Thursday, 2022-05-12

*** diablo_rojo_phone is now known as Guest45802:44
*** Guest458 is now known as diablo_rojo_phone08:03
*** tweining|off is now known as tweining08:12
*** jpena|off is now known as jpena09:44
fungianeeeshp1: what sort of "open infrastructure foundation account" are you asking about? for the ccla, a legal representative/officer of your organization needs to fill out and submit the form linked from but as far as i'm aware that's all there is to it12:09
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:21
aneeeshp1fungi: Thank you for the clarification. That helps.18:09
fungiif you have more questions about it, i can put you in touch with the people who can answer specifics. i'm on the staff of the openinfra foundation, but i don't oversee the ccla process18:10
aneeeshp1fungi: will get in touch with you if more questions arise. Thank you.18:11
fungiyou're welcome!18:12

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