Wednesday, 2022-09-14

*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out00:41
ianychoi[m]fungi: I admit that I uploaded twice by seeing CIVS system message clearly like this: "Enter email addresses of voters, one per line. These may be new voters or existing voters who have not voted yet. In a private poll, giving the email address of an already existing voter will not let that voter vote twice. It will only resend the voter an invitation to vote. In a public poll, only a token attempt is made to prevent multiple17:20
ianychoi[m]Would you help double-check the voter 1) whether it is really from the same election (e.g., TC vs. PTL) and 2) whether invitation code would be different or not?17:21
fungiyes, i've heard from multiple people now. civs sent them a duplicate copy of their ballot for the tc election, but it was just a duplicate not a totally new ballot, so they could still only vote once17:23
fungiit didn't send me a duplicate because by the time you reuploaded the rolls i had already voted, and civs knew there was no reason to send me another17:24
fungiso while it may be confusing for people, at least it doesn't compromise the polling result17:25
ianychoi[m]My concern was to see how many people would go through CIVS opt-in. When I first uploaded rolls from multiple pinging to me several hours before election starts, I saw a system message from CIVS that 337 electorates out of 395 did not opt-in17:27
ianychoi[m]So just around the election started, I re-uploaded the rolls but still there were 331 electorates who did not opt-in17:28
fungiyeah, i don't think readding people was a bad idea, it just resulted in sending duplicates to the people who had already opted in, and that led to some confusion for them17:28
ianychoi[m]Not sure whether announcing as fungi mentioned + reminder of CIVS opt-in is a good idea or not17:28
ianychoi[m]spotz  knikolla jungleboyj: looking forward to listening to your thoughts on ^ discussion17:29
fungiif we decide to do reuploads like that again in the future, we should either only reupload the ones who weren't previously opted in (if civs gives us a log of the ones it did/didn't send), or let the ml know we're doing it and to possibly expect to receive duplicate ballots17:30
ianychoi[m]I agree with letting the ml know instead of managing the list who weren't previously opt-in by election officials17:31
ianychoi[m](if we decide to do re-uploads considering less # of CIVS opt-in for the election)17:31
spotz[m]We can give people a heads up and let them know. Only TC I suspect got 2 emails not Ironic?18:40
spotz[m]Walking through Trinity College right now but can send when I get back to the hotel if no one has. Be about an hour18:42
spotz[m]Email sent21:59
ianychoi[m]Thanks too22:42

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