Wednesday, 2012-11-14

heckjvishy: that was the intention, but never codified into the API for KSL. I didn't want to rev 2.0 to 2.1 for that, so we aimed to fully resolve in API 3.000:00
heckjin retrospect. might have made more sense to make a API 2.1 point release00:01
vishyheckj: ok i just want to make sure you can't a) create a user with a default tenant00:01
vishyb) add a role for that user to a tenant00:02
vishyc) remove the role for the user00:02
heckjvishy: also getting a huge pushback for just getting rid of the concept of a token without a tenant (i.e. unscoped or user-scoped token)- they keep arguing for having a limited scope token, and doing so pretty well ;-)00:02
vishyd) use your unscoped token to still access the tenant because it is your default tenant00:02
heckjyeah - that flow doesn't/can't exist in current form00:02
vishyheckj: ok cool I will stop worrying then :)00:03
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vishyjog0: ping00:21
jog0vishy: pong00:21
vishyjog0: copying all that code into iscsi_connection in the test seems excessive00:22
vishyjog0: was there a reason you did that?00:22
jog0vishy: I assume you are referring to _get_isci_properties00:23
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vishyyeah, i don't see why ou need it at all tbh00:23
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jog0vishy:  currently you don't need it00:25
jog0the only reason I can think of  is if someone  wants to expand the libvirt tests00:25
jog0vishy: but there was no strong reason for copying it in.  I  can propose a patch to remove it shortly00:25
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lifelesswhy does devstack list both qpidd and rammitmq-server ?00:28
lifelessfor nova apt packages00:28
mikalBoth are options00:28
lifelessthey are00:29
dansmith"rammitmq-server" <-- love it00:29
lifelessdoes the driver for interpreting the devstack lists flip a coin ?00:29
lifelessdansmith: doh! that was accidental, but cool.00:29
dansmithlifeless: that's like rabbitmq's porn name or something00:29
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lifelessdansmith: could be ...00:30
ayoungdolphm_zzz, let me know your plans for
lifelessdevananda: is the image-properties-ramdisk-link thing up in review - if so we should remove it or flag it as undesired00:31
devanandalifeless: ??00:31
lifelessdevananda: there was a patch you made, to let us associate baremetal ramdisk+kernel with images. Then we discussed that as a poor security thing and instead associating with flavours...00:32
devanandalifeless: ah, right00:32
lifelessI want to head that off before trunk :)00:32
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devanandalifeless: is the review that needs updating00:33
lifelesswould you like me to document the issue there?00:33
jog0lifeless: devstack uses rabbit by default but supports qpid as well00:33
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devanandalifeless: i proposed it to arata, who agreed it is reasonable. someone (ie me) just needs to do it and update the review00:34
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lifelessdevananda: Whats the best way to avoid it accidentally landing as-is ?00:34
devanandalifeless: -1 but please dont. FTR, i'm perfectly OK with it landing as-is and then fixing00:35
lifelessI guess I have a concern about landing something that is a security hole at all00:36
lifelessI realise in these early days noone can possibly be using baremetal00:36
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lifelessbut it seems like an unwise precedent00:36
devanandalifeless: we already use rabbit ...00:36
lifelessit may be a rabbit hole... but whats insecure about that ?00:37
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Update vol mount smoketest to wait for volume.
vishyif someone wants to add chap auth tests they can just add them to the return values.00:42
devanandalifeless: i'll dig into that another time. for now, if kernel/ramdisk on image vs flavor is a show stopper for you, i'll fix it tonight00:43
jog0vishy:  works for me, do you need the 'target_discovered' value?00:43
jog0that is currently being generated00:43
vishyjog0: no, also internal implementation00:43
lifelessdevananda: Its pretty high up there for me, yes.00:43
lifelessdevananda: I also hope we can convince NTT to drop the config option once we link to flavour not image.00:43
lifelessdevananda: and make things simpler00:43
lifeless(but that second step isn't a security concern for me)00:44
devanandalifeless: ack. i want to get deploy k/r into devstack today too ...00:44
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lifelessdevananda: these things are related ;)00:44
jog0vishy:  reviewed00:44
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jog0btw removing n-vol support from devstack00:48
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ceilometer: Avoid TypeError when loading libvirt.LibvirtDriver
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vishyjog0: cool00:57
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/quantum: Ensure that mac address is set to namespace side veth end.
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lifelesswe have missing deps somewhere:01:10
lifelesstools/ line 4: nosetests: command not found01:10
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Shuquanyou should install nose first01:13
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lifelessShuquan: why ? Its pure python, should be pip installable within the test virtualenv...01:19
Shuquanbut the installation fails somehow01:20
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Shuquani don't know why either01:20
Shuquanbut if you install all these missing package. It can run the run_tests.sh01:21
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mordredlifeless: which project?01:22
mordredlifeless: k. try tox01:22
mordredlifeless: and/or verify that installs tools/test-requires into the venv01:23
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mordredlifeless: but in general, tools/pip-requires and tools/test-requires together describe the set of things that need to be installed for happiness01:24
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lifelessI think its a failure to handle virtual envs that didn't fully build01:26
lifelessmordred: - is there a better 'getting going' guide ?01:26
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mordredlifeless: yeah - I don't really ever touch - so I have no idea what it does with deps01:27
lifelessmordred: I got to that from then then then then
mordredlifeless: EEK - that looks OLD01:27
lifelessmordred: its terrible. I'm updating it01:27
lifelesssee also my mail just sent to the list01:27
mordredPLEASE GOD01:27
lifelessPlus of course I found another qemu-kvm bug01:27
mordredI mean, people REALLY do not need to be adding a soren ppa for lucid01:27
mordredlifeless: of course you do01:27
lifelessbecause I'm going this in lxc to not mess up my local environment01:28
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mordredlifeless: I think you can safely delete the non-2012 version01:28
lifelessI suspect so01:29
lifelessbut first I want mine to work :)01:29
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lifelesswhere does     EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found01:44
lifeless    Complete output from command python egg_info:01:44
lifeless    sh: 1: mysql_config: not found01:44
lifelessget satisfied ? (failure during building the nova test virtualenv)01:45
nati_uenoarosen: hi are you alound?01:45
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nati_uenoarosen: If the port has no security group, how we setup filtering rule? allow all or deny all?01:45
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gyeeheckj, just pushed the keyring changes again01:48
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lifelessmordred: devananda: hello mysql folk. (And any others interested). I have a q^ above01:53
devanandalifeless: libmysql-dev or something like that01:53
mordredlifeless: libmysqlclient-dev01:54
devanandayes! that01:54
* mordred is sad that myconnpy has a broken sqlalchmey dialect and doesn't work01:54
lifelessmordred: would appreciate any thought syou have on my list q about automating this01:56
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lifeless\o/ tests running02:05
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devanandadansmith: i see you changed some things w.r.t reading flavor info / system_metadata02:17
devanandadansmith: could i get your input on 384 - 420 ?02:20
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Shuquanis it possiable to dev in Windows?02:55
zyluoShuquan, I suggest you don't02:56
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zyluogongysh, I sent a new patch02:58
lifelessShuquan: so, I didn't need to install nosetests; what I needed to do was do -f to reset the virtual environment, after I installed missing apt packages02:58
gongyshzyluo: thanks02:58
lifelessShuquan: see for what I ended up with02:58
zyluogongysh, I'll be around here until noon. Let me know if any problems02:59
Shuquanthanks, lifeless03:01
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/glance: Use generate_uuid from openstack common.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/glance: Code cleanup: remove ImageAddResult class.
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Removes fixed_ip_get_network
gongyshzyluo: no hurry, just go and enjoy.03:25
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jgriffithdtroyer: ping04:55
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mikalSo... Is there a way to fork a new process in eventlet?05:52
mikalI want to say "run this method as a process and unblock the thread when the result comes back"05:53
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mikalIs that possible?05:53
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lifelessmikal: look at the subprocess stuff06:05
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/quantum: plugin/ryu: update for ryu update
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mikalOk, now I am after ideas as to how I can detect that the instance storage on a compute node is shared, without a flag specifying that06:27
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lifelessmikal: whated in what way ?06:44
lifelessmikal: also, are you a nova reviewer ?06:44
mikalI am a nova reviewer06:48
mikalI have come up with a bonkers scheme to detect shared instance storage06:49
wenjianhnmikal: See _check_shared_storage_test_file in nova/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py06:54
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mikalwenjianhn: Oh, I think that only works with live migration?06:57
mikalYou need to be talking to both nodes via rpc at the point that test happens06:57
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mikallifeless: /me clicks06:57
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mikallifeless: reviewed. Minor nit.06:59
lifelessunder 50? wow07:02
lifelessok, do I git amend for that ?07:02
lifelessmikal: remote: (W) 9e7eeb7: commit subject >65 characters; use shorter first paragraph07:02
lifelessshould that warn > 50 instead ?07:03
mikalI'm pretty sure the rule is 50 chars07:04
mikalLet me check...07:04
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mikalIts 50 chars according to tools/hacking.py07:05
mikalonce_git_check_commit_title() is relevant to your interests07:05
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lifelessmikal: thats addressed07:08
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mikalI haven't done much review today. Its been one of those days.07:10
lifelessI need a second don't I07:11
clarkbyes and a +1 approved07:14
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mikalYeah, you need two +2s07:20
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/quantum: RESTProxy Plugin for Floodlight and BigSwitch
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saurabhcan i use the cisco quantum plugin on a single folsom instance?08:46
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yolandahi, i'm executing the run_tests script and i'm receving that error:
yolandado you know what can be causing that?08:57
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lifelesslooks like a missing parameter in your call, e.g. probably a defect in your local patchset08:59
yolandalifeless, but i haven't done any patch in that call09:01
yolandai'm just trying to generate some api samples09:01
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lifelessyolanda: well, your api sample may be missing a parameter09:22
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lifelessclarkb: For when you get up, how is the testrepository transition coming along ?09:45
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yolandalifeless, i'm debugging that, the problem is on the self._post_server call of, that i'm calling to retrieve an uuid:     def test_get_vnc_console(self):10:06
yolanda        uuid = self._post_server()10:06
yolandabut i haven't done anything with that _post_server call, it's really sending 2 params, and expects 3, but isn't that supposed to be working? i haven't modified anything there10:06
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ceilometer: Change references of /etc/ceilometer-{agent,collector}.conf to /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf
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yolandalifeless, i was able to fix part of the problem, but now i'm having that validation error:
yolandaseems that the title parameters is missing and it expects do be there, do you know how can i solve it?11:06
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saurabhcould anyone help me out with the top level flow of quantum extensions.. as in how the quantum server calls the extension api's?11:53
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zykes-how can I boot multiple instances using nova boot ?12:30
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ijwHm, Gerrit's lost its 'show 10 previous lines… link'.12:35
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yolandahi, how can i push a review to an specific change? seems that "git review" is trying to associate the change to an abandoned one12:44
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maurosryolanda: you should have the same change id of the commit you want to update12:52
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maurosryou're probably with the same id of the abandoned one12:53
yolandamaurosr, how can i generate a new one?12:53
yolandamaurosr, without the --amend, maybe?12:54
yolandacommit -a ?12:54
maurosryolanda: you're probably ammending commits to update them right? if you wanna a new change id just remove it from the commit message (when ammending)12:54
yolandamm, but if i do a git commit now, there is nothing do add...12:56
maurosryolanda: 1 min12:58
maurosryolanda: try with --allow-empty12:58
maurosrgit commit --ammend --allow-empty12:58
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maurosrI didn't tested it ^, but I think it will work12:59
yolandamm, same problem12:59
maurosr1 min again13:00
maurosryolanda: are you sure that git commit --amend doesn't let you change the commit msg?13:01
maurosrI tried here, and it works =/13:01
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yolandamaurosr, yes, i can modify the commit message13:03
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maurosryolanda: ohhh I'm sorry, my mistake13:04
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yolandamaurosr, np, now i have another problem. Seems that it's trying to send 2 commits instead of one, do you know how can i abandon one of them?13:04
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yolandaYou have more than one commit that you are about to submit.13:04
yolandaThe outstanding commits are:13:04
yolandab7da845 (HEAD, bp/nova-api-samples) Added sample tests to consoles API. Implements blueprint nova-api-samples Fixes bug 107015513:04
yolandaa1eb941 Added sample tests to consoles API. Implements blueprint Fixes bug 107015513:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1070155 in nova "Consoles extension doesn't have API Sample to documentation" [Low,In progress]
maurosryolanda: you don't wanna ammend them? just remove one?13:05
yolandai need to remove b7da84513:05
maurosryolanda: git log, copy the commit id of the commit prior to your changes and do a git rebase -i commit id you copied13:06
maurosrit will open you editor listing the commits, just delete the line of the one you want to remove13:06
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maurosrthen maybe you'll have conflicts that git will warn you to solve13:07
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yolandamaurosr, seems to work13:20
yolandai had some nightmare with double launchpad identities, duplicate changes....13:22
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yolandait's quite strange, i still have problems. Yesterday the launchpad team left me with only one identity, but i still cannot see my CLA, groups, etc... in the openstack website13:26
maurosryolanda: but you can pull changes to gerrit13:26
yolandamaurosr, yes, from command line it's working!13:26
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maurosrthat can be a problem with gerrit scripts, something like: gerrit added this user before, but then the user was removed from lauchpad, and the user still there, so you can commit =/13:30
maurosrbetter be sure about the CLA thing13:30
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yolandamaurosr, i have the pdf in my computer, and i'm a member of the openstack-cla group also, so i'm only seeing the problem in the openstack website13:31
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maurosryolanda: I reviewed your patch, you forgot the file13:47
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yolandamaurosr, i think it's consequence of that mess of commits....13:49
yolandaok, i saw all the comments, i'll fix it13:49
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smoserlifeless, ping14:15
smoserSubject: [Openstack-baremetal] why does the baremetal driver override the physical MAC address?14:16
smoser<some hardware mac stuff>...."I'll put forward a patch to remove this now"...14:16
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smoserwas that patch to remove "renaming" of macs by nova?  in general i think its a bad idea for baremetal provisioning to assume it can control the MAC of a nic.  *unless* it can control it at the hardware level, ie, below the OS.14:17
smoseras far as ubuntu's problem of persistent naming, i think the correct solution is really to do persistent naming based on bus location.14:18
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smoserrather than on mac address. ie, "the card that is in slot 1 on pci bus is eth0" rather than "the card with aa:bb:cc...:ff is eth0"14:19
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davidkranzjgriffith: Ping15:12
jgriffithdavidkranz: yo15:13
davidkranzjgriffith: So the hourly runs are going
davidkranzjgriffith: Lots of failures.15:13
davidkranzjgriffith: This is not close to being ready to gate.15:14
jgriffithdavidkranz: sigghhhh15:14
davidkranzjgriffith: I am not even sure all these failures have the same cause.15:14
jgriffithdavidkranz: they don't15:14
davidkranzjgriffith: So it is more than the 'dd' problem.15:15
jgriffithdavidkranz: I'm looking at one now that's a server/xml test failure15:15
jgriffithdavidkranz: it's not even Cinder on all of them IDT15:15
davidkranzjgriffith: Yeah.15:15
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davidkranzjgriffith: We need to figure out whether this is a jenkins infrastructure  or not.15:16
davidkranzjgriffith: i.e. an issue with running openstack in a vm15:16
jgriffithdavidkranz: Are these picking up the localrc changes that we added to the devstack gate?15:16
davidkranzjgriffith: I am not sure to what you are referring.15:17
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jgriffithdavidkranz: so we added a flag "secure_delete=True" is the default...15:17
jgriffithdavidkranz: but we're setting it to False for gate tests15:17
davidkranzjgriffith: I'll check.15:18
jgriffithdavidkranz: This just eliminates the dd since we KNOW it's troublesome15:18
davidkranzjgriffith: Can you tell if it's on or off by looking at the cinder log file?15:19
davidkranzjgriffith: I don't see anything in the build log15:19
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jgriffithdavidkranz: trying to find the patch from jeblair15:24
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jeblairjgriffith: it has not merged yet15:26
jeblairjgriffith: i just approved it:
jeblairso in about 30-45 mins, hopefully it should merge and then we should have the secure-delete problem corrected.15:26
jgriffithjeblair: so is that the same infra that davidkranz is using in the tempest gates he's setting up?  Or does he have another branch of code to maintain there?15:28
* jgriffith should know the already but forgets 15:28
jgriffiths/know the/know this/15:28
jeblairjgriffith: one and the same15:28
davidkranzjgriffith: Same as nightly15:28
jgriffithjeblair: excellent!15:28
* jgriffith is glad it works that way15:29
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davidkranzjgriffith: So I don't know what else I can do to help with this issue. Are you going to put priority on resolving it?15:49
davidkranzjgriffith: The last resort would be to run the full gate on projects but without the cinder tests.15:50
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jgriffithdavidkranz: I don't think there's much you can do15:53
jgriffithdavidkranz: I have put priority on resolving it, but I *need* the ubuntu issue fixed upstream for a real solution15:53
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jgriffithdavidkranz: The modification we just pointed out is in fact a work around to keep you from doing something like disabling cinder tests15:54
davidkranzjgriffith: So why isn't it working? Is that understood?15:54
jgriffithdavidkranz: That patch will make it so every test/function is run same ass today, however we don't dothe delete15:54
davidkranzjgriffith: I don't want to disable them either.15:54
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Isolate tests from the environment variable http_proxy.
jgriffithdavidkranz: Yes, it's somewhat understood15:55
davidkranzjgriffith: Then why are half of the hourly tests failing?15:55
jgriffithdavidkranz: There's a BUG in the ubuntu kernel or in the dev/mapper code15:55
jgriffithdavidkranz: becuase the change to enable that hasn't landed yet15:55
jgriffithdavidkranz: And TBH, looking at some of those they're not all Cinder failures15:55
davidkranzjgriffith: You mean the 'skip dd' thing is not acually running yet?15:56
jgriffithdavidkranz: correct15:56
davidkranzjgriffith: Ah. So let's land that and revisit the result.15:56
jgriffithdavidkranz: and sadly, any time there's a failure now in the tests we all auto point to cinder15:56
jgriffithdavidkranz: but looking through logs that's not really fair15:56
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/swift: fix bug in deleting account memcache.
davidkranzjgriffith: I don't. That's why I set up the hourly run to help get to the bottom of it.15:56
jeblairjgriffith, davidkranz: secure delete fix just merged, so runs that start after now should have it.15:57
jgriffithdavidkranz: Yes, it just merged:
jgriffithjeblair: :) Thanks!15:57
davidkranzjeblair: Great.15:57
jgriffithdavidkranz: :)15:57
jgriffithdavidkranz: I didn't mean to imply you specifically...sorry15:57
davidkranzjgriffith: I set the hourly mail to go to me so I will let you know what I see the rest of the day.15:57
jgriffithdavidkranz: It's just become a black eye for Cinder sadly15:58
jgriffithdavidkranz: Great, and if you want to add me to the list that's fine too15:58
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davidkranzjgriffith, jeblair : OK, I'll do that. Jim, is that just a comma-separated to add another email in the yaml file?15:58
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jgriffithdavidkranz: TBH I've looked at other methods of secure delete as well but haven't had much luck15:59
jgriffithdavidkranz: vishy tested out a proposal and it failed miserably in terms of performance15:59
jgriffithdavidkranz: So I'm in the process of looking at doing some things with sparse deve/mapper files but I don't have much hope for it15:59
jgriffithdavidkranz: We really just need the upstream issue fixed16:00
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davidkranzjgriffith: OK, I'm sure you are working that as hard as you/we can.16:00
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jeblairdavidkranz: yes, comma sep.16:01
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davidkranzjgriffith: What's your email?16:05
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garykdanwent: hi. you there?16:20
danwentgaryk: hey :)16:20
garykdanwent: hope all is well. i'm losing it doing the stable. can you please take a look at
garykdanwent: the original patch i pushed did not have the correct change-id (i do recall that in essex you told me that things with stable are pretty sensitive and may cause some havoc with jenkins)16:21
garykoh well. have a good one16:21
danwentgaryk: ok, done.  I'm reviewing all day today, so if there is a backlog, send them my way please.16:21
devanandadansmith: ping16:21
garykdanwent: ok. cool. the light at the end of the tunnel. i'll shoot you a mail soon16:22
danwentgaryk: yeah, the stable workload has been insane, and you've been doing a great job with it.16:22
dansmithdevananda: 64 bytes from dansmith16:23
danwentlet me know what I can do16:23
garykdanwent: thanks!16:23
devanandadansmith: :) g'morning16:23
dansmithdevananda: hiya16:23
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devanandadansmith: i vaguely recall a discussion a while back about (not) using instance_type_extra_specs for things the virt drivers need to know that aren't part of instance_types.16:25
devanandadansmith: does that ring a bell?16:25
dansmithdevananda: hmm, you mean like telling libvirt something libvirt-specific via extra_specs as a backchannel?16:27
dansmithno, I don't recall the conversation16:27
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devanandain this case, i need to be passing info to baremetal driver that is hardware-flavor-specific16:28
devanandawanted to know if that fits with the larger plan16:28
devanandaor if there's a better way16:28
dansmithdevananda: can you give me an example?16:28
devanandadansmith: deploy kernel & ramdisk16:29
devanandadansmith: bm driver sends a special kernel+ramdisk during initial PXE boot, which then pull down the user-specified image, partition the disks, etc, and then it reboots into that16:29
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Remove gen_uuid()
devanandathe deploy k+r can be hardware specific (eg, arch differences, or network hardware differences between different racks)16:30
dansmithdevananda: and that's tied to a flavor?16:30
devanandait's tied to hardware16:30
devanandaand for baremetal, flavor == hardware specs16:30
devanandaright now, i have it tied to an image in glance16:30
dansmithhrm, yeah, I was going to say: we already have kernel/initrd/image booting, so that seems natural16:31
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devanandabut lifeless pointed out this opens a security issue, as the deploy k+r run in the control plane. if a user uploaded their own, it would allow access under the baremeteal cloud ...16:32
dansmithdevananda: honestly, the only thing I know of that extra_specs are used for is controlling scheduling decisions, so I'm not sure I have enough context to help really16:32
garykdanwent: one more question16:32
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dansmithdevananda: yeah, that's a fair point, although I think maybe there are other ways to resolve that16:32
danwentgaryk: yup16:32
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devanandadansmith: hrm. who would be better to poke about this?16:33
garykdanwent: i need to pull the common changes in for stable. should i pull all of the delats or just stick with the one patch that is relevant to us. i am in favor of taking in all of the fixed common chnages.. what do you say?16:33
dansmithdevananda: I dunno.. I'm sure vishy knows, but ... maybe a post to the ML is a good idea16:34
dansmithdevananda: do you remember the participants of the aforementioned conversation on the subject?16:34
devanandaafaict it would just require adding instance_type_extra_specs to the $instance object passed to the driver (and updating your recent patch to preserve that info, too). but i am probably missing something ...16:34
dansmithdevananda: well, sure, the mechanics are easy,16:34
danwentgaryk: i'm guessing pulling in a lot of stuff would cause concern from the stable-maint folks16:34
dansmithdevananda: I just don't know the policy :)16:34
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devanandadansmith: gotcha. nope, don't recall who it was :(16:35
danwentgaryk: does common have a notion of a stable branch?16:35
garykdanwent: it is pulling in the stable fixes only. yes. there is a stable brach for common16:35
danwentgaryk: if so, then pulling it all in would make sense, I guess, as they have already approved those as stable.16:35
danwentgaryk: ok, then that seems reasonable and easiest.  I'd try it and see if anyone on the stable-maint team has a concern with the review.16:36
garykdanwent: ok, thanks!16:36
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annegentle_russellb: around?16:53
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ndipanovbcwaldon, ping17:17
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russellbannegentle__: am now17:33
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annegentle__russellb: great17:43
lifelesssmoser: pong17:45
smoserdid you see above ?17:45
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smoserlifeless, i can re-play if necessary. but baically wasasking what you meant in your message ot the list.17:47
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notmynamettx: ping17:48
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lifelesssmoser: oh so17:49
lifelesssmoser: have you looked at the baremetal code (both in and out of trunk) ?17:50
lifelesssmoser: there was back context on the short lived baremetal list too17:50
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smoseri have not looked at baremetal code, no.17:52
bcwaldonndipanov: hey17:53
lifelesssmoser: ok, so - the baremetal code does image injection17:54
lifelesssmoser: by hand, Ubuntu/Debian specific17:54
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lifelesssmoser: it writes an /etc/network/interfaces file into a copy of the image, before copying it to the node's disk17:55
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lifelesssmoser: the interface definition it writes for eth0 contains a 'hwaddress ether xx:yy:zz:aa:bb:cc' line17:55
lifelesssmoser: where the contents of that line are taken from the nova dynamically assigned MAC for the instance - from the vm code paths.17:56
smoserok. so, while i feel "injection" of any sort is shortsited and guaranteed to cause pain, i wonder why the desire to change the mac address.17:56
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lifelesssmoser: 'because nova does it for vms' was the answer, when I asked ;)17:57
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lifelesssmoser: did you see the bug I filed ?17:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1078154 in nova "nova baremetal overrides network card MAC addresses, interacts poorly with udev persistent rules" [High,Triaged]17:59
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smoserlifeless, ok. so you are suggesting "dont do that". which is what i would suggest also.18:00
smoserthere are workarounds, but i'd hesitate to suggest them in the event that they  might be used.18:00
lifelessright :)18:00
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lifelesssmoser: since you are here18:01
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lifelesssmoser: I have a thing that might be a cloud-init task; I want to (this is on a baremetal node) when booting ensure that there are a couple of extra partitions using up the bulk of the node disk space18:01
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smoserso you want to partition on first boot ?18:02
lifelesssmoser: and to remount things so that the image content itself is readonly - like you'd do on an appliance, where writes are strictly controlled18:02
lifelessobviously tweaking /etc/fstab is part of it18:03
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smoserso, you're surely aware that any thing you do there is defeatable by root, unless you have some way to enforce read only on the root device.18:03
lifelessbut on first boot the writable partitions for /var, for instance, won't exist.18:03
lifelesstotally, and fine with that18:03
lifelesswant to avoid accidental skew18:03
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smoserlifeless, actually... the overlayroot stuff that is in (and used by maas) might fit your needs.18:04
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lifelessthe idea is to be able to split whats installed, whats configured, and whats locally persisted on the machine18:04
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lifelesssmoser: what license does that have ?18:04
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lifelesssmoser: ?18:05
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smoserit says gpl-3.0+ (which why would he have put a + in ...)18:06
smoserbut yeah. thats it.18:06
smoserso  if your installer lays down a root partition, and then some other partitions, and puts a label on one of them, say "OVERLAYTARGET"18:06
smoserthen change kernel parameters to18:07
smoser overlayroot=LABEL=OVERLAYTARGET18:07
smoserand it does the rest.18:07
lifelessI'll look into it18:07
smoser(you can also write that stuff in /etc/overlayroot.local.conf )18:07
lifelessthe overriding goal is to be able to deploy [at least incremental things] by replacing the image18:07
smoserrather than kernel parameters.18:07
lifelesswithout discarding e.g. sshd key, swift stored objects, instance images and so on18:08
smoserwell, if those things are clealy separated from /18:08
smoseri'd suggest just trying to clealy move those to thier own partitions then18:08
smoserand not dealing with overlayroot18:09
lifelessthey aren't though :)18:09
lifelessI was considering symlinking  the relevant bits18:09
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lifelessconsider - /etc/ssh/ <- baseline config. /etc/ssh/sshd_thing.rsa <- persisted host key.18:09
ndipanovbcwaldon, sorry was afk18:10
smoserlifeless, right. or bind mounting18:10
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ndipanovbcwaldon, I was wondering if you would look into some patches I did regarding
lifelesssmoser: the big picture goal is rapidfire incremental deployments without running apt thousands of times18:11
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lifelesssmoser: and avoiding the little bits of random skew that slowly build up over months and years of operation18:11
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smoseroverlayroot is heavy handed for your use. but you can use the ideas. i think.18:12
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bcwaldonndipanov: sure18:13
lifelesssmoser: cool, thanks heaps for the pointer!18:13
ndipanovbcwaldon, I posted it on the upstream dev list18:13
ndipanovbcwaldon, but the patches are18:14
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ndipanovbcwaldon, ^^18:14
bcwaldonndipanov: I'll review those in a few minutes18:14
ndipanovbcwaldon, no worries18:15
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ndipanovbcwaldon, I'm interested in thoughts about the general approach18:15
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EmilienMkoolhead17: ping18:17
koolhead17EmilienM, sir18:18
smosersdague, just saw your email to list on metadata versioning18:18
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smoserthank you. i'll follow up a bit here.18:18
EmilienMkoolhead17: I need review :
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sdaguesmoser: cool18:18
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koolhead17EmilienM, sure sir. can i get some time.18:19
EmilienMkoolhead17: of course :)18:19
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koolhead17EmilienM, cool.18:20
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vishyjgriffith: ping18:22
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sdagueannegentle_: about? I wanted to chat about getting the wadls to be at a live url again18:26
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nati_uen_ping jeblair18:31
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doudeHi all, when I try to run pep8 tests I've got this error:
doudeI use pep8==0.6.118:35
jeblairnati_ueno: hi18:35
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doudecould you help me18:35
danpbdoude: you need newer pep818:35
danpbIIRC  min required version of pep8  is 1.218:35
doudedanpb: which minimum version ?18:35
doudeok thanks a lot18:36
danpbdoude: see  nova/tools/test-requires18:36
danpbit is 1.218:36
doudedanpb: ok, thanks18:36
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ayoungdolphm, I am being tormented by sqlalchemy.  I am in process of converting the migrate tests over to using the in memory sql, as I need that to work as part of the normalization of the identity schema.  I keep coming across an error where, during the upgradew scripts,  the token table does not have the column "extra"  even though I see the line that creates it in the 001 script.  Driving me bonkers18:39
dolphmayoung: are you basing it on my global engine patch?18:40
ayoungdolphm, no.  But I have confirmed that they are using the same engine.18:40
ayoungdolphm, OK,  let me try that18:41
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bodenayoung -- are you the person to ask regarding an LDAP identity driver question?18:47
ndipanovbcwaldon, sorry I hvae to drop off now - I'll have to check your comments later. Thanks a lot for reviewing it!18:48
ayoungboden, yes18:48
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bodenayoung -- was messing with v2 API -- appears you cannot store 'extra' values with a user via LDAP backend like you can with SQL... sound correct?18:49
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ayoungboden, that is nominally correct.  Where would you put them?  THere is no extra column in the LDAP schemas we chose.  So to store 'extra' would entail some additional design decisions.  I am not a fan of serializing JSON in Databases, and doubly so for serializing JSON in LDAP18:50
zykes-anyone of you here know how I can utilize extra sections in openstack.common.cfg ?18:52
bodenayoung -- understood was just confirming I wasn't missing anything and I'll assume that means the same statement with respect to the v3 LDAP driver.. thanks18:52
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sdaguedprince: it would be cool if reviewday also gave things points for age. There are a lot of patches that hang out at the bottom of the review queue that seem to get missed19:04
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dprincesdague: I think we could do that...19:04
dprincesdague: I'm compressing migrations this week... so it'll have to be next week. In the meantime feel free to pull request me :)19:07
sdaguedprince: ok cool :)19:08
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sdaguejgriffith: question, if we land this does that make it redundant to have a seperate cinder gate20:13
clarkbsdague: I think the non cinder devstack-gate job was removed for grizzly20:14
clarkb(still in place for folsom, essex, etc)20:14
sdagueclarkb: ok, it's still running on devstack20:15
sdagueclarkb: what would I submit to change that20:15
clarkbsdague: did not run the nova volume devstack gate20:16
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sdagueclarkb: you are right20:16
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clarkbthe names might be confusing. but gate-tempest-devstack-vm includes cinder on master branch20:17
sdagueI think I got so used to that second devstack line being cinder, I didn't read it as tempest20:17
sdaguejust me being daft20:17
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lifelesscan I get a pointer to where the random MAC for instances is allocated ?20:22
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Fixes usage of migrate_instance_start
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/nova: Add module for loading specific classes
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dolphmayoung: another test suite perf improvement for your super slow filesystem ;)
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bcwaldoneglynn: around?20:46
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andrewbogottcomstud:  Can I get a +2 on  It's the same as last time you reviewed it, apart from a single space in an error message.20:46
bcwaldoneglynn: curious about progress on
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1020749 in glance "Use Openstack-Common notifier" [Wishlist,Triaged]20:46
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eglynnbcwaldon: no progress to report as yet, when's the cutoff for g-1?20:48
bcwaldoneglynn: 11/22, I think20:48
harlowjaqq, just wondering here, in the keystone tests it seems to do "Failed to checkout" whats up with that?20:48
bcwaldoneglynn: no rush, just curious20:48
bcwaldoneglynn: it might make sense to wait until oslo-notifier exists20:48
bcwaldoneglynn: I'm fine pushing it back20:48
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eglynnbcwaldon: k, I'll try to get to it by the end of this week to at least give it a first pass20:48
bcwaldoneglynn: thanks!20:48
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annegentle_sdague: or vishy around? Q about what I need to do with API samples when a file like /all_extensions/extensions-get-resp.json.tpl changes?20:51
annegentle_for example, if I see the .tpl file has changed, do I run something that runs the tests to make more samples?20:51
comstudandrewbogott: will look20:54
sdagueannegentle_: yes, let me sort out the command again20:54
sdaguethough someone should have done it as part of the checkin20:54
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sdagueannegentle_: GENERATE_SAMPLES=True ./ nova.tests.integrated.test_api_samples:XxxxxSampleJsonTests20:56
sdaguebut that should create more changes in the nova tree20:56
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sdagueannegentle_: where is the commit that landed the change?20:56
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annegentle_sdague: sorry for the delay, looking now21:05
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sdagueannegentle_: no worries.21:05
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/glance: Ensure strings passed to librbd are not unicode
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone: Run test_keystoneclient_sql in-memory
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone: Reduce total number of fixtures
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vishyannegentle_: anything that changes the tpl should be changing the sample21:23
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annegentle_vishy: ok, thanks, I tracked it to and sdague had asked for one but it got merged without. Guess I should figure out how to get a dev environment back :)21:24
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vishyannegentle_: ah you are correct. looks like the new versions didn't get updated21:27
sdaguevishy: doing a rerun now to get the updated samples, will just submit that as another review21:28
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vishysdague: cool21:28
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vishyzul: ping21:45
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/glance: Return 403 on images you can see but can't modify
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zulvishy: pong21:59
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vishyzul: I was wondering if you guys have thought at all about replacing tgtadm with lio targets22:01
vishyzul: since the lio stuff is in the kernel now22:01
zulvishy: not a url/22:01
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Davieyhah, every cycle we change our iscsi target. :)22:02
vishyDaviey: :)22:03
vishyDaviey: it seems like the right move, tgt has pretty crummy performance and iet is not being maintained.22:04
vishyDaviey: and it is in-kernel...22:04
zulDaviey: we have to keep our users entertained22:04
nati_uenoarosen: Hi arosen. if the port has no security_group_ids, the traffic should be allow all or deny all?22:08
zulvishy: doesnt necessarily mean cloud-archive users can use it unfortnatnely22:08
vishyzul / Daviey: but you guys haven't discussed / considered this already? It has been adopted as the future of iscsi in the kernel so I'm surprised it isn't being used more broadly.22:08
zulvishy: i wasnt aware of it22:08
zykes-does any of you know what the filter:keystone or "a:b" is parsed into in terms of something pythonish ?22:08
zulvishy: i mean i can take a look at it22:09
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vishyzul: weird.22:09
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arosennati_ueno: allow_all22:56
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arosennati_ueno: by default when you create a port though yyou should add it to a default security group22:57
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nati_uenoarosen: Thanks. default security group == allow all ?23:00
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lifelessdevananda: around ?23:05
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devanandalifeless: about to step away for an hour. is it quick?23:05
lifelessdevananda:  ./nova/virt/baremetal/ .. spawn() looks possibly quite broken to me netwrk_info wise23:05
lifelessdevananda: ping me when you return23:05
lifelessas I'm still paging in code23:05
devanandalifeless: yes. it is in terrible need of love. which i want to do after it merges.23:06
devanandalifeless: will talk more later23:06
arosennati_ueno: === allow all egress drop all ingress23:06
lifelessarata: hi23:07
arosennati_ueno: same as this
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lifelessarata: have you had time to look at the sketch we put forward? We've done more work (of course) and would now like to rename the project and put it in stackforge23:07
nati_uenoarosen: === allow all egress drop all ingress but same security group ports are allowd?23:07
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nati_uenoarosen: OK! I got it. Thanks23:11
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sdaguecyeoh: around?23:17
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cyeohsdague: hi - am now23:34
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sdaguecyeoh: hey there23:44
sdagueso samples testing23:44
cyeohyea, am a bit confused about exactly what I need to do23:44
sdaguewhere is the review that you've got going for this?23:44
cyeohalthough I actually started doing it for:
cyeohas the api changes were pretty straightforward for that one so thought it might be an easier starting point...23:46
sdagueactually, lets start doing the first one first, it's close23:46
sdagueso for everything with a file in api_samples you need a json and xml test case in that file23:47
sdagueFloatingIpsJsonTest is probably as good a place as any to look23:48
cyeohok I did that bit for the cloudpipe example23:49
cyeohit was the next steps after there where I sort of got lost23:49
sdagueright, so once you have the code in there, the base class can generate the docs for you23:49
sdagueGENERATE_SAMPLES=yes ./ nova.tests.integrated.test_sample_api:FloatingIpsJsonTest23:50
sdagueand that will regen and write out the files in nova/doc/api_samples23:50
cyeohso it is ok to run run_tests in the virtualenv then?23:51
sdagueyeah, that -N is actually wrong23:51
sdaguejust removed it23:51
cyeohah cool :-)23:51
cyeohand I don't need to do that prior touch command? I wasn't sure exactly what the name of the new file should be23:52
sdagueif you don't have a template already, you can touch the json or xml files in nova/tests/integrated/api_samples/23:53
sdagueand it will generate the doc, then you can use that as a base23:53
sdaguedoh, wrong window :)23:55
cyeohok will give it a go now and see what happens23:55
sdagueI should be online for roughly another hour23:56
sdagueif you run into issues23:56
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