Wednesday, 2013-10-16

nick__I've been trying, all day long, to deploy devstack with localrc's that have worked in the past (Last month or so) but today nothing seems to work, anyone know if something is going on with the devstack repo  (with Havana coming out on thursday thought there might be some trouble in the repo)?00:00
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singhssimo: have a question about the secued messaging. was kerberos considered during the design for proving the tickets?02:27
ayoungsinghs, yes it was02:27
ayoungsinghs simo answered that in the mailing list just yesterday02:28
ayoungsinghs, I'll get you a link to his response02:28
ayoungmorganfainberg, am I crazy about the HTML thing?  I thought it was a no-brainer.02:30
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morganfainbergayoung, i think that the HTML thing has value.  I think the issue is that it is breaking significantly from the way "everything" works.  If there is a good approach to handling the skinning/static assets (e.g. here is how you front this with the appropriate mechanisms without it being "core"-competency of the HTML implementation) it probably has legs to stand on.02:32
morganfainbergayoung, i will make no bones about it, i like the FreeIPA interface.  It could be an awesome approach for all of OpenStack if done right.02:32
morganfainbergit's a hard sell.02:32
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ayoungmorganfainberg, why is it a hard sell?  What am I missing?  Yes, it is a little bit more to support, and yes, there are a couple questions not yet resolved, but they seem totally minor02:33
ayoungI was surprised by the resistance02:33
morganfainbergayoung, those questions aren't percieved as small.02:33
morganfainbergthats why it's a hard sell.02:33
morganfainberghorizon already is providing a lot of this.  and it _solves_ those questions (in one manner or another)02:34
ayoungI'm not saying the Keystone is going to be doing the Javascript mangement.  We'll make it soemthing that the deployers can specify themselves.  Same with the CSS02:34
ayoungI'm just saying that we do braindead simple HTML for marshalling02:34
morganfainbergayoung, and that is a fair approach.  braindead is a good starting place :)02:35
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ayoungWhat do I need to do to make the case clearer.  I wrote this up a long time back:
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morganfainbergayoung, i think that a clearer case will help a lot02:36
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ayoungI can think of a couple things: administrative interface for things like uploading policy,  creating new users etc02:37
ayoungif we do HTML correctly we will get them as part of the package02:37
ayoungwe still don't have a way to do forms, nor do we do JSON/XML schemas02:37
morganfainbergayoung, exactly… or even just "hey i want to go poke at this and don't want to use curl… cause… this does the same thing"02:37
singhsayoung: thanks02:37
ayoungsinghs, you are welcome, and good question.02:37
morganfainbergfor the things that implement the html marshalling.02:37
jamielennoxayoung, it sounds like a good debug tool to view and navigate keystone02:38
ayoungjamielennox, yep, that too02:38
morganfainbergayoung, you're asking for a shift in approach, a scope change for new development, overhead in supporting the "un-answered questions".  it's just a lot to swallow02:38
ayoungsupporting multiple content types is basci to REST02:38
jamielennoxbut beyond the oauth approval and such i don't see there being much practical reason to having it as a real interface02:38
ayoungI can see an argument for supporting CSV and so forth for some of the lists.02:39
ayoungjamielennox, without it, we don't have an admin user interface without waiting for Horizon to support something02:39
morganfainbergayoung, i see value in supporting a "output" plugin model that lets you say "offer formatting for x,y,z" and the requestor can select whatever they want02:39
ayoungmorganfainberg, its called the accepts header02:40
jamielennoxayoung: with it for most every feature we need to code up a html display02:40
morganfainbergayoung, correct, but if accepts header said "HTML" and there was somerthing to do that...02:40
jamielennoxthere's a reason we offload that stuff02:40
ayoungjamielennox, no, that is the point, we don't02:40
jamielennoxit's partially cause i hate doing html02:40
morganfainbergvs say csv, or json.02:40
morganfainbergjamielennox, me too.02:40
ayoungwe generate a simplistic one.  Then, the UX folks can take it and run with it, but progressive enhancement style02:40
morganfainbergjamielennox, i make sure i get to duck out of html work whenever possible ;)02:41
jamielennoxayoung: how is that different to just pushing it to horizon02:41
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ayoungjamielennox, they actually need to code up a form etc02:41
morganfainbergjamielennox, the big win is if keystone is used in absence of openstack.02:41
ayoungthis will work, but be ugly02:41
ayoungmorganfainberg, good point02:42
morganfainbergand i _really_ want that to be solidly possible (and viable)02:42
morganfainbergone of my friends is actually working on a project… no openstack, but using keystone as the identity service02:42
morganfainbergi am thrilled to help him with it. and this would be a big win in that regard.02:42
ctlaugh_I'm trying to figure out how this "    <video>02:42
ctlaugh_      <model type='cirrus' vram='9216' heads='1'/>02:42
ctlaugh_    </video>" makes it into the libvirt domain XML when creating a new instance.  Anyone familiar with how the XML creation works?02:42
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i'd be inclined to run it as another service then02:43
jamielennoxa python script pointed at keystone that converts json -> basic html02:43
morganfainbergjamielennox, XSLT?02:43
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ayoungjamielennox, why does it have to be JSON?02:43
ayoungWHy not direct from Python to HTML02:44
ayoungJSON already strips out so much context02:44
jamielennoxjson as the output from keystone currently is json02:44
ayounglook at the convolutions we do to deal with links already02:44
morganfainbergjamielennox, i'd probably (as much as i hate it) use XML output and XSLT for formatting.02:44
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i'd be scared of our xml output02:44
ayoungmorganfainberg, and...again, why not use the lingu franca02:44
morganfainbergjamielennox, i didn't say it wouldn't need work.02:44
morganfainbergayoung, if we were talking about context of what is already provided02:45
morganfainbergayoung, html is not already provided.02:45
ayoungmorganfainberg, use this:
ayoungmorganfainberg, I mean, it is not like I didn't already write the code or nothing02:45
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morganfainbergayoung, i see it as having value.  i was sold when i interacted with FreeIPA02:46
ayoungjenkins failure is due to me removing the new stuff from the paste.  I need to add it back in to get the uit tests to run again, but you can see that they working in an earlier version02:46
morganfainbergyeah i saw it before.02:46
morganfainbergit looks good.02:46
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jamielennoxon a side note, talking about links and stuff have you guys seen: ?02:47
morganfainbergi'd like to get Gabriel Hurley's view on this kind of approach (unless that was on the ML already)02:47
ayoungso FreeIPA did it all via JSON, and I think it was a mistake for a couple reasons.  The biggest one is accessability.  You don;'t want to have to postprocess via Javascript in order to "see" the basics02:47
jamielennoxit is the best i've seen at a standardized json api with links etc02:47
ayoungjamielennox, looking now02:47
jamielennoxit's not like we can just use it, it's a way of doing json APIs so at least v4, but it's nice02:48
morganfainbergjamielennox, it (at first glance) looks well thought out.02:48
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ayoungthat "everything is an array" approach looks like LDAP attributes02:48
jamielennoxthe nesting objects is really smart, and i like the template for links so that you don't end up with all our fully qualified links in every objects02:48
morganfainbergjamielennox, not sure how much i like it.02:48
morganfainbergayoung, damn beat me to the comment about LDAP and pythong impl02:49
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ayoungmorganfainberg, not just Python.  LDAP does that everywhere02:49
morganfainbergayoung, aye02:50
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morganfainbergayoung, had to do C++ and ldap02:50
morganfainbergthat one made me unhappy.02:50
morganfainbergok i need to eat something.  i'll be back later on.02:51
morganfainbergayoung, i am in favor of HTML in keystone.  i do see a value add.02:51
morganfainbergi think its going to need the clear case made.  count me in on the summit session if it happens for helping to make that case.02:52
ayoungmorganfainberg, cool.  help me craft the message.  Twas a bit of a gumption trap today.02:52
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morganfainbergayoung, absolutely.  ok got someone waiting on me to go to dinner02:52
ayoungmorganfainberg, gnight.02:53
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jamielennoxayoung: have you ever run grenade?02:53
ayoungno, but I've thrown a few02:53
ayoungman I hit the ground fast02:54
jamielennoxthat sounds more fun02:54
ayoungI did one Situational Training Exercize where I actually threw a training grenade into a trench from a good long way a way and got a n OPFOR...pure dumb luck but a real nice throw.  COuldn;t do it again if my life...well maybe I could02:55
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ayoungThey make american grenades to mimic a baseball now, as that is  something that all Americans knew how to throw02:56
ayounganyway, no, I never ran grenade02:56
jamielennoxyou throw a grenade now as a two handed push from the chest?02:56
jamielennoxsurely baseball makes more sense here02:56
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ayoungbaseball, not basketball02:57
jamielennoxthat was my bad too02:57
ayoungnow a football grenade would be kinda cool02:57
ayoungAmerican of Australian02:57
jamielennoxand it would limit americans to being the only person who could throw the thing02:58
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ayoungOoh, I'll mention that to my friends in the Acquisitions Corps.02:59
jamielennoxaustralian football you kind of punt with your fist, that would hurt and be really ineffective02:59
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ayoungthe aussie soldiers I know would do it just to show how tough they were03:00
jamielennoxi'm sure they're relatively safe, just seems like a dumb thing to be punching03:00
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ayoungWe grunts weren't 'zacktly hiried for our brains03:02
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jamielennoxthat's good03:06
jamielennoxayoung: weird, this hasn't been picked up by zuul yet:
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jamielennoxcrap it has a dependency03:09
ayoungjamielennox, dependent code hasn't gone in.  Rebase it without the "deprecated function" patch and I'03:10
ayoungll reapprove03:10
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ayoungjamielennox, do it now and I'll approve, otherwise..I'm headed to bed03:14
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jamielennoxdone, had a conflict as well :(03:15
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jamielennoxayoung: if you're ok with the approve - i'm not really waiting for it just trying to get a few things off my list03:17
jamielennoxit can be done tomorrow if you like03:18
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ayoungjamielennox, approved03:18
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jamielennoxayoung: does core have permission to re-enable an abandoned change?03:22
ayoungjamielennox, nah, I think only the author can.  Which one?03:22
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jamielennox nothing serious but i just got the anandoned email and it would take two seconds to fix bknudson's comment and be good to go03:23
jamielennoxif it could be re-enabled i'd just fix it for him03:23
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ayoungyeah, I can't touch it.  would ne to have a new change id03:25
jamielennoxayoung: approve if you haven't left yet03:26
jamielennoxotherwise good night03:26
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ayoungDone.  gnight. For real this time.03:27
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mjbright_*anyone*: I have a problem with running nova unittests via tox under DevStack (used to work).  I'm now getting EC2Connection errors. Can anyone shed some light on please?11:48
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SnowDustcan someone help me find the validation of keypair names12:02
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SnowDust can someone help me find the code to validate keypair name12:04
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dsantos_hi everyone, is there any way to run all the tests that jenkins runs on my local machine?12:21
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sorenmarkmc, dhellmann: Thanks for the quick reviews on  Now what do I need to do to get it pulled into Nova?12:27
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markmcsoren, python --base nova --dest-dir ../nova --module fixture --nodeps12:28
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sorenmarkmc: Oh, I "push" it from oslo.. Got it. I kept looking for some magic in the nova repo to pull it from oslo.12:30
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markmcsoren, yep12:30
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ekarlsomarkmc: yo, is there a oslo effort for stuff like the Manager and Resource classes floating around in client code ?12:40
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dolphmshardy: o/13:43
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mroddendolphm: so the "Unicode i18n support for API error messages based on HTTP Accept-Language headers" in the keystone release notes for havana probably should be removed, since that was disabled in rc213:49
shardydolphm: Hi!13:50
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mjbright_dsantos_: Yes you can and should run the tests locally before 'git review'.  Have a look here:
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dolphmmrodden: erm, in which change?13:52
dolphmshardy: i'm looking to see what else we can squeeze into keystoneclient 0.4.1, but i'd like to release it this morning unless you have any objections13:53
mroddendolphm: in the release notes on the wiki13:53
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dolphmmrodden: i mean, where was that disabled?13:53
mroddenoh let me dig that up13:53
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shardydolphm: No objections from me provided it contains the bug #1231483 patch :)13:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1231483 in tempest "Can't get a trust-scoped token via v2 client" [Undecided,In progress]
dolphmshardy: :)13:54
dsantos_mjbright: I did run the tests with and I tried run with tox... but it doesn't run some tests that jenkins runs13:54
shardydolphm: I've been digging a little be more into the issue I reported under bug #124016313:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1240163 in keystone "Can't store a v3 token with a large catalog" [High,In progress]
mroddendolphm: looks like the bug never got updated for keystone
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1225099 in keystone "Encoding hard-coded in gettextutils.Message" [Undecided,In progress]13:55
dolphmmrodden: ah, i remember this13:56
shardydolphm: It seems that working around the hashing issue is only part of the fix, becuase (on mysql) it's then very easy to endup truncating the "extra" text column which is limted to 64k13:56
dolphmmrodden: maybe because it's Partial-Bug?13:56
dsantos_mjbright: for example, I didn't get any error running locally, but I got some errors at "gate-nova-python26" and "gate-nova-python27"13:56
mroddenmrodden: maybe, i didn't think the Gerrit bot or whatever cared about that13:56
dolphmshardy: geez, your catalog is giant!13:56
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dolphmmrodden: you're talking to yourself ;)13:57
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shardydolphm: which breaks things pretty badly.  We hit similar issues in Heat, and we extended to longtext to work around it13:57
dolphmshardy: the file you modified (cms) is also being moved to keystoneclient in another release (currently we have two copies, and they're out of sync)13:57
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shardydolphm: does the catalog actually need to be stored in the extra column tho?13:57
dolphmshardy: the copy in keystone is being removed13:57
mroddendolphm: ya, trying to do more than one thing at a time without coffee yet... :(13:57
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dolphmshardy: as opposed to rebuilding it on token validation?13:58
shardydolphm: Ah, OK thanks for the info13:58
shardydolphm: I guess I'm thinking it needs to be stored with the token, but not necessarily stored e.g in the extras column for a trust?13:59
shardyCreating a trust with a large catalog fails in a weird way, and I think it probably leaks the trust into the DB with a truncated json blob (still testing to confirm)13:59
dolphmshardy: interesting...14:00
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dolphmmrodden: so should bug 1225099 be Fix Released as of RC1 then?14:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1225099 in keystone "Encoding hard-coded in gettextutils.Message" [Undecided,In progress]
shardydolphm: I probably don't have time to fully work this out atm, but I'll post my wip hashing patch and a description of what I've found so far in the bug14:01
dolphmmrodden: Partial-Bug won't set Fix Committed14:01
dolphmmrodden: it keeps it In Progress until a Closes-Bug is merged14:01
mroddendolphm: ok good to know. yeah it should be Fix Released in RC114:01
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mroddeni think it got into RC2 actually14:01
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dolphmmrodden: that'14:03
dolphm... is true14:03
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dolphmmrodden: actually, that's not true14:04
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dolphmmrodden: there's no backport, so this is new for icehouse14:05
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dolphmttx: o/14:05
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dolphmmrodden: and RC3 went out this morning14:06
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ttxdolphm: ?14:07
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dolphmttx: the fix for bug 1225099 landed post-RC1 for keystone, and with a Partial-Bug footer instead of Closes-Bug14:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1225099 in keystone "Encoding hard-coded in gettextutils.Message" [Undecided,In progress]
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dolphmttx: currently it's not in havana for keystone14:08
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ttxdolphm: agree, it was on the rc-potential list14:08
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mroddendolphm: the change was merged before rc2, so isn't the launchpad bug status incorrect?14:09
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mroddenwe assumed there was going to be another patch set needed to fix the issue14:09
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mroddenbut that one takes care of the problem (by disabling the feature)14:10
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dolphmmrodden: launchpad status reflects the Partial-Bug tag and the fact it's on track for icehouse-114:10
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mroddenok, but i guess back to the main point... the Release Notes say the feature is added, but its disabled in keystone since RC214:11
mroddenunless thats not true...14:11
dolphmmrodden: so, keystone is likely to throw 500's instead of actual error codes when configured with, say, any asian language... correct?14:11
mroddenit will silently ignore any Accept-Language header14:11
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mroddenat least it should...14:12
dolphmmrodden: in master or havana?14:12
mroddenboth at the moment14:12
dolphmmrodden: your patch makes that true for master, correct?14:12
dolphmmrodden: but your patch is not in keystone for havana, atm14:12
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mroddenoh crap14:13
mroddenthat didn't get backported because you guys did rc1 on that monday14:13
dolphmlol now we're on the same page :)14:13
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dolphma day or two before your patch landed in keystone14:13
mroddenyeah, sorry... just clicked14:13
dolphmi likely glossed over it because it was still in progress14:13
mroddenwell this is embarassing14:14
dolphmdefinitely my fault14:14
ttxdolphm: fwiw I saw it but thought it could be stable/havana-ized14:14
dolphmis this accurate for havana then? "keystone is likely to throw 500's instead of actual error codes when configured with, say, any asian language"14:14
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mroddenactually the issue only occurs with logging the messages14:14
mroddenand the worst case is that a message doesn't get logged correctly and spits out a stack trace instead14:15
dolphmmrodden: the request would fail though as well, no?14:15
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mroddenif the exception gets raised all the way back through the call to LOG. then yeah14:16
mroddeneasy fix for now anyways14:17
dolphmttx: so, ship with a known issue and fix in 2013.2.1?14:17
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mroddenwe should probably backport it and make sure its disabled to be consistent14:17
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ttxdolphm: i'm fine with doing RC4 to cover that14:17
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ttxsince it's in all the others14:17
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ttxdolphm: regression risk is limited since that patch is everywhere else14:18
dolphmttx: cool, i shall propose it then14:19
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ttxdolphm: push it to milestone-proposed and I'll examine it14:20
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ttxdolphm: will mark the bug FixCommitted in the meantime14:21
dolphmttx: lp is crashing when i try and update any part of the status with respect to keystone :(14:21
ttxgot it fixcommitted / High /havna-rc-potential14:22
dolphmmrodden: ^14:22
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ttxdolphm: ok, let's do this14:23
dolphmmrodden: just cut it from the release notes as well14:23
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dolphmmrodden: thanks for the heads up on this -- would have totally slipped past me otherwise14:24
mroddendolphm: yeah i'm glad i brought it up14:24
mroddenotherwise that would have been interesting to get a bug report on14:25
mroddenthanks for doing the cherry-pick, looks good14:25
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rahmikHi guys, I'm new to openstack and I want to see how extensions work15:16
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rahmikI have a question: in my nova.conf file there is: "osapi_compute_extension = nova.api.openstack.compute.contrib.standard_extensions"15:18
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rahmikso where should I put my extensions so they can run?15:18
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sdaguedtroyer: when you setting stable/havana on devstack?15:27
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dtroyerprobably next week.  I'd like to get the extras.d thing in yet and give it a few days to settle down.  That should also get the Savanna and Marconi bits in place using it.  then after that we can get grenade cut over.15:29
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sdagueyeh, was just chatting with maurosr about grenade stuff, he's going to start looking at some of it today to help with that effort15:30
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sdagueI'll go take a look at the extras patches after lunch15:30
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ttxfor those following at home: Keystone RC4, Neutron RC3 on their way15:36
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ttxand we might have a Horizon RC3 later as well15:36
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sdaguettx: cool, I just got pinged for those sorts of things, so helpful :)15:37
ttxsdague: can be hard to keep track across n projects and y channels15:37
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sdagueso I expect you've got a nice bottle of wine tucked away for friday?15:38
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ttxsdague: I'll for sure drink something15:39
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sandywalshrussellb, regarding the metrics plugin branch I'm working on. How about we put the plugins in oslo? I can see other services using similar scheme as well.15:56
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russellbsandywalsh: maybe, if you think so, seems reasonable.  i haven't been back to look at that branch again since my last comment on there15:57
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sandywalshrussellb, np. I think it's a good fit. the Ceilometer UDP plugin will likely be the popular route15:58
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sandywalshugh, ignore :)15:58
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mjbright_dsantos_: I learnt this afternoon that jenkins tests are failing at the moment (do you have problems with xenapi like here  Apparently problems here  Just a heads up I'm in the opposite situation - having pulled the repo my local tests are failing due to this16:20
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dstanekdolphm: did i see some discussion yesterday about validation and jsonschema?16:24
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dolphmdstanek: yes... there's a couple conversations on that front16:24
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dstanekdolphm: anything on the wiki, lauchpad, etherpad, etc?16:25
dsantos_mjbright: Since yesterday I have the same problem... but also I cannot reproduce some jenkins tests locally and that's so bad because I never know whether my code works or not (even if I it works locally)16:25
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dolphmdstanek: list of things that would be awesome- 1) publishing JSON schemas through the API; 2) having the client own the schemas; 3) using jsonschema to validate requests to the service; 4) enabling strict request/response validation in the client with --debug to strengthen tempest tests16:26
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dolphmdstanek: the only thing i'm aware of-
dstanekdolphm: interesting...i brought it up because i was thinking about the change password resource16:28
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dstanekdolphm: would be awesome to GET it to get the "form" and POST to it to change the password16:28
dstanekdolphm: but it doesn't look like any of that exists right now16:29
dolphmdstanek: agree16:29
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dolphmdstanek: with actual links across the API, proper use of OPTIONS, and the availability of schemas, the client could be dumbed down entirely16:30
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dstanekdolphm: i'm updating the identity API docs now and it's unclear to me if (or how) there is a distinction between admin and main API resources?16:31
dolphmdstanek: with v3, there is not a distinction - it's instead dictated by policy.json16:32
dstanekdolphm: agreed. i was thinking that it could also make frontends easier16:32
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dstanekdolphm: so with v3 there really only needs to be 1 server?16:32
dolphmdstanek: like ayoung's HTML frontend :)16:32
dolphmdstanek: yes16:32
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dstanekdolphm: yes similar to the HTML frontend, but having even the form value be JSON makes it easier for the programmer16:33
dstanekdolphm: i do like the concept of making the api like a website - when links can be followed and the client is given enough information to make decisions16:34
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dolphmdstanek: ++, but might as well write a client in JS and do all the HTML work client-side16:35
dstanekdolphm: is the distinction between admin_version_service and public_version_service only to support v2.0?16:35
dolphmdstanek: yes16:35
dstanekdolphm: cool, thxz16:35
dolphmdstanek: "public" is a very small subset of "admin", with one exception that v3 rectifies16:36
dolphmdstanek: GET :5000/v2.0/tenants and GET :35357/v2.0/tenants do two completely different things16:36
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dolphmdstanek: the first returns the list of tenants that your user can authorize against, and the second returns a list of all tenants in the system16:36
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dolphmdstanek: parity in v3 is provided via GET /v3/users/{user_id}/projects and GET /v3/projects, respectively16:37
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gyeedolphm, this link yield a 403
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dolphmgyee: can you get to ?16:54
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morganfainbergdolphm, same issue gyee has16:55
gyeedolphm, yes that one works16:55
morganfainbergfor me16:55
morganfainbergbut the works16:55
dolphmmorganfainberg: gyee: do ya'll have any way to see all proposals for a given topic?16:55
dolphm(i.e. keystone)16:55
morganfainbergdolphm, sort by topic on the main page16:55
morganfainbergdolphm, thats the only way i can find16:56
gyeedolphm, yes, I can sort them16:56
gyeedolphm, which session is for fixing service catalog?16:56
dolphmhmm... well that's all that page is-- a filtered view for just keystone16:56
morganfainbergdolphm, maybe it is something about super powers for approving sessions on that page?16:56
dolphmapparently :(16:57
dolphmi'll send a revision to the list16:57
morganfainbergdolphm, i'm going to setup a bot for #openstack-keystone to direct people over here. =/  keep seeing questions over there pop up.16:58
morganfainberga few of us have been lurking and we do redirect most people...16:58
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dolphmmorganfainberg: that'd be cool17:00
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dsantos_hi guys... I'm creating a new migration version file for the nova database where I change the floating_ips id datatype, but when I ran the tests I received an error because a unique constraint (fixed_ip x deleted) was not created at that time. So I put the code to create the constraint in the same file and my local tests worked, but when I sent the code to review it breaks due to a duplicated unique constraint name (I meant, the unique constraint i17:02
dsantos_Does someone knows how can I fix that? Would be that a bug?17:02
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stevemarmorganfainberg, i had gone into #openstack-keystone when i first started to look at things =\17:06
stevemartwas an empty place17:06
morganfainbergstevemar, yeah, i've taken over that channel and started directing people over here.  also now chanserv should send a message on join saying as much (topic is useful as well)17:07
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morganfainberghopefully i don't need to spin a bot up to tell people whenever they talk in there to come over here ;)17:08
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morganfainbergdolphm, +2 Nice!18:04
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dsantos_hi guys... I'm creating a new migration version file for the nova database where I change the floating_ips id datatype, but when I ran the tests I received an error because a unique constraint (floating_ip address x deleted) was not created at that time. So I put the code to create the constraint in the same file and my local tests worked, but when I sent the code to review it breaks due to a duplicated unique constraint name (I meant, the unique c18:16
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dsantos_the bug that I'm trying to fix is
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1078055 in nova "Some id arguments for OSAPI are not verified to be numeric leading to false matches in mysql" [Medium,In progress]18:18
stevemardolphm, way to go ;)18:19
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arosenSumitNaiksatam: ping18:36
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morganfainbergdolphm, ayoung,
morganfainbergbknudson, ^18:38
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ayoungmorganfainberg, looking18:49
morganfainbergayoung, simplest form of fixing the memcache kwarg issue, put it in the global-reqs and then get it in test-requires imo18:49
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ayoungyeah, but doesn't quire solve the problem18:50
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morganfainbergno, but it does at least inform what version we're expecting18:50
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morganfainbergi expect this issue to go away once i refactor the drivers to use dogpile18:51
ayoungmorganfainberg, optional pieces need their own packages.  But THe python packaging process lumps everything from one repo into one package18:51
ayoungnot sure the solution.  I mean, we can solve it at the RPM/DEB level, we should be able to reflect that in the python18:51
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morganfainbergayoung, oh. what are your thoughts of refactoring the keystonelcient middleware that uses memcache to also use dogpile?18:52
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morganfainbergayoung, i'm thinking of implementing the encryption stuff as a custom proxy and making it also available to keystone proper.18:53
ayoungmorganfainberg, probably the right idea, but not nearly as cool and fruity as the server side dogpile work18:53
* ayoung like18:53
morganfainbergi expect to be starting on that as soon as i cleanup a mess in configmanagement here internally.18:53
dolphmmorganfainberg: which encryption stuff?18:53
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morganfainbergdolphm, the stuff the middleware was doing in memcache18:54
morganfainbergdolphm, or was that the swift middleware.  i saw it somewhere18:54
morganfainbergit is in keystoneclient18:54
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dolphmmorganfainberg: ah18:56
morganfainbergactually… i'd like to get caching stuff into oslo this cycle if i can.18:56
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dolphmmorganfainberg: dogpile?18:56
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morganfainbergdolphm, the basic wrapper work to make dogpile oslo.config friendly and available for any project18:57
morganfainbergdolphm, and include things like the crypt stuff.18:57
dolphmmorganfainberg: are you planning on applying it to another project?18:57
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morganfainbergdolphm, i'd love to get it into nova.18:57
dolphmmorganfainberg: cool18:57
morganfainbergdolphm, there is potentially some big wins there.  and i would like to see dogpile swapped in for the swift memcache stuff18:58
morganfainbergdolphm, but more importantly, keystone needs more caching :)18:58
morganfainbergdolphm, so that is primary goal when it comes to cache related stuff… get more things into the cache layer so we get better offload.18:59
morganfainbergdolphm, then worry about oslo-ifying it.18:59
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ayoungdolphm, morganfainberg is also going to rewriute the KVS and memcached backends to use dogpile.  And then we'll add a generic Dogpile <-> Cassandra impl and we'll havea decent persisitent KVS story19:20
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dolphmayoung: you'd have to write a new dogpile backend for cassandra, AFAIK19:22
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dolphmayoung: it supports redis out of the box though19:22
ayoungdolphm, that is the idea.  We'll get both19:22
morganfainbergdolphm, yes, but it's a fairly easy interface to work with19:22
morganfainbergfrom the dogpile implementation that is.19:23
morganfainbergi also like redis a lot after playing with it some.19:23
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ayoungdolphm, it gives us a pretty solid story for KVS across the board.  It means that when we do Cassandra for Tokens, we'll get Cassandra for all backends, a better optimization.19:24
ayoungAnd, really any other KVS that people like19:24
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dolphmayoung: did i already ask why you'd want to rewrite the memcached token backend instead of just deprecating it in favor of dogpile.cache + sql?19:24
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ayoungdolphm, you didn't, and I am in favor of deprecating it19:25
ayoungjust that we can, instead of deprecate it, implement it via dogpile as a drop in replacement, I think19:25
morganfainbergdolphm, memcache backend should be deprecated, but i think a kvs store is still valid19:25
dolphmmorganfainberg: agree19:26
ayoungI think both will.  I mean, I wouldn't do it today, but we can leave the config options in place, and both of them just forward over to the Dogpile impl in Icehouse19:26
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ayoungI think that Dogpile + Cassandra for tokens will make a lot of sense.19:27
ayoungKVS...not so much19:27
dolphmmorganfainberg: ayoung: ya'll have time to talk about?
morganfainbergayoung, i think cassandra could make a lot of sense for a number of things19:27
ayoungmemcached probably still has a place, if it is shared across multiple servers, and they have a decend failover policy19:27
dolphmbknudson: ^19:27
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ayoungdolphm, I think the code is OK as is, as I said.19:28
bknudsondolphm: sure19:28
dolphmayoung: ack19:28
ayoungOf course, I am stretching things when I say "fake is a verb"19:28
ayoungbut technically true19:28
dolphmi've reviewed it several times but i'm confused about the relationship between IOError and OSError... probably because i don't know the history of what's being fixed in 2.619:29
morganfainbergdolphm, i don't see anything massively wrong with the approach.19:29
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bknudsonif others think _fake_openssl_error is fine I'm good with it.19:29
bknudsonby the time this one gets merged there'll be no python 2.6 anymore.19:29
ayoungdolphm, ooh, just noticed a type in his error message19:29
bknudsondolphm: so he tries to open the files and it'll get IOError19:29
ayoung"Hit OSError"  but it was an IOError19:30
dolphmbknudson: but only in 2.6?19:30
ayoung line 4819:30
dolphmayoung: right, i'm not sure if that's intentional or not19:30
ayoungdolphm, looks like a typo to me19:30
morganfainbergthis appears to be an IOError case19:30
dolphm has some history19:30
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ayoungdolphm, ah, I think that is not what he was handling.  I think the IOerror is from the FIle system, not the Pipe connect19:31
bknudsonso there's a bug in 2.6 that if you write a lot to the input then it fails19:31
dolphmbknudson: with IOError or OSError?19:32
bknudsondolphm: I believe OSError comes back from process.communicate19:32
bknudsonline 5819:32
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ayoungso...why he is not catching OSerror is...ok strange19:32
ayoungbknudson, yeah, but he catches iOerror, not OS error19:32
morganfainberghe is on line 58.19:32
bknudsonif it gets OSError, then need to figure out if this was that error or not19:33
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morganfainbergwhat bknudson  said, IOError confirms it was this error in the _fake_openssl_error code path19:33
morganfainbergor so it appears19:33
bknudsonto figure out which problem ran into, fake_openssl_error checks if the files exist.19:33
bknudsonif the files don't exist, then it wasn't the 2.6 problem19:34
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xarsesthe pr dosen't appear to solve PKI in centos19:34
ayoungAh..ok.  BUt, still ugly19:35
bknudsonif the files do exist, then the OSError from process.communicate was "Error while writing to pipe."19:35
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dolphmno matter what, his implementation throws away information about the OSError... i'm not sure that's a good thing19:35
dolphmand it assumes that the problem was "Error while writing to pipe."19:36
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morganfainbergdolphm, E_PERM could be the cause as well, i see how that might be relevant19:36
bknudsonit doesn't raise OSError anymore, which is strange.19:36
ayoungwhy does the process die?  The openssl process should be reading from STDIN, so I guess that if the file is bogus it can manifest itself as IOError in 2.7 and OSerror in 2.6?19:36
morganfainbergand not exactly a PIPE error19:36
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bknudsoneventually the keystoneclient will be used in keystone server, so the solution should work for both.19:37
dolphmbknudson: that i'm very much looking forward to19:38
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ayoungso  it is going to be an OSerror no matter what, and he just uses the IOerror to make a best guess.  But in doing so, he doesn't report what we get from the original OSError.19:38
dolphmayoung: ++19:39
ayoungdolphm, does this sound right?  he should be grabbing the message from OSerror, then doing thIOerror trick, but if it doesn't trigger, report the original message?19:39
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xarses1ayoung, dolphm, bknudson, I still have issues with PKI in centos using the patch, and get no trace, just that the file is still missing19:41
dolphmayoung: that sounds better to me, unless 'Error while writing to pipe.' is something that won't ever be reflected by an OSError but should19:41
bknudsondolphm: ayoung: OSError has the errno, so could check for EPIPE (32)19:41
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ayoungxarses1, could that be a logging level problem?19:41
bknudsonso what I think happens is that it execs "openssl cms"19:42
bknudsonopenssl cms exits quickly because it can't read the file19:42
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bknudsonthen we get OSError with EPIPE because the subprocess is gone19:42
ayoungbknudson, +119:42
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dolphmsubprocess exceptions-
bknudsonit's gone before we can send it the data to verify19:43
xarsesayoung: maybe but i keep kicking the logging back supper verbose and don't see anything19:43
ayoungbknudson, more specifically:  it attempts to read the cert file, never opens the pipe, and we try to cram data down a pipe that doesn't exist19:43
ayoungxarses, note the message in the commit:19:44
ayoung        # Do not log errors, as some happen in the positive thread19:44
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ayoung        # instead, catch them in the calling code and log them there.19:44
bknudsonso then because of the EPIPE, we can't get the output of openssl cms19:44
bknudsonwhich would tell us if it couldn't read the file... so we don't know what the problem was anymore.19:44
ayoungbknudson, or the EPIPE over writes it19:44
xarsesayoung: i get this
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1075541 in neutron "quantum command fails with Unauthorized 401 when keystone token_format is PKI" [Medium,Invalid]19:45
bknudsonbut there'd be a bunch of things that could cause OSError... for example if openssl command didn't exist.19:45
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ayoungxarses, um, that message looks good enough to me to deduce the problem19:46
bknudsonwhich I think we'd like to know if openssl doesn't exist.19:46
ayoung 140290085377864:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:bss_file.c:126:fopen('/tmp/keystone-signing-glance/signing_cert.pem','r')19:46
ayoungbknudson, he could add that to the check, but, in general, yes, he should'nt overwrite the message from the OSerror19:47
bknudsonayoung: dolphm: I'm not sure what the solution is then, we just don't know what the problem is if gets EPIPE.19:48
xarsesayoung, but isn't the cms code supposed to create that file?19:48
dolphmbknudson: i'm not sure what the solution is either (anyone know dirk's IRC handle?)19:48
bknudsonIt's probably to check for the EPIPE and only then do the _fake_openssl_error thing.19:48
bknudsonI'm guessing openssl doesn't exist would not be EPIPE19:49
dolphmhe has a german email address, so i doubt he on right now19:49
ayoungxarses, it tries to, but there are often reasons why it can't19:49
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bknudsonI think that's  ENOTFOUND19:52
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bknudsonthat might cause the 2.6 EPIPE error if you send a bunch of data, too.19:55
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dolphmbknudson: in communicate() ?19:58
dolphmbknudson: this would be easy to test with an old version of python lol19:58
bknudsondolphm: would be safer if we knew the version it's fixed in, then could just do whatever with the old version.19:59
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dolphmbknudson: if sys.version_info < (2, 6, whatever): # fake it20:00
bknudsonif they don't like the behavior then they should upgrade python.20:00
bknudsonif they want to know what the real error was, upgrade python then it'll use the normal good code path.20:01
bknudsonthat would be if we had special code only for the old python version20:01
dolphmbknudson: the problem is recognizing the behavior though :P if it's producing a misleading error message, it'll be hard to diagnose20:02
annegentleI get 2013.2 for nova-manage version, looking for confirmation that's the Havana version20:02
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dolphmbknudson: actually it doesn't look like this fix ever went back to 2.6, so all version of 2.6 might be affected20:03
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ayoungbknudson, problem is that RHEL is stuck with 2.620:11
bknudsonI've got RHEL... trying to recreate.20:12
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bknudson python -c "import subprocess; subprocess.Popen(['foobar'],stdin=subprocess.PIPE).communicate('something'*5000)"20:13
bknudsonI always get [Errno 2] No such file or directory20:13
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ayoungbknudson, I wonder if we backported something to Python 2.6 that is not in the mainline?20:15
bknudsonI can't recreate it.20:15
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ayoungdolphm, I'm not sure that the error message makes that much of a difference, but the identification of the IOError on the files is a good first start.  Maybe we should just add  a link to my blog post troubleshotting PKI problems in the error message?20:16
dolphmbknudson: i'm on a deb squeeze box (py26 + openssl 0.9.8) -- so i can't recreate exactly, but so far no luck20:16
bknudsonpython -c "import subprocess; subprocess.Popen(['openssl', 'cms', '-verify', '-certfile', 'abcdef'],stdin=subprocess.PIPE).communicate('something'*100000)"20:17
bknudsonI always get Error opening certificate file abcdef20:17
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bknudsondolphm: Needed a bigger string!20:18
stevemardolphm, just got online, i think i'm late20:18
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bknudsondolphm: what if you change openssl to something doesn't exist?20:19
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dolphmbknudson: OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory20:19
bknudsonso you got the output but also got exception20:20
stevemarjoesavak, done all your meetings for today?20:20
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bknudsondolphm: should be able to get stdout later with
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ayoungSo...cannot recreate?20:24
bknudsonayoung: dolphm was able to recreate
bknudsonayoung: I haven't been able to20:25
bknudsondolphm: I tried it and can't get stdout later since it's a file and not the string.20:25
ayoungsqueeze 2.6 different from rhel 2.6?  THat would not surprise me20:25
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dolphmayoung: it's Python 2.6.6 on this box20:26
dolphmstevemar: sorry for noising your channel20:26
ayoungdolphm, yeah, but that doesn't mean much.  RH backports a slew of patches once it cuts a release20:26
bknudsondolphm: when I run with python2.6 on my ubuntu it fails too!20:26
stevemardolphm, damn straight, it's all mine20:27
bknudsonI thought I had switched to rhel20:27
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dolphmi'm going to go release keystoneclient again (without this popen fix)20:27
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ayoungdolphm, I think that is fine.  The real question is where should we put the troubleshooting doc20:28
ayoungIt doesn'20:28
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ayoungdolphm, probably as good a place as any.20:29
dolphmthrowing stderr away there sucks though20:29
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bknudsondolphm: can do print after get exception...20:35
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dolphmpython-keystoneclient v0.4.1 released ^20:37
shardydolphm: awesome, thanks! :)20:38
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dolphmbknudson: is there a more elegant way to do except: LOG.error( then?20:39
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bknudsondolphm: it would be like "e.output =", at line 96 of
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dolphmcan anyone set the Status of this to Fix Released?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1214176 in swift "Fix copyright headers to be compliant with Foundation policies" [Low,In progress]20:41
dolphmttx: ^20:41
bknudsonor err = at line 63 ... essentially would need the try / except OSError around communicate().20:42
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ttxdolphm: err20:44
ttxdolphm: launchpad doesn't like bugs with too many tasks20:44
notmynamedolphm: ttx: changed it to fix committed20:44
notmynamedolphm: ttx: the "release" would be tomorrow, right?20:44
ttxnotmyname lives closer to the LP server than we do20:45
ttxnotmyname: yes20:45
dolphmnotmyname: it's in keystoneclient, which i just released20:45
ttxnotmyname: all clear on swift side ?20:45
notmynamettx: I'm good. see twitter for exciting hackathon pictures (ie people + computers). swift 1.10.0 is good AFAIK20:45
ttxnotmyname: publication shall happen in the first hours of the texan morning, so probably as you get up there20:45
dolphmttx: will there be cake?20:46
ttxdolphm: if you send me some20:46
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morganfainbergi heard ttx was going to provide cake… *shiftyeyes*20:51
ttxdamn you horizon for stealing my sleep time20:52
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ayoungmorganfainberg, the cake is a lie20:54
morganfainbergayoung, but is it a chocolate lie?20:54
ttxonly the spoon is real20:54
morganfainbergttx, darn, i've gone about it wrong this whole time!20:55
ayoungthere is no spoon20:55
ayoungOh wait, forgot to check the dishwasher...found a spoon20:55
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morganfainbergayoung, great! time for ice cream!20:57
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gyeebknudson, you have any objection to before I start working on it? You seem unsure yesterday.21:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1240170 in keystone "The absence of 'X-Subject-Token' header for token validation/revocation should result in 400 (bad request)" [Medium,New]21:12
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bknudsongyee: is there something in the spec says it's supposed to return one or the other?21:12
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bknudsongyee: does argue against returning a different error code?21:14
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bknudson only mentions changing success response code, so maybe it doesn't matter.21:14
gyeebknudson, 400 is general understood if the request does not contain the correct data21:15
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bknudsongyee: does the spec not say which one it returns?21:15
bknudsonmaybe update the spec first21:16
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gyeebknudson, I think the spec is consistent21:17
gyee"This status code is returned when the Identity service fails to parse the request as expected. "21:17
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bknudsongyee: but the server was able to parse the request.21:17
gyeein the case, I don't know which token the client is asking21:17
gyeenot really, server can't find the data to parse to begin with21:17
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gyee"as expected"21:18
venkat_rpodolyaka: ping?21:18
gyeeserver is expecting x-subject-token21:19
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bknudsongyee: ok. not sure how clients are going to figure out what to do anyways.21:19
bknudsongyee: since could get 400 back for any number of problems21:20
bknudsone.g., invalid JSON or another missing field21:20
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gyeebknudson, yeah, as long as the error message is clear we should be fine21:20
gyeeclient should just report the error21:20
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bknudsongyee: that's about all we can do. If somebody wants to automate they'll be parsing english21:21
gyeeknudson, I am parsing English everyday :)21:21
bknudsongyee: you don't set your systems to a different language?21:22
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gyeebknudson, sure some time, but 400 will most likely require human troubleshooting anyway21:29
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