadline: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22epoxy-rc1-deadline%2215:28
hberaud[m](not yet fulfilled)15:29
hberaud[m]#topic Open Discussion15:30
hberaud[m]Anything else that you want to discuss today?15:30
ralonsohall good15:30
hberaud[m]ralonsoh: I'll check your reproducer by tomorrow 15:30
hberaud[m]Then, I think we are done15:32
hberaud[m]thanks everyone for joining15:32
hberaud[m]see you in 2 weeks https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-eventlet-tracking15:32
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Mar  4 15:32:57 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)15:32
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/openstack_eventlet_removal/2025/openstack_eventlet_removal.2025-03-04-15.00.html15:32
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/openstack_eventlet_removal/2025/openstack_eventlet_removal.2025-03-04-15.00.txt15:32
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/openstack_eventlet_removal/2025/openstack_eventlet_removal.2025-03-04-15.00.log.html15:32
amorinthanks, see you15:33

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