Thursday, 2017-08-03

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TuanVuHi, at this moment my instance is not able to get IP from DHCP06:12
TuanVuas I've checked in OVS, DHCP request is dropped06:12
TuanVucould anyone please help to let me know what I could check in this case?06:13
TuanVuI've tried to restart df-controller06:14
kkxuedo you check any log info?06:20
TuanVuyes, I've checked log of df-controller, l3 ...06:21
TuanVuthere's no error06:21
TuanVuand also, there's nothing related to dhcp06:21
TuanVuthe most important point here is: as I've traced in OVS flow table, DHCP request is "dropped"06:23
TuanVuas far as I understand, it should be sent from OVS to df-controller and df-controller will process this request06:23
TuanVuis there any way to re-generate OVS flow tables?06:24
kkxueyou can compare this:
kkxueNot sure it will helps06:29
dimakTuanVu, you're running a devstack?06:34
TuanVuthank you, kkxue06:36
TuanVuI'm checking your note06:36
oansonTuanVu, yes, you are correct. There should be flows redirecting dhcp to controller.06:36
dimakcan you share the local.conf you used?06:36
dimakAlso, make sure DHCP is enabled on the relevant subnet06:36
oansonTuanVu, restarting df-controller should regenerate the flows in OVS.06:36
TuanVuthanks dimak and oanson for your concern :)06:36
oansonTuanVu, don't thank us yet :)06:37
TuanVuhi dimak, after many failed troubleshooting attempts, I'm re-installing df on my devstack06:38
TuanVuI just want to have a "general guide" for troubleshooting in this case06:38
TuanVulike: what should I check, especially for df-controller06:39
TuanVubecause I think, in this case, there must be something wrong with df-controller, right?06:39
dimakI would find out the ovs port the request it received at on br-int06:40
dimakthen try tracing it06:40
TuanVuHi oanson, oh thanks for this information06:40
TuanVu@dimak: yes, I agree06:40
TuanVuthat's what I did and found out DHCP request is dropped06:41
oansonTuanVu, we have started a guide here: but it is in early stages :(06:41
dimakWhere it is dropped?06:41
TuanVu@oanson: yeah, I've also checked that06:41
TuanVu@dimak: this traffic is forwareded from one table to another for serveral time (5 > 10 > 15)06:43
TuanVuat table 15, it's dropped and I have no idea why06:43
dimakTuanVu, I'll compare to my env in a moment, just need 5 minutes to grab a coffee06:43
TuanVuI mean ... how to find out "why it is dropped", is there any way to check?06:44
oansonTuanVu, could you upload your OVS flows?06:44
TuanVuthank you @dimak, that's really nice of you :)06:44
TuanVubut don't worry about it too much, I'm in the process of re-installing df in my lab anyway06:44
TuanVu@oanson: I'll provide more details next time06:45
TuanVu@all: thank you guys for your awesome support :)06:46
TuanVuI really appreciate it06:46
oansonTuanVu, no worries. Thanks for trying Dragonflow out06:46
kkxuedimak, I've tested your SFC heat template,and success build the test environment.06:50
TuanVuHi oanson, Dragonflow is a really cool project. I really like it06:51
TuanVuI'm trying to understand more about dataflow and will read the source code for more details06:51
TuanVuthank you guys for your great work06:51
oansonThanks :)06:52
dimakkkxue, thanks!07:00
kkxuebut $server_fip test failed..07:01
kkxuevms/networks/pp/ppg/fc have created.07:03
dimakkkxue, you were not able to get the echo back?07:06
dimakDid you wait a couple of minutes? I takes ovs+ryu a few moments to install07:07
dimakif you still have the stack up, i'd like to see some log file07:08
kkxuewhich log file do you want to see?07:09
dimak /var/log/cloud-init-output.log on sfc-test-sf VM07:11
kkxuepassword of Fedora-Cloud-Base-25-1.3.x86_64 is?07:12
kkxueI haven't use this image before.07:13
dimakit should use the keypair07:13
dimaklogin to user fedora07:13
dimakIf you run 'openstack server list' you'll see it has a fip07:14
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kkxuedimak,/var/log/cloud-init-output.log show error: "/tmp/ line 11: ryu-manager-3: command not found"07:33
dimakkkxue, did dnf install succeed?07:34
kkxueoh,my pulic network have no internet access..07:34
dimakthat's a deal breaker, i need to install ovs and ryu to implement the service function07:36
oansonkkxue, maybe you can set up a local dnf mirror?07:39
kkxueI will change the public network07:41
kkxuebtw i found a bug that redis-server service have not shutdown after unstack.sh07:42
kkxueif you use redis database.07:44
oansonkkxue, I think it's reported here: . Try killall -9 redis-server between unstack and stack.07:45
openstackLaunchpad bug 1706862 in DragonFlow "re-stack with redis failed. unstack doesn't kill redis-server" [Low,New]07:45
kkxueyes,that's it07:45
kkxuedimak,maybe you should notice this to your template file.07:49
dimakOk, I will add, thanks!07:51
kkxueand why not use a open-source vnf image?07:52
kkxuehow traker project do tests like this/07:55
irenaboanson, hi07:55
oansonirenab, hi07:55
irenaboanson, tired of PTO?07:55
oansonI can do both. Cooperative threading! :)07:56
irenaboanson, once you have few mins, would like to chat about integration with 3rd party LBaaS providers07:57
irenabseems to be broken/not supported now when L3agent is disabled07:57
oansonSure. We can do that now07:57
irenabdimak, do you have few mins ^^07:58
openstackLaunchpad bug 1708178 in DragonFlow "LBaaSv2 with 3rd party provider does not work if L3agent is disabled" [Undecided,New]07:59
dimakirenab, yes07:59
irenabfirst, please set the priority for this bug08:00
dimakI think we'll need to come up with an lb app that forwards packets bound to VIP port into the relevant compute/namespace08:00
oansonThe truth is I didn't know we support this feature :)08:00
oansonirenab, what priority would you like? High?08:00
irenaboanson, it worked before (with l3), this is how kuryr implements k8s services08:01
irenaboanson, for kuryr integration its critical08:01
oansonl3 agent is still supported. So that can be a workaround until this bug is fixed08:01
oansonIt can also be gated in the Kuryr-Dragonflow integration gate (which we can add to Dragonflow gate), so it will even be gated08:02
dimakdnat acts funny with l308:02
irenabI think now with l3 agent we have some conflicts with DNAT, dimak has much more details08:02
dimakbecause both will plug into br-ex and answer arps08:02
oansonI'm not sure I want to say we don't support l3 agent.08:02
oansonIs there a way we can get to play nice?08:02
oansonUnless we do better on all fronts. Then we can do away with it completely.08:03
oanson(And then we might do well to remove it from our code base)08:03
irenaboanson, I agree with your approach08:03
oansonDo we know if we are feature-compatible?08:04
irenablets keep L3agent enabled deployment possible, since it seems to be enabler for 3rd party services integ for now08:05
irenaboanson, if DF supports all l3 extensions, I beleive the answer is yes08:05
dimakI'll see if l3+ no dnat app works finne08:05
irenabis it possible to disable DNAT on l3agent?08:06
oansonIs it possible to support l3 extensions in general, or do we have to support one by one? e.g. a single l3 extensions app, or do we need an app for lbaas, and one for e.g. vpn, etc?08:06
oanson(I don't remember the API. Someone will have to look it up if we don't know)08:07
irenablbaas, vpnaas, fwaas are not l3 extensiosn08:07
irenabeach service is a separate extension set, and may have even separate api server (lbaas) is now octavia and not neutron08:07
oansonThen l3 extensions is not enough.08:07
irenabbut they have proper integration into neutron by creating nets, ports, ets08:08
oansonSounds like we need to keep l3 agent support, since new extensions may be written to first support it, and if Dragonflow supports it we get it for free08:09
irenaboanson, I will try to summarize08:10
irenab1. Keep L3agent support in DF (+fixing the issues to make it work again)08:11
irenab2. Advanced net services, lbaas (and maybe vpn) made working in l3agent enabled deployment08:12
irenab3. Provide DF native advanced services support08:12
oansonThis is a task-list, or a multiple choice?08:12
oansonI guess we want 1 and 3, and let the deployer select what they need.08:13
irenabmore of ma task list, or plan08:13
oansonI figured 2 is a subset of these08:13
irenabfor 2, we need to make sure it works08:13
oansonWe prefer DF native services when possible - then we are fully distributed and can reach the scale we want. But realistically, we aren't enough people to keep up with OpenStack.08:14
irenaband be able to integrate with 3rd party services proveders is good08:14
oansonSo yes, I guess we need all the above, and I guess in order, since it will take a while before we will be first-to-market on someone else's advanced network service.08:14
oansonYes, that's also true.08:15
oansonSo I guess we're in agreement.08:15
oansonItem 1 and 2 are critical, sadly.08:16
dimakOnce we'll have DF l3 flavor we'll be able to use both df l3 and l3 agent08:16
dimakby flavor I mean neutron side service provider08:16
oansonYes, but that might take time.08:16
oansonI don't want it to block kuryr integration if there's a choice08:17
dimakmaybe we can split our gate jobs08:17
dimakto test both l3 app and l3 agent08:17
oansonWe will have to - this needs to be gated.08:17
oansonBut maybe we can gate the l3 agent with kuryr integration08:18
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irenabin kuryr or df ?08:18
oansonThis way we also have a real-live scenario of where this is used.08:18
oansonirenab, in df.08:18
irenabfor now we only have deployment gate in kuryr, so this can be great08:18
oansonWe want to find bugs in Dragonflow and prevent them.08:18
irenaboanson, +108:19
oansonIf kuryr runs a kuryr-df integration gate to verify kuryr doesn't break Dragonflow, I'm all for it. But I don't expect a different project to gate for our bugs08:19
irenaboanson, I am alligned with you08:20
oansonirenab, is the integration far enough along to create a non-voting gate? Even if it fails a lot?08:20
irenaboanson, speaking of kuryr I am not sure, sicne there is a lot of work dmellado is doing08:21
irenabfor the testing at the gate08:22
irenabon DF side, we will need deployment to include kuryr instead or in addition to nova08:22
oansonLike we have for bgp and sfc?08:23
oansonDoesn't sound like an issue.08:23
irenabkury is sort of replacement to novawith regards to container08:23
irenaboanson, dimak : cool. Sounds like there is a plan08:24
oansondimak, irenab, if you need an extra pair of hands, enlist leyal. I think he is working on bugs now, and we said these are critical.08:24
irenaboanson, thanks08:25
oansonSetting the bug to critical, and adding this log.08:25
dimakI'll try to stabilize l3 app + no agent + l3 agent + no dnat08:25
irenaboanson, have a nice rest of the PTO08:25
oansondimak, will this also solve the critical dnat bug?08:25
oansonirenab, thanks :)08:25
oansondimak, irenab, leyal, I didn't add an assignee. I'm guessing the three of you will work it out.08:27
irenaboanson, I am on PTO (for real) next week08:27
oansonMy PTO is real! But I hope you enjoy yours more :)08:28
oansonWill you be back the week after?08:28
irenabhope so08:28
leyaldimak, irenab - which bugs we are talking about? \08:29
openstackLaunchpad bug 1708178 in DragonFlow "LBaaSv2 with 3rd party provider does not work if L3agent is disabled" [Critical,New]08:29
leyaljust saw now the long discussion in the past half an hour .. i will read it ..08:31
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oansonNo worries. :)08:31
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openstackgerritDima Kuznetsov proposed openstack/dragonflow master: Devstack: fix redis unstack shutdown
openstackgerritDima Kuznetsov proposed openstack/dragonflow master: Devstack: fix redis unstack shutdown
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openstackgerritDima Kuznetsov proposed openstack/dragonflow master: Move tempest tests filter to a common place
openstackgerritDima Kuznetsov proposed openstack/dragonflow master: [DNM][WIP] Fix tempest
openstackgerritDima Kuznetsov proposed openstack/dragonflow master: Disable l3 agent in gate
openstackgerritDima Kuznetsov proposed openstack/dragonflow master: DNAT: handle port creation correctly
dimakirenab, posted reply on
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irenabdimak: will check shortly14:09
openstackgerritDima Kuznetsov proposed openstack/dragonflow master: [DNM][WIP] Fix tempest
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openstackgerritLihi Wishnitzer proposed openstack/dragonflow master: [WIP] Switch etcd base driver to use etcd3gw
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openstackgerritEyal Leshem proposed openstack/dragonflow master: Security-groups - support also number as ip-protocol
openstackgerritEyal Leshem proposed openstack/dragonflow master: Security-groups - support also number as ip-protocol
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