Monday, 2020-10-05

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fungispotz: are we having a meeting in a few minutes? i may or may not be around, renovation work going on here this week16:35
spotzfungi yes - this is the last before board gets it meeting16:58
spotzTake care of what you need to16:59
spotzNo one's here17:01
fungii haven't seen much in the way of additional editorial feedback since my rewrite17:03
spotzOne person emailed and sent some LF links17:05
spotzHe sent it to all the lists17:05
fungiprobably the thing to reinforce is that the board's statement should empower and support project leadership to prioritize replacing terminology they identify17:05
fungithat is, which the project leaders and their communities identify17:06
fungiwe have provided some common examples17:06
spotzI thought you did a good effort of that in paragraph 217:07
spotzIf no one shows I'll send it to the board list later today17:10
fungisounds good to me17:25
fungiand yeah, i'm not able to audio conference anyway, lots of hammering and power tools going on all around me17:25
megheisler@spotz: apologies, I took a bad fall this morning and wound up spraining my ankle. I just got home and missed the meeting. I don’t have any suggestions on the draft though and think it looks good to me, I have far less experience writing these though17:35
spotzmegheisler: No worries it's just me no one showed, Lisa's internet is out and fungi has house stuff going on. Nothing broken I hope? I've had bad sprains:(17:36
spotzIt's the first time for all of us:)17:37
fungimegheisler: oh no! i hope you recover quickly17:40
spotzOh megheisler if pony cup is in Lake St. Louis next year (it was supposed to be there this year) we should meet for dinner one night!17:49
megheislerOh that would be great!17:50
megheislerOh and luckily nothing is broken, just have to keep the weight off of it for a few days17:51
spotzmegheisler: Ok we'll plan for it pending show is there:) Dalmatian nationals is supposed to be out at Purina next year come to think of it too:)18:03
spotzAnd glad to hear nothing broken. Stay off it as much as you can and if they gave you a brace wear it, it does make a difference18:03
spotzok email sent to the board for their feedback, I also included not just the text but a link to the etherpad so they could see the conversation from the other week18:23
fungiawesome, thanks so much!!!18:35
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spotzfungi: My pleasure:)21:55
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