Monday, 2023-05-15

NiharI have deployed Openstack Zed and Looks like neutron doesn't populate to designate (
NiharSteps:  Check that the subnet-dns-publish-fixed-ip Neutron extension is enabled.15:11
NiharHow do I enable this extension to neutron ? 15:12
johnsomNihar Hi, there are two documents you will want to reference for neutron:15:15
johnsomThe first one will talk about where to enable neutron extensions in the ml2 plugin15:15
Nihar[ml2] extension_drivers = port_security,dns_domain_ports --> IS still enabled but the records are not getting created 15:18
NiharSteps:  Check that the subnet-dns-publish-fixed-ip Neutron extension is enabled.  Create the zone “” in Designate.  Create a network, providing the dns_domain of “”, that we will use for the Nova instance.  Create a subnet on the network with dns_publish_fixed_ip set to True.  Create the Nova instance, with name “server” and a NIC on the network.  Verify the DNS recordset was created in the Designate zone.15:19
NiharHow do I make sure " Check that the subnet-dns-publish-fixed-ip Neutron extension is enabled"15:19
johnsomI think neutron will log it when it is enabled15:20
NiharI don't see any log. I just need a way what section in the neutron.conf I should add to have it enabled 15:21
johnsomAs the first document I linked mentions, it does not go in the neutron.conf, it is configured in the ml2 plugin. Here is an example:
Niharextension_drivers = port_security,qos,tag_ports_during_bulk_creation,uplink_status_propagation,dns_domain_keywords15:26
Niharso I need to append subnet_dns_publish_fixed_ip to extension_drivers ?15:27
johnsomMake sure you only have one "dns" extension enabled at a time.15:28
NiharThis is how I have configured.15:30
Niharmechanism_drivers = linuxbridge extension_drivers = port_security,dns,subnet_dns_publish_fixed_ip15:30
Niharlooks good ?15:30
johnsom"dns" is not a neutron extension as far as I know. I think you want "dns_domain_ports"15:33
johnsomAh, it is one, but still, you probably want dns_domain_ports15:35
NiharBoth are extensions actually.. 15:35
Niharsure.. 15:35
NiharProblem is fixed.. Thanks Jon. A beer from mine... Many thanks 15:43
NiharThe reverse lookup works fine. What I need to do to get forwardzone working 15:46
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