Thursday, 2016-12-15

ianwpabelanger: ok ... i seem to get a completely silent hang presumably when it's hitting the initrd00:04
ianwbooting with initrd commented out fails with no root disk, so that's something00:04
pabelangerianw: something indeed00:22
ianwok, i can get into an emergency console00:28
ianwi'm wondering if it can't see the root disk00:28
ianwthere's no sda in /dev00:28
ianwoh, no, vda i guess00:28
pabelangerianw: nice00:30
ianwmount /dev/vda1 ... "unknown file system type ext4"00:31
ianwthat can't be good00:31
ianwok, compared to an initramfs for existing boots, we're missing a ton of modules, including ext400:42
pabelangerbad build?00:45
greghaynessounds like the dracut failed hard00:55
greghaynesthere may be some info in the build logs about it, or we may need to make dracut more verbose00:56
ianwdracut runs i guess just as part of the rpm post install00:56
greghaynessounds right00:57
greghaynesI cant remember if we do an explicit initramfs-update or w/e the command is00:57
ianwok, after regenerating it, guess what ... all modules seem to be there01:06
greghaynesso I wonder if theres a package ordering problem or somesuch01:07
greghayneslike maybe we install whatever runs dracut before the kernel modules01:07
ianwwell the kernel modules are part of the kernel package01:08
greghaynesalthough, we install the kernel package from outside the chroot I think01:08
ianwi wonder if we're getting tight on disk during the build01:17
ianwwell, somewhat reproducable, i can make dracut generate a initrd without ext401:42
ianwwhy .. that's another question :)01:42
ianwok, i think i know what's going on ... dracut looks for fstab and without it, at the time we install the kernel, it doesn't probe / and decide it wants to include ext4 modules02:27
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Recreate initramfs within loopback image
ianwgreghaynes pabelanger: ^ so i get a bootable image with that06:42
ianwi haven't got a change to test it will a full infra build; pabelanger if you get time to try building & booting that would be awesome06:42
ianwi'm gonna think on it a bit ... i'd love to root cause it as to why it worked before.  it actually seems like it shouldn't06:43
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openstackgerritAndrey Shestakov proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix dhcp-all-interfaces for ubuntu-minimal xenial
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pabelangerianw: greghaynes: of course, I need to shave the yak first to see why I can't even build the centos-7 image now using that review13:59
pabelanger/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (C.UTF-8)14:06
pabelangerdid we update locales again for centos?14:06
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pabelangergreghaynes: ianw: so, after much raging, I found the locale issue.15:33
pabelangerI had LANG=C for my build host15:34
pabelangerwhich is passed into the chrrot15:34
pabelangershockingly we don't clear all variables for the chroot15:35
pabelangergoing to hack on that adding, env -i and see what breaks in a bit15:35
pabelangerafter I finally test 41113015:35
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pabelangerianw: did not work:
pabelangerentered emergency mode16:20
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cineramahey folks17:10
greghaynescinerama: hey!17:24
cineramathanks! been traveling a bit and then trapped in many meetings17:24
greghaynessounds like fun :)17:25
cineramatraveling yes, comment :)17:27
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Recreate initramfs within loopback image
pabelangerianw: greghaynes: ^ first issue, naming it .sh doesn't actually make it run in finalise.d, for what ever reason17:37
pabelangerrebuilding image now that code ran17:38
greghaynesI thought dib only would care if its set +x17:49
greghaynesits been a while since I looked at that code though17:49
pabelangernot sure, no time to shave that yak17:53
greghayneswow so the big question I have is - is this a change in dracut behavior?17:53
pabelangeronce I confirm the fix for 411130, I'll poke at it17:53
greghayneswhere it used to just load in a bunch of modules17:53
greghaynessounds like maybe we werent running in hostonly mode before17:55
pabelangerya, not sure17:55
greghaynesany idea where the code that actually runs dracut is? I assume in some rpm source17:56
greghayneswould be nice to check the commit log there17:56
pabelangernot sure, ianw did the heavy lifting last night17:56
pabelangerbut once I confirm the fix, will help dig into why it broke17:57
greghaynesawesome, thanks17:57
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Create ubuntu/fedora test for pip-and-virtualenv
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: DNM: Fixups for block device patch
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add multi partition func test
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add multi partition func test
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Recreate initramfs within loopback image
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ianwpabelanger: ahh, cool20:17
ianwsorry, my testing consisted of manually stopping it and doing that call in a bash shell.  i just put it into a script for the review20:17
ianwgreghaynes: i'll examine the logs a little more in a bit; i think it's also running in "host only mode" in the bad version too20:18
greghaynesianw: I think thats the issue, I assume that beforehand it was not running in host-only-mode20:47
ianwgreghaynes: i wonder if dumping a config file might be able to make it run in generic mode always.  that seems a lot safer, at the cost of some size i guess20:59
greghaynesyep, exactly21:01
pabelangergreghaynes: ianw: any reason not to gzip the tarball? was thinking of adding support for tgz output, so I can get a gzip + checksum all together21:13
greghaynespabelanger: that sounds fine to me21:14
pabelangerk, will poke at it21:14
ianwwhat tarball?21:25
greghaynesianw: I think -t tar21:25
ianwohh, ok21:25
pabelangerwant to add both tar and tgz21:27
pabelangergoing head deep into this container thing21:28
greghaynespabelanger: last time I did that I came out with 'we really should make a root.d cache'21:29
greghaynesand then didnt really finish the idea21:29
pabelangerya, that would speed up things a little21:30
greghaynesheh, in my testing it was a ton21:30
pabelangerI'm doing a talk in about dib + ansible. Hope to show people it's a better way to do builds, without touching a Dockerfile21:33
ianwgreghaynes: so dracut has shipped with a conf file that puts it in "hostonly" mode for a long time22:48
ianwwe previously must have been kicking it *out* of hostonly mode somehow22:48
greghaynesI wonder if theres something in the rpm that might pass the non hostonly arg?22:52
ianwi think i see it23:05
ianwi think it's a bug in findmnt23:05
ianwif anyone needs me, i'll just be over here going down this rabbit hole :)23:06
greghayneshaha, gl23:06

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