Tuesday, 2017-12-19

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spotzWell if doodle starts responding we'll have a new poll to pick our meetings:(16:37
cdentthanks for the signal boost spotz16:50
spotzcdent You're welcome. I think we've been having some really good, creative, and condusive discussions on the most likely change to the one year cycle. And everyone has an honest say in it16:52
cdentI hope we can keep the level of dialog up, or at least least bring it back up once 2018 starts16:54
spotzcdent I think more mails will trickle in over the holidays, enough to keep it going until everyone is back18:40
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ildikovspotz: ping19:49
spotzildikov: pong20:02
ildikovspotz: I was on a CHAOSS call recently and the diversity report we had with Bitergia came up there20:18
ildikovspotz: we have a new repo for diversity and participation and they will move the survey then20:18
ildikovspotz: I wanted to ask whether you would be interested to have a chat with them at a certain point as they are interested in metrics and the method of running surveys like this as well20:19
spotzildikov: Ok. A know aprice found the results not sure if she's figured out how to seperate out the confidential information in it to distribute20:19
ildikovspotz: and as we started to look into this topic again I thought it might be an opportunity for some joint activities20:19
spotzildikov: Yeah definitely if we can get a coheisive set of data even if everyone also collects some specific data we'd have a better picture of diversity in open source20:20
ildikovspotz: I think they are moving more the questions and methods into CHAOSS and interested in chatting about these20:20
ildikovspotz: yeah, agreed20:20
spotzildikov: Yeah but this group needs the old data to make decisions gooing forward:)20:20
ildikovspotz: ah, ok, I thought you meant to move the data too :)20:21
spotzildikov: depending on confidentiality we might be able to add it in, but unknown on that right now:)20:22
ildikovspotz: if you would be interested in collaborating I can connect you with some of the CHAOSS folks on this topic and then we will see where things move20:22
spotzildikov: Sounds good. I definitely enjoyed the sessions at Open Source summit they held20:22
ildikovspotz: no worries, and also no rush, I just wanted to check on the possible collaboration option20:23
ildikovspotz: I will drop a mail and then we can move forward from there20:23
spotzildikov: I'll send out a new doodle tonight to get a regular meeting scheduled. Then I figured we could discuss  a few of the old questions each meeting until we have a new survey to send out20:23
ildikovspotz: I'm thinking to do it after the holidays though as people started to become absent already20:24
spotzHopefully before Vancouver but definitely before Berlin20:24
ildikovspotz: will figure it out :)20:24
ildikovI think it's ok to chew on the questions a bit rather than rush the whole thing20:24
spotzildikov: I figured we'll leave it out there for a while. It's a 2 week long survey just really to figure out even/odd, day and time20:24
ildikovso I like the timeline20:25
ildikovyeah, for Doodle it makes sense to leave it open a bit and remind people a couple of times...20:25
spotzAnd I'll put it in the channel topic as well20:26
ildikov+1, that's a good idea20:30

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