Monday, 2016-09-12

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cybojanekandrey-mp: Hi!14:21
cybojanekI'm trying to do a describe-subnets command14:21
cybojanekBut I get back an empty list14:21
cybojanekDoes ec2api use its own database, or is it supposed to use the nova one?14:21
andrey-mpec2api has own database.14:23
andrey-mpare you using nova-network or neutron?14:24
cybojanekI see that the networks show up in the api calls in ec2api log14:24
cybojanekBut during the describe() "for os_item in self.os_items"14:24
cybojanekThey all get filtered out14:25
cybojanekAnd formatted_items becomes empty14:25
andrey-mpthey can be filtered for your project14:25
andrey-mpand ec2api returns only own subnets14:26
cybojanekDo I need to specify the network when allocating an instance with ec2api, or will it choose a default?14:32
andrey-mpthere are two options:14:40
andrey-mp1) use VPC: you need to specify subnet for instance creation14:40
andrey-mp2) use EC2-classic: just boot instance14:40
cybojanekOk - I created a private network/subnet in my openstack project. I can list them with openstack project list. In EC2, I try to use "ec2 describe subnets" and I get an empty reply back14:41
cybojanekI have full_vpc_support=true14:42
cybojanekDo I need to do something in ec2api to create VPCs to map them to the actual openstack subnets?14:42
andrey-mpec2api doesn't return object that was created through openstack tools14:42
andrey-mpyou need to create VPC via 'aws' CLI tool14:43
cybojanekI see14:43
cybojanekHow does ec2-classic choose the subnet to boot on?14:45
andrey-mpec2-classic uses network from current project if the project has one and only one network14:49
cybojanekDo I enable ec2-classic through full_vpc_support=false14:50
andrey-mpec2-classic is existed alwaws14:51
andrey-mpyou can switch on/off only vpc support14:51
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