Friday, 2023-01-13

opendevreviewMerged openstack/designate-tempest-plugin master: Pin stable branch jobs nodeset to Ubuntu Focal (20.04)
zigozigo: Designate autopkgtest fails with dnspython 2.3.0~rc1:
zigoIt's also the only thing that failed.10:02
zigoCould someone look into it?10:02
fricklerseems to be the same as our own testing failures in which I mentioned 2 weeks ago. probably you just want to exclude the failing tests for now11:01
johnsomzigo I missed that over the break, I will have a look today to see if it's a dnspython bug or something we are doing wrong.16:04
johnsomYeah, this is likely a poorly written test, 14 is not a valid opcode:
johnsomOk, joy, so Designate is using an unassigned opcode 14 for "command and control":
johnsomWhich dnspython is now validating the opcodes and rejecting 1418:17
johnsomSo, I think we have a few options for a path forward:19:17
johnsom1. Try to convince dnspython to include "unassigned" opcodes19:18
johnsom2. Monkey patch dnspython to include the opcode 14 designate is using19:18
johnsom3. rewrite the agent communication protocol to us the UPDATE protocol properly and switch to opcode 519:20
johnsom(I have tested option 2 and it resolves the issue)19:21
johnsomfrickler eandersson Would like your input and any community feedback19:21
johnsomObviously #3 is a lot more work and will take more time19:21
*** dkehn_ is now known as dkehn23:57

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