Friday, 2024-03-01

*** Kyle is now known as Guest152319:23
Guest1523So I'm new to the whole world diskimage creation (with a background in using containers and deploying with k8s), and I've succeeded (in that not very difficult task) of using diskimage_builder to give me a debian image. Great. What I'm looking to do is add a locally built executable (it's a single file) to the image, and then configure systemd to run it (I believe meaning having a file added to /etc/systemd/system/). Sho19:42
Guest1523* It wasn't obvious to me if I needed custom elements to do it.19:43
clarkbyour first message cut off after "/etc/systemd/system/). Sho" due to irc message length limits19:45
clarkbBut yes you should write an element to do that19:45
clarkbThe element can copy or build the executable then drop a systemd unit file into place19:46
clarkbthe simple-init element may be a good example of that (though I think the unit files may come out of the glean repo)19:47
clarkbya the glean-install command installs the unit files after glean gets installed into the image19:48
clarkbas an alternative you may be able to use the containerfile element to build your image then have BUILD steps in there to add your unit and executable. I don't know of any examples of that though19:49
Guest1523sounds good, I appreciate the advice!19:49

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