Wednesday, 2022-06-08

*** jpena|off is now known as jpena07:30
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/governance master: Define Emerging technology and inactive projects framework
ustrinHi all, I'm trying to follow to propose a small patch for an open bug, but I'm getting permission denied from I uploaded an ssh key and signed the ICLA, am I missing something else?14:07
*** whoami-rajat__ is now known as whoami-rajat14:16
fricklerustrin: if you are using a recent openssh version, RSA keys will not work, try with ECDSA or similar instead15:31
ustrinfrickler: figured it out, thanks. turns out I had no username (??), I was using my login email address and that's the wrong thing15:32
fricklerustrin: ah, yes, that's described in , maybe we should be more explicit and mention that this should be a "real" username like a unix login and not an email address15:35
fricklerbut great that you got it working anyway15:35
ustrinfrickler: the problem was I blasted right through that screen without filling in anything, and apparently a username is not mandatory :D15:37
*** whoami-rajat__ is now known as whoami-rajat15:38
fricklerustrin: afaict it is necessary only for the ssh access, if you only want to do reviews via the web interface, you in fact don't need one16:28
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:49

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