Thursday, 2013-09-05

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morganfainberghenrynash, out of curiosity, how is filters populated at the controller level?00:06
henrynashmorganfainberg: the @protected wrapper doe sit00:06
morganfainberghenrynash, i am just not seeing it.  might be just missing where that is extracted from (behind the scenes)00:06
morganfainberghenrynash, Ah!00:06
morganfainberghenrynash, thank you.  i knew i was just looking in the wrong place00:07
henrynashmorganfainberg: np00:07
morganfainberghenrynash, ah yes filterprotected00:07
morganfainbergit all makes sense....00:08
henrynashmorganfainberg: on a good day, with the wind blowing in the right direction etc.00:08
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henrynashmorganfianberg: at least I need that...:-)00:08
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morganfainberghenrynash, the only thing i see that is standing out is that the sql.core.filter checks i hints is none, doesn't check to see if filters() is empty.00:16
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morganfainberghenrynash, so you're going to do filtering even with an empty list, since the controller always passes an empty Hints() object (identity controller at least)00:17
henrynashmorganfainberg:  …in which case the for loop in _filter will do nothing00:18
morganfainbergit's really a no-op, but a lot of extra code to get to that no-op00:18
morganfainbergs/a lot/some00:18
morganfainbergagain, thats the biggest thing standing out to me. :P so pretty minor.00:19
henrynashmorganfainberg: so really a call and 3 lines :-)00:19
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morganfainberghenrynash oh.00:19
henrynashmorganfainberg:  fair comment, though00:19
morganfainbergi assume the reason your doing a hasattr in the filter is because someone could provide their own hints object? (line 371)00:20
morganfainbergvs. the driver hints you currently build?00:20
henrynashmorganfainger: yes00:20
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morganfainbergyou should check to see if it's a callable00:20
morganfainbergsince you do .filters()00:20
morganfainbergor make it an @property on the normal hints object00:20
henrynashmorgainberg: I think we will outlaw that…but for now put in some defensive coding00:20
morganfainbergthis is something that can go into a fix00:21
morganfainbergwont impact anything out the gate00:21
henrynashmorgainfainberg: agreed00:21
morganfainbergi just see a potential traceback scenario since we're allowing arbitrary stuff.00:21
morganfainbergi think the best bet is to make hints.filters() instead an @property, unless you want to make it an iter()00:22
henrynashmorganfainberg: well, for now we aren't….we wither build the hints with with the driver_hints.Hints() or by [] - the later is what I was protecting against00:23
morganfainbergmakes sense.00:23
henrynashmorganfainberg: happy to commit to coming back in and tidying that up00:23
morganfainbergyep, going to comment on it just to record, but it isn't anything that would block a +2 so far.00:24
henrynashmorganfainberg: can i cajole you into upping your +1 to a +2 (we got get this thing gating asap or we miss the boat)00:24
morganfainberghenrynash, finishying up the last couple things and yes.00:24
morganfainbergjust making sure i ran through it once.00:24
morganfainbergalmost done00:25
henrynashmorganfainberg: thx….I'll owe you drinks in HK :-)00:25
morganfainberghenrynash, this is much better with the hints than before imo00:27
morganfainbergit is easier to understand what is intended00:27
ayoung-afkhenrynash, looking now00:27
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henrynashmorganfainberg: agreed…I got a huge set of comments to get in today with suggestions on make it better…and the result is indeed a lot better I think00:28
henrynashayoung-afk: thx (new handle?)00:28
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ayoung-afkhenrynash, nah, just irc is being fussy about letting me change my handle...I was putting the boys to bed until about 10 minutes ago00:30
ayoung-afkhenrynash, do we still have the go ahead to merge it if it is OK?00:31
henrynashayoung-afk: :-)00:31
henrynashayoung-afk: from who? dolphm?00:31
ayoung-afkhenrynash, someone stole my nickname somewhere else on freenode.  I might have to switch to my alter ego00:31
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admiyohenrynash, yeah, and ttx00:32
henrynashayoung-afk; dolphm gave me his final comments before he headed to dinner - I think I fixed them all,00:32
admiyohenrynash, who is this ayoung-ay-ef-kay00:32
henrynashadmiyo: haven't asked ttx, but we agreed to punt limts and put this one in. so I'd assume so00:33
henrynashttx: you on?00:33
morganfainbergadmiyo, you don't have it setup so you can ghost your name back? (i think thats the right terminology)00:33
admiyohenrynash, should be fine. what was the thing about hints?00:33
henrynashadmiyo: can't tell…it's a secret00:34
admiyomorganfainberg, yeah, I can, but it is such acommon name that I feel bad punting on it00:34
admiyohenrynash, c'mon...give me a hint00:34
admiyomorganfainberg, there is also a semi traditoin of casual nick Friday.  Since tomorrow is  a Jewish Holiday, and I'm taking the day off, figured I'd go in my other persona00:35
henrynashadmiyo: the "thing" we pass from controller to driver is not called "hints" (as opposed to list_directives, query_dict etc.)00:35
henrynashadmiyo: sorry… now called hints…I meant00:35
morganfainbergadmiyo, i keep forgetting to use my alter ego on fridays.00:35
admiyoI actually prefer this nick, as it is more distinct.  THere is an Anthony Young that works for Rackspace and, for a while, I was confused ith him.00:36
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admiyosleepsonthefloor I think, or something00:36
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needscoffeeanyways. henrynash , publishing the +2 and the comments now.  to me, it looks good.00:37
henrynashneedscoffee: thx!00:38
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admiyoneedscoffee, shouldn't that be needs beer?  It has to be past work hours whereever you are00:38
morganfainbergadmiyo, probably00:39
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morganfainbergit's only 1730.00:39
admiyomiddle of the morning by SF programmers standards, as I recall.  But not too early for beer.00:39
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admiyohenrynash, so we have standard hints for all of the driver calls now?00:40
morganfainbergsince i'm in LA, it's probably closer to middle of the "why am i awake this early"00:40
henrynashadmiyo:all the list calls00:40
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admiyohenrynash, I guess I should read up the IRC log00:41
morganfainberghenrynash, i assume it's intentional that catalog controllers and policy controllers don't pass hints to the driver(s)?00:42
morganfainbergonly filtered in the controller at the moment?00:42
admiyomorganfainberg, if we need them there, we are doing something wrong...or we are successful beyond our wildest dreams00:42
henrynashmorganfainberg: yep00:42
morganfainberghenrynash, ok.00:42
bknudsonhenrynash: posted my comments. you can determine if they require a new patch set00:43
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henrynashbknudson: looking00:44
admiyohenrynash, so it was just the hints change that dolph wanted?00:45
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henrynashadmiyo: and to move the hints building out of the Hints class and into a v3Controller method00:46
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henrynashbknudson: thx for the detailed comments as ever….most are textual in nature.  If your Ok with me coming back in and fixing them post H3, I'll be happy to do that asap after we cut it00:48
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bknudsonI'm fine with it if you are.00:48
morganfainberghenrynash, the one in, the typo00:48
morganfainbergis that one going to be an issue?00:48
admiyomorganfainberg, big vs bug is fixed, or is there another typo?00:49
morganfainbergfilter['compartor']  should be comparator (it looks like) [bknudson's comment]00:50
admiyohenrynash, so post H3 we are going to replace driver_hints.Hints() with driver_hinsts.HINTS or something singleton-y?00:50
henrynashmorganfainberg: so its only used in testing...00:50
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bknudsonadmiyo: that would be nice.00:50
morganfainbergadmiyo, could also just pass a None through, if no hints, None?00:50
henrynashmorgafainberg: checking if the driver has removed a filter once it has satisfied it00:50
admiyothat is a tuneup...we can treat it as a low priority bug, i'd say00:50
morganfainberghenrynash, ok.00:51
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admiyohenrynash, can you open a bug for filter fixes and record the issues there?  If so, I'll push the button.00:52
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henrynashadmiyo: will do immediatey00:52
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admiyohenrynash, by the way, you do realize that00:53
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admiyo def list_projects(self, hints=None):00:53
admiyoshould be00:53
admiyo def list_projects(self, hints=driver_hints.Hints):00:53
admiyoand then00:54
admiyoreturn self.driver.list_projects(hints or driver_hints.Hints())00:54
admiyocan become00:54
admiyoreturn self.driver.list_projects(hints)00:54
henrynashadmiyo: done (on raising the defect)00:54
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henrynashadmiyo: i guess that is indeed nicer :-)00:55
admiyohenrynash, bknudson morganfainberg dolphm going to push the button in 300:56
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dolphmadmiyo: which button?00:56
admiyospeak up now or forever hold your peace00:56
admiyodolphm, on henrynash 's filter patch00:56
admiyodolphm, we have a bug open with a bunch of nits00:56
dolphmadmiyo: i still don't know what that means00:56
admiyodolphm, its me, ayoung00:56
admiyoI'm in disguise00:56
dolphmadmiyo: you opened bugs for all of brant;s feedback?00:57
admiyosomeone stole my nick and I am too lazy to look up how to kick.00:57
admiyodolphm, you want we should hold the patch?00:57
henrynashdolphm: I did00:57
admiyobknudson, gave the ok that they could be fixed in H3 as bugs...but if you would rather hold the merge, I'll not push the button00:58
henrynashdolphm: well, one bug to cover all00:58
admiyoand in the darkness bind them00:58
dolphmhenrynash: 'finish the blueprint'?00:58
* admiyo has been reading LOTR to his son00:58
henrynashdolphm: ?00:58
dolphmhenrynash: i don't know how you'd umbrella them all00:58
admiyodolphm, no, just the minor feedback from the review00:59
dolphmi'd love to merge it, but the number and type of mistakes brant is highlighting is indicative of even more mistakes that haven't been caught00:59
henrynashdolphm: they are mainly textual in nature, one issue with a piece of test code00:59
morganfainbergadmiyo: that recomendation for the default values is a bad idea actually. driver_hints.HINTS is a bad idea since hints is a list (it would need to be a non-mutable)01:00
dolphmmorganfainberg: ++01:00
dolphmhenrynash: i saw you did get rid of a mutable in a method signature so, ++ for that01:00
bknudsondolphm: I don't think my comments are major enough to require a major change. I don't think any of them indicated a bug.01:01
admiyomorganfainberg, we could freeze it01:02
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morganfainbergadmiyo, that would work.01:03
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dolphmhenrynash: my only real complaint is 'mark_filter_satisfied()' ... you really can't say that you're passing a 'list of dicts' if you're expecting the driver to call some mysterious method that a 'list' does not have01:04
dolphmhenrynash: the rest of the interface on a Hint is only consumed by the controllers, so i'm not worried about that01:05
dolphmor Hints01:05
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henrynashdolphm: well in the current implementation, if they just removed the dict, that would work equally well01:05
henrynashdolphm: I just provided a help method01:06
henrynash(helper method)01:06
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dolphmhenrynash: a one line helper that can be replaced by a python keyword isn't very helpful01:07
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henrynashdolphm: fair, comemnt01:07
henrynashdolphm: but we're not forcing a driver to call it….they can still call the python remove…so is that enough?01:11
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henrynashdolphm: if we need to tidy that up a bit, OK….I can commit to doing that very quickly after H301:11
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dolphmhenrynash: i can't (in good conscience) +2/approve so i'm going to go to sleep and talk to you on friday or maybe monday and i assume brant's & my own comments will be addressed before then :)01:16
henrynashdolphm: does that mean we miss Havana?01:17
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admiyohenrynash, if we do, we do.  I suspect that the limits is the real thing that we need, and that won't make havana anyway.01:19
dolphmhenrynash: that just means i won't +2/approve myself as-is. don't forget to update the blueprint to either Implemented or target keystone-next01:19
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admiyoand LDAP filtering for HP01:19
henrynashdolphm: a new patch will be ready by the time you wake up01:19
dolphmhenrynash: that will be post-havana, btw01:20
bknudsonlong nap if not going to be back until friday or monday01:20
admiyodolphm, what would it take for a +2?  bknudson 's comments address and...?01:20
admiyodropping the helper method.?01:21
henrynashdolphm: I'll turn around the patch right now01:21
dolphmadmiyo: the drivers to actually interact with nothing more than a list of dicts (so yes, no helper method)01:21
dolphmbknudson: ++++++01:21
admiyoor is it that you think there is too much to feel comfortable merging,01:21
dolphmadmiyo: that many nits means there are probably more01:21
dolphmadmiyo: and i've been through the patch so many times that i'd probably gloss over them01:22
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admiyohenrynash, what is the consequence of missing Havana for this?01:22
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henrynashadmiyo: do Gabriel and others wanted to get started with it and general performance01:23
admiyohenrynash, will they actually be able to do anything with itin Havana?01:23
admiyoor will they have to wait until icehouse to make use of it anyway?\01:23
henrynashadmiyo: well, they'll just get the performance for free01:23
henrynashadmiyo: there is no api change to "use"01:24
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admiyohenrynash, yes there is.  they need to pass filters01:24
henrynashadmiyo: that's been in the spec for ever and is implanted (inefficiently) in today in the controller01:24
bknudsondolphm: I did take a close look at it. Although I had trouble concentrating by the time I got to the large test change.01:24
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morganfainbergadmiyo / bknudson, i just uploaded a new changeset to cover the defaults back to 1 worker (as per Brant's comment).  I think it would be a nice to have for havana01:28
morganfainbergif it gets another +2, i'll press go when/if it passes jenkins01:28
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morganfainbergif there is a concern, it can (obviously) wait for I.01:29
henrynashso I'm off to bed..I will get a new patch for the morning01:30
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morganfainberghenrynash, have a good one.01:30
bknudsonmorganfainberg: have you been able to try it out?01:30
admiyohenrynash, just because it is in the spec doesn't mean they are making use of it.  is there any reason to push for it in Havana?01:30
bknudsonI had intended to actually try it but didn't get a chance.01:30
morganfainbergbknudson, i'm working on that now actually.  need to setup a test for something else and this fits the bill nicely01:31
bknudsonmorganfainberg: how many cpus?01:31
morganfainbergbknudson, in ~10 minutes i should know how well it works (and a long time after that for a tempest run)01:31
admiyomorganfainberg, Ohh, I like...looking nowe01:31
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morganfainbergbknudson, 4 vcpus in my VM.01:31
morganfainbergbknudson, but it's just a VM.01:31
henrynashadmiyo: just want to see progress and make OS as kick-ass as possible01:31
admiyohenrynash, agreed, but if it ain't going to get used until Icehouse, we just get it in on day 001:32
admiyomorganfainberg, what happened to the singnal handler01:33
henrynashadmiyo: that's the fall back…..yep01:33
morganfainbergadmiyo, did i drop that?01:33
admiyomorganfainberg, yep01:33
admiyohenrynash, I'll help with the LDAP filters, too01:34
morganfainbergadmiyo, hmm. that was there before i got to it.01:34
admiyohenrynash, to be honest, I am thinking more about Icehouse now than Havana, have been for a couple months01:34
admiyomorganfainberg, do you have it up and running now?01:35
admiyoif so try a Ctrl -C and tell me what happens01:35
morganfainbergadmiyo, almost setup01:35
bknudsonmorganfainberg: I'm still concerned about the lack of unit tests for the behavior of the Server class.01:35
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henrynashadmiyo: i probably should too….oh well….01:36
morganfainbergbknudson, totally fine to punt it.  just figured i'd address the direct comments inline01:36
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morganfainbergbknudson, i wont be able to get much else into it here for the evening.01:36
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morganfainbergbknudson, but that's why i was asking you :)01:36
admiyomorganfainberg, punt01:36
morganfainbergnuff said.01:36
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admiyomorganfainberg, but I would be inteested to seeif the signal hanlding was actually needed.  Or if it gets in the way with the multple threads.01:37
morganfainberghitting it with a -2 then with a comment about this convo.01:38
morganfainbergi'll still test it :)01:38
admiyotoo much unknown here to approve without knowing why01:38
admiyodon't -2, just pocket veto01:38
morganfainbergtoo late :P01:38
admiyonah,  it will get his attentioon01:38
admiyothe problem with a -2 is that you need to remember to revisit the patch01:38
morganfainbergadmiyo, right.01:38
admiyoI was burned by that earlier today, and the author never pinged me to tell me he addressed my issue01:39
morganfainbergadmiyo, i'll star it and keep my eye on it.01:39
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admiyosounds good01:39
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admiyowe'll have a lot of good stuff primed and ready to go as soon as we can for Icehouse.  That is, I think, the best thing we can be doing anyway.01:39
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morganfainbergadmiyo, i'm seeing some very good stuff coming in icehouse01:40
morganfainbergadmiyo, should be good.01:41
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morganfainbergadmiyo, Ctrl+C seems to exit cleanly w/o the handler01:43
admiyomorganfainberg, yeah, it might not have been needed.  But with the monkeypatching that we do, who knows01:43
admiyoyou were running it with multiple workers?01:44
morganfainbergadmiyo, aye.  4 of each01:44
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morganfainbergadmiyo, but i think understanding why it was dropped is a valid question01:44
morganfainbergnow that i have my devstack working again, time to finish writing up this bug report.01:45
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jamielennoxwow, it's been busy in here01:46
jamielennoxdoes anyone know where the requirement to specifically forward 301, 302, and 305 came from?01:47
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jamielennoxi ask because 305 is not typically handled by requests, and if i have a base request function i'm hoping will eventually be used by all the various projects should i include it, or consider it keystone specific?01:49
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anteayaiccha: 43904,9 isn't going to make it through the gate this tiime02:08
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admiyojamielennox, we spent a lot of time discussing why we shoul punt on things02:35
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admiyojamielennox, BTW, it is me, ayoung, in disguise02:35
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jamielennoxadmiyo: yea, i've seen the name - github i think02:52
jamielennoxany idea on the above question?02:52
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stevemaradmiyo, it's not a disguise if you say it on an open channel!03:14
stevemaradmiyo, also it sounds exactly like your name :P03:14
admiyojamielennox, what do you mean by forward?03:15
admiyostevemar, it is my name.  ADam MIchael YOung.  I got the idea after driving around Pearl Harbor Navy base on night and saw how the US Navy does acronyms like CincPacSubGru03:15
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jamielennoxi thought it might have been a semi clever left over from teenage years and instant messaging (let's assume age works) add-me-yo!03:17
stevemarjamielennox, wow, that's thinking outside the box a bit03:17
jamielennoxadmiyo: so there is specific code for request redirection for 301, 302 and 305 status codes03:17
jamielennox305 specifically isn't handled by requests (and requests does some interesting things with forwarding post requests)03:18
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stevemari was thinking adam made a typo, and went with with adamyo -> adimyo -> admiyo03:18
jamielennoxI was wondering if there was a reason for picking those 3 status codes rather than just 3xx and if it is something that would be imposed on other projects03:19
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jamielennox(this is keystoneclient)03:19
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admiyojamielennox, there was no instant messaging in my teenage years.  Hard to IM on a 300 Baud Modem03:22
jamielennoxwell, it's just not instant in that case03:23
admiyojamielennox, I still need to finish porting irssi to my C6403:23
admiyojamielennox, I have no idea, and I suspect that anyone who does is long since gone from the project.03:24
jamielennoxunfortunately there are tests to check, specifically that use 30503:24
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ttxHenryG: I'm on now06:49
ttxerr.... that was meant for henrynash, autocomplete fail06:50
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bauzasmorning all07:14
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bauzasif someone played with Openstack Puppet manifests, could he point me out the IRC room if so exists ?07:15
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bauzasI'm facing Puppet issues when deploying and I'm wondering how to fix them07:16
bauzasthat's why ideally a freenode IRC chatroom like #puppet-openstack would be awesome if it exists :)07:16
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bauzasoh dear, it is :)07:17
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ttxmarkwash: may wait to cut H3 for Glance until 45142 merges (the API version bump)09:17
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ttxjd__: I see no reason to delay ceilometer cut ?09:25
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jd__ttx: no reason09:27
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ttxjd__: ok, will do now and push all but alarm-service-partitioner and alarming-logical-combination to icehouse ?09:28
kaushikchas anyone tried packstack to deploy openstack with xenserver hypervisors?09:29
jd__ttx: yep!09:30
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ttxjd__: awesome, doing it now09:30
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ttxjd__: any bug you would consider fixing and backporting today before we publish H3 tomorrow ?09:31
ttxbug 1221033 maybe09:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221033 in ceilometer "test_notifier.TestNovaNotifier failed due to the latest nova change" [Critical,New]
ttxor bug 121977609:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1219776 in ceilometer "PostgreSQL migration is broken" [Critical,In progress]
jd__ has been merged a few minutes ago09:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221033 in ceilometer "test_notifier.TestNovaNotifier failed due to the latest nova change" [Critical,New]09:35
ttxok, that's what it was09:35
jd__the fix for 1219776 has not been validated but I'd like to have it merged today if possible09:36
ttxok, we'll backport it if it makes it, I keep it on the list09:36
ttxdefer to RC1 all the others ?09:36
ttxjd__: ^ ?09:37
ttxok willdo09:37
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ttxjd__: ok, branch cut, consider yourself feature-frozen apart from those two on
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ttxfor the record, keystone is already fully feature-frozen09:41
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jd__ttx: ack09:42
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jpichIs there a nice page with the current list of projects indicating which are integrated, which are incubated? My wiki-search-fu fails me. ttx?09:52
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ttxjpich: that would be
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ttxjpich: we're building a repo witrh reference governance docs but that's not fully ready yet09:54
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ttxFor the record, Horizon is now feature-frozen and its H3 branch was cut09:57
jpichttx: Ok, thanks! So say, from your TC summary email Marconi will be in incubation during Icehouse, thus it will be added to this page in italic only after Havana's released?09:59
jpichGo Horizon, thanks :)09:59
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ttxjpich: I should probably update the page now10:00
ttxkinda busy today :)10:00
ttxbabysitting the queue10:01
jpichUnderstood, thanks the clarifications!10:01
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ttxheat and cinder are cut now10:20
ttxglance is next10:20
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danpbanyone know why i'd see this error message running devstack
salv-orlandottx: there is a neutron patch that is continuously being blocked at the gate because of db migrations - now another patch with a migration has entered the gate pipeline:
salv-orlandois it worth retrying or do you advice to give up on patch #38230?11:31
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ttxsalv-orlando: oh that must be the bug I just reported11:31
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ttxbug 122116411:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221164 in devstack " fails with neutron-db-manage returning "Only a single head supported so far..."" [Undecided,New]
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ttxsalv-orlando: well 38230 is blocking a feature so it might be worth retrying11:33
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ttxsalv-orlando: i'll be late in cutting for Neutron anyway11:33
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salv-orlandottx: ok I will push another patch then, thanks11:34
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salv-orlandottx: the developer is  sleeping now, but he won't mind)11:34
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ttxDoing glance now, then waiting for russellb and markmcclain to wake up to do nova and neutron11:36
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jd__ttx: nova just merged some changes that broken ceilometer so we'll have to fix this too for h311:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221173 in ceilometer "Nova notifier error TypeError: _from_db_object() got multiple values for keyword argument 'expected_attrs'" [Critical,Confirmed]11:40
jd__just letting you know11:40
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jd__twice in less than 24 hours…11:40
ttxjd__: ack11:40
ttxjd__: should get calmer once past FF11:41
jd__hopefully :)11:41
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ttxmarkwash: I went ahead and did glance, since 45142 is a bit blocked. We may backport it back though11:46
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russellbjd__: fix in nova or ceilometer?12:06
jd__russellb: ceilometer12:06
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russellbok, well sorry :)12:06
russellbttx: don't mistake my presence for being awake yet btw12:06
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ttxrussellb: reviewing the remaining blueprints to see how far they actually are12:07
ttxrussellb: i.e. is there value in waiting a couple extra hours or not12:08
russellbunless something is in the gate, no need to wait i think ... we can handle that with exceptions if necessary12:08
russellbthere is one in the gate i'd like to wait for12:08
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russellbwait, it may have *just* merged actually12:08
ttxrigth checking features vs. gate. Will have a summary for you in 5 min12:09
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russellbbah the one i had in mind had some kind of failure12:09
ttxrussellb: link ? it may be some of the recurrent failures we had all night/morning12:10
russellbaffected by
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1167251 in nova "Flakey test nova.tests.integrated.test_multiprocess_api.MultiprocessWSGITest.test_terminate_sigterm" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:10
ttxrussellb: you retry it ?12:11
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russellbback in it goes12:11
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ttx also would unlock a feature iiuc12:11
ttxand is in the pipe12:12
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russellbttx: yep that's the one i was looking at12:14
russellbi linked you tot he wrong one sorry12:14
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sdaguettx: so the neutron job you reverified I think is never going to pass, it looks like an alembic issue that is self inflicted in that patch12:19
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sdaguettx: 42806,612:20
ttxsdague: yeah... sorry about that. The weird error message got me12:20
sdaguerussellb: any of the nova patches you want in sitting behind that one?12:20
sdaguewe could always push another revision with a trivial change to kick it out12:21
ttxsdague: I guess that means we can close bug 122116412:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221164 in devstack " fails with neutron-db-manage returning "Only a single head supported so far..."" [Undecided,New]
sdaguettx: or make it a neutron bug12:21
ttxsdague: I invalidated it... it's hardly a bug if it's self-inflicted ?12:22
sdaguettx: sure12:22
lxsliAnyone have a link to the OpenStack "urgent reviews" page please?12:24
sdaguettx: well I pushed it out12:24
sdagueso that the stuff behind it can process12:25
ttxsdague: nice. How do you do that ?12:25
sdaguemake another change12:25
ttxthere have been a couple of cases I spotted this morning i would have loved to kick out because I knew they would fail12:25
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sdagueso just grab the change with git review -d12:25
sdagueand ammend in a new commit message comment12:25
sdagueand when zuul sees there is a new rev of the patch, it kills the old version12:26
sdagueit's a little bit of a hack12:26
ttxsdague: ok12:26
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ttxsdague: always better than watching the train wreck in slow motion12:26
sdague - as an example12:26
sdagueI just threw in a sentence about what I was doing in the commit message, no actual code changes12:27
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salv-orlandotax, sdague: unfortunately we can't run a migration check before the job enters the gate pipeline12:32
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salv-orlandottx: ^12:32
salv-orlandoI've already taken off another patch with the same issue12:32
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sdaguesalv-orlando: sorry, don't quite understand, what's the base issue?12:34
salv-orlandosorry, I was referring to bug 122116412:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221164 in devstack " fails with neutron-db-manage returning "Only a single head supported so far..."" [Undecided,Invalid]
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salv-orlandothat failure occurs if neutron db migrations are not properly ordered.12:35
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sdaguesalv-orlando: so I thought alembeic made that better?12:38
salv-orlandoit makes that better if you run check_migration before pushing, which we usually do (a tox env for that should come soon)12:39
salv-orlandobut even if you do that,12:39
salv-orlandowhen two changes with db migrations enter the gate pipeline its tricky12:39
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salv-orlandobefore they both succeed on check pipeline, but then one of them will fail in the gate pipeline12:39
sdagueok, right, but at least you can fail fast if you have that check in there12:40
sdagueor notify fast12:40
salv-orlandosdague: corect.12:40
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sdagueif this is a recurring problem, please make it a priority to get that tox job in12:40
salv-orlandoyou could fail in the same point where we verify merge failures12:40
salv-orlandomarkmcclain is already on it12:40
sdagueok, great12:40
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markmcclainthe issue the tox job normally would pass in the check12:41
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markmcclainneed to figure out if there is a hook in the gate that we could run that check and if it fails immediately kick it out of the gate12:42
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sdaguemarkmcclain: so we used to fast fail on pep8, which means I believe zuul has some ability to do that12:43
sdagueI'd say make it another job, and at worse it means people can manually kick the changes out12:43
sdaguethen we'll come up with a better way to handle it, as I expect with more projects going to alembic, it's somethign we'd want on all of them12:44
markmcclainok.. if there is a fail fast then we'll be good12:44
markmcclainsdague: yeah as more folks move to alembic this will be a problem12:44
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sdagueright, so we'll figure out an optimal way to handle it over time. neutron just managed to uncover the issue first12:45
sdaguethe neutron unit tests don't do migrations?12:45
sdagueI was actually surprised that it only showed up in the tempest job12:46
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sdagueoh man, another neutron 26 reset, so close to merging a bunch of code12:49
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salv-orlandosdague: who's the culprit I must have missed it.12:50
sdagueactually, it was the subunit processing12:50
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salv-orlandoat least this time it's not neutron's fault (I think)12:51
sdagueno, it wasn't12:51
sdaguethe job hit the 40 minute mark and was killed12:52
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sergmelikyanmordred, I have a problem with tag in one of repositories. Previously this repo (stackforge/murano-common) was located on Git and had version tags. After moving to stackforge this tags moved two, and now, when we releasing version 0.2 we could not assign this tag on murano-common repos (it is already existing). Could you remove this tag for us?13:25
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sergmelikyanttx, ?13:26
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ttxsergmelikyan: i don't think I have such powerz. ask in #openstack-infra in a few hours13:29
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sergmelikyanttx, thank you! Right direction is also a lot of help :)13:37
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dolphmttx: is it safe to merge a transifex patch?13:44
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ttxdolphm: in master ? sure13:46
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henrynashdolphm: ping14:27
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dolphmhenrynash: pong14:41
henrynashdolphm: couple of things….1) I'm going to work on big #1201487 as a priority14:42
henrynashdolphm: it may indeed be a big bug.. :-)14:42
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henrynash#link 120148714:42
dolphmhenrynash: big has in the commit to fix it?14:42
dolphmhenrynash: or as in severe?14:42
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1201487 in keystone "listing projects for a user omits those that only have group related roles" [High,In progress]14:43
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dolphmuvirtbot: you're very slow14:43
uvirtbotdolphm: Error: "you're" is not a valid command.14:43
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henrynashdolphm: ha!14:43
dolphmuvirtbot: work faster14:43
uvirtbotdolphm: Error: "work" is not a valid command.14:43
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dolphmhenrynash: ah you typo'd s/big/bug/ again :) bug 120148714:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1201487 in keystone "listing projects for a user omits those that only have group related roles" [High,In progress]
henrynashdolphm: …and will work on the filtering in the background so we have it ready to go as soon as we open master for IceHouse14:44
dolphmhenrynash: sounds like a plan14:44
dolphmhenrynash: i'm going to send you bug reviews in the mean time :)
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henrynashdolphm: on filtering…do you think it is worth actually have a class at all for hints?  or just some helper functions that let you manipulate it (and I don't mean mark_as_satisfied, we've killed that one)"14:46
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dolphmhenrynash: i thought it was an interesting idea at least -- what's left in that class?14:47
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dolphmhenrynash: add_filter and .filters?14:48
henrynashdolphm: basiscally, yes14:48
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henrynashdolphm: and if we were to add more types in the future, we might want more14:48
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henrynashdolphm: I was thinking that your idea of using a boolean that you set in a filter to mark it satisfied (rather than deleting it) was actually interesting14:49
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henrynashdolphm: and then perhaps  .filters() actually becomes something like .unsatisfied_filters() which is the thing that most callers will want to use14:50
henrynashdolphm: but all the filters are still there in case someone wants to inspect what has happened14:51
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henrynashdolphm: yeah was thinking the @property was likely to useful..nice14:53
henrynashdolphm: the one thing that did trouble me is that if we have a class (which I do like actually) then do we allow someone to declare a hint as hint = [] and then add in their own filters manually….becuase then if we pass this to (say) the controller class that does a hints.filters that won't work (I had to protect controller and sql/core from that manually)….is there a better way to do that…or do we just say you must declare a hint as hint =14:56
henrynashdriver_hints.Hints() ?14:56
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insanidadewhat does an agent scheduler do ?15:02
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SlickNiksdague: Addressed the couple of concerns you had with Please take a look at it when you get a chance. Thanks!15:14
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dolphmhenrynash: driver_hints.Hints(hints_created_by_someone_else)15:49
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dolphmhenrynash: driver_hints.Hints([{'type': 'filter', ...}])15:50
dolphmhenrynash: that's why i suggested a .validate() would be useful to strictly verify the data structure and it's contents15:50
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henrynashdolphm: I'mm happy with your timezone fix….ok if I approve?15:56
dolphmhenrynash: it's not mine, but yes!15:57
henrynashdolphm: ah, yes, sorry!15:57
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SlickNikdtroyer: thanks for the good comments on the trove review. I'm gonna be working on addressing them this morning.17:24
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SlickNikdtroyer: curious as to why the tr-* services failed for you. I tested it last night on a fresh devstack install and was able to get it to work.17:24
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SlickNikdtroyer: going to test it out again this morning, but if you could share a gist of the failed output with me, that would be helpful.17:26
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SlickNikAlso, thanks! :)17:26
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SlickNikdtroyer: Actually, I just saw your message about the failure happening because the keystone conf is happening too early (before the keystone service is started).17:33
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SlickNikI tested with just adding "ENABLED_SERVICES+=,trove,tr-api,tr-tmgr" to the localrc file.17:34
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SlickNikI'll test with a different order to try to get keystone to start _after_ trove and ensure that the changes work as expected.17:36
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dtroyerSlickNik: here's the particulars I saw:
dtroyerSlickNik: you could probably do _all_ of the trove bits in where the services are started now.17:38
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SlickNikdtroyer: That is a good idea. I'll move all of conf bits that depend on keystone to the init_trove section.17:42
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SlickNikI'll leave the conf file bits in the configure section since that's where most other projects seem to be doing it.17:43
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dtroyerSlickNik: actually, just do the moves in
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SlickNikdtroyer: cool that works as well, and actually involves fewer changes. :)17:46
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tiamarhi! any reason for the drivers in keystone test set to KVS?18:29
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jgriffithsdague: around?19:11
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stevemar2tiamar: did you figure out your keystone test problem?19:21
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tiamarstevemar2: I changed the drivers in test_overrides.conf to the sql backend19:22
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bknudsontiamar: there's tests for the sql backends.19:23
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bknudsontiamar: test_backend_sql.py19:23
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bknudsontiamar: there's also , but that requires some setup19:24
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tiamarbknudson: yeah, but I went to execute the tests I wrote and it used the KVS backend , I wanted to know if there was some reason for that.19:25
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bknudsontiamar: tests are run against all the backends so that all the backends are tested.19:26
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tiamarbknudson: but my tests were executing with the KVS backend by default19:28
sdaguejgriffith: am now19:31
sdaguesorry, out for a mid day bike ride, as it's gorgeous out here in ny (70 and sunny) :)19:31
sdaguejgriffith: what's up?19:32
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jgriffithsdague: trying to remember if you were a postgres expert :)19:33
sdagueI know a few things, not an expert19:33
sdaguebut hit me19:33
jgriffithsdague: well, there seems to be a coorelation to some of these random gate failures19:33
jgriffithsdague: ie:19:33
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1218391 in tempest "tempest.api.compute.images.test_images_oneserver.ImagesOneServerTestXML.test_delete_image_that_is_not_yet_active spurious failure" [Undecided,New]19:34
jgriffithsdague: and a cinder version as well19:34
jgriffithsdague: it appears to be psql tests specifically (at least in cinders case) and it appears to be a bad return from a db querie19:35
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jgriffithsdague: I'm setting up devsack/psql to see if I can repro19:35
sdagueok, the logs useful enough to narrow it?19:35
jgriffithsdague: yeah, I've got it down to the call into the API19:35
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jgriffithsdague: just thinking depending on what I end up with I may need someone with more psql insight than myself :)19:36
jgriffithsdague: or I'll be completely wrong and it will be something else :)19:36
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stevemar2tiamar: I think for most tests, the token backend is the only one that is kvs, the others should be sql19:39
tiamarstevemar2: and for my test too - I have to see how to set the sql backend in setup19:40
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stevemar2bknudson: want to take a second look at and
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bknudsonstevemar2: so do we want the translated files in or not?19:42
bknudsonthe .po files19:42
stevemar2bknudson, it's going to need a rebase anyway, so we can take them out... if i understand David/Sean correctly, the other patch should fix the problem19:43
dolphmhenrynash: this is explicitly against the default domain id, but i'm wondering if this is a result of identity-driver-per-domain or something?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221418 in keystone "creating duplicate users is allowed, MultipleResultsFound exception on auth" [Medium,Triaged]19:43
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bknudsonstevemar2: I'll +2 when the translated files are removed.19:44
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sdaguejgriffith: hmmm, this bug - or a different one19:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1218391 in tempest "tempest.api.compute.images.test_images_oneserver.ImagesOneServerTestXML.test_delete_image_that_is_not_yet_active spurious failure" [Undecided,New]19:44
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stevemar2bknudson, alright, i'll upload a new patch19:45
sdaguethat bug isn't a cinder interaction, right?19:45
stevemar2bknudson, things are too quiet today, i'm bored19:45
dstanekstevemar2: my patch should properly do the translations now, but the actual .po files won't get updated automatically19:45
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bknudsonstevemar2: Blocking bugs -
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stevemar2bknudson, i would have thought we have owners for all these19:46
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tiamarbknudson, stevemar2 thanks!19:47
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stevemar2dstanek, oh, that is why you went ahead and changed them in your patch19:49
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dstanekstevemar2: yes19:49
jgriffithsdague: no.. that one is not19:49
stevemar2dstanek, but the original patch (sean winn), doesn't need those files changes now, right?19:49
bknudsondstanek: is ORGANIZATION the default if no copyright_holder ?19:49
dstanekwe can leave that off, but until my patch to Babel is merged they won't be changed automatically19:50
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jgriffithsdague: the one i'm looking at is:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1220436 in cinder "test_cinder_quota_class_show failes during gate jobs" [Critical,In progress]19:50
sdaguejgriffith: ok19:50
jgriffithI believe there's a relationship between these though19:50
jgriffithie failed db fetches19:51
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jgriffithbut it's kind of a hunch thus far19:51
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dolphmbknudson: that LLC -> Foundation patch has a ton of conflicts now19:51
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dolphmbknudson: i just tried to cut out the keystone/locale/ changes and rebase19:51
stevemar2bknudson: looks like it19:52
stevemar2dolphm: yeah, i'm doing that now, lots of conflicts19:52
sdaguejgriffith: so what's up with the big stack trace at the beginning of the c-vol log in that one - ?19:53
bknudsonstevemar2: it looks like the default is going to be 'None' now rather than 'ORGANIZATION'19:53
jgriffithsdague: :)19:54
jgriffithsdague: I'm on that one19:54
sdagueok :)19:54
jgriffithsdague: the scheudler asking for status update before the service has finished intializing19:54
stevemar2bknudson: it's set a bit lower i think _copyright_holder = copyright_holder or 'ORGANIZATION19:54
jgriffithsdague: harmless with the exception of the ungly trace19:54
stevemar2bknudson: shame it's not doc'ed somewhere..19:55
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bknudsonstevemar2: I see it now.19:55
jgriffithsdague: I should've pointed out the issue is in a trace in the c-api log19:55
jgriffithsdague: that's the culprit I'm looking at19:55
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sdagueyeh, just got there19:59
sdagueKeyError: u'gigabytes_Volume-type-650760248'19:59
jgriffithsdague: that's the one19:59
jgriffithsdague: so it's a direct fetch out to the db that pulls that down19:59
jgriffithsdague: we have an "expected" list of resources, so the fetch goes out to DB for the upate19:59
jgriffithsdague: we roll through the keys, but that one is MIA20:00
jgriffithsdague: there's a race in there that guitarzan submitted a patch for that may take care of the problem20:00
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jgriffithsdague: but give then other things I'm seeing I'm wondering if there's something else lurking in the db calls20:00
jgriffithsdague: sadly my local devstack with psql ran 100 loops of that test, so I'm switching to the full test-run now20:01
jgriffithsdague: looping through it to see if I can catch anything20:01
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Ryan_Lanecan anyone think of a reason nova-scheduler wouldn't be scheduling instances to a new, empty compute node?20:03
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Ryan_Laneit's showing as enabled and the service is showing as up20:03
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stevemar2dolphm, bknudson:
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dolphmstevemar2: thank you!20:05
dolphmstevemar2: poke me if it passes gate checks and hasn't been approved20:06
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stevemar2dolphm: ugh, i just commented on it and it makes no sense20:06
stevemar2removed the files that were changes in keystone/locale20:06
stevemar2me english spoke good20:06
stevemar2I meant to say that i discarded the changes that were in keystone/locale20:06
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dolphmdstanek: way to push fixes upstream :)20:07
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dstanekdolphm: a dev has to do what a dev has to do :-)20:08
sdaguejgriffith: yeh, nothing is jumping out at me. It might be nice to add some more debug around that to dump out the arrays if we fail on it20:08
bknudsonstevemar2: is there a hacking check for Foundation/LLC ?20:08
stevemar2bknudson: nope20:08
sdaguejgriffith: so u'gigabytes_Volume-type-650760248' is a normal quota resource name for cinder?20:08
dolphmstevemar2: are you sure? i thought there was one in the upcoming version?20:09
bknudsonI don't want to see this come back again20:09
stevemar2dolphm: well, i'm still seeing it used in a few patches..20:09
bknudsonbecause this is one of the more boring reviews I've ever done20:09
dolphmbknudson: diff unified and scroll real fast :)20:10
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bknudsonthere might be a git-review option for this...20:11
bknudsoncheck it out and git-log20:11
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Ryan_Lanedid the simple scheduler somehow just get much dumber?20:14
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Ryan_LaneI have a host that is unused and it's not picking it first20:15
Ryan_Laneunless I disable compute on all other hosts20:15
dolphmbknudson: checkout and git diff HEAD~1 ?20:15
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bknudsondolphm: I accidentally pushed the Diff-unified button in gerrit!20:15
dolphmbknudson: please enjoy these popups while you wait for popups to popup20:18
stevemar2dolphm: thinking about taking a bug from: i'm thinking the LDAP tenantId one... what ya think?20:19
morganfainbergdolphm, hah.  i made the mistake of pushing that button once.20:19
Ryan_Laneoh, well, shit. it seems the simple scheduler doesn't exist anymore?20:19
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morganfainbergstevemar2, should be an easy fix, just chasing some stuff down.  i was looking at it, but hadn't gotten much further than initial digging (and have some demands here that will prevent20:20
morganfainbergme from getting to it today)20:21
morganfainbergstevemar2, so, i'll find another bug to glare at if you're going to snag that one.20:21
stevemar2morganfainberg that one and the duplicate users are the easiest :) so i want them :P20:22
morganfainbergstevemar2, I see how it is.20:22
stevemar2stevemar goes for the harder ones, stevemar2 is lazier20:22
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jgriffithsdague: so it's a created quota-class20:23
morganfainbergstevemar2, i'll probably just go for the multidomain code then.20:23
morganfainbergstevemar2, since i'm already looking at LDAP20:23
stevemar2morganfainberg: excellent20:24
jgriffithsdague: we create a volumes and gigabytes quota class for each type20:24
jgriffithsdague: so it looks like: gigabytes_<volume-type-name>, volumes_<volume-type-name>20:24
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sdaguejgriffith: so what about doing a work around and wrapping that in a try catch so you can at least dump and figure out what the two arrays are next time there is a failure20:26
jgriffithsdague: yeah, I have a patch that actually just does a get(xxx, None) and logs an error20:29
jgriffithsdague: the dump idea could be useful20:29
jgriffithsdague: I'll take a look at submitting something to hlep with that20:30
sdagueyeh, the dump would probably point to why better20:30
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jgriffithsdague: indeed20:30
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jgriffithsdague: I'll get something up here shortly20:30
sdagueI find in most of these cases I really need to see the data structure differences to figure out why we've gone sideways20:30
jgriffithsdague: thanks for taking a look20:30
jgriffithsdague: yeah... I ws hoping to trap it locally for that very reason20:31
jgriffithsdague: sadly things are blowing up everywhere locally20:31
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dolphmannegentle: *poke*20:35
annegentledolphm: ow! j/k20:35
dolphmannegentle: (sorry)20:35
annegentledolphm: :)20:36
dolphmannegentle: i have trouble tracking bugs like this one-
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1187257 in keystone "List project users not implemented in V3 API" [Low,Fix released]20:36
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dolphmannegentle: it's filed against keystone, but the work happens in identity-api20:36
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dolphmannegentle: which doesn't have a launchpad project, and jenkins doesn't automatically track progress (mark In Progress / Fix Committed / Fix Released)20:37
dolphmannegentle: is identity-api the only project with that issue?20:37
annegentledolphm: yeah sad panda, how do we hook those up? all the <service>-api has that same thing20:38
annegentledolphm: well wait let me look at jeepyb20:38
annegentledolphm: ok what happens is all the <service>-api are tracked in openstack-api-site20:39
annegentledolphm: so that's the tracking and closing etc20:40
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insanidadeso, an agent is a standalone keeps running and taking care of the underlying technology (an l3 agent taks care of the real router stuff). Is that correct ?20:43
dolphmannegentle: hmm, that works for me -- i just didn't know that20:43
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annegentledolphm: yeah I knew it and still had to verify :)20:43
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dolphmannegentle: i don't see jenkins automatically tracking any of those bugs -- am i just not looking hard enough?20:46
annegentledolphm: wha'ts an example?20:47
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annegentledolphm: there are these:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1020127 in keystone "proxy-server Error: Second simultaneous read or write detected" [High,In progress]20:48
dolphmannegentle: and it'll track the assignment and task status at the same time20:48
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annegentledolphm: I mean, I know how Closes-bug: works20:49
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dolphmannegentle: yeah, does hudson close bugs in openstack-api-site for merged reviews against openstack/identity-api, etc?20:50
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annegentledolphm: you could add them to the project_map in jeepyb20:50
annegentledolphm: or I could20:50
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annegentledolphm: I'm in there, I'll patch20:51
dolphmannegentle: well, since that's not already done-- is that the best solution?20:51
dolphmannegentle: or should each openstack/<service>-api project have it's own openstack-<service>-api launchpad project?20:52
annegentledolphm: I've avoided that20:53
dolphmannegentle: that means you've thought about it more than i have :)20:53
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dolphmannegentle: adding them to jeepyb would be appreciated then :)20:53
annegentledolphm: heh. If the problem is ensuring eyes are on the <service>-api docs then it's a matter of not spreading out the places to look20:53
annegentledolphm: but I'm not sure mapping in jeepyb quite does what we need, which is "when there's a bug against your API doc, get notified"20:54
dolphmannegentle: i was about to say... i think the inverse of 'not spreading out the places to look' is 'creating a lot of noise for those with specific interests'20:55
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annegentledolphm: this patch does the mapping:
annegentledolphm: but really if you look at api doc patches the majority are done by diane fleming20:58
annegentledolphm: I don't yet see a massive interest20:58
annegentledolphm: even compute v3 API is woefully undocumented20:58
dolphmannegentle: cooooooooooool launchpad is giving me an option to subscribe keystone-core to all bug activity related one or more tags20:58
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annegentledolphm: there ya go21:00
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morganfainbergdolphm, did you need to add me to keystone-core?  (on the topic of subscribing keystone-core to things)21:00
dolphmmorganfainberg: i hear you'd like to subscribe to our newsletter21:00
dolphmmorganfainberg: so, i just realized there's keystone-core and keystone-drivers and i have no idea what the difference is21:01
morganfainbergdolphm, i think drivers have bug/bp magic capabilities21:01
dolphmmorganfainberg: you're in -drivers but not -core at the moment21:01
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morganfainbergdolphm, core … no idea what it does…21:01
dolphmmorganfainberg: but you're core in gerrit21:01
morganfainbergdolphm, right.21:01
morganfainbergdolphm, just if you're subscribing "keystone-core" in LP, you might want to add me to that :P  if you're subscribing keystone-drivers… i'm good21:02
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* morganfainberg goes back to looking at multidomain ldap stuff21:03
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bknudsondolphm: I'm subscribed to "keystone-bugs" -- You will receive an email when bugs are opened or closed.21:09
dolphmbknudson: i'm looking at tracking openstack/identity-api specifically21:09
dolphmbknudson: without also tracking openstack/compute-api, for example21:10
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dolphmmorganfainberg: subscribed keystone-drivers... seemed like the more appropriate choice given the existing lp responsibilities21:17
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morganfainbergdolphm, sounds good.21:17
dolphmannegentle: subscribed keystone-drivers to "identity-api" and "keystone" tags in openstack-api-site21:18
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annegentledolphm: cool, thanks21:26
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dolphmstevemar: if you're working on bug 1221287 - stop!21:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221287 in openstack-manuals "OS-AUTH API Web doesn't exist. The link given by keystone when you list the avalibles extensions is broken" [Low,Triaged]
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stevemardolphm: naw, wasn't just scoping it out21:59
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stevemardolphm: why, whats up?21:59
dolphmstevemar: posted a comment a second ago21:59
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stevemardolphm: ah, none of those links work, guess manuals gotta fix it22:01
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dolphmstevemar: ++ it doesn't have to go anywhere special, just not be a 404 :)22:01
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stevemardolphm: cool, i'll un-assign myself22:02
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atiwariis there any one open to take a keystone question related to test_v3_auth unit test?22:13
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clarkbatiwari: usually best to just ask then anyone can answer as able22:17
stevemardolphm: ping22:18
atiwariok, there is a test test_revoke_token, which is testing "self.head('/auth/tokens', headers=headers, expected_status=401)"22:21
atiwariafter revoking a token22:21
atiwariI think 401 should not be a correct response22:22
atiwariit should be 40422:22
atiwarithis test is in "keystone.tests.test_v3_auth.TestPKITokenAPIs"22:23
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morganfainberghenrynash, ping22:32
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henrynashmorganfainberg: hi22:40
morganfainberghenrynash, i'm looking at bug #1218094 , i'm curious, if a user exists in multiple domains, is it assumed that is the _same_ user?22:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1218094 in keystone "Multi domain code not searching domains for LDAP read only users" [Medium,Triaged]
morganfainbergjust with the separate domain info? or could they in theory be totally unique?22:41
henrynashmorganfainberg: no, it will be assumed that it is a different user with a unique ID22:42
morganfainberghenrynash, that makes the scope of this fix a bit bigger, since we need to derive domain id at auth-time even when not external.22:42
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henrynashmorganfainberg: reading it now22:42
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morganfainberghenrynash, the limited fix mark miller proposed in the ticket is lacking some guarding and you aren't sure what user you get if it's a duplicate user.22:43
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morganfainberghenrynash, the fix is to ensure domain_scope is passed in from the authenticate methods.  also, it looks like the user's domain information comes from an attribute on the user, not from the domain config.22:44
atiwarihenrynash, any thoughts about my question?22:44
henrynashatiwari: sorry, what's your question?22:44
henrynashmorganfainberg: so why isn't the domain scope getting set already?22:45
morganfainbergatiwari, unauthorized seems more correct.  it's a validation of token, not "does the token exist"22:45
atiwariit is asked above22:45
morganfainberghenrynash, authenticate doesn't pass domain_scope.22:45
atiwaribut as per our docs "404 Not Found22:45
atiwariThis status code is returned in response to failed GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE operations when a referenced entity cannot be found by ID. In the case of a POST request, the referenced entity may be in the request body as opposed to the resource path."22:45
morganfainberghenrynash, it just does ".get_user(user_id)22:45
atiwarithat response is not correct22:45
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morganfainbergatiwari, there are a number of reasons you'd get unauthorized from that call.22:46
henrynashmorganfainberg: let me take a lok22:46
henrynashlook, evem22:47
morganfainberghenrynash, sure thing.  i just want to make sure i'm approaching this correctly, and you did the multi-domain impl22:47
atiwaritoken is deleted and per my understanding it is not an auth issue22:47
henrynashmorganfainberg: I did worry that there would be cases where domain_scope wouldn't be available....22:47
morganfainbergatiwari oh wait a sec. on revocation?22:47
morganfainbergatiwari, sorry splitting concentration between two convos.  give me a sec.22:48
morganfainberghenrynash, and we have that as an RC1 bug, i think the right answer is to ask the user to specify domain (e.g. user@domain) similar to how external works22:48
morganfainberghenrynash, i can return an ambiguous error if multi domain is enabled and a domain isn't specified.22:49
morganfainberghenrynash, but would that be "api" compat?22:49
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henrynashmorganfainberg: sorry, gonna tai me a few minutes to get my brain back into this one (just unfilling it with filtering_22:50
morganfainberghenrynash, no worries.  take your time, or i can circle back w/ you later on.22:50
morganfainberghenrynash if you don't want to switch contexts right now22:50
morganfainbergatiwari ok looking at that now22:51
henrynashmorganfainberg: no that's fine…(although it's midnight here so you may not get a rational answer :-) )22:51
atiwarikeystone.tests.test_v3_auth.TestPKITokenAPIs.test_revoke_token is the one22:51
morganfainberghenrynash, hehe ok, well as long as you're enjoying a beer, i think i can't fault you on rational answers :P22:51
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atiwariI think self.head('/auth/tokens', headers=headers, expected_status=401) is not a good test22:51
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henrynashmorganfainberg: nice glass of Chardonnay actually..22:52
morganfainberghenrynash, that is an acceptable alternative :)22:52
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morganfainbergatiwari, if i am understanding the code correctly, the test is revoking the token in x-subject-token, which is also used for authentication.  revocation of a token is protected, meaning you need to be authorized to revoke a token.  if your authorization is invalid, you get a 401.22:56
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morganfainbergatiwari, so in short, 401 is correct, because the resource itself is protected.22:56
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morganfainbergatiwari, and protected resource is checked before the token meant to be revoked is looked up.22:57
atiwaribut it generates a new x-auth-token and auth has been done with new one22:57
atiwariI think x-subject-token is not used for auth22:58
atiwaritest generates another one for auth22:59
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atiwariwhich is in test_v322:59
morganfainbergatiwari, looking now.22:59
atiwaridef v3_request(self, path, **kwargs):22:59
morganfainbergatiwari, sorry this is taking me a bit, switching contexts from ldap multidomain :P23:00
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morganfainbergatiwari, ah, ok this is back to my original statement. this isn't about revocation23:12
morganfainbergatiwari, this is about get/validate.23:12
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morganfainbergatiwari, erm check/validate23:13
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atiwariyes, revocation seems correct, I am not able to justify  401 if the x-auth-token is capable of validate23:15
atiwariand x-subject-token is already deleted23:15
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morganfainbergatiwari, i'm looking into the middleware and expectations23:16
morganfainbergatiwari, and the spec.23:16
morganfainbergatiwari, and seeing if/when this changed.23:16
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atiwarimorganfainberg: do you see the problem, what I am   trying to explain ?23:29
morganfainbergatiwari, absolutely, the test goes back to before grizzly.23:30
morganfainbergatiwari, so, i'm looking into specifics on 401 being returned and if the basis of the 401 caused a changed in behavior (e.g. token being revoked was also used for auth at one point)23:30
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morganfainbergatiwari, if i have a clear idea on that, it becomes easier to determine what precipitated the change.  (if anything)23:31
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atiwariI am not agree with your statement "token being revoked was also used for auth at one point" at least not in this test23:33
morganfainbergatiwari, in the past23:34
morganfainbergatiwari, this is exploration so i know what caused the change in behavior, not that the test was ever right23:34
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morganfainbergjamielennox|away, ping23:37
morganfainbergjamielennox|away, oh you're away.23:37
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atiwariyes, as per my finding 401 is making behavior change as per doc.   and need more discussion becuase I see more test in the same line23:38
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: hey23:38
atiwariMy be I will open a bug23:38
morganfainbergatiwari, yes please do.23:39
morganfainbergjamielennox, sec23:39
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morganfainbergatiwari, this also affects v2.0 validate/check23:44
morganfainbergjamielennox, brb, spontaneous meeting here23:44
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atiwarithink so, but did not explore much with v2.0.23:45
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morganfainbergatiwari, it does, i checked23:45
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atiwarigreat, that mean I found something :)23:46
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gyeemorganfainberg, did we cut m3? I am still not seeing the tag23:54
morganfainberggyee, milestone-proposed23:54
gyeeah got it23:54
gyeeI was looking at the tag23:55
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