Wednesday, 2019-06-05

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lchabertHi everyone, i'm a new user of DIB et i have some questions concerning the build workflow. Is it possible to create two partitions, install one debian on partition one, et another os on partition 2. On partition 2, i need to install a small rescue linux distribution14:57
lchaberti can't find any pointer concerning this behaviour14:58
clarkblchabert: it is possible to set up multiple partitions but the os elements assume the own the whole diskimage I think15:06
clarkbso you may need to write a new os element that doesnt assume that15:06
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lchabertand with a custom element, is it possible to install another os to this second partition ?19:01
clarkbit should be19:05
clarkbbut the element will have to drive all of that19:06
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lchabertdrive all of that == make installation of the second os ?19:16
lchabertthe rescue OS is a minimal OS, pearhaps a busybox, "easy" to install in theorie19:17
clarkbyes do the installation19:25
lchabertif my dev is successfull, are you interested for a PR ?19:33
clarkbwouldnt hurt to see if a recovery type image is useful to others19:39
clarkbianw may have thoughts too but his day doesnt start for a few morehours19:39
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KermitHermitHi, all.20:49
KermitHermitI have problem with Fedora-29. By default it use NetworkManager.20:50
KermitHermitI disabled NetworkManager and enable network-scripts in post-install.d/20:50
KermitHermitBut when cloud-init-local started - i got error. " Unable to find a system nic"
KermitHermitAfter restart cloud-init-local and networks scripts - all work... Why cloud-init-local didn't find nic?20:51
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ianwlchabert: yeah, partitions are possible; you can look inside even at things like how EFI sets up separate partitions.  it seems an element could install really whatever it wants ... i think the trick would be getting it into the grub menu21:51
ianwKermitHermit: i'm a afraid i don't have much experience with cloud-init; we use glean in openstack infra; and we recently switched to using NetworkManager over network-scripts too21:53
KermitHermitianw: Sad. Thank for you answer anyway.23:04
ianwKermitHermit: could you use networkmanager?  i thought it was going to be a big pain but it actually was fine23:08
ianwwe moved when network-scripts was split out to be not required; figured that was the writing on the wall that it ain't coming back :)23:08
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