Friday, 2014-01-10

bknudsonmorganfainberg: I rebased a long set of reviews on master and now I'm getting this00:00
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morganfainbergthat... seems odd00:00
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: reason I ask about moving kds out of keystone is because I doubt they want to wait 10 mins for unit tests to run.00:02
bknudsonhopefully they can start out better and smarter with parallel testr, etc.00:02
morganfainbergbknudson, that is a fair reasoning00:03
morganfainbergbknudson, i don't want to wait for that for keystone...but we're a little ways away from that00:03
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morganfainbergbknudson, but i think the concern is if it's in keystone's repo it is released w/ keystone as "integrated"00:04
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morganfainbergbknudson, rather than "that thing over there" for secure messaging00:04
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: I think nova has some sub-projects that aren't in nova repo...00:04
morganfainbergdon't see why the new repo couldn't be in it's own repo though00:04
morganfainbergwe could poke infra, probably would be easy to add the repo.00:04
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morganfainbergand i think it would be easy to package it still under keystone's purview00:05
morganfainbergdolphm, ^ any worries complaints or concerns?00:06
jamielennoxi think we tried this already didn't we?00:06
morganfainbergprob. should ask the PTL first.00:06
morganfainbergjamielennox, no, i think we tried the "make it stackforge" and "part of barbican"00:06
morganfainbergnot "new repo, but under keystone"00:06
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jamielennoxinteresting - it doesn't make any difference to me00:07
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morganfainbergjamielennox, i actually think bknudson has a point about not inheriting keystone's test issues.00:07
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i've distanced it as much as possible00:07
jamielennoxi had a heap of problems with the one up for the next review00:07
morganfainbergjamielennox, fair point, but you're still beholden to keystone's long long test runtime00:08
bknudsonthat's what I'm mostly concerned about... kds tests will probably not run in parallel if they aren't doing it from the beginning.00:08
jamielennoxbecause i had designed KDS to work in it's own database, the global CONF system really doesn't cope when you try to run two projects in the same process00:08
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jamielennoxcan work in it's own db - can work fine mingled with keystone as well00:09
morganfainbergjamielennox, separate table namespace, shouldn't care00:09
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bknudsonI think you'd have to have your own kds-manage command00:09
morganfainbergbknudson, actually can't we just tag all the keystone tests to require the same testr worker?00:10
morganfainbergand the kds ones run freeeeeeeeeee00:10
jamielennoxyea, but kds has it's own .conf so it was just having the tests scripts try to deal with both thats a problem00:10
morganfainbergi think testr has that logic00:10
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jamielennoxyea we discussed that before as a way to group together the sql disk commands00:10
morganfainbergi'm sure lifeless could clarify it for us (if he's around) ^00:10
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jamielennoxi have a feeling he'd be at LCA00:11
morganfainbergjamielennox, bknudson, then lets (at least) do that.00:11
morganfainbergmake sure KDS tests do run in parallel00:11
morganfainbergand just lock the keystone ones all to the same worker00:11
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jamielennoxmorganfainberg: mmm, i had to tie the KDS db tests to the keystone db00:12
morganfainbergif it makes sense to split kds out into it's own repo, we can do that as well00:12
morganfainbergjamielennox, shouldn't really matter as long as KDS tests are smart about the DB location00:12
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bknudsonso if you're using keystone's "pristine" db or whatever you're going to have to all be in 1 thread.00:12
morganfainbergjamielennox, you could have multiple db files (sqlite)00:12
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bknudsonif you want to make keystone's tests run in parallel that would be great, too!00:13
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jamielennoxits seems to screw with CONF00:13
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morganfainbergwell, couldn't you make a connect string be used for KDS's db ?00:14
morganfainbergthat is separate from the keystyone one?00:14
jamielennoxbknudson: there's no reason we can't - it just means instead of copying test.db.prinstine to test.db we copy to test.db.rndnumber and run the test that way00:14
morganfainbergor is that not possible.00:14
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i tried it gave really weird errors about tables not existing00:14
morganfainbergjamielennox, huh00:14
jamielennoxit's probably keystone test's fault but somewhere in there the databases were getting mixed up00:15
morganfainbergperhaps..... perhaps00:15
morganfainbergwould it change things if kds was made a separate structure00:15
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morganfainberge.g. keystone/<stuff>00:15
morganfainbergand kds/<stuff>00:15
jamielennoxit keystone/contrib/kds already00:15
jamielennoxi think that's sufficient00:16
morganfainbergjamielennox, i mean break it out of keystone's tree, give it it's own config object, own sql lib00:16
morganfainbergi know it's duplicating code...00:16
morganfainbergbut short of a separate repo00:16
jamielennoxi don't know if the oslo sync code would handle that00:16
bknudsonthen might as well have their own repo00:16
jamielennox(not saying it can't)00:16
jamielennoxbut agree it might as well be a seperate repo then00:17
morganfainbergbknudson, i think separate repo is likely the best idea00:17
morganfainbergi think if there aren't concerns over it being separate repo, just under the "identity" project00:17
jamielennoxthat does make it a new project though really00:17
morganfainbergi think it would make a lot of sense00:17
jamielennoxjust administered differently00:17
bknudsonoslo has a bunch of separate repos00:17
morganfainbergjamielennox, nah, it's still identity00:18
jamielennoxbut i guess i'm already making a new .conf and a new binary so it's not that much more00:18
bknudsonpython-keystoneclient is a separate repo00:18
morganfainbergjamielennox, yeah00:18
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morganfainbergbknudson, prob should check w/ dolphm, but i think we could get that done pretty quickly00:19
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morganfainbergiirc new repos are pretty easy to add for infra00:19
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bknudsonthe infra group are a bunch of superheroes, so everything is easy for them.00:19
morganfainbergbknudson, damn straight00:19
bknudsonthey'd swat this one like a mosquito00:19
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morganfainbergmordred, ^ hear that, superheroes.00:20
jamielennoxlol, superheros is so rarely the end of that sentence00:20
morganfainbergmordred, not that you didn't know00:20
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morganfainbergbknudson, i looked at next-review00:21
morganfainbergshould be easy to add a different json source00:21
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morganfainbergbut it would be very different handling of the logic00:21
morganfainbergnot hard00:21
bknudsonmorganfainberg: thank you!00:24
bknudsonif this could help me prioritize reviews that would be great00:24
bknudsonkeep people working on high-priority items.00:24
morganfainbergonce that json data is available that is00:24
morganfainbergoh yeah, i am starting to change my workflow to use that page00:24
morganfainbergbut a nice cli, tool. oh yes00:25
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morganfainbergooh i see a dstanek00:33
morganfainbergdstanek, gratz on core btw, haven't talked to ya since last year00:34
dstanekhi morganfainberg!00:34
bknudsondstanek: you must have had a great vacation00:34
dstanekthanks, now i'm at the adult table :-)00:34
morganfainbergdstanek, oh no00:35
morganfainbergdstanek, this is def. the kiddie table00:35
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dstanekbknudson: i actually spent a lot of my vacation watching summit videos00:35
bknudsonthere were videos?00:35
morganfainbergbknudson, aparantly00:35
bknudsonnow I'm worried00:35
morganfainbergbknudson, oh, you going to be in SA next week? meant to ask00:36
bknudsonmorganfainberg: I haven't heard one way or the other.00:36
morganfainbergbknudson, hopefully00:36
bknudsonI don't know when the cutoff is to register or whatever00:36
morganfainbergbknudson, eh, cost of flight and hotel ;)00:36
morganfainbergbknudson, i bet if you told dolphm  you were showing up on tuesday, you'd be good00:36
bknudsonI hope IBM can scrounge up the money.00:36
dstanekit'll be nice to meet people in person00:37
morganfainbergor .. called him on wednesday00:37
morganfainbergtoo bad jamielennox doesn't love us enough to fly like 18 hours for 3 days00:37
* morganfainberg ducks00:37
dstanekbknudson: i think they have a few dollars laying around00:37
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: next one i'll host here in brisbane00:37
bknudsonhe had no problem getting to hk.00:37
jamielennoxactually, people might come then...00:38
morganfainbergjamielennox, hmm.  if i can get funding i'm so there00:38
bknudsonI could go to brisbane now.00:38
bknudsonalthough it has warmed up to 1600:38
jamielennoxheh, even the news here is talking about the weather in the US00:38
morganfainbergeh, i prefer cold weather00:38
morganfainbergcan i move to the north east yet?00:38
bknudsonyou prefer -30 F and -50 wind chill?00:38
morganfainbergbknudson, eh, i'd survive for the rest of the less-extreme winter00:39
morganfainbergbknudson, i really do prefer cold weather00:39
morganfainbergeven extreme cold.00:39
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: you might not survive here then00:39
morganfainbergas long as i can warm up by fire etc.00:40
morganfainberg(even if i can't i can get the real camping gear and be comfortable enough)00:40
dstanekmorganfainberg: i like it cold, but this week it went way too far00:41
morganfainbergdstanek, hehe00:41
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dstanekjamielennox: never been to brisbane, but i'd definitely go :-)00:43
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jamielennoxrain and 26C today00:44
bknudsonoh, rain? no way then.00:44
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jamielennoxcan't be sunny all the time00:45
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jamielennoxgoogle says thats 79F - i can never do the convert00:46
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morganfainbergbknudson, it's ok it's sunny here in SoCal00:48
morganfainbergno rain for a while00:48
bknudsonit's not raining here either.00:48
bknudsonguess what just came up on my music player... "Here Comes the Rain" by Eurythmics.00:49
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dstanekit was snowing here a few hours ago, but i hear it'll be warming up a bit tonight and tomorrow00:51
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lifelessmorganfainberg: hi00:53
lifelessmorganfainberg: whatsup?00:54
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morganfainberglifeless, just was curious about testr, but i think we resolved it from previous convos00:54
morganfainberglifeless, running some tests all on one worker and other split among any worker(s)00:54
bknudsonlifeless: we had a question about running some tests in parallel and others in serial.00:54
morganfainberglifeless, but i think we were sure that was possible due to the want to do that for the SQL-tests in keystone (previous convo)00:55
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dstanekmorganfainberg: bknudson: was just looking at the comment on about using cleanUp instead of tearDown00:56
lifelessmorganfainberg: bknudson:
dstanekmorganfainberg: bknudson: the problem is that I can't as designed00:56
dstanekwe steal a reference to the server in the setUp so even thought the cleanUp runs the object isn't being collected because there is a reference to it00:57
bknudsonlifeless: thanks! I'll put that on my list of things to investigate.00:57
dstanekbknudson: i agree in most cases, but if we really don't want to use the tearDown I can change the code to use self.fixture.server and not create a self.server reference00:58
bknudsondstanek: we really don't want to use tearDown... it was causing a problem for me last week.00:58
bknudsonso let's not use tearDown.00:58
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dstanekbknudson: i can rig that'll be a little ugly, but i can00:59
lifelessdstanek: why will it be ugly ?01:00
bknudsonit will be beautiful01:00
lifelessdstanek: tearDown -> cleanUp is a mechanical transform01:00
dstaneklifeless: not exactly01:00
lifelessdstanek: yes, exactly01:00
dstanekthere are lots of places in the setUp where we self.blah = self.useFixture(Blah()).some_thing01:01
lifelessdstanek: perhaps you can put up a gist so I can see the issue you're having?01:01
dstanekif we do this then the reference to some_thing isn't cleaned up until the test ends01:01
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dstaneklifeless: by ugly i just mean that some statements will be multiple lines01:02
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dstaneklifeless: maybe a test base class could just sweep through a test instances attributes and delete them in a clean up to bypass the entire problem01:02
lifelessdstanek: what is the problem?01:03
bknudsondstanek: isn't it essentially the same as ?01:03
dstanekbknudson: ah, that's a clever hack around01:04
lifelessdstanek: -> self.addCleanup(setattr, self, 'foo', None)01:04
lifelessdstanek: = None -> self.addCleanup(setattr, self, 'foo', None)01:04
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lifelessself.addCleanup(delattr, self, 'foo')01:05
lifelessmight be better01:05
dstaneklifeless: i like that delattr approach01:06
lifelessin other projects we've done a cleanup of instance attributes - can be useful01:06
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: is change to remove netifaces req.01:06
lifelessanother thing you can do is use a testsuite object where deletes tests after they are executed01:06
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lifelessthis is systematic and less intrusive01:06
bknudsontearDown doesn't run if setUp raises.01:06
dstaneklifeless: right now Keystone tests in my env take about 1.2G to run :-(01:06
bknudsonso if a test fails loading the default_fixtures in setUp then all the tests will fail01:07
jamielennoxbknudson: with the gitignore really shouldn't be there right?01:07
morganfainbergbknudson, will +2 that once jenkins weighs in01:07
lifelessdstanek: I'd be very happy with a / patch to use a testsuite that carefully drops it's references to tests after executing01:08
jamielennoxi know you have fixes that are in that same space01:08
bknudsonjamielennox: I told the submitter to continue to put the .gitignore just in case the file doesn't get cleaned up for whatever reason...01:08
bknudsoncancelled the test with CTRL-C or whatever.01:08
dstanekjamielennox: yuck, i think the tests should remove the files if it creates them01:08
jamielennoxdstanek: i agree - but that's not part of the patch he's fixing01:08
bknudsondstanek: I submitted the change to remove the files... see my comment.01:08
dstaneklifeless: in interested in that idea - i don't understand why unittest would keep all test instances around until the end of a run anyway01:09
jamielennoxbknudson: oh right - the files are there now because he's moved the signing dir01:09
jamielennoxbknudson: thanks - i was sure that made sense before but didn't when i looked just then01:09
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lifelessdstanek: because;
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dstanekjamielennox: i would say kill the gitignore and someone should just fix the problem01:09
jamielennoxdstanek: i think bknudson has a patch for that later on, in terms of fixing the bug that he's linked though it works01:10
dstaneklifeless: when i was looking at it a few week ago it just seemed odd what they were doing01:10
lifelessdstanek: yeah, but thats why - being able to run tests in a loop is used by some folk to e.g. track memory leaks or intermittent failures01:11
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dstaneki would imagine for big test suites it causes memory leaks01:11
lifelessthat can be a factor too01:12
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nkinderjamielennox: are you familiar with this bug?
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jamielennoxnkinder: i'm familiar with the conept but not a lot of detail01:39
jamielennoxbknudson: was it you who worked on that one? i know gyee was working in the area as well01:40
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nkinderjamielennox: I'm writing up the OSSN for it, and I'm not sure what we can really recommend other than avoid using external auth with usernames containing "@".01:40
bknudsonnkinder: the work is in progress01:40
bknudsonI've got to admit I don't really understand the problem.01:40
nkinderbknudson: yes, I saw the code review.01:40
bknudsonapparently wsgi says you shouldn't muck with the username passed in or something?01:41
nkinderbknudson: I understand the problem, though it requires a number of variables01:41
nkinderbknudson: assume that external auth could return both jdoe@example1 and jdoe@example2 in REMOTE_USER.01:42
nkinderalso assume that these are not the same jdoe01:42
nkinderif Keystone is using the external auth plug-in, they both map to the "jdoe" user.01:42
bknudsonI believe it'll pick the one from the default domain.01:42
morganfainbergthats icky01:43
morganfainbergand bknudson is likely correct01:43
bknudsonI think it depends on the plugin you're using.01:43
bknudsonplus we keep changing it every release.01:43
nkinderbknudson: yes, I'm looking here -
nkinderbknudson: specifically, ExternalDefault01:44
ayoungbknudson, morganfainberg do your unit tests take this long to run:  Ran 2210 tests in 268.078s01:44
morganfainbergayoung, 268-300 seconds seems about avg for a full run01:45
morganfainbergeh, 270-300 for me01:45
bknudsonnkinder: does the ExternalDomain plugin help? can we recommend use the other plugin?01:45
bknudsonayoung: Ran 2212 tests in 488.216s (+7.262s)01:45
bknudsonI need a faster computer01:45
ayoungNah, we need to move some of those tests out of there01:46
nkinderbknudson: that's one of my questions01:46
bknudsonor I need to run 2 fewer tests.01:46
morganfainbergayoung, fix paralell tests01:46
morganfainbergayoung, should also make things better01:46
jamielennoxright from memory the initial external auth stripped off the DOMAIN so that when using ldap or such in weird configurations we didn't care about the domain01:46
ayounglet me try running in parallel01:46
morganfainbergayoung, i don't think you can. SQL will all fail spectacularly01:47
nkinderjamielennox: yes, though that assumes the user part without domain is unique (which may not be the case)01:47
jamielennoxnkinder: more that the @ was an indication of the domain not a part of the suername01:47
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morganfainbergayoung, though i think that is actually not too hard to fix. the download the keystoneclient tests are also icky to run in paralell01:47
ayoungthose need to get out of there, too01:47
ayoungbut then we are left with all the v3 api tests01:48
bknudsonnkinder: it's kind of hard to imagine a customer getting confused by this too much... they're logging in with users like but their users in keystone are jdoe.01:48
nkinderjamielennox: yes, that's the way ExternalDomain works01:48
jamielennoxnkinder: so for kerberos conf there is a setting that says whether or not to leave the domain part of the REMOTE_USER01:48
morganfainbergayoung, if we tell each worker to stash the "db" in a worker-specific location, most of the headaches on that front go away01:48
morganfainbergthen we could just say all the "client" tests must occur on a single worker01:49
nkinderbknudson: yes, but we should call it out in case they have different users with the same username and different domains.01:49
jamielennoxnkinder: if you have that stripping the domain and then looking for an @ it's bad01:49
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morganfainbergmight not be a big change actually.01:49
jamielennoxso i guess you could say don't turn that setting on01:49
nkinderjamielennox: yes, that's what the OSSN needs to warn about.  Basically, don't do that.01:49
nkinderI'm wondering if we should recommend ExternalDomain in that case01:49
jamielennoxnkinder: i don't know how much that refers to external auth in general01:49
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bknudsonnkinder: do you have a description of the problem already?01:50
nkinderbknudson: yes01:50
bknudsonjust not a recommendation?01:50
morganfainbergayoung, oh yeah, looks like it might be just a few lines of code01:50
morganfainbergayoung, i'll look at that ... tonight or this weekend01:50
nkindercorrect.  That's the portion I'm working on now.01:50
morganfainbergsee if i can get it working.01:50
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nkinderbknudson: I'm also unclear on how you specify the plug-in.  This page just states you set the word "external" in the config -
nkinderbknudson: oh, I think I misread.  The method is "external".01:52
bknudsonnkinder: so, first off, I don't think the ExternalDomain plugin has the problem. So one option is to use that plugin.01:52
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nkinderbknudson: that was my reading of ExternalDomain too01:52
nkinderbknudson: though I wasn't clear about what happens if the domain doesn't exist.01:52
bknudsonnkinder: it'll fail if the domain doesn't exist.01:53
bknudsonit would get a DomainNotFound and then that gets turned into Unauthorized01:53
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ayoungmorganfainberg, I wrote this up earlier today
nkinderbknudson: ok, great.01:54
bknudsonI guess the question is then if there's some reason you have to use ExternalDefault rather than ExternalDomain...01:55
nkinderbknudson: so one could use ExternalDomain if that fits their usage, or they need to ensure that there aren't naming conflicts to avoid impersonation.01:55
morganfainbergayoung, this makes a lot of sense... or perhaps01:55
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morganfainbergayoung, we should make it a new gate test01:55
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ayoungmorganfainberg, yes, it would be a gate test01:55
morganfainbergnot even in a separate repo, just change how tests are run (e.g. like neutron-large-ops)01:55
ayoungmorganfainberg, no, it needs to be in its own repo for other reasons01:56
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morganfainbergin theory, we could make a testr config that ignores functional on the main-line tests.01:56
nkinderbknudson: ExternalDefault collapses all users in to the default domain, which could be useful I suppose (if usernames are unique)01:56
morganfainbergand lets you run those tests separately, specifically on-demand01:56
nkinderbknudson: seems like a weird case though01:56
ayoungits the double-entry bookeeping thing:  we don't allow people to break tests in a commit.  You have to plan ahead.01:56
bknudsonnkinder: another option is that they can write their own plugin... that's why it's called a plugin.01:56
ayoungmorganfainberg, it also allows us to add tests after the code freeze deadline01:56
morganfainbergayoung, eh, sure.01:57
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morganfainbergayoung, only potentially01:57
nkinderbknudson: true01:57
morganfainbergayoung, but sure. wont argue01:57
morganfainbergcan see value there01:57
morganfainberg(plenty of value)01:57
ayoungmorganfainberg, splitting it via testr though is probably a good first step01:57
morganfainbergayoung, i think that is likely the first step01:57
ayoungand may be sufficient01:57
morganfainbergi'll see if it's hard to do while i'm trying to fix parallel testing01:58
morganfainbergmight be silly easy01:58
nkinderbknudson: thanks, I think that gives me the info I need.01:58
morganfainberg(infra change though)01:58
bknudsonnkinder: ok, great.01:58
bknudsony, I think it's just avoid the ExternalDefault because of the problem, and use the ExternalDomain because it doesn't have the problem or provide your own plugin01:59
nkinderbknudson: this is planned for an update for Havana, right?01:59
nkinderbknudson: that's what the bug indicates...01:59
bknudsonnkinder: icehouse you mean?01:59
nkinderbknudson: nope, Havana.  There was discussion about fixing it there to behave the same as Grizzly.02:00
bknudsonit might have been reported late in H and didn't get in... and now we're kind of stuck in a bind02:00
nkinderbknudson: I suppose I should check with dolphm when he's around02:01
bknudsonnkinder: I don't know what we're going to do about the change made to REMOTE_AUTH handling between G & H02:01
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bknudsontypically wouldn't backport a change that changes behavior02:01
bknudsonbut then we typically wouldn't make a change that breaks backwards-compat02:02
bknudsonand wouldn't make a change so that you can't use REMOTE_USER with both v2 and v3 authentication02:02
bknudsonlet's just say REMOTE_USER is in a bad spot.02:03
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ayoungnkinder, sure you don't want to come to the hackfest?02:04
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nkinderayoung: it'd be nice, but going to have to pass this time.02:07
ayoungHeh...anyway, on that one, there is a patch under review02:07
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nkinderayoung: yeah, I was reading the review feedback earlier.  I think dolphm was hoping for a more simple fix that could be backported for havana.02:08
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ayoungso first a one line patch to revert the behavior, with a follow on patch that adds in the additional plugins02:09
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ayoung comments Dec 1102:09
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nkinderayoung: yep, that comment seems like the right thing to do02:13
ayounglemme see what that patch should look like02:13
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ayoungdolphm what would be the "two line delete" you refer to in  on Dec 11?  the splitting of remote user in which pluging?02:23
ayoungnkinder, its been long enough since I looked at this that I am getting myself back up to speed on it.02:23
ayoungthe V2 API assumes REMOTE_USER is 1 to 1 with username02:24
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ayoungV3 Grizzly did02:25
ayoungah, but that was broken and non-functional02:25
ayoungit did a lookup[ in the identity backend02:26
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ayoungto figure out the domain02:26
ayoungand you had to pass in passwd02:26
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ayoungexternal default should not have been splitting the domainid out of the remote user02:28
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ayoungnkinder, as best as I can tell, it was a copy/paste error that got the @ split under "default"02:31
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ayoungso the 2 line delete he wants would be02:31
nkinderayoung: yeah, it seems like only ExternalDomain should do the split02:31
ayoungand then we propagate the mistake in the latest refactoring?02:32
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ayoungnkinder, I'm not sure what to do for Havana.02:35
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ayoungI think the only thing we can do without breaking anyone is create a new plugin that does no splitting.  And then tell people to use that02:36
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morganfainbergbknudson, how do you run the SQL live tests?02:51
morganfainbergoh. nvm i think it's safe.02:51
morganfainbergyeah just saw that02:52
ayoungI've been on this project 2 years.  That is like infinity in internet time02:52
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ayoungthey are broken, aren't they?02:54
ayoungNeed to run the sql migrations to get the DBs ready02:54
morganfainbergtrying to resolve the last issue to enable paralell testing02:54
morganfainberglast issue is the backend_sql.conf and backend_sql_disk.conf02:54
morganfainbergtrying to avoid breaking the ability to use those02:55
ayoungah...needs to have the path injected for the worker specific db?02:55
morganfainbergwell.  backend_sql.conf02:55
morganfainbergi'm thinking of some simple "if conf.database.connection == sqlite://, replace"02:55
morganfainbergw/ worker specific02:55
morganfainbergthough tests would get stupidly wonky if you even tried a MySQL backend for tests02:56
morganfainbergsince reinit is not done in those cases.02:56
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morganfainberga lot of tests assume a perfect pristine and empty db each time, and my guess is mysql wouldn't be that way (or postgres)02:57
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ayoungmysql and postgres need the migrations02:57
ayoungonly sqlite works to create the schema from the entities (IIRC)02:58
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ayoungso..."if conf.database.connection == sqlite://  should be the right approach02:58
morganfainbergayoung, but in parallel testing mysql isn't viable02:58'd need a separate database for each worker02:58
lifelessOneiroi: why not?02:58
morganfainbergayoung, would it work at all, e.g. mysql is cleaned out each time?02:59
lifelessmorganfainberg: why not?02:59
morganfainberglifeless, because our unit tests assume a pristine db each time02:59
lifelessmorganfainberg: parallel testing with real db's is fine, you just need a unique db name for each worker.02:59
morganfainbergderpy derp derp02:59
ayoungso the test needs enough access to mysql in order to do createdb; dropdb02:59
morganfainbergayoung, my point was "does that actually work" currently03:00
morganfainbergw/ single test worker03:00
ayoungthe issue with postgresql, I think, was that you needed to connect to a different DB than the one you were creating and destroying03:00
ayoungwe don't drop the db...03:00
morganfainbergayoung, exactly, so do a bunch of tests fail since the db isn't in pristine state?03:01
ayoungDidn't want something that worked for one db and not the others, so we drop the tables instead....03:01
morganfainbergi see03:01
ayoungbut...if we had an admin db, then Postgres would work03:01
ayoungconeect to admin, do createdb worker03:01
ayoungand flurdy blurp03:01
ayoungBork Bork Bork03:03
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SwedishChefTurns out I've been speaking Norwegian the whole time.03:04
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lifelessthere's a library for creating postgresqldb's just in time03:06
lifelesstwo of them in fact03:06
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morganfainberglifeless, looks like i'll need the same for mysql.  and... db2?03:06
morganfainberglifeless, but yeah, was going to go looking for that next, solving the sqlite case first, then was going to look at the others03:07
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ayoungthe live dbs can wait.  We need to explicitly run them anyway, and we can do that without the parallel flag03:08
lifelessmorganfainberg: ^ I've used before (it was written by the author to work with my testresources library :))03:08
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morganfainberglifeless, nice.03:09
morganfainbergayoung, ok03:10
morganfainbergayoung, i'll register a bug for that or well at least lump the info into the current bug03:10
morganfainberglifeless, is there a way to tell a testr worker to execute some code as ... an exit process?03:11
morganfainberglifeless, similar to a finally block03:12
morganfainbergi was hoping to issue a cleanup of the pid-specific test dirs03:12
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morganfainbergit's not terrible to leave it around, but, it does balloon after test after test03:12
lifelessmorganfainberg: os.atexit perhaps? I'd be super hesitant about it though. What problem are you solving?03:12
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morganfainberglifeless, i create a PID specific test dir03:13
ayoungum...drop the db in the tearDown03:13
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: can't you jsut put them all in a larger folder then reap the big folder at the end?03:13
lifelessayoung: s/tearDown/cleanUp/03:13
lifelessmorganfainberg: do you want to preserve state between test cases?03:13
lifelessmorganfainberg: e.g. why is it per worker and not per case?03:13
morganfainberglifeless, yes since we don't need to re-migrate the sqlite db that way03:13
ayounglifeless, why not tearDown?03:13
morganfainbergi guess i'll use cleanups for other test data03:14
lifelessayoung: because tearDown doesn't always run, and infra have asked that we stop using it.03:14
morganfainbergayoung, teardown will fail to run if setup fails03:14
lifelessayoung: tearDown also doesn't always run to completion, but since it's cleanup code you *want* it to run to completion.03:14
morganfainbergamong other things03:14
ayoungis cleanup run per test or once per overall?03:15
morganfainberglifeless, the current usecase is we have a "pristine" migrated db, and we don't want to lose that.  saves time vs. migrating the sqlite every time03:15
morganfainbergayoung, addCleanup is per case.03:15
morganfainberglifeless, for a number of out test-cases that is.03:15
lifelessmorganfainberg: so, testresources is /designed/ for this use case :)03:15
morganfainberglifeless, ok03:16
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lifelessbut, deleting a pid based test dir - i think it would be reasonable to use atexit for that03:16
lifelessmorganfainberg: for now, so we don't block on this03:16
morganfainberglifeless, ok03:16
morganfainberglifeless, yeah trying to do this in stages03:17
lifelessindeed :)03:17
morganfainberglifeless, so i'll use atexit to do a shutil.rmtree on that dir03:17
morganfainbergthe pid specific one03:17
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morganfainbergand we'll do further cleanup to use testresources as we progress towards "fixing" the keystone tests03:18
ayoungput all of the dbs in keystone/tests/db03:19
lifelessayoung: surely /tmp is better03:19
ayounglifeless, please no03:19
lifelessayoung: why not?03:19
morganfainbergayoung, keystone/tests/tmp/PID ?03:19
morganfainbergthats the current working tmp dir03:19
ayoungmorganfainberg, if you are going to delete them one at a time03:19
ayoungmake it a subdir if you want to wack them all03:19
lifelesswriting test data to the source tree is a really bad antipattern03:20
lifelessayoung: they have to be cleaned up separately03:20
lifelessayoung: as each backend doesn't know if it's the last active one03:20
morganfainberglifeless, ++03:20
ayoungI mount them in a ramdisl03:20
ayoungdisk for speed03:20
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morganfainbergayoung, so still mount tests/tmp03:21
morganfainbergi create the tmpdir for the pid on demand03:21
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ayoungmorganfainberg, I do03:21
morganfainbergand will clean it up at exit03:21
ayoungjust don't put them directly in /tmp03:21
morganfainbergnot going to change that behavior03:21
lifelessayoung: that doesn't explain anything for me03:21
morganfainbergnot no /tmp03:21
lifelessayoung: isn't your /tmp a ramdisk?03:21
ayounglifeless, no03:21
ayoungand it should not be03:21
ayoungthat is a blight upon the land and must be stamped out!03:21
ayoungyou make /tmpo a ramdisk you risk filling up your ram with random crap03:22
morganfainbergnot if you limit the size03:22
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morganfainbergdoable in linux03:22
StevenKWell, /tmp is swap-backed ram03:22
lifelessayoung: so your point is that you want a well known path to put the tests in, so you can mount that as a tmpfs ?03:22
ayoungmorganfainberg, and then you break things03:22
ayounglifeless, we already do this...03:22
morganfainbergayoung, no differnt than having your partition fill up03:22
morganfainbergand breaking things03:22
ayoungwe put the testdb file in keystone/tests/tmp now03:22
ayoungah...I missed the tmp above, sorry03:23
morganfainbergayoung, thats where it already is going03:23
morganfainbergwasn't going to move that03:23
lifelessayoung: yes, but I'm just making sure I have the constraint correct before I make other comments :)03:23
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ayoung"put all of the dbs in keystone/tests/db"  should have been "put all of the dbs in keystone/tests/tmp/db"03:23
lifelessayoung: out of interest,have you tried eatmydata vs a tmpfs ?03:23
morganfainbergayoung, is there a reason not to do it in /test/tmp/PID/03:23
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morganfainbergayoung, since each worker never knows if it's the last one03:24
morganfainbergw/o ps inspection03:24
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morganfainbergusing os.atexit i can cleanup the pid dir explicitly03:24
morganfainbergfor that specific worker03:24
morganfainbergthe way you're proposing perhaps not03:24
morganfainbergunless there is a reason to leave the temp data around03:24
morganfainbergwhichcase... uhm...03:25
morganfainbergwe might leave data lingering around03:25
ayoungnah, wipe out hte data03:26
morganfainbergayoung, ok03:26
ayoungif you want to inspect, you can always put a break in the middle of the test, then use the sqlite command line, then kill the process or whatever03:27
ayoungleaving it around just makes a mess03:27
morganfainbergayoung, that was my thought03:27
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stevemarmorganfainberg ping04:03
morganfainbergstevemar, pong04:03
stevemarmorganfainberg could you check out:
stevemarmorganfainberg, ugh actully, no rush, we still have a ton of approved patches that need rebasing04:04
morganfainbergi need to wait on jenkins anyway04:05
morganfainbergbut it has +2/+204:05
morganfainbergjust needs +A04:05
stevemarmorganfainberg - ugh right, i forgot about that, i did that hours ago :(04:05
stevemaractually, yesterday apparently04:05
stevemarmorganfainberg, so question... if i submitted the last patch for this change set, but it was started by another author, can i approve it? does it go against the guidelines?04:06
stevemari would think it does04:06
stevemar'never approve your own work'04:06
morganfainbergstevemar, depends, is it a simple rebase?04:07
morganfainbergtypically a trivial rebase is not an issue04:07
stevemarits alaready been 2x +2'ed04:07
morganfainbergif you've contributed code (vs. rebase)04:07
morganfainbergyou shouldn't +204:07
morganfainbergor +A imo04:07
stevemarhmm, i did add code, not just rebase04:07
stevemari getcha04:08
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stevemarbut if it was just a rebase, then it's okay04:08
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stevemari hear ya04:08
morganfainbergsometimes you need to get code in for some reason04:08
stevemarcool cool04:08
morganfainbergbut it needs a rebase04:08
morganfainbergwith a small core team (and to prevent being overloaded)04:09
morganfainbergif you rebase (wait for jenkins) then you can re-submit04:09
morganfainbergmost of the time i don't notice the need for rebase (e.g. not merge conflict) until after jenkins -2s it04:09
morganfainbergeven then, sometimes merge conflicts i forget to test for before approving04:10
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ayoungjamielennox, are we considering  fixed?04:30
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jamielennoxayoung: i haven't done it04:30
jamielennoxbut it is a duplicate of one that is marked commited04:31
ayoungjamielennox, right04:31
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jamielennoxayoung: from the review it looks fixed to me04:33
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ayoungjamielennox, yeah, and the RDO bug with it.  Thanks04:33
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morganfainbergayoung, jamielennox,  2212 (+2173) tests in 172.735s05:42
morganfainbergthat is parallel05:43
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: nice05:43
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: that will be great to have05:44
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morganfainbergrunning a base-line w/o parallel now05:44
morganfainbergprobably ~400s05:44
jamielennoxdo you have the tmpdir as tmpfs?05:45
morganfainbergthis is 4 workers05:45
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morganfainbergstandard VFS in my vm05:45
jamielennoxthat is impressive then05:45
morganfainbergso, keystone/tests/tmp as tmpfs would likely make it faster05:45
morganfainbergi'll mount that up and do another test as the third run05:45
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i don't even try and run them without that anymore05:45
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i think occasionally that we should put that hack into the gate...05:45
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morganfainbergit's not too onerous of changes, though i needed to include a fix for "unsetting overrides"05:46
morganfainbergand testing w/ non-sqlite backends requires a bit more manual work now =/05:46
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morganfainbergsince nonsqlite still can't be parallel05:46
morganfainbergbut, that _should_ get fixed in a subsequent patch.05:47
morganfainbergand no lingering DB files or configs are left on the filesystem05:48
morganfainbergauto-cleans up when it's done05:49
morganfainberg*taps foot*05:49
morganfainberghurry up tests!05:49
morganfainbergjamielennox, and the only tests i had to group were the keystoneclient ones (saves multiple checkouts)05:50
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morganfainbergayoung, jamielennox, not parallel: Ran 2212 tests in 433.607s (+260.902s)05:51
morganfainbergand now parallel w/ tmpfs05:51
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morganfainbergah, cert tests failed somehow05:52
morganfainbergoh, those prob. need to be grouped05:53
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morganfainbergand with tmpfs:05:56
morganfainbergayoung, jamielennox Ran 2212 (-1) tests in 103.814s05:57
morganfainbergi think that is quite reasonable05:57
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jamielennoxi think we've been dreaming of < 2min05:57
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jamielennoxmorganfainberg: is it possible to do it with a tempfile.mktmpdir or whatever it's called for clenaup?06:09
morganfainbergjamielennox, possibly06:09
morganfainbergbut pid seemed just as functional.06:09
jamielennoxnot sure exactly how that works but it saves the atexit call06:09
morganfainbergstill need atexit06:09
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morganfainbergthe directory needs to exist beyond the import of test.core06:10
morganfainbergand you don't ever know what the last item (from within test.core) is going to be.06:10
morganfainbergi think06:10
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morganfainbergit's not meant to be cleaned up between runs, but at the exit of the worker06:10
morganfainbergi _might_ be wrong in my assertion and open to trying alternatives06:11
jamielennoxsure if you have one big dir06:11
jamielennoxbut if your using temp dirs you could setup and teardown06:11
morganfainbergper worker we have some state we want to keep.06:11
morganfainbergthe pristinedb06:11
morganfainbergwe don't want to re-migrate each time.06:11
jamielennoxthat would just live outside of the folders06:11
jamielennoxpristine isn't cleaned up between runs as it is06:11
morganfainbergdoesn't work like that06:12
morganfainbergwe create the pristine db on the first invocation06:12
morganfainbergso you're already within a worker context06:12
morganfainbergshort of locking and waiting for the first one to win,06:12
morganfainbergit's not doable06:12
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morganfainbergmuch less work to let each worker just have it's own pristine db for now06:12
morganfainbergstevemar, parallel workers for tests, able to get < 2min tests w/ 4 workers and tmpfs06:13
morganfainbergjamielennox, i expect this will change when we go to using testresource06:13
morganfainbergand a more heavy handed cleanup might be doable06:13
morganfainbergbut this is the first step along the way06:13
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morganfainbergugh typo in commit *grr*06:14
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morganfainbergi really hope those changes are all py26 compat06:15
stevemarmorganfainberg - will this affect debugging (pdb) ?06:15
morganfainbergstevemar, likely you will want to turn off parallel workers for that06:16
morganfainbergis my guess06:16
stevemarmorganfainberg - is it on by default? (still reviewing)?06:16
morganfainbergparallel workers, yes06:16
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morganfainbergthat is controlled in .testr.conf06:17
morganfainbergi am not sure if an env var would suffice, if so, it makes it a bit easier06:17
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morganfainbergugh. i left code in there :(06:20
morganfainberggrr, missed a couple things *sigh* ah well06:20
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stevemarmorganfainberg gnight06:21
morganfainbergstevemar, had to upload another patchset, forgot to pull out some unneeded sutff06:21
morganfainbergbut it should be good at this point until i get feedback/need to rebase (RACE TO REBASE!)06:22
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jamielennoxdamn it, i've hacked this client up with so much backwards compatability i can't produce a failing test for something - something keeps resetting variables to what i apparently mean06:27
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morganfainbergjamielennox, LOL06:30
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morganfainbergjamielennox, thats actually kindof funny06:30
jamielennoxand yet annoying06:31
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jamielennoxyep, found it a backwards compat hack that hard sets the right region_name into token data then the client doesn't have to do it's own region processing06:35
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jamielennoxi'm not sure if that's genius or it's time to scrap the whole bloody code base06:35
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jamielennoxmorganfainberg: looks good06:51
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stevemarjamielennox, nice job on getting the kds stuff in :)06:58
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jamielennoxstevemar: heh, that's the first patch - but thanks07:00
jamielennoxgood to see some progress anyway07:00
stevemarjamielennox, it's a start, good chunk of code07:00
jamielennoxstevemar: yea, it's a lot of the foundational stuff that can always be improved on later but doesn't have much logic to it07:02
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flaper87ttx: ping09:33
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flaper87ttx: I just updated because it didn't mention havana. Could you double check when you get a chance?09:34
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ttxflaper87: checking09:36
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flaper87ttx: we should probably not mention releases in that overview and find a better way to list current maintained releases09:36
flaper87ttx: unless you already have one and I'm not aware of it, which is more than probable09:37
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ttxflaper87: fwiw the reference page lives at
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ttxflaper87: you could redirect to that page to avoid duplication09:37
flaper87ttx: yeah, that one I know of (phew) :D09:37
flaper87ttx: yeah, I'll do that, sounds better09:37
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tristanCHi! ttx, I also have a question... what is missing on ?09:38
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ttxtristanC: we never issued "retroactive" advisories and this one is a bit too borderline to convince us to start issuing them09:55
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ttxtristanC: i.e. it's almost a perf issue rather than a DoS avenue09:55
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ttxwe kinda hoped people with stronger opinions would weigh in, but they didn't. And now it would be very retroactive09:56
ttxI'll discuss with VMT members and we'll make a final call09:56
tristanCttx: agreed, it's just that this one is quite old and still unassign.09:57
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ttxtristanC: yes, we just need to decide if that case should be covered by our advisory policy, since it's a bit of a corner case (old perf fix that may block a DoS vector)09:58
ttxtristanC: and admittedly we let that one linger while we addressed more pressing issues09:59
ttxwill make sure we have a way forward10:00
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tristanCttx: sure, no worry. It's more a matter of housekeeping afaik :) Thanks anyway10:00
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flaper87ttx: I just noticed jd__ had already changed the thread subject. Damn, my email client failed me. T_T11:24
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giulivoping lifeless, I noticed assertIn from testtools does not allow for any optional message while I'd like to use it in tempest for a few tests, would it make sense to you if I add that to testtools?12:04
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ttxmarkmc: you around ?14:22
markmcttx, hey14:22
ttxmarkmc: hola, happy new year etc14:22
markmcttx, ditto, etc. :)14:23
ttxmarkmc: had a question for you about oslo.rootwrap14:23
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ttxmarkmc: I think I pushed everything to make it part of the gate now and properly installed in devstack14:23
ttx(copying whazt oslo.messaging did)14:23
ttxmarkmc: trying to debug trying to debug now14:24
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ttxI have a feeling it might come from the absence of oslo/__init__.py14:24
ttxwhich may be a problem with the python develop -style install14:24
ttx(pip seems to survive it alright)14:25
markmcttx, hmm, suck14:25
ttxwhe the package was simply installed as a dep I did not hit that14:25
ttxtry is I'm not sure we should all be having oslo/ in all the oslo.* libs14:26
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markmcttx, struggling to remember how this is supposed to work, tbh14:28
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ttxdhellmann: if you're around ^14:28
markmcttx, AFAIR oslo/ shouldn't get installed for namespaced packages14:28
ttxmarkmc: I fear some kind of weirdness due to develop using eggs stuff14:29
markmcttx, one odd thing is that oslo.config has:14:29
markmcpackages =14:29
markmc    oslo14:29
markmc    oslo.config14:29
markmcnamespace_packages =14:29
markmc    oslo14:29
markmcttx, and oslo.messaging has:14:29
markmcpackages =14:30
markmc    oslo14:30
markmcnamespace_packages =14:30
markmc    oslo14:30
* ttx copies oslo.messaging14:30
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markmcttx, there's some pbr history here and I recall mordred explaining why explicitly listing oslo.config isn't needed14:30
markmcttx, so that could be a red-herring14:30
* markmc tries some things14:30
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ttxmarkmc: fwiw develop complains in devstacklog about "package init file 'oslo/' not found (or not a regular file)"14:32
ttxwhich is where I got the hint from14:32
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markmcttx, oh, oslo.rootwrap doesn't have oslo/ in git?14:32
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ttxmarkmc: exactly14:33
markmcttx, that's the first thing to try - add one which declares the namespace14:33
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ttxi can reproduce that error running PYTHONPATH=. /tmp/oslo-rootwrap14:34
ttxso it's probably that14:34
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ttxa requirement for running from tree that pip hides14:34
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markmcttx, adding to git fixes ' develop' for me14:35
ttxmarkmc: that's probably it. Will fix.14:36
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markmcttx, np, ping me when you put up the review and I'll +2 - I'm a bit behind14:36
* tshirtman just found a bug in lesscpy >_>14:37
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lifelessgiulivo: sure14:39
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ttxmarkmc: will ping you when we have check test results.14:41
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dhellmannttx, markmc: catching up on backlog...14:51
ttxdhellmann: I think we came up to the conclusion that was the answer14:52
dhellmannttx: yep, that looks right14:52
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dhellmannttx: there was a ML thread about solum having issues with oslo namespace packages, but I think you hit a different issue14:53
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ttxdhellmann: yeah. This issue is new, appeared when we added oslo.rootwrap to the gate (so using the git master version in tests)14:53
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dhellmannttx: yeah, I think you have the proper fix there; let's see what jenkins says14:54
ttxdhellmann: pip handles absence of that file more gracefully14:54
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ttxmight just be that using common directories, it just finds one from oslo.config installed.14:54
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dhellmannthe namespace package won't actually install that file, iirc14:54
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dhellmannat least under some circumstances14:55
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dhellmannI haven't had enough caffeine to think about python packaging yet :-)14:55
nooruldhellmann: Are you looking for ^^^14:55
dhellmannnoorul: I was referencing that, yes, thanks14:56
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noorulAnd also there is another one
noorulttx ^^^14:57
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dhellmannnoorul: we don't think those are related to the current problem15:03
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bogdandodhellmann, hello15:10
dhellmannbogdando: hi15:11
bogdandodhellmann, can you please elaborate your comment on ?15:11
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bogdandoI've created small demo for devstack testing both patches (#4 and last one) as well15:12
bogdandoyou can watch it here
dhellmannbogdando: IIRC, that changes the output format of the log messages, which may break a deployer that is already using syslog handling in its current form15:12
dhellmannbogdando: a new option might be a better way to handle the format change (e.g., --rfc-syslog, though that's not a great name)15:13
bogdandoIn demo I illustrated how both changes could be used15:13
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bogdandoI also like new option for log_format, but I cannot figure out how to fight this dict errors for some middlewares15:14
dhellmannbogdando: I'm sorry, but I really truly do not have time to watch video demos of patches. Could you produce a pastebin or something I could read?15:14
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bogdandodhellmann, yes I will do15:15
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dhellmannbogdando: thanks15:15
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nooruldhellmann: ok15:16
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dhellmannbogdando: I appreciate you fixing this to make it standards compliant; we just need to come up with a way that's also backwards-compatible for existing users. We can deprecate the broken form after we make both work together.15:16
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bogdandodhellmann, does backwards-compatible mean "syslog = RFCSysLogHandler(address='/dev/log',..." will not work with older versions of services using syslog handler?  am I understand you correct?15:24
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bogdandoare where any other means?15:25
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dhellmannbogdando: what I mean is that any deployer using the current version of the syslog handler, with the current options that enable it, should still see the same log output format after an upgrade15:25
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dhellmannwhether that means using the same handler class, or just not having the new format enabled, is an implementation detail15:26
dhellmannmake sense?15:26
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bogdandodhellmann, here I've tried to illustrate there are no backward-compatibility issues using original SysLogHandler15:46
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bogdandoyou can see and compare screen vs syslog logs output both for unpatched and patched, using same Nova config15:47
dhellmannbogdando: where's the extra piece of information, the binary name?15:47
dhellmannah, I see it there15:47
bogdandosee part 2 - it has been provided ... yes15:48
dhellmannso, yes, the output format has changed15:48
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dhellmannthat's not backwards compatible15:48
dhellmannanything trying to parse that log output will now fail15:48
dhellmannI think what we need is a new flag that turns on this new rfc-based format, instead of the old format15:48
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bogdandoI understand you now...15:48
dhellmannthe default should be to not use the format, so deployers can turn it on if they want15:49
dhellmannand then during J we can talk about changing that default15:49
bogdandoso, I should add new config option?15:49
dhellmannand the deprecation process to remove the old broken format15:49
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dhellmannyes, I think so15:49
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dhellmannmaybe "use_syslog_rfc_format = true" to turn it on?15:49
bogdandothank you for your help and your time, I will try :)15:49
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dhellmannor maybe use_syslog_rfc_### where ### is the rfc number15:50
dhellmanngood, thanks, and I'm sorry this wasn't clear from my original review comment :-)15:50
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dhellmannthanks for your patience!15:50
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ttxmarkmc: it's up and checked @
markmcttx, cool16:11
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rpodolyakadhellmann: ping16:27
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dhellmannttx: approved16:51
dhellmannrpodolyaka: pong16:51
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ttxdhellmann: awesomethx16:52
flashgordondtroyer: thanks16:52
dtroyerflashgordon: I'm assuming the gate failures are the current sources of joy?16:53
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flashgordondtroyer: very much so16:53
flashgordonalthough we are making good progress16:53
flashgordonbtw I have a grenade patch series,n,z16:54
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rpodolyakadhellmann: hey! Could you please take a look at BP when you have a minute? (patch, implementing this is already on review - This is schema migrations stuff we talked at the summit. This BP implements the common UI for sqlalchemy-migrate/alembic and enables smooth transitioning from migrate to alembic17:15
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dstanekis there any way to diff two patchsets in gerrit to see what actually changed?18:06
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dhellmanndstanek: 2 versions of the same patch?18:06
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danpbdstanek: gerrit has a UI option to diff 2 patches but it is essentially  useless18:07
dstanekdhellmann: yes, like patchset 4 and patchset 518:07
danpbbecause if the patch was also rebased to newer git master the UI will show all those changes too18:07
dhellmanndstanek: the "Old Version History" selector lets you set the version to use as the source for diffs18:07
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dhellmanndstanek: it works better if later patches weren't rebased against a repo with a lot of other changes18:07
dhellmanndstanek: if that happens, sometimes you can set it to the most current version and read the diffs on the old patch backwards18:08
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dstanekdhellmann: not sure this is doing what i want - right now in git i would pull the changeset 4 patch and checkout FETCH_HEAD, then i fetch the patchset 5 change and diff HEAD..FETCH_HEAD18:11
dhellmanndstanek: and that would diff between 4 and 5?18:12
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dstanekdhellmann: yeah, i do it everyone in a while when i just was to see what changed between the patches18:13
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CaptTofuhi all18:14
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dstanekdhellmann: doesn't always work well where there are a ton of changes - better to just look at the latest patch in isolation18:14
dhellmanndstanek: yeah, if you look at and set the "Old Version History" to patch set 1, then click the link it will show you the changes between patch 1 and 2 in that file18:14
CaptTofuquestion - having issues with upstart, so I want to start a program backgrouned, but not sure how to do a docker run with the program backgrounded (this being mysqld_safe) ?18:14
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CaptTofuwhoops, wrong channel18:14
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dhellmanndstanek: right, it also fails if the latter patch is rebased when submitted to gerrit because git thinks it includes lots of other files that weren't in the original patch18:15
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dhellmanndstanek: so I guess it's diffing not the patches themselves, but the state of the repo at each point18:15
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dstanekdhellmann: i have not run into that yet, but yeah it's actually diffing the branches18:15
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morganfainberglifeless, thanks for the help last night on testr stuff18:18
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morganfainberglifeless, helped a lot in getting that patch posted.18:19
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morganfainbergdolphm, huh, looks like there is something odd in the test_auth_with_id test.  bad isolation18:28
morganfainbergyay parallel testing showing things like this18:28
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dolphmmorganfainberg: i wasn't able to reproduce a failure there... i ran that test like 20 times this morning18:30
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dolphmmorganfainberg: my patchset just fixes the nits & includes lifeless's suggestion18:31
dolphmmorganfainberg: i'm not sure what there is to doc as ayoung requested ... ideas?18:31
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morganfainbergdolphm, i am unsure about that18:42
morganfainbergdolphm, i mean, perhaps just "uncomment this line" if mysql?18:42
ayoungmorganfainberg, how'd you run it?18:42
morganfainbergayoung, tox -epy2718:42
morganfainbergayoung, parallel testing is the default.18:43
ayoungis there something I need to do to clean up the tox venv?18:43
ayoungmaybe I had the other venv ectivated and that messed things up18:43
morganfainbergayoung, that could def do it18:43
dolphmayoung: you can always nuke your tox environments and start fresh18:45
ayoungdolphm, I'll try that next18:45
ayoungis there some "update"18:45
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dolphmmorganfainberg: i feel like i had this conversation before but i don't remember the outcome... why concurrency == 2 instead of at least 4?18:46
morganfainbergdolphm, hmm? we set that explicitly?18:46
morganfainbergmy initial patch was use 1 worker per cpu18:46
dolphmmorganfainberg: oh? i thought test_run_concurrency in .testr.conf set the number of workers18:47
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morganfainbergdolphm, it does, it's commented out18:47
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dolphmmorganfainberg: echo 1 == 1 worker, echo 4 == 4 workers, no?18:48
morganfainbergbut if it isn't defined (commented out by default here)18:49
morganfainbergit uses 1 worker per cpu18:49
dolphmmorganfainberg: ooooh okay18:49
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morganfainbergi left the line in because mysql/pgsql needs to be single worker still18:49
dolphmmorganfainberg: (worker per *core*?)18:49
morganfainbergso, uncomment, run "real db" test18:49
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ayoungper core18:49
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morganfainbergdolphm, my VM represents true cpus to the guest18:49
morganfainbergbut probably per core18:50
bknudsonmorganfainberg: any reason why isn't approved?18:50
ayoungthere is not such thing as true cpus18:50
morganfainbergbknudson, i think it was waiting on jenkins18:50
morganfainbergayoung, but representation to the OS18:50
bknudsonmorganfainberg: it's passed jenkins so I'll approve18:51
morganfainbergayoung, i am representing 4 sockets18:51
morganfainbergbknudson, ++18:51
ayoungbknudson, cuz stevemar didn't hit approve18:51
ayoungmorganfainberg, no, not sockets18:51
ayoungyou want core18:51
ayoungsocket is a physical thing18:51
morganfainbergayoung, it's just the way this VM is setup18:51
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ayoungyou want the number of concurrent processes that can run, which is core.18:51
ayoungWe could probably go higher18:52
morganfainbergayoung, semantics for this discussion.18:52
morganfainbergayoung, i was talking about how my vm was configured18:52
ayoungI am guessing that tests are IO bound18:52
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ayoungmorganfainberg, I run on my laptop, not in a VM18:52
morganfainbergbknudson, yeah stevemar didn't hit +a18:52
ayoungthe distinction matters to me18:52
morganfainbergayoung, ok. let me figure out what test_auth_with_id keeps failing18:53
morganfainbergi can't duplicate that failure locally, but it seems to keep failing in gate18:53
morganfainbergerm jenkins18:53
ayoungmorganfainberg, what backend is it hitting?18:53
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: are you clearing out your vendor directory?18:54
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morganfainbergbknudson, ah, no.18:54
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morganfainbergbknudson, that might be it.18:54
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morganfainbergoh huh18:54
ayoungwe do evil there18:55
morganfainbergwell, i did group those tests onto a single worker18:55
morganfainbergso we don't need to download things once per worker potentially18:55
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morganfainbergi think we have some test isolation issues.18:55
morganfainbergseeing other tests sporadically failing18:56
morganfainbergoh wait18:56
morganfainbergcrud. wrong review18:57
morganfainberg*sigh* logs look an aweful lot the same sometimes18:57
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morganfainbergyeah just test_auth_with_id no other test failures18:57
ayoungnotice that the https on that jenkins machine depdns on a self signed certificate18:58
morganfainbergayoung, on a couple of the jenkins systems18:58
morganfainbergi think a couple don't18:58
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morganfainbergrestful testcase uses KVS backend, right?19:00
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ayoungmorganfainberg, what platform are you developing on?19:04
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morganfainbergayoung, I develop on OS X, but i run tests on ubuntu (precise) and fedora... 19?19:04
ayoungand what version of tox?19:05
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morganfainberg(fedora VM)19:05
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morganfainbergah, restful testcase uses sqlite19:06
morganfainberg(by default)19:06
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morganfainbergok, i am not seeing how is failing w/o other tests failing.19:10
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morganfainbergit's that one thats failed consistently in the jenkins server19:10
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dolphmmorganfainberg: it's a fairly simple test too :(19:15
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morganfainbergdolphm, yeah19:15
bknudsondolphm: you were +2 on this before, still ?19:15
morganfainbergit's failing on the first auth attempt, to get the unscoped token19:15
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morganfainbergi  think.19:15
dolphmbknudson: approving19:15
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morganfainbergdolphm, i think i found it19:18
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morganfainbergoh interesting19:19
dolphmmorganfainberg: ?!19:19
dolphmmorganfainberg: did you repro?19:19
morganfainbergred herring.19:19
morganfainbergbut we have some odd errors when you look at the actual logs19:19
morganfainbergmaking notes on needing cleanup19:20
morganfainbergnothing critical19:20
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morganfainbergbut i think we can cleanup some of these longer-term19:20
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morganfainbergdolphm, i'm only seeing a couple ways we could 401 out of that test.19:35
morganfainbergdolphm, i'm chasing down all the possibilities but i'm baffled why neither of us can repro this locally19:36
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morganfainbergI even did a clean venv and a git clean -fdx19:36
morganfainbergso it should be 100% clean environment, no joy on repro19:36
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sdagueharlowja: so, how's the taskflow release?19:46
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harlowjasdague yup, one more review to go through, waiting for jeknins/zuul to unblock19:49
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harlowjasdague tagged, should showup automatically on pypi soon19:56
harlowjaand there it is19:56
jesusauruswhat is the climate project? seems a bit bare :/19:57
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harlowjasdague should be much more future proof20:01
harlowjaand will help taskflow test against sqlalchemy variations20:02
sdagueharlowja: great20:03
sdaguehaleyb: thanks20:03
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Noah_hey guys20:11
Noah_this may be a silly thing to say - but here goes:20:11
Noah_I'm going to be working on and with Oslo, and I'm wondering if its packaged into any openstack releases / branches20:12
Noah_seems a bit unclear fron the docs20:12
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Noah_specifically: oslo.messaging20:13
Noah_never-mind i see it on launchpad. ignore me. . .20:15
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Noah_if anyone cares:
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bad_joke_eelYeah, so I wanted to figure out how to work with Oslo myself. So far there's this process where by sometimes code comes from other projects and goes into Oslo… other times code comes out of Oslo and into other projects.20:27
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bad_joke_eelIt's all done by copying the code as far as I can tell.20:28
morganfainbergoh it must be friday20:28
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bad_joke_eelThat's why I'm so...20:28
bad_joke_eelheh heh heh20:28
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morganfainbergbad_joke_eel, ok ok... you deserve a snicker for that one20:32
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dolphmmorganfainberg: small change here since you approved it
morganfainbergoh yeah, the delattr part?20:35
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morganfainbergyeah still looks good, going to re-approve20:35
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henrynashdolphm: ping20:36
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dolphmhenrynash: pong!20:36
morganfainberghenrynash, !!20:36
henrynashdolphm: so, I am coming to Texas next week...20:36
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dolphmhenrynash: i was just about to ask :)20:37
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henrynashdolphm: can you remind me of the location?20:37
morganfainberghenrynash, woot!20:37
dolphmhenrynash: everything should be here
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henrynashmorganfaiberg: thx20:37
henrynashdolphm: perfect20:37
nkinderdolphm: ping20:37
dolphmnkinder: o/20:38
henrynashdolphm: I won't get in till very late on the Tuesday, so see you Wednesday morning20:38
nkinderdolphm: I'm writing up the OSSN for the external auth issue where we split REMOTE_USER by the "@" char20:38
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nkinderdolphm: I just want to confirm the plan...20:38
dolphmhenrynash: sounds good!20:38
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morganfainberghenrynash, such is travel across the pond eh?20:39
dolphmnkinder: ooh, i haven't followed up on that this week yet... do you have a link to the bug?20:39
nkinderdolphm: sure, one sec20:39
nkinderdolphm: ayoung took over it too20:39
henrynashmorganfainberg: especially when you have to go visit one's office in North Carolina on the way over!20:39
nkinderdolphm: here's the review -
morganfainberghenrynash, hah20:39
dolphmhenrynash: ha20:40
morganfainberghenrynash, well glad you're going to make it.20:40
nkinderdolphm: and the bug is here -
henrynashmorganfainberg: bald to be coming, I've been off the radar for a bit due to other work load…time to take up the slack20:40
henrynasheven glad to be coming20:40
henrynashblad ?20:40
nkinderdolphm: I have the writeup completed, but I'm trying to determine what to say about future fixes we are planning.20:41
henrynashthat may be happening too….sigh20:41
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nkinderdolphm: if we plan on doing something for this in havana, it seems like I should say that20:41
dolphmnkinder: do you have that in a gist/paste/etherpad?20:41
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dolphmnkinder: yeah, how this is address in havana is the delicate point here20:42
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dolphmhenrynash: bald we'll be seeing you next week20:42
henrynashdolphm: :-)20:43
nkinderdolphm: apologies for the lack of line-wrapping20:43
dolphmhenrynash: i'll be sure to get a haircut to honor your arrival20:43
henrynashdolphm: appreciated20:43
nkinderdolphm: let me get you a more readable paste20:43
dolphmnkinder: raw solves that nicely
nkinderah, cool20:44
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dolphmnkinder: summary and discussion LGTM20:47
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dolphmnkinder: let me review the latest patchset before reading the rest20:47
nkinderdolphm: k20:47
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dolphmnkinder: so, this gets really confusing when the patch is renaming all of these plugin classes :(20:51
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nkinderdolphm: yes, there's that too.  The names I used are deprecated, though the config in Havana uses ExternalDefault in the example.20:52
nkinderdolphm: I can use the new class names and state that it was renamed20:52
dolphmnkinder: maybe refer to them using both, along with the corresponding release? so something like Havana's ExternalDefault (i.e. Icehouse's DefaultDomain)20:54
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dolphmthis may also be impacted by a backport in havana, so there will be two sets of plugins depending on which minor version of havana you're looking at? :(20:55
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nkinderdolphm: yes, that gets confusing too.20:58
dolphmi'm trying to put together a complete mapping of what is what20:58
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nkinderdolphm: I don't want to be too predictive of things that aren't developed yet either.20:58
nkinderIt might make sense to update the OSSN if we fix this for a havana update20:59
dolphmnkinder: agree20:59
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: weren't you having this problem with the parallel testing? "AppError: Bad response: 403 Forbidden (not 200 OK or 3xx redirect for ..."21:37
morganfainbergbknudson, 40121:37
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morganfainbergbknudson, the one i've been having issues with is test_auth_with_id21:37
morganfainbergbut. very similar21:37
morganfainbergi am not seeing how this test is faiing where other ones work.21:38
bknudsonok, well these are my new tests so must be something with the rebase.21:38
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bknudsonmorganfainberg: ahh, the operation works now rather than failing because of a change that was merged where you fixed to use CONF.identity.default_domain_id correctly.21:41
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morganfainbergbknudson, sorry :P21:42
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morganfainbergbknudson, ugh21:43
morganfainbergi need to move the vendor directory as well21:43
bknudsonmove it?21:44
morganfainberglooks like that is tieing things up in odd ways21:44
morganfainbergthat is my issue21:44
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bknudsonwhat's the difference where it is?21:44
morganfainbergit's getting stomped on21:44
morganfainbergtests/tmp/PID/vendor rather than uhm wherever it goes now21:44
morganfainbergbasically, no way for two workers to step on each other21:44
bknudsonit's going to take forever if have to check out every time.21:44
morganfainbergno no21:45
morganfainbergthose tests _should_ be grouped21:45
morganfainbergbut, if some aren't for some reason, it should be isolated to the specific worker21:45
morganfainbergdolphm, w00t just duplicated the issue!21:45
morganfainbergi don't think i've ever felt good about a bug like this...21:45
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morganfainbergbknudson, i'll see if that is needed actually, might not be an issue21:46
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morganfainbergor might just need some regex fixes21:46
bknudsonthat's weird it's a regex to group?21:47
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morganfainbergit groups based upon group(0)21:47
bknudsoncan testresources be used to group as well?21:47
morganfainbergbknudson, as we move towards testresources, i think so21:47
bknudsoneven if you don't make the clients an actual testresource21:48
morganfainbergit was recommended we do this the simple way to start21:48
morganfainbergand do iterations21:48
morganfainbergi don't think testresources solves this specific issue21:48
morganfainbergunless we use the testresources to do the lifting21:49
morganfainberge.g. clone etc21:49
bknudsonmorganfainberg: what's the issue? I thought testresources caused the tests to essentially be grouped.21:49
morganfainbergbknudson, i was talking w/ lifeless last night21:49
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bknudsontestresources doesn't cause the tests to be grouped?21:49
morganfainbergnot sure if there is a specific effect or not21:50
morganfainbergi'm not that familiar with test resources21:50
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bknudsonI used it on the client for a change...21:50
bknudsonit was pretty slick.21:50
morganfainbergmy plan was get parallel stuff working21:50
morganfainbergthen start making other changes21:50
morganfainbergrather than reworking a bunch of tests and then doing it again to solve parallel issues21:50
morganfainbergbut, right now i'm chasing a specific failure.21:51
morganfainbergkeeps happening21:51
morganfainbergbut i don't know why21:51
morganfainbergand it's not specifically related to the client21:51
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morganfainbergjust, saw the client was having other oddities21:52
morganfainbergmight justify grouping, or testresources, etc as the next phase21:52
morganfainbergs/client/vendor checkout thing21:52
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morganfainbergok.. wtf.22:01
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dolphmayoung: followed up your revision to with a few more bits and +2'd22:31
dolphmmorganfainberg: reading back...22:31
morganfainbergdolphm, got it to fail.22:31
morganfainbergdolphm, then... last three runs...22:31
morganfainbergno more failure22:31
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morganfainbergall i changed was some debug lines :(22:32
dolphmmorganfainberg: testr run --until-failure22:32
morganfainbergok so.22:32
morganfainberg... i think i found the issue22:32
morganfainbergor at least possibly part of it22:32
dolphm(i actually used that this morning using the entire class (TestAuthJSON?), and never saw it22:32
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morganfainbergrestful test case is supposed to use sql22:33
morganfainberghowever, somehow it's referencing the KVS back22:33
morganfainbergfor identity22:33
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dolphmmorganfainberg: bah. it used to use kvs only, and i think we moved it to sql as much as we could22:36
morganfainbergyeah so now i'm looking at testcase standup.22:36
ayoungaloga, can you bless my cleanups to and I'll approve?22:37
morganfainbergand it is really a heisenbug style.22:37
morganfainbergit's hard to repro consistently22:37
morganfainbergcouldn't repro it on fedora 1922:37
morganfainbergtook a number of iterations on a new ubuntu precise vm22:37
ayounggyee, BTW, not ignoring your comments on ^^, just think we should take it as is....if you feel really strongly, we can hold it up, but it is fixing a pretty important brokeness..22:37
ayoungmorganfainberg, that is what parallelism does:22:38
morganfainbergayoung, it exposes badly designed isolation? ;)22:38
morganfainbergor.. badly implemented22:38
morganfainbergdesign might be fine22:38
gyeeayoung, no problem more of an suggestion then objection22:38
ayoungmorganfainberg,  speaking of bugs and when you get a chance22:39
morganfainbergdolphm, i think the thing that stands out the most is that the error doesn't actually log cache layer info, meaning we're really out in the weeds somewhere.22:40
morganfainbergwhen the bug happens22:40
morganfainbergayoung, tagged to read once i get more coffee methinks.22:40
ayoungmorganfainberg, good that will give me time to go back and clean up the typos22:40
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_cjones_ayoung, nice article.22:54
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nkinderdolphm: so do your changes described in external-auth.rst for only apply for icehouse?22:57
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nkinderdolphm: it also looks like you're doing away with splitting REMOTE_USER at all (using REMOTE_DOMAIN instead).22:59
nkinderseems like a good idea22:59
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bknudsondoes apache set REMOTE_DOMAIN?23:04
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_cjones_ayoung, or morganfainberg: Doing more digging here. Can one of you, or another keystone guru answer how the "roles" table is linked to the user or group? Am I missing something here?23:10
nkinderbknudson: couldn't it be set with mod_headers or mod_setenvif?23:10
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bknudsonI guess you could make apache do anything with mods.23:12
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ayoung_cjones_, roles come from the assignment backend.  They have a userid and or a groupid associated with them on one side, and project or domainid on the other23:40
ayoungsince they are in separate backends, there is not referential integrity constraints23:40
ayoungand, in fact, there should not be23:40
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_cjones_ayoung, ie. In user_domain_metadata or user_project_metadat?23:40
ayoungyou can assign a user a role before they have come in from the identity side23:40
ayoung_cjones_, yeah...metadata, my least favorite word23:41
ayoungbknudson, REMOTE_DOMAIN probably not coming through23:41
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_cjones_ayoung, U.g.l.y, you ain't got no alibi... you ugly.23:41
ayoungbut we are going to be extending the remote_user stuff pretty significantly with federation, I am not too concerned about it23:41
_cjones_ayoung, s'ok. I figured it out.23:41
ayoung_cjones_, MAMA we know how you got that way23:42
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_cjones_ayoung, lol.23:42
ayounggood, cuz I'm taking the family out to dinner23:42
_cjones_ayoung, sweet. cya Monday.23:42
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