Saturday, 2012-03-10

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jeblairrestarting jenkins in order to remove a plugin00:22
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jeblairjkoelker: i just made a change that should fix the gate tests for 5173.  i've retriggered the jobs again00:27
jeblairjkoelker: and it merged.00:28
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jeblairchmouel: 945231 is assigned to you in openstack-ci; does that mean you're going to make the change to the devstack-gate scripts, or would you like me to?00:36
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jkoelkerjeblair: thanks01:02
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andrewbogottIf I do 'nova list' my instance has the id '91ec5786-ee3d-45d8-83b3-63dfc31d8c97'.  And yet, in sqlalchemy/, almost every 'instance_id' column is of type 'integer'.  How many different kind of instance ids are there?03:22
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anotherjesseandrewbogott: three :(  id, uuid, ec2 id (which I think is computed … )03:24
anotherjessesome resources have a name as well03:24
andrewbogottAnd, apparently the uuid is called 'id' in the commandline and gui interface :(03:24
paulstallworthsubmit it03:25
andrewbogottI will, once I'm sure I understand...03:26
anotherjesseandrewbogott: not necessarily an issue - if we don't expose the "id" integer value anywhere… not sure03:26
andrewbogottAlthough... maybe the integer id is a totally internal convention that users don't know about.03:26
andrewbogottyeah, what you said.03:26
anotherjesseI think it is a deprecated field03:26
andrewbogott'id' is deprecated?03:26
anotherjessebut wasn't paying complete attention when it happened03:26
anotherjesseandrewbogott: iirc uuid is the preferred identifier - but vishy, berhens or bcwaldon would know better03:27
andrewbogottuuid should be preferred, but atm every single db call takes the int id and not a uuid.03:27
anotherjesseuuid's are so much easier to read03:28
andrewbogottBut, yeah, the UI seems to use uuid consistently, which is good.03:28
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vishythe id is legacy03:28
anotherjessevishy: should we kill in folsom week 1?03:28
vishywe are trying to convert everything over to uuid but id is still used internally03:28
vishyin a few places03:28
vishymost notably to generate ec2 ids03:29
vishyanotherjesse: it is still the primary key of the instances table i think as well03:29
anotherjessevishy: k - added to our backlog to look at "when we have time"03:30
vishyanotherjesse: we need to make sure we finish up:
anotherjessevishy: referring to post essex03:31
vishyanotherjesse: getting close :)03:31
vishyanotherjesse: right :)03:31
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andrewbogottAh... everything works much better now that I know the difference!03:50
anotherjesseandrewbogott: any chance you can blog your journey and share it with docs team to update docs?03:51
andrewbogottid vs. uuid you mean?03:51
anotherjessethat, keystone, ...03:52
annegentleandrewbogott: anotherjesse: would love it. and there's also adam young's LDAP journey blog
andrewbogottI will think about it.  Most of these issues are things that are changing so fast that the docs will be wrong before they're written.03:53
annegentleandrewbogott: *sob* you just described my existence03:53
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andrewbogottannegentle:  <emoticon expressing sympathy>03:53
annegentleandrewbogott: hee03:54
andrewbogottWhen I was in charge of docs I tended to wait until the night before shipping to shoot all the screenshots so I wouldn't have to do them twice.  I think my work was not generally considered high-quality :(03:55
annegentleandrewbogott: heh. well at least you didn't have to do that in 22 languages or something03:57
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anotherjesseI'm about to add "import iso8601" to keystone's auth_token middleware04:02
anotherjesseit is a third party library, but the spec says the timestamp coming is an iso9601 format … so to parse something more complicated than python provides04:02
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annegentleanotherjesse: take a  quick look see at
annegentleanotherjesse: moving to /www pointing to trunk and diablo going secondary04:20
anotherjesseannegentle: not core, but I did +104:24
anotherjessewould be nice if we had versions more prominent04:25
anotherjessebut that is a different bug04:25
bcwaldonannegentle: protip: make the top line of your commit message 50 chars or less, then leave a blank line immediately after it before writing the rest of your summary04:25
anotherjessebcwaldon: ++ * 10004:26
bcwaldonannegentle: Gerrit likes that a lot better :)04:26
anotherjessebcwaldon: actually all of git04:26
bcwaldonanotherjesse: yes, that, too04:26
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annegentlebcwaldon: ohhh04:30
annegentlehow do I get vi to tell me how many chars in a line?04:32
anotherjessevim should let you know04:32
Lumiereif you have syntax highlighting on04:33
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Lumiereit should change colors after 50 characters04:33
Lumierethe second line should be highlighted (red)04:33
bcwaldonannegentle: are any of your git commands colored?04:43
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annegentlebcwaldon: so I've tried to install the git autocomplete to no avail04:48
bcwaldonannegentle: you running on os x?04:48
annegentlebcwaldon: ayup04:48
bcwaldonwhat if you run 'git config color.ui true'04:49
bcwaldonwhat does a commit message look like after that?04:49
anotherjessejeblair:     raise Exception("No ready nodes")04:52
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annegentlebcwaldon: pout, no change04:56
bcwaldonwell dang04:56
annegentleweird. git config --get color.ui says "true"04:57
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bcwaldonwhat about just 'color'?04:57
bcwaldonor 'color.interactive'04:58
bcwaldonlooking at this, btw:
galthausHi.  I have gerrit flow question.  I put in a fix for a bug (really small and minimal, but learning process).  I noticed that another pending fix includes my fix as well.   Do we do anything about that?  Just let one atrophy away?04:58
bcwaldongalthaus: is it obvious which one will be accepted?04:59
bcwaldongalthaus: sometimes we end up taking one over the other for a certain reason, then we abandon the other04:59
galthausone is a complete subset of the other (assuming the super set eventually passes jenkins verification).04:59
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bcwaldongalthaus: then I would suggest the review which is a subset be abandoned05:00
galthausbcwaldon: does that happen automagically over time?05:01
bcwaldongalthaus: is this review owned by you?05:01
bcwaldongalthaus: there is an 'Abandon' button in Gerrit that you can use05:01
bcwaldongalthaus: if a review sits without any activity for two weeks (or one week with negative response), it will be abandoned automatically05:02
galthausbcwaldon: okay.  Thanks.05:03
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redbowho can I talk to about gerrit problems?
hub_capvishy: anotherjesse thx for the reviews guys.05:07
anotherjesseredbo: heh05:08
bcwaldonredbo: I just saw a review land, might be clearing up now05:09
bcwaldonredbo: but you can talk to jeblair or mtaylor when they're online05:09
anotherjessehub_cap: one does not simply send a pull request05:09
hub_capyes u must be one with the gerrit05:12
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chmoueljeblair: please feel free to do so that would probably be quicker06:28
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andrewbogottdragondm:  Have a moment for a notification question?15:40
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andrewbogottdragondm: Well, in case your proxy gets this question and you wants to answer my proxy... I'm wondering if there's existing code to help my nova extension subscribe to certain notifications.  I know how to do it from scratch, but I believe that that requires me to know which notification system is active, which seems wrong.15:50
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jeblairwoo-hoo!  Screen logs are now available for devstack gate tests:
jeblairchmouel, anotherjesse_zz: ^ thanks!17:32
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chmoueljeblair: nice!17:44
chmouelvishy: ping?17:45
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chmouelvishy: I am getting swift3 acting as nova-objectstore in devstack as,4696 but euca-register fail and I am getting this out of nova-api: I am guessing this phase2 we were talking about some time ago?17:48
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vishychmouel: you ned to add two configs to nova18:02
vishyi guess you will need to create them earlier somewhere and add them with add_nova_opt18:03
chmouelok, that wasn't done before with nova-objectstore?18:05
chmouelonly with n-obj18:05
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vishynova objectstore doesn't check signature18:06
vishyit is open18:07
vishychmouel: ^^18:07
chmouelvishy: ok, will grep fro there18:09
vishyyou could probably do it manually at first to make sure it works18:09
chmouelyup was doing that but this is the time where the kid just want me to google spiderman 4 (????) so it's probably going to be for later18:11
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vishychmouel: cool, can't wait to see it in action.18:35
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annegentlevishy: or mtaylor or other admins, can you approve Sagar Nikam on
annegentleplease? :)21:35
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vishyannegentle: done22:08
annegentlevishy: ty22:08
mikalIs there anyone around who wants to take a look at,5075 ? Its a fix for a nova rc1 bug.22:40
mikalI need one more core reviewer...22:41
chmouelvishy: so about that nova-objectstore I can do whatever I want with a user with reseller cap but I need to know to which tenant/account I need to go to look at from for the image22:44
chmouelvishy: which I am not sure how we can get that22:45
vishychmouel: well it is in the request context22:46
vishychmouel: how to get it to swift though...22:46
vishyso buckets are only unique per account?22:46
chmouelwhat i have to do if I have a ec2 token in req22:47
vishychmouel: i guess you could hack it into the access token22:47
chmouelvishy: then I will have to go back to keystone for the real account uid22:47
vishythat is annoying though22:47
vishyi mean22:47
vishypass in access token to s3 server as access_token:tenant22:48
vishyi'm trying to think if there is another way to do it22:48
vishybecause it just passes bucket right?22:48
chmouelcurrently yes22:48
chmouelwe could do if we just pass access_token22:48
vishyi wonder if we could do "tenant/bucket"22:49
chmoueland have revalidate to keystone for the real account_id22:49
vishyas the bucket22:49
chmouelyeah i was thinking about that that could work22:49
chmoueleven tho feels hacky22:49
vishybut i guess then the s3 has to be smart enough to cut off tenant22:49
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redbomtaylor,jeblair: can someone look at my gerrit account?  It seems to be confused as to which lp groups I'm a member of.22:56
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mtaylorredbo: I'm not really here today - perhaps jeblair or LinuxJedi might get a sec23:03
mtaylorredbo: did you ever merge accounts on launchpad?23:03
redboI don't know23:07
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redbomtaylor: email search says merged two accounts nearly 2 years ago23:10
redbo                           ^I23:10
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vishychmouel: we need to do something :(23:46
vishychmouel: i wonder if there is a way we can pass extra metadata in to s3 somehow23:47
vishychmouel: looks like you have to set s3_host and s3_port as well23:48
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vishychmouel: ok the only thing i can think of is a flag to prefix the bucket with the tenant id23:52
vishyand then for reseller admins, it will convert the first xxxx/ to bucket23:52
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vishychmouel: actually this will be way easier in the access key23:55
vishychmouel: actually i think access-key affix is fine but i don't know how to make it work with real s323:55
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