Tuesday, 2021-12-28

*** diablo_rojo_phone is now known as Guest944002:31
MathisHello everyone, I'm writing an extension for neutron port, I can see my extension in extensions list but unfortunatly there is no field related to my extension in port object. 08:55
MathisIs someone faced the same problem ?08:55
yuvalHello, I am new here09:50
yuvalI would be happy to discuss someone about third party CI development10:02
MathisHello !10:45
hgy_Helloļ¼Œcould I ask a question?14:02
hgy_In CentOS8, Do I need replace NetworkManager with network-scripts14:02
hgy_I saw that someone said NetowrkManager will have some confilt with openstack network14:02

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