Friday, 2012-08-10

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cdubmarkmcclain: sorry for being dense, i'm still missing something (the ip's are internal to the guests, and vlan traffic is layer 2)00:03
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markmcclainthe IPs are separated by l2 segment until traffic goes through the host that runs DHCP server or the l3 gateway.  At point in time, all of the traffic is processed by the same IP stack so the stack can get confused where to route packets when the l3 segments overlap00:06
cdubmarkmcclain: ah, so the ip here is a gateway and configured in the host00:08
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cdubmarkmcclain: because the dhcp piece (still) is only layer 2 and shouldn't require any namespace00:09
markmcclainDISCOVER are layer 2 messages, but renewals are unicast IP00:09
cdubah, you're right00:09
cdubmarkmcclain: ok, thanks, it's all making more sense now00:10
markmcclainyou're welcome… like I said we've got to add docs about this since some distro releases don't have all of the tools needed for namespace support00:11
cdubmarkmcclain: right, most won't00:11
cdubmarkmcclain: there's the "roll your own" and stash it in quantum/bin (rather ugly)00:12
markmcclainhonestly I've considered it00:12
cdubmarkmcclain: and i was hoping to understand the issue to think of some other way to manage00:13
cdub(i.e. policy routing and marking packets on device egress)00:13
cdubwell, it's a oneline binary :)00:13
cdubclone(CLONE_NEWNET) basically00:14
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markmcclainyeah.. it seems the kernel support has been around longer than tool support00:14
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smosermikal, ping00:19
mikalsmoser: oh hai!00:20
smoservishy, you too00:20
smoserso i'm confused by vish's comment on patchset 700:21
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smoser(wouldn't it be neat if i could give you a link?)00:21
smoserthe files.json[] stuff...00:21
mikalAbout wanting file inject to be a json file?00:21
smoserwhere would the majority of that data come from?00:21
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smoserall we have is name and path00:21
mikalYeah, I just skipped the elements I couldn't get00:21
smoseri'm almost certain the api doesn't provide owner adn such.00:22
smosernor really shoudl it.00:22
smosermy thoughts as to its location under /openstack....00:22
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smoserthe reason i suggested /files is because I wasn't planning on putting the "injected files" into the web service under /openstack/files00:22
smoserand my plan was that /openstack/XXX00:22
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smoserwas a filesystem view of the content in
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mikalsmoser: sure00:23
mikalvishy: ping00:23
mikalI really want you and vishy to come up with a plan here together00:23
mikalAnd then I'll just twiddle the code to implement it00:23
smoserpersonally, i think the idea of "files" are kind of silly.00:24
mikalAt the moment its a json file in openstack with the data as base64 inside the json00:24
smoserand that "blob" (which is what user-data is) is so much more generally effective00:24
smoserthe filename/value is just a specialized bit of that.00:24
smoserwith no specific value00:24
smoserso i guess my feeling on that is that it is that00:25
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smoser * the files api does not contain permissions and as a result is just a very dumbed down view of files00:26
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smoser * if you're going to embed it in json, then why bother?  The user (and cloud-init or another in guest user) can choose any format they want for the user-data.00:26
smoser  the json fomrated data makes it more difficult to use than ust 'rsync -a /mnt/cdrom/files/ /'00:27
smoser  and the real value in "injected files" was either no cloud-init or "really simple cloud-init"00:27
mikalSo here's the thing. I don't care how this bit is implemented. I just want to stop re-writing it. If you and vishy can reach an agreement, then I'll implement it.00:28
smoser * if we think that it should go at /opesnstack/YYYY-MM-DD/fioles.json, then we should put it in the web service also, but i really dont think we should put that there as I think people are probably expecting to put sensitive info there.00:28
smoseri agree, mikal00:28
smoseryouve done great.00:28
smoserand i dont really care a lot.00:28
mikalI think the rsync thing sounds like a pretty good arguement for actual files, not json00:28
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mikalBut vishy is a lot smarter than me and its possible he has a cunning plan or has seen something I haven't00:28
smoser(well, in practice, its not really usable due to no persmissions)00:28
smoseri guess root:root655 is reasonable for a lot of things though.00:29
smoserok. i'll sit and wait for vishy00:30
smoseri'm planning on spending some time trying to write cirros support for this.00:30
mikalI think having a guest side implementation would really help validate what we've done00:31
mikalSo please do00:31
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smoseroh. mikal one thing.00:33
smoserthe label. you used 'config'00:33
smoserwhich i thin is a change from what it was00:33
smosermaybe we shoudl do config-200:34
smoserif you were intenindt to indicate it was not the original config drive.00:34
smoser(which is actually a good idea)00:34
smoseror cfgdrv-200:34
mikalThe v1 label was "config"00:34
mikalI can change it to "config-2" for v200:35
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smosermikal, i'm indifferent i gues.00:43
smoseri thoguth you had actually changed it.00:43
smoserbut having a version there would'nt hurt ig uess.00:43
smoseri guess00:43
mikalYeah, I've done it, but I'll wait until I have something else to upload00:46
mikalIts not worth an entire patch revision to itself00:46
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smoseri agree.00:54
smosermikal, did you remove the _name fields ?00:54
smoserfrom the ec2 rendering?00:54
smoserfwiw, i'm interestd in getting something in as a starting point00:54
smoserand then we can have a week or 2 to kind of fix things00:54
mikalI'm not sure what _name fields are?00:58
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mikalsmoser: ^--01:01
smoserin the ec2 metadata service.01:01
smoserthey're not shown.01:01
smoserbut in your metadata.js you need to remove them.01:02
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mikalsmoser: ahhh, that's all in metadata/ now01:04
smoserright. you need to fix it though.01:04
smoserif a key is named _name just drop it01:04
mikalIn the top level dict?01:05
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mikalsmoser: ahhh, its only in the public-keys subdict?01:06
mikalAnd just strip them out, yeah?01:07
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winston-djgriffith, ping01:56
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jgriffithwinston-d: Hey... was just looking for you :)02:00
jgriffithwinston-d: How are ya?02:00
winston-djgriffith, fine. thx.02:00
winston-djgriffith, i've just uploaded new patch for python cinderclient02:01
jgriffithwinston-d: hehe... we were working on the same thing :)02:01
jgriffithwinston-d: Nice catch02:01
jgriffithwinston-d: I just noticed this afternoon all of those params were missing (metadata, az etc)02:01
winston-djgriffith, oops.  i would abandon my patch if you want to merge my change into yours.02:03
jgriffithwinston-d: no no.. not at all02:03
jgriffithwinston-d: There are other issues that should stay seperate from your patch02:04
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winston-djgriffith, ok.02:04
jgriffithwinston-d: Thanks!02:04
winston-djgriffith, sorry, just dropped from very unstable 3G MIFI.02:07
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winston-djgriffith, i'd like to do some enhancement to 'cinder-mange'. for now, 'cinder-mange host list' only list host, not showing whether the host is up or down, and also without services info; i think it'd be great if we have something like 'nova-mange service list'02:09
jgriffithwinston-d: I don't see why that wouldn't be good to put in02:12
jgriffithwinston-d: was the AZ change the last thing you had planned to work on?  I thought there was something else you had as well?02:13
winston-djgriffith, i was going to add enhancement to scheduler, making 'host manager' work, adding 'filter' scheduler to allow more advanced scheduling policy.02:15
winston-djgriffith, do you have anything else that needs to be taken care of before F-3?02:15
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jgriffithwinston-d: Yes :)02:15
jgriffithwinston-d: The good thing is most items are being actively worked by folks02:16
jgriffithwinston-d: If you want to focus on the two items you're working on that would be great02:16
jgriffithwinston-d: We're basicly shut out of new changes on Tuesday02:16
winston-djgriffith, ok02:16
jgriffithwinston-d: Features at any rate02:17
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winston-djgriffith, also there's some minor bug fix, clean-ups i'd love to do, things like unused imports, unused config opts.02:18
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vishysmoser:  sup?02:43
smoseryou read backscroll at all?02:43
smoseri am just questioning th evalue of "injected" files. when they're not really injected at all.02:43
smoserread the backscroll, see if you can make any sense of it.02:44
vishya bit02:44
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vishysmoser: I think they have basically no value02:44
vishysmoser: but they are in the spec02:44
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smoserwell, they are essentially massive key/value pairs02:44
smoserthat you can put in02:44
smoserat least if in config drive's perspective.02:45
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smoserwell, but if you're not actually putting them inside the guest, (which is what you're doing here)02:46
smoserthen you're really not per that spec.02:46
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vishysmoser: well the idea is that we get the exact same functionality without having to inject them02:47
vishysmoser: so we put them in some format that cloud-init can do the same thing02:47
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vishysmoser: so we can turn off injection completely02:47
smoserare you going to put them in the metadata service ?02:48
smoserhttp:// ?02:48
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vishysmoser: well the initial thought was that they would go there too yes02:48
smoserwell, i think they should go in both places if either.02:48
vishysmoser: i agree02:49
smoserthat was one reason suggested them *not* in /openstack on the config drive02:49
smoserbut /injected02:49
smoserer... /files02:49
smoserbefore you talked to mikal, he had just put the files under /files02:50
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smoserie, file input as "/etc/my.conf" would go to /files/etc/my.conf02:50
smosermaking consumption very easy02:50
smoserrsync -a /media/cdrom/files/ /02:50
vishysmoser: so that is fine, but it makes all sorts of security issues02:50
smosernot really.02:51
smosera.) we're using iso966002:51
smoserb.) there are no symlinks or hardlinks02:51
smoserthe only threat is if the user adds a file named "../../../../../etc/nova/nova.conf"02:51
smoser(or like that). which both padraig and i pointed out.02:51
smosereasiest solution there is02:52
smoser if "../" in filename:02:52
smoser   raise Exception02:52
smoserbut we have better things there too02:52
vishysmoser: well there is also the issue of needing to write them as root02:52
vishysmoser: but honestly if you aren't concerned I'm totally fine with that02:52
smoserwell, we're not writing them as root actually02:53
smoseroh wait. we are02:53
smoserbut we dont have to02:53
smoseri wrote a mail to the list02:53
vishydon't they have to be permissions 440 by spec?02:53
smoserwe could use mtools02:53
smoseroh, does the spec say that? they're on vfat. so there are no perms.02:53
smoserthey're all 777 !02:53
vishysmoser: so the cloud-init code would have to change perms on rsync02:54
smosernever mind me. they're iso and they could have the perms.02:54
smoserbut we can master those in.02:54
vishyok that is fine02:54
vishybut it should be under /version/files no?02:54
vishy* openstack/YYYY-MM-DD/files02:54
smoseryeah, if you're going to put them in the MD service also02:55
smoserand i guess if you're going to do that, then i'm not really opposed to it.02:55
smoseri just think its really ugly.02:55
vishyok cool02:55
vishysmoser: Yeah it is ugly. Personalities are a huge misfeature02:55
vishymikal: ok looks like we have come to consensus02:56
smoserthen, the only comment i have is if we're going to put a json layout for the files...02:56
smosercan we just do one that cloud-init would already be able to use02:56
smoserthe one that harlowja added recently.02:56
smoser(he commented in that Merge proposea)02:56
mikalOh, I wasn't paying attention02:57
* mikal reads02:57
smoserbut then i guess my theory of equality between config drive and MD02:58
smoserimplies that we should then add /openstack/YYYY-MM-DD/files at the same time.02:58
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smoserso maybe we just ditch the files for now02:58
smoserlet this in02:58
smoserand then do the /openstack entry in the MD02:58
smoser(and appropriately add to config drive)02:58
smoservishy, does that sound reasonable?02:59
mikalOk, so having read that...02:59
vishysmoser: wait… I thought you were arguing for no json?03:00
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smoseroh, i said i really dont care.03:00
mikalI'm not sure I understand the discussion03:00
mikalIs there a written spec for the openstack metadata somewhere?03:00
smoserbut if we were gonna do json then do it like cloud-init could easily consume.03:00
mikalOr is it vapour at this point?03:00
harlowjai think its being made right now? :-p03:01
vishysmoser: ok decision 1 is that it is under openstack/YYYY-MM-DD/files03:01
vishyin both places03:01
smoseri like that.03:01
mikalvishy: and just use today's date?03:01
smosermikal, well i'm suggestiong you can punt on that for this review.03:01
vishymikal: sure03:02
vishyand two reviews is fine by me but we only have until tuesday so punting doesn't give us very long03:02
mikalOk, and the files in that directory... JSON or just a tree of files?03:02
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vishyso i thought we had decided to just write them as files, but then smoser came back and said json is fine03:02
mikalJSON == base64 for the blob data I expect03:02
mikalvishy: You're the decider03:03
smoseri'm fine either way, really.03:03
smoserall in one big json thing base64 encoded is large03:03
smoserbut if not, then you have to have some way of indicating that /files/* are binary03:03
smoserand you have to provide some way to walk that tree03:03
smoser(in the web service)03:03
vishysmoser: yeah that is the issue, the web service sounds a little complicated03:04
smoserso json simplifies that part, but a potentially really big GET03:04
mikalHow about a json list of dicts, with the data base64'd?03:04
vishysmoser: what is the format of harlowja's json?03:04
vishymikal, smoser: lets just use that?03:05
smoserharlwo had a link in the review03:05
smoserlet me find.03:05
harlowjaits slightly different i think, in that the userdata yaml has the data, no layout at all really, so think of it as an array in yaml that a cloud-init module will lookup and start writing the array locations out03:06
mikalI don't love yaml for a web service...03:06
harlowjaits the main format cloudinit expects for userdata03:07
vishyso I'm all for that format03:07
smoserdont put yaml in openstack03:07
smoseryaml is a superset of json03:07
smoseryou have a list of dicts03:08
vishysmoser: so we can write the same data as json list of dicts and it should work, yes?03:08
smosermake sense?03:08
harlowjaya, that is fine, although it would have to endup in the userdata file (on the config drive) so its going to be a big download, lol03:08
smoserwe might have to figure out exactly how to use it, but yeah.03:08
smoserharlowja, well, no it wont be in user-data file on config drive03:09
smoserit will be in03:09
smoser(for inejcted fiels)03:09
smoserit will be in /openstack/YYYY-MM-DD/files.json03:09
smoserand we can just read that (if present) as part of config drive's user-data and merge it in there.03:09
smoseri think.03:09
mikalWhich means if we change the format we get to repeat the data...03:09
smoserhave to play, but something like that.03:09
mikalHow about we put the actual files as something like:03:10
mikaland then03:10
harlowjasmoser ya, that would work, just less new special datasources in cloudinit would be nice :-p03:10
mikalopenstack/YYYY-MM-DD/files.json gives an ID to read for the data?03:10
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mikalAnd openstack/YYYY-MM-DD/files.json is a json list of dicts03:10
mikalThat way if we change the json format, we don't have to include the actual files twice03:11
smoserbut how does that save you from repeating in YYYY+1-MM-DD/files.json ?03:11
smoserwhy ?03:11
mikalIt saves us repeating the file contents03:11
mikalWhich is the big bit03:11
vishymikal: converted
mikalopenstack/YYYY-MM-DD/files.json = [{'path': '/this/is/a/path', 'id': '123'}, ...]03:12
smoserand where do i get 'id' from ?03:12
smoseror, what does that mean?03:12
mikalvishy: so yeah, like that, except the content is an id number which is a file in a directory03:12
smoservishy, i'd cut the "write_files"03:13
mikalsmoser: I feel I'm not explaining this well03:13
smoserwe can assume files.json means "write_files"03:13
vishysmoser: sure, i just did a straight translation from the example03:13
mikalLet me take a sec and write a quick page about it so it makes sense03:13
vishymikal: i think that it makes more sense but it would require a change to the cloud-init stuff03:13
vishysmoser: is that ok with you? adding the ability to specify a path in addition to inline binary for the file data03:14
smoserthis will make things trickier.03:15
smoserdue to how things are done in cloud-init.03:15
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smoserand i assume the path-to-content would be relative to the current file, and in the ocnfig drive case something like:03:15
smoser ../../files/foo03:15
mikalPlease hold03:15
harlowjahorses holding03:16
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mikalGoogle docs cause it was quick03:18
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smoserit wiont be trivial for cloud-init, but i think its not terrible.03:21
mikalWell, you don't have to decode the files at all03:21
mikalYou just read the json file, and for each file copy the specified id to the right path03:22
smoserbut then i guess is there a reason it should be in 'files.json'03:22
smoserand not just 'metadata.json' ?03:22
smoserunder 'files'03:22
mikalAnd include all the metadata that ec2 has?03:22
smoserwell, we have to have our own.03:22
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mikalI vote we treat that as a version bump, and deal with it in grizzly03:22
smoseri mentioned some of the things we want there.03:22
mikalAnd folsom users parse ec2 for the majority of the data03:22
smoserline 62 there.03:23
smoseri'd say we start with those things03:23
smosersimply copying all of ec2 is silly03:23
smoseras we have that. and some of those things say "FIXME"03:23
mikalsmoser: dude -- we only have until Tuesday US time03:24
mikalsmoser: this review is already skating on the edge of not making it in at all03:24
zhitengvishy, around? i have some questions about availability zone for nova/cinder.03:25
smoserwell, mikal lets get it in then.03:25
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smosermikal, alright.03:26
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smoserwell you get in what you can as soon as you can.03:26
mikalsmoser: so yeah, let's extend it in a version bump03:26
mikalWhich we can try and sneak in during bug fixing season, as it will be a lot smaller03:26
smoserwe dont have to version bump03:26
mikalSure, but outside this review03:27
mikalSounds like an agreed plan03:27
mikalvishy: do you hate it?03:27
smoseris tuesday FF ?03:27
smoserfeature freeze ?03:27
mikalsmoser: yep03:27
harlowja_jeez, time flies, lol03:27
vishymikal: i like it03:29
vishyzhiteng: what is up?03:29
mikalvishy: ok, I'll tweak it now and then make you review it03:31
zhitengvishy, i'm adding az feature to cinder, but since cinder & nova are now totally separated, 'euca-describe-az' only show AZ in nova services.03:31
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vishyzhiteng: yes that is a problem which I mentioned to jgriffith before03:32
vishyzhiteng: i think we have to assume that the operator sets up the same az's in both for now03:32
zhitengvishy, do you have any idea in mind to work around or fix this?03:32
vishyzhiteng: my first thought as a plan is to create a scheduler api for listing az's03:33
vishyand expose it as an extension03:33
vishythen the ec2 code can query both nova and cinder and merge the list03:33
zhitengand that'll be land post-folsom?03:34
vishyzhiteng: although I think in general it would be very confusing for users if they don't match03:34
vishyzhiteng: correct, right now you have to make sure the lists match03:34
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zhitengAWS has a limit only volume/instance in the same AZ will work together. do we have/want to have similar limitation?03:36
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smosergood night all.03:39
zhitengvishy, have to run for now. talk 2 u later.03:41
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vishysmoser: gnight!03:42
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rohitkHi folks, where can we see the list of core reviewer names for a particular project?04:58
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clarkbrohitk: on launchpad there should be a nove-core group and so on05:05
rohitkclarkb: got it, thanks05:07
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aswadrangnekarI am trying to install openstack using devstack master branch and i am coming across error 'PasteAppNotFound: Could not load paste app 'ec2' from /etc/nova/api-paste.ini' any workaround for this ?   stracktrace>
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burnbrighterHi all - is there good documentation for devstack, br100 and how the networking gets set up in a multinode env?  I am gnashing my teeth over trying to get an ssh session set up to my VM.05:43
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uvgHi, I have submitted HTTP POST notifier for review. please review: thanks09:02
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kyriakosuvg, are you not supporting HTTPS connections by design ?09:05
kyriakosor is it something you'd consider an enhancement for later?09:06
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alex88hi guys, why by default instances that run with qcow2 doesn't use cache=writethrough? also i've seen that kvm processes uses if=none in the disk section, shouldn't it be virtio for better performances?10:30
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nati_uen_garyk: Hi10:41
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garyknati_uen_: hi, how are you?10:42
garyki have logged in.10:42
nati_uenoFine :)10:42
nati_uenoThank you for taking time10:42
garykok, no problem. hope you did not wait all this time for me...10:43
nati_uenogaryk: not at all :)10:43
garykon my setup i get quantum.plugins.linuxbridge.common.exceptions.UnableToChangeVlanRange: Current VLAN ID range 1 to 4094 cannot be changed. Please check plugin conf file.10:46
garyknati_ueno: i was also disconnect from ssh session10:46
nati_uenoIt should be same as OVS one10:48
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nati_uenoNew version of devstack for metaplugin also setups10:48
nati_uenovlan ID range10:48
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alex88someone knows why? i see very bad performances using no virtio and qcow2 images11:18
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sorenalex88: It's just a guess, but I think it's because you are using no virtio and qcow2 images.12:01
sorenOh, he buggered off.12:02
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chmoueldtroyer: are you getting those keyring question with devstack and nova list ?12:54
chmoueldtroyer: was wondering if we should use no_cache in there12:54
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andrea_hi...the API extensions host-update is supposed to have actions for enabling/disabling services, is that correct?13:17
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smoseranyone else think this is a regression?13:20
smoseri think instances that are being run from my devstack get user-data of "" rather than None13:21
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smoseri just opened
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1035317 in nova "all instances have user data" [Undecided,New]13:40
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smosermikal, ^ and maybe zul could poke at that?13:49
smoseras it is right now, its impossible to determine the difference between "user-data not given" and "user-data is empty string"13:49
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jgriffithzul: ping15:15
zuljgriffith: whats up15:15
jgriffithzul: So what's quantel?15:15
zuljgriffith: code name for 12.1015:15
jgriffithzul: Oh crap!15:15
jgriffithzul: LOL15:15
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jgriffithzul: I knew that, just didn't make the connection15:16
zuljgriffith: riiiiiight :)15:16
jgriffithzul: :)15:16
zuljgriffith: also there is a Authors file missing in the git tree15:16
jgriffithzul: really?15:16
zuljgriffith: looks like it15:18
zuljgriffith: definently missing15:18
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jgriffithzul: Oh.. are you looking for mailmap?15:20
zuljgriffith, no the actual authors file referred to in the manifest.inf15:21
jgriffithzul: Authors files were removed from the tree15:21
zuljgriffith: ah ok ill remove it fromth manifest.inf then15:22
jgriffithzul: Not sure you need to/should15:22
jgriffithzul: If I recall it's auto generated later in the build15:22
zuljgriffith: its a debian thing that it reads the manifest.inf and complains about missing files15:22
jgriffithzul: I don't remember all the details around how this was setup15:22
jgriffithzul: ahh....15:23
jgriffithzul: How's it dealing with it on Nova?15:23
zuljgriffith, i think setuptools-git is managing it, mtaylor would know better15:23
jgriffithzul: Best to check with him, like I said I'm not entirely clear on how all of this was setup to work15:24
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mtaylorzul: Authors is auto-generated15:27
mtaylorwhat's manifest.inf?15:27
mtaylorthere should be an Authors file in the tarball15:27
alexpilottivishy: Hi, I'm going to commit in the next days the nova-compute Hyper-V support for review15:27
zulmtaylor: er...manifest.in15:27
mtaylorzul: ah, well, oh15:27
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mtaylorzul: I think the actual problem is that might be listing Authors instead of AUTHORS15:28
mtaylorzul: nova?15:28
alexpilottivishy: I signed the CLA some time ago, but I saw only now that I had to join the OpenStack Contributors15:28
zulmtaylor: cinder15:28
mtaylorzul: k. me lookie15:28
alexpilottivishy: which is saying: Your request to join OpenStack Contributors is awaiting approval.15:28
jgriffithmtaylor: cinder has AUTHORS15:28
mtayloryeah. and that's what we generate15:29
mtaylorso it should be in the file - what's the problem?15:29
jgriffithmtaylor: It seems zul is seeing deb packaging issues...15:30
zuljgriffith/mtaylor: doesnt seem to be in the tarball15:31
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mtaylorzul: well that's annoying15:34
mtaylorjgriffith: I need to make you a setuptools-git patch...15:35
mtaylorzul: tar tvfz dist/cinder-2012.2.tar.gz  | grep AUTHORS15:35
mtaylor-rw-rw-r-- mordred/mordred    825 2012-08-10 11:35 cinder-2012.2/AUTHORS15:35
mtaylorzul: what tarball are you working from?15:36
zulmtaylor: snapshot15:36
mtaylorzul: from tarballs.o.o ?15:36
zulmtaylor; yep15:36
mtaylorzul: hrm. that's vexing15:36
mtaylorzul: it very much should be there15:37
zulmtaylor: oh wait its there15:37
zulnow im slightly confused15:38
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zulmtaylor: its 'Authors' in the manifest.in15:41
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markmcmtaylor, what should I do here?
mtaylorzul: ah - has both15:47
mtaylorzul: Authors should be removed15:48
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markmcmtaylor, you removed write_vcsversion() ?15:48
mtaylorjgriffith: ^^15:48
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mtaylormarkmc: yes. there is a module now15:48
mtaylormarkmc: you want me to make a glance patch that updates usage to use it?15:49
jgriffithmtaylor: reading history15:49
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markmcmtaylor, that would be spiffing! :)15:49
jgriffithmtaylor: doh!15:49
mtaylorjgriffith: if you want, what we should really do is a cinder setuptools-git patch15:50
mtaylorjgriffith: which would actually remove the need for almost all of that file15:51
jgriffithmtaylor: That would be ideal15:51
jgriffithmtaylor: But in the meantime, zul can you just graft this on to your MANIFEST cleanup patch?15:52
zuljgriffith: yep15:52
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jgriffithmtaylor: is the setuptools path something you manage typically?15:53
jgriffithmtaylor: patch15:53
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mtaylorjgriffith: yeah - I'll get you one15:54
jgriffithmtaylor: Thank you sir15:54
jgriffithzul: Thank you for catching this and pointing it out15:54
zuljgriffith, no worries15:55
mtaylorjgriffith, zul:
jgriffithmtaylor: NICE!15:56
zulmtaylor jgriffith: ok gimme a couple of minutes15:57
jgriffithmtaylor: for some reason I thought it involved something outside of the cinder tree15:57
jgriffithmtaylor: Otherwise I wouldn't have asked you for it :)15:57
mtaylorjgriffith: sometimes it's easier for me to just make the patch than to explain the patch :)15:57
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jgriffithzul: Shall we push this first, then you can make any changes you need after it lands?15:58
jgriffithmtaylor: very true15:58
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zuljgriffith: lemme do the setup-tools and then we can abandon the first manifest stuff15:58
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jgriffithzul: mtaylor already has it out there...15:59
zuljgriffith: if mtaylor will do it for cinder then ill let him :)15:59
jgriffithzul: he did it while we were talking about it.  I think it's a jedi mind trick kinda thing16:00
zuljgriffith: effer :)16:00
jgriffithzul: LOL... I'll push that through and then you can add the other changes from your patch that are still needed.16:00
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zuljgriffith: k cool16:00
jgriffithzul: I'll just ask that you give it a +1 for me :)16:01
zuljgriffith: to the setuptools-git patch?16:01
jgriffithzul: yes-sir16:01
jgriffithzul: Thanks!16:01
jgriffithzul: Don't want to totally ignore process ya know16:01
zuljgriffith, cant have that :)16:02
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notmynamedprince: ping. gotta question about the swift patch you submitted16:54
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jeblairbcwaldon: clouds suck.  (looking)17:18
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bcwaldonjeblair: I rekicked that one job17:18
bcwaldonjeblair: just wanted you to see the error17:18
jeblairbcwaldon: okay, other precise-rackspace nodes are succeeding; it may have been unique to that host17:18
jeblairbcwaldon: (as opposed to something flawed with the image on rackspace)17:19
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jeblairbcwaldon: thanks.  i don't think i've seen that before.  we pretty much get to see _everything_ that can go wrong in a cloud.17:19
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dprincenotmyname: I'm back. Whats up?17:30
notmynamedprince: just curious as to why you removed the reseller prefix check17:31
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notmynamedprince: seems like it would make it worse for environments with multiple auth systems17:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1020722 in swift "swift_auth middleware disallows access to public Swift URLs" [High,In progress]17:31
dprincenotmyname: Perhaps I was a little heavy handed but I wasn't sure we actually needed it.17:32
notmynameis the reseller check the place to do that?17:32
dprincenotmyname: Well... the reseller check prevents me from actually being able to use public Swift URL's. So I didn't think I had a choice.17:33
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dprincenotmyname: Honestly. The reseller stuff seemed a bit out of place in this middleware. I was actually thinking 'what if' we created a separate middleware to enforce that by itself. But then looking at it there is some coupling.17:34
notmynamedprince: I'm looking in tempauth for how it handles the ACLs17:35
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notmynamedprince: IMO, the reseller prefix should probably be handled in the __call__. the authorize() should be after the reseller determination17:38
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dprincenotmyname: Okay. Let me have another look then.17:39
notmynamedprince: also, I think it's reasonable that setting ACLs for an account with one auth system may not be guaranteed to work when accessing it from another auth system (ideally, it would, but I don't think that should be a requirement)17:39
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dprincenotmyname: My case here is not even using multiple auth systems though. I'm just using Swift w/ keystone.17:40
notmynamedprince: is that swift+keystone a prod deployment?17:40
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dprincenotmyname: No. But I can give you access to a deployment where this happens if that is what your asking.17:41
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notmynameno, I was asking because I havent' yet heard of a production swift deployment that is using keystone. I was hoping you'd have the first I'd heard of :-)17:42
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dprincenotmyname: Oh. I see. Sorry. I won't claim that title today.17:42
notmynamedprince: do you want to mark the patch as WIP?17:43
dprincenotmyname: I mean.... I suppose I can/should since we are debating how this should go.17:44
notmynamedprince: and thanks for working on this. I think it's a pretty important bug (or feature gap) to fix in the keystone middleware17:44
dprincenotmyname: Is your concern that someone else will send this?17:44
dprincenotmyname: Or just like to keep a clean house?17:45
notmynamedprince: no, just that if you are going to update it, then it will let the other core devs know that they don't need to spend a lot of time on it yet17:45
dprincenotmyname: in any case. Its WIP now.17:45
notmynamedprince: thanks :-)17:45
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1035317 in nova "all instances have user data" [Undecided,New]17:48
zulsmoser: thanks17:48
zulsmoser: essex or folsom?17:51
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smoserzul, i think i said both in th bug17:58
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harlowjaqq, is anyone using anvil besides the people at yahoo, lol, i was wondering if anyone here is using the swift part of it, or had any thoughts about it, its getting tougher to keep it in sync with devstack, so still wishing we could align somehow :-p18:01
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notmynameharlowja: not that I know of. but I'm not familiar with anvil. what is it?18:04
markmcclainarosen: patch coming18:04
harlowjaha, its the super awesome devstack ++ (sorta)18:04
arosenmarkmcclain: awesome thanks!18:05
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jeblairbcwaldon: looking18:08
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bcwaldonjeblair: another random failure18:09
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jeblairbcwaldon: i need to dig through logs to find out what happened to that node.  :/18:11
bcwaldonjeblair: ok, not affecting me, just another failure to look at when you have time18:11
jeblairbcwaldon: thanks for pointing me at it18:12
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bcwaldonyep yep18:13
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Ryan_Laneayoung: crap. I guess I missed the boat on 2012.1.218:30
ayoungRyan_Lane, ?18:30
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Ryan_Lanefor those ldap changes18:30
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* ayoung thinks that naming scheme is weird....looks like January second18:31
ayoungRyan_Lane, Keystone is moving slow these days.18:32
ayounggetting changes in takes a bit of lead time.18:32
Ryan_Lanefor this change: there's no reason to push it upstream18:32
ayoungand tenacity18:32
Ryan_Lanelet me verify that really quick18:32
Ryan_LaneI lie. it does18:33
ayoungRyan_Lane, I know18:33
ayoungRyan_Lane, it needs to go into Folsom first, and then we'll back port it.  It needs a bug too18:33
Ryan_Lanedoing that right now18:33
ayoungGet the leg work done and I will walk it through.  The other one, too18:34
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sdaguecan we get another nova core person to take a look at this review - - a bunch of others will drop into place once that lands18:43
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nikhilwhy are there two different methods instance_metadata_update and instance_system_metadata_update in the db ?18:48
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bcwaldonsdague: in it goes18:55
sdaguebcwaldon: cool, thanks18:55
vishynikhil: system_metadata is metadata owned by nova18:56
vishynikhil: instance_metadata is set by the user18:56
nikhilvishy: thanks18:56
vishynikhil: both are just simple key / values and they work essentially the same way18:56
bcwaldonjeblair: should have a comment from jenkins?18:56
bcwaldonjeblair: since I just recheck'd it18:57
jeblairbcwaldon: it only clears the value when running gate jobs18:57
jeblairbcwaldon: clearing the value triggers sending an email, so it's a compromise between utility and spamminess.18:57
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Ryan_Laneayoung: so, it indeed does not require pushing changes to folsom19:16
Ryan_Laneayoung: it's already fixed there19:16
Ryan_Laneget_metadata pulls the roles, and authenticate returns them19:16
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sdaguevishy: I'm working on the keypairs disable, and it seems like key_name is actually fetched twice in the create (to different variables), and I'm not really clear how the first one might be used.19:19
Ryan_Laneayoung: so, I opened a bug, and added it to the restore message for one of the two changes19:19
sdagueso if you have a sec, it would be appreciated19:19
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philhsmithHello.  I'm trying out quantum-server and quantum-openvswitch-agent from the ubuntu PPA (using a build from last week or so), and seeing lots of gettext "NameError: name '_' is not defined" errors on startup.  Has anyone seen this, and if so, do they know if it's been fixed in the current PPA?  I'm hoping to avoid trying it, having it not work, and then trying to back out to the version I have now.19:34
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nati_uenovishy: How can I add another commit as dependency in the gerrit?19:39
nati_uenovishy: I'm start working on  I wanna use
sdaguenati_ueno: I just did that, so I can help19:42
nati_uenosdague: Thanks!19:42
sdaguefrom your nova repo: git fetch refs/changes/16/10816/9 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD19:43
sdaguethen: git checkout -b SOMEBRANCHNAME19:43
sdaguethen, MOST IMPORTANTLY, when you want to push the review..19:44
sdaguegit review -R19:44
sdaguethe -R is very important, otherwise you'll do what I did, and rebase vishy's patches by accident :)19:44
nati_uenosdague: OK I got it!! Thanks!19:44
nati_uenosalgado: wow... it is dangeraus..19:44
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nati_uenosdague: I updated gerri workflow wiki
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sdaguenati_ueno: cool19:51
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arosenHi, I have two machines running devstack and i'm trying to cluster them. In nova-manage service list both machines are showing up but one of them has it's state set to XXX. If I look at the n-cpu log it says: Connected to AMQP server on and I don't seen any errors. Any ideas where I should look (n-api on the controller doesn't seem to be saying anything about this that I see at first look)20:22
arosenn-sch sees the other machine and doesn't print out any errors either.20:22
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ayoungRyan_Lane, looking now20:31
ayoungdolphm, can you bless
dolphmayoung: i was just trying to figure out how it's already fixed in master .. ?20:34
ayoungdolphm, I think the change just wasnt linked20:34
ayoung1 sec20:34
ayoungdolphm, it might have been a10ec0e037ddcfa6be69426d245d9e8981256ec620:35
ayoungdolphm, I also might have in cluded that in the PKI code,  which greatly rewrote authenticate20:37
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ayoungdolphm, yeah, I worked that fix into bcc0f6d6fc1f674bc4b340d041b28bc1cfddf66a~120:39
dolphmayoung: he also undoes part of his change in the dependent review ... without tests i'm having a hard time following what he's attempting to change20:40
bhuvandhellmann: ping? can you please review my suggestion in 9497?20:41
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ayoungRyan_Lane, ^^20:42
ayoungdolphm, I don't understand your last statement.  What do you mean by dependent review?20:43
dolphmayoung: depends on
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ayoungdolphm, the second review changes the format returned by get metadata into a dict20:45
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ayoungso the logic moves into the called function.  It is not undone...  Ryan_Lane confirm?20:46
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dolphmayoung: well, as a result of the second change, metadata_ref = self.get_metadata(user_id, tenant_id) instead of the roles =; if roles; metadata_ref = roles;20:48
ayoungdolphm, yeah, roles are metadata...I'd like to clean that up in the future...mess we inherited20:49
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dolphmayoung: Ryan_Lane: if both these changes were in one review (and i'm not sure why they're not) it'd be easier to see the intention is20:50
ayoungdolphm, I'll let Ryan_Lane chime in....20:50
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dolphmayoung: aren't there backend tests for ldap? do they not look at roles?20:54
ayoungthere are backend tests that run for all the backedns,  but this is, I think not quite covered by the tests.20:54
Ryan_Lanesorry, was at lunch20:55
Ryan_Lanelet me read backscroll20:55
Ryan_Laneyeah, sorry, they should likely be in one change20:56
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Ryan_Laneand yes, this is likely not covered properly by the tests (otherwise it would have been found before)20:56
Ryan_Lanemaybe the tests in master actually check for this now?20:56
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dolphmRyan_Lane: if there's test coverage for it in folsom, you can backport the test coverage with your fix21:01
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vanchesteraha, it's again keystone talks!21:02
vanchesteri like it21:02
dolphmRyan_Lane: we also need traceability on every change, **especially** to the stable branches21:02
Ryan_Laneseems authenticate is never called in the ldap backend tests21:02
Ryan_Lanein fact, there's almost no ldap backend tests21:03
dolphmRyan_Lane: traceability from the commit to a documented issue tracked in launchpad21:03
Ryan_Laneah, yeah21:03
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Ryan_LaneI put a bug in for ti21:04
dolphmRyan_Lane: i assigned it to you21:04
Ryan_Laneand mentioned it in the restore message21:04
dolphmRyan_Lane: it needs to go in the commit message as well21:04
Ryan_LaneI'm not sure I can take the time to write the tests for this.21:04
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Ryan_Lanedolphm: ok. the changes are merged together and there's a lp bug attached21:11
Ryan_Laneand I abandoned the other change21:12
Ryan_LaneI'm in the middle of upgrading my infrastructure to essex, though (hence the fixes), so I doubt I'll be able to take the take to add the tests in21:13
Ryan_Lane*take the time21:13
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smoservishy, harlowja, mikal
smoserhtats my stick in the ground 30 minutes after i needed to leave21:30
smoserplease taek a look21:30
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harlowjaqq, i remember from the summit that there is/was going to be something like a openstack-foundry for tools/utils related to openstack, was that ever created??21:46
mikalsmoser: ping?21:46
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jaypipesharlowja: stackforge. talk to jeblair about it.21:58
harlowjathats just a github repo place right, not anything more offical like other forges?21:58
clarkbharlowja: stackforge projects get gerrit and jenkins too21:59
notmynameharlowja: nothing official. there is for swift, but not a community site yet that I know of21:59
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harlowjakk, all good to know, thx21:59
clarkbheat is one example21:59
harlowjaright, i was just thinking about some developer like just having a neat tiny little script, where would he place that22:00
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harlowjais that stackforge?22:01
clarkbpotentially. I am not sure what the acceptance criteria are, but if you want hosting and testing that would be one way to get it22:01
harlowjaya, np, thx22:05
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smosermikal, heys. orry . i'm not here.22:16
smoseri'll try to catch you sometime this weekend.22:16
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nati_uen_danwent: is make sence?23:16
danwentnati_uen_: i'm confused why we don't just test for None23:18
danwentrather than if data 1= "" and not data23:18
danwentif data is None23:18
nati_uen_This is reason
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nati_ueno /msg NickServ identify asdfasdf23:19
jeblairnati_ueno: hope that's not an important password.  :)23:20
nati_uenodanwent: Now I got your point23:20
nati_uenoif data is None is enough23:20
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nati_uenodanwent: I fix my patch. Thanks23:21
danwentk, thanks23:21
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jeblairthat's the advantage of a dvorak keyboard -- "aoeuaoeu" is impervious to haxors.23:22
nati_uenojeblair: That's looks more strong password23:23
jeblairhehe :)23:24
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jgriffithvishy: ping23:41
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vishyjgriffith: sup?23:42
jgriffithvishy: On nirmals patch for multiple backends...23:42
jgriffithvishy: The desire was to have more than one backend per volume-node23:42
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vishyjgriffith: but why23:42
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vishyit complicates the code so much23:42
vishywhen you could just run two managers23:43
jgriffithvishy: Understand, but the idea was to be able to add new/different backends without having to reconfigure or add nodes23:43
jgriffithvishy: I see your point as well....23:43
jgriffithvishy: I actually thought this could be done using volume_type23:44
jgriffithvishy: Maybe the idea is over-rated23:45
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vishyjgriffith it seems like it would be trivial to run another manager for the new backend23:49
vishymultiple backends in the manager seems a little crazy to me23:49
jgriffithvishy: Yeah, the only thing is that then you have to setup/add another node just for that back-end, in reality maybe not such a big deal23:50
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jgriffithvishy: anyway... just thought I'd clarify some of the thoughts behind it before nirmal has a chance to respond23:51
jgriffithvishy: He has some specific use cases he needed it for in RD anyway23:52
vishyyeah, i think the use cases can be satisfied by types and multiple drivers personally23:52
vishy* multiple managers23:52
jgriffithvishy: I'm hearin ya23:53
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