Tuesday, 2012-03-27

rmkpackage is novnc, you wont use nova-vncproxy anymore.  package contains nova-novncproxy which works with diablo.00:00
ChelseaHalright, thanks! I'll wait for it to show up. I should install it on both servers, correct?00:02
adam_ganyone know what the story is with the rc of python-novaclient? milestone-proposed branch appears to be getting the same commits as master, though folsom opened on that branch on Mar 2100:10
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ChelseaHrmk: I just installed the package. Can you tell me how I can tell your vnc is running ratherr than the one I had before?00:14
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vishyameade: just posted proof of the exploit00:22
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rmkChelseaH: service stop nova-vncproxy ; service start novnc00:23
vishyameade: I think if we force the module to be nova.exception and don't deserialize anything else we are probably safe00:25
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ChelseaHrmk: Okay, I've progressed. It now says connect timeout00:37
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winston-djaypipes, still around?00:52
jaypipeswinston-d: I am :)00:53
jaypipeswinston-d: good morning.00:53
winston-djaypipes, good evening to you. :)00:56
winston-djaypipes, I have some questions/explanation for your comment. :)00:57
jaypipeswinston-d: indeed :)00:57
jaypipeswinston-d: please go ahead.00:58
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winston-djaypipes, let's look at wsgi.py first.  for comment #3, the reason i change the name of logger from 'evenlet.wsgi.server' to 'nova.XX' is because i found 'evenlet.wsgi.server' logger doesn't have a valid log handler, not even its parent.  but i have to admit i only test logging to stdout.01:00
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jaypipeswinston-d: hmm..01:03
jaypipeswinston-d: well, in glance (and Swift too I believe), we are handling the logging by going to the eventlet.wsgi.server logger... but there may be something that Nova is doing differently in logging that is causing that. It's not a huge issue.01:03
jaypipeswinston-d: I won't hold up the review for that little thing.01:04
jaypipeswinston-d: well, technically, I won't hold up the review for anything since I'm not nova core ;)01:04
winston-djaypipes, thx.  technically, your review has helped me a lot.01:05
winston-djaypipes, and for wsgi.py comment #5, i did tested launching server with 'evenlet.wsgi.server()' instead of put server into a evenlet thread, but weird thing happened when 'ctrl+c' is pressed.01:06
winston-djaypipes, but maybe i should fix somewhere else instead of put server into evenlet thread.  that is the right thing to do regarding to utilizing evenlet pool?01:07
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jaypipeswinston-d: what specifically happened with the keyboard interrupt?01:08
winston-djaypipes, wait_on_children() kept detecting dead child, and try to start new child but new child failed to start since socket is already closed, it went into an endless loop.  I didn't have time to figure why this was happening.  wait_on_children should have been interrupt by 'ctrl+c', but it was not when using eventlet.wsgi.server directly...01:11
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jaypipeswinston-d: hmm...01:12
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jaypipeswinston-d: I might have to pull your code and try it out myself to investigate...01:13
jaypipeswinston-d: unfortunately, I'm about to step away for the day. OK if I pick it up in the morning?01:13
jaypipeswinston-d: in the meantime, please feel free to make comments (including what you found above) on the review. Others (like comstud) should be able to advise as well.01:14
winston-djaypipes, sure.  i'd appreciate that. thank you!01:14
jaypipeswinston-d: np, thank YOU :)01:14
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winston-djaypipes, i mentioned that in replies to your comment of v1 patch set.  i'll reply again and see if i can add more details.01:15
ChelseaHrvm: I'm afraid I can't figure it out, but thank you for all your help! I have to go for the day.01:16
winston-djaypipes, also 'harlowja' commented on patch set 1, talking about using apache + modwsgi to achieve multiprocess support.  is this already available to Nova and projects like glance/swift?01:18
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winston-djaypipes, and his comment doesn't appear in any actual patch, how can i respond to that?01:20
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jaypipeswinston-d: you can respond to him just by clicking the Review button and then entering a comment.01:48
jaypipeswinston-d: and his idea has some merit, but it's not going to get anywhere until the conference/summit I'm afraid.01:48
jaypipeswinston-d: simply because there is already prior art in Glance and Swift for the multiplexed servers..01:49
winston-djaypipes, ok, great to know.  if his proposal is accept, I'd like to help with implementation too.01:57
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winston-djaypipes, btw, do you know about KVS token backend used in keystone?  It seems to me is just a super simple key-value in-memory story for token.  Is it just a simple implementation mainly used in dev/debug?  Does anyone use that in production?  I'm asking because I'm also working on multiprocess keystone patches.  Current KVS token backend is a blocker since it is not shared between processes. :(02:01
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dolphmwinston-d: your assumptions are correct - that's where the memcache token backend steps in03:02
dolphmwinston-d: or sql, if you prefer03:03
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winston-ddolphm, still around?03:05
dolphmwinston-d: yep03:06
winston-ddolphm, about KVS token backend, so... it is not supposed to be used in production?03:07
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dolphmwinston-d: i imagine you could, but certainly not if you need to share data between instances03:10
dolphmwinston-d: your assumption that it was intended for dev is very true -- each driver has a kvs implementation for that reason03:11
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winston-ddolphm, so the reason I ask is because I'm developing patches for Keystone to enable multiprocess support.  KVS token backend blocks me.  SQL backend works fine with my patch btw.03:16
winston-ddolphm, so i'm wondering if it's OK to submit my patch for review given that it doesn't work with KVS. :(03:17
dolphmwinston-d: it's certainly okay to submit it for review :) it'll force us to discuss the issue03:20
dolphmwinston-d: i could see the kvs backends being deprecated/removed during folsom03:20
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dolphmwinston-d: if it's a matter of passing tests -- can you not work around that by inheriting from tests and skipping whatever needs to be skipped?03:21
bcwaldonit would be a massivt PITA to make kvs work across multiple processes03:22
bcwaldonI'd be in favor of skipping relevant tests for now and communicating that fact03:22
winston-ddolphm, i didn't know that I can simply skip tests. :) i'll do that then submit patches for review.03:23
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winston-dbcwaldon, yup, i spent some time try to get KVS with across multiple processes, but it's more difficult than i expected.03:24
bcwaldonyep, I would expect as much :)03:24
winston-dbcwaldon, dolphm thank you for your feedback on KVS.03:25
winston-dbtw, should i register a blueprint for keystone multiprocess support too before I submit patches for review?  i did do so for my patches against Nova though.03:26
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bcwaldonwinston-d: yes03:37
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winston-dbcwaldon, OK, then I'll first register a blueprint then submit the patch03:50
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rmkOn the essex/horizon services tab, I'm seeing "identity (unknown backend)"05:49
rmkDoesn't seem to have any impact..05:49
ogelbukhthis tab sometimes lies for no obvious reason05:56
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rmkcurrent rc1 glance not supporting keystone auth?07:05
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berendtrmk: keystone with glance rc1 should work. why do you think it's not working?07:23
rmkSeeing this in my glance-api log -- INFO [keystone.middleware.auth_token] Invalid user token - rejecting request07:25
ogelbukhyour token has expired?07:26
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berendtrmk: can you please post your glance-api-paste.ini, glance-registry-paste.ini and the glance call you're doing to paste paste.openstack.org07:29
berendtand take a look into the logfile of keystone07:30
rmkI'm doing a nova image-list07:34
berendtif you suggest a problem with glance <--> keystone i think it's a good idea to directly use glance.. glance index or something like that07:35
rmkGood point, happens directly with glance index also07:42
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berendthow to setup the database for the linuxbridge plugin for quantum?09:24
berendti can't find a hint in the docs09:24
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berendtstarting the linuxbridge agent with sqlite as backend is also not working (no such table: vlan_bindings)09:34
chmoueljaypipes: ping09:50
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paulormgwhere do I find the log for my swift object server in SAIO VM? (/var/log/swift does not exist)11:21
paulormgconf file: log_facility = LOG_LOCAL211:21
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hasharhello :)13:42
hasharwhen submitting a change to git-review which is license under Apache 2 licensed, should I add my name somewhere ?13:43
hasharforget me13:44
hasharI am already in AUTHORS huhu13:44
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ttxpixelbeat: would you consider submitting your Fedora workaround to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/953000 ?14:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 953000 in nova "Novaclient trying to create /var/www/.novaclient" [Medium,Triaged]14:20
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pixelbeatttx, Thanks it's wandering through as we speak14:20
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pixelbeatttx, sorry I thought you were referring to the CVE which became public today. Anyway the bug you referenced above is already pending as an update to fedora 17. Thanks for the heads up.14:25
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halfss>>> from novaclient.v1_1 import client14:36
halfss>>> nt=client.Client('test','test','test','')14:36
halfss>>> nt.flavors.list()14:36
halfss  File "/opt/stack/python-novaclient/novaclient/service_catalog.py", line 67, in url_for14:36
halfss    raise novaclient.exceptions.EndpointNotFound()14:36
halfssis there anybody can help me?14:36
jaypipesmarkmc: thx for giving some TLC to migrations.14:37
jaypipeshalfss: if you curl your Keystone endpoint with appropriate headers (X-Auth-User: test, X-Auth-Key: test), what is the result?14:38
halfssjay pipes it's well14:39
halfsscurl -s -d "{\"auth\":{\"passwordCredentials\": {\"username\": \"test\", \"password\": \"test\"}, \"tenantName\": \"test\"}}" -H "Content-type: application/json"
halfss{"access": {"token": {"expires": "2012-03-28T14:39:57Z", "id": "78b7718a8b564cc4bfeefdbfea358116", "tenant": {"enabled": true, "id": "f4b7ad3136124541ad6a0f16b372869b", "name": "test", "description": "test"}}14:40
halfssthis is part of result14:40
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halfssjay pipes hi  have you tried use nova client?14:41
halfss# keystone tenant-list14:44
halfss|                id                |        name        | enabled |14:44
halfss| 14c41bc6392843f89d2ba29ee70be23e | 测试                 | True    |14:44
halfss| 26a7fee21a874e7a8abf5a612df7f4e5 | admin              | True    |14:44
halfss| ce79432bd02c4777b8f2e4e27c0c9d97 | invisible_to_admin | True    |14:44
halfss| db52c507fe614adba965119a134818ec | service            | True    |14:44
halfss| de0ff7a09d7245a8a0d7a8a92e3d7f74 | demo               | True    |14:45
halfss| f4b7ad3136124541ad6a0f16b372869b | test               | True    |14:45
halfssroot@develop:~# python14:45
halfssPython 2.7.3rc1 (default, Mar 10 2012, 08:44:28)14:45
halfss[GCC 4.6.3] on linux214:45
halfssType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.14:45
halfss>>> from novaclient.v1_1 import client14:45
halfss>>> nt = client.Client('test','test','f4b7ad3136124541ad6a0f16b372869b','http://localhost:5000/v2.0/')14:45
halfss>>> nt.flavors.list()14:45
halfssthe result is still wrong14:45
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jaypipeshalfss: sorry, looking now.14:56
jaypipeshalfss: what does keystone service-list and keystone endpoint-list return?14:58
halfss# keystone service-list14:58
halfss| id | name | type | description |14:58
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jaypipeshalfss: hmm, we need to see what the service user's call to validate the token returns. Please pastebin the result of this: curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-User: nova" -H "X-Auth-Key: <SERVICE_PASSWORD>" -H "Content-type: application/json"
jaypipeshalfss: but replace SERVICE_PASSWORD with your nova service user's password.15:03
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halfssi do not use user "nova", here i use user "test"15:07
halfssjaypipes could you see?15:07
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jaypipeshalfss: that's all looking good to me...15:11
jaypipeshalfss: hmm, onto next idea :)15:11
halfssjaypipes  ok ,the  use in dashboard is work well. but when i use nova client, return :novaclient.exceptions.EndpointNotFound15:13
jaypipeshalfss: there is a debug option for the novaclient. Could you try setting that? just do this when opening your python client:15:13
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jaypipesNOVACLIENT_DEBUG=1 python15:13
jaypipeshalfss: that should output lots of debug info when you do the flavor.list() call..15:14
halfss:)  let me see15:14
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halfssjaypipes:like this:  >>> from novaclient.v1_1 import client15:17
halfss>>> NOVACLIENT_DEBUG=115:17
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halfssi got, that show be set in os env15:17
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halfssjay pipes the return is stilll same:nt.flavors.list()15:19
halfssCould not find any suitable endpoint. Correct region?15:19
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halfssis there is same thing wrong about endpoint,the endpoint should be set in db?15:20
halfssbut the novaclint in horizon is work well15:21
jaypipeshalfss: wait a sec, looking up something.15:23
jaypipeshalfss: no, the region isn't required since you only have a single compute endpoint.15:23
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halfss:oh, let me see horizon/api/nova.py, i am going to sleeping now15:24
jaypipeshalfss: I'm a bit stumped, frankly... everything actually looks good about your setup!15:24
jaypipeshalfss: ok, also try not going into the python interpreter. what about using novaclient on command line?15:25
jaypipeshalfss: and set NOVACLIENT_DEBUG env variable.15:25
halfss:)  export NOVACLIENT_DEBUG=115:26
halfssi set it15:26
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halfssjaypipes see you later15:30
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bcwaldoneglynn__: ping15:36
eglynn__bcwaldon: hey15:36
bcwaldoneglynn__: did you look in to how 'owner' is treated on an image update?15:37
eglynn__bcwaldon: hmmm, good point, test only exercises the create path15:37
eglynn__bcwaldon: I'll have a look to ensure consistency ...15:38
bcwaldoneglynn__: yep, just approved your branch15:38
bcwaldoneglynn__: if a fix is necessary, can you take care of it?15:38
eglynn__bcwaldon: cool, thanks ... if any changes required on the update side, I'll propose another15:38
bcwaldonthanks a bunch!15:39
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dnearyHi - anyone here on the program committee call?16:04
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dnearyAnd can tell me how to join?16:04
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kbringardhey guys, I have a question surrounding a potential issue with security groups16:13
kbringardbasically… if someone from one tenant creates an invalid security group (for instance -P icmp -p 1-65535)16:13
kbringardthen launches a VM in that group16:13
kbringardthe iptables-restore command takes a dump on the compute node the VM got assigned to16:14
kbringardthen, any other VMs (regardless of tenant)16:14
kbringardwill fail to start as well16:14
kbringardbecause it keeps trying to apply the one bad rule from the one tenant16:14
russellbyeah, that's a bug ...16:14
russellbsecurity issue, really16:14
kbringardright, that's kind of where I was going16:15
russellbso, ideally we wouldn't be discussing said security issue in public, but oh well :)16:15
kbringardwell, I don't know that I'd call it security16:15
kbringardthe VMs never launch16:15
kbringardand since the iptables are all deny by default16:15
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russellbwell, denial of service i mean16:16
russellbso yeah, can you file a security bug against nova in launchpad?16:16
kbringardressir, sorry to talk about it in public ;-)16:16
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annegentlekbringard: here's the HowTo for security issues: http://openstack.org/projects/openstack-security/16:22
kbringardthanks, annegentle16:22
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dprincejeblair/mtaylor: around? Trying to get this in: https://review.openstack.org/#change,586516:31
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jeblairdprince: i'll look into it (give me a few minutes)16:34
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dprincejeblair: great. thanks.16:34
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mtaylorjaypipes: ping17:05
jaypipesmtaylor: pong17:05
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jeblairdprince: https://review.openstack.org/586817:12
jeblairdprince: I believe that should fix the issue, and get keystone stable/diablo going again17:12
jeblairmtaylor: ^17:12
dprincejeblair: Thanks. I can't send stable/diablo branches... but that looks good to me.17:13
ayoungtermie, I take it the lack of heckj means that the Keystone meeting isn't happening?17:13
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mtaylorjeblair: looking17:19
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jeblairpvo: https://jenkins.openstack.org/job/devstack-launch-vms/13314/console17:25
jeblairit looks like the rackspace legacy service has been unable to launch vms for quite a while17:26
jeblairat least 5 hours...17:26
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jeblairpvo: more like around 12 hours17:30
dprincejeblair: I'm able to create Cloud Servers just fine... Perhaps you are hitting a different API endpoint that is down or something?17:31
dprincejeblair: I have seen that ajax error before though... It is usually intermittent.17:32
dprincejeblair: Are you perhaps hitting a limit? Is there room to create more servers in the CS account?17:32
jeblairdprince: hrm.  it seems to have been fairly consistent for the past 12 hours...17:32
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/glance failed: Ensure functional db connection in configure_db()  https://review.openstack.org/576017:32
jeblairdprince: i'm trying to check, but the web interface isn't working very well either.17:32
pvojeblair: let me find some admins17:34
jeblairdprince, pvo: the reap job has been having the same problem: https://jenkins.openstack.org/job/devstack-reap-vms/2881/console17:34
jeblairso i can't delete them either.17:35
kbringardrussellb: bug opened17:36
pvojeblair: can you list with those credentials?17:36
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dprincejeblair: Yeah. I would try listing and or cleaning things up with those credentials from another machine (your workstation or something).17:39
jeblairpvo: trying17:40
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jeblairpvo: i tried from a different machine: listing images works, listing servers produces the same 50017:41
pvook, standby17:42
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hub_caphey all, any reason we cannot set the hostname of a vm via the openstack api? in reddwarf we are using the hostname (just like the existing services) to attach to a unique queue, and we want to extend that into the guest manager we are writing. But the hostname is not settable via python-novaclient17:53
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termieayoung: i dunno, i'm not exactly sure where he is17:55
termiei'm beginning to think i am going to have to review dolph's stack of patches :p17:55
ayoungtermie, heh17:56
termiein other news, i forgot that tuesdays suck17:56
hub_capoh i think im dumb, looks like yall take the display name and use as hostname (after sanitizing) :D17:57
annegentlettx: can I ask how to change a Brainstorm session to a Presentation? It's this one:http://summit.openstack.org/sessions/view/1817:58
justinsb_dprince: ping!18:00
dprincejustinsb_: hi18:00
justinsb_dprince: I'm looking at bug #96533318:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 965333 in nova "nova-network spends too much time in VlanManager._disassociate_stale_fixed_ips" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96533318:00
justinsb_dprince: And it touches the same code as bug #953708 which you fixed18:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 953708 in nova "nova w/ FlatDHCP isn't fully deallocating fixed_ips" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95370818:01
justinsb_dprince: I'm not sure whether the second bug reported has your fix or not, I'm guessing he does though18:01
justinsb_dprince: It looks like he's getting duplicated FixedIp.id values (lots of them)18:01
dprincejustinsb_: looking...18:02
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justinsb_dprince: I don't see how that could be happening though.  Thx for looking!18:02
justinsb_dprince: Oh - never mind!  He doesn't have your fix18:02
justinsb_dprince: I see the extra brackets now!18:03
justinsb_dprince: But does returning duplicate values in the old code make any sense to you either?18:04
dprincejustinsb_: we probably don't need to return dup values if we are still18:05
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justinsb_dprince: I don't understand why it would be returning duplicate values though, when we're selecting from a single table?18:06
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hub_capdoes anyone know offhand if u can set the hostname of a vm via libvirt?18:07
justinsb_dprince: Is that because the filters get constructed as a join, and then SQLAlchemy doesn't filter them out?18:07
dprincejustinsb_: I think that may be what I fixed.18:07
justinsb_dprince: That would be great!18:08
justinsb_dprince: Do you think I should put in some defensive code to check for duplicates and warn if they're found?18:08
justinsb_dprince: Or just mark as a dup?18:08
dprincejustinsb_: The old code was passing an array of tuples to Sqlalchemy... which could well... generate a bunch of dup values in the query.18:09
justinsb_dprince: I'm still not 100% happy about how those dups got there though18:10
justinsb_dprince: But I guess it could well be SQLAlchemy constructing a join and then not de-duping18:10
dprincejustinsb_: Yes.18:10
dprincejustinsb_: Being defensive won't hurt either. But I think that second ticket should be fixed now.18:10
russellblooks like jenkins is still unhappy with keystone stable/diablo ... https://review.openstack.org/#change,586818:11
kbringardthanks for the comments, russellb18:11
russellbkbringard: np18:11
kbringardin that ticket18:11
justinsb_dprince: Cool, I'll mark the bug as a potential duplicate, and think about whether I want to add extra code to check that it is fixed at runtime.  Thx!18:11
dprincejustinsb_: Sounds good.18:12
russellbjeblair: mtaylor: still having trouble with keystone stable/diablo merges: https://review.openstack.org/#change,586818:13
mtaylorrussellb: yes. the patch to fix stable/diablo got approved, but I believe we're still having problems allocating devstack test nodes at the moment18:14
jeblairrussellb: rackspace admins are working on it18:14
russellbok great, thanks guys!18:14
mtaylorjaypipes: could you come over to #openstack-infra for a sec?18:18
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jaypipesmtaylor: I'm there...18:33
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DavieyTraceback (most recent call last):18:43
Daviey  File "/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/gate-integration-tests-devstack-vm/workspace/devstack-gate/devstack-vm-fetch.py", line 27, in <module>18:43
Daviey    raise Exception("No ready nodes")18:43
DavieyException: No ready nodes18:43
Davieymtaylor ^^ ?18:43
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mtaylorDaviey: yes. it's being worked on18:44
Davieyah, i see russellb already pinged :)18:44
mtaylorDaviey: our cloud provider is having issues spinning up nodes for us currently, but they have been notified18:44
Davieymtaylor: You do use multi-cloud-provider for resilience, right? :)18:45
mtaylorDaviey: we're working on that, actually18:45
ttxannegentle: you should be able to edit it. Go to Documentation track review and click on title18:45
mtaylorDaviey: one would hope it would be straightforward. one would be MASSIVELY wrong18:45
Davieymtaylor: well i have a cloud under my test if it's of use. :D18:45
ttxannegentle: or go directly to http://summit.openstack.org/sessions/edit/1818:46
mtaylorDaviey: thanks! I am sure you'll love it when I connect the openstack jenkins devstack pipeline to it :)18:46
rmkSeems like a lot of bugs are being caught during this RC phase18:49
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/horizon failed: Add link to instance for its id in floating ip list  https://review.openstack.org/579818:55
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/glance failed: Ensure functional db connection in configure_db()  https://review.openstack.org/576019:10
annegentlettx: thank you for the tip (and URL)19:11
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gabrielhurleyAre the devstack integration test builders just dead currently? I've gotten 4 "no nodes ready" failures in a row, yet Jenkins shows all the nodes idle.19:16
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jaypipesfattarsi: around?19:19
gabrielhurleyanybody? no ideas on why all the nodes Jenkins uses for the integration tests are Offline and killing every review that gets approved in gerrit?19:23
russellbyep, it's dead right now, being worked on19:24
gabrielhurleyokay. as long as somebody's aware of it19:24
kbringardttx: sounds good to me, thanks for the info (re 966414)19:28
russellbkbringard: thanks for logging it so we could track it down for sure19:28
kbringardnp, I'll mark it dupe and close it19:29
* ttx sets it to Public19:29
kbringardI searched the bugs first but didn't see that one19:30
kbringardI'm glad ttx is a better looker than me19:30
ttxkbringard: I actually git blamed the port validation code to find it19:31
kbringardok, updated all the statuses, it should be public, fix released and marked dupe of 86997919:31
kbringardah, OK19:31
russellbttx: but there was a much more recent essex commit related to it19:31
russellbhopefully there wasn't an edge case that could still trigger it19:32
russellblooks like specifying 0 was allowed when it shouldn't be19:32
russellbkbringard: if you felt so inclined to try to verify that it's fixed, that'd be great19:33
kbringardyea, the thing that triggered it for us was someone setup ICMP like TCP and allowed port ranges −165535 and not codes19:33
ttxrussellb: yes, without the recent folsom fix you may be able to play games19:33
kbringarderr 1-6553519:33
russellbah, folsom fix, yes19:33
kbringardrussellb: sure, I need to get the latest diablo-stable pulled down19:33
ttxI need to approve it in essex Rc19:33
ttxkbringard: in particular, the 2011.3.1 fix only tests (from_port < -1 or to_port > 255)):19:35
ttxhmm, actually it also tests from_port > to_port:19:35
ttxso it should be alright.19:35
kbringardyea, the logic seems sound… I'll give the code a once over to verify then work on getting it stood up to test irl19:36
ttxkbringard: please include the folsom fix in your verification if you can19:37
ttxkbringard: proposed for RC at: https://review.openstack.org/#change,577619:37
ttxI'd welcome a third opinion on that one19:38
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kbringardsure thing19:38
ttxpausing for a bit19:39
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/horizon failed: fix label name for add rule in security group to be consistent  https://review.openstack.org/567019:42
bcwaldonmtaylor: around?19:45
annegentlettx: I know it's super late for you, but could you talk about how you would fill in the "Known Issues and Limitations" section of the Release Notes for Essex? Teach me to fish if you like.19:48
mtaylorbcwaldon: ola19:48
bcwaldonmtaylor: interesting bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/96157419:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 961574 in glance "pip glance==2011.3.1 missing dependencies" [High,Confirmed]19:48
bcwaldonmtaylor: setup.py has no installation requirements19:49
bcwaldonmtaylor: but pypi package page claims deps19:49
mtaylorbcwaldon: hrm19:49
kbringardttx: made some comments and submitted a review19:49
mtaylorbcwaldon: the real fix for that is your python-glanceclient package ... but let me look in to this further19:50
mtaylorbcwaldon: you in the office?19:50
bcwaldonmtaylor: yes19:50
mtaylorcool. on my way over19:50
adam_gexcuse my ignorance here, but what is the process for getting something fixed in a milestone-proposed branch?  backport and propose patch myself, or harass a PTL or project core dev to initiate it?19:52
bcwaldonadam_g: either way works19:53
bcwaldonadam_g: what do you want backported?19:54
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adam_gbcwaldon: ATM a couple of quickies, https://review.openstack.org/#change,5608 and https://review.openstack.org/#change,5760 .19:56
bcwaldonadam_g: ok, I'll take care of them for you19:56
bcwaldonadam_g: I'm going to wait till the glance fix makes it in to master first19:57
adam_gbcwaldon: ah, yah. thank you sir.19:57
bcwaldonadam_g: no problem19:57
bcwaldonadam_g: we might be blocked from getting anything in right now, we can't seem to build the env for devstack to run19:58
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dwalleckjaypipes: ping?20:11
zulvishy: can you have a look at: https://review.openstack.org/#change,580920:15
bcwaldonadam_g: https://review.openstack.org/#change,587520:15
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jaypipesdwalleck: pong20:24
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hub_capanyone know why libvirt+qemu doesnt set the hostname to whats defined in the instances table?20:29
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dolphmno ready nodes ^20:45
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LinuxJedijeblair: devstack node starvations something we know about?20:47
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/keystone failed: Improve service CRUD test coverage  https://review.openstack.org/583220:49
dolphmLinuxJedi: yeah :/20:49
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rmkConfused about nova-vncproxy.20:55
mikalIf I ask nicely will someone review https://review.openstack.org/#change,5828 for me? Its a relatively trivial nova change.20:55
rmkthe package installs nova-xvpvncproxy -- is this to be used with kvm?20:56
mikalAlso, does Andrew Shafer hang out on IRC at all?20:56
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bcwaldonmikal: yes, I think he's littleidea20:57
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bcwaldonmikal: offline, atm20:58
mikalHe made a comment on a review that I have trouble interpretting20:58
bcwaldonmikal: can you point me at it?20:58
mikalI blame my cool Australian accent20:58
bcwaldonmikal: that has to be it :)20:58
bcwaldonmikal: looking20:59
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chmouelheckj, dolphm: mnewby addressed bug 963546 in review 566121:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 963546 in keystone "swift_auth validates the tenant:user acl incorrectly" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96354621:25
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dolphmchmouel: thanks21:26
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heckjchmouel: thank you!21:27
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rmkAny thoughts on what would cause get-vnc-console requests to just hang?21:30
bcwaldonrmk: are the appropriate services running?21:30
rmkI see the vnc console request come into nova-compute but it hangs also21:31
bcwaldonrmk: nova-xvpvncproxy running?21:33
rmkIt isn't -- this is kvm though.21:33
rmkI'm using novnc, with nova-novncproxy21:34
rmksigh -- was missing nova-consoleauth21:36
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ttxvishy: can't find the SQL reconnection issue in RC2 or essex-rc-potential... used to be tere though21:46
vishywhat happened to it!?21:47
rmkCan nova-consoleauth be run active/active the same way as the scheduler?21:47
rmkI would imagine it's just listening to rabbit queues21:47
vishyttx: bug is here, will target21:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 959426 in glance "nova + glance services die if started before db is reachable" [High,In progress]21:48
jeblairthe devstack gate test is running again thanks to troytoman, pvo, westmaas, and others.  I've retriggered the runs that failed, so things should start merging soon.21:48
vishyttx: you targetted it for glance and removed essex-rc-potential21:48
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pvojeblair: rock on21:49
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ttxyes, I try to avoid duplicating in both lists. Maybe next time we'll have to make project-specific tags21:51
ttxoh, done already?21:51
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/glance failed: Ensure functional db connection in configure_db()  https://review.openstack.org/576021:53
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ttxadam_g: are you working on the nova side of bug 959426 as well ?22:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 959426 in glance "nova + glance services die if started before db is reachable" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95942622:00
ttxor should we look for another victim^Wrockstar ?22:00
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/keystone failed: Improve service CRUD test coverage  https://review.openstack.org/583222:01
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heckjtermie: you around?22:19
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termieheckj: i'm asquare22:19
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heckjexcellent. I've stubbed in a variety of talks for design summit - one that I wanted to wrangle you into was giving a little overview of the internal structure of the keystone codebase and walking through the test structure and what we've (you've) done to set up functional/integration testing with all the builds (and how to add on to that).22:21
bcwaldontermie: let's keep the jokes to a minimum, please22:21
heckjYou game to babble about that for ~30-45 min?22:21
termiebut i may be wearing a silly costume22:21
heckjI'm stumbling on a response to that22:22
heckjso many different things going through my head right now22:22
bcwaldoneglynn__: we need to take care of this guy -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/95552722:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 955527 in glance "copy_from test case logic is invalid" [High,Fix committed]22:22
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heckjbcwaldon: Sounds like youre suggesting we take the bug writer out back behind the woodshed...22:25
bcwaldonheckj: maybe we shouldn't be so harsh22:25
heckjI totally heard it with the italian mobster accent and everything. Ain't IRC great!22:26
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vishyjustinsb_: found the issue with that query, posted a fix23:00
termieheckj: so do we want to accept all these 404 patches?23:01
justinsb_vishy: Reading it now23:01
heckjtermie: I'd like to23:01
termieheckj: i guess i am okay with it just to shut people up, but it does still seem like a waste23:01
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justinsb_vishy: Going to comment on the merge prop.  I'm not sure I understand the issue well enough.23:07
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vishyjustinsb_: http://paste.openstack.org/show/12200/23:10
vishyjustinsb_: notice that there is no on clause in the join23:10
vishyjustinsb_: hello cartesian product23:10
justinsb_vishy: Just saw your comment on my other proposed fix.  So the problem is because we dropped the FKs23:11
justinsb_vishy: Sorry, that was a "?"23:11
vishyjustinsb_: here is the new query:23:11
vishySELECT fixed_ips.id AS fixed_ips_id23:11
vishyFROM fixed_ips JOIN networks ON networks.id = fixed_ips.network_id JOIN instances ON instances.id = fixed_ips.instance_id23:11
vishyWHERE fixed_ips.deleted = ? AND fixed_ips.allocated = ? AND fixed_ips.updated_at < ? AND (instances.host = ? AND networks.multi_host = ? OR networks.host = ?)23:11
vishyno cartesian product, yay!23:12
justinsb_vishy: Why did we drop the FKs?  I'm guessing we didn't want them in the DB?  But this then broke SQLAlchemy queries?23:12
adam_gttx: yes, i plan on porting the db retry logic to nova, re: bug 95942623:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 959426 in glance "nova + glance services die if started before db is reachable" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95942623:12
justinsb_vishy: There's no way to tell SQLAlchemy of a relationship without building a FK in the DB?23:13
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vishyjustinsb_: sure there is, with a join23:13
vishyjustinsb_: :)23:13
adam_gall FKs were dropped? is that a new thing?23:14
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/keystone failed: endpoint-crud 404 (bug 963056)  https://review.openstack.org/578723:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 963056 in keystone "Object references not validated (returning 500 instead of 404)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96305623:15
justinsb_vishy: I think we could probably have just dropped the ForeignKeyConstraint from the DB without removing the ForeignKey from the model23:19
justinsb_vishy: But oh well.  Do you think this same bug could be present in other places as well?23:20
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vishyjustinsb_: perhaps that might have been nicer, relationship without foriegn keys23:20
vishyjustinsb_: there was one other place where it wasn't fixed23:21
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justinsb_vishy: You've already scanned through the code?  Saves me doing it then!23:22
vishyjustinsb_: yeah i just checked for any more i don't see them23:23
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vishyjustinsb_: bug 959378 was another one23:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 959378 in nova "Dhcp db interaction is horribly inefficient" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95937823:24
vishyjustinsb_: that was fallout from removing the foreign keys23:25
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vishyjustinsb_: i think there was another that i fixed as well at some point23:25
justinsb_vishy: Hopefully that's all of them then.  Was an interesting data point though - probably the worst SQL query we can imagine...23:27
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/keystone failed: ec2-credential-crud 404 (bug 963056)  https://review.openstack.org/578923:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 963056 in keystone "Object references not validated (returning 500 instead of 404)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96305623:28
justinsb_vishy: ... and the bug reporter's MySQL didn't break a sweat.  Python was pegged for 2 minutes though.23:28
vishyjustinsb_: yes lets do a cartesian product on ips * instances * networks!23:28
vishyjustinsb_: hence the multimillion rows23:28
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justinsb_vishy: I just thought he had a much bigger cloud than I did :-)23:28
vishyjustinsb_: it looks like internally sql attempts to remove duplicates in the _in query, but it was getting overloaded passing the query in23:29
vishyalthough I'm not totally sure that is the case23:30
justinsb_vishy: That SQLAlchemy code is too Pythonic for me to follow23:31
justinsb_vishy: Anyway, it's a much more sensible patch.  It's a +1 from me!23:31
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bodepdin keystone what designates if a role is an admin role?23:56
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dolphmbodepd: see etc/policy.json23:58
dolphmbodepd: which is enforced by keystone.backends.rules.Policy by default23:58

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