Thursday, 2023-04-13

*** Trevor is now known as Guest1078600:46
vvr-plv_Hello, I would like to implement 3rd party CI for testing Gerrit review. Can I ask a few questions? Maybe someone can answer or tell which channel is better to choose.09:27
fricklervvr-plv: this channel should be fine for starters, depending on the scope of the question #opendev also might be helpful09:56
vvr-plvfrickler: thanks, I would like to verify these reviews and It related to support of Napatech Smart NIC. I have setup of two servers directly connected via this Smart NIC and I have a pipeline to deploy DevStack on this setup. But I am looking for list of Tempest tests should I run. I have answer about at least this groups: 10:03
vvr-plvTempest smoke tests; Network API tests; compute API tests; network basic ops; live migration. Will these tests be enough?10:03
fricklervvr-plv: that's more like a question for the neutron and nova team I'd say. will you run zuul for your CI or something else? what you are writing sounds like manual testing only10:06
vvr-plvfrickler: It is also my question. I ain't clearly understand how to work with zuul. I will have a public server in cloud to share links to results. And I would to display it like here for example Will I need to run zuul server on my network for this?10:25
vvr-plvfrickler: I will ask neutron and nova teams about test list.10:26
fricklervvr-plv: you could set up zuul on the same server that hosts the result logs, but yes, that would usually be required for a 3rd party CI (or a similar solution like jenkins)11:12
vvr-plvfrickler: but how it generally works? I run tests and save results to public server. How can I share it to Gerrit review? I saw section start zuul here but I can't understand how it works.11:18
fricklervvr-plv: oh, I think that doc is very outdated, we should likely remove it. the general idea is that zuul will listen to events from gerrit and act on some of them, like if a new patchset is submitted. zuul then also has a function to submit results back to gerrit12:11
frickler is a good introduction, though in particular the zuul configuration will need some tweaking when being used as a 3rd party CI12:11
vvr-plvfrickler: thanks, I'll check the link13:34
*** Trevor is now known as Guest1091120:15

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