Monday, 2024-12-09

gouthamrianychoi slaweq: i didn't get any further interest for election liaisoning, and the two of you can continue to do this for us :) bauzas will be the TC liaison for this upcoming election. Can we please kick off the cycle by identifying dates as we usually do?20:10
gouthamrbauzas unfortunately doesn't yet know if he'll be contesting to be the Nova PTL.. so, he may jump in on reviews and help.. but, only the two of you must have CIVS access/data etc.. 20:12
gmannI think election officials should be merging the things related to that election activity (election officials formally mentioned here 20:19
gmannTC liaison or members are more or making sure elections tasks are not delayed or so20:19
gouthamryes; i'm clarifying this because bauzas volunteered to be an election official20:20
gmanngouthamr: 'interest for election liaisoning ' you mean 'interest for election official' right? or you still seeing TC liaison20:20
gmanngouthamr: is bauzas volunteer for election *official* or *liaison* because two are different role20:21
gouthamrah, yes my bad.. i put out a note asking for election official volunteers :) not TC liaisons20:21
gmannif official then he shouod raise change to add as election official which formally makes him in election officials20:22
gouthamrwe discussed TC liaisons during a weekly IRC meeting.. and i wanted bauzas to try to be an official this cycle to spread the knowledge around.. but,  he mentioned he doesn't know if there'll be any other contenders for Nova PTL, and he may continue20:22
gmann++. I think once he finalized for Nova PTL the he should raise gerrit change like above ^^20:23
gouthamryeah, no such change is necessary now.. i'll try harder to find volunteers next time.. maybe the messaging is lost in some noise20:23
gmannyeah or if we have two officials it should be enough for any election. but agree to encourage more members to help20:24
gmanngouthamr: do we have TC liaisons identified? 20:25
gouthamryes, bauzas 20:25
fungii am willing to fill in as an official again if things get tough, but would much prefer other members of the community participate in that activity20:25
fungiand am also very happy to help mentor people who want to volunteer20:25
gmannfungi: ++. me too. I can help if we have less than 2 officials and no one else volunteer 20:25
gouthamr++ thank you.. we'd need more help when ianychoi or slaweq hang up their hat20:26
fungiand review changes for the tooling20:26
gmanngouthamr: but if he run for election, then we need to find someone else for TC liaison also20:26
gouthamrgmann: who?20:26
gmanngouthamr: bauzas . you mentioned bauzas volunteer as TC liaison20:27
gouthamrboth of them told me they'd not be contesting elections 20:27
gouthamri don't see a problem being a TC liaison20:28
gouthamreven if he's a PTL candidate... 20:28
gouthamri was a TC liaison, and was mostly just shadowing process and helping reviews.. I didn't have access to CIVS20:29
gmannI mean we need to make sure any of the election officials are not running for any election candidate and liaison not running  for TC eelction20:29
gouthamrah, yes.. bauzas isn't running for TC election 20:29
gouthamrhe's on the TC until the next election cycle - ~Nov 202520:29
fungibeing the tc liaison should be fine, it's just the officials who need to be unemcumbered and impartial with regard to confirming candidates, setting up polls and interpreting/reporting results20:30
gouthamrs/next/next-next :D 20:30
gmanngouthamr: I am not sure if TC liaisons need to review or merge the election candidacy etc. I avoided when I was TC liaisons or chair and let officials do the things so that we follow process20:30
gouthamrgmann: yes.. me too, we'd only let the election officials handle that.. will keep bauzas honest :) 20:31
gmannTC liaisons even do not have +2 rights in the election repo. TC chair has which I remember I added to help in stuck situation example- no current election official is active to add more officials20:32
gmanngouthamr: ++20:32
fungithat could, in theory, be accomplished by making the tc or tc chair an owner of the group instead of a member20:34
fungithen a new election official could be added to the gerrit group and they'd be able to approve their own addition to the list in the election repo20:34
gmannfungi: I think that is good idea instead of avoiding any accidental merge and we end up in situation where it create any issue from election process perspective20:35
gmannI think I did not know about owner things and added it as member that time 20:36
fungiyeah, at worst it requires creation of an additional gerrit group to own the election officials group, and then that group can have other groups included (including the election officials group, but since they're explicitly delegated by the tc it probably makes sense for them to not actually be able to add people themselves)20:37
fungieasiest is if there's an existing group that can be made the owner of the election officials group instead of having the group be self-owned20:38
gmannok, so existing tech-committee can be owner of existing election official group?20:39
gmannI think that will be better. gouthamr what you say?20:40
fungiand then any member of tech-committee can add/remove members from election officials, but the election officials themselves can't20:41
gmannone more question, do we need to do that owner change by gerrit or admin needs to do it directly manually? 20:43
gouthamrso we'd be creating an "election-officials" group and making "tech-committee" an owner of that group?20:44
ianychoiI think it is already?20:44
gmannyes we have group 'election-core'
gmannianychoi: as you are here, what you think of this idea?20:45
fungiright, you'd just change the owner there in the gerrit webui20:45
fungithe "owners" field at
ianychoiAh, I thought all tc members are included in election-core. So I can add bauzas now on election-core. Is this what we would like to accomplish?20:46
gmannianychoi: not that. we discussed to make 'tech-committee' as owner of  'election-core'  which means only 'tech-committee' can only (not existing election officials) add the new election officials20:48
gmannianychoi: and 'tech-committee' or 'tech-committee-chair' will not have any +2/+A right on election repo. they are just owner to manage the member of 'election-core'20:48
gmannthat way only election officials can merge the election related things, candidacy validity, polling, closing etc20:49
ianychoiIMO, it is fine if we officially mention this on homepage including who TC liaison is20:50
gmannyeah documenting  TC liaisons also good idea. we do not do currently 20:50
gmanni mean ' documenting  current election TC liaison'20:51
gmannand if  anyone want to be part of election officials then TC can discuss and add them in gerrit core group20:52
ianychoiThe idea of election officials starts from TC delegating election process for making it impartial. So, Setting owner 'tech-committee' or 'tech-committee-chair' on the election repo, and actual election-core members work with +2/+A right is a good idea20:52
fungithat was my reasoning for suggesting it, right20:53
ianychoiJust I wanted to make sure that then TC liaison would have at least one more small responsibility: guaranteeing to reflect election official changes (addition/deletion) to election-core Gerrit group20:55
gmannyes, and if it is delayed election officials can reachout to TC anytime and we can make sure changes are done20:56
gmannbasically TC liaison to do anything election officials want to do from TC or vice versa 20:57
gmannI can propose to document the TC liaison things in election home page and you can review20:58
ianychoigmann: thank you!!20:58
gmannbut for owner I think ianychoi: gouthamr or slaweq needs to do it in gerrit webui or fungi can help us20:58
ianychoiSo, who will be the best owner: 'tech-committee' or 'tech-committee-chair'?21:00
gmannbasically two change required 1. make 'tech-committee' as owner of  'election-core'  2. remove 'tech-committee-chair' from  election-core's  'Included Groups'21:00
ianychoigmann: done21:01
gmannI think either is fine 'tech-committee' or 'tech-committee-chair' but we can go with what gouthamr opinion as current TC chair 21:01
gouthamrgmann I think tech-committee is fine; in case I get hit by a bus :D21:11
* gouthamr is afk; can look at this in ~an hour21:12
opendevreviewIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/election master: Add configuration for 2025.2/"F" elections
fungion that ^ note, i'm also asking the foundation marketing folks when to expect a codename for the 2025.2 cycle21:18
ianychoiThank you - I am staying just as "F" since I could not find upcoming release name so far21:19
ianychoislaweq: I just created Etherpad for upcoming cycle:
fungiyeah, apparently aprice meant to start the process a couple of weeks ago but is running behind, so there should be a full word starting with "f" soon21:20
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/election master: Add TC liaison in election page

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