Wednesday, 2025-01-08

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fungiianychoi: slaweq: bauzas: if the election schedule is firmed up by the end of this week, i should be able to include a mention of the relevant dates in next week's openinfra newsletter15:23
fungi(as mentioned in the tc meeting yesterday)15:23
slaweqianychoi hi, I prepared etherpad for this upcoming election - please check if this is good for you15:42
slaweqregarding changes of the dates, I personally think that we still can do this now as we have few more weeks before election. But I can propose change of the dates but I would like first ianychoi's opinion about it15:43
slaweqfungi when You need to have final dates to iclude it in the newsletter?15:43
fungiideally i'd have all content in to the newsletter editors by the end of friday, though i can probably put in a placeholder and update the actual dates as late as monday/tuesday15:44
fungitechnically our content deadline is end of friday though (two days away)15:45
slaweqok, let's wait for feedback from ianychoi and if he's ok, I will propose change before Friday15:46
bauzastbc, what would be the next dates for the elections ? starting two weeks before feb 12, IIUC ?15:46
bauzasI was pretty burned yesterday when we had the tc meeting15:47
fungias currently merged, the schedule has start of nominations on 2025-02-12 yes:
bauzasI see the proposal patch, nevermind15:47
* bauzas just looked at yesterday's notes15:47
bauzasslaweq: just because I reloaded the context in my mind, I saw that ianychoi had no disagreement about extending the TC votes period down to when the campaign starts15:54
bauzasback to fungi's point, this is cool to wait for ianychoi's formal agreement for the newsletter but I think you slaweq can safely propose a patch to extend the TC voting dates 15:55
ianychoiYeah, I do not have objections, while if I have chance, I wanna recall the purpose of TC campaign period.23:26
ianychoiPreviously (maybe > 2-3 years ago), there were some debates / topic discussions by raising questions to TC election candidates23:27
ianychoiSuch mood is not related with election mechanisms like election official activities, but I think it is valuable if the initial purpose of TC campaign period, what worked well, and/or what were not working are discussed among current TC members.23:29
ianychoislaweq: thank you - will be back tonight!23:30

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