Tuesday, 2021-12-21

qinhaizhongI noticed that the neutron-fwaas project has been deprecated,bug the firewall project is a necessary function when the project is delivered. The lack of firewall function after switching OVN is not acceptable to customers. We intend to maintain this project and develop the fwaas driver based on ovn. Whether the neutron-fwaas project can be reactivated, What should I do ?03:04
fricklerqinhaizhong: you should discuss this with the neutron team in #openstack-neutron. however most people will be away due to end of year holidays for the next two weeks or so, so don't expect a fast response05:42
fricklerqinhaizhong: there was also a mail sent on this topic to the discuss mailing linst. sending HTML-only mails doesn't get many people to read it, though, please try to use text-only mails instead05:44
qinhaizhongfrickler: Got it, thank you05:48
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qinhaizhongfrickler: I discuss with the neutron team about revive neutron-fwaas, they give me suggestion " revive project in the x/ namespace first", but they didn't how to operate,and suggest me ask openstack-dev for help.12:17
qinhaizhongfrickler: I discuss with the neutron team about revive neutron-fwaas, they give me suggestion " revive project in the x/ namespace first", but they don't know how to operate,and suggest me ask openstack-dev for help12:18
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