Friday, 2025-01-10

slaweqianychoi hi, please check my patch and then patch on top of it which changes election dates slightly08:38
slaweqI hope to get this in today if it is fine for you and tc-members so that fungi can announce dates in the newsletter08:39
bauzasI just approved08:41
bauzaswell, s/approved/+1d08:41
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fungifor now we mainly just wanted to be 100% certain of the start date and duration for the nominations period, trying to get the word out so we have enough tc candidates and ptls don't forget to put in their nominations15:13
fungiespecially since people expressed concern about potential overlap with lunar new year15:13
slaweqfungi nomination period duration is not changed with my proposal but starting date would be 1 week earlier if /when it will be merged16:04
slaweqbut patch still needs some reviews and approvals16:05
slaweqand I am calling it a day now, see You :)16:05
fungislaweq: thanks for the update, so we're talking about making it start 2025-02-05 then? thanks and have a great evening!16:06
fricklerstart: 2025-02-05T23:45
ianychoiThis year, Jan 29 is lunar new year, so the nomination period based on ^ seems fine20:40
ianychoislaweq: Thank you for describing the detailed steps on Etherpad - let me double-check with the patch ^ once merged with my vacation period around final week of Feb21:12

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