Monday, 2013-09-30

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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to stackforge/python-designateclient: Updated from global requirements
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eankutseHello Kiall17:41
eankutseI am having gerrit issues17:41
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Kialleankutse: just grabbing some dinner.. will be back after..17:48
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Kialleankutse: heya18:49
eankutseHello Kiall18:54
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Kialleankutse: so .. whats up with gerrit? :)18:55
eankutseAt some point, I was dong a git review to submit code, then that led to a the need to merge with tsimmons' backend/impl_bind9 changes18:56
eankutseI was supposed to do a rebase -i continue18:57
eankutsebut I forgot and did a git commit -a —amend18:57
eankutsenow I am having problems when I do a git review18:57
eankutsethis is the error:18:57
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eankutseremote: Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3)18:58
eankutseremote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done18:58
eankutseTo ssh://
eankutse ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/publish/master/bug/1214869 (you are not allowed to upload merges)18:58
eankutseerror: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://'18:58
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Kialleankutse: so, in your history you have a merge commit - nobody is allowed upload merge commits to Gerrit (for any of the OpenStack projects)18:58
eankutseyes. That was the first mistake18:59
Kiallgit log origin/master..master18:59
Kiallreplacing the last master with your branch name18:59
Kiallthat'll show the commits you're trying to upload18:59
KiallBefore it will let you continue, that merge commit needs to be taken care of :(19:00
eankutsehmmm… :-(19:02
KiallYea .. So .. If you have "My Commit", "merge", "my second accidental commit"19:03
eankutseThe commit does not look familiar:19:03
eankutsegit log origin/master..bug/121486919:03
eankutsecommit d7ea0504f836c99ce81e9d0d7eecf52e63e066be19:03
eankutseMerge: b3ad5fd 6934fb019:03
eankutseAuthor: Jenkins <>19:03
eankutseDate:   Thu Sep 26 16:51:55 2013 +000019:03
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Kiallyou can go ahead and merge the commits into one19:03
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Kiallugh .. gotta love rate limits ;)19:03
eankutseI keep blowing the IRC up19:03
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eankutseso the above is what I see when I pull the commit history19:04
Kiallcan you drop it on ?19:05
KiallIRC cut most of it off19:05
Kiall(usually, when pasting more than 1/2 lines.. you should use a pastebin to avoid IRC killing you :))19:06
eankutsepaste #4771619:15
Kialleankutse: so, I assume your trying to update the "Update domains when servers are created, modified or deleted" review?19:17
eankutsethat's right19:17
Kiallis that the first commit that's not shown?19:17
KiallIf it is, I'd grab it's sha1, then `git checkout $sha1 && git branch -D $branch-name && git checkout -b $branch-name`19:18
eankutseI do not see my Change-Id and commit message when I do the git log ...19:18
Kiallthat'll just get rid of those 3 commits..19:18
KiallIs what's up on the latest?19:19
KiallSha1 was baecdb0d5af4696c9891bef8aa7a043a0083d97219:19
Kiallor .. pastebin `git log -10`19:19
Kiallit should have it in there too :)19:19
Kiallalso .. `git config --global pull.rebase true` can help avoid these situations if it was caused by `git pull`19:20
eankutsewhat's on is NOT the lastest19:20
eankutseThe latest has not made it over yet19:20
eankutsethat's what I am trying to get over19:21
eankutsewhen I made the mistake19:21
KiallOkay .. Lets get `git log -5` or `git log -10` - need to see where that commit is so we can see how to fix ity19:21
eankutseI can't see any history of my commits. Even when I do git log −1519:25
eankutseWould you like for me to still post what I see?19:26
Kiallwhat does `git status` show?19:27
KiallIf that doesn't say you're in the middle of a merge or rebase.. then `git reflog` - You're commit will be there somewhere19:28
KiallOnce you have it's sha1 from reflog, you can `git checkout $sha1 && git branch -D $branch-name && git checkout -b $branch-name`19:28
eankutse# On branch bug/121486919:28
eankutse# Changes not staged for commit:19:28
eankutse#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)19:28
eankutse#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)19:28
eankutse#modified:   designate/backend/impl_bind9.py19:28
eankutse#modified:   doc/source/backends/bind9.rst19:28
eankutseno changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")19:28
KiallI take it those are tsimmons changes to the bind9 stuff?19:29
eankutseThose are tsimmons + my changes to that file. I had lost my changes at some point so I just added it back in19:30
eankutseI did not change bind9.rst however19:30
KiallOkay .. I think things have gone haywire somewhere, not sure how! :)19:30
KiallBest bet is to find the commit sha1 which you did earlier, which git reflog will show19:31
eankutsereally haywire19:31
eankutseok. I'l do git reflog to get the sha1 and do what you suggested above19:31
Kiall`git reflog` basically shows everything you've done.. It can be confusing.. but the commit *is* in there19:32
Kiallstarting from the bottom, original commit + 4 amends, another commit, then using rebase to swap the order of the commits19:33
eankutseTHis is paste of reflog
KiallIt looks like L21 is your commit?19:34
eankutseyes. that is mine19:34
KiallI mean, it looks like the commit you are trying to get back to?19:34
Kiall`git checkout 890c3f7 && git branch -D bug/1214869 && git checkout -b bug/1214869`19:36
Kiallthat'll bring you back to that commit at the top of the bug/1214869 branch19:36
KiallImmediately after that commit in the logs was where the merge was introduced19:36
artomShould I even be attempting to reuse the existing bind9-zone.jinja2 template for zone export?19:36
Kiall(reflogs have the most recent changes at the top.)19:37
artomIt's having far more far-reaching consequences than I thought :/19:37
Kiallartom: well, export and "writing a zonefile for bind" should in theory be identical.19:37
Kiall(since the export format would be the RFC a.k.a. bind9 format..)19:38
artomThat's the theory, yes...19:38
artomBut when you're looking at how Pecan loads its templates because it refuses the full path you gave it...19:38
KiallAha .. Yes, I'm pretty sure I would avoid using Pecan's templating, instead rendering a string the same way the bind9 backend does19:39
Kiallthen, you can just return that sting19:39
artomI'll put in a bit more effort to see if I can make it work without refactoring all evarything, but I won't obsess over it.19:41
Kiallartom: so, you should be able to do this.. 1 sec19:41
KiallJust, call the render_template, rather than render_template_to_file method19:42
Kiallwith the domains/records19:43
artomEssentially what you're saying is, "export is special, don't bother going through the views and all that jazz"19:45
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Kiallartom: so .. yea, I would argue it's special .. it's doing something totally different to any of the other APIs19:49
Kialland I'd much rather see code reuse between export and the bind9 backend19:49
artomThat indeed makes a lot of sense.19:51
artomWould be weird if they gave different results :P19:51
eankutseKiall: would the git -D bug/1214869 not cause me to loose stuff?19:55
ekarlsoKiall: mordred just pinged me about it19:55
Kiallekarlso: lol .. impatient ;)20:00
Kialleankutse: it'll delete the branch, but the commits still exist in your repo20:00
Kiallright after deleting it, we checkout the "good commit" and recreate the branch using it20:00
Kiallas the starting point20:00
eankutseAhh. Git, git, git :-)20:01
Kiallekarlso: -1'd mordreds change, we're incompatible with jsonschema v220:02
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openstackgerritEmmanuel Ankutse proposed a change to stackforge/designate: Update domains when servers are created, modified or deleted
Kialleankutse: I take it you got it sorted?20:39
eankutseyes, I think so. Thanks for your help. :-)20:39
KiallNo problem.. Will review in the am - late here and too tired to think clearly ;)20:39
eankutseYes. Have a good rest!20:40
Kiallrest? hah .. had to take most of the day off, trying to catch up ;)20:42
artomActually, if you're still awake, I'd like to pick your brain on how to handle the origin for zonefile import.21:16
Kiallartom: I had planned to make the origin a required part of the zonefile21:16
artomSo then the request body would be "pure" zonefile.21:18
artomNo JSON with origin: blah, zonefile: blah nonsense...21:18
KiallTo start with, yea.. Just enforcing the request has a Content-Type of "text/dns"21:20
Kialllater, if we want to support things like "amends" (or just adding an origin) we could allow application/json as well21:20
Kiall(text/dns is the registered mime type for zone files..)21:21
artomYeah, I have it sending text/dns for export.21:23
KiallCool :)21:29
artomAdding an origin post-facto seems... funny?21:31
artomI can see the use-case for it, but conceptually it makes me smile.21:32
KiallYea, It seems odd :) I can see eventually allowing POST {"name": "", "zonefile":  ..... }21:32
KiallBut.. The simpler, the better :)21:33
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artomIt should probably also be made very explicitly clear in the errors/exceptions that for now the origin statement is required.21:35
artomI imagine quite a few people have zonefiles without it...21:35
Kiallartom: Yea, without a doubt :)21:36
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