Monday, 2020-07-06

spotzFYI might be 5 minutes late for meeting if someone else wants to start16:35
fungii'm technically on vacation today but will try to be around16:41
spotzenjoy your PTO fungi!16:44
*** SWDevAngel has joined #openstack-diversity16:52
spotzSwdevangel running a few minutes late FYI16:54
SWDevAngelOkay no problem.16:57
SWDevAngelI'm only early because I messed the time up again and thought this "call" was 60 mins ago!  πŸ€£16:58
spotz#startmeeting diversity_wg17:07
openstackMeeting started Mon Jul  6 17:07:19 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:07
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: diversity_wg)"17:07
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'diversity_wg'17:07
spotz#topic ROll Call17:07
*** openstack changes topic to "ROll Call (Meeting topic: diversity_wg)"17:07
* SWDevAngel waves17:08
spotzfungi is on PTO so it might just be us unless megheisler is about17:08
spotzWith us being only once a month I didn't want to cancel17:08
SWDevAngelI saw the agenda in the etherpad (and made a note of the date). ;)17:08
fungii'm semi-around17:08
megheisler\o I'm a tad late, sorry17:10
SWDevAngelOkay, I think agenda item #1 is a Fungi thing, no? Or were you just looking for a status update?17:10
spotz#topic Wiki17:10
*** openstack changes topic to "Wiki (Meeting topic: diversity_wg)"17:10
spotzIt's an us thiing, we need to rewrite out entry17:10
spotzHey megheisler17:11
SWDevAngelSorry. Thought we were just changing the OpenStack to OSF.17:11
spotzThe charter section is from back when there was only OpenStack in OSF17:11
spotzI think a lot of it is still valid but we should look at updating it for wording so we're not saying just we're OpenStack17:12
SWDevAngelYes, so we just need to say we are here for ya, across all the entire OSF (and even adjacent technologies across the ecosystem?)17:12
spotzeah basically:)17:12
spotzOnly bad part is while technically we cover all projects they haven't embraced us so like the part were we say The programs recommended by this WG....17:13
SWDevAngelWill there be a different URL? Like www dot OSF dot com rather than openstack dot com?  If so we need to change those links, or leave the archives alone and say, "Going forward..."17:13
spotzlet's see:)17:14 is the "new" osf-only site17:14
spotzThere doesn't seem to be a so for now I'd say no17:14
spotzfungi: We have a wiki?17:14’s server IP address could not be found.17:15
fungino, the wiki is still primarily being maintained for openstack17:15
spotzSO for now let's update in place and see if there's a better place for it later17:17
spotzAnd we don't have to do it right now if someone wants to volunteer to do a first run17:17
SWDevAngelAre we talking just the Diversity Team Meeting section here?
spotzThe charter part abve that, though we could clean up that part as well17:19
spotzWe no longer have a separate APAC meeting and the logs listed are kinda old17:20
SWDevAngelAhhh, yes. For some reason my browser went straight to the bottom. Okay I see it now.17:20
spotzCause I used a link to the page Kendall had given me to update the monthly part:)17:20
SWDevAngelFirst edit.... maybe standardize on if we use British or American spellings of things? (Organize vs Organise?) Spelled two different ways in that first sentence! πŸ˜†17:21
SWDevAngelOrganisers: Amy Marrich ( - spotz) Previous Organizers: Imad Sousou (, Egle Sigler (, Kavit Munshi (
spotzOr make sure AMy isn't typoing:)17:21
spotzCause that's just as likely as anythin else:)17:22
SWDevAngelI'm good at making sure we don't typo. :) I'll volunteer to edit!17:22
spotzDo you want to give a first pass on the re-write off line?17:23
SWDevAngelSure. Shall I cut and paste that in a google doc so we can collaborate? Or is email better for you?17:24
SWDevAngelOr an etherpad!17:24
spotzOhh etherpad is a good idea:)17:24
SWDevAngel(BTW, I kinda wish we'd done THIS call on a video conf. or phone. We could knock this thing out during this working meeting! πŸ˜€)17:25
spotzSWDevAngel: Yeah we do that wort of thing for CHAOSS, but I definitelly would have been late for that17:26
SWDevAngelOkay, do you have a special place you want this etherpad to live?17:26
spotz then whatever you think makes sense:)17:27
SWDevAngel Cool. Let's use this. I'll start cutting and pasting:
SWDevAngelImma go with the American spellings. But don't worry. I'll still use Oxford Commas. :) :) :)17:29
spotzWell the page was originally written by Egle and she might have used British17:29
spotzI've added a link to the agenda so we don't lose it17:29
spotzAnything else on this? We;re 30 in17:30
spotzOk moving on:)17:31
spotz#topic GHC17:31
*** openstack changes topic to "GHC (Meeting topic: diversity_wg)"17:31
spotzSo once again we've been selected to do Open Source Day at GHC which will be virtual this year17:32
spotzResources are going to be supplied by City Network again if we need them17:32
spotzSo we need another leader as they want to leaders, this year saying preferably a female tech person which I thought was odd17:33
SWDevAngelJust Googled for the Dates. Looks like it's Sept 29 - Oct 2.17:34
SWDevAngelAre you saying we need a leader for the entire Open Source Day (like a track chair) or just for the workshops, mentoring, etc. that you did last time?17:35
spotzTopic is still up in the air.17:35
spotzThey want 2 people so another leader just for the OpenStack workshop17:35
spotzYou do get a free ticket, but even in person I've really made it to many17:36
SWDevAngelThey just did the open source summit last week and it was virtual and I heard a lot of really good things. I think Jono Bacon ran the community track. I know Nithya and Shilla presented and ran a "lunch" which was such a cool idea. BYOlunch of cousre.17:36
fungidiablo_rojo had a talk for that, said it went really well17:37
spotzWell this is an all day whorkshop, in person there were break outs and multiple tables and then lunch, etc.17:37
spotzSo last year we broke up into teams at different tables, I doubt that will be feasible but not sure about the platform, if we'll be all day, etc17:38
SWDevAngelOh cool! Yeah, I was looking for links to watch replays but so far it looks like you have to still sign up to see any content. I hope they post all the talks somewhere. There were a bunch I wanted to see. Jason Hibbits had a good one also, and I hear the keynotes were good.17:38
fungithough on the subject of conference recordings, last week's 3-day opendev conference was all recorded, sessions should be on osf's youtube channel17:39
spotzYeah it's already there17:40
SWDevAngelSo, I'm sorry Amy, I'm still not clear on what they are asking for. 2 people to lead OpenStack activities? Or a leader for a workshop? Or????17:40
spotz1 other person to lead the OpenStack workshop17:40
SWDevAngelOh cool! Yeah, I heard there were a ton of people at that conference. Seems like going virtual is making these events 2 or 3x bigger! I17:40
spotzI wanted to put it out to this group first before asking anyone else17:40
SWDevAngelOkay I see.17:41
spotzIt was great last year having a bunch of stackers as day of mentors but you have to plan on the mentors not knowing what OpenStack is:(17:42
megheislerwhat does being a leader for these things usually require? I'17:43
SWDevAngelAnd now it will include Zuul, Kata Containers, etc... right?17:43
spotzIt is just OPenStack17:43
spotzThe other projects could have applied to participate I don't think any did17:44
spotzI just get hit up for OpenStack as I've been doing it I think for 5 years except for one year I couldn't attend17:44
spotzSo last year we broke everyone up into teams, got them setup to be contributers. The project e did was designing and implementing a custom Horizon theme in supposrt of a humanitarian effort.17:45
fungiopenstack is far larger than the other open infrastructure projects, far more likely a 2k developer project will apply to participate in an event like that than a 20 person project17:46
SWDevAngelI see. Well, I guess if you are leading it you can set the agenda and especially if you are talking about mentoring sessions. You could offer up the other projects to mentor in if anyone is interested. Or just stick to OpenStack.17:46
fungii expect some of it is also about being able to entice participants to join your particular session17:47
spotzThe trouble is the accepted project gets 2 leader tickets that's it. Mentors are volunteers with GHC tickets who give up their day to help17:47
spotzTypically you have 5 hours to work on your 'project' then a demo at the end. Last year no demo they did a panel with group leaders17:48
fungihaving a clearly defined scope with broad appeal presumably makes it more likely to get the session accepted17:48
SWDevAngelThat sounds cool. I have never been to GHC. When they do it again in person I'll really try hard to go to one.17:48
spotzThey sell out in like 15 minutes it's insane:(17:49
spotz18k tickets17:49
fungiso they need a ticket sales system which can handle 20 sales per second? wow!17:50
spotzSo yeah we try to give the participants as much hands on as we can. It's hard for us to do bugs because we'd need to find them and hold them and then no guarntee they could do them in a day and get them up for review17:50
spotzfungi: It's fricking insane and often craps out. I helped Kendall try to get a ticket one year17:51
SWDevAngelMaybe Kendall can co-lead the session with you. Then she'll have a ticket. :)17:51
fungiindeed, trying to cover different bug fixes for each participant would likely require a lot more mentors than they budget for17:52
spotzNow one option we have is we might be able to come up with some RDO bugs to work on as they're a step away from upstream and might be easier to hang on to17:52
spotzPlus we're talking aroung RC117:52
spotzKendall doesn't have time to help and there's work to do leading up to the day17:52
spotzSo anyways if any it interested let me know, was thinking about asking Victoria (vcmc I think is her nick)17:53
spotzI need to give them 2 names by Friday17:53
spotzAnything on this? SWDevAngel added video meetings to the agenda17:54
spotzOk if interested in helping email me17:55
spotz#topic video meetings17:55
*** openstack changes topic to "video meetings (Meeting topic: diversity_wg)"17:55
SWDevAngelYes, just as a reminder that we decided to do every other one that way. Or maybe when we have topics that are well suited for live talk. I think today's topics would have benefited from live talk.17:55
SWDevAngelAnd it would have been fine to start late. We would have got through the stuff faster I think. :)17:56
spotzWell I'd say Jitsu to be more OPen17:56
spotzCinder team is looking to do something similar and put up these rules:17:56
spotz Video Meeting Rules:17:56
spotz* Everyone will keep IRC open during the meeting.17:56
spotz* We'll take notes in IRC to leave a record similar to what we have for our regular IRC meetings.17:56
spotz* Some people are more comfortable communicating in written English.  So at any point, any attendee may request that the discussion of the current topic be conducted entirely in IRC.17:56
spotzI think we should do something similar if we do this17:57
SWDevAngelJitsu is fine with me. And we just need to be diligent about taking notes (maybe on the agenda part of the etherpad) for those who want to evesdrop after?17:57
SWDevAngelOr IRC. yeah, either.17:57
spotzI like the ability to switch to IRC which I think is easier if we're writing notes there anyways17:57
spotzI doubt we'll run into it but it's the most open option17:58
SWDevAngelI think that will work well. Then I can ask my 1000 questions of clarification live and people won't have to wade through all that crap when skimming the meeting notes. :)17:58
fungisorry, stepped away for a moment... spotz the victoria i think you're talking about is vkmc in irc17:58
spotzfungi: Yep!17:59
spotzI knew my letters were off, I was forgetting the k17:59
fungialso to be clear, when you're saying "jitsu" i assume you're referring to jitsi-meet17:59
spotzYeah meetpad17:59
fungiokay, cool17:59
SWDevAngeloops. my bad17:59
fungii didn't know if jitsu was something unrelated with a similar name to jitsi18:00
spotzI can put up a poll but is anyone not in agreement of trying meetpad next month?18:00
spotzspelling is hard:)18:00
SWDevAngelNope. Just me not knowing what it was called. (See if this was video or live talk I could have just mumbled the name and y'all wouldn't have known that I didn't know what I was talking about!) LOL!18:00
fungiworks for me, i may join audio-only depending on whether my webcam is cooperating18:00
spotzAnd that's fine if I'm running late I might start audio only then switch18:01
SWDevAngelHa ha. Spelling is hard. Typing is also hard. And KNOWING is hard! 🀣18:01
spotzOk let's try it next month18:01
spotzWe're over time but I'll be about if needed18:02
*** openstack changes topic to "Please review the survey at and let spotz and/or aprice know if there's anything that needs updating per"18:02
openstackMeeting ended Mon Jul  6 18:02:16 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)18:02
spotzThanks all18:02
openstackMinutes (text):
SWDevAngelNo worries. I think we'll get through stuff faster so we can agree to start at 5 or 10 after if that works better for you. I know people have back-to-back meetings all the time so it's not always easy to hit the top of the hour. :)18:02
fungithanks spotz!18:02
SWDevAngelOkay cool, thanks Amy! I'll go take a stab at that draft now and ping you with questions or when I'm ready for your edits. :)18:03
spotzI had 3 in a row, squeeked in the pony by riding bareback but there was an accident so got there late, and home late, and now off to another meeting:)18:03
SWDevAngelWell, maybe coffee first. Still haven't had any today. (Which might explain a lot.)18:03
SWDevAngelOkay, I made some edits and some notes on the Diversity WG etherpad. @spotz @fungi you can let me know what you think. πŸ™‚18:29
spotzWill do thanks18:30
spotzone comment18:31

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