Monday, 2019-12-02

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spotzMeeting in 35 unless I've lost it again:)16:26
spotzAnyone here for the meeting?17:03
spotzIf it's just us official meeting or no? I hate wasting log space17:06
diablo_rojoI dont think I need a meeting unless there are things you need to talk about17:07
spotzWe've just been on brreak for the last month. fungi filled me in on Shanghai last week17:08
spotzWe've gotten like 5 spam mails to the mentoring list plus the good one17:08
fungioh, yep17:09
fungii also don't need a meeting, but am here for one if others want17:10
spotzTo fill you in diablo_rojo Meg was in the hospital she stopped in and filled us in on her absence:(17:10
diablo_rojoI hope she's alright.17:11
spotzAt some point need to find out if we need to plan anything for Vancouver. normally we don't do anything for PTG but this seems like it might be more17:11
spotzYeah she's feeling better17:11
diablo_rojo'a collaborative event'17:12
fungiyeah, vancouver isn't "just a ptg" so...17:12
spotzSo yeah undecided if therre'd be any official diversity stuff like speed mentoring or a lunch. If I can get there I don't mind doiong the unofficial stuff like the outing17:12
diablo_rojoI dont think its going to be a summit either.17:13
diablo_rojoSome weird middle ground.17:13
spotzYeah hence not sure and figured it might be too early to actually ask:)17:13
diablo_rojoBut we don't even know yet so.. I think you have a while before figuring any of that out :)17:13
fungiwe could also try to do something other than training/socials, as much a departure from the past as the event itself will be17:14
diablo_rojoSomething like that might be a good idea17:14
diablo_rojoSomething fresh.17:14
spotzI'm open to ideas for sure17:14
fungimaybe more like the short films and speakers we've gotten on diversity topics17:15
fungior something more engaging but really focused on increasing community/contributor diversity17:15
spotzfungi it'd be nice to have like a mini track or a room if possible17:16
fungiyeah, my main gripe with the trainings/lunch-n-learn and socials has been that any advancement of the diversity mission was more of a side-effect17:16
spotzBut it has to be close enough for people to show up on a break and yet shortr enough to not have confllicts (aka OPS meetup in Denver)17:16
spotzBut those are the events we get people vs the BoF/Forum/etc:(17:17
funginot that they weren't useful in their own right, but the diversity tie-in was... subtle at best17:17
fungii agree, anything more diversity-topical has a tendency to draw fewer attendees, so there's certainly a balancing act17:18
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spotzAnd of course conflicts with 'more' important things17:18
SWDevAngelHi, sorry I'm late.17:18
fungii do like your idea of having a diversity track17:19
spotzHey SWDevAngel we decided to forgo the log and are just brainstorming:)17:19
fungiwe should at least suggest it to the event organizers17:19
SWDevAngelAhhhh got it. Okay. Well my web client won't let me scroll up and see what I missed, so you'll just have to start over. LOL! (Kidding...)17:19
fungiif we can make a compelling case, i expect they'd be all about trying to find a way to integrate it into teh event17:19
spotzI will say when I've managed to go to Open Source Summit the Diversity/Community track has been growing.17:20
spotzAnd I'm all about helping some of the other projects if they'd like to be included17:20
fungiSWDevAngel: but it may take a few minutes to catch up17:20
SWDevAngelYes, I presented in that track (in Vancouver 2 summers ago) and the talk was actually really well attended. Doesn't always happen with D/I talks.17:20
SWDevAngelThanks Fungi. Will "eavesdrop." :)17:21
fungispotz: i agree, as an osf board-mandated working group this isn't just openstack17:21
spotzSo I think that's something we should look into doing reegardless of Vancouver. But the face to face there will help. I'll do my best to get there. Shanghai was just too hard all around17:22
spotzI'll stick that one the agenda for next real meeting. It'll be the groups new year's resolution:)17:23
fungii totally get it. was hard enough for me, but i avoided a bunch of other travel to compensate17:23
fungiat least it's on your continent this time! ;)17:24
* fungi needs to get his passport renewed between now and then17:24
SWDevAngelThe next Summit is in Vancouver again? Awesome! Do you know the date?17:25
fungiit's not really a "summit" it'll be a collaborative event sort of like a ptg and opendev together, is the most information we have at the moment17:25
spotzI got my pictures on Saturday. Need to make an appointment to go to the Courthouse hopefully Thursday to get renewed a little faster17:25
fungiand yeah i think there's a rough date, looking now17:25
fungiif memory serves it's some time in may17:26
spotzJust don't say during Dalmatian Nationaals or Pony Cup:)17:26
spotzBut yeah fungi be careful of the 6 months out thing17:26
fungiexactly, mine expires in september17:27
fungiand i've got to go to brussels at the end of january, so probably won't be able to start the renewal until i get home17:28
spotzMine's August and I'm trying to do an office visit aroound the time of FOSDEM but we'll see17:28
spotzfungi: No do it now like I'm planning to17:28
fungiyeah if you go to fosdem, lmk and we can try to grab dinner with some other stackers or something17:29
SWDevAngelI did mine by mail and it was really quick. Got the pics done at Costco.17:29
spotzfungi: Will do:)17:29
fungii actually have extra pics from my chinese entry visa application, but the dimensions are slightly different do will probably have to get more17:30
spotzSWDevAngel: I'm hoping the courthouse route will make sure all paperwork is correct, etc in case I do something bad on the app17:30
SWDevAngelKubeCon was 2 weeks ago and it was a total OpenStack reunion. Even a bunch of Foundation folks were there, including Jonathan and Claire.17:30
fungistill, it was like $16 for a sheet of 8 at cvs pharmacy here on the island17:30
spotzWe went to Walgreens 5 minutes17:30
spotzOurs was $32 something for 2 pics of me and 2 of hubby17:30
fungitook me something like half an hour, but that was because they had to get the manager to figure out how to pick the right preset for the chinese visa dimensions17:31
SWDevAngelReally? Wait, what island? Costco wasn't that much (but I don't remember how much). I just remember the woman at Costco was so cool and actually showed me the pic before she printed it to see if I liked it. These things last 10 years. Might as well have a pic you like! :)17:31
* fungi lives in a sleepy fishing village off the easy coast17:32
SWDevAngelno way!!!! Wow!17:32
fungier, also the east coast, but sure it's also the easy coast17:32
SWDevAngelI never knew that. (But I did always wonder when you would talk about the hurricanes coming)17:32
funginorth carolina outer banks17:33
fungiwe're best known for our hurricanes and shipwrecks17:33
spotzI'm happy my new picture is with straight hair:)17:33
SWDevAngelYes, I also had to make sure to take my picture on a dry, not humid day! LOL!17:36
fungiaprice hooked me up because i'm terrible at finding things: "JUNE 8-11, 2020"
fungiso even later than i (mis)remembered17:37
fungianyway, if there's anything like "tracks" or "topics" for it, we ought to work out how to get diversity as a theme there17:38
SWDevAngelJune? Wow!17:38
fungivancouver will be gorgeous in june, fwiw17:38
SWDevAngelTOTALLY. That is my favorite place to do a conference.17:38
fungimight be a good opportunity to spend some downtime out on the water or maybe extend the trip a couple days for a visit to victoria17:39
spotzOk June should be in the middle of animal things17:39
fungiflying into sfo/pdx/sea and taking the stackertrain again might also be in order17:40
fungithat was fun, though a bit time-consuming17:41
spotzNice, I enjoyed the train from Luxembourg to Paris17:43
SWDevAngelOMGosh I remember that train! I had to do a customer event so I went the day before. i did fly to SEA and carpool with a bunch of stackers tho. It was fun!17:44
diablo_rojofungi, there was discussion about chartering a float plane from South Lake Union to the convention center17:44
spotzI'd rather take the train then a llittle plane:(17:45
diablo_rojoif you were intersted17:45
SWDevAngelI remember Morgan and Aeva texting me pics of all the amazing bevvies they packed for the train. It was hilarious! You all should totally do that again!17:45
fungiproblem with that plan is christine is interested in accompanying me and absolutely *hates* being on "small" aircraft17:45
SWDevAngelAnd open it up to new community members. You could use the train as a bonding/mentoring event! :)17:45
spotzI really like that17:46
fungiSWDevAngel: yeah, we basically treated it like a mobile hackathon, it was a blast17:46
fungibiggest problem was assigned seating, but we managed to coopt space in the lounge cars17:46
SWDevAngelAhhhhh  - yeah. I wonder if you could pre-buy out a chunk of the car and then sell the tix (or give them away as part of a diversity scholarship)?17:47
SWDevAngelyou'd have to do it way early17:47
SWDevAngeland it's a risk of course17:47
fungialso i think some of our "louder" colleagues may have annoyed other passengers in the same cars17:48
SWDevAngelyeah.... back to that bevvie comment I was making above. I'm sure that played a part! :)17:49
spotzI wnder if we could talk to them ahead of time and maybe arrange something?17:50
fungidiablo_rojo: anyway, depending on whether christine still feels up to making the journey as we get closer to june, i may or may not be up for a slice of a floatplane charter17:50
diablo_rojofungi, noted!17:50
fungii would totally do it if i'm travelling on my own17:50
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