Monday, 2018-06-04

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spotzHey all - Meeting in 55 minutes18:04
spotz#startmeeting Diversity-WG19:00
openstackMeeting started Mon Jun  4 19:00:04 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'diversity_wg'19:00
spotz#topic Roll Call19:00
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spotzif anyone needs it19:02
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spotzWe'll give folks another minute to join in and then we'll start19:05
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spotzHey oikiki we're just starting19:08
spotzSo on the etherpad I added some feedback I had gotten towards then end of the summit. I mentioned the alcoholo free during the feedback session. But was also suggested no photo stickers and gender pronoun stickers for badges19:09
spotzDid anyone else get any feedback outside of the WG session?19:10
fungiooh, i missed the no photos please suggestion. i might even ask to add that to my badge19:11
spotzfungi: That was actually on twitter19:11
spotzAnd that was something they had ot Open Source summit19:11
spotzeven little stickers with you can talk to me, don't talk to me, etc19:12
ell0logDoes that need to be a sticker or could it be a question when you register and its printed right on to the badge?19:12
fungialcohol free areas ought to be easy too, just cordon off a space and add some signs19:12
fungii expect no-photos-please could just be a reg form addition/printed icon19:12
spotzYeah and we just need to make sure it stands out vs oops I didn't see it there19:13
fungithough one up side to stickers is that it allows people to make that choice on the day of the event without needing to request a badge reprint19:13
ell0logI think having it printed on the badge in a specific area will eliminate any "well I didn't see their sticker" issues. but I did not consider people changing their minds:/19:14
spotzTrue, it could be a question and you're given the badge or whatever19:14
spotzsomething you could slip in and out of your badge holder19:14
spotzThe only feedback I got that may be hard is when we have a panel have more diversity. We can't ask people their religion or sexual orientation to include them. So I think an option would be to put out a call and if someone wants to step up thatt could work19:17
oikikihi spotz thanks!19:18
fungithe foundation did get some feedback commending it on (gender and racial) diversity of the keynote speakers on monday at least. that was great to see19:18
oikikiwrite speak code and soe other events use a red(no photos)-yellow (ask first) - green (take my photo) sticker on badges19:19
ell0logThat's a hard one. Because I have been to more than 1 panel discussions for diversity or women in <enter field> where... there is no diversity or women on the panel.19:19
spotzYeah the foundation has always been good about gender and racial diversity on the stage. It just gets hard when it's not a visual thing19:19
oikikiim sure that the photogs sometimes mess up a bit, but when they edit, they throw out the photos that are red/yellow (taken without asking first)19:19
spotzoikiki: I think that's what they had at open source summit19:20
oikikiyou could also do different colored lanyards19:20
oikikiwhich are more visible than stickers19:20
ell0logoh! +1 for the colored lanyard!19:20
spotzLanyards are a paid sponsorship, I thought of that too19:20
spotzAnd while I have some red Red Hat ones and some white I think the costs of having different colors might be prohibitive19:21
ell0logwould it be to hard to ask the sponsor to do 2 colors? White and whatever color is their "company" color.19:21
spotzI think it might depend on the company19:21
fungiyeah, a lot of attendees (well, a non-negligible number anyway) supply their own lanyards so they don't need to be sporting some corporate logo19:22
fungii toss the lanyards and just clip my badge to my shirt pocket19:22
oikikistickers or ribbons at the bottom work too, but educating the photog and picking someone empathetic is 75% of the battle19:22
spotzMostof the pictures outside of booth winners I think were FNTech and their photgrapher is great19:24
fungiat least for osf-run events the same logistics crew is used event to event and provides their in-house photographers who are regulars (there's only a couple of them and they've been there for ages) so if they're given some extra rules that's not likely to be a challenge19:24
spotzAnd a handout could be included for media19:25
fungiright, fntech, they're great19:25
spotzSo I think no photos and alcohol free areas are definitely something we can proobably get done for Berlin and possibly pronoun stickers19:25
fungiat some lower-key events (e.g., ptg) we have foundation staff doing photography and they're quite aware of these sorts of concerns19:25
spotzThose sound like good acheivable goals?19:26
fungii think so. definitely worth asking the events team about at any rate19:26
oikikii missed it but people had problems with alcohol at the summit?19:26
fungioikiki: some people don't drink alcohol and would rather not be in contact with people who are actively drinking (for a variety of reasons) but would still like to be able to participate in at least some of the social aspect of the after-hours stuff19:27
oikikimakes sense!19:27
oikikibc at kubecon they did something that i thought was interesting: they gave you 2 drink tickets for the event that had alcohol19:27
oikikiand it seemed to also minimize the amount of drinking at the event19:28
fungii think it's more that you may ascribe to a religion which forbids consumption of alcohol or maybe you're a recovering alcoholic, and so attempting to engage in conversation with someone who's buzzed/tipsy could be annoying or otherwise challenging19:28
oikikitotally understood19:29
oikikii thought the drink tix were interesting bc it seemed that people didn't end up drinking all that much there generally (just as a data point)19:29
spotzWhat fungi said, it's just so people can have the option of going to an event and not having to be surrounded by folks drinking19:29
fungiso less about how to reduce consumption at the events (we already have some options there) but also to give those particular people a safe space19:29
oikikimakes sense perhaps having a dialogue with people running the afterhours events would be helpful too?19:30
spotzAlot of events with tickets the folks who really want to end up drinking alot get more tickets from folks not drinking19:30
* fungi drinks probably a bit too heavily at these things, so feels a little hypocritical championing the alcohol-free crowd, but is overly aware as a result19:30
spotzoikiki: I'll hit up Erin, Kendall adn Claire19:31
fungithanks spotz!19:31
spotzfungi: I'm usually a one and done if that but I can see all sides19:32
spotz#action Spotz get with Erin, Kendall and Claire about alscohol-free zone, no phots and possibility of pronouns19:33
spotzAnyone else with feedback?19:33
oikikii liked that the diversity cocktail event was before the summit19:34
oikikiwhich is kind of random feedback but having things like that in the beginning is great to meet people who you can connect iwth later on. i was also super happy to see how many people turned out at that event as allies.19:34
fungithat was really great. i also liked that we cancelled having a board/tc/uc/foundation dinner in favor of having all our community leaders meet up at the diversity social19:34
oikikioh no way!19:35
fungifigured that would be a better wat ti show our support and set an example for the rest of the community19:35
fungier, better way to19:35
oikikiwow that was a great idea!19:35
oikikiit made a really great impression19:36
spotzThe social will be dependent on a sponsor for Berlin so cross your fingers19:36
spotzWe're also hoping the WoO networking lunch sponsor will let that be changed to a diversity one19:36
fungii'll do my best to put a bug in the ear of the events staff in case we're struggling to get sponsorship19:36
spotzI know Red Hat said they wanted to keep sponsoring stuff so... :)19:38
oikikii think it would be nice to sub the woo networking lunch -> diversity netowroking lunch19:39
oikikiif that's what you meant spotz19:39
oikikisince the overlap is huge and i feel bad leaving people out19:40
spotzoikiki: The plan is to try to do that for Berlin if the sponsor (already have one) agrees if not we'll start in Denver19:40
spotzI don't know who the sponsor is yet so I can't be certain they'd be ok with it, Erin was going to check19:40
fungiagreed, as i said in the diversity wg session i skipped the woo lunch because i didn't want to intrude19:40
fungiif it were billed more clearly as a "diversity" lunch or whatever that would go a long way19:41
spotzYeah it's weird when it was the pre-summit WoO social in Austin it was more males then females then the lunch was 90% females19:41
fungii'll admit i accidentally ended up at the woo happy hour in dublin because i was meeting people to go find dinner and that's where they said to find them ;)19:42
spotzOk let's move on as we have 17 minutes19:43
spotz#topic Survey Final draft19:43
*** openstack changes topic to "Survey Final draft (Meeting topic: Diversity-WG)"19:43
spotzIf everyone could take a peek and see if there's anything obviously wrong(typos/grammar) or missing19:44
spotzI'd like to get that to aprice by end of the week. I kinda dropped the ball on getting it into one doc19:44
oikikiis this going to be sent out to..?19:45
fungido we need to indicate which of these are multi-select and which are single-select options?19:46
spotzfungi Not sure:( I know I put check all that apply on one19:47
spotzoikiki: It'll be a survey monkey or some other format we'll mail to the OpenStack lists, put out on social, etc19:47
fungiright, that's what made me wonder about some of the others which also seem like multi-select candidaets19:47
spotzfungi If you think it might just mark it?19:48
fungiwill do19:48
spotzwe'll let Allison sort it out:)19:48
oikikiquestion: why are certain nationalities broken out in the ethnicity question?19:48
oikikimigth it be better to say: south asian (specify), east asian (specify) southeast asian (specify) bc making people be "other ..." is kind of :(19:49
spotzoikiki: The only question with choices I could really find was from the US census, so I add some from an earlier census. Then as we notmally do we'll allow folks to provide a response19:49
apriceonce I get the final content, I can post the link in here to make sure that multi-select and single select are done correctly19:49
spotzIf we have too many places for folks to have to write in we need a team of people to volunteer to go through and see if things are really the same19:50
spotzthanks aprice19:50
apricenp - sorry about not getting this done pre-Summit. there were so many things happening :)19:51
fungiyeah, i wonder whether usa census bureau questions are skewed towards the ethnicities that the usa census bureau cares to track19:51
oikikiit is fungi19:51
fungitaking a census in another part of the world, you might ask much different ethnicity questions19:51
spotzaprice: I actually dropped the ball:(19:52
spotzI couldn't even find other census out there:(19:52
oikikithat's why it hink it might be better to ask: east asian: specify19:52
spotzIt almost made me want to go back to what region are you from which mozilla used19:52
oikikialso there isn't an african choice they are presumably lumped into black/african american19:53
oikikii think regions make sense spotz considering openstack is a global project19:53
spotzoikiki: Only trouble with the regions is then we're not narrowed enough for the next question19:54
oikikiyou could ask to specify19:54
oikikiit could be region:country19:55
oikikithen minority yes (specify) /no /prefer not to say19:55
spotzWell we already are asking what country they reside in. We pulled out what country were you born in19:56
cmurphycountry or region you're from does not really say anything about your ethnicity19:56
oikikiwhile that's true, that list makes me feel really uncomfortable19:57
cmurphyi can tell you i'm from the us west coast but that doesn't give any information about what racial barriers i have if any19:57
fungiand conversely, your ethnicity is often defined relative to the country in context19:57
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oikikibut that is what teh next question asks19:57
oikikiDo you identify as a member of a racial/ethnic minority in the country where you currently reside?19:58
oikikiand allow people to specify19:58
oikikibc the list that's there now is not great19:58
fungiyeah, maybe we just pull out the ethnicity question? does it get us anything useful in a global context which the combination of country of residence and local minority status doesn't?19:59
oikikilocal minority status with option to describe is what im rooting for19:59
oikikiand i think the list as it stands will get skipped or people just clicking other or feeling weird20:00
fungiDo you identify as a member of a racial/ethnic minority in the country where you currently reside? no, yes but prefer not to say, yes (freeform answer)20:01
spotzfungi Well we won't have any information in regards to ethnicity which we've been lackiut there is gender diversityng. Allw e ever really put o20:01
cmurphythere are a few different axes here, local minority as well as a minority within tech/open source/openstack20:01
cmurphyi think we care about both20:01
oikikiyes i think those two questions should remain20:01
fungii think the point is that the idea of "ethnicity" is relative not global. a global list of ethnicities may be hard to source20:01
cmurphythat's true20:02
spotzI'm open for alternatives, that's the great part of using an ethrepad20:02
oikikiagreed fungi. if you ask these questions you have to be prepared for how people outside the us will respond and whether or not it will be useful20:02
spotzWe're 2 minutes over, but we've been sitting with these in various places for at least 2 months so it'd be nice to get things finalized again and out20:03
spotzFeel free to keep going gonna close the meeting out20:03
*** openstack changes topic to "Etherpad for Diversity WG Forum ideas - Diversity Survey draft -"20:03
fungithanks spotz!20:03
openstackMeeting ended Mon Jun  4 20:03:42 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)20:03
openstackMinutes (text):
fungiyeah, given oikiki's prompting, i think i'm leaning toward dropping the ethnicity question if we can make the racial minority question optionally open-ended20:04
fungiasking non-americans to slot themselves into americentric ideas of ethnicity could be downright insulting20:04
spotzI don't think there's an issue doing that except for dealing with the data on the other side though I think CHAOSS is willing to help20:05
oikikiid also make the openstack minority question be openended20:05
oikikibc it's an opp to discover how people are really feeling about the community20:05
fungithat's an excellent point. knowing whether people feel marginalized within our community, irrespective of their situation at home, is probably what we're going for20:07
oikikiCan I ask what we're looking for in this question:20:12
oikikiHow often do you interact with OpenStack community members?20:12
fungii'm not entirely sure what the goal was with that question, but since it lacked actual options i added some as a straw man20:14
oikikii was just htinking that that question might not be revealing enough without asking whether the people they interacted wtih were at their own company or not20:14
oikikibc people might interact with openstackers daily bc they work at X company, but rarely deal with any other stackers because ____20:15
fungii wonder how we could rephrase that to indicate contact with other members of the openstack community who aren't coworkers (except in cases like mine, i consider the other members of the community with whom i spend most of my day communicating to be my actual coworkers, as i have much more regular contact with them than with people who happen to be employed at the same organization i am)20:20
oikikicould add another question immediately after with checkboxes ex: are they: coworkers, other openstackers (or something less clumsy)20:22
spotzI think the intent on that is to try to determine if people are communicating/interacting an20:22
oikikiwhat about are the interactions with: mostly coworkers - coworkers and other openstackers - non-coworkers/other openstackers20:24
oikikifungi ^^20:26
oikikiI also think that it would be great to add something about the OpenStack code of conduct and contact info if people think that they've experienced something inappropriate.20:32
oikikior will that be in the intro to the survey, spotz?20:33
spotzoikiki: I think we could send out a blast(reminder) not sure it needs to go out with this20:34
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