Monday, 2016-02-22

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openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack/designate: Add support for getting Service Status
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openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack/designate: Add support for getting Service Status
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mugsietimsim: whan you wake up -
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elarsonfederico3: out of curiosity, any reason for SomethingTest vs TestSomething in test class names/14:23
federico3elarson: the majority of test classes are named SomethingTest but we are not b14:26
federico3-eing consitent14:26
federico371 SomethingTest VS 24 TestSomething :(14:26
federico3tools like nose would expect a specific format instead14:27
elarsonpytest usually picks up TestSomething or unittest based tests, so I was just curious your feelings14:28
* elarson prefers the TestSomething, but mostly b/c it is familiar14:28
federico3anything is better than random14:29
federico3TestSomething is also consistent with "def test_foo()"14:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack/designate: Add delayed NOTIFY
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-designateclient: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritFederico Ceratto proposed openstack/designate: Randomize SOA refresh interval
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openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed openstack/designate: WIP: Add scheduler for pools
timsimUgh mugsie Kiall this change looks like it times out on a test very very rarely: we probably shouldn't merge if it's going to do what it did in the gate to random changes now and then.15:21
timsimWell...actually, that's the periodic one.15:22
timsimThat doesn't make any sense.15:22
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timsimI had assumed that'd be the poll-deletes one because that actually adds work.15:22
timsimThat's probably just regular entropy.15:22
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KiallAh, ekarlso's got a similar fail on one of his patches.15:22
KiallI think we have another $random gate failure merged15:22
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Kialltimsim: yea, we have a gate issue :(
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elarsonthe gate...
openstackgerritMerged openstack/designate: Fix V1 Quotas API Extension
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openstackgerritKiall Mac Innes proposed openstack/designate: Add AttributeListObjectMixin class
Kiallmugsie / timsim / ekarlso / elarson.. that gate fail, has anyone seen it affect the powerDNS gate yet?16:02
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KiallNasty URL incoming16:04
Kiallfirst occourance was 2016-02-15T14:42:44.563+00:0016:05
Kiallaffected bind9 50 times, powerdns 2 times16:05
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elarsonSo, writing a test for I'd like to move this out of a decorator:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1548331 in Designate "The zone records quota are not enforced" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Eric Larson (eric-larson)16:22
elarsonthe reason being is that unwrapping that decorator is really rough in order to test it w/o the db16:22
* elarson would prefer to use a context manager explicitly in with the caller16:23
elarsonhmm... maybe I can salvage it...16:24
elarsonit is used a lot16:24
Kiallelarson: I'm not convinced that was ever the right place for it!16:24
Kiall(bpth physical location of code, and placement of the TX wrapper16:24
elarsonok, I'll try moving it around and seeing what folks think16:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/designate: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritChaozhe Chen(ccz) proposed openstack/designate: Stop using WritableLogger() which is deprecated.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/designate: Update periodic-sync-seconds help
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eanderssonAnyone with some experience doing a live upgrade from Designate Kilo to Liberty18:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/designate: Improve performance and utility of Recovery
openstackgerritMerged openstack/designate: Actually poll for zone deletes
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eanderssonFirst issue is that all my requests are getting unauthorized :(18:24
mugsieeandersson: really? is there any stack trace in the -api logs?18:26
eanderssonI had this with the latest version of Kilo as well.18:26
eanderssonIt's not working with domain-tokens.18:26
eanderssonbut might just be a policy or something I forgot to update18:27
mugsieah. I remember somehting about this ... your talking about domain scoped keystone tokens?18:27
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mugsieas far as I know we need a project scoped token - as we use the project_id for a ton18:28
eanderssonIt's odd though as I do see some requests successful from our monitoring tools18:28
mugsiewe had a bug when with a domain scoped token we would just store the zone / recordset in the db with no project id18:28
mugsieis there any reason you are using domain scoped tokens?18:29
eanderssonIt's the design of our cloud18:30
eanderssonI can't remember exactly why we went down that route though.18:30
mugsieis there any reason you are using domain scoped tokens?18:34
mugsiehit up by accident18:34
eanderssonNot really seeing an error message in the logs.18:34
eandersson> GET /v1/servers HTTP/1.1 40118:34
eanderssonWith debug logs I see it return a token with credentials etc.18:35
eanderssonRoles include admin18:35
eanderssonroles [{"id":"....", "name "admin"}18:36
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eanderssonThat is the patch that broke Kilo18:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1460187 in Designate kilo "Designate GET and POST /v1/domains has auth issue" [Critical,Fix committed] - Assigned to Kiall Mac Innes (kiall)18:37
eanderssonI mentioned it in IRC here a few months ago18:37
eanderssonI had to manually patch it in Kilo when I upgraded.18:37
ekarlsoeandersson: hey man :P18:38
mugsieI must have missed it. It seems that we do not know what to do with domain scoped tokens still. Seen as domains are constantly changing (there is going to projects that are now domains?? ) I am not sure what the correct route  it18:38
mugsieroute is *18:38
eanderssonhey ekarlso !! <318:39
mugsiewiht your patch, all users will see all the domains though, right?18:39
eanderssonat least that isn't how it works for us18:40
eanderssonit's per tenant afaik18:40
eanderssonI still need to use --all-tenants as an admin to see all domains18:40
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eanderssonAt least I know that it isn't a config issue18:41
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eanderssonI'll just apply that patch again.18:43
mugsieok. i would be interested in seeing how domain scoped tokens are working with tenant level multi tenancy, but that may be a problem for another day18:45
eanderssonhmm actually reverting the patch does not seem to work in Liberty :(18:46
eanderssonoh nvm I commented out the wrong code lol18:46
eanderssonHow is openstackclient support coming along?18:48
eanderssonIs that something being worked on?18:48
ekarlsoeandersson: eh, openstackclient u mean the cli ?18:49
ekarlsoeandersson: been in for a long time :P18:51
ekarlsoor relatively long in terms of v2 support :p18:51
mugsiethere is a few rough edges, but it is all thee18:51
eanderssoninteresting > ERROR: list index out of range18:53
eanderssonwhen trying to delete a record in Liberty18:53
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mugsieis there a full trace? I think I have seen that before ..19:01
eanderssonUpgrade to designateclient 2.0.0, but was the same in 1.5.019:03
mugsielooks like a bug - ekarlso ^^19:03
eanderssonNot sure what is happening, because the request comes back as 200, but it then errors out and nothing happens19:06
eanderssonthe record is still there19:06
eandersson> DEBUG: "DELETE /v1/domains/<xxx>/records/<yyyy> HTTP/1.1" 200 019:08
eandersson> DEBUG: RESP: [200] Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2016 19:01:49 GMT Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 0 X-Openstack-Request-Id: req-f86880e9-62e2-4275-8309-f6b509ee576119:08
eanderssonOh it's getting a 404 in designate-api19:09
eanderssondidnt see that at first19:09
mugsiethe record is probably still in a DELETING state ... so it will show for a while, until the pool-manager sees that it is gone19:09
eanderssonI even restarted the pool-manager19:10
eanderssonjust in case it's that deadlock bug19:10
eanderssontrying a full designate restart19:11
mugsieif you do an `openstack recordset list domain.tld.` what does it show?19:11
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eanderssonchecked the db and it's stuck pending19:14
openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed openstack/designate: WIP: Add scheduler for pools
openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed openstack/designate: Move zone masters to a new table
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openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed openstack/designate: Move zone masters to a new table
openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed openstack/designate: Add AttributeListObjectMixin class
openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed openstack/designate: WIP: Add scheduler for pools
mugsieeandersson: crap. I am just running out of the office to catch a bus - will be back in an hour or so.19:22
eanderssonthanks mugsie19:22
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eanderssonthink I have to head home, but I'll be back tomorrow =]19:23
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andrewbogottfederico3: I’m back looking at — some of those settings go in subsections, right?  e.g. doesn’t the ‘connection’ setting go under '[storage:sqlalchemy]’?19:44
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andrewbogottheh, the more I read that doc page the less sense it makes :(19:48
andrewbogottThere’s sqlite:///$pystatepath/powerdns.sqlite, no explanation of what that db is or where it comes from19:50
andrewbogottand then later connection = mysql://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<dbname> which suggests that designate-central is writing directly to the pdns database, even though everyone agrees that shouldn’t happen19:50
andrewbogottso, I’m back to square one.  Could use advice from anyone who has made this work in kilo.19:51
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pglassandrewbogott: i don't run powerdns, but powerdns stores all of it's zones in a database. does powerdns have a method to manipulate zones without directly touching the pdns database?19:57
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andrewbogottpglass: I’m told that as of kilo, everything should be done with mdns and xfr20:19
andrewbogottah, you mean that you think we do db writes for zones but xfr for records?20:19
timsimI believe it does db writes to create zones, and XFRs to populate the records, yeah.20:20
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andrewbogottwhat, then, was the advantage of ripping out the code that just did everything via db rights?20:21
andrewbogott“This is too easy to configure:20:21
andrewbogott“ ?20:21
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timsimI could be wrong. I probably am20:21
federico3andrewbogott: most likely sqlite was just an example, used for testing, maybe, but in any case you want to use mysql20:22
andrewbogotttimsim: and that’s the end state?  Or some kind of transition from ‘all db’ to ‘all xfr’?20:24
andrewbogottugh, sorry netsplit20:25
Kiallandrewbogott: there's no standard for zone creates / deletes, so we still do that per backend type.. For zone updates, we use zone transfers now. It eliminates a whole pile of race conditions we had, and makes working with the likes of BIND much easier as we're not trying to render a file on disk to N servers for every change to a zone.20:27
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andrewbogotttimsim:  the one install I have is configured for both xfr and db writes.  So you are probably right about how it works, that’s just ridiculous20:28
timsimIt's really not20:28
andrewbogottKiall: ok, so — both.  That’s unfortunate but I can live with it.20:30
Kiallit kinda is... a standard for zone creates updates would make a pile more sense.. but it doesn't exist :(20:30
Kialla standard for creates a deletes*20:30
* Kiall do can't today english20:31
andrewbogottso if I want to have two resolvers...20:31
timsimJust write that RFC Kiall20:31
andrewbogottI really can only have one of them talk directly to designate20:31
andrewbogott(in Juno I had both resolvers backed with a single db, which worked since the resolvers had a read-only relationship with the db, the only writer was designate)20:31
Kiallandrewbogott: you can, ypou setup 1 pool target (the DB with type=powerdns), and 2x pool nameservers (with the DNS details)20:32
Kialloh - missed the read only bit.. No, powerdns will write the zone contents to the DB20:32
andrewbogottKiall: sorry, still trying to understand the 1 pool target vs 2x pool nameservers thing20:33
andrewbogottdoesn’t that still have two nameservers competing for writes to a single db?20:33
KiallYes and no, PowerDNS will obtain a write lock on the DB from whichever gets there first is the one to write the contents20:34
andrewbogottso far, we are describing my current setup, which falls over quite a bit20:35
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Kiallbah - 3rd disconnect from IRC. What's going on with freenode -_-20:35
andrewbogottyeah, I keep getting dropped too20:35
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KiallSo, I missed the beginning of the convo.. what does falling over mean?20:36
andrewbogottYou didn’t miss it, it’s just why I’m here.20:36
andrewbogottI don’t have a very complete theory.  Periodically my resolvers just seize up for a few minutes and have to be restarted.20:37
andrewbogottWhen I look at the logs, of course they are crazy, a zillion xfr requests flying left and right.20:37
KiallPowerDNS itself needs restarting?20:37
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andrewbogottdesignate seems fine through all this20:37
andrewbogottSo, working theory is:  having two pdns instances sharing a database worked with Juno when they never wrote to the db.  But adding axfr on top of that produced a world of races.20:38
KiallSo, is it lots of small zones? a few big zones? or a few small zones?20:38
andrewbogottThree zones, they haven’t changed a single time since initial setup20:38
KiallAs in, not even a record in the zones changed?20:39
andrewbogottNo, I mean I’m not adding or removing domains at all20:39
andrewbogottI am adding and removing records all the time20:39
andrewbogottgenerally around 800 records per zone at any one time20:39
andrewbogott(sink is the only thing I’m using designate for at the moment)20:40
KiallOkay, so nothing large....20:40
andrewbogott(hoping to add a horizon config for floating IPs and domains once this is resolved)20:40
KiallDo all the pDNS servers lock up at once? or just 1 at a time?20:40
andrewbogottThat’s a good question, and I’m not sure.  I think it’s only one of them.20:41
andrewbogottI have a primary and a failover, the failover gets essentially 0 traffic20:41
andrewbogottso even if it did lock we wouldn’t notice20:41
andrewbogottKiall: bear in mind that just because my config is sort of working, it is almost certainly not ‘correct'20:42
andrewbogottSince the docs (e.g. are pretty much incoherent about config20:42
andrewbogottit’s trial and error for the most part20:42
andrewbogottI can c/p my designate config if that’s of interest.20:42
andrewbogottI’ve also noticed that despite those docs saying "domain_type NATIVE,” the domains that designate actually creates are set to ‘SLAVE,’ and ‘SLAVE’ is a string literal in the code.20:44
andrewbogott(no idea if that’s related or just a random grievance)20:44
Kiall5th disconnect WTF -_- At least it's keeping the history!20:44
KiallYea, the way we interact with DNS servers has changed LOTS and the docs really didn't keep up - we messed up there :(20:44
KiallSlowly getting things back in shape20:44
Kiall6th. Okay, next time you see a lockup, as it's hard to tell what's happening from just this info.. Can you:20:45
andrewbogottKiall: please bear in mind that you have at least one actual user running a production install, who may enjoy upgrading from time to time.20:46
Kiallgrab the `show processlist` output from mysql, if it's locking on the DB, that should show something20:46
andrewbogottok, let me see if we captured that last time...20:46
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andrewbogottKiall: this may be of interest:
KiallAlso, you said you had exactly 2 nameservers, 1 active and 1 standby - if you can set master=false, slave=false on the standby - with a giant caveat that it needs to be flipped to true to use the standby - and see if the lockups happen, that would rule out the 2 locking on each other.20:48
andrewbogottUnfortunately the lockups happen only every few weeks.  So it’s very hard to experiment with any reliability.20:50
andrewbogottWould you expect the systems to typically be master/slave true/true?  Or false/true?20:50
Kiallthe worst kind. From that URL, I see a comment at the end re "Does pdns delete all records and reimport them periodically (see rows_inserted and rows_deleted)?"20:50
andrewbogottKiall: the answer to that is ‘yes’ isn’t it?  Basically that happens every time there’s a sync20:51
KiallLike 142nd disconnect. This happening as often to others?20:52
KiallIt indeed does, it starts a TX, deletes all the records in the zone, and repopulates the contents before completing the TX20:52
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Kiallmaster=false for most deployments20:53
Kiallslave=true for all (unless you're trying to debug things)20:54
andrewbogottok, that sounds right to me20:54
Kiallslave=false will mean it ignores designate-mdns when it's told to update content20:54
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andrewbogottKiall: if I paste a redacted version of my designate config would you be willing to take a look?  There may be obvious mistakes.20:54
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KiallYea, no problem... be consistent in redacting tho ;) e.g. -> x.x.x.x, -> y.y.y.y - it can be hard to trace when everything is *'s ;)20:55
andrewbogottok, will ping you shortly20:56
eandersson_Kiall: Do you know why records aren't deleting properly after an upgrade from Kilo to Liberty?20:56
eandersson_mugsie, thought that it could be a bug20:57
eandersson_or sounded like it at least20:57
eandersson_Any major changes I missed maybe during the upgrade.20:57
Kiallehh, records not deleting? but new ones do get created? that's a new one for me...20:57
eandersson_Stuck pending in the DB20:58
eandersson_Feels like I ran into a similar issue when upgrading to Kilo.20:58
eandersson_I am also seeing the following when using the cli
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Kialleandersson_: so Q, things only get stuck in pending when you're deleting a record? other actions do work?21:02
Kiall(or, mugsie will prob be back in a bit! might be better than starting over :D)21:02
eandersson_I only tried adding / removing records so far21:03
eandersson_Yea, you are probabl right.21:03
eandersson_Was going to deal with this tomorrow, but... I have a difficult time leaving something broken lol21:03
mugsieeandersson_: hey - back21:09
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mugsiestupid bus driver took the worng bus from the depot and we had to go back and swap buses -_-21:09
eandersson_haha that stinks21:10
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eandersson_So mugsie I upgraded to trunk, still nothing.21:10
andrewbogottKiall: behold, my crufty config:
eandersson_sorry not trunk, but latest stable/liberty21:10
mugsieok. do you have logs from pool-manager / minidns that show any issues?21:11
Kiallandrewbogott: double checking, kilo?21:11
mugsieI am just about to hop on a call, will be back in a few21:11
andrewbogottYes, kilo.  And a lot of stuff in there is supporting custom sink handlers; should be obvious which.21:11
KiallL57 can be removed, no longer used.. (Just saying while I see it)21:12
andrewbogottKiall: that file was migrated from older versions, so if you see settings that are deprecated let me know and I’ll snip them out21:12
andrewbogottheh, you’re on it :)21:13
KiallL143 looks dud aswell..21:14
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KiallOMG. why FreeNode/my ISP, why do you hate me?21:15
andrewbogottso [service:pool_manager] can be 100% defaults?21:15
eandersson_andrewbogott, you upgrading to kilo?21:16
KiallI'd have expected to see a second [pool_nameserver:*] section, for the standby pDNS.21:16
Kialland is mdns running on both the pDNS servers? if so, the masters = is fine.. but you can list out non-loopback IPs for them all there too.. No harm though21:17
Kiallre all defaults, yea.. it can be21:17
andrewbogottok, now this is getting interesting :)21:17
andrewbogottI have two separate boxes, one is running mdns and pdns, the other (the secondary) running only pdns21:17
andrewbogottthe second had up-to-date records last I checked, but I haven’t checked in a while21:18
Kiallit's getting them via the first one doing the AXFR21:18
andrewbogottah,ok, so right now my secondary is a slave of my primary rather than a slave of mdns21:18
andrewbogott(if I understand my terminology correctly)21:18
KiallBut, if it obtains a lock on the DB and tries to AXFR, it might just hold the lock for quite some time21:18
Kiallkinda.. it's not slaving from the primary pDNS, it just happens to be sharing a datastore so "flukes" into getting content21:19
andrewbogottKiall: so, would it be an option to just configure my secondary to be master=false slave=false, and rely on it getting what it needs from the db that’s written to by the primary?21:19
andrewbogottin other words, declare that ‘fluke’ to be on purpose :)21:20
KiallThat's an option, until the primary falls over.21:20
andrewbogottah, right, of course, then it will drift out of sync.21:20
Kialland it may very well be that pDNS is very eager to obtain a lock, meaning the second one not being able to AXFR could do weird things.21:20
andrewbogottSo, action items:21:21
andrewbogott1)  Add a pool_nameserver entry for secondary pdns21:21
andrewbogott2)  somethingsomething to make mdns send xfr updates to both21:21
andrewbogottwhat does 2) look like?  is it just21:22
andrewbogottmasters = <primaryip>:5354, <secondaryip>:5454 ?21:22
Kiallyep, and 1 more thing to complete #2.. 1 sec while I dig it out21:22
andrewbogottmasters should point to mdns, correct?21:23
andrewbogottso it should actually be21:24
KiallYes, points to mDNS - ideally more than 1 mDNS so if it crashes, it still OK21:24
andrewbogottmasters = <mdnsip>:535421:24
andrewbogottin both sections21:24
andrewbogott(and, yeah, with a second mdns ideally)21:24
andrewbogottok, I think I follow21:24
Kialland.. UPDATE SET masters="mDNSip:port,mDNSip:port"; to update existing domains in the powerdns DB.21:24
KiallUPDATE SET master="mDNSip:port,mDNSip:port"; *21:25
andrewbogottok.  In the short run I’m not expecting to add a second mdns, I’ll just point both pdns servers to the existing mdns21:25
Kiall(We tend to err on the side of not updating existing things like ^, as you might have millions of zones)21:25
andrewbogottso in that case that UPDATE is not needed, correct?21:25
KiallIt is, as it'll have in there right now21:26
andrewbogottSo, sorry, I’m going to make you repeat yourself I think.  ‘master’ is conveyed to pdns, and pdns is told “listen for updates from this"21:27
andrewbogottis that right?21:27
andrewbogottoh, sorry, no21:28
andrewbogottyou just told me — I’m conveying that to pdns myself, via that update command21:28
KiallIt's 2 way.. designate will shout over to powerdns saying "Hey, I think I have some new content for you -, serial 1234".. powerdns will check it's DB to see if it has 1234, and if not, reaches back out to one of the mdns servers asking for the full content of the zone21:28
andrewbogottok, I’m following I think.21:29
andrewbogottKiall: any other points of pain in that config?21:31
andrewbogott(And, I don’t rightly remember where those uuids come from, they only have to be internally consistent within the config, right?  Or are they in a db someplace?)21:32
KiallYes, Interally consistent.21:32
KiallAnd, no - no other weirdness that I see.. Though, I am curious what the nova_ldap handler is?21:33
andrewbogottKiall:  It’s something I’m trying to kill :)21:33
eandersson_That was the first thing I implemented as well. =]21:34
andrewbogottBut, for the moment, we have per-instance ldap entries that store various things, most interestingly puppet node definitions.21:34
andrewbogottSink seemed like a reasonable place to stow that since it’s getting notifications for instance creation and knows all the right things anyway.21:34
KiallHah, fair enough :)21:35
andrewbogottKiall: thank you for looking over my config!  I may solicit a code review when I have the config patch written.21:35
Kiallsure.. no problem21:36
openstackgerritChris Johnson proposed openstack/designate: Cleanup after enable files refactor
KiallHopefully that really was it, if the standby pDNS was somehow holding the lock while it tried to talk to a master that didn't actually exist (, it's certainly possible it's caused things to deadlock. But.. We'll see if the happens again after those config changes21:37
Kiallgotta run to the shops before they chose.. back in a bit.21:38
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mugsieeandersson_: hey - sorry, my boss likes to talk... a lot21:43
* mugsie just checked he wasnt in here21:44
eandersson_haha no worries21:44
eandersson_I'll have to pick this up tomorrow though21:44
mugsiecool. just give me a ping21:44
mugsieI am on most of the time :)21:44
eandersson_Is there anything that needs to be changed in the config after an upgrade from Kilo to Liberty?21:44
eandersson_Anything obvious that I might have missed?21:44
eandersson_Since you probably wont be online until late for me tomorrow =]21:46
mugsiewell, I am UTC, so I should be OK for you (in theory) :). Kilo to liberty - let me have a quick look21:47
eandersson_oh wow working late? :D21:48
mugsiejust a bit21:48
mugsiethe sample config hasnt changed21:49
mugsie(much) - nothing of major interest21:49
mugsiethere should not be anything extra needed21:49
eandersson_Is the new service required?21:55
Kiallzone-manager? Nope, totally optional for some new features...21:56
eandersson_ah kk didn't read anything about it *yet*21:57
eandersson_I'll go and play some Overwatch then and try again tomorrow =]21:58
eandersson_thanks guys for the help21:58
openstackgerritFederico Ceratto proposed openstack/designate: Update Bind 9 backend and other documentation
openstackgerritTim Simmons proposed openstack/designate: Add an on-demand single-target sync method
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andrewbogottKiall: at your leisure,
andrewbogott(you surely cannot leave comments there, but the patch itself should be public)22:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/designate: Fix a missing '\' in doc
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Kiallandrewbogott: just heading to bed, but had a real quick look.. So, it should be 2 pool nameserver sections, and 1 pool target section..23:36
KiallIf you move forward with 2 pdns and 2 DBd, then it's 2 nameserver sections and 2 target sections..23:37
andrewbogottso target == mdns23:37
andrewbogottand nameserver == pdns?23:38
andrewbogottKiall: does that mean that I’m setting a url to the pdns database for mdns and /not/ for pdns?  That confuses me :)23:39
Kialltarget is where creates and deletes go, nameservers are where we send notifies to and check that changes have gone live (for powerdns..)23:39
KiallE.g. creating a zone with a shared DB only needs to happen once, while with 2 DBs it needs to happen twice.23:40
andrewbogottI follow, it’s just that in the ‘before’ version of the config that you looked at before...23:41
andrewbogottunder [pool_target:f26e0b32-736f-4f0a-831b-039a415c481e]23:41
KiallThe main thing I think will help your issue is the correction of the masters line23:41
andrewbogottwe had a connection type = powerdns set23:41
andrewbogottoh, and of course...23:42
andrewbogottpdns is both a target /and/ a nameserver23:42
andrewbogottbecause of the mysql +also axfr thing23:42
andrewbogottI’m slow to grasp that, it seems23:42
andrewbogottI’ll rewrite, and (maybe) ping you tomorrow.  Have a good night!23:42
KiallKinda, the DB is the target, powerdns is the nameserver.. It's odd, I know.. It's hard to map the many different ways different DNS servers work into something that's obvious for all of them!23:43
andrewbogott‘db as target’ makes sense23:44
* andrewbogott comments accordingly23:44
KiallAnyway, gone.. I'll be around tomorrow anyway..23:44
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