Friday, 2013-10-04

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dtroyerok, so I totally thought I was looking at the keystone-in-apache review and, well, I was confused.00:05
dtroyerI see the problem, the scheme  in the keystone api check URL is blank00:05
jamielennoxah, sorry - that's all passed in00:06
jamielennoxbut it seems to be something to do with how grenade pulls in the various devstack changes00:07
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jamielennoxi *think* that grenade is pulling in the devstack functions from master, not from the change00:07
dtroyerthe devstack tree is totally pre-set up by devstack-gate00:08
dtroyerboth of them…zuul is responsible for getting the right bits into position00:08
jamielennoxso looking at the change to lib/keystone it's not that complex, and if grenade is sourcing that file then it should be getting KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL set up correctly00:10
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jamielennoxo damn, that's right00:12
jamielennox/opt/stack/new/devstack/lib/keystone: line 79: is_ssl_enabled_service: command not found00:12
dtroyeryeah…also, grenade sources its own copy of functions, not devstack's, but it sources lib/keystone so that function is not there00:13
jamielennoxsorry, i've done a bit of a context shift since i did this00:13
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jamielennoxok, and we can't simple source lib/tls in grenade as upgrade_keystone should be able to run independantly right?00:13
dtroyerwhat I'm not sure about (yet) is why KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL is empty then rather than containing the default set above00:14
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dtroyeradding lib/tls to upgrade-keystone is fine if it is required00:14
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jamielennoxyea, i'm just hoping that once the first one is passed we can do the same thing for the other services, i guess we just need to source lib/tls in each00:15
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dtroyerwhat is in lib/tls that you need?00:16
jamielennoxthe things that i added to it:
jamielennoxis_ssl_enabled_service and ensure_certificates00:17
dtroyerright, I just saw that ;)00:17
jamielennoxalthough i'm not sure if ensure_certificates is required for grenade...00:18
dtroyerprobably not…is_ssl_enabled_service() is in functions in the current patch set00:18
jamielennoxensure_certificates is only called in configure_keystone - am i right that grenade doesn't call that00:19
dtroyerif you moved it back ti lib/tls we could include that in the upgrade-* scripts as requried and all should be good00:19
dtroyergrenade doesn't currently call configure_* functions, but it once did.00:20
jamielennoxoh, so i must have moved it there so that grenade would source it correctly00:20
jamielennoxbut if is_ssl_enabled is in functions why doesn't grenade find it ?00:20
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dtroyerbecause grande has its own copy of functions, it doesn't use devstacks00:20
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dtroyerit needs to be somewhat stable, but it is just a copy00:21
jamielennoxso is it better to source lib/tls in every upgrade_ script - or should i just copy is_ssl_enabled into grenade's functions?00:21
dtroyerwe put is_apache_enabled_service() into lib/apache so there is precendent for that, I'm fine with it, especially if you're going to want lib/tls for each service as you enable this.00:22
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jamielennoxi see no reference to apache in grenade but00:25
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jamielennoxso i take it that if we configured keystone to use httpd in devstack and then ran a grenade update it would fail00:25
dtroyerno, just that a is_xxx_enabled function doesn't _have_ to go into functions00:25
jamielennoxoh, right - yea i only moved it there as i was trying to get grenade to pick it up00:26
dtroyerif we change the default for keystone to use apache then yes, grenade would fail and need updating, otherwise it should be fine00:26
jamielennoxok so i'll move is_ssl_enabled_service back into lib/tls00:27
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jamielennoxbut we will require a change in grenade - either a copy of is_ssl_enabled_service in grenade/functions or a source devstack/lib/tls in each of the upgrade_service scripts00:28
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jamielennoxi'm voting for a copy of is_ssl_enabled_service - but i realize that there isn't much weight to that00:29
dtroyersourcing $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/tls is my preference00:29
jamielennoxok, np00:30
dtroyerthat should be able to go into grenade now without issue00:30
jamielennoxi'll put up a patch for grenade soon00:30
dtroyerok...ahead if lib/keystone00:31
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jamielennoxyep - ok to do the other services preemptively?00:32
dtroyerare there existing plans to do the SSL for them?00:32
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jamielennoxthere is the plan that once this is in for keystone that it should be about 3 lines for each of the other services - that being said i don't know how to configure SSL for most other services  so it might not be soon00:34
jamielennoxi think i can do swift fairly easily00:34
jamielennoxthe others will require some research00:35
dtroyerI'd rather not get too far ahead and have stuff in the scripts that isn't needed, swift and keystone for now?00:35
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jamielennoxin which case i'll just do keystone for now - now i know what the problem is i can always fix up grenade as i have things ready00:36
dtroyerFWIW, I finished looking at the review, nothing jumps out at me right now but I haven't tried to run it yet00:38
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jamielennoxyea, it takes a bit of effort to actually test it as you need to have prebuilt certificates you can use00:39
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jamielennoxthe intention is later that if you don't have certificates but you want SSL they will be generated for you - but various people want certificates generated in different ways so i haven't got more than POC of that00:40
jamielennoxdtroyer: thanks for your help00:42
dtroyerFWIW, the CA that lib/tls builds is meant to mimic the kinds of server certs that are in the wild, with intermediate CAs and extension options not usually found in the 'snakeoil'-type self-signed certs.  But yeah, if someone has real certs they want to use, let them...00:43
jamielennoxdtroyer: that was the thought if you have real certs go ahead and use them, fallback to generated00:44
jamielennoxi just added you to the draft review:
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jamielennoxshows that generating the certs using what's already in lib/tls is pretty easy i'm just not trying to push it through yet00:45
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dtroyerok, cool00:45
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achandraHoping someone can provide some assistance here. I just installed devstack and have an issue with the horizon dash board not producing output for  download for the ec2 api credentials.03:55
achandrathe page errors out03:55
achandraany clue if that has been fixed or if im on the right channel to ask?03:56
yscI'm a new contributor, working on my first fix related to the Swift container replicator.  Can somebody help me to understand why we're replicating *and* merge the container db when the row difference is > 50%? I figure just rsync should be sufficient. Thanks!03:57
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ekarlsoany keystone folks around ?08:09
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ekarlsos/wn 3509:07
ttxcinder rc1 on its way, if my cell data behaves a bit09:09
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ekarlsottx: is there a keystone rc ?09:24
ttxyes, since wednesday09:25
ttxall done except swift09:25
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ekarlsohmmms, i wonder if keystone and ldap really do despise me :(09:30
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tellesnobregahi, i was solving the bug and dolpm suggested that i devided into steps11:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1220913 in keystone "bp split-identity left unfinished" [Wishlist,In progress]11:59
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tellesnobregathe first step im done, and this is all i will be able to do for now, because i have to work on other bugs12:00
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tellesnobregai talked to ayoung yesterday and he said that this was enough since lyncos is working on a feature that will need to work some changes that i was gonna do12:01
tellesnobregahow can i act now? can i commit my code already as it is? how should i report the progress on the bug?12:01
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MaxVDoes someone know a project where I can see a basic usage of openstack.common.notifier and especially the use of notify_decorator?12:12
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aspiersis there a way to "watch" a particular gerrit review, i.e. get automatic notifications when it's updated?13:05
aspiersI can only see
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jpichaspiers: You could add yourself as a reviewer13:15
aspiersjpich: I only want to get notifications for changes I'm involved with or star. But I just noticed that I already get emails for those - it turns out I had a rule which I'd totally forgotten about which filters them into a separate mail folder :)13:16
jpichaspiers: All is well :)13:17
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ekarlsoBobBall: here?13:20
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BobBallI am indeed13:29
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ekarlsoBobBall: what management tools are there for xenserver ?13:36
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BobBallYou mean like XenCenter or XVP?13:37
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BobBallThere's also OpenXenManager13:38
BobBallOr you can use Microsoft's SCVMM ;)13:38
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BobBallIt depends what you mean by management tool...13:39
BobBallOpenStack does a pretty good job of managing VMs on XenServer ;)13:39
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ekarlsoDaviey: have you guys rolled RC1 packages yet ?13:49
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HenryGsalv-orlando: ping?14:16
Davieyzul: How is RC1 looking?14:16
zulDaviey:  getting there14:17
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mordredit's Daviey !14:22
Davieymordred: hello!14:23
mordredDaviey: how's tricks?14:23
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Davieymordred: I cannot complain!14:24
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Davieyzul: Are tere any RC1 packages ready yet?14:24
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zulDaviey:  for saucy or precise14:25
zulfor saucy most of then should already be in the archive, still working on precise14:26
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Davieyekarlso: ^14:28
ekarlsocoolio !14:28
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SpamapSmarkmc: Around? I was wondering about oslo-incubator's strutils .. wondering if we shouldn't just aim at releasing it as a library.15:23
SpamapSmarkmc: it hasn't been touched since June...15:23
SpamapSmarkmc: seems like it has stabilized.15:23
SpamapSmarkmc: and that would make the BytesOpt type much simpler.. as it could just import oslo.strutils and use to_bytes from that rather than copy/paste in.15:24
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ayoungdolphm, do you have a guide to the format for an API doc?  There has been a lot of guessing and churn in reviewing those, and coming up with a standard would greatly streamline the work for Icehouse15:29
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dolphmayoung: just follow the prevailing format and maintain consistency? it's basic markdown... i don't care if someone wants to restyle the whole thing, as long as it's consistently done15:30
dolphmayoung: which review?15:31
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dolphmayoung: i'd also recommend forking the repo on github, so you can see the results with github's own markdown rendering / stylesheets15:32
dolphmayoung: or doing it in a gist15:33
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* SpamapS wonders how hard it would be to add markdown/rst rendering to cgit15:34
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dolphmSpamapS: i haven't seen an external tool that matches github's rendering perfectly15:34
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SpamapSdolphm: no I wouldn't expect that. But "something" would be better than "works unless github is down"15:35
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dolphmSpamapS: agree15:35
SpamapSThough I actually prefer having real sphinx docs published on docs.openstack.org15:35
dolphmSpamapS: i can't imagine it should be that hard... it seems like the markdown -> html is the finicky part15:35
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ayoungdolphm, I was working on the KDS review.  But I think the exisitng approach is good, just sometimes if feels a little hard to figure what belongs where15:36
SpamapSdolphm: there are several good markdown renderers. The problem is the best ones are in ruby. :(15:36
dolphmayoung: oh you mean in terms of content organization?15:36
ayoungdolphm, it is not necessarily a format issue, although the fork recommendation is a good one15:36
ayoungdolphm, yes15:36
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dolphmayoung: i can address that, i think15:37
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ayoungdolphm, that would be very valuable.  Thanks15:37
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mriedemdripton: boris-42: mikal: i'm reading through this mailing list trying to figure out who the core team is for sqlalchemy-migrate, was that settled?15:40
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mriedempixelb: ^15:40
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pixelbmriedem, I'm not on core team (but would be fine with that since I'm sending patches)15:41
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mriedempixelb: i've got patches to push up for db2 so was just wondering, it doesn't really matter i guess who's core15:43
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pixelbmriedem, Yep it's just handled as a standard project15:43
mriedempixelb: this is pretty great, jan basically couldn't accept the db2 patch we sent him awhile back because he didn't have the resources to handle it15:44
mriedemglad i remembered that mailing list thread15:44
pixelbyep we've pypi keys now etc, so can release 0.7.3 when ready15:44
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mriedempixelb: mordred: do you know if sqlalchemy-migrate requires blueprints for new support (like db2)?15:52
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ayoungmriedem, it can never hurt to document a major feature like that15:52
pixelbmriedem, Docs never hurt anyone :)15:53
mriedemyeah, was just wondering what the norm has been, i see it's out in launchpad though so i can work one up and tie our nova/keystone/glance/cinder blueprints for db2 to it as a dependency15:54
mordredmriedem: I do not believe it does, no15:54
mordredmriedem: but I also agree with ayoung and pixelb15:54
mriedemlooks like i'd have the first one, i feel so special :)
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ayoungmriedem, SQL-A migrations have been under the radar for a long time.  Instead of thinking "what is the minimum necessary" look at it as a growing project in need of coming up to the same standards as the rest of Open Stack and lead the way.  We'll all thank you for it.15:58
ekarlsoayoung: care to take a look at a bug ?15:59
ayoungmriedem, I've been starting to use the "tasks" part of the blueprint page, and found it is really useful in organizing thoughts, especially for larger features15:59
ayoungekarlso, haveto make a lunch pickuup, but I'll look when I get baclk.  Link?15:59
mriedemayoung: ok15:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1210141 in keystone "Document howto config LDAP identity with non-DN based ids." [Low,In progress]16:00
ekarlsoi'm having a problem with sAMAccountName not getting picked up16:00
ayoungekarlso, ooh...nice one16:00
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ekarlsohow come ?16:02
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beekneemechSpamapS: This might also be of interest to you:
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lyncostellesnobrega: what feature  I'm supposed to do ?16:03
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lyncosI think I missed something16:03
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dtyarnelljust want to say how very nice the new assignment/read-only ldap support is16:05
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radixayoung: there's a nice little greasemonkey script that makes manging the task list a LOT nicer... lemme see if I can find it16:06
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radixI should say "userscript", not greasemonkey, since I don't think greasemonkey is actually required16:08
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ekarlsoayoung: got a clue on it ?16:09
ekarlsoit's annoying :p16:09
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SpamapSbeekneemech: thanks16:16
SpamapSwow launchpad failed miserably to find those bugs16:16
SpamapSyou would think a search for 'strutils' would turn those up.16:16
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dhellmanndolphm: ping?16:30
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dhellmannare there any keystone cores around?16:31
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ayoungradix, that would be great.  Ping me if you find it.  Ideally, we would link a review not just to a blueprint but to the individual task16:35
ayoungekarlso, looking now16:35
radixayoung: I pasted it, sorry, didn't ping your name:
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ayoungekarlso, did you see Brian's comment?  Your suffix has an extra = in it?16:36
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ayoungradix, how is that used?  Is it something we need to deploy on our Blueprints server, or host elsewhere?16:38
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radixayoung: no, it's a "user script" that you install in your browser. once installed, it automatically works when you visit a blueprint page16:44
radixayoung: it's pretty hacky, it just gives a nicer table-based UI onto the big work item text area16:44
tellesnobregalyncos: i might have understood wrongly, but ayoung was talking yesterday about some new feature, im not sure if its you or someone else16:44
tellesnobregaits about the LDAP with different servers16:45
tellesnobregato get the user by domain16:45
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dolphmdhellmann: o/16:55
dhellmanndolphm: I'm updating an internal plugin we have to work with the latest keystone, and so started looking at using abc for drivers. Before I went too far with it, I wanted to make sure there hadn't been a conscious decision to avoid using abc in the past.16:56
ayoungtellesnobrega, it was with lyncos yes.  the issue is with figuring out domain for a given userid16:56
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tellesnobregathats it16:56
tellesnobregahow should i proceed with my code, can i submit for review?16:56
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dolphmdhellmann: quite the opposite16:57
dolphmdhellmann: we've pretty much agreed to use abc during icehouse16:57
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dolphmdhellmann: i swear there was a bp already filed...16:58
* dhellmann should have looked at blueprints16:59
dhellmannI'll update my changeset to refer to that one16:59
dolphmdhellmann: thanks! much appreciated16:59
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ayoungdolphm, is there anyway to view the changes from in the browser?16:59
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ayoungthen again, I guess that would not be github formatted17:00
dolphmdhellmann: i believe morganfainberg was interested in this as well, so you might poke him when he returns in the next week or two17:00
dhellmanndolphm: ok, I'll do that17:00
dolphmayoung: not sure what you're asking?17:01
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dolphmayoung: as opposed to git-review --list or something?17:02
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ayoungdolphm, well, since it is an api doc in markdown, I was hoping to avoid having to push it to github in order to view it as github displays it17:03
ayoungnot just for this one, but for reviews in general17:03
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dolphmayoung: ooh, you linked to gerrit itself so i was *really* confused17:03
ayoungdolphm, I almost wonder if we should have people doing API reviews post the changes to their own github accounts and link in the reviews17:03
dolphmayoung: throw your doc into a gist and it'll render it17:03
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ayoungdolphm, yeah...but the gerrit url is the same as the url for the git repo17:04
dolphmayoung: didn't consider that lol ... i was just thinking "okay, you want to view a website in a browser. what's the punchline?"17:05
ayoungdolphm, can we do the style doc as a separate doc, so that it can live on,even beyond the v3 api?  Maybe put it up a level from V3?17:05
dolphmayoung: for example,
dolphmayoung: well it totally doesn't apply to anything we've done for v217:06
dolphmayoung: can we keep it as v3-specific until we have a v4? or something else it applies to?17:07
ayoungdolphm, true. Any driving reason to keep it mixed in with the V3 api doc, though?  It should also refer to writing extensions.  I would almost think it should stand alone: "here is how you write an API doc"  which would eventually apply beyond Keystone17:08
ayoungI would almost want it in the README for the repo17:09
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ayoungbut you are right, that would confuse things for V217:09
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ayoungdolphm, I just skimmed it, but it totally is what I was looking for.17:10
ayoungI can see why, though, you want it right before the API conventions portion of the document17:11
radixcan someone explain the keystone middleware to me? does it absolutely require an admin user/password, or can it validate tokens with only the token?17:13
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ayoungradix, which middleware are you referring to?  auth_token?17:14
radixyeah, that, sorry17:14
ayoungradix, the service runs as a user.  That is referred to as the service user,. such as nova17:14
radixthat's required?17:14
ayoungthe nova user needs to make calls to keystone in order to perform some guarded operations17:15
ayoungradix, for example, token_validate is an admin operation which is typically used with UUID tokens.  Even with PKI tokens17:15
ayoungthere are admin funcitons17:15
radixlike, what if I've got a service that doesn't need to do anything "guarded", just check if a token is all good before passing it on to other services (that it looks up from the catalog with that token)?17:15
ayoungsuch as fetching the revocation list17:15
ayoungradix, unfortunately,  checking a token is an admin operation17:16
ayoungwe are working on making that not be the case17:16
radixhuh. ok.17:16
ayoungradix, right now, a token is like a credit card where no one checks the signature17:16
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ayoungif you have mine, you can buy things and I am responsible for paying17:17
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ayoungthus, guard your tokens17:17
ayoungnow, what we are trying to do is link the tokens to a more secure form of authentication, such as X509 or Kerberos.17:17
ayoungIts like having to show a photo id17:17
ayoungand then checking that the signature on the token matches the person's signature17:18
ayoungbut...that breaks a lot of the assumptions in openstack, and deploying a solution like that is going to take time17:18
radixayoung: yeah, ok17:18
ayoungnow, you might say "ok, but I trust my service, just let if validate a token"17:18
radixthat helps a LOT :)17:19
ayoungbut the problem is that the data it needs form Keystone to do that is sensitive.  FOr example, If we were to let people fetch the revocation lists, then people would be getting lists of tokens.17:19
ayoungIf you try to use one of those tokens that was recently revoked, and the service had not refreshed its revocation list, you would be able to get access17:20
ayoungradix, so, for your service, register it as a n endpoint with Keystone, create a service user for it, and give that service user admin privs17:20
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radixayoung: well, maybe my service just wants to say "here's a token, give me a catalog, or if it's revoked give me an error"17:21
radixI mean, this is just hypothetical now :)17:21
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ayoungradix, we don't want every token to generate additional traffic to keystone17:22
ayoungso token validation is done in process, not via the call to  keystone17:22
ayoungso, once every so often, your service will refresh its revocation list17:22
radixinteresting, ok17:22
ayoungthe catalog is embedded in the token...for "hysterical raisins"17:22
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ayoungdolphm,  can get merged17:35
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ayoungradix, is there an automated way to import directly into my browser, or is it expected to be done via the local file system?17:42
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radixayoung: so, it depends on your browser17:43
radixayoung: I think there are extensions that make it easier to install userscripts, but one way I know is to download the file, then drag-and-drop it onto a chrome browser that's currently showing "chrome://extensions".... yeah, I said it was hacky ;-)17:44
radixoh, here's a nice general page:
ayoungradix, ok,  so I can just click on the download link now.  Got it17:45
ayoungradix, that works well17:46
radixayoung: sweet17:46
radixok. well it's lunch time for me, bbl17:46
ayoungradix, needs to deal with the assignee...maybe I'll hack on it17:47
radixhmm, i thought that did work17:47
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radixit should pop up a thing where you can search for a username even17:47
radixat least it used to17:47
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* radix -> food17:49
ayoungdolphm, this tool might actually make the using the blueprints more valuable17:50
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ayoungdolphm, look at the work items on
morganfainbergdhellmann, nice patchset on the ABC metaclass :)17:52
morganfainbergdhellmann, i posted a comment about the py3k compatibility issue. but other than that awesome start!  (yeah, ABCMetaclass use makes me happy in this contex is good)17:53
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dolphmayoung: what does that tool do?18:27
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tellesnobregadid anyone have a --color=true problem when trying to do git review?18:45
tellesnobregaerror: option `color' expects "always", "auto", or "never"18:45
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dolphmayoung: added my thoughts on a format for revocation events18:53
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tellesnobregaim having a problem runnign git review18:57
tellesnobregahas anyone experienced some problem with that as well? looks like git review is out of date with git log18:58
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alopanyone seen this?19:06
alopcinder list19:06
alopERROR: <attribute 'message' of 'exceptions.BaseException' objects>19:06
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raildohi, I'm working on bug # 1188182 and I saw a guy solved a workaround for this bug: "I have Implemented a temporary fix (not commited) to remove version from identity's endpoint url. This regex matches \ v1 \ v2, etc. ie ... \ v + one or more digits. Of course we need the best fix.  - O = urlparse.urlparse (url_for (request, 'image')) - Url = ":/ /". Join ((o.scheme, o.netloc)) + Url = re.sub (r "\ / v \ d +?", "", Url_for (req19:26
raildoI wonder if anyone can tell what is missing to make a final solution to this bug, because in my tests, the solution worked properly.19:27
raildolink to the bug:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1188182 in horizon "horizon is removing the URL path from glance's endpoint" [Medium,Confirmed]19:27
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raildohi, I'm working on bug # 1188182 and I saw a guy solved a workaround for this bug: "I have Implemented a temporary fix (not commited) to remove version from identity's endpoint url. This regex matches \ v1 \ v2, etc. ie ... \ v + one or more digits. Of course we need the best fix.  - O = urlparse.urlparse (url_for (request, 'image')) - Url = ":/ /". Join ((o.scheme, o.netloc)) + Url = re.sub (r "\ / v \ d +?", "", Url_for (req19:49
raildo I wonder if anyone can tell what is missing to make a final solution to this bug, because in my tests, the solution worked properly.19:49
raildolink to the bug:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1188182 in horizon "horizon is removing the URL path from glance's endpoint" [Medium,Confirmed]19:49
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achandraHello hoping someone can helpout with an error im getting after installing devstack on Ubuntu 12.04. When I go to download the ec2 API info, it produces a django error19:51
achandrai cant seem to get the necessary access keys required to connect via the ec2 api19:51
achandraany ideas if there is bugfix or a workaround?19:51
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dhellmannmorganfainberg: it may be a few days before I can update it for python 3 compatibility, so feel free to take over the patch if you have time to do it19:53
jrwrenachandra: its in eucarc in the root of devstack source when you are done building19:53
jrwrensource eucarc19:53
* achandra looks 19:54
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achandrajrwren,  a little new to this. Ive found the eucarc file and in it it only refences how to (as far as i know how to create it). How do i extract what it created?19:59
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morganfainbergdhellmann, i'm actually moving this weekend, so i'm unsure what my schedule looks like until late next week.  if i get a chance i'll update, if not, we can see where it goes next week :)20:01
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dhellmannmorganfainberg: sounds good20:01
morganfainbergdhellmann, but i'm super happy i'm not the only one looking at abstract classes for the drivers :)20:02
dhellmannmorganfainberg: I would really like to be able to tell earlier the next time the plugin API changes out from under me. :-)20:02
dhellmannmaintaining a private plugin to talk to our user db is challenging20:02
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jrwrenachandra: sourcing a shell script is done wiht the source command20:03
achandrajrwren, yep. when i source that file i get no output20:04
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jrwrennow printenv20:05
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jrwrenit will show all the ec2 environment variables20:05
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bknudsongyee: present20:10
achandrajrwren, thanks!!20:10
gyeebknudson, so I have to use OpenStack CLI for the v3 APIs now?20:10
bknudsongyee: the keystone CLI was never enhanced for v3 apis.20:10
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FatDarrelVMs don;'t have internet access whats up with that20:11
bknudsonso the option is the common cli.20:11
gyeecommon cli works with v3 today?20:11
bknudsonI don't know what all is supported, but I've used it with the normal functions.20:11
gyeelike auth, list users, etc?20:12
bknudsonRight, list users, groups.20:12
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bknudsonI don't know if it actually supports v3 auth?20:12
gyeegroovy, lemme give it a shot20:12
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bknudsongyee: --os-identity-api-version 320:13
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raildocan anyone help me with this bug? I have a doubt and I am new to open stack.20:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1188182 in horizon "horizon is removing the URL path from glance's endpoint" [Medium,Confirmed]20:13
FatDarrelOk so i have an openstack setup20:13
FatDarrelbut when I ping from the vm things don't come back20:14
FatDarreli see the packet go out but that is about it20:14
FatDarrelvm to google no ping20:14
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FatDarrelbase/rhel-box to google ping works20:14
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bknudsongyee: I think last time I tried openstack CLI with v3 it didn't work... ERROR: Unable to communicate with identity service: {"error": {"message": "The resource could not be found.", "code": 404, "title": "Not Found"}}. (HTTP 40420:15
bknudsonIf I opened a bug every time I tried something and it didn't work then that's all I'd be able to do in a day. :(20:16
gyeewonder if there's an endpoint issue20:17
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beekneemechmordred: When you have a minute, can you glance at ?20:26
beekneemechJust want to verify that's how we should be doing the versioning.20:26
bknudsongyee: I'm still getting that error...20:26
bknudsonopenstack --os-identity-api-version 3 user list20:26
mordredbeekneemech: looking20:26
bknudsonAuthorization failed: The resource could not be found.20:26
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bknudsongyee: I added "--os-auth-url http://localhost:5000/v3" and now it works.20:27
gyeebknudson, awesome20:28
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bknudsonbut keystone log shows GET ...20:28
bknudsonthat's not right20:28
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mordredbeekneemech: hrm. so, do we really need the preversioning?20:29
mordredfor oslo?20:29
mordredwhy not just let it roll - we shouldn't be consuming non-tagged-releases anywhere anyway20:29
bknudsongyee: "GET HTTP/1.0" 40420:30
beekneemechmordred: Yeah, I'm not sure.20:30
bknudsonwhen I do group list.... so it's not using v3.20:30
mordredbeekneemech: I'd like to keep the use of the pre-versioning stuff to an absolute minimum except for where we really need it20:30
beekneemechI know there was some odd oslo.config stuff where we were using the pre-release version, but I think that would have been tagged (?)20:30
mordredit was20:30
mordredand that process will be better this cycle20:31
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tellesnobregamordred: can you help me with a git-review problem?20:31
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bknudsongyee: my identity endpoint has v2 on it, so maybe that's the problem...20:31
beekneemechmordred: So I'm thinking -1 that change and we can discuss it with Mark if he still wants to do it.20:31
mordredbeekneemech: ++20:32
mordredtellesnobrega: yes!20:32
gyeebknudson, I have a bigger problem, need to figure out how to do it via 2-way SSL20:32
beekneemechmordred: Cool, I'll go do that.20:32
beekneemechmordred: Thanks20:32
bknudsongyee: 2-way ssl is bigger than it doesn't work at all?20:32
gyeebknudson, yeah, sigh, there goes my weekend20:33
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bknudsongyee: well, at least getting a token is working, and that's what you're trying to do.20:33
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demontiesantoshi everyone, I'm trying to use the rest API and I saw that I need authenticate to access, for example, /v2/{tenant_id}/extensions... But the documentation doesn't shows how to authenticate20:33
demontiesantosI got the token using keystone20:34
bknudsongyee: so you need to be able to pass in all the ssl options...20:34
demontiesantosand I think I have to pass that token to the nova API20:34
tellesnobregamordred: im trying to run git review but it pops up an error that git log --color accepts only always, never and auto20:34
tellesnobregabut the call is with true20:34
bknudsongyee: which as far as I can tell from openstack -h there's no options for client cert & key20:35
gyeebknudson, yes, I need to make it talk to an internal instance over 2-way SSL20:35
bknudsonor for a ca key, etc.20:35
gyeeI see the --os-token option, but no --os-cert or --os-key or --os-cacert20:36
bknudsonwhich keystone cli has...20:36
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bknudsongyee: once you've got those, you just pass them to the python-* clients ?20:37
gyeeI was under the impression that common CLI support the same options20:38
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bknudsonERROR: Invalid command '--os-cert'20:38
mordredtellesnobrega: hrm. it sounds like you either hav ea ery old git-review ora  very old git20:39
mordredor both20:39
mordredtellesnobrega: git review --version ?20:39
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gyeebknudson, also, when you type 'keystone' at the command prompt, it prints out the usage nicely20:41
gyeewith "openstack", nothing20:41
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bknudsonecho $? returns 120:42
bknudsonmaybe expecting openstack to work for v3 was a stretch, but seems to be better to do the work 1x in openstack rather than in both keystoneclient and os.20:43
gyeewhat's the timeframe for openstack 1x?20:43
tellesnobregamordred: version 1.1220:44
tellesnobregafor git-review20:44
mordredtellesnobrega: that's super old. you really need to upgrade20:44
mordredgit-review version 1.2320:44
bknudsondtroyer: what's the timeframe for openstack 1x?20:44
mordredis current20:44
tellesnobregaand git version
mordredtellesnobrega: that should be fine I believe20:45
mordredI recommend "sudo pip install -U git-review" to get the latest20:45
mordredzul: do you have newer packages for git-review anywhere?20:45
zulmordred:  nope we usually sync that one from debian20:45
mordredzul: ok.20:46
mordredtellesnobrega: then I recommend installing from pip for that one20:46
gyeebknudson, gotta run, I'll poke around with it later to see what we need. Thanks for the help. Have a good weekend!20:46
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tellesnobregamordred: it worked20:52
mordredtellesnobrega: w00t!20:52
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dtroyerbknudson: there is no schedule, it's mostly just me working on it now and isn't $DAY_JOB.   Looking at the scrollback, for the CA config bits, I'd have told you it was there, it should be there, and isn't. :(  that's a priority item...21:09
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ekarlsodtroyer: what you working on ? ;p21:11
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dtroyerekarlso: :) besides random devstack knee-jerk patches?21:12
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FatDarrelanyone here a nova network expert21:29
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cburgessAnyone using neutron + ml2 with devstack?21:37
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adalbasmtreinish, thanks for the comments on the whitebox test patch.21:53
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aspiersdtroyer: is there a strong reason why devstack's ENABLED_SERVICES isn't an array?22:21
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brianclineis there a secret to getting the updated openvswitch package in precise-updates/havana to start? it no longer tries to compile a module anymore -- installing openvswitch-switch yields "Module openvswitch not found.", seems there is a packaging difference22:40
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gyeeayoung, around?23:57

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