Tuesday, 2014-02-11

Alexei_987lifeless: just like we do now in openstack :)00:00
lifelessAlexei_987: exatly; we need to be better at fixing the source00:00
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lifelessAlexei_987: btw if you're interested - background on subunit v2 starts here http://rbtcollins.wordpress.com/2013/02/14/time-to-revise-the-subunit-protocol/00:00
Alexei_987lifeless: I vote for JSON00:01
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lifelessAlexei_987: given the amount of content there, its pretty clear you didn't read the real-world lessons learnt around that.00:01
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Alexei_987lifeless: Ok ok I just like JSON ;)00:02
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lifelessAlexei_987: I'm planning on doing a trace-into-json filter at some point for human reading of streams00:02
lifelessAlexei_987: I like JSON too00:02
lifelessAlexei_987: its just not suitable for machine->machine transfer over possibly noisy channels00:02
StevenKlifeless: oopstools and BSON says hi00:03
Alexei_987lifeless: not sure that I understand what "possibly noisy channels" means00:03
lifelessStevenK: o/00:03
Alexei_987we have TCP, no?00:03
lifelessAlexei_987: no00:03
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lifelessAlexei_987: test backends have a nasty habit of writing crap to their pipes without warning00:04
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Alexei_987ah.. I see what you mean00:04
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lifelessAlexei_987: so I think the CatFiles result in subunit.test_results is sufficient00:04
Alexei_987lifeless: however I still think that we should fix nosiness instead of protocol00:05
lifelessAlexei_987: for gatherer above00:05
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lifelessAlexei_987: I spent /years/ doing that.00:05
lifelessAlexei_987: I welcome you joining the battle.00:05
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Alexei_987we could use some message queue for that (zeroMQ)00:05
Alexei_987it would be good for splitting stuff between workers00:05
Alexei_987and avoid any noise related crap00:05
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lifelessAlexei_987: then the crap from the runner is lost (bad) or out of sequeunce with whatever test ran (also bad)00:06
Alexei_987it's not lost00:06
Alexei_987it's just messed up with other crap00:06
lifelessAlexei_987: if you dont' capture stdout it is00:06
Alexei_987you capture it00:06
Alexei_987you just don't use the same pipe for internal communication00:06
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Alexei_987so you have message queue as a command/result channel00:07
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lifelessalso runs into issues with runners that internally fork/exec00:07
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lifelessI can certainly see running subunit on an out of band pipe00:07
lifelessits designed to permit that00:07
Alexei_987actually we don't have to fork00:07
lifelesshaven't done the glue for it yet though00:07
Alexei_987to use zeroMQ for example00:07
lifelessAlexei_987: /we/ don't - there are runners out there that do00:07
lifelessAlexei_987: e.g. zope.testrunner.00:07
Alexei_987so what?00:08
Alexei_987it just connects to proper listener and sends messages00:08
Alexei_987I mean that we can have 1 master process that runs a results collector00:08
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Alexei_987+ X worker processes that just share an endpoint for that queue00:09
lifelesssure, the demultiplexor00:09
lifelesstestr :)00:09
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beginguys, can you help me to understand a little bit more python with that piece of code: self.conn_timeout = float(conf.get('conn_timeout', 0.5))?00:11
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Alexei_987lifeless: coming back to unittest issue. If you'll check unittest.loader you'll see that there is no way to get to error message without actually calling test method00:12
lifelessAlexei_987: yes, I know. That why I opened the issue upstream00:12
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Alexei_987do you have any ideas of how it should be fixed?00:13
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lifelessAlexei_987: a few possibilities - a kwarg to the load methods to ask them to return errors as a separate thing to the found tests00:13
lifelessAlexei_987: or make a defined, stable marker on the returned tests (e.g. a specific class and attributes that can be reliably introspected)00:14
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Alexei_987lifeless: how do you can actually submit a pull request there?00:15
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lifelessAlexei_987: just a patch in the bug tracker there usually, unless you have commit access00:17
Alexei_987lifeless: ah I found guide00:17
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bknudsonI'm a little worried that the keystoneclient module docs are not being updated...00:20
bknudsonshows "Last updated on Mon Mar 18"00:20
jamielennoxbknudson: i've got no idea how that works00:23
jamielennoxbknudson: i don't even think most of the stuff in docs is published00:23
bknudsonjamielennox: what do you mean not published?00:24
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jamielennoxbknudson: well i'm not sure where they go - but more i know that i went at one point to update the middleware architecture document in keystoneclient and was told not to bother because it was so far behind the one in keystone00:24
bknudsonjamielennox: the main page is up to date -- http://docs.openstack.org/developer/python-keystoneclient/index.html00:25
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bknudsonsays        Last updated on Mon Feb 3 03:07:36 201400:26
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bknudsonjamielennox: that would be a strange thing to not update the documentation because it's too far out of date?00:26
jamielennoxok, well middleware architecture is not linked there then00:27
bknudsonseems like if it's out of date is exactly the time to update it.00:27
bknudsonjamielennox: I submitted a change to add the link to the middleware arch doc.00:27
jamielennoxbknudson: more like it's worth just a wholesale sync from keystone - it belongs in client00:27
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jamielennoxbknudson: yea, i've seen a few of your doc changes - i don't know how to test them though00:27
bknudsonand get it in sync with keystone00:27
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gyeejamielennox, I really like the way you handle multiple methods in the plugin impl00:28
bknudsonjamielennox: tox -e venv python setup.py build_sphinx00:28
jamielennoxgyee: yea, i think thats cool00:28
gyeejamielennox, do we need one for the ADMIN token?00:28
bknudsonjamielennox: then look in doc/build/html/index.html00:28
gyeeas it is static00:28
gyeeI presume its going to be a simple one, just return the same token on get_token()00:29
jamielennoxgyee: we will need an endpoint/token plugin - but that's not an 'identity' plugin00:29
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jamielennoxbknudson: ok, i will have another look through those00:29
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gyeejamielennox, that would make it usable by middleware00:29
gyeethat 'admin_token' in auth_token middleware is really the static admin token00:30
jamielennoxgyee: true, i haven't covered the endpoint/token case in either of the factories00:30
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gyeejamielennox, I would love to use it for middleware,00:30
gyeein fact, I am going to use it in the s3 and ec2 middleware prototype00:30
jamielennoxi'm not sure if i should allow 'endpoint' to be passed to the identity plugins - i dont *think* there will be a problem with that though00:31
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gyeejamielennox, no need for endpoint00:31
jamielennoxi'm trying to keep them as pure as possible and then they get bastardized by hacks later00:31
gyeejust auth_url00:31
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gyeejamielennox, I'll put up some code for you to look at and you'll see what I mean00:32
jamielennoxthe only case i'm not sure about is if someone passed auth_url + endpoint + user/pass or something00:32
jamielennoxthat would to me mean that you should use auth_url and user/pass for a token, but override what is returned from the catalog with endpoint00:32
gyeejamielennox, essentially I want auth_token to use v3.client or v2.client, based on auth_version00:32
jamielennoxgyee: have you had a look at that yet?00:33
jamielennoxi've been waiting until auth plugins pass and i can do some more discovery work00:33
gyeejamielennox, which one? you make the change already?00:33
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jamielennoxgyee: i mean to converting auth_tokken00:34
gyeejamielennox, I am doing prototyping with s3 and ec3, utilizing the generic signature auth plugin00:35
jamielennoxthe problem i kind of see is that there are two things to discover - which auth plugin to use and which client to use because they don't have to be the same thing00:35
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gyeejamelennox, middleware already know what one to use00:35
gyeejamielennox ^^00:35
jamielennoxgyee: oh?00:35
gyeeI mean middleware already know which API to use00:36
gyeethere's a auth_version parameter00:36
jamielennoxyea, thats true you can set the client to v300:36
Alexei_987lifeless: so what do you think about using zeromq to transport internal data in subunit?00:36
jamielennoxit just only does the actual auth over v200:36
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jamielennoxgyee: as in the middleware auth is only via v200:37
gyeejamielennox, right, that we need to fix00:37
jamielennoxi would like to define as part of auth plugins a from_conf() method or something that would allow creating an auth plugin from a confing set00:37
jamielennoxi want to talk to dtroyer about how that would work though00:37
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jamielennoxsame with exposing command line args00:38
gyeejamielennox, I am thinking about the same thing, have some sort of factory based on conf00:38
lifelessAlexei_987: I've pushed the UI ugliness fix I hadn't gotten around to up to testr trunk.00:38
lifelessAlexei_987: its not as pretty as it can be, but i don't have the time to glue it into the UI layer properly right now.00:38
lifelessAlexei_987: we'll still need the import error stuff in testtools, of course.00:39
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jamielennoxgyee: yep, so i'm just not sure how we go about differentiating v2 vs v3 for that00:39
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jamielennoxgyee: i guess we don't need to for the first pass00:39
gyeejamielennox, either explicitly via auth_version or discover00:39
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jamielennoxgyee: at least to start we will want a v3.Auth.from_conf and a v2.Auth.from_conf and we don't need to discover yet00:40
lifelessAlexei_987: I'd like to see a robust standardised out of band mechanis, sure. I think it needs some design work (and just saying 'ZeroMQ' is not that)00:40
gyeejamielennox, I was thinking get_client(conf)00:40
Alexei_987:) I just wanted to know maybe you have some obvious reasons against it00:41
jamielennoxgyee: we need some top level stuff soon as well00:41
jamielennoxgyee: but everything i've done has been very layered so far, so that if you know you want a v3 auth or client you can create that without doing discovery00:41
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Alexei_987lifeless: Ok I'll keep this in mind and may come back to it a bit later when I'll have time00:41
gyeejamielennox, I love the design!00:41
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jamielennoxgyee: then a generic entry would do discovery and then hand off to the correct factory00:42
gyeejamielennox, I'll go through the code in detail, but I like the direction at the first glance00:42
jamielennoxso we can do a v2 and a v3 from_conf and then later we are going to need a discoverable auth entry point00:42
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jamielennoxgyee: yea, i'm pretty happy with how the AuthMethod stuff worked out in the v3 plugins. I thought it was going to be really ugly.00:43
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jamielennoxbknudson: that AuthMethod stuff is i think what you were talking about the other day as well00:44
gyeejamielennox, we'll probably need to figure out how to facilitate the static admin token later00:44
jamielennoxgyee: i think that one will be trivial00:44
jamielennoxwe have to work it into the factories i guess but other than that00:44
Alexei_987lifeless: I'll update my pull request in the morning . Have a nice day00:44
gyeejamielennox, right00:44
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dstanekstevemar: reviewed01:01
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stevemardstanek, ahoy hoy01:01
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stevemardstanek, fingers crossed01:01
stevemardstanek, d'oh01:02
dstanekstevemar: i really just had a question about user name01:02
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dstanekthe other things i could live with01:02
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stevemardstanek, re: the name bit... i was wondering about this too01:04
stevemardstanek, it's hard because, from the mapping side, i can't enforce that they have a user name mapping, not easily anyway01:04
stevemarand I can't do much about the assertion coming in01:04
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stevemardstanek, generally, it's assumed that the assertion will have some user name concept. but if the mapping rules don't have a rule about transforming SAML name to keystone name... /me shrugs01:06
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dstanekstevemar: you could add a check in there is see if name exists in the user dict01:06
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dstanekstevemar: if it's a requirement then i could deal with it - i'd love to create a patch to add that type of validation01:07
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stevemardstanek, the consequence is that user's name is None, which I think they can handle in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/71353/4/keystone/contrib/federation/controllers.py01:10
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stevemardstanek, it will mean that the issued token has None for the user id :\01:11
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stevemardstanek, initially, i wanted to double check name/id/email in that order, and break if neither was there01:12
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dstanekstevemar: is that something to do in that function?01:21
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stevemardstanek, dolphm said otherwise01:23
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dstanekstevemar: sounds good - i'm going mess with the schema a little01:26
dstanekstevemar: what did you think about the other things? the most incorrect is the docstring ordering01:27
stevemardstanek, go ahead01:27
stevemardstanek, yeah, i can fix those up, they were legit problems01:27
dstanekstevemar: is there tests for the mapping schema?01:28
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stevemardstanek, already merged01:28
stevemardstanek, i need a better way to make sure the error msgs are actually related to the errors i'm testing...01:29
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ayoung-Dadstevemar, dstanek morganfainberg ... I think that I have a path forward for ephemeral tokens and dealing with the Redirects of Federation.  What if we made GET /auth/token  the call that returned a default token...unscoped.  But..and here is the kicker, we make it ephemeral01:30
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ayoung-Dadwe only check it using PKI01:30
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morganfainbergayoung, i like that.01:32
ayoungyeah, me too01:32
ayoungmorganfainberg, and...what if we made it easy to get a scoped token by hitting other urls, like /v3/project/<projecid>/token  ?01:32
ayoungit only will give you a token for $USER01:33
stevemardstanek, i'll make those 2 changes now01:33
stevemardstanek, silly question is there a convention for ordering args?01:33
morganfainbergayoung, huh,01:34
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ayoungmorganfainberg, if you want a scoped token, got to the scope you want in Keystone and say "give me a token, dammit!"01:34
morganfainbergayoung, i'm rolling that around in my head.01:35
morganfainbergayoung, so, you have a defined entry point for your unscoped token01:35
dstanekstevemar: not really..i think it's just what makes sense for the situatio01:35
stevemardstanek, cool01:35
morganfainbergayoung, and then scoped tokens come from the <resource>/token ?01:35
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morganfainbergayoung, it... might just make too much sense, i'm sorry.  it's too intuitive01:35
ayoungmorganfainberg, the only thing that varies on a token is the issued_at time01:35
ayoungand...if it is based on an initial authentication/token auth...they all follow the rules of auth by token...expires_at stays constant01:36
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morganfainbergayoung, i think you need to make it so you ask <resource>/token for the reference that you then repost the entire auth chain to to get the one-time resource that issues the scoped token01:36
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morganfainbergayoung, so unscoped token would allow you to determine the resources / scopes you can use?01:37
ayoungmorganfainberg, as I understand it, the reason we didn't do something like this in the past was that creating a token was considered creating a new resources.  With ephemeral, that is no longer the case01:37
morganfainbergayoung, or is that determined separately?01:37
morganfainbergayoung, and yes, that makes perfect sense (ephemeral vs non)01:37
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morganfainbergand why we do things the way we do01:37
ayoungand a token becomes nothing more than a signed response from Keystone01:37
morganfainbergit does make a number of things easier01:38
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dstanekstevemar: dumb question...where are those tests?01:38
morganfainbergayoung, it would be a drastic departure from current mechanisms01:38
ayoungmorganfainberg, and it makes it easier to sign any random API, too01:38
ayoungmorganfainberg, current mechanisms can still work01:38
morganfainbergayoung, yes, so another extension that applies this logic01:38
morganfainbergayoung, with the eventual goal to make this logic the "correct" approach and deprecate the old logic long term?01:39
ayoungmorganfainberg, just the current controllers, mostly in assignmnet01:39
ayoungI think so.01:39
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morganfainbergayoung, sure. i could get behind that.01:40
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morganfainbergayoung, i'd like to chew on it a bit still, but it seems sound01:40
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ayoungwe can discuss tomorrow01:40
morganfainbergayoung, aye.01:40
morganfainbergayoung, i assume a link for /token would appear for any resource that can sign a scope then.01:40
ayoungmorganfainberg, yeah01:41
morganfainbergsleep + a (i'm sure) lively discussion in IRC will show us how this shakes out01:41
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morganfainbergbut i like it conceptually01:41
ayoungmorganfainberg, really, could be done with an "accepts" header on the resource itself, but deliberate link is probably clearer01:41
morganfainbergayoung, deliberate link, but i wouldn't be opposed to leveraging accepts headers more than we do01:42
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ayoungmorganfainberg, I've been thinking about the token compression.  Sign, then compress makes a lot of sense.   We create an Content_type that indicates that01:43
ayoungapplications/cmsz64 or something01:43
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morganfainbergayoung, sure, though it wouldn't hurt to make each step (that needs to be reversed) detectable from the point it needs to be done01:44
ayoungmorganfainberg, and if that is the case, say we drop the base64 encoding, then the content-type would be01:44
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ayoungI wonder if I should use that as the token prefix insted of {cmsz}01:44
morganfainberghm. sure.01:44
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ayoungits more verbose, but with compression of the rest, it will be far more self-documenting01:45
morganfainbergactually tbh, i'd make it so you unzip it, and it tells you this is cms, you decrypt, it is b64, you unb64, it says json01:45
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morganfainbergayoung, i only say that because it simplifies it and if any one element is dropped out you can always figure out the next step from where you are.01:46
ayoungyeah, I like that01:46
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morganfainbergayoung, it also means the content-type doesn't become application/json+cms+z+b64+keystone_foo+bar+rot1301:47
stevemardstanek, the malicious ones are here: https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/tests/test_v3_federation.py#L53101:47
ayoungmorganfainberg, it doesn't it feel like when you are packing a car on a trip, and you get everything to fit?01:47
morganfainbergayoung, lol01:47
ayoungwhy not rot13?01:47
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stevemardstanek, the mappings are all in https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/tests/mapping_fixtures.py01:47
morganfainbergayoung, dude I rot17 everything01:47
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morganfainbergayoung, i am just thinking from a pipeline perspective, each step is isolated and adds the data it needs to for decoding later.01:48
ayoungrpflex, uluv Z ifk17 vmvipkyzex01:48
morganfainbergayoung, rather than having to pass a dict/list/something through the whole way to track it01:48
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bswartz¬_¬ wrong window...02:03
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morganfainbergthedodd, see i'm over here too ;)02:13
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stevemartopol, late night coding hmmm02:16
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topolstevemar, hey just for the record my test data was generated from real curl examples. I did mix some v2 and v3 calls to generate but it was real results that came in from the curl calls.  I'll send dolph my test script02:19
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topolstevemar, still helping kids with homework. wont start coding for about an hour02:23
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jamielennoxayoung: what happened to public=False on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/6854803:05
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ayoungjamielennox, hrm03:06
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ayoungmusta got messed up in the rebase.  There are too many patches in this series03:06
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jamielennoxayoung: ok, i hadn't gone back through the history i was just looking at the most recent one and tought the idea might have changed03:08
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ayoungjamielennox, so I was thinking that, on the compression thing, it would be good if all of the operations were reflected in the headers03:08
ayoungsomething like03:08
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jamielennoxayoung: what does it give us?03:09
ayoungthen any document can be signed , and you know the content type and tools to use to trnasform it03:09
ayoungjamielennox, it means that if you want to do something different, like, say, leave off base64...03:09
ayoungor use XML03:09
ayoungor a differnt compresssion algo...03:10
ayoungit does mean the header is not a fixed length03:10
jamielennoxi'm not sure it buys us anything - i don't see why anoyone would want to customize that03:10
jamielennoxand it means doing a lot more work on the decode of looking up transformations03:11
jamielennoxif i can ever figure out the pecan problems i like the idea of allowing signed docs via Accept:03:12
jamielennoxbut we will never issue for example an XML token03:12
ayoungI was thinking about signing other things, like revocation event lists03:12
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ayoungit just would map 1 to 1 with content types really cleanly, like03:12
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jamielennoxhmm, so i think maybe and sort of03:13
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jamielennoxi don't think all that needs to go into the content type03:13
jamielennoxyou can pass an X-Encrypt: true header for z03:14
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jamielennox(i made the header name up)03:14
jamielennoxhmm, although i see the problem with that03:14
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ayoungwe can't really do that03:15
ayoungthe token will be encrypted, but the rest of the stream won't be03:15
jamielennoxayoung: i think regarding tokens it doesn't matter03:15
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ayoungactually it isnt X-Encrypt03:15
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ayoungContent-Encoding: gzip03:16
jamielennoxdamnit i've been confusing that all day03:16
ayoungnot an X03:16
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ayoungAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate03:16
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jamielennoxyea, i just didn't know the header to use03:16
jamielennoxanyway for token it doesn't matter03:16
jamielennoxbecause all of this is information regarding the body of a message03:17
jamielennoxand a token is not transmitted in the body03:17
ayoungand the problem with tokens is between the wsgi App and HTTPD03:17
jamielennoxbut it doesn't so much matter because a token is just a blob03:18
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jamielennoxso long as we know what we produced and how to undo that process nothing else needs to really care03:18
ayoungjamielennox, right...so why not include all that info in the header?03:19
ayoungI mean...I am not sure that doing the equivalent of "file" on a Base64 encoded blob would tell us anything.03:20
jamielennoxayoung: so you mean the {...}MII..03:20
ayoungor what you get once you undo that03:20
ayoungActually ,once it is comporessed it won't be MII03:20
ayoungmuch shorter03:20
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jamielennoxtrue, we've swapped ordering03:20
stevemarjamielennox, whats the point of https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/tests/contrib/kds/fixture/__init__.py#L21 ?03:21
stevemaris it used?03:21
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jamielennoxayoung: umm, i just don't know if it's something that people will ever want to customize03:21
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jamielennoxstevemar: well i see what it does, why i did that over just importing each fixture individually i can't recall03:22
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stevemarjamielennox, it's mucking up docs building, so, i might propose to remove it...03:22
stevemarjamielennox, if the tests pass03:23
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jamielennoxstevemar: that's weird - that's a pattern that is used in a number of places and there is nothing really funny about that one03:23
stevemarjamielennox, /me shrugs03:24
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jamielennoxayoung: anyway, i don't see that we get any benefit from the {x+x+x+x} format as everyone just gets a blob - it just seems to add complexity to the decode03:27
jamielennoxalso the {x+x+x} is outside the signed area so i guess it would be possible for someone to screw around with it but i can't see any way they could manipulate it to do something bad03:27
ayoungjamielennox, so...the nice thing about this format is that there is nothing Keystone specific, and certainly not token specific.  It gives us a geneirc way to hand around signed and comporessed data03:27
ayoungonly the signed part is signed.03:28
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jamielennoxayoung: do we need that?03:31
ayoungjamielennox, well, I know gyee wants to continue the practice of signing the revocation list03:31
ayoungnow evets03:31
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ayoungI could see it being a useful abstracting03:32
jamielennoxhmm, that' s right03:32
jamielennoxwith revocation signing though i don't see why we do half of that already03:33
ayoungand...it seems more correct to just see what the operations are on the data anyway03:33
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jamielennoxif you want to get back a signed list you should Accept: x-cms (whatever that content type is)03:33
ayoungjamielennox, thats the thing, the content type is more than just the signature03:34
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jamielennoxi'd prefer to ditch the XML interface over have it customizable03:34
ayoungI mean, yes, compression and encryption can be done at the http layer03:34
ayoungand if you don't need them, you can strip them out03:34
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stevemarlbragstad, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/72530/03:40
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stevemarayoung ^ if not in dad-mode03:40
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ayoungstevemar, good to go03:41
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jamielennoxayoung: ok so theres nothing within CMS for content-type, i didn't think there was but worth checking03:45
ayoungjamielennox,  let the idea bake....I'm not moving on it until after the meeting tomorrowq03:46
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jamielennoxayoung: yea, i have no objection i don't think other that "do we need it" cause it will bring some complexity03:46
ayoungminute amount, with potentially large potential future operations03:46
ayoungand since we need to change the format anyway03:47
ayoung{cmsz} was relly just kindof off the cuff anyway03:47
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jamielennoxayoung: i would just like some more info on these large future operations and whether they are wanted03:47
jamielennoxfrom the client side we have no means of dealing with that sort of thing03:47
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jamielennoxobviously we could, but just what does it buy us03:48
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ayoungjamielennox, what else needs to be confirmed across the network without a round trip?03:49
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ayoungjamielennox, I still don't have an easy way to extract the certificate information without running it through CMS again03:50
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ayoungARGH...rebase mess up///03:52
jamielennoxayoung: signed vs headers are somewhat different though03:53
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jamielennoxanyway can be left for the meeting03:54
jamielennoxi don't think quota should be our problem03:54
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jamielennoxayoung: this is a very quick review if you have a moment: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/7063403:56
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stevemarjamielennox, ahh, they should be wrapped in quotes: __all__ = ['SqliteDb', 'KvsDb']04:01
jamielennoxstevemar: hmm, i'm pretty sure both work - i saw that method somewhere and it seemed to be more explicit04:02
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jamielennoxguess i'll go back to quoting hen04:02
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kashyapharlowja,  (Not sure my previous message appeared, my proxy dropped) Thank you will try in a few. /me still learning the ropes of gerrit-workflow04:14
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topolmorganfainberg, are you still lurking?04:28
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noorulIs there any documentation on how to write keystone plugin outside of keystone repo?04:45
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noorulI see this http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/extension_development.html04:48
noorulbut it explains how to add code in contrib directory. I am looking keeping this plugin outside of keystone soruce repo.04:48
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stevemartopol, he should be around04:55
topolstevemar. no biggie. The context thing dolphm recommended did not work. It ends up mapping to the object class instead of the context dictionary.  I copied the error and will put it in as a comment04:57
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stevemartopol, almost done :P I got 1 review left in me05:15
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topolstevemar, I am going big or going home... I'm trying to cover few more cases beyond get_userId. Trying to handle username plus either domain name or id as well.05:16
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topolstevemar,  I may need to update the v2 stuff as well. Isnt it possible in v2 you could get a user_id instead of user_name?  I need to go look at the v2 API05:17
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topolstevemar. I'll have something ready by tomorrow even if I have to code all night05:18
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stevemartopol, yowza! i like it! Yes, you can have user_id in v2 as well i believe05:21
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topolstevemar,  Thanks. I look at the v2 markup.  I know you were willing to bail me out but I learn 10 times as much when I have to code stuff :-)05:23
topolstevemar the spec even makes sense now :-)05:23
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stevemartopol, yep, userid is valid for v2: https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/tests/test_auth.py#L3705:25
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topolstevemar, thanks05:26
stevemartopol and ... https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/tests/test_v3.py#L1060 i really should have linked these much earlier05:27
topolstevemar, K thanks05:27
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marunlifeless: ping07:22
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lifelessmarun: pong08:32
marunlifeless: hi there08:33
marunlifeless: this may be an exercise in 'ducky'08:33
marunlifeless: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/7258508:34
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marunlifeless: There are 2 scenarios in the test in test_plugin_api in this review08:34
marunlifeless: I swear I was running them both at one point, but now I can't get them to run with testtools at all :(08:34
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lifelessmarun: will check in a bit, sorry elocal08:40
marunlifeless: no rush, i'm going to hit the hay now.08:40
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marekdstevemar: you still awake? :008:54
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lifelessmarun: ok, tomorrow then :)09:20
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gilliardIs there any guideline about when to use timeutils and when to use time from the standard python libs?14:15
gilliardtimeutils provides a way of mocking for tests, but a lot of code uses time.time directly.14:16
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chmoueljgriffith: hello i have added a comment here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/68726/14:16
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gilliardspecifically w.r.t this patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/72200/14:17
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gilliardI wonder if one is the preferred way or if it's just up to the developer.14:19
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gilliardAnswering my own question: set_time_override is being deprecated. https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo/+bug/126696214:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1266962 in oslo "Remove set_time_override in timeutils" [Low,In progress]14:30
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marekddolphm: ping?14:49
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stevemarbknudson, apparently everyone wants to sync oslo15:14
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bknudsonstevemar: when the sync brings in changes for the config options they have to update the sample config.15:16
stevemarbknudson, yes, i noticed in your change, cool. I guess it's always best to look up all changes that happened?15:17
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stevemarbknudson, what about the fact that morganfainberg also has the changes in his huge patch?15:17
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bknudsonstevemar: I'm worried about any huge patch... I didn't look at it yet because of the size.15:18
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stevemarbknudson, agreed. I skipped it over.15:20
stevemarbknudson, btw - pull the trigger on: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/67645/15:21
bknudsonit would be nice to have everything in sync with oslo, so it's probably a good idea15:21
bknudsonstevemar: I've got a meeting here and then I'll take a look15:21
stevemarbknudson, oops, just noticed your s/t status, my bad15:22
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dolphmbknudson: is nova evolving their approach to their config checker at all? i know they don't like it when they're gate dies because of upstream config changes15:23
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flamebotdevstack questions here? my upgraded stable/havana install gives me "cannot import name base"15:27
topoldolphm, on your comment on my patch is it possible the new signature of wrapper should be  def wrapper(cls, context, *args, **kwargs):  ?15:27
flamebotinstead of horizon15:27
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topoldolphm, because the way you had it I get AttributeError: 'CadfNotificationsWrapperTestCase' object has no attribute 'get'15:28
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bknudsondolphm: there was some discussion on openstack-dev ml -- http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-February/026246.html15:28
dolphmtopol: maybe? was it cls before?15:29
dolphmtopol: i feel like i assumed it was self15:29
dolphmtopol: but yes-- there should be an explicit argument before context, regardless (just not sure what it should be)15:29
topoldolphm, no but I was using args[1].15:30
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dolphmtopol: so definitely (something, context, *args, **kwargs) then15:31
topoldolphm, should I put self as the something?15:31
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dolphmtopol: link me to the review15:31
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topoldolphm, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/69632/9/keystone/cadf_notifications.py15:31
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dolphmtopol: yeah my suggested method signature is bad15:32
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topoldolphm, also can the notification package stuff wait until after feb 18?  I made all the other changes you asked for15:32
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topoldolphm, should I just put cls? or self?15:32
dolphmtopol: and these are wrapping controller methods, where the signature is always (self, context, ...) so you should do the same15:33
topoldolphm, K I'll make it (self, context, ...)15:33
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topoldolphm, can the notification refactored as a module wait until after feb 18 or you want that done before?15:34
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dolphmtopol: you could also debug whether it should be cls or self at runtime by dumping whatever value is passed in to args[0] (self/cls) and seeing if it's type() is a 'class' instance (and therefore self) or a class 'type' definition (and therefore cls)15:35
dolphmtopol: refactor can wait15:35
dolphmtopol: you can put it up for review whenever you'd like though15:36
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topoldolphm, great! Thanks.  On the refactor I would have to move notifications.py into the new package as well and then deal with all the changes that would impact, correct?15:37
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dolphmtopol: yes, i guess it would become keystone.notifications.core ?15:38
dolphmtopol: poke morganfainberg on the details-- he thought through it more thoroughly than i15:38
topoldolphm, K, will do15:39
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dolphmtopol: just spotted where you got the args[1] approach from16:10
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topoldolphm, did I do something wrong?16:11
dolphmtopol: nope! someone else did :P16:11
topoldolphm, I am just a lemming...16:11
topolpoint me to the cliff16:11
topoldolphm, I will fix mine and pus a new patch before the 1pm irc meeting16:12
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dolphmtopol: cool!16:13
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timelloIs there anyone that could review keystone/keystoneclient patches, please? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/70823/ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/71337/16:18
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jog0dolphm: http://logs.openstack.org/20/56420/7/check/check-tempest-dsvm-neutron/24b6f66/logs/screen-key.txt.gz?level=DEBUG17:01
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jog0why are dogpile debug logs on?17:01
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jog0and iso8601?17:01
jog0ayoung: ^17:01
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dolphmjog0: good question... (ping: bknudson)17:02
ayoungjog0, ask morganfainberg_Z when he's awake.  it is annoying, but something about a something default internal mumble something17:02
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jog0ayoung dolphmL ets fix the defaults17:02
bknudsonjog0: that's the default... I posted a patch to change the default...17:02
dolphmjog0: i believe bknudson did17:02
dolphmbknudson: did it merge?17:02
bknudsonjog0: dolphm: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62068/17:03
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dolphmjog0: isn that check job recent?17:03
bknudsonit hasn't merged.17:03
bknudsonthe change needed a rebasing17:04
jog0bknudson: sweet thanks17:04
jog0looking forward to seeing this landing17:04
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dolphmbknudson: approved the underlying patch17:05
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dolphmbknudson: find another +2 on the second one :)17:06
bknudsondolphm: that's always the hard part.17:06
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gyeebknudson, approved it17:19
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bknudsongyee: thanks! maybe we'll get fewer complaints about the log files.17:19
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bknudsonnow just need to get https://review.openstack.org/#/c/67668/ in oslo-incubator merged and ported to keystone and we might have logs sane enough to actually tweak for usability17:20
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bknudsonand also these 2 in keystone: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/69218/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/69219/17:22
gyeebknudson, looking17:22
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henrynashanyone interested in looking at the final +2 (or not) of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/44836/ ?17:23
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henrynashalso, the migration for the grant->assignment table is now done and up at: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/71159/517:24
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gyeehenrynash, I like rationalize the assignment grant table changes, good stuff!17:25
henrynashgyee: it's only taken us there releases to finally get it done :-)17:25
gyeehenrynash, it makes internal db reporting a hell lot easier too17:25
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henrynashgyee: and in fact, we can simplify some of the calls at the Manager/Controller levels as well in time17:26
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dolphmhenrynash: wow two spelling mistakes slipped past bknudson...17:27
dolphmbknudson: you're slipping!17:28
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bknudsondolphm: I won't let it happen again.17:28
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dolphmhenrynash: bknudson: i'm going to submit a follow up patch or two, but so far lgtm17:30
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topoldolphm, so I had to rebase last night which I thought went fine but now I can't run my unit tests. I get ERROR: InvocationError: '/opt/stack/keystone/.tox/py27/bin/python setup.py testr --testr-args=keystone.tests.test_notifications.CadfNotificationsWrapperTestCase.test_v2_authenticate_username'17:35
topoldolphm, and when I run tox I get ./keystone/middleware/s3_token.py:39:1: H302  import only modules.'from keystoneclient.middleware import s3_token' does not import a module17:35
topolfrom keystoneclient.middleware import s3_token17:35
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topoldolphm which is not code I even touched17:36
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topoldolphm, should I create a new branch by pulling down the most recent patch I uploaded last night?17:37
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dolphmtopol: hrm... do you have the latest client installed?17:38
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topoldolphm probably not.17:38
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topoldolphm, I am still in my working branch and did a git diff and it says I have made no updates17:40
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dolphmtopol: i assume you're using devstack?17:41
topoldolphm, NO NO NO17:41
topoldolphm, been running just stand alone keystone. my development is way faster that way17:42
dolphmtopol: lol ++17:42
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* topol I hate waitng for devstack to start up if I can avoid it17:42
dolphmtopol: python -c "from keystoneclient.middleware import s3_token; print(s3_token)"17:43
dolphmtopol: what's that do?17:43
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topoldolphm: Traceback (most recent call last):17:44
topol  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>17:44
topolImportError: cannot import name s3_token17:44
dolphmtopol: do you have a keystoneclient repo checked out?17:44
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topoldolphm, looks that way yes. SHould I go in an do a git pull origin master?17:45
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dolphmtopol: yes17:46
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topoldolphm, done.  should stuff work now17:47
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topoldolphm, pep8 still unhappy:17:49
topol./keystone/middleware/s3_token.py:39:1: H302  import only modules.'from keystoneclient.middleware import s3_token' does not import a module17:49
topolfrom keystoneclient.middleware import s3_token17:49
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dolphmtopol: what does that python -c thing do now?17:50
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topoldolphm, it gives me <module 'keystoneclient.middleware.s3_token' from '/opt/stack/python-keystoneclient/keystoneclient/middleware/s3_token.py'>17:51
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topoldolphm, I thought tox ran in its own environment (py27). do I need to regenerate that?17:52
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dolphmhenrynash: bknudson: list limit related things https://review.openstack.org/#/c/72710/ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/72711/ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/72716/17:53
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dolphmtopol: ooh, that's probably it17:53
dolphmtopol: yeah, rm -rf .tox/ or tox --recreate -e py2717:53
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topoldolphm, K, cool. will try that17:54
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topoldolphm, so when I rebased last night it brought stuff down that made my tox environment inconsistent. Is that what happened?17:56
* topol I was just happy I successfully rebased at 2am all by myself...17:56
dolphmtopol: lol, what version of keystoneclient is in your requirements.txt ?17:57
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topoldolphm python-keystoneclient>=0.5.017:58
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jog0dtroyer: looking fro some grenade feedback when you hav a moment18:51
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morganfainbergdolphm, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack/?searchtext=mongodb-dogpile-caching-backend possible i3 target18:55
gyeejamielennox, just some minor nits about the v2 and v3 auth plugins, otherwise, they are awesome18:56
jamielennoxgyee: when you get a token you get a JSON/XML output of the token data18:56
morganfainbergdolphm, i'm happy to review it, and the code is up18:56
gyeejamelennox, right, middleware is a client and it interprets the token18:56
jamielennoxgyee: clients can use that but the actual token itself is only opened my auth_token18:56
morganfainbergdolphm, but i didn't want to target it w/o checking with you first18:57
gyeejamielennox, my point is with CMS, clients need to know how to validate it18:58
jamielennoxgyee: cool, i saw them briefly yesterday - i need to add the admin token thing now that i think about it18:58
jamielennoxgyee: auth_token i guess can be considered a client, it just doesn't fal into my standard definition of 'clients'18:58
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gyeejamielennox, I know for sure there are Java clients out there that validates the signature18:59
jamielennoxgyee: auth_token will need to know, at some point it would be nice to have that functionality on keystoneclient18:59
dolphmmorganfainberg: skimming it - i'm not opposed18:59
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* dolphm afk18:59
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morganfainbergdolphm, ok i'll target it, if it runs into issues we can punt it back to J119:00
gyeemorganfainberg, ++19:00
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jamielennoxgyee: AdminToken? i was going to call it TokenEndpoint but it shounds funny19:05
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gyeejamielennox, StaticToken?19:05
jamielennoxgyee: it needs to be given the endpoint as well though19:06
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gyeeadmin token is really a static token19:06
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jamielennoxgyee: it's not a good sign that i missed that and no tests failed19:07
gyeejamielennox, I was merely suggesting a hack, we just need a way to differentiate it from the regular tokens19:07
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jamielennoxgyee: it has a valid place in testing and it is used by the CLIs19:07
gyeejamielennox, yeah, that's scary :)19:07
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gyeejamielennox, btw, the static admin token may go away soon when we have a bootstrap process in place19:09
jamielennoxgyee: that would be cool19:10
jamielennoxgyee: how are we expecting to bootstrap though/19:10
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gyeejamielennox, like create a real user in the *root* domain/project or something19:11
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ayounggyee, adding the -compress flag :19:11
ayoung-rw-rw-r--. 1 ayoung ayoung  705 Feb 11 14:10 auth_token_scoped_expired.pem19:11
ayoung-rw-rw-r--. 1 ayoung ayoung 2732 Feb 10 10:47 auth_token_scoped_expired.pem.orig19:11
ayoungorig is uncompressed19:11
gyeeayoung, w00t!19:11
ayoungyeah...this can be a drop in replacement, except for the MII thing19:11
morganfainbergayoung, do you need to explicitly -uncompress ?19:11
ayoungmorganfainberg, let me see , but I suspect not19:12
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gyeemorgainfainberg, no need to, openssl handles it internal I think19:13
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ayoungmorganfainberg, yeah, looks like it needs an explict uncompress19:16
morganfainbergayoung, ick :(19:16
ayoungI can do that, and fall back if it is not compressed19:16
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ayoungmorganfainberg, I have a couple other changes to make:  I am going to stop doing the PEM format, and instead do DER and a self BASE64 encode19:17
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ayoungthat will be more URL safe etc19:18
morganfainbergayoung, makes sense19:18
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ayoungbut this can, I think, go in as a stand alone commit.  Gonna abandon the other.  This one might have backport potential19:18
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dstaneki seem to have been disconnected...19:27
dstanekanyone else notice that the keystone tests are taking much longer to run?19:27
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ayoungdstanek, did you to a laptop upgrade?19:30
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jamielennoxayoung: if you add -decompress to a CMS that isn't compressed does it work?19:36
jamielennoxayoung: also it doesn't give MII anymore?19:37
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ayoungjamielennox, fairly certain it does not work, but haven't tested yet19:37
jamielennoxayoung: that's a pain, it would make upgrade easy19:38
ayoungjamielennox, I'm going to grandfather in the existing token format, but subsume it under the new code19:38
ayoungsI'll assume new code, but if it fails, fall back to the old19:38
ayounginstead of "MII" I'll just base64 decode19:38
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ayoungto see if it is an ASN1 token19:38
ayoungI think I can make it pretty simple. Not sure if I'll have it ready today19:39
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jamielennoxgyee: so we don't need an admin plugin just yet, at least for compatibility19:44
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jamielennoxif you make a client that has a token and endpoint specified then it will never call out to authenticate and so our plugins are never run19:44
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jamielennoxi'd apparently thought of that at some point :)19:44
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gyeejamielennox, good!19:46
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jamielennoxgyee: dolphm suggested a trusts mix-in approach at some point - i've got no idea how that would work19:47
jamielennoxany ideas for how to handle trusts or just keep a trust_id param?19:48
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gyeejamielennox, I think he meant to trust as an interface, to support oauth and trust and whatever comes along19:49
gyees/to trust/trust/19:49
jamielennoxmy thoughts with oauth was that they would just be a new plugin in v319:49
jamielennoxis that enough?19:50
jamielennoxstevemar: ^19:50
gyeeperhaps something like TrustAUth(**kwargs)19:50
jamielennoxstevemar: does oauth fit as another plugin like those in: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/68007/5/keystoneclient/auth/identity/v3.py19:50
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jamielennoxgyee: but a trust is a parameter to another method of authenticating19:51
gyeeoauth needs more than just a trust ID19:51
jamielennoxgyee: so when you use a trust you still need to provide either a user/pass or existing token to authenticate with19:51
stevemarjamielennox, that's my plan for it19:51
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gyeejamielennox, for trust API yes, but for oauth stevemar is the expert19:52
stevemarjamielennox, looking19:52
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jamielennoxgyee: but to my understanding oauth is a standalone way of authenticating19:52
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jamielennoxyou provide your tokens in a similar way to what you would a user/pass19:53
stevemarjamielennox, I think I can plug it in19:53
gyeejamielennox, that's my understanding as well19:53
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stevemari might have to change fetch_auth_ref a bit19:54
stevemarbut it should be fine19:54
gyeejamielennox, we're good then, since stevemar says OK19:54
stevemarjamielennox, i'll send you a paste, 1 sec19:54
gyeeotherwise, we'll let him deal with monkeypatching! :)19:54
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jamielennoxstevemar: that should be ok - do you know how?19:54
stevemarjamielennox, gyee http://paste.openstack.org/show/64356/19:54
jamielennoxgyee: cool, i addressed most of your comments and i'll put up one with some the small fixes later19:55
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stevemarjamielennox, i need to change auth and methods, which it looks like I can do19:55
gyeestevemar, jamielennox, awesome!19:55
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jamielennoxstevemar: yea that is all that a v3 plugin should need to do, add a new method identifier and the data for that method19:56
jamielennoxthe plugin should give you that19:56
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stevemarjamielennox, just make sure I have an easy entry point for testing :) i don't want to have to bang my head on a wall for that19:56
ayoungbknudson, dolphm do either of you know why we have this function, and if it is OK to Axe it? \https://github.com/openstack/python-keystoneclient/blob/master/keystoneclient/tests/test_auth_token_middleware.py#L169519:56
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ayounglooks like a vestige of old badness, and it is causing my test runs to fail when I run just a single package19:57
bknudsonayoung: it's required for testresources19:57
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ayoungbknudson, something is wrong then19:57
jamielennoxayoung: yep what bknudson said19:57
bknudsonayoung: yes, it shouldn't cause a single package test to fail...19:57
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jamielennoxand it measn that nose won't work19:57
bknudsonayoung: https://github.com/openstack/python-keystoneclient/blob/master/keystoneclient/tests/client_fixtures.py#L4419:58
gyeejamielennox, I have to run, will review them later19:58
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ayoungwhy do I get  this error then? http://fpaste.org/76250/48702139/19:59
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ayoungbknudson, ^^20:01
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wpward@armax, are you available to chat?  Wanted to discuss the MechanismDriverError fix I have out for review at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/69748/20:01
jamielennoxayoung: nose doesn't support the load_tests protocol20:01
jamielennoxayoung: try python -m testtools.run discover20:01
bknudsonayoung: how are you running it?20:01
jamielennoxor the test name instead of discvoer20:01
ayoungjamielennox, running from inside ecplise with/usr/bin/nose20:02
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jamielennoxayoung: hmm, can't help you with eclipse20:02
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ayoungjamielennox, it is just a command line exec20:02
ayounghow would I run a specific test, then20:02
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ayoung python -m testtools.run  keystoneclient.tests.test_auth_token_middleware20:03
jamielennoxpython -m testtools.run keystoneclient.tests.test_auth_token_middleware.class_name.test_name20:03
armaxupward, wouldn't the review be a better place?20:03
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ayoungjamielennox, how about all tests in a file?20:03
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bknudson.tox/py27/bin/python -m testtools.run  keystoneclient.tests.test_auth_token_middleware -- Ran 164 tests in 2.171s20:04
wpwardPossibly, but given the short timeframe left of getting things into this release vs the alternative you proposed, I thought maybe here would be better.  But I can keep it in the review if you like.20:04
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jamielennoxyep just drop test_name20:05
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ayoungbknudson, heh, it ran so fast I thought it failed20:05
jamielennoxunfortunately it doesn't work if you drop file name as well, then you need to use discover20:05
ayoungthat is ok20:05
bknudsonayoung: would be nice if keystone tests ran so fast.20:06
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dstanekayoung: i'm going to give that a try to see if it helps, but they are taking about 4 times as long on the same machine20:09
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tellesnobregavishy: hi, in devstack, where can i find the data that is used to create entries for keystone?20:14
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vishytellesnobrega: https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack/blob/master/files/keystone_data.sh20:16
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tellesnobregavishy: thanks20:17
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tellesnobregavishy: i've been there but didnt find what im looking for. I'm looking at creating tenants, but there i can only find the names, im looking for other information from the table, like domain_id and other stuff, since i added a new colunm and i need to put that data in20:20
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vishytellesnobrega: well it would have to be added to keystoneclient20:22
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tellesnobregavishy: i see, thanks20:22
jamielennoxtellesnobrega: what exactly are you missing/trying to do/20:22
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stevemartellesnobrega, i think you mean this stuff: https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack/blob/master/lib/keystone#L26320:24
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tellesnobregajamielennox: i added a new column to projects in keystone, and when im starting devstack i get an error because it is a fk and it breaks with the data that is passed, because there are n columns and n-1 values, so i need include the missing value20:25
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jamielennoxtellesnobrega: so i'm not sure that having that as a FK makes sense for that reason20:26
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jamielennoxie as a required column20:26
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jamielennoxis the column exposed from the REST API?20:26
tellesnobregastevemar: yes, i looked through it but i need to change the insertion20:26
tellesnobregajamielennox: i created a column called parent_project_id, it needs to reference a project_id and it can be null20:27
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jamielennoxall of the managers in keystoneclient should support arbitrary kwargs such that if you need to add extra information to a POST call or something you can just specify it as kwargs and it will be sent through20:27
jamielennoxtellesnobrega: so putting a default NULL on the SQL table should fix that20:28
jamielennox(you need to default to the current behaviour)20:28
jamielennoxtellesnobrega: or somewhere in the project or tenant creating code in keystone pass through a None value for parent_project_id - but it doesn't sound like a client problem20:29
tellesnobregajamielennox: i see. i'll take a look into taht20:29
tellesnobregajamielennox: thansk20:29
jamielennoxtellesnobrega: no problem, just remember that everything you add has to be additional. You can't add new required parameters to the API because it won't be backwards compatible20:30
tellesnobregajamielennox: i added as nullable=true, i think the default value is wrong20:31
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jamielennoxtellesnobrega: nullable=True means that the value can be NULL it doesn't say anything about the default value20:32
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jamielennoxtellesnobrega: you will need to set default=None as well (i think the arg is called default)20:32
tellesnobregajamielennox: i know, just found it now. :D thanks again20:33
jamielennoxtellesnobrega: np20:33
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tellesnobregai will give a go again and see if it fixed20:33
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morganfainbergbknudson, i'm slowly working on getting tests happier!!!20:36
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morganfainbergbknudson, but it's slow20:36
bknudsonmorganfainberg: it's going to be a long slog.20:37
morganfainbergbknudson, i know :(20:37
bknudsonand more tests are going to get added while you're trying to fix it.20:37
morganfainbergbknudson, yeah i know20:37
morganfainbergbknudson, it makes it hard20:37
morganfainbergbknudson, but we can only do so much20:38
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morganfainbergbknudson, i mean... the alternative is to make a massive patch bomb to fix it all at once.20:38
morganfainbergbknudson, and i don't like it, but we could try and do that instead :P20:38
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: that would never fly20:39
morganfainbergbknudson, i know20:39
morganfainbergbknudson, it's why i didn't even try20:39
bknudsonmorganfainberg: you saw that your change to oslo-incubator fixture is merged ... and I posted a sync20:39
morganfainbergbknudson, yeah, i tried a full oslo sync patchset... no unit test errors20:40
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jamielennoxdtroyer: ping20:40
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: I saw that ... will have to look at it.20:40
morganfainbergbknudson, i'll +2 yours in either case (just saw it last night)20:40
morganfainbergbknudson, just was on no battery so couldn't review ;)20:41
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: no problem... I'm not sure if it's best to keep syncing each module or do the whole thing20:41
bknudsonif you were able to do the sync without any failures maybe it's best to just sync it20:41
morganfainbergbknudson, if we can sync the whole thing, i'd rather do that20:41
morganfainbergbknudson, yeah https://review.openstack.org/#/c/72266/20:42
morganfainbergbknudson, it .. all seems to work20:42
morganfainbergbknudson, i'd advocate a complete sync unless there are incompatible changes somewhere... then we exclude that module and work on fixing/syncing separately20:42
bknudsonmorganfainberg: you'll have to go through all of these and update sample.conf with any changed/new config options.20:42
morganfainbergbknudson, oh gah. true20:43
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morganfainbergbknudson, hehe, yeah we need to do what the other projects are doing... auto-gen the sample conf20:43
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morganfainbergbknudson, or at least nova was doing that for a while20:43
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morganfainbergbknudson, leverage the help= arg in the options and make this less of a bear to deal with20:43
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: lance looked into it for a little while but didn't get too far.20:44
morganfainbergbknudson, it shouldn't be too hard to do.  we can probably just snake some of the code used by the other project(s)20:44
morganfainbergbknudson, we need to provide help text etc if we want the documentation we have, but otherwise, i think it shouldn't be too big a deal to do20:45
bknudsonmorganfainberg: seems like it, but lance ran into a problem... maybe it was just the missing help=.20:45
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morganfainbergbknudson, likely.20:45
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morganfainbergbknudson, looks like no new options added in sqlalchemy there, (at least not seeing any) i'm looking through each file now20:46
morganfainbergbknudson, maybe some of the options were already sync'd20:46
morganfainbergand sample not updated?20:46
bknudsonmorganfainberg: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/71311/20:47
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: the help text was corrected.20:47
morganfainbergah i see20:47
morganfainbergthat explains it20:47
bknudsonthis is why we need the auto-gen.20:47
morganfainbergbknudson, ++20:47
morganfainberglet me see how hard it'll be to implement autogen20:48
morganfainbergmight be trivial20:48
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tellesnobregajamielennox: it worked, thanks :)20:53
jamielennoxtellesnobrega: no worries20:54
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ayoungdstanek, any luck?21:04
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morganfainbergbknudson, i have an almost working auto-gen21:10
morganfainbergbknudson, just need a lot of help text21:10
morganfainbergbknudson, i'll post a review up w/ it so we can work on that21:11
morganfainbergbknudson, should be quiick/easy and make these oslo syncs etc much much better21:11
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: it would be great if we could make oslo-incubator test new changes against keystone so we don't get out of date again.21:12
morganfainbergbknudson, i'll need to create an entry point we can load up though since we do config options a bit "odd" compared to other projects21:12
bknudsontest changes in their check/gate and then propose the change to keystone.21:12
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morganfainbergbknudson, will have something post meeting (doing cross project atm)21:13
morganfainbergbknudson, also.. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/71683/ please review so we can merge today if possible :)21:13
morganfainbergbknudson, want to get the havana version into enxt stable21:13
morganfainbergayoung, stevemar, dstanek, ^ on the review21:14
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ayoungmorganfainberg, how does that work21:16
morganfainbergayoung, need to merge that to master before proposal for stable/havana goes through21:16
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ayoungmorganfainberg, how does it work21:17
morganfainbergayoung, the code?21:17
ayoungmorganfainberg, yes21:17
ayoungmy head is in CMS land21:17
morganfainbergayoung, i'll explain after this meeding, stay in CMS land21:17
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morganfainbergcan chase down stevemar, dstanek, and jamielennox if needed too :)_21:17
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dstanekmorganfainberg: i'll take a look again21:18
stevemarmorganfainberg, who what? i know nothing.21:18
morganfainbergstevemar, phsaw, stop fibbing :P21:19
morganfainbergbknudson, ok, so the only issue i see atm is that we have the odd config registration method21:20
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: what's odd about it? it seems to work.21:21
morganfainbergbknudson, i think i need to create some kind of entrypoint that does .configure() and then does the generator21:21
morganfainbergbknudson, we don't register the options, so the auto-gen doesn't see them21:21
morganfainbergbknudson, so i just need to wrap the config generator to call our .configure() thing21:21
bknudsonmorganfainberg: We used to register the options at import time.21:21
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morganfainbergbknudson, right and i don't want to go back to that21:21
morganfainbergbknudson, but that is the assumption the auto-gen code uses21:21
bknudsonmorganfainberg: please don't!21:21
bknudsonmorganfainberg: bad assumption. Fix the tool21:22
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morganfainbergbknudson, well.. not so simple21:22
bknudsonmorganfainberg: right... how would it find the options?21:22
morganfainbergbknudson, easier solution, make a wrapper for the generator that issues our .configure()21:22
morganfainbergbknudson, i uses the CONF object iot looks like21:22
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morganfainberglooking into what nova does, make sure i'm doing it "right"21:23
bknudsonmorganfainberg: we do some other weird things, too... like set the sql defaults and logging defaults.21:23
morganfainbergbknudson, yesh21:23
bknudsonmaybe that could be put into a function21:23
morganfainbergbknudson, i think i can capture it all21:23
morganfainbergbknudson, that was my thought21:23
morganfainbergbknudson, this autogen will not capture the magic-automatic options for auth-plugins21:23
bknudsonI had started looking at that but then gave up.21:24
morganfainbergbknudson, but it should catch my new options i created21:24
morganfainbergbknudson, which, is a bit cleaner imo (as the sample)21:24
bknudsonmorganfainberg: do the oslo-incubator parts auto-register their options?21:24
morganfainbergbknudson, yes21:24
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morganfainbergbknudson, like i said, i can do this with a small wrapper for the generator code21:25
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morganfainbergbknudson, import and at import time do our .configure()21:25
morganfainbergbknudson, it'll live in keystone.common.config_generator or something21:25
morganfainbergbknudson, let me see if i can make this work21:25
dstanekmorganfainberg: i already had it open in a tab so i just went over it again and gave it a +221:25
morganfainbergdstanek, cool21:26
morganfainbergdstanek, much appreciated21:26
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dstanekayoung: running the test now with a tmpfs mount21:29
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dstanekayoung: i thought that sqlite had a way to be all in memory already21:30
ayoungdstanek, not that we can use21:30
ayoungdstanek, migrations kill the database afterwards21:30
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ayoungwith in memory sqlite, that erases everything21:31
ayoungso no way to run the migrations21:31
dstanekayoung: ah21:31
ayoungbut we shoulld not need migrations, cuzx we do the model based approach21:31
ayoungand I never quite closed the loop on that21:31
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ayoungcuz running in ramdisk was fast enough21:31
dstanekayoung: also the path to keystone's tmp dir is incorrect (missing a keystone/ in there)21:31
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ayoungdstanek, on my blog?21:32
ayoungdstanek, its morphed over time, I might have typod it.  We used to put it in /tmp21:33
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dstanekayoung: i didn't realize that it was posted almost 2 years ago21:33
ayoungdstanek, I've been doing this a long time21:33
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bknudsonshouldn't our test temp files go in /tmp?21:37
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dstanekbknudson: as long as we name them with the pid i don't have a problem with that21:40
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bknudsondstanek: I might propose that change... some systems have /tmp on ramdisk already21:40
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dstanekayoung: it was a little faster, but not much; my disk is ssd so it's already pretty fast21:42
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bknudsondstanek: writing to ssd can be slower than regular disk21:47
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morganfainbergdstanek, bknudson, any reason to not +A https://review.openstack.org/#/c/71683/ ? have plus 2 from both of you21:49
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: I can't think of a reason21:51
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morganfainbergbknudson, mind +A it ? i don't think i should +A my own patch ;)21:52
stevemarjaypipes, ping21:52
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: you can +A your own patch as long as it meets the criteria.21:53
morganfainbergbknudson, ok21:53
morganfainbergbknudson, i always hesistated to do so21:53
morganfainbergbknudson, will keep in mind21:53
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jaypipesstevemar: pong (kinda here.... I'm deep in infra doo doo right now ;)21:53
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stevemarjaypipes, hmm okay ... answer if you can.. if i specify PUT region/regionId with a parent that doesn't exist, it should 404 right?21:54
stevemarjaypipes, currently that's not happening, which is why your tests are failing :(21:54
jaypipesstevemar: yes, that's correct. I will try and look into a fix later, but I think dolphm had fixed that in another patch somewhere :(21:55
stevemarjaypipes, i'll take a deeper look21:56
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jaypipesstevemar: cheers. sorry it's taken so long to fix that dang thing! :(21:56
stevemarjaypipes, np dude21:57
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stevemarjaypipes, hoping i fixed it for ya ... https://review.openstack.org/#/c/68981/522:00
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dstanekmorganfainberg: i didn't see that it already had a +2 or I would have just went ahead with the +A22:10
morganfainbergbknudson, ok i found an issue.  we use a dict and the auto-gen thing is looking for lists22:10
morganfainbergbknudson, with minor restructuring i can fix this.22:10
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morganfainbergbknudson, but a bunch of this logic is assuming options are configured on import22:11
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: it's very picky22:12
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morganfainbergbknudson, yeah22:12
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morganfainbergbknudson, the assumption is that you don't define your options in one location like we do, but in each file that needs it22:16
morganfainbergbknudson, i think that is what is tripping up the auto-gen tool22:16
morganfainbergbknudson, we wrapped extra logic around it all.22:16
bknudsonmorganfainberg: extra logic? to register a config option? seems like it should be pretty simple22:17
morganfainbergbknudson, we have .configure() and a dict that we run through22:17
bknudsonoh, except for the generated options.22:17
morganfainbergbknudson, and then add in the generated option(s)22:17
bknudsonmorganfainberg: it would be good to get all that into a function anyways... or are you saying you don't need one?22:18
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morganfainbergbknudson, the idea is that (for example) identity would define it's options in the identity files like how openstack.common.db.session does it22:18
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morganfainbergbknudson, the generated options will never show up in the auto-gen sample config the way it is written22:18
morganfainbergbknudson, it needs an actual config object that appears at import-time to put it in the sample conf afaict22:19
dstanekmorganfainberg, bknudson: is there an order to the sections in the sample keystone and paste config files?22:19
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morganfainbergdstanek, [DEFAULT] at top22:19
morganfainbergbknudson, other than that, not really22:19
morganfainbergerm dstanek not bknudson22:19
bknudsondstanek: I think paste-config is at the bottom of the keystone sample config file22:20
morganfainbergbknudson, oh yeah22:20
bknudsonif we use the config file generator then it'll put them in some kind of order22:20
dstanekok, then i think i'm good; i just my extension stuff after the federation extension stuff22:20
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bknudsondstanek: quit trying to delete our .gitkeep! D keystone/tests/tmp/.gitkeep22:22
bknudsonit's like you mounted a tmpfs over it or something22:22
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morganfainbergbknudson, i mean, i could make changes to the generator code i guess. but we're breaking with the general OS convention which is why it isn't as happy.22:23
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: we could change keystone to match the general convenction22:24
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morganfainbergbknudson, i could make keystone.common.config register things on import again22:25
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: that's too dangerous22:25
dstanekbknudson: did i delete it?22:25
dstanekbknudson: hmmm...so i did; i'll fix22:25
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morganfainbergbknudson, the typical convention would be, for example token options the manager needs would be registered by the .core file (on import)22:26
morganfainbergbknudson, options get scattered around the code base, and registered (effectively) on-demand22:26
morganfainbergbknudson, i don't like that22:26
morganfainbergbknudson, i like what we have.22:26
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morganfainbergbknudson, i can try and make the generator smarter, but i think we might be far enough astride from the typical use, it wont be accepted22:27
morganfainbergdhellmann, ping22:27
dhellmannmorganfainberg: pong22:27
* morganfainberg summons dhellmann and his awesome oslo.config etc knowledge to the rescue22:28
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* dhellmann disavows any such knowledge22:28
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morganfainbergdhellmann, so, trying to get sample config auto generation for keystone...because manually maintaining it sucks22:28
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morganfainbergdhellmann, the issue is.. we don't do configs really the same way as the rest of OS22:28
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morganfainbergwe don't register opts on import22:28
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bknudsonbecause it's dangerous22:28
dhellmanna couple of options22:29
morganfainbergdhellmann, so.. the config generator makes some broad assumptions22:29
dhellmann1. put the option definitions at module level, and register them at runtime22:29
morganfainbergdhellmann, and wanted your input!22:29
dhellmann2. register one or more entry points that return the option definitions for the config generator22:29
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morganfainbergdhellmann, so, something like stub_that_makes_opts_available_for_generator.py?22:30
dhellmannthat's the approach we're using in the oslo libraries, since we're providing options to apps that don't necessarily want to scan our source22:30
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* dhellmann looks for example in oslo.messaging22:30
morganfainbergbknudson, see this is why dhellmann is awesome22:30
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morganfainbergdhellmann, oh the options don't need to be registered?22:31
morganfainbergwith the CONF object?22:31
morganfainbergdhellmann, i totally mis-read that22:31
dhellmannthe config generator registers them with its copy I think22:31
morganfainbergdhellmann, ok i can make this work then.22:31
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morganfainbergdhellmann, hm. let me try and figure out how it determines groups.22:31
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dhellmannthe entry point returns a list of (group, [options]) pairs22:32
morganfainbergok i think i see22:32
dhellmanncan you point me to an example of how you're registering options now?22:32
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morganfainbergdhellmann, https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/common/config.py#L23 which is all registered at https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/common/config.py#L30222:33
dhellmannand the config generator isn't finding those?22:33
morganfainbergwe also have some magic opts that are created at runtime, but i can work around that.22:33
morganfainbergdhellmann, not at all22:33
morganfainbergi think it's the dict -> list22:33
dhellmannoooh, yeah, that's it22:34
dhellmannit wants one list22:34
morganfainbergdhellmann, https://github.com/openstack/oslo-incubator/blob/master/openstack/common/config/generator.py#L17222:34
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dhellmannyou're all set to have the return value for that entry point22:34
dhellmannreturn FILE_OPTIONS.items()22:34
morganfainbergah, yeah that is what i think i needed22:35
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morganfainbergdhellmann, and that should make everything discoverable and happy (besides the massive lack of help= kwargs on our options)22:35
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morganfainbergknowing how it determines the groups was the part my brain wasn't connnecting22:35
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morganfainbergdhellmann, thanks dude, you saved me a headache... my brain hurts today already22:36
dhellmannglad to be able to help!22:36
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apevecmorganfainberg, I see master is approved ! https://review.openstack.org/#/q/Ida39b4699ed6c568609a5121573fc3be5c4ab2f4,n,z22:39
bknudsondhellmann: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/67664/ could use a review too -- you approved the dependent change.22:39
morganfainbergapevec, i am in process of syncing the differences to havana22:39
morganfainbergapevec, just running unit tests before posting :)22:40
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dhellmannbknudson: looking22:40
apeveccool, that was my next question :)22:40
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apevecmorganfainberg, I'll be signing off but you should have few stable-maint around: dolphm, vishy22:40
apevecfull list here https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/120,members22:41
morganfainbergapevec, cool.22:41
morganfainbergapevec, dhellmann also has interest in this, can have him jump on it22:41
morganfainbergapevec, :)22:41
apevecyep, he can +2 stable too22:41
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dhellmannmorganfainberg, apevec : is that for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/66149/ ?22:43
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morganfainbergdhellmann, yes22:43
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apevecdhellmann, yes, new patchset is coming22:43
morganfainbergdhellmann, master verison is approved. working on tests / sync for stable now to match22:43
morganfainbergdhellmann, will be posted soon22:43
dhellmannmorganfainberg: ack, ping me when you're ready for a review22:43
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lbragstaddolphm: think we would be able to leverage the test_notifier similar to the way nova tests their notifications? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/68548/16/keystone/tests/test_notifications.py22:45
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dolphmlbragstad: i haven't seen nova's approach.. looking22:47
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lbragstaddolphm: linked in the comment22:47
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dolphmlbragstad: hmm... i was referring to the entire method22:48
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lbragstadwell I mean, isn't _assertNotifySent just checking something is sent on the queue?22:49
lbragstadand the notification is stored in the NOTIFICATIONS global in the test_notifier, so we could always read it back and verify the values22:49
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morganfainbergdhellmann, dolphm, updated patchset posted for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/66149/22:50
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dolphmlbragstad: that's sort of what we're doing, but wouldn't eliminate the complexity of the verification method22:50
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dhellmannmorganfainberg: I think sdague would want that log message to not be an exception, but maybe an info or even debug22:52
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dhellmannesp. because "there is nothing the admin or operator needs to do in this case"22:52
morganfainbergdhellmann, hm. i can reduce it to warning.22:52
morganfainbergdhellmann, i was hoping to show what the exception that was raised when trying to convert22:53
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dhellmannwill the operator care about that?22:53
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morganfainbergdhellmann, not sure.  but the operator should care it happens, it means some tokens can't be revoked on password change/user-disable/etc22:53
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sdaguemorganfainberg: right, think about INFO and up log levels are for the operator22:54
dhellmannok, that's not clear from the message being loged22:54
morganfainbergdhellmann, basically, it means something went and side-band changed the underlying data22:54
sdaguemorganfainberg: then make an operator friendly message that says that22:54
morganfainbergsdague, sure.22:54
sdaguea stack trace should never be in a non DEBUG level22:54
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sdaguebecause it's not meaningful to the audience reading it22:54
morganfainbergsdague, dhellmann, add something like "any active tokens for <user> are no longer managed by keystone and will be valid until expiration"22:55
morganfainbergit _shouldn't_ happen22:55
morganfainbergbut this is just to make sure keystone doesn't lock out that user because something mucked with memcache outside of it's control22:55
lbragstaddolphm: ah yeah22:55
dhellmannmorganfainberg: how about "Unable to convert user-token index to new format, clearing existing index record: %s"22:55
morganfainbergdhellmann, so just drop the log exception and "error" word?22:56
morganfainbergdown to.. uhm.. warning?22:56
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dhellmannan operational warning still seems sorta high22:56
morganfainbergsure *shrug*22:56
morganfainbergnot picky here on that22:56
dhellmannbut sdague is the official decider on that22:56
sdagueman, I'm the decider now? :)22:57
sdagueI think the answer is, do you expect the operator to need to address the issue actively within a couple of days22:57
morganfainbergsdague, if you don't decide i'm going to make it register a new super log level and so something really wacky ;)22:57
sdagueif yes, warn22:57
sdagueif not, info22:58
morganfainbergsdague, no, but the operator should know it occured22:58
sdaguethen info22:58
morganfainbergsdague, ok22:58
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sdagueerror = page the operator in the middle of the night to fix, warn = operator action required this week, info for other things22:58
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morganfainbergin theory, it means something is messing with the authoritative token store outside of keystone22:58
morganfainbergwhich... is bad22:59
morganfainbergbut there really is nothing that keystone can do about it... nor the operator short of chasing that down22:59
sdaguedebug for detailed dumps, so that will only be seen if they ask for it (assuming they'll run at info level)22:59
morganfainbergin practice is is extremely unlikely to happen22:59
morganfainbergsdague, went w/ info here22:59
morganfainbergeverything else is the same, new patchset up22:59
sdaguewell, extremely unlikely, and they should hunt it down, would make it fine for warn22:59
morganfainbergdhellmann, ^22:59
sdaguebut your call, I could see either way23:00
morganfainbergsdague, eh, i don't think this is even that likely.23:00
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bknudsonnot sure why you would start your server if you couldn't trust the data.23:00
morganfainbergsdague, i think they'll have other issues along the way23:00
dhellmannmorganfainberg: typo: "tp" -> "to"23:00
morganfainbergsdague this is just stupidly over defensive coding23:00
morganfainbergdhellmann, darn!23:00
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morganfainbergi swear i type for a living ... or something23:01
morganfainbergbknudson, and that is why memcache is a bad place to store tokens :P23:01
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: there must be a way to set up memcache so you can trust it?23:01
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morganfainbergbknudson, bmemcache + signing/encrypt23:02
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: at least trust it as well as a DB23:02
morganfainbergbknudson, and even then... anyone who can auth to it can change any key23:02
dhellmannmorganfainberg: I always tell people I give directions for a living, so they shouldn't be surprised at the detailed instructions to my house23:02
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morganfainbergbknudson, but basic python memcache client doesn't really do all of that23:03
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morganfainbergbknudson, also a store that loses all data when you restart it... or that could choose to evict a page even if it isn't expired due to LRU needs means it's bad for tokens.23:03
morganfainbergbut people use memcache anyway.23:03
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morganfainbergi am hoping i can move people away from that to redis..or some other Key value store as the "Recommended" backend for the dogpile kvs store when used for tokens23:04
bknudsonmorganfainberg: is it supposed to be backed up by db or something?23:04
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morganfainbergbknudson, it's meant to be used as a place to store data for faster access than a db, or file, or similar23:05
morganfainbergbknudson, it's not really meant to be a "stable" storage for permanent or even semi-permanent data (tokens are the latter category until revocation events)23:05
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morganfainbergdhellmann, based on the thread on the ML, the generator is going to be unhappy because the options aren't on the CONF object?23:29
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morganfainbergdhellmann, back to my previous convo w/ you23:29
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dhellmannmorganfainberg: that hasn't been a problem for the oslo.messaging options, afaik23:30
dhellmannI thought that had something to do with the way the logic for guessing groups worked, but the entry point specifies the group so no guessing23:30
morganfainbergdhellmann, well it also looks like i can't use the generator with the entry point elegantly from within keystone to get keystone opts23:30
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morganfainbergdhellmann, yeah, i need to specify keystone as a library for stevedore to load it23:31
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morganfainbergdhellmann, and it seems like it's not... loading it cleanly since it doesn't get found23:31
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morganfainbergdhellmann, it's a chicken-egg issue23:31
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morganfainbergif something not-keystone was looking for keystone's opts, it would be easier23:31
dhellmanndo you want to email me details -- I hate to duck out, but it's late here and winter is coming23:31
morganfainbergdhellmann, i'm 2x checking.23:32
morganfainbergdhellmann, i'll email details/hit you up tomorrow23:32
dhellmannI need to go batten hatches or whatever one does in bad weather23:32
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