Monday, 2012-06-25

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notmynamemtaylor: cool, thanks03:25
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trapniis anyone willing to have a lookc at please? :-)08:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1016848 in ubuntu "KVM instance stops communicating after some time" [Undecided,New]08:01
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ttxtrapni: looking09:04
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ttxtrapni: does it look like:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 997978 in qemu-kvm "KVM images lose connectivity with bridged network" [High,Confirmed]09:07
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ijwAre there any docs or example code that corresponds to the current python-novaclient?  I'm working backward from its CLI at the moment, which is a bit irritating; the api.rst doc seems to be completely wrong.11:40
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zykes-ttx: ping11:55
ijwzykes-: optimist11:57
zykes-ijw: isn't he based on france ?;p11:58
ijwMaybe you should insist he moves there to save confusion?11:59
ttxzykes-: yes?11:59
zykes-ijw: you where saying ?11:59
ijwdammit :p11:59
zykes-ttx: is there any news on hotel pricings for X design summit in the fall ?11:59
ttxzykes-: not yet12:00
zykes-any estimates?12:00
ttxzykes-: no idea. I was surprised they announced the location already :) Nothing was signed one week ago12:01
zykes-which company is it that's located @ SD ?12:02
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ijwMaybe we should go with this theme.  San Antonio, San Salvador...12:12
zykes-Is there a fee to signup ?12:13
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Leander_hello all12:38
Leander_i'm trying to run the tests to see if my code passes all the test12:39
Leander_however i keep running in to this error:12:39
Leander_FAIL: test_authors_up_to_date (nova.tests.test_misc.ProjectTestCase)12:39
Leander_it keeps saying my email is not listed in the authors section12:40
Leander_any way around it?12:40
Leander_i also keep getting this error when i try to run the pep8 test:
johngarbuttlooks like you don't have pep8 install12:42
Leander_but i do12:42
johngarbuttin your virtual env12:42
johngarbutttry running with -N maybe12:42
johngarbuttthat will run outside your virtual env12:42
johngarbutt(or recreate virtual env with -v -f )12:43
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Leander_the virtual env keeps failing at the mysql12:44
Leander_it says i can't find the mysql.config12:44
johngarbuttah OK, is that doing -v -f?12:44
Leander_i usually run it with "-f" only12:45
Leander_i'm currently running with "-v -f"12:45
johngarbuttIt should make no difference I guess12:45
johngarbuttWhat you need is "apt-get install python-mysqldb"12:45
johngarbuttsee this:
johngarbuttI think that changed a few weeks back maybe12:46
Leander_that package is already installed12:46
johngarbutthmm, that fixed it for me12:46
johngarbutthave you got python-dev installed?12:46
johngarbutthmm, sorry, that was all I did to get it going, is this on Ubuntu 11.04?12:47
Leander_i'm using ubuntu 12.0412:47
johngarbuttsorry, my bad I think this is the one:12:47
johngarbutt sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev12:47
johngarbuttor maybe without the -dev, can't 100% remember12:48
Leander_it's with the -dev12:48
johngarbuttcool, did that work?12:49
Leander_the virtual_env is still installing so far12:49
Leander_guess i'll find out soon enough12:49
Leander_that did it =D12:51
johngarbuttcool :-)12:51
Leander_while i'm at it12:51
Leander_my first commit to openstack was rejected12:51
johngarbuttdid they tell you why?12:51
Leander_how to i submit a fix which resolves the problems associated with it?12:52
johngarbuttOh right12:52
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Leander_do i just commit angain=12:52
johngarbuttthere is a wiki for that12:52
johngarbuttone sec12:52
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johngarbuttThe developer sections tells you how to submit it to the code review system12:53
johngarbutthope that helps12:53
johngarbuttno prob12:53
Leander_is this an error: "5 imports missing in this test environment"12:53
Leander_i get this when i -p12:53
johngarbuttErm, think it told me it was 10 last time I did that on trunk12:54
johngarbuttI generally work in a separate branch12:54
johngarbuttso I just skip back to trunk to check that kind of stuff12:54
johngarbuttI guess someone should be fixing that error soon, patches welcome, obviously :-)12:54
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Leander_well i'm running on a separate branch12:54
Leander_for my code12:54
Leander_but i can't run the tests because of that12:55
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johngarbuttsure, I would just swtich back to master/trunk branch and see if you get the same result12:55
johngarbuttoh right, the tests will run if you leave off the "-p" bit12:55
johngarbuttI think the pep8 flag only runs pep812:55
johngarbuttnormally pep8 runs after the unit tests, unless that has changed recently12:56
Leander_still getting the same error12:56
johngarbuttbut you have "--pep8" flag right?12:56
Leander_nope, just "./"12:56
johngarbuttthat must have changes12:56
johngarbuttmaybe try "nosetests" that should get you going12:57
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Leander_i don't get it13:00
Leander_the test run on the main brach13:00
Leander_but don't run on my branch13:00
Leander_johngarbutt: ^13:01
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johngarbutthmm, that's rubbish13:16
johngarbuttwhat you changed?13:16
Ryan_LaneIf I follow these directions ( and scrub the network for my projects, what happens to my current instances?13:16
Ryan_Lanedo they just lose their networking?13:16
Leander_johngarbutt: i've added a new file for the libvirt diagnostics and modified in libvirt13:17
Leander_that's all i did13:17
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johngarbuttLeander_: does running the tests with nosetests work?13:18
Leander_johngarbutt: " nosetests" < like this?13:18
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johngarbuttnope, just "nosetests"13:19
johngarbuttcan you send on paste the error you see with the tests?13:20
Leander_yes, hold on a sec, i'm currently reinstalling the virtualev13:20
Leander_forgot to remove the -f flag -.-13:20
johngarbutt@Ryan_Lane: I thought you could just restart all the nova-network nodes on your compute nodes, leaving the database alone, and things might just work13:21
Ryan_Lanethe floating IPs only seem to exist on a single node13:21
Ryan_Lanethe NAT rules, that is13:21
johngarbuttLeander_: hat it when that happens13:21
Ryan_Lanewhich is problematic13:21
johngarbuttyes that is correct I think13:21
Ryan_Lanehow do you possibly set up routing for them, then?13:21
johngarbuttwhy is it a problem?13:21
johngarbuttoh i see13:22
johngarbuttnot 100% sure...13:22
Ryan_Laneand now NAT rules have moved to a new networking node and I have no clue how to get them back13:23
johngarbuttoh I see13:23
johngarbuttI thought they should re-create if you go back to the old networking mode13:23
johngarbuttbut not read that code, or played with it too cloesly13:23
johngarbuttrecently anyway13:24
Ryan_Laneseems that isn't the case13:24
Ryan_LaneI disabled the new networking node13:24
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johngarbuttyou need to update all the flags, and restart the old one right?13:24
Ryan_Laneoh, I need to turn off multi_host?13:24
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johngarbuttsorry, that should help at least13:24
johngarbuttmulti-host basically makes it only take configuration for VMs on that host13:25
johngarbuttfrom what I remember13:25
Ryan_Lanewell, it's funny, then, that if I do that on each network node, the NAT rules are correct, but I'll still have a SPOF for internal communication13:26
johngarbuttDo you not have floating ips on a separate network for public traffic, and just have your edge router allow those ips out, and let the rest just happne?13:26
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Ryan_LaneI'm not understanding how that would work13:26
Ryan_Lanethe floating IPs are NAT rules13:26
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Ryan_Lanethe routers have to be able to send traffic to the public IPs, which it seems in this networking mode, can only be a single host for each IP13:27
Ryan_Lanethere's got to be some way to route to the NAT forwarder13:27
Ryan_Laneand if the IP can be on random nodes, there's no way for the router to know which node to send the traffic to13:28
johngarbuttWould you not have your instances use the floating ip address as a second IP address, maybe that is what I am getting confused with13:28
Ryan_Lanethat's not how nova works13:28
Ryan_Laneby default nova sets NAT rules for floating IPs13:28
johngarbuttright, hang on, got confused13:28
Ryan_LaneI don't think it even has a possibility of adding floating IPs on a second NIC13:28
johngarbuttI meant on the primary13:29
johngarbuttgive primary nic on instance two ip addresses13:29
Ryan_Lanenova can't do that13:29
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johngarbuttsure, nova isn't doing that I guess13:29
johngarbutthmm, there must be a way of making this work13:29
Ryan_Lanewell, of course there is13:30
Ryan_Lanethe rules are static13:30
Ryan_Lanehave them on all nodes13:30
Ryan_Lanethen have the router set next-hop to all of the nodes13:30
Ryan_Lanebut that assumes all of the nodes have static rules13:30
johngarbuttcan you not use ARP to sort that?13:30
johngarbuttmaybe I am getting the wrong end of the stick here13:31
johngarbuttyou seen this stuff:
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BLZbubbai'm having a weird problem here, launching a vm from a snapshot is like 100x slower than from an image13:35
BLZbubbais something different about the snapshot process that would cause this?13:36
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johngarbuttBLZbubba: image launch might be from a cached image13:41
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Leander_johngarbutt: nosetest runs, but gets stuck here:
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BLZbubbajohngarbutt: so it doesn't cache snapshots when you launch them?  is it possible to turn a snapshot into an image?  it looks like maybe just a glance property change13:45
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Ryan_Laneugh, handling this via arp.13:46
johngarbuttBLZbubba: not sure, it might cache snapshots, but will not be quicker first time, and you might be choosing a different machine, depends on what you are doing I guess13:46
Ryan_LaneI'm going back to single network node until nova/quantum has sane routing13:46
andrewbogottsandywalsh, dhellman, maybe russelb:  Can I get some reviews of 8585 today?  I have lots of code piling up behind that one.13:46
andrewbogottThat patch is GIANT but all the bits are interconnected, so it's not obvious how I would split it up.13:46
sandywalshandrewbogott: on it now13:46
andrewbogottcool, thanks.13:46
johngarbuttRyan_Lane: I think ARP is the way it works... is that a problem, you prefer static routes?13:46
Ryan_LaneI'd prefer that nova announced routes for its instances13:47
andrewbogottsandywalsh:  Logging uses notifications and notications use logging, hence them being lumped together.  I could probably break it into two stages, though, if need be.13:47
Ryan_Laneif it's doing routing, it should act like a router ;)13:47
BLZbubbajohngarbutt: ok thanks, i just wanted to make sure i wasn't missing something obvious13:48
johngarbuttRyan_Lane: right, I guess we could have some kind of router plug-in that could help integrate13:48
Ryan_Lanewell, quantum eventually has plans for it13:48
johngarbuttBLZbubba: not AFAIK anyway!13:48
johngarbuttOK, that makes sense13:48
Leander_johngarbutt: nosetest runs, but gets stuck here:
sandywalshandrewbogott: 8585 has merge conflicts13:49
johngarbuttLeander_: right, you need to put yourself in the authors file, going through that getting started guide should help you13:49
andrewbogottsandywalsh:  ok, I'll rebase and resolve in a minute.13:50
andrewbogottsandywalsh:  Hm, actually, I just fetched and rebased w/out any conflicts.13:51
sandywalshandrewbogott: ok, let me confirm on my side13:51
Leander_johngarbutt: but i already added my name in the wiki and got approved in the cla group13:53
agonellaHas Anyone  a architectural overview of openstack? I was able to find only this one: Are there more?13:54
andrewbogottLeander_:  There's progress towards automatically filling in the authors file, but in the meantime you need to literally add your name as a part of the first patch you submit.13:55
Leander_andrewbogott: which file do i need to modify?13:55
andrewbogottIt's called 'Authors' :)13:56
andrewbogottIn the top dir of Nova.13:56
Leander_ok, thx!13:56
andrewbogottFormat should be obvious based on the existing contents of that file.13:57
ttxannegentle: around ?13:57
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Leander_can anyone explain to me why this fails?14:02
johngarbuttIs that an array of instances that you are accessing using a string?14:07
johngarbuttoh, ignore me14:07
andrewbogottLeander_:  By guess is that you have a single entry in 'instance' and you defined it as 'name' rather than as ['name']14:07
Leander_def get_diagnostics(self, instance):14:08
Leander_        dom = self._lookup_by_name(instance['name'])14:08
Leander_        return diagnostics.get_diagnostics(dom)14:08
Leander_this is code for the method ^14:08
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Leander_andrewbogott: see above14:08
johngarbuttis it passed an instance_ref or an instance_uuid?14:09
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johngarbuttlooks like it is passed the instance name14:09
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johngarbuttat least in your test14:10
andrewbogottThe code is expecting a full-blown object or dict, not just a name.14:10
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Leander_andrewbogott: i've seen the code being used in similar circumstances14:13
Leander_when i ran the code manually everything worked14:13
Leander_i've run the code with devstack14:13
Leander_and everything is working just fine14:13
Leander_i have no idea why the test is failing14:14
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Leander_or should i simply move the line "self._lookup_by_name(instance['name'])" into diagnostics.get_diagnostics ?14:14
johngarbuttthe test is wrong14:14
johngarbuttyou pass in the name, and not the instance_ref14:14
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johngarbuttinto get_diagnostics14:15
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Leander_johngarbutt, wouldn't the code fail then when run?14:16
jaypipesdavidkranz: thx for the recent review of the parallel testing branch. So, over the weekend I was able to track down a few more bugs in the code and now have fixed many of the issues that had cropped up. Strangely, one of the tests (ImagesTest) seems to be unable to clean up the user/tenant it creates in its setUpClass method, and I'm currently looking into why that is.14:16
Leander_i've run it with devstack and it worked just fine14:16
jaypipesdavidkranz: I'll push the code up again once more -- I modified things so that the users and tenants created for the test cases are named the same as the test case classes. This makes diagnosing issues MUCH easier! :)14:17
jaypipesdavidkranz: also added a script that uses the openstack.nose_plugin that jkoelker wrote to get "pretty" results.14:17
johngarbuttgiven your code nova/tests/ should have self.connection.get_diagnostics(instance_ref) not self.connection.get_diagnostics(instance_ref['name'])14:18
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davidkranzjaypipes: Great. I will take a look. Are you planning to submit this version, or still just a draft?14:19
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Leander_johngarbutt: how come this didn't fail to execute with devstack?  :S14:19
davidkranzjaypipes: I am going to try to get vishy to look at today. I think that will really get in our way.14:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1016633 in nova "Bad performance problem with nova.virt.firewall" [Undecided,New]14:20
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jaypipesdavidkranz: it's still a Work in Progress.14:20
davidkranzjaypipes: k14:20
jaypipesdavidkranz: k (on vishy integration :)14:20
jaypipesdavidkranz: also, that soft reboot test consistently takes FOREVER. :( Didn't we have a patchset to change that test?14:21
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davidkranzjaypipes: Yes, but Daryl objected so I removed the commenting out of that case. We could revisit though.14:21
davidkranzjaypipes: I think the spec for softboot is confused, if it exists at all, and it is not clear what we should really be testing.14:23
jaypipesdavidkranz: yeah, I'd be cool with modding that dang test14:23
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davidkranzjaypipes: Which is unfortunate since it is the default for reboot!14:23
jaypipesdavidkranz: I think it would be best to email the main ML on that one...14:23
jaypipesdavidkranz: you emailed the QA list, but I think it would be best to do it to the main list.14:24
davidkranzjaypipes: OK, I'll do that.14:24
jaypipesdavidkranz: I know folks like maoy would chime in on that :)14:24
jaypipesOK, time to feed the Pug. She's begging.14:24
Leander_johngarbutt: how come this didn't fail to execute with devstack?  Is there a possibility that there is a problem with the test?14:28
maoyjay pipes, davidkranz: soft reboot depends on the guest responding to ACPI14:29
maoyjaypipes: ^^14:30
maoyjaypipes, davidkranz: there are also parameters to convert soft reboot to hard reboot if it times out in X seconds. by default it's disabled.14:31
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jaypipesmaoy: yeah, we figured that much out :) It's just that the timeout is painful in Tempest ;)14:33
jaypipesmaoy: we need to add some stuff to tempest to do some inspection of the image used in testing (to see if it supports soft reboots) but the only way to do that is to agree to have glance store some metadata about it..14:34
davidkranzmaoy: Are you sure it is disabled? Because I see soft boot "succeeding" after about 2.5 minutes.14:34
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johngarbutt Leander_: when you ran devstack, are you sure you configured it to use your code?14:35
Leander_johngarbutt: yes, i did14:36
davidkranzmaoy: # libvirt_wait_soft_reboot_seconds=12014:36
davidkranz#### (IntOpt) Number of seconds to wait for instance to shut down after14:36
davidkranz####          soft reboot request is made. We fall back to hard reboot if14:36
davidkranz####          instance does not shutdown within this window.14:36
Leander_i ran nova diagnostics <instance> and my code was returned14:36
maoydavidkranz: reboot_timeout is default to 0. but it could be something else that made it work after 2.5 min. (actually are you sure it's rebooted? sometimes I get success but nothing is rebooted)14:36
davidkranzmaoy: ^^^14:36
Leander_johngarbutt: i ran nova diagnostics <instance> and my code was returned14:37
johngarbutt Leander_: what was your localrc file? did you push your code to your own github account?14:38
trapnittx: many thanks. that pretty much exactly looks like the bug I am having, too. :-(14:38
maoydavidkranz: yeah. that's another parameter, but kinda different. it doesn't try hard reboot after this times out. there seems to be also a bug with that code14:39
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Leander_johngarbutt: the localrc file remaind untouched since the installation. I simply added the code to the nova repository downloaded by devstack and restarted it so that it loaded the newly added code. I have no github account of my own14:39
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davidkranzmaoy, jaypipes : So this is kind of a mess. None of this behavior is documented in the API docs at
davidkranzmaoy: How do you think we should proceed?14:41
maoydavidkranz, jaypipes:  it's actually merged.14:41
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davidkranzmaoy: I will file a doc bug.14:42
maoyfixing the doc seems to be the first step.14:43
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maoyjaypipes: i'm not sure what to do with tempest. perhaps to set libvirt_wait_soft_reboot_seconds more aggressive is an easy fix?14:43
johngarbuttLeander_: devstack may have just pulled new code down if you have the wrong setting. What did you restart? also, did you change any tests?14:44
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Leander_johngarbutt: i did not modify any test, and by restarting i mean reboot the machine and run again14:44
davidkranzmaoy: The problem is that that is a nova flag not controlled by tempest. Also, we really want to test that soft reboot works, not just that it times out to a hard reboot.14:46
Leander_johngarbutt: also i've made at least 3 clean installations of devstack, and the code always workedn14:47
jaypipesmaoy: k, doc fix it is then. thx for your help!14:47
ttxtrapni: ok, so looks like a KVM/Ubuntu bug, will mark as duplicate and let you comment on that other thread14:47
davidkranzI filed a tempest but about this last week
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1014647 in tempest "Soft reboot has multiple issues" [Undecided,New]14:47
trapnittx: yep. many thanks, but....14:49
maoydavidkranz: by default it actually won't trigger a hard reboot14:49
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maoydavidkranz: it just times out..14:49
trapnittx: I am really very disappointed, I mean, kind of helpless, in how to actually fix/work around that. I mean, I've done so many to actually get OpenStack accepted in our company, but are overshadowed by incidents like this. Not that I'm complaining... just feeling helpless :-)14:50
davidkranzmaoy: Oh. So it times out and sets the state back to ACTIVE, but it didn't really reboot?14:50
trapnittx: please tell me if I can provide any debugging infos. I'd like to do as much as I can to get this thing solved faster :-)14:50
maoydavidkranz: i think so. unless you play with the reboot_timeout parameter too. vishy is the best person to confirm.14:50
ttxtrapni: I understand. Myself I'd like to know if it's Ubuntu-specific or an upstream issue14:51
davidkranzmaoy: Thanks for your help. This is even messier than I thought!14:51
trapnittx: although, I'd like to state, that this happens the most on I/O intensive KVM instances. (not saying it is caused by /usr/bin/kvm)14:51
ttxtrapni: always been reported on Precise so far14:51
johngarbuttLeander_:OK, just wanted to make sure you didn't loose your changes in restarting devstack. not sure how it works at run-time then.14:51
trapnittx: I am having a dedicated nova-network node which never caused any issues, IMHO ... FYI14:52
trapnittx: I wanted to state that, since on the nova-network gateway you've quite a few bridges, too.14:53
Leander_johngarbutt: well i'm quite puzzled myself, i've already submitted a mail in the mailing list. Maybe someone there will shed some light on the subject14:53
ttxtrapni: you should comment on that bug that you have the same issue, and maybe offer Serge some help in debugging it14:53
ttxtrapni: Serge Hallyn is <hallyn> on IRC14:53
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danpbif someone in the core team +2's a patch in gerrit and I then  -1 it, will it still get merged given that my -1 is not from a core reviewer ?15:06
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mtaylordanpb: yes15:13
mtaylordanpb: well, it doesn't get merged until there is a +1 Approval vote - but -1 votes do not block thaqt15:13
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danpbmtaylor: ah so a +1 Approval vote is an extra manual approval, separate from  a +2  Code Review vote ?15:21
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* danpb had thought the +1 Approval was something automatically added once there was a +2 worth of Code Review votes from the core review team15:22
sandywalshcan I get one more novaclient review here pulleaze?
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mtaylordanpb: yes15:26
danpbmtaylor: thanks for the explanations15:26
mtaylordanpb: it's a manual step, because those with +2 ability sometimes wanted to be able to vote +2 but still not trigger a merge that instant15:26
mtaylordanpb: sure thing!15:26
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apevecsandywalsh, shouldn't keyring usage be optional ?15:29
sandywalshapevec: it will silently fail if not available (when I remove the print statements) ... suggestions for other places to store token safely?15:30
apevecI mean "import keyring"15:30
mnaserIs there a way right now to get deleted instances from the OpenStack Nova API?15:37
mnaseropts = {'deleted': True} ----------- nova_api.servers.list(search_opts=opts)15:37
mnaserReturns only active ones15:37
maoybcwaldon: this one got dinged by jenkins again.. could you help to re-approve? thanks..
sandywalshapevec: oh, good point15:41
andrewbogottmarkmc, jkoelker:  Could I get some more eyes on 8585 perchance?15:43
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mnaserdprince: have you had time to take a look at this?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1007116 in nova "nova should support showing 'DELETED' servers" [Low,In progress]15:47
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dprincemnaser: not yet. I was looking into it and then got distracted.15:49
mnaserdprince: i can take care of it today as I need that functionality, the other thing is I was wondering if there was a way to show deleted images/etc to follow the same steps in here15:49
mnaserdprince: It'd be nice to be able to pull list of deleted servers as well as deleted time15:50
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dprincemnaser: I think deleted images are already shown. At least that is what I mentioned in the ticket.15:50
ttxvishy: would love to have your input on
mnaserdprince: yes but they don't seem to be shown in nova image-list (or at least a way to pull them out)15:51
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dprincemnaser: feel free to grab the ticket though.15:51
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dprincemnaser: That wasn't my intent here with /servers either. I was only suggesting we show a deleted /server on a GET.15:52
mnaserdprince: ah I see15:52
mnasertrying to figure out the best way to approach this sort of scenario in order to find deleted servers wtih their time, oh well15:52
dprincemnaser: The main point here was consistency I guess. Accross /flavors, /images, and /servers. There really is no contract that deleted servers will stay in the database forever anyway. A provider may delete them.15:52
mnaserdprince: I see, I guess in that way I'll have to listen in on the notification events and track those myself15:53
sandywalshandrewbogott: I'll look at the other one after lunch15:55
andrewbogottsandywalsh:  The other one's merged already; 8585 is all that's left at the moment.15:56
andrewbogottOnce that one's in, though, there'll be the corresponding patch that rips logging and notifications out of nova.15:56
BLZbubbajohngarbutt: it sure looks like it doesn't cache snapshots, i guess i should convert to images for any that I will want to launch regularly15:57
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johngarbuttBLZbubba: didn't know that, interesting...15:59
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jaypipesAnybody seeing this with latest commit?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1017572 in nova "rootwrap iptables-save broken in recent build" [Undecided,New]16:01
jaypipessandywalsh, dprince: if you look at, any ideas? It's currently got me completely bottlenecked, as devstack/tempest won't run anything properly...16:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1017572 in nova "rootwrap iptables-save broken in recent build" [Undecided,New]16:03
mnaserjaypipes: 2012-06-25 11:51:41 DEBUG nova.utils [-] ['sudo', '/usr/local/bin/nova-rootwrap', 'iptables-save', '-t', 'filter'] failed. Retrying. from (pid=22147) execute /opt/stack/nova/nova/ -- can the devstack used sudo?16:04
mnaserjaypipes: oh my bad, it can, incorrect configration file in stacktrace, sorry16:05
jaypipes:) no worries16:05
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jaypipesmnaser: yeah, it looks like nova-rootwrap is expecting the first arg to be a config file now? is that right ttx?16:06
mnaserconfigfile = sys.argv.pop(0)16:06
jaypipeslooks like the rootwrap commit needs to be reverted IMHO... commit 8fe25a36171f13d2c9413b3693e982169bdb32ff16:07
jaypipeshow the hell did that pass gating? :(16:07
mnaserjaypipes: update your nova.conf?16:08
mnaseri'm assuming the new default should be what is listed in there: root_helper=sudo nova-rootwrap /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf16:08
jaypipesmnaser: so perhaps a devstack change is needed...16:08
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mnaserjaypipes: does devstack default to another differnent setting for the wrapper?  not sure16:09
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jaypipesmnaser: not sure it sets anything at all :)16:09
mnaserwhich means nova should be setting the default that new setting if the root wrapper changed16:09
jaypipesmnaser: ah, yes, it does:16:09
zjaypipes: congrats on the move to AT&T16:10
jaypipesadd_nova_opt "root_helper=sudo $NOVA_ROOTWRAP"16:10
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jaypipesz: thx mate16:10
mnaserthere, that's probably why16:10
jaypipesz: where are you now?16:10
zjaypipes: LivingSocial16:10
jaypipesah, nice :)16:10
jaypipescongrats to yoU!16:10
jaypipesmnaser: yep, looks like it...16:10
zjaypipes: thanks :-) its been really good fun so far, now if I could only molest Nova networking into doing what I want :P  (long story)16:11
mnaserwonder why devstack wants to explicitly set it, weird16:11
jaypipesmnaser: thx for your help!16:12
jaypipesz: hehe\16:12
mnaserjaypipes: np i guess :p16:12
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BLZbubbaif a compute node dies, assuming NFS mounted /var/lib/nova/instances, what does it take to bring the vm's up on another node?  i tried doing this recently but there was a lot of libvirt goo that was stored in non-NFS areas16:40
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mtaylorbcwaldon, jk0: quick question re: novaclient versioning16:46
mtaylorjk0: so, to get the post_version patch landed, it means that new versions to pypi will be based on tags (Which will make it easier to release, yay)16:46
mtaylorjk0: the outstanding question is - what should the next version be (I'm voting 2.6.1)16:47
jk0I've no preferences as far as that's concerned16:47
mtaylorjk0: and is there a revision after the folsom-1 tag I can tag in the repo so that we're starting off on the right foot?16:47
mtaylorjk0: like, if I tagged curent tip as 2.6.1?16:47
jk0that would be fine16:48
mtaylorjk0: awesome. thanks!16:48
jk0nothing sticks out at me on the log16:49
mtayloryeah, it all seems fairly normal, and most things seem to be following tip right now anyway16:49
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BLZbubbaok is it just me or is ubuntu server bad with nfs?  in particular, if it can't mount nfs from fstab it just stops processing upstart altogether with no messages16:50
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mtaylorjaypipes, jkoelker: if you get a second16:59
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cloudflyso can we change horizon to display tenant instead of project?16:59
cloudflythis is really kind of annoying17:00
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cloudflyyeah seriously tempted to refactor the entire thing and submit17:07
jaypipescloudfly: lol, I'd love that, but at the last design summit, people wanted to keep project and scrap tenant :(17:07
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ijwIs there any difference between the two or are they synonyms?17:08
jaypipesijw: same.17:09
ijwThought so.17:09
cloudflywell they are idiots17:11
cloudflyusers need their tenant id to auth to keystone17:11
cloudflyso they come into horizon looking for it17:11
cloudflyand can't find it17:11
cloudflyeven though its staring them in the face17:11
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cloudflyit's silly17:12
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cloudflyit's meant to be less confusing but its more confusing17:12
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jsavakheckj are we changing tenant to project in v3? Looked to be still tenant in the api doc17:13
dolphm_cloudfly: it's going to get more confusing with 'domains'17:13
cloudflyi withhold judgement on that until i see the end result.17:14
dolphm_v3 currently has 'domains' and 'tenants', where 'domains' are really 'tenants' and 'tenants' are really 'projects'17:14
cloudflysounds perfectly insidious17:14
heckjjsavak: I haven't done a global search and replace and proposed it yet. I was thinking of keeping domains and projects, not trying to re-use tenants because it's so damned confused.17:14
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cloudflyultimately the problem is keystone auth is like a day 1 or 2 problem for users17:15
dolphm_heckj: domains+projects is a bit better than domains+tenants17:15
cloudflyand they need their tenant info to do it17:15
cloudflyand probably domain in the future17:15
cloudflyand so far all horizon offers as a clue is a downloadable rc file17:15
heckjlooks like a SED hit in the near future17:16
cloudflyi mean i don't mind calling them projects but keystone and horizon have to agree17:16
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cloudflywe can't have projects picking their own names for shared resources.17:16
cloudflyit leaves users utterly bewildered17:17
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Hiteshdanwent: Hi17:21
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heckjdolphm_: could you look at,, and when you have a few today?17:23
dolphm_heckj: absolutely17:24
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heckjdolphm_: thxusir!17:25
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dolphm_heckj: is service name really optional??17:26
heckjdolphm_: huh? (what context?)17:26
heckjprobably not, but I'm not sure what you're focused on17:27
dolphm_heckj: Service model shows name as optional17:30
jaypipescloudfly: I actually prefer Account to Tenant... see my comment on that same bug report...17:30
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jaypipescloudfly: though I would suggest that calling people idiots ain't the best way to get your point across.17:31
heckjdolphm_: in the current code, it looks like it is optional - although we probably want to assert that it isn't. I'll update17:31
cloudflyheh sorry17:31
jaypipesdon't need to say sorry to me..17:31
cloudflyearly monday17:31
jaypipesno worries.17:32
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cloudflyhonestly i don't really care what its called so long as the name is the same across the board17:34
cloudflyas it is it's very confusing17:35
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heckjdolphm_: updated17:37
winston-dsmoser, ping17:44
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vishydavidkranz: did you cut anything out of that log file?17:58
davidkranzvishy: Yes, but I still have the whole file.17:58
bcwaldonmtaylor: sir17:58
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vishydavidkranz: were there any obvious things going slowly in between? As in was it iptables calls?17:59
davidkranzvishy: It was hard to tell because there are so many things in the log happening at once.17:59
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vishydavidkranz: so I'm honestly not all that concerned with not having speedup launching on a single box18:00
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vishydavidkranz: there has been discussion about making everything synchronous on the compute host18:00
vishydavidkranz: but I am curious why it is going so slow, my guess is multiple calls to iptables18:01
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davidkranzvishy: Yeah, you can see that they are not (call/return) pairs.18:01
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davidkranzvishy: So you are saying that it is OK to be very slow to launch servers even on a large-multicore machine?18:02
vishydavidkranz: simultaneously yes18:03
mtaylorbcwaldon: sup?18:03
vishydavidkranz: i do see one potential for speedup18:03
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vishydavidkranz: It would be interesting to see if it helps, I suspect it won't make much difference18:03
bcwaldonmtaylor: wrt novaclient versioning18:03
bcwaldonmtaylor: I'm too lazy to parse through the previous convo you had with jk018:04
davidkranzvishy: If you have a patch I can try it (after the current devstack total network lossage is fixed)18:04
mtaylorbcwaldon: oh, jk0 gave me good feedback18:04
bcwaldonmtaylor: what did you decide18:04
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mtaylorbcwaldon: tag current tip 2.6.118:04
vishydavidkranz: actually i see one very quick change that might speedup slightly18:04
bcwaldonmtaylor: what will next release be?18:04
vishydavidkranz: and I see another change that will be a huge speedup18:04
davidkranzvishy: Cool.18:04
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mtaylorbcwaldon: it'll be whatever you want it to be :)18:04
bcwaldonmtaylor: version 3.018:05
bcwaldonmtaylor: I dont even know18:05
bcwaldonmtaylor: 'current tip' being whatever master is at this moment?18:05
mtaylorbcwaldon: yeah18:05
bcwaldonmtaylor: I'm inclined to say we should start fresh right now with v3.018:05
bcwaldonmtaylor: since we're changing the rules of versioning18:05
mtaylorbcwaldon: really? did we break api compat somewhere? or just clean slate?18:06
bcwaldonmtaylor: but I would be okay with v2.6.118:06
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bcwaldonmtaylor: more of a clean slate thing18:06
mtaylorbcwaldon: makes sense18:06
bcwaldonmtaylor: our versioning made no sense up until this point18:06
bcwaldonmtaylor: it was basicall 'add 1 whenever you want to release'18:06
mtaylorbcwaldon: well... once we land that patch and I get one thing landed on jenkins ... releasing a 3.0 will be a really easy decision :)18:06
bcwaldonwell, 3.0.018:07
mtaylorbcwaldon: after this initial set get up, i'm going to leave tag/version decisions fully in your hands18:07
mtaylorand butt my fat head out of ut18:07
bcwaldonmtaylor: whaaaaa18:07
bcwaldonwell fine18:07
vishydavidkranz: here is the easy version:
* mtaylor wants to enable folks and stuff18:08
vishysee if it helps at all18:08
bcwaldonmtaylor: a fine goal to have18:08
mtaylor(leaves more time for me to drink the beers)18:08
vishydavidkranz: The hard version will take a bit of refactoring and memoization so I will only try it if that one doesn't work.18:08
maoyvishy: appreciate much if you could help approve this:
davidkranzvishy: I will give it a try as soon as I can. Thanks.18:09
vishymaoy: done18:09
maoyvishy: thx.18:10
davidkranzjaypipes: Is there a work around for the currently failing devstack network issue? I get the same error as you and am stuck.18:10
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jaypipesdavidkranz: yep, one sec18:11
vishyVek: ping18:11
vishydavidkranz, jaypipes: link? I will help18:11
jaypipesvishy: it's a devstack typo... not a biggie. going to propose that patch shortly.18:12
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jaypipesdavidkranz: turns out my devstack install was a few commits behind... just need to git checkout master && git pull.18:22
jaypipesvishy: ^^ sorry for the confusion...18:22
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bcwaldoneglynn__: are you stable-maint?18:27
eglynn__bcwaldon: alas, no ... I don't have plus-one-ability on the stable/* branches18:28
bcwaldoneglynn__: well dang18:28
eglynn__bcwaldon: perhaps Chuck Short is your man?18:29
markmcbcwaldon, rule for stable is if someone from stable-maint proposes, just one +2 is needed18:29
* markmc just approved18:29
bcwaldonmarkmc: I learned something new today... :)18:29
markmcbcwaldon, arbitrary rules ftw :)18:30
bcwaldonmarkmc: I've got some of those in Glance, too18:30
markmcbcwaldon, keeps folks on their toes18:30
bcwaldonmarkmc: that's my intention18:30
zykes-3.0 of what ?18:31
sandywalshandrewbogott: heh 8610 was already merged18:31
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cloudflyhrmm does anyone know where a shift from tenant to project inside keystone is documented?18:38
cloudflyis it a bug ?18:38
cloudflynot seeing a blueprint anywhere18:38
dolphm_cloudfly: afaik, it's only been discussed at the last two summits18:38
dolphm_cloudfly: if we're going to make a change, it'd be rolled into
cloudflyokay so a bunch of people are telling me its planned for folsom18:40
cloudflybut i can find no evidence of that18:40
cloudflyi mean that's a pretty big change to blindside people with18:41
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dolphm_cloudfly: if it's being promoted from "under discussion" to "planned", it'll be in the next v3 draft :)18:43
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jaypipescloudfly: FWIW, Glance uses the term tenant everywhere, and not project.18:47
cloudflydolphm_ sounds like a very bad idea18:47
* cloudfly face palms18:47
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dolphm_cloudfly: what's a bad idea? making the change, putting it in the v3 draft..?18:48
cloudflywithout discussing it and getting it approved in advance?  yes.18:48
cloudflyespecially since we're nearly half way to folsom18:49
dolphm_cloudfly: the v3 draft is explicitly intended for community review & feedback18:49
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cloudflyand its not published yet18:49
cloudflyand it's intended as a folsom change18:49
dolphm_cloudfly: it's been posted to the mailing list at least twice (first and second drafts)18:50
cloudflyyeah but the launcpad link from the blueprint is wrong18:50
mtaylorbcwaldon: you always have good feedbacks and stuff - what are your thoughts on this idea: (would use for all projects if we like it)18:50
mtaylorjkoelker: ^^18:50
dolphm_cloudfly: link?18:50
cloudflyand the api specs all show tenant in use for v3 to date18:51
cloudflygoing back to jaypipes point glance refers to tenants as well18:52
cloudflyit's a big change to start removing the term from use18:52
dolphm_cloudfly: looks like something was renamed... i added a link to the latest draft18:52
dolphm_cloudfly: yep18:52
dolphm_cloudfly: getting out from under all the confusing/overloaded legacy terminology in an elegant manner is going to be difficult18:53
jaypipesmtaylor: FWIW, the code looked good but I abstained frmo the review because I'm not a git guru...18:54
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mtaylorjaypipes: then just trust me and +2 anyway! ;)18:54
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cloudflyhonestly it sounds to me like folsom is going to end up worse off than essex with tenants half way removed.18:54
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bcwaldonmtaylor: you've got feedback18:55
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mtaylorbcwaldon: baller. thanks19:01
mtaylorbcwaldon: and because I care, I wrote you this patch:
bcwaldonmtaylor: awww, for me!?19:02
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bcwaldonmtaylor: test-options vs test-optional?19:02
mtaylorbcwaldon: just to stay consistent with the conjugation of the other words19:04
mtaylorbcwaldon: test-requires + tests-optional seemed weird. optional seems like it would match required more19:04
bcwaldonmtaylor: test-requires vs pip-requires doesnt make sense either19:05
bcwaldonmtaylor: but I guess thats another discussion19:05
mtaylorbcwaldon: ++19:05
mtaylorbcwaldon: I fixed the other thing - thanks, that was a holdover from an old iteration19:05
vishymtaylor: any idea why the libvirt skips show up as OK instead of SKIP when they are skipped?19:07
mtaylorvishy: no. we should have fixed the bit where they were erroneously printing FAIL19:07
mtaylorvishy: but that would be unrelated. I'll poked and see what I can find19:07
mtaylorjkoelker: unless you have ideas ^^19:08
vishymtaylor: it is calling 85                 raise nose.SkipTest(self.message)19:08
jkoelkerpython 2.6 or python2.719:08
jkoelkeror on both?19:08
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vishyjkoelker: the libvirt tests have been being skipped by the builders for a while19:09
vishyjkoelker: but they don't show up as SKIP in the log afaik19:09
jkoelkerright, on both python 2.6 and python 2.7?19:10
jkoelkerbbl, have to run to a meeting19:11
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kbringardvishy: I have a quick ? re: multinic on diablo-stable… do you have a few moments?19:15
vishykbringard: yes but I'm not sure if i will be able to help19:15
kbringardno worries if not19:15
kbringardso, using vlan manager… my understanding is that if I create 2 networks with nova-manage and use —project to assign them both to the same tenant, then each VM launched in that tenant network will get a NIC on each network assigned to it19:16
kbringardif so, do you know off the top of your head if it's possible to select which VMs get connections on which networks at instantiation time?19:17
vishykbringard: that is the idea but I'm not sure that it works19:17
kbringardah, OK, good to know. I'll browse the API code and see if that sheds any light19:17
kbringardthanks :-)19:17
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vishykbringard: there is an extension where you can specify a network id on boot but I have no idea if it works in diablo19:17
kbringardah, OK, cool, I'll look around a bit more, thanks for pointing me in the right direction19:19
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zykes-what was the 3.0 stuff?19:25
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davidkranzjaypipes: I am not sure what you meant about your devstack install. I just pulled the latest and still get the "Incorrect configuration" problem :(19:29
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andrewbogottthanks jkoelker.19:30
davidkranzjaypipes: Actually, never mind. I think I know what may have happened.19:31
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ijwkbringard: With Quantum, works - haven't tried it without, don't know which bit of code is responsible for processing those options19:32
kbringardijw: cool, thanks, that's good to know19:32
ijw(Essex and Folsom, I've done it under)19:33
kbringardijw: but multi-nic should work to give every VM a nic in each network assigned to the tenant, in diblo, correct?19:33
ijw(at least, that's what my dirty mind told me)19:33
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ijwYes, that's what happens by default, though again I've only tried it with Quantum.  Quantum's supposed to respect nova-network behaviour though so I assume that it's default behaviour it's emulating19:34
ijwPretty straightforward to test if you have an env where you can create the second network.19:34
kbringardijw: totally, that's about all diablo is good for these days ;-)19:35
kbringardyea, I'm going to test it and implement it, but wanted to ask if someone knew what the expected behavior is19:36
kbringardcheers, I appreciate the input19:36
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* andrewbogott desperately craves one more openstack-common reviewer for
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ttxjaypipes: yes20:28
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ttxjaypipes: you might need to update your root_helper20:29
ttxjaypipes: oh, I see it's solved now, good.20:30
* ttx expects a bit of transition trouble until the distros catch up anyway20:32
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ttxannegentle: ping20:37
ttxannegentle: started working on documentation around rootwrap. Pinged you earlier to see where I should put the WIP... settled on
annegentlettx: ah, thanks for re-pinging, had not seen this. Reading now.20:39
ttxannegentle: will let you know when I'm done with it, but wanted to know if the format was useful at all20:39
ttxor if I should just do it another way20:40
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annegentlettx: I think the would take the "Architecture" and "Rootwrap for users" sections, those are extremely useful, thanks. All of it can live on the wiki too since there are multiple audiences.20:41
maoyvishy: if you got some cycles.. could you kick jenkins to rerun this:
vishydavidkranz: so no luck on the little change :(20:41
annegentlettx: it's definitely one of those concepts that affects many20:41
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ttxannegentle: exactly, that's why I wrote the "audience-oriented" sections20:42
annegentlettx: is root_helper in essex?20:42
ttxannegentle: yes20:42
davidkranzvishy: No, the instances never get out of BUILD20:42
vishydavidkranz: any error? I was hoping we didn't have to do an external lock on those but apparently we do.20:42
annegentlettx: ok, found it. I'll add to the docs, in the config chapter for Compute I believe.20:42
ttxannegentle: but used to be just root_helper=sudo nova-rootwrap20:42
ttxannegentle: this covers the stuff that just went in20:43
davidkranzvishy: I didn't see any error.20:43
annegentlettx: yeah essex docs has sudo nova-rootwrap20:43
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vishydavidkranz: the other fix I was thinking was to actually check to make sure something has changed before doing an iptables.apply()20:43
ttxannegentle: I'll let you know when I'm done with the docs and you can take them. Probably tomorrow or wednesday.20:43
vishydavidkranz: which might help significantly20:43
annegentlettx: perfect, I'll log a "doc bug as task" today20:43
davidkranzvishy: I think that would make a lot of sense in this case. The slow call would not happen, like batching.20:43
ttxjust wanted to check if I was not completely off-track with the format.20:44
vishydavidkranz: let me try a quick version to see if it helps20:45
davidkranzvishy: k20:45
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annegentlettx: in Essex, did the rootwrap.conf file exist at all? Is there a sample file available? (I can't click any of the files under "Reference")20:46
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andrewbogottdhellmann, If you're a core committer for common (I think you are), could you grant 8585 a checkmark?20:48
* andrewbogott fears he is turning into a nag20:49
mtaylordhellmann: if you're doing common reviews... review me too...20:49
mtaylorandrewbogott: I think it's part of the game :)20:49
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dhellmannandrewbogott and mtaylor, I'll do common reviews shortly. I want to get these ceilometer jobs running cleanly first20:55
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vishydavidkranz: I think the provider rules might be a red herring21:03
vishydavidkranz: it is probably just blocking because there are a whole bunch of iptables rules that get remade every single time.21:03
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vishydavidkranz: can you see if this (untested) patch makes a difference though?
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andrewbogottmtaylor:  I guess it won't do any good to nag Jenkins21:04
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davidkranzvishy: OK, I'll do it now.21:04
mtaylorandrewbogott: not as much as you might hope :)21:05
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andrewbogottWhat does it mean that Jenkins isn't automatically assigned patches in openstack-common?  Does it not know how to run tests there?21:08
davidkranzvishy: I am not a git expert and get an error doing 'git apply your-patch-file'. How do I apply this patch?21:10
vishydavidkranz: applying to current nova master?21:11
vishydavidkranz: don't apply it on top of my other patch...21:11
davidkranzvishy: Yes, I get 'fatal: corrupt patch at line 79'. I already reverted the other patch.21:12
davidkranzLine 79 is the end of the file.21:12
vishydavidkranz: might have pastied it wrong21:12
vishylet me try again21:12
davidkranzvishy: I got it. git didn't like that there was no newline at the end of the file.21:13
vishydavidkranz: try here:
vishyoh cool then21:13
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davidkranzvishy: So this seems to have some effect. It is now taking about 40s to do 4. I think it was more than a minute before.21:27
davidkranzvishy: I have to run now but will revert and make sure of that tomorrow. Thanks.21:27
vishydavidkranz: ok cool21:28
vishydavidkranz: let me know and I will clean it up and propose it if it helps.21:28
davidkranzvishy: Will do.21:28
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sdaguevishy: can you re-approve - That area is changing fast enough that it got hit by a new test added that used the old namespace21:58
sdagueI just rebased, should be good now21:58
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clarkbjkoelker: ping22:02
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clarkbjkoelker: passes pep8 when I run tox. Where/when is it failing?22:02
jkoelkerah, it failed locally for me, I probably just need to regen my tox env22:03
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jkoelkerclarkb: I'm regenerating it now, if it passed I'll push it through22:04
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clarkbjkoelker: in the results you pasted there are two spaces after return. In the copy of that I have there is only one22:05
jkoelkeri may have had a back checkout22:05
sdaguevishy: that's fixed in patch3 that's up there22:05
sdaguedid you happen to grab the old patch?22:06
clarkbjkoelker: also once the tox.ini stuff is pushed can land22:06
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vishysdague: ah gotcha22:06
vishysdague: missed that was from patch set 222:07
sdaguevishy: :)22:07
jkoelkerclarkb: pushed through, gitweb was showing what you have as well22:07
jkoelkermy repo is probably just jacked22:07
sdagueyeh, the libvirt driver is active enough this patch has to land fast after a rebase, otherwise it inevitably conflicts22:08
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clarkbjkoelker: great. Thank you22:09
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vishycomstud: ping22:59
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bcwaldoncomstud: ping22:59
bcwaldonvishy: ping22:59
vishycomstud: so there are a couple of extensions which also slow things down. I was going to try and add another one but I didn't want to add more calls22:59
vishybcwaldon: plop22:59
comstudvishy: I have a patch for that too22:59
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comstudvishy: :)22:59
comstudvishy: But i'm not sure you'll like it.. for trunk23:00
vishycomstud: I think we need to refactor the extension stuff…ooh really?23:00
vishycomstud: for the output extensions?23:00
comstudthe extra DB calls they do23:00
comstudi hide the results from the core API..23:00
comstudin 'req'23:00
comstudand re-use them in the extensions23:00
comstudI'll throw it up if you want to look it over23:00
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vishycomstud: me waits to see how they work. I would like to turn the createserverext extension that adds security groups to the output to work that way23:01
comstudI'm not sure about the approach23:01
comstudthe extensions really should be refactored differently23:01
comstudto support this23:01
comstudbut it was a quick hack..23:01
comstudi'm working on getting some of our very recent local patches into trunk23:01
comstudthat improve perf.23:01
vishycomstud: well, I think it makes sense to put the data from the request somewhere that the output extensions can access it23:01
vishycomstud: it is silly to re-request status and secgroup etc.23:02
comstudthis cuts 'nova list' time down a lot23:02
comstudon lots of instances23:02
comstudwith the extensions loaded23:02
comstudwe need further audit on the joins we're doing, also23:02
vishycomstud: perhaps we should just cache the results in the db layer?23:02
comstudbased on what I found with sec groups23:02
vishycomstud: agreed :)23:03
comstudi'm in the middle of something else here i'm finishing up..23:04
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comstudthen I'll throw up that patch23:05
comstudat least for you to see23:05
vishycomstud: cool, no worries23:05
comstudi'm rebasing my cells branch23:05
comstudbased on that email23:05
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comstudvishy: curious your feedback on that23:28
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vishycomstud: I can't really think of a better approach in the short term23:31
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vishycomstud: Vek might have some ideas though23:31
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comstudvishy: Nod23:31
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comstudI haven't shown this to him yet23:32
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comstudor, explicitly pointed him to it anyway23:32
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comstudthis feels hacky... but works.23:32
vishycomstud: I would really like to get rid of createserverext which currently really just seems to be there to add security groups to the response23:32
comstudbeen running for a couple weeks :)23:32
vishycomstud: so this would give me a way to do it. Maybe ping Vek and see if he has any ideas23:33
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vishycomstud: I'd really like to get it fixed soon.23:33
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comstuddoing so now23:34
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bcwaldonmtaylor: I have a bone to pick with you23:36
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comstudvishy: He just disappeared.. might have left for home23:37
comstudvishy: Anyway.. he should see I pointed him at it23:37
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vishycomstud: doh. I noticed he doesn't respond on irc much, so email/gerrit is probably the best bet.23:38
comstudi'm at castle23:38
comstudjust saw him23:38
comstudhe pays more attention to our internal server23:38
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comstudwe have another pep8 failure in trunk23:39
comstudnova/tests/ NOVA N306: imports not in alphabetical order (nova.virt.xenapi.volume_utils, nova.tests.api.openstack.fakes)23:39
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comstudvishy: I guess he saw it23:41
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vishycomstud: yeah gate doesn't use hacking.py23:42
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comstudahh ok23:43
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comstudgotta run for now23:51
* comstud &23:51
mtaylorbcwaldon: what do I this time?23:54
bcwaldonmtaylor: I want a better way to respond to comments on a review23:54
bcwaldonmtaylor: not everything is a 'Review'!23:54
bcwaldonmtaylor: replying inline is a PITA23:55
mtaylorbcwaldon: yeah. I agree with you23:55
bcwaldonmtaylor: fix it!23:55
bcwaldonmtaylor: fix it fix it23:55
mtaylorbcwaldon: we have a bug open about even23:55
bcwaldonmtaylor: whoa!23:55
mtaylorbcwaldon: so it has not escaped notice!23:55
bcwaldonmtaylor: well thats good to hear23:55
bcwaldonmtaylor: any progress on fixing?23:55
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