Monday, 2016-11-07

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cybojanekI'm back again :D18:54
cybojanekandrey-mp: revoke-security-group-ingress --protocol tcp --port 5003 --cidr --group-name default18:56
cybojanekthat fails because the group-id is None18:56
cybojanekand _revoke_security_group does not check / get group id18:56
cybojanekActual error is a string split on None18:57
cybojanekAfter running: authorize-security-group-ingress --protocol tcp --port 5003 --cidr --group-id sg-e30d3a7619:17
cybojanekAnd then: revoke-security-group-ingress --protocol tcp --port 5003 --cidr --group-id sg-e30d3a7619:17
cybojanekthe rule doesn't actually get deleted because the comparison fails:19:18
cybojanekrule1 = {'direction': 'ingress', 'protocol': u'tcp', 'ethertype': 'IPv4', 'port_range_max': 5003, 'security_group_id': u'b65bc978-ef07-4c37-bc14-f1e0f8252946', 'port_range_min': 5003, 'remote_ip_prefix': u''}19:18
cybojanekrule2 = {u'remote_group_id': u'b65bc978-ef07-4c37-bc14-f1e0f8252946', u'direction': u'ingress', u'protocol': None, u'description': u'', u'ethertype': u'IPv6', u'remote_ip_prefix19:18
cybojanek': None, u'port_range_max': None, u'security_group_id': u'b65bc978-ef07-4c37-bc14-f1e0f8252946', u'port_range_min': None, u'tenant_id': u'bc6dc3e9a3264b9f91b9450c0be5ea82', u'id': u19:18
cybojanek{'ethertype': 'IPv4', 'direction': 'ingress', 'port_range_min': '5003', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'port_range_max': '5003'}19:19
cybojanek{u'ethertype': 'IPv6', u'direction': 'ingress', u'remote_group_id': 'b65bc978-ef07-4c37-bc14-f1e0f8252946'}19:19
cybojanekcode: 187095b411cf5cf4d69002afda8c74d1fc1deb1819:19
cybojanekSorry, nvm about that, the port isnt there19:20
cybojanekSorry about the spam, I think I've got it this time19:28
cybojanekandrey-mp: Ok, so the 'description' field doesn't get filtered out, and now I see that its included in the master branch changes (but not yet stable/mitaka)19:30
cybojanekI think the other problem will still persist19:30
andrey-mphi :)19:30
andrey-mpso, is it only one problem with group-id?19:31
cybojanekI'm still on stable/mitaka19:32
cybojanekI'll merge master into my branch but I think the problem in master is still there (that code doesn't look changed)19:32
cybojanekI have a few other issues I'm going through and will post those here later too19:32
andrey-mpas I understood you are not using VPC?19:43
andrey-mpcybojanek ^19:43
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cybojanekI always get confused with the naming stuff, but in OpenStack I have a private that runs over GRE19:50
cybojanekI'm trying to run the latest code atm19:51
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andrey-mp2VPC - virtual private cloud. It's a network stuff in Amazon.19:55
cybojanekYea, I use that in Amazon19:55
andrey-mp2ah, ok.19:55
cybojanekandrey-mp2: In latest code, deleteion works ok with group-id but not with group-name19:56
andrey-mp2did you create vpc in openstack (via ec2-api)?19:56
cybojanekDo I have to do it that way?19:57
andrey-mp2I don't remember right now ) I need to see.19:59
andrey-mp2ok. I've checked it. ec2-api has a bug/feature. in case when neutron available and support_vpc is on in ec2-api.conf then ec2-api uses security_groups from neutron. but it doesn't store information about default VPC and can't choose correct security_group by name (neutron can have many equal names).20:07
andrey-mp2so problem is in the information what is default VPC. in amazon it always present and if user make call with group_name then amazon searchs for security group in default vpc. ec2-api doesn't create default VPC automatically and can't choose correct security group by name.20:09
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cybojanekanother issue, this works fine: run-instances --count 1 --image-id ami-25f72113 --instance-type m1.small --security-groups default22:59
cybojanekbut this fails: run-instances --count 1 --image-id ami-25f72113 --instance-type m1.small --security-group-ids sg-e30d3a7622:59
cybojanekdue to: 'VPC security groups may not be used for a non-VPC launch'22:59
cybojanekI didn't create a VPC in ec2, but enabled full vpc support23:00
cybojanekand I have an OS private subnet for my project23:00
cybojanekI commented out that case and my instance allocated fine23:01
cybojanekI obviously don't completely understand the implications of this, but was wondering what you thought23:01

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