Thursday, 2021-12-02

*** efried1 is now known as efried09:48
*** whoami-rajat__ is now known as whoami-rajat14:00
opendevreviewRico Lin proposed openstack/governance master: Add project health check tool
lbragstadgmann don't we have an RBAC meeting now?16:06
gmannlbragstad: let me check, I think it was 2 hr from now ?16:07
gmann18 UTC16:07
gmannor I miss-calculated the time?. It is 16 UTC now?16:07
lbragstadnevermind - my calendar is screwed16:09
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky16:17
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Updating the Yoga testing runtime
*** priteau is now known as Guest738816:38
*** priteau_ is now known as priteau16:38
opendevreviewLance Bragstad proposed openstack/governance master: Address followup comments to secure RBAC community goal

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