Thursday, 2021-06-03

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fricklerkinpaa12389: could you submit this as a patch to designate-specs? I think it will be better to discuss specifics on the gerrit review05:34
kinpaa12389I wanted to have some feedback on whether approach is correct or not before starting code. Do you approve the blueprint ?06:10
fricklerkinpaa12389: in my understanding, we do not use blueprints, but specs. that would mean you need to start coding yet, essentially just put your proposal up for review on gerrit. see e.g. . what I'm currently unclear about is how step 4 would actually look like.06:27
fricklerehm, s/you need/you don't need/06:28
kinpaa12389ok, got it06:50
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opendevreviewErik Olof Gunnar Andersson proposed openstack/designate master: [DNM] CI stability test
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johnsomFYI, there is a neutron spec that is of interest to the designate community:
johnsomAdd spec for rfc2317 behavior14:43
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eanderssonbtw the CI / gate is looking like it is in a rough state.16:47
johnsomHmm, I wonder if that is related to the OVN ipv6 breakage that hit Octavia.17:39
johnsomI think the devstack fix for that OVN issue just merged today17:39
johnsomHa, no, those are designate tests that just merged.  hmmm17:41
johnsomYeah, ok, so those tests are trying to set a floating IP, but neutron IPv6 doesn't support floating IPs.17:43
johnsomI wonder how those made it through the tempest gate jobs??? Maybe the IPv6 jobs aren't running there?17:44
johnsomI reviewed that patch too. Shame nun time.17:45
johnsomHmm, not the issue. The port has a ipv4 address, so the FIP can create ok.18:00
johnsomLet me know if this is blocking something critical to get in. If so we can revert the test patch. If not I would like to give Arkady a change to post a fix.18:13
eanderssonNothing critical.18:19
eanderssonI was just thinking it was my code, because my first two changes passed with flying colors.18:20
johnsomCool. Hopefully it's a quick fix18:20
johnsomYeah, it must be a test order issue with some precondition. I see it pass sometimes, not others.18:20
johnsomI have two things already on my plate today, but if I get through those fast enough I may try to take a deeper look.18:21
eanderssonI also saw RecordsetOwnershipTest and PoolAdminTest fail18:21
eanderssona few times18:22
eanderssonThis is another one of the pretty frequent failures19:33
johnsomThere was a patch for that one. I'm not sure if it merged or not19:33
eanderssonI wonder if I stopped subscribing to tempest changes19:34
johnsomI *think* he fixed it here with a missing waiter:
johnsomBut if your run was after that, there may be another missing waiter19:40
eanderssonYea - I think I have seen it 3 times now, so maybe hitting it ~30% of the time.19:41
eanderssonI need to start adding a comment of the test failing to my rechecks19:41
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