Wednesday, 2022-01-05

jpichi all, any idea why I can't loging to opendev? getting redirected to,SIGN_IN,Contact+site+administrator09:32
jpicsame on chromium and firefox ...09:34
fricklerjpic: did you change the email address on your launchpad account?09:35
jpicI don't think so09:35
jpiclogging in to launchpad actually works, I just created an issue09:35
jpicnope, same email on launchpad09:36
fricklerjpic: is that also your gerrit username?09:36
fricklerlet me take a look on the server09:38
jpicthank you deeply09:39
fricklerjpic: seems that there are two gerrit accounts with your email address. it would be great if you could join the #opendev channels, I'll need to check with some other admins how we can possibly resolve this, but that'll be in a couple of hours only09:43
jpicoh really thanks!09:44
fricklerehm, s/channels/channel/, one is enough ;)09:46
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