Thursday, 2017-07-27

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AJaegerdhellmann, asettle I proposed to update the minimal openstackdocstheme version in global-requirements. While the older versions work, I'd like to see this one used...07:07
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amotokihi, a horizon developer document refers to
amotokiI see the corresponding file still exists in openstack-manuals repo.08:18
amotokiWill this file will be kept in openstack-manuals, or will it be migrated to some project?08:19
amotokiif latter, how can I know it?08:19
amotokisorry for bothering you. I remember the doc-migration etherpad and it gave me the answer.08:21
amotokibut it might be not easy for folks not familiar with the doc-migration work.08:22
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openstackgerritYuval Brik proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: karborclient: add docs
asettleThanks AJaeger :)08:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: Revert "the mistral team deleted their admin guide landing page"
asettleAJaeger dhellmann - did we ever finish the release notes conversation?
AJaegerasettle: not really. if you or dhellmann want to work on the change, please do...09:38
asettleAJaeger: looking now :)09:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: move docs for template generator into the contributor guide
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: Karbor: has admin guide
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: change config-guide links to the correct "config-reference"
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robcresswellasettle: One thing I'd like to look into next cycle is how the docs theme handles header levels: h1, h2 etc11:03
robcresswellatm it is not semantically correct I think, which means anyone with accessibility issues is gonna have a bad time11:03
asettlerobcresswell: put it on the list: :)11:04
* setuid grins "Does the EOL process need to change?" Nope, all good, perfect! 11:13
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: karborclient: add docs
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mriedemso we have a pretty serious issue with the docs migration in nova breaking cached urls all over google13:38
mriedemgoogle for "docs nova-manage list_cells" and the first hit is which is a broken link now13:38
mriedemit's now at
mriedemdo we need to be putting redirects in the nova docs?13:38
mriedemalso why i had to make this change in the ocata manual
AJaegermriedem: our sitemap currently contains  - I regenerated a few days before you moved content around.13:40
AJaegerI can regenerate the sitemap again, this should help with google...13:41
AJaegermriedem: but in general we can put in redirects...13:45
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mriedemok right now i'm just going to keep track of the broken links and we can deal with them after FF13:46
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setuidWhat is wrong with this line: "When the ``router_distributed = True`` flag is configured, routers created"14:02
setuidin the mitaka-eol tag, tox barfs on it: "unknown option: --distributed True"14:02
AJaegersetuid: check how the line looks in newer branches of that file.14:03
AJaegerThat looks like a problem where a newer sphinx broke it.14:04
setuidAJaeger: what's odd, is that it builds on Linux, does not build on Mac, using the same versions of tooling14:04
AJaegerI think you have :option:``--distributed`` there - and it should be just ``distributed``.14:04
setuidDoesn't exist in master14:05
setuidconfig-dvr-ha-snat.rst that is14:05
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: Update sitemap
AJaegersetuid: check stable/ocata branch14:06
setuidnor older tags. Hrmph, this is beginning to get really messy14:06
AJaegercheck for :option: like I said aboe14:06
setuidYep, looking now14:06
AJaegermriedem, asettle, dhellmann , updated sitemap to fix cells.html page and include all the new pages and links ^14:07
setuidI guess tox doesn't really report the exact line of the error, only the start of the struct14:08
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setuidAJaeger: Oh the irony. I fixed it so it looks like the one in stable/ocata, and now it complains: "WARNING: Malformed :option: u'distributed True', does not contain option marker - or -- or / "14:13
AJaegerremove :option:14:13
setuidThis is precisely the kind of errata that I was referring to on the ML, about doing post-retirement patching so these eol versions can still be built by operators in their own offline or staged copies14:17
setuidI don't mind supplying a bulk tactical patch, but I don't want to be the maintainer of an eol doc fork somewhere on the outside ;)14:18
AJaegersetuid: totally different problem.14:19
AJaegersetuid: the problem here is that our tools evolved over time, nothing we could have known at that time.14:19
asettleHi hi hi hi what?14:19
asettleAJaeger: got it14:20
AJaegersorry to confuse you, asettle14:27
asettleHhaha I'm just not following today14:28
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setuidAJaeger: Yep, I understand that, things change.14:43
setuidManaged to get past the option issue, now stuck back at the same one as yesterday: "ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /cgit/openstack/cinder/plain/etc/cinder/api-paste.ini?h=stable/mitaka (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x105b2cbd0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 65] No route to host',))"14:43
setuidthe 'No route to host' is interesting, since everything else I've thrown at it, can get to that URI14:43
setuidIt should be a 404 (my patch corrects stable/mitaka to mitaka-eol, so a 200), but shouldn't be an SSL timeout14:45
dhellmannAJaeger , asettle : o/ -- I'm getting a late start today and have some TC & release duties to take care of before I catch up here.14:47
AJaegerdhellmann: no worries, no fires today ;)14:48
setuidvery weird, always dies on block-storage/block-storage-sample-configuration-files, times out and tosses the above error14:58
setuidThis, among many other reasons, is why I avoid python wherever and whenever I can14:59
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setuidThis may be down to the py2.7 + SSL/tls issues that plague everyone15:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: Update sitemap
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asettleAh shite, AJaeger dhellmann - do you guys have the docs team meeting in your cal?15:28
AJaegerasettle: nope.15:28
asettleI just realised it's been 2 weeks. But for some reason it's been removed from my calendar15:28
AJaegerWhen is it? In 30 mins?15:29
asettleUgh *rolls eyes*15:29
asettleWell, I'm not sure anymore :/ cause we cancelled the last one. LEt me check that date we cancelled.15:29
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asettleAh lord, it is in 30 minutes15:29
asettleNormally I'm a bit more aware of it D:15:30
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asettleannegentle: have you got the docs meeting in your cal for 30 mins time?15:30
asettleMine seems to be removed, and I think it's today D:15:30
annegentleasettle yep, sure do!15:30
asettleOhhh ffs15:30
asettleI have a conflict15:30
annegentleasettle though of course I'm double-booked15:30
annegentleasettle ha yeah... sigh15:31
asettleSo am I :(15:31
* AJaeger is double booked as well...15:31
asettleThis time isn't working particularly well for anyone, is it?15:31
dhellmannAJaeger, asettle : how easy/hard is it to get info from the web server about 404 pages so we could add some redirects for popular old pages that have moved?15:31
setuiddoc/install-guide/source/index.rst has: .. title:: OpenStack Installation Guide15:32
AJaegerdhellmann: infra team runs the apache server and has logs, best ask them15:32
dhellmannAJaeger : ack, thanks15:32
setuidtools/ has: sed -i -e "s/\.\. title::.*/.. title:: ${title}/" ${INDEX}15:32
asettleyep ^^ what AJaeger said15:32
AJaegerasettle: it could be worse ;)15:32
asettleAJaeger: I'm going to email out about changing the meeting time again. I just can't do it, and it appears you guys can't either.15:32
setuidWhy does this work on Linux (whether default or ${title}), but fails on Mac, claimming an error in "title" directive15:32
setuidI fee like I'm falling all over subtle platform/pip/python issues, not actual doc issues15:33
sdagueAJaeger: yeh, we've got a lot of 404s on nova docs that we only started realizing today15:37
asettleWhat do you mean it fails? As in, fails to build/render?15:37
sdagueit would be extremely useful to get that log set exposed to help in building the redirects15:38
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asettlesdague: also a lot of doc patches from Stephen to fix too: but I know he's out at the moment15:39
asettleMight be helpful to get someone into those15:40
sdagueasettle: sure, but that doesn't affect existing links being 404, right?15:40
sdagueasettle: my use case / concern -
sdaguethat's linked all over the place, as are similar things15:41
asettleI believe the restructure will help15:41
sdagueasettle: how?15:42
asettleI mean, don't get me wrong, it's redirects too, and ensuring everything goes into the right places. It will just be helpful to have the migration completed, and ensured that all 404s are caught, and redirected appropriately15:42
asettleit is redirects* (not too)15:42
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asettleJust saying it will help :)15:43
sdagueasettle: ok, I guess I don't understand how the restructure helps on the 404s, it seems to just make more 404s15:43
sdagueI want a path to be able to address those with redirects baked in before pushing more in15:43
asettleWe proposed a new layout for the documentation, as you're aware of. The build job that was implemented for all docs relies on that layout. This determines the publishing locations/URLs15:45
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sdagueasettle: right, sure, I get all those things. I'm trying to understand how we address the redirect blackhole issue as we do those things15:46
sdagueI'd be all for a fast push on these if I had a way to fix latent 404s at the same time15:48
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asettlesdague: adding redirects currently is basically band-aiding the problem. I genuinely recommend you consider stephenfin 's patches, to fix the actual problem. Passing a patch for redirects would potentially take the same amount of time to pass patches to fix the problem as a whole. Basically, I don't encourage adding redirects when the link is adjusted, not broken. Our redirects live here:
setuidLooks like rolling sphinx-build back to 1.3.6 on Mac solved the build issues there15:52
asettlesetuid: that's random15:53
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setuidYep, 1.3.6 on Linux, 1.6.3 on Mac, fails on Mac, rolled back to 1.3.6 there by forcing version with pip, now the manuals built (running the manual sphinx-build target that failed previously). Re-running with tox now.15:54
asettleWell I'm so glad that was easy for you :P15:54
setuidI can't get Linux to pull 1.6.3, so it'll stay at 1.3.6 for now.15:54
setuidI'm here to solve doc problems, not patch core python problems15:54
sdagueasettle: I guess I don't understand not solving this problem. For all those wikis, docs, and other bookmarks that people have linking into the nova documentation, sending them to a 404 page seems really suboptimal.15:55
setuidasettle: An idea about sdague's issue: Would it make sense to have a simple query that they can link to, which would always 301 them to the current/latest version of pages they're linking to?15:56
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setuidvs. getting a 404, a simple search query that lands on a 30115:56
setuidThat way, you solve it once, and don't have to do it for every page/dir you move15:56
dhellmannI think maybe sdague and asettle are not talking about the same thing?15:56
asettleI'm starting to think we might not be haha!15:56
asettleSorry sdague for misunderstanding you. Let's start this again :)15:56
dhellmannafter we finish the migration, there will be lots of links pointing to the old locations15:56
sdagueasettle: ok, cool15:57
dhellmannit would be useful to be able to redirect from those locations to the new ones, without having to have the full list of those redirects live in the openstack-manuals repo15:57
dhellmannhere's a strawman:15:57
dhellmannadd a .htaccess file to each project for their redirects15:57
dhellmannexpress them in terms of /$project/latest/$old-path redirecting to /$project/latest/$new-path15:57
setuid But then you need to maintain that, and .htaccess is read for every single fopen() on the server side, which would auger performance down15:58
dhellmannthen set a flag in openstack-manuals/www/project-data/latest.yaml to indicate that the team has such an .htaccess file15:58
dhellmannand instead of redirecting to /latest/index.html redirect to /latest/the-rest-of-the-path15:58
setuidHow about /$project/latest/find?doc=nova-foo, which lands in a 301 in $new-path?15:58
dhellmannto allow those in-tree redirects to work?15:58
sdaguesetuid: it is, however the performance concerns on that do go back to the 90s, and these files are going to end up in page cache pretty quick15:59
sdagueI don't want to not solve a UX problem because of an extra fstat15:59
dhellmannif that design will work, I can write it up in more details15:59
setuidsdague: That depends, but it does dramatically increase backend IO15:59
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setuidsdague: agreed, the issues are separate, but I don't think .htaccess is the best approach, because now you have to edit/maintain the contents of .htaccess for every page you change/move, which means you'll miss pages and have to fix it up each time someone finds a broken 404.16:00
sdaguesetuid: but at least it's fixable16:00
dhellmannanother option of course is to put real pages at the old locations with links that say "this moved" but that's a bit janky16:01
sdaguethe auto search redirect thingy I've done in the past on drupal sites, there is a module for it16:01
sdaguedhellmann: agree it is janky16:01
sdagueand it won't correct search engines16:01
asettleSorry guys, I've had to tap out - next meeting :(16:01
asettlesdague: hopefully you get your answer, thanks for helping setuid and dhellmann16:01
asettleI'll read scroll back I get a chance16:01
sdaguereturning a 301 is the right answer16:01
setuidShort-term, .htaccecss, longer-term, auto-redirect when 404's are found16:02
sdaguefor all the crawlers to update results16:02
dhellmannhow does the auto search work? what are the search terms?16:02
ianychoiasettle, fine although I have been one of active meeting attendees haha16:02
setuiddhellmann: You can make it as simple or as rich as you need16:02
sdaguedhellmann: typically it takes the path chunked up16:02
sdaguebut, it's kind of a bit of tech all on it's own16:02
setuid?query=doc vs. ?query=doc&version=ocata&redir=permanent, or whatever16:03
dhellmannsetuid : assume there are 0 people to populate the data and it has to work based only on the URL. How useful could you make that?16:03
sdaguedhellmann: you end up building a search engine16:03
dhellmannpath chunks might be minimally useful16:03
setuiddhellmann: Pretty simple, you take everything after /project/ and split on '/', and then match16:03
sdaguethat's fine, it's just ends up being it's own deal16:03
dhellmannbut there's noone to build a search engine for us, so *shrug*16:03
sdagueproject level htaccess also lets projects rename pages that are named poorly16:03
sdagueI would love for that to be a thing16:04
setuidIt doesn't need to be a heavy-weight engine, just something that does a simple GET to see if it returns a 200. If 200, passthrough, if 404, search/split/301, if 500, send to an error page + email to operators16:04
setuidsdague: fuzzy logic search works well on drupal/wordpress style plugins16:04
dhellmannI think it's already possible to have an in-tree .htaccess, it's just that it would never see the old-old url before this migration16:04
sdaguesetuid: sure, but you have a database with all the path names16:04
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ianychoiasettle, just one issue with I18n I would like to discuss is how to deal with translation support for migrated documents - for example, networking-guide -> doc/source/admin in neutron repository: - have a good Thursday evening & night!16:04
dhellmannsetuid : remember, there are 0 developers on this project16:04
setuidsdague: you already do, it's your filesystem ;)16:04
sdaguesetuid: so you are going to replace an fstat with a find :)16:05
sdagueand not expect that to hit your io16:05
sdaguedhellmann: ok, do you have an example of .htaccess redirect that I could do?16:05
setuidWell, wait a second, is sitemap auto-generated?16:05
setuidWhat if the same process that gen'd sitemap, dropped .htaccess in the right places?16:06
sdaguedhellmann: I've got a bootstrapping problem in figuring out how to do the first one of these16:06
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asettleianychoi: might be best to talk to dhellmann about that :)16:07
setuidsdague: Question (this sounds very similar to what I'm trying to solve here too), you're basically talking about off-domain wiki/community pages/resources that link back to docs.o.o, and find 404's there, right?16:07
sdaguesetuid: correct16:07
setuidsdague: Is that because they're linking to docs that have gone end-of-life, or because of site reorg/compoonent renames?16:07
sdagueright now, the reorg is the big hitter16:07
ianychoiasettle, yep - thanks!16:07
sdaguebut it's a general problem for the eol case as well16:08
setuidsdague: Right, I'm 110% on the eol case, that's why I asked16:08
dhellmannsdague : let's experiment this way16:09
dhellmannwhat's that old cells URL?16:09
dhellmannwe'll put a redirect in the openstack-manuals .htaccess to point from that to /nova/latest/$path16:09
dhellmannoh, we don't even need to do that in the global .htaccess if it's already pointing to latest16:10
dhellmannlet me try a patch, hang on16:10
sdagueyeh, I'm totally fine if I can do this in nova specific htaccess16:10
sdagueI just need examples16:10
dhellmannthat'll work for this url, but it's not going to work for all16:10
dhellmannit's going to take me a try or two to figure out the incantation, but I think we can do it16:11
sdaguesure, I guess with all the docs getting decentralized back into the projects, conceptually this means stuff like this should get project level managed as well, otherwise we're going to have these log jams in fixing things16:11
sdaguedhellmann: cool16:11
dhellmannsdague : let's see what does16:14
dhellmannwe should be able to tell by poking at the draft docs output once the job finishes16:14
sdaguedhellmann: ok, cool16:14
sdaguethank you16:14
dhellmannsdague : is there a ML thread on this (I got a late start today and haven't caught up yet)16:14
sdaguethere is not16:15
sdagueit started with a debug task where wrong links turned up, and mriedem incorrectly thought the sitemap fix fixed this16:15
dhellmannif you could start a thread stating the problem, I can try to describe my proposed fix in more detail16:15
ianychoidhellmann, hello! Can I discuss briefly with the translation support for migrated documents - for example, networking-guide -> doc/source/admin in neutron repository: ?16:16
dhellmannthat way we have a better record and more folks can contribute to make sure we're not going down a bad path16:16
dhellmanncool, thanks16:16
setuidI think this is another topic for the PTG... specifically about the current reorg, vs. the proposed eol archived docs site/solution/strategy16:16
AJaegerdhellmann: a .htaccess can break the complete page, I would rather have them in one place...16:17
AJaegercomplete site I mean16:17
dhellmannAJaeger : it would only break stuff under the project team's URL, right?16:17
dhellmannI'm trying to figure out a way to do this that doesn't require the docs team to maintain a list of redirects for every old docs page16:17
AJaegerdhellmann: I fear it would break the whole site - like we did already last wek ;)16:18
sdagueAJaeger: well, you have to decide if this is going to be a decentralized effort or a centralized one16:18
dhellmannwell, that was because we broke the root .htaccess file, right?16:18
dhellmannI mean, I share your concern if it's possible to break the whole site, I just thought it wouldn't be16:18
AJaegerdhellmann: yes we did - let's evaluate that16:19
dhellmannwe could probably build some sort of separate list of changed paths, but I'd rather not do anything more complex than necessary16:19
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dhellmannianychoi : hi, yes!16:20
dhellmannianychoi: do you have thoughts on how best to make that work?16:21
ianychoidhellmann, thanks - I think you are dealing with doc migration a lot :) Can translation support be also dealt as a Jenkins job within openstack-unified-publish-jobs or different jenkin job?16:22
dhellmannianychoi : we should be able to tie it into the new publishing jobs. I don't have a good way to separate *part* of the output of those jobs for translation though. Is that going to be a problem?16:23
* dhellmann has to step away but will be back in a few minutes16:23
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ianychoidhellmann, actually there may include two things: One is to sync translation resources (e.g., .po, .pot) with project repositories and the other is how to publish translated documents if translation ratio is good16:25
AJaegerdhellmann: release notes are partially translated today16:26
ianychoiAnd unfortunately I am a little bit far from previous . Would someone know the status for draft publication?16:26
asettleThanks for the email, sdague :)16:26
sdagueasettle: no prob16:28
ianychoiAha, was moved to . Then for I18n team, where would be the best location to review draft translated documents? New index.html in openstack/i18n repository?16:30
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dhellmannAJaeger : it sounds like the release notes job will be a good place to look for an example16:34
dhellmannianychoi : we don't do "draft" publishing any more. everything from openstack-manuals goes live as soon as it merges now16:34
dhellmannianychoi : that may disrupt your current processes for translation, but we can work on that now that the majority of the migration is done16:35
* dhellmann steps away to pick up lunch16:35
ianychoidhellmann, I see. Have a good lunch :)16:36
openstackgerritIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: Removes 404 links in ja landing page
ianychoidhellmann, plz review ^ . I investigated in seeing all language landing pages and just two links in Japanese language landing page affected.16:52
dhellmannianychoi : looking now17:02
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dhellmannianychoi : we should talk about how to handle language landing pages with the new templating structure17:04
dhellmannfor example
dhellmannshould that be$series/ja/ now?17:04
dhellmannor is it ok to keep the language page at the top level since it has sub-sections for different series17:05
ianychoidhellmann, IMO the # of translated documents is pretty lower than documents in release.17:05
dhellmannthat's true17:05
dhellmannI suppose users look by language first, too, and not by release17:05
dhellmannianychoi : /ja/ops-guide/ still exists on the web server. I think we have a bad redirect preventing access. Do you want to remove the content or fix the redirect?17:06
dhellmannsame for user-guide17:07
ianychoidhellmann, oh really? Then it would be much better to fix redirect17:07
dhellmannok, let me see if I can do that17:07
amotoki+1 for having a language first. by doing so, we can have a same structure as for the source language (english).17:07
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dhellmannyes, I like that idea17:08
ianychoiPreviously, zh-CN team argued like . Would it be a good idea to make a redirection from$series/ja/ to ?17:08
ianychoiamotoki, +1 for master publishing documents but stable/{$series} documents, /$series/ja/ would be fine?17:09
amotokion the other hand, as my hat of Japanese coordinator, we will lose all translated documents as a result of doc-migration and I am not sure we can recover translations sooner or later.17:10
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: anchor redirects for old guides
dhellmannianychoi : I think this is what we want ^^17:11
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dhellmannamotoki : I thought that the translation tool recognized text that was "the same" but in different places? perhaps I underestimated the impact this would have on translation :-/17:13
amotokidhellmann: we can keep translations for past releases, but Japanese team lost most active translators on documentations and at now there is no active translators for documents.17:14
amotokiso I don't think we can have translated documents for pike or later soon.17:15
amotokithis is my point.17:15
dhellmannoh, we lost the translators, not the translations17:15
dhellmannI misread that17:15
dhellmannthat is indeed unfortunate17:15
ianychoiI can do merge activities if all texts previously and later would be the same17:15
amotokicurrent active translators work on horizon and their plugins.17:15
dhellmannthey will be *mostly* the same, but I don't know if they will be identical17:15
ianychoiBut I have not tested whether the merge works with different Zanata projects in translate.o.o17:16
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ianychoiAnd I am glad that now translated htmls for Japanese ops-guide and user-guide are still alive. However, since translated publish job executions were already deleted, I am a little bit worried about lifetime for translated htmls which are not cared by publish job executions.17:17
amotokiI am one of document translators the ja team lost (from the other reason) and focus on UI translation as a translator :p17:17
setuiddhellmann: What magical incantations must I chant over tox to get it to respect all of the various http{,s}_proxy settings I've shoved at it?17:19
amotokiianychoi: thanks anyway17:19
ianychoiamotoki, it's my pleasure and me too - thanks a lot!17:20
dhellmannsetuid : I think you use the -e option on the command line to pass the names of the variables to have it pass through17:20
dhellmannwait, sorry, wrong option17:20
dhellmannwrong type of env :-)17:20
setuiddhellmann: I've put the passenv bits in tox.ini, but they're... not making it through all the sub-plugins tox calls17:20
setuidthis feels a lot like how I had to do it with Maven, using MAVEN_OPTS,  java -Dhttp.proxy and updating /etc/maven/settings.xml to make it all work17:21
setuidsome plugins respect it, others don't, it's... painful17:21
dhellmannwhat parts aren't respecting it?17:22
setuidThat's what I'm trying to bisect, which of the various dozens of pip modules is dying. It looks like 'requests', which sounds like core python, but it successfully builds hundreds of prior docs via sphinx-build17:22
setuidimport heisenbug17:23
dhellmannso it's failing to build the environment because pip can't install something?17:23
setuidpip appears to have all the deps it needs, and I can build the docs when I'm using a non-proxied connection17:23
dhellmannso sphinx is dying?17:24
setuidOnce I connect behind the proxy, it fails to get URIs17:24
setuidOne sec, I'll get a pastebin17:24
dhellmannI'm trying to understand which step is actually the issue17:24
dhellmannthat site wants me to install some sort of cert17:25
dhellmannis that normal?17:25
setuidNo idea, it's debian's pastebin17:26
dhellmannsafair wants to install a cert that seems to come from apple17:26
dhellmannlet me try chrome17:26
dhellmannok, so that's sphinx dying17:27
dhellmannit's hard to tell what input file it's reading there, though17:27
setuidIt's always the same one... block-storage/block-storage-sample-configuration-files17:28
dhellmannwhere do you get that from? the console output?17:31
dhellmannwhich guide is that in?17:31
dhellmannI'm checking out the source to look at it17:31
dhellmannconfig ref?17:31
setuidLooks like it... but syntactically, it's fine. It works when I'm not behind a proxy.17:32
dhellmannok, the remote-code-block directive is implemented in that tree in doc/source/config-reference/source/ext/remote.py17:33
dhellmannand that just calls requests directly17:33
dhellmannI wonder if it needs to do something to enable the proxy?17:33
setuidIt's odd, because the error implies the host is invalid (it isn't), but the python dump is '.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object...', and then it times out17:33
setuidbut requests is straight python, which should read the environment where i've exported the vars17:34
setuidrequests and urrlib that is17:34
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setuidThis is where my python-fu starts to fall off ;)17:35
dhellmannyou could modify the module to print out the environment variables right before it calls requests to ensure that they're making it through17:35
dhellmannI've never had to deal with proxies before17:36
setuidOr something in the doc tree?17:36
dhellmannin the doc tree17:36
setuidI could just force it with: os.environ['http_proxy'] = ...17:36
setuidOk, one sec, trying that now17:36
dhellmann does seem to imply that if you set HTTP_PROXY it will pick it up17:36
dhellmannoh, though it does also imply there may be a different proxy for https17:36
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dhellmannare you setting both variables?17:37
setuidI'm setting both, though they're lowercase17:37
setuidI'll set both cases17:37
dhellmannI would expect it to be case sensitive17:37
setuidI wonder why they'd go off and invent their own version, standard is lowercase17:38
* dhellmann shrugs17:38
setuid"Ours is not to reason why..." :D17:38
dhellmannI would have to look at the code to see if it does deal with both17:39
dhellmannif we're right, you could file a bug with the requests project17:39
setuidIt's re-running now, we'll know shortly17:39
setuidNope, dies in the same spot. I'll try asserting os.environ[]17:40
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setuidForcing the proxy in worked17:44
setuidLet me adjust that to inherit any exported environment vars17:44
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setuidThe jump between tools is _painful_. Now I've pushed past the issue with sphinx+proxies, it's dying because it claims the title directive in index.rst is missing an argument, but that same version of sphinx builds it on Linux, fails on Mac.17:55
dhellmannwe usually focus on linux for builds; I can't imagine what the difference there might be17:55
dhellmannmaybe a different version of docutils?17:55
setuidLinux dies here now:
setuidI didn't even touch on the Linux box17:56
setuidthis is like whack-a-mole now17:56
dhellmannoh, that's the point where the extension was dealing with errors fetching the content by reporting an error with no details17:58
dhellmannthat means it didn't get a 200 back17:58
dhellmannyou'd have to change the way it raises an exception to have it show more info17:58
setuidWait, ok... so that's it eating the 404 to stable/mitaka17:58
dhellmannprobably, yeah17:58
setuidI forgot to git apply my patch that fixes those refs, now it works17:58
setuidChasing the wrong reason for the error17:59
setuidThat's part of what makes me grit my teeth debugging python, it's not always clear what the real subsystem is that is throwing the execption17:59
dhellmannoh, this is just someone's bad practice of raising an exception without any text17:59
dhellmanndo you need any mitaka guides not referenced from ?18:00
setuidI'll run the missing check in a sec18:00
dhellmannbecause we did have a lot of the old docs online, they just weren't linked from any landing pages, but we fixed that this week18:00
dhellmannmaybe that landed today?18:01
dhellmannanyway, we now have a page for every series we've ever released, and links to whatever built docs still exist18:01
setuidhrm, README.rst in mitaka-eol references tox targets that don't exist18:01
setuid'checklinks' for example18:01
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dhellmannasettle : I just saw your comments on the rst doc changes. I'm going to have to figure out how to change my emacs config to use a different precedent order for the headers it automatically gives me, I guess :-)18:34
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setuiddhellmann: Made some progress, but I think there's a subtle bug between versions of components on Mac vs. Linux, where it parses that 'title' directive wrong on Mac, but works on Linux. I'll try to figure out the stack of components used, and find the discrepancy19:01
dhellmannif it's python I wouldn't expect it to be platform dependent but I could see a version difference19:01
setuidChecking with yolk now19:08
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setuiddhellmann: What file did you get this from?
dhellmannsetuid : I have an afs client connected to the openstack domain19:51
dhellmannlet me find the directions for setting that up19:51
setuidah, afs... you at Morgan?19:52
dhellmannmorgan? no...?19:52
setuidMorgan Stanley, big users of afs.. I've helped on a project they started, but was taken over by ML -> BAC, and then we open sourced it, called "EFS" (Enterprise File System), globally distributed, change management and development/deployment environment19:53
setuidEFS was originallydesigned and built on top of AFS19:53
dhellmannno, no associate with them19:54
dhellmannI almost went to CMU, where AFS was created, but didn't so can't even really claim that :-)19:54
setuiddhellmann: so the output in that pastebin, is the default build targets, no edits, yes?20:01
setuidI'm trying to see where guides are commented out (specifically liberty and later), so I have a full copy in local builds20:01
dhellmannthat pastebin shows a list of what was in the series-specific directories on the web server yesterday when I ran the command20:02
dhellmannI can do it again in case it changed20:02
dhellmannit will have, since I added series landing pages for the other series20:03
setuidLook at this:
setuidIt claims the title:: directive is empty, but it contains: .. title:: OpenStack Installation Guide20:04
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dhellmannwhich version of sphinx and docutils are you using?20:06
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setuiddocutils 0.13.1, sphinx 1.3.620:08
setuidOn the Linux side, docutils is 0.12, sphinx is 1.3.620:09
dhellmannthe mitaka cosntraints file says docutils 0.12 and sphinx 1.2.3, give those a try20:09
dhellmannin fact, try installing everything constrained20:09
setuidHrm, ok, I just took the default versions when pip satisfied the deps, I'll downgrade20:10
dhellmannif you don't pass the constraints file, you won't have upper bounds20:10
setuidI meet the minimum, but apparently being "too" new, breaks too20:10
dhellmannit doesn't look like the manuals repo is set up to use constraints at mitaka20:10
setuidI'll take a stab at trying to assert specific versions in the deps, not >=20:11
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dhellmannsetuid : use -c
dhellmannyou need to combine that with -r test-requirements.txt20:13
setuids,stable/mitaka,mitaka-eol,' but yes, I'll use that20:14
dhellmanncome to think of it, you might have to download the constraints list from that url and pass a filename20:14
dhellmannno, the requirements repo still has a stable/mitaka branch20:14
dhellmannwe haven't gotten around to eoling that20:14
setuidFails with 0.12/1.3.6 on Mac20:14
dhellmannthis is probably the point at which I say "we don't build on Mac" :-/20:15
dhellmannI don't know what's going on there.20:15
dhellmannit shouldn't be any different20:15
setuidHAhAhha, yes, I know. I'll have to make it portable though, Bloomberg builds everything on Mac20:15
setuidI'll figure it out, if it takes ripping out all the deps and starting from scratch again20:15
dhellmannah, customers20:16
setuidThey're the one driving the open case to address the missing eol docs gap, so it's one of my highest priorities20:16
dhellmannthat pastebin I gave you is the docs that do still exist upstream. Can you be specific about which manual you need that is not there?20:17
setuidI'm just trying to complete a build of liberty-eol and mitaka-eol. Right now, liberty works, with my smallish patch to address the missing branch names in the URLs, mitaka fails because of these weird dep problems20:18
setuidcurl | while read line; do sudo pip install $line; done;20:21
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: add has_in_tree_htaccess flag to template generator
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amotokihi, after we started to use the new openstackdocstheme 1.16.0, the left toc tree looks weird like
amotokionly the first title has less indent, even though all titles should have a same indent level....21:58
amotokiis there any ongoing fix for this?21:59
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annegentleamotoki hey, in our testing we only had a few pages to look at, what do you suggest?22:05
amotokiannegentle: have you looked at my example?
annegentleamotoki yes, what indent are you looking for?22:05
amotokiis it not suggested to have this kind of title structure?22:06
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amotokiin the left-top side toc-tree, you see Installation Guide, OpenStack Networking Guide, ....22:06
amotokibut only Installation Guide has a different indent level.22:07
amotokiis it only for me?22:07
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amotokiannegentle: ^ I would like to see all of Installation Guide, OpenStack Networking Guide, ... in the same left margin.22:08
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dhellmannamotoki : indeed, that is a bug22:20
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jungleboyjdhellmann:  Are the docs that were at going to come back at some point?22:26
jungleboyjAnd for Ocata, etc.22:26
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dhellmannjungleboyj : I don't think for newton22:28
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dhellmannI'd have to go look at the spec to see what was said about the admin guide and why it was ok to remove it22:28
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/openstackdocstheme master: fix alignment of toc tree items in sidebar
dhellmannamotoki, annegentle : ^^22:32
jungleboyjdhellmann:  Ok, I will look at the spec.  When we cut Pike though, there will be a new  (Or something like that) based on content pulled from ?22:32
dhellmannjungleboyj : that's right22:32
dhellmannwhen you start landing patches on the branch it will build docs with the series name in the URL22:32
dhellmannso that first patch to update .gitreview will do it22:33
jungleboyjOk.  So we can then backport fixes to that branch?22:33
dhellmannto pike?22:34
jungleboyjdhellmann:  Right.22:34
dhellmannyeah, you can definitely backport doc fixes22:35
jungleboyjdhellmann:  Cool, is there a process for generating the things that are automatically generated at the time we cut the release?22:35
dhellmannI think the admin guide was one that wasn't version-specific, and that's why it disappeared completely when we removed it from master22:36
dhellmannthe release scripts that create the branch also propose some patches to set it up (.gitreview, tox.ini, release notes, etc.)22:36
dhellmannthey do a best effort to make a patch that works, but you should plan to take over the patches and fix them if they're not right22:36
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dhellmannthat mostly happens with the reno update22:37
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jungleboyjI had that question yesterday for the parts of the CLI documentation that are automatically generated.22:38
jungleboyjdhellmann:  Ok, I will plan time around the end of Pike to make sure everything comes out right.22:38
dhellmannthat'll be good22:38
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