Monday, 2017-06-19

ianwhmm, fdisk does an fsync on the file and a sync()00:00
ianwsync(3)                                = 000:00
ianwclose(3)                                = 000:01
ianwwrite(1, "Syncing disks.\n", 15)        = 1500:01
ianwsync()                                  = 000:01
ianwi think we'd do well to replicate that00:01
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Sync after writing partition table
ianwrm_work / johnsom: ^ with the benefit of hindsight, this does seem like a more likely cause ...00:37
johnsomThe other thought I had was to add a small retry loop here.00:40
ianwyeah, that seems a bit non-deterministic like a sleep() ... i'm more convinced about the sync() but still odd afaik we've never seen it once in any of our functional or nodepool tests, nor the infra builders hit it00:46
ianwoh dear ... debian has released00:48
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Install systemd earlier for strech
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Install systemd earlier for Stretch
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Install systemd earlier for Stretch
ianwok, next problem for today, nb03 is full04:48
ianw$ mount | wc -l04:49
ianwoh dear ... it's a mess04:49
ianwi'm rebooting it ... it's too far gone with 50 loop devices04:52
ianwok, it's building again with free space05:02
rm_workthanks for continuing to look at this issue05:05
rm_workthat seems sane, just need the gate issue to resolve and then recheck i guess ;P05:07
ianwrm_work: the gate should be fixed.  i tried using a depends-on but it didn't seem to work with the octavia job?05:15
ianwi couldn't see the sync call being made05:16
ianwthe global gate should be working i mean05:16
ianwdib is going to require the debian fix
ianwnot sure if anyone has an opinion on that05:16
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ianwandreas-f: hmm, i'm not sure it's that different.  it pulls in sysv-init via package-installs anyway06:19
rm_workyeah i meant for to merge, it's going to need the gate issue resolved and then a recheck ;P06:22
ianwrm_work: yeah, the nodepool builder hit that problem too06:42
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Sync after writing partition table
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Sync after writing partition table
ianwyolanda: ^07:14
yolandaianw, just one change there?07:15
ianwoh, sorry, i just rebased that on 475206 which hasn't changed07:16
ianwjust so they can go into the gate in order07:16
yolandaok looking07:16
yolandahow is 475203 related to 475206?07:23
ianwit's not, just that it needs to go in to un break the gate07:31
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amaraoHello. I'm trying to migrate from dib 1.x to dib 2.6.0 and I found that after repackaging it as a deb-file (with same scripts) diskimage-create no longer works: disk-image-create11:28
amaraobash: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/diskimage_builder/lib/disk-image-create: No such file or directory. Where this file should come from?11:28
ianwamarao: the file layout has changed somewhat, deb packages would need to be updated11:49
amaraoYes, and I'm trying to understand what need to be changed.11:50
ianwhowever, it should all install correctly from with entry points, so really the package doesn't need to do much11:50
ianwamarao: see some of the comments in
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amaraook, thanks, I'd try to sort out it. Virtualenv as 'must do' is not look promising though...11:53
ianwamarao: it should actually be a lot easier.  "disk-image-create" should be in lib/ relative to where "import diskimage_builder" is ... you can see we just exec it in
ianwergo, " install" just works11:57
ianwi would reccommend a virtualenv approach, really, but some people don't ... infra install directly for example on nodepool builders11:58
amaraoWe are very oldschool and software should be packaged, and packaging should be scripted in CI server.11:58
amaraoapt-get install python-diskimage-builder.11:58
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ianwthat's fine ... dh_python should "just work" ... nothing fancy going on11:59
amaraoUnfortunately it doesn't. That why I'm trying to figure out what happens.12:00
amarao    dh $@ --buildsystem=python_distutils --with python12:00
amaraoThat's the main part. Plus few quirks to remove .eggs from source tree (after clean) and removal of *.pyc files. That's all.12:01
ianwonly thing i can think is that diskimage_builder/lib doesn't have an __init__.py12:03
ianwhave you got a package i can see?12:03
ianwamarao: oh, i assume you're using something based on
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ianwi don't have time right now, but i can take a look later, i'd think using pybuild as a first step, it can also build 2&3 packages (python3 pretty well tested) and i wouldn't be surprised if distutils gets something wrong12:15
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Install systemd earlier for Stretch
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Sync after writing partition table
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prometheanfireand amarao is gone :|18:12
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: DNM, Revert "Sync after writing partition table"
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ianwmmedvede: is it the stretch release?21:06
ianwrm_work / johnsom : ^^ things looking better with the sync calls in?21:06
johnsomToo early to tell I think.  We haven't been running a lot of jobs yet today, but some have gone in recently21:08
ianwok, fingers crossed21:08
ianwbecause i'm pretty low on other ideas of what it is ATM :)21:09
mmedvedeianw: not sure what is causing the failure I am seeing. Wasn't the latest patch. It looks like there is no /etc/modprobe.d dir now when the 15-cleanup-debootstrap is called21:14
mmedvedeit being the stretch release is a good guess21:15
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