Monday, 2023-09-04

jangutterhi folks, I'm seeing a zuul buildset disappear completely from the check queue, with no notification: I tried a few rechecks and it's still doing this.12:09
opendevreviewIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/election master: Add template for CIVS opt-in
fricklerjangutter: answered in #openstack-infra, just as a note for other people reading this, please try to avoid crossposting14:08
jangutterthanks, apologies!14:11
*** whoami-r- is now known as whoami-rajat15:54
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Some Gerrit changes that update Zuul configuration may fail with no response from Zuul. A fix is in progress.20:05
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit changes with updates to Zuul's configuration should now be handled correctly. Recheck any changes to Zuul configuration which did not report results.22:37

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