Wednesday, 2012-03-07

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vishykbringard: you need to restart all services00:12
vishykbringard: everything uses the db00:12
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hub_caphey how does nova handle query params in the wsgi layer? Im trying to add it to keystone (it currently ignores queryparams)00:36
hub_capand i dont want to make it ugly :D00:36
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cloudflyheckj any luck?00:39
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heckjcloudfly: yeah, much farther - I'm stumbling over my own mysql password. Just reset and rant - looks like it's all up00:41
heckjcloudfly - what issue were you seeing?00:41
heckjJust logged into dash - no problem, but I don't recall what issue you had.00:42
heckjcreiht: thanks - must have been that older cloudfiles, I'm totally fine now00:42
hub_capheckj: In regard to the query strings in keystone, should i blindly add _all_ the query params to the list of kwargs that get passed in to a method? as in, if you do a GET on a resource, for instance foo/?p1=blah, you would have to provide kwarg p1 to the method00:43
cloudflyi drop into a stack trace when executing develop for horizon00:43
cloudflydid it manually same deal00:43
heckjcloudfly: I'm not seeing that issue at all00:43
heckjcloudfly: totally clean ubuntu base image? (mine wasn't!)00:44
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cloudflyfairly clean 11.1000:44
heckjhub_cap: honestly not sureā€¦ sec00:44
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hub_capcloudfly: if youre talking about devstack, i was getting that too, and i had to git pull devstack again to get it clean,it was looking for in /opt/stack/horizon/horizon00:44
heckjhub_cap - what's happening in nova re: this? any idea?00:44
hub_capya it passes in the req object00:44
hub_capand they just inspect it00:44
cloudflyhub_cap yeah that's the bug i think dean merged00:44
heckjcloudfly: I've been also "sudo rm -rf /opt" before re-running to make sure the code is all clean00:45
hub_capah well thank you cloudfly !00:45
cloudflywell i'll try clearing it all again00:47
cloudflytried 3 times now00:47
hub_capheckj: i dont mean for you to have to answer it now, think about it. the belongs_to stuff will be waiting for an answer. I talked ot dolphm about it and he said just remove 'fresh' from the params since its a bug w/ keystoneclient. i did that, and then a test failed, which is just a generic wsgi test, but it seems odd that we would rely on _all_ query params as being kwargs :D00:47
heckjhub_cap: reading glance/common/ in glance to see what happens there (I'm not awesome as WSGI)00:47
hub_capok thats fine, im not either heckj :D00:48
hub_capill peep glanc as well00:48
heckj(just seemed easier to tear apart than Nova to me)00:48
hub_capoh def00:48
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hub_capwell nova punts on it w/ method(req)00:48
hub_capand so does glance :D00:49
hub_capsee the request obj being passed00:50
heckjhub_cap - yeah, looks like they just grabbed context out of the request and passed that into the relevant method there00:50
hub_capthat how nova does it too, ks is diff in that it wants kwargs, which i like honestly00:51
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hub_capi mean, ive got all but 1 silly example wsgi test fixed by updating all the params w/ the query string and removing fresh as per the bug dolph has assigned to him00:53
heckjhub_cap: sounds like most of a solution then00:53
hub_capits better than whats thre now ;)00:54
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hub_capi can also pass them as query_params kwarg00:54
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hub_capheckj: as in
zaitcevSomeone castrated keystone-manage? It does not have "endpointTemplates list" anymore?01:00
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hub_capheckj: shoot me a line ( when u make a decision, ill code up what u think is best01:03
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* cloudfly gives it one more shot01:06
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cloudflyhorizon is still crashing01:17
cloudflytime to set up a vm i guess01:17
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cloudflylooks like it could be cloudfiles oddly enough01:21
cloudflythat is snagging me01:21
cloudflyfrom cloudfiles import errors as swiftclient  <--- is the exception thrower01:22
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cloudflyi may have found the bugger01:49
cloudflyold cloudfiles data in /usr/local01:49
cloudflythat was it01:52
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letterjLinuxJedi: You around?03:17
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notmynamedweimer: I'm getting ready to submit my versioning patch for review. to make sure everything is sane, I'll be rebasing my branch and using `git push -f` to overwrite what's in my personal repo. if you're following that at all, you'll have to repull03:46
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notmynamedweimer: also, I'll have to squash all the commits for gerrit. IOW, completely ignore all my code that you've seen so far :-)03:48
dweimernotmyname: Thanks for the heads up. I'm working on a trunk tree at the moment. Seeing if it makes sense to handle posts separately for large file manifests in the proxy server.03:57
notmynamedweimer: I've been working on this for so long, and I'm sure I'll get brutalized in review. I'm nervous about actually submitting it :-)03:58
notmynameI keep thinking I must be forgetting something03:58
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dweimernotmyname: Nice. I'll test it out some more on an all in one server here.04:03
dweimernotmyname: The way to completely delete a file would be delete the older versions first then delete the main file and just deleting the main file would roll-back to the pervious version right?04:05
notmynamedweimer: deleting the main file deletes the current version (like popping the stack)04:06
notmynameit rolls everything back so you can keep sending deletes to the version manifest object04:06
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hub_capive done some work to python-novaclient to support proxy token/tenant (after fixing keystone to support it)04:32
hub_capwhere should i put the tests tho in novaclient?04:32
hub_cap^ ^ work i did to make it a-ok04:32
uvirtbothub_cap: Error: "^" is not a valid command.04:32
hub_capd**m you uvirtbot04:33
hub_capat least someone is talking to me this late :D04:33
hub_capeven tho its a robot04:33
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anotherjessettx: thoughts on - I can have someone on the team look at it tomorrow05:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 851159 in nova "ec2 metadata service is very slow" [High,Incomplete]05:13
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ttxanotherjesse: we need to refresh the definition of "slow" on this bug. If it's completely unacceptably-slow and the fix is not too regression-prone, we could definitely have a try.08:14
ttxnotmyname: ack, will cut milestone-proposed this morning08:16
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zulDaviey: what if there was something like export NO_GIT=1 ./ -N for keystone tests12:31
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Davieyzul: heckj has something up his sleeve.. Personally, i feel a raw -N should not grab external deps.  If -N isn't used, then injecting stuff into the virtualenv is free-forall IMO.12:33
zulDaviey: okies12:34
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maploincan the horizon test suite be run against a deployed server? (instead of the one running from virtualenv) If so how?16:07
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GheRivero_are the sample flags in nova.conf.sample the defaults is none is set?16:16
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blamarbcwaldon_away: when you're back, added test to validate id is uuid-like to,4834, logic was already in registry16:54
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kbringardanyone know off the top of their head what would be creating this query?17:25
kbringardit's running constantly17:26
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heckjkbringard: not sure, but it's clearly something that SQLAlchemy is creating. If it's running constantly, I'd expect its some sort of repeated service check. What's running in your openstack world right now? The whole kit, or just some parts?17:33
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kbringardwhole kit minus keystone and horizon17:33
kbringardit looks like it's the compute nodes doing that check, though17:34
kbringarderr, query17:34
kbringardthis is diablo vanilla, too, so it could just be the ephed up db con pooling stuff17:34
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heckjmy suspicion was a repeating status check from horizon, but if it's not running, that's right out.17:38
kbringardyea, it's definitely coming from compute17:38
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jeblairpvo: we're getting a bunch of "NucleusClientException: 500 Error"s when launching devstack nodes;
pvojeblair: standby17:44
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sleepsonzzzkbrigand, is there a corresponding update?  I believe services generally report their state to the db every so often.  That update call is likely preceded by a service_get.17:45
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sleepsonzzzkbringard ^ looks like the default is to report state every 10 seconds, and that does involve service_get17:48
kbringardsleepsonzzz: ah, that would probably be it17:48
kbringardI have 72 compute nodes, so it would make sense that it's scrolling17:48
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kbringardQuery_time: 0.000534  Lock_time: 0.000158 Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 5317:49
kbringardit's not like it's a huge query17:49
kbringardjust a crapton of them17:49
kbringardservices check in via the db, correct? not via the queue?17:50
kbringardso, if a service is marked as :-) I can assume the node is able to talk to the DB?17:51
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pvojeblair: I was able to build an 11.10 image that pinged. are you able to kick that job back off?17:54
jeblairpvo: yeah, still fails:
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sleepsonzzzkbringard - that's right, they talk directly to db when they update17:56
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kbringardsleepsonzzz: sweet, cool, 's what I thought17:57
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pvojeblair: ops is checking.18:02
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pvowill be back shortly.18:02
jeblairpvo: awesome, thanks!18:02
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ayoungheckj, I've come up with the first part of documenting the LDAP setup :    Should I submit this as a patch?  If so,  can I put it under keystone/bin?18:40
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heckjayoung: that would be better under a contrib directory or such...18:42
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heckjaround: looking around in there now to see where might be best18:43
ayoungheckj, do we have one?18:43
heckjayoung: apparently, not yet...18:43
heckjayoung: let's follow Nova's pattern and make a top level contrib/ directory - put it in there.18:43
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ayoungheckj, it is trivial enough that I think I'd like to hold off doing it just for this one little file18:45
ayoungI'd almost rather put it on the keystone.openstack Wiki18:45
ayoungBut I need access, I think?18:45
ayoungheckj, we now have 2 +1s on,4659   and I gave it a pretty thorough review.  you or termie can push to master.18:46
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heckjayoung: or The second is generated from the ReST text files in keystone/doc. The first should be accessible using your launchpad account.18:54
ayoungheckj, Ah.. so I should be creating patches for Doc...OK,  that is what I will do18:55
ayoungI want them keystone specific for now18:55
heckjayoung: Adding a helper script to contrib/ in the keystone project would also be useful if you want to hit that route.18:55
ayoungheckj, will do18:55
termieayoung: re: that patch, i've still got a couple things to fix in it that you mentioned18:55
termieayoung: but i'll do that now18:56
ayoungtermie, OK.  None of them were show stoppers  as I recall18:56
heckjtermie: I was just going to sit down and re-read through it, but i'll wait until you've uploaded a new patch.18:56
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termieheckj: running the tests now19:02
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termieheckj: did keystoneclient do a new update?19:06
termieheckj: the bulk of my authz related tests just started failing :/19:08
termie... rebasing on master to see if that helps19:08
pvojeblair: I see you're green again19:10
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termieheckj: looks like maybe a recent update to keystoneclient master now requires some additional stuff in the auth calls?19:12
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termieheckj: although it doesn't particularly look like anythign does that19:13
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termieheckj: appears to throw an authorization error if it doesn't get a service catalog? is that new? hmm19:16
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termieheckj: aha, it was my old nemesis, bcwaldon19:17
termiethough it doesn't seeem like there is any reason why we wouldn't be returning that19:19
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termieah i see, it is because you don't get a catalog if you don't provide a tenant19:22
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termie... or not, it appears to be pulling it from the response of the auth call which has the keys it is looking for...19:29
termielooks like maybe they changed the exception they throw19:29
jeblairpvo: yeah, looking good now, thanks!19:39
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termiejeblair: i seem to be getting a difference between what is on github master and what is on gerrit master for python-keystoneclient19:42
termiejeblair: my checkout is from   url = and a git pull says up-to-date19:43
termiejeblair: but the lines around 116 in are different from github:
jeblairtermie: it may be because of github de-authorizing all the ssh keys after the github compromise19:43
termiei reauthorized jenkins19:43
jeblairtermie: i re-authorized the keys about 30 mins ago19:43
termiecan we get it to re-push or something19:44
jeblairyeah, i'll have it re-push all the projects.  just a sec.19:44
jeblairtermie: better now?19:47
termiejeblair: yup :p now the broken code shows up so i can fix it :)19:48
termiejeblair: thanks19:48
jeblairyay!  np.19:48
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maplebedanybody know the history of logging in swift?  I'm curious if there's a reason (worth maintaining) that the log format for the container and object servers are different from the proxy server.20:00
termieheckj: keystone is blocked waiting for this:,503720:01
cloudflyi think there is definitely some room for log format standardization20:01
maplebedfor example, the object server uses the date format [07/Mar/2012:19:59:11 +0000] whereas the proxy server uses the format 07/Mar/2012/19/59/0820:01
* heckj looks20:01
maplebedanother, the object server has the HTTP query in "" marks, wheresa the proxy doesn't.20:01
heckjtermie - looks good to me20:03
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cloudflyi figure at some point a project will pop up to aggregate all the logs and perform heuristic analysis on them20:04
cloudflyheck i may just work on that this week if nothing else gets in my way20:04
maplebedI've written some stuff to get stats into ganglia (for the proxy)20:05
maplebedI was just hoping to use the same thing for the storage nodes.20:05
cloudflynot a huge fan of ganglia to be honest20:06
maplebedit has its benefits.20:06
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cloudflyyes, but it gets ugly over time20:06
maplebedbut yeah, there's plenty of other stuff out there.20:06
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termieheckj: who else is keystoneclient core? i'd liek somebody else to read my rant :p20:08
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termieheckj: don't you work with those guys and make them get online?20:10
termieor are they all off to pycon stuffs?20:10
vishytr3buchet: so turns out we didn't vif and address in the teardown call20:10
heckjtermie - soon, but not yet. I'll get him to look20:11
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heckjtermie: sorry, was in meeting20:11
tr3buchetvishy: didn't what?20:11
vishytr3buchet: I'm thinking to leave it in in case a future driver would need it20:11
vishytr3buchet: * didn't need20:11
tr3buchetmight as well20:11
tr3buchetwon't hurt anything now20:11
tr3bucheti don't see how you wouldn't need the address20:12
tr3bucheti didn't look down at the bottom though20:12
tr3buchetvishy: ^20:12
vishyhas anyone seen TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)20:13
vishyfrom nose when trying to add a failure?20:13
vishythat is new to me20:13
heckjtermie: he's away (lunch?) will grab him as soon as I can to review20:13
vishytr3buchet: i have a new patch coming up20:13
vishytr3buchet: i'm just trying to fix a test20:13
tr3buchetjust let me know20:13
markwashtermie: i'm getting unit test failures in keystone master, is that what your change is trying to fix20:13
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termiemarkwash: yea20:15
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vishytr3buchet: see here
vishytr3buchet: note we needed to call update_dhcp, not release_dhcp20:21
tr3buchetah ok20:21
vishyand that is called for the whole network, not the vif/address20:21
tr3bucheti see20:21
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andrewbogottI think I know the answer to this already, but... are there folsom branches anywhere that people are working on?  Or should I just hold back my folsom features until essex is shipped off?20:41
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eglynn_heckj: quick keystone auth question?21:00
devcamcartermie;,4880 updated21:00
devcamcartermie: and filed this related bug
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 949373 in keystone "Default configuration values are ignored" [Undecided,New]21:01
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eglynn_heckj/termie: what's the mediation between the AWS-style auth and keystone? or ne'er the twain shall meet?21:02
eglynn_say I have nova and glance configured to use the keystone auth strategy, and I call nova image-list ...21:02
eglynn_the keystone auth token is propagated from nova to glance, happy days!21:02
eglynn_but if I call into the EC2 API via euca-describe-images, how would the credentials propagation work in that case?21:03
eglynn_(it doesn't seem to work BTW, so I'm wondering how it /should/ work)21:03
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termieeglynn_: i am about to rub to lunch, but ec2 auth in nova verifies teh request with keystone21:05
eglynn_termie: a-ha, so the keystone auth token should be available for propogation in that case, cool21:05
apeveceglynn_, does ec2 pipeline include keystone ?21:05
eglynn_apevec: bingo! it doesn't in my config, I'll try that now ...21:07
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termieeglynn_: vishy could tell you more21:07
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adam_ghmm. is nova-compute involved in the keystone auth flow at all when it requests an image from the glance server? for the first time ive run into an issue where both 'nova image-list' / 'euca-describe-images' both complete okay in terms of keystone token auth, but when running an instance, the request from nova-compute is rejected by glance-api with 'Invalid user token - rejecting request'21:21
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mattstephmm, I need an approver and verifier for a change, anyone up for it?  just some updates to --help for nova clis from the docday yesterday21:35
annegentlemattstep: I'm not nova core but I'll take a look!21:35
mattstepannegentle : thanks21:36
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cp16netpython-novaclient  looks some what incomplete anyone here to answer a question about it?21:55
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cp16netI have noticed a few cmds like servers.delete() reboot() update() do not return anything21:56
cp16netso any call being made with this client assumes that it completed successfully21:56
cp16netI would expect a return status code or something to see if the command completed successfully or not21:57
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comstudcp16net: an exception would be raised if they failed22:02
comstudi mean, if the request failed22:03
comstudotherwise, the actions happen in the background in nova... so there's no way for novaclient to know whether or not they truly succeeded22:03
cloudflyyeah at that point it enters the rabbit queue22:04
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cp16netcomstud: ok thanks for that i didnt realize an exception would be raised.22:10
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comstudcp16net: np22:11
heckjtermie: I flipped the approval bit on,503722:13
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anotherjessejohan_-_: updated,5042 and provided numbers22:21
heckjanotherjesse: would you give a review on, needed to enable the bind_host patch for keystone.22:22
anotherjesseheckj: why don't we make bind_host optional / have a default of
heckjanotherjesse: it doesn't appear to be wired up in keystone correctly at the moment, but that's what Devin's patch enables. It fails because it's not the config already because the "default" keyword isn't working (logged as a separate bug against Keystone earlier today)22:24
anotherjesseheckj: is the fix default keyword going to be a requirement for RC / release?22:24
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heckjAre you not going to approve that if it isn't :-)22:25
heckj(honestly haven't thought it about, but it seems very likely)22:25
anotherjesseheckj: if we aren't going to require fixing default then we have required bugs to update docs about the requiredness of bind_host22:25
anotherjesseit seems easier to fix default22:25
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heckjanotherjesse: agreed. I'll set it as such22:26
anotherjesseanyone using images that hit EC2 metadata service might want to help review,504222:27
anotherjesseit vastly improves performance for me22:27
vishyheckj, termie: is it possible for some special user in keystone to get a token for a tenant even if they aren't a member of the tenant?22:27
cloudflyi've been asking for service users forever.22:28
anotherjessecloudfly: the latest devstack uses service users now - but they aren't special22:28
anotherjessetoo much to change for essex rc22:28
heckjcloudfly: they're in now22:28
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heckj(what anotherjesse said)22:28
vishyheckj: here is the problem I'm trying to solve22:29
cloudflyso i can see22:29
vishyheckj: As an admin, I want to trigger a resize for a user22:29
vishyheckj: or a block-migration command22:29
vishyheckj: at some point that command has to interact with external services, in this case glance22:29
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vishyheckj: so if i need to access that tenant's images, I need a token that is valid for that tenant.22:30
heckjvishy: totally makes sense - I don't think there's a path for that today (at least not a common one). There might be a way to do it, but I think we're missing that at the moment.22:31
rmkUgh. My vnc console connections (using wsproxy) always fail the first time and succeed the second.22:33
rmkDiablo Stable.22:33
vishyheckj: this is blocking (ha!) block-migrate right now22:33
vishyand I don't have a good solution for it22:33
heckjvishy: let me huddle up with termie and see what we can come up with22:33
anotherjessermk: there were issues with it in diablo so the vnc feature was significantly revamped by sleepsonzzz  in essex - including adding support for xen22:33
vishyheckj: so we need some sort of workaround22:34
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heckjvishy: I'm going to make a bug about this - also just added it to - to track. Just a sec22:34
anotherjesseheckj: I think vishy is saying we might need it in essex22:34
vishyheckj: it is extra tricky because I need to be able to auth as an admin22:34
vishyheckj: but then somehow switch to user context when communicating with other services22:35
heckjyeah, I definitely got that.22:35
rmkanotherjesse: Definitely works more reliably in essex -- though I am using the wsproxy stuff sleepsonzzz wrote22:35
vishyheckj: so block-migrate is an admin only api22:35
rmkAs in, using it on Diablo22:35
anotherjessermk: sleepsonzzz is the best person to ask - he is currently afk22:35
heckjanotherjesse: ^^ was meant for you - that I got we need this for Essex.22:35
anotherjesseheckj: :)22:35
rmkIs there a migration path from Diablo to E4?  I'm about ready to make the leap right now.22:36
rmkSorry I don't meant to distract from more important convos.22:36
heckjvishy: I don't have a clear immediate "how we could" plan of attack in my head, but I'll dig into this tonight and see what I can figure out. Termie's a bit clearer on the paths underneath, so I'm going to need to lean on him for some of this.22:36
anotherjesseheckj: I'm going to stay out of this one unless you yell for more hands .. going to focus on the memcache for auth_tokens22:37
heckjanotherjesse: KK - thanks22:37
heckjvishy: did we have a way we were doing this previously?22:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 949467 in keystone "need a way to get a token for acting on behalf of a user to another service" [High,Confirmed]22:40
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jdgvishy: I just noticed something on bug 928819 (Precis Launching instance fails)22:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 928819 in nova "Launching instance fails in Precise A2 - network/ too many values to unpack" [High,Confirmed]
jdgThe ec2 cloud tests are actually calling the function that was changed.22:46
jdgIn other words there is "some" unit test coverage22:46
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heckjtermie: ping22:53
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termieheckj: heyo23:07
heckjtermie: howdy sir - vishy brought up and interesting "how do I" problem - wanted your thoughts on it:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 949467 in keystone "need a way to get a token for acting on behalf of a user to another service" [High,Confirmed]23:08
heckj(also in scrollback if you want to just read upwards)23:08
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termieheckj, vishy: the token they gave you when you got the original request is valid for that user23:09
vishytermie: this is not for a request from the user23:09
vishytermie: specific example is i need to migrate a users vm23:09
heckjtermie: the idea is an "admin" user acting on behalf of an existing user as I understand it.23:10
vishytermie: the destination node has to get an image from glance23:10
termiethat's a fine idea, not supported today though23:10
vishytermie: that image is private23:10
termieright now the apis are all designed in such a way that make it hard to do what you awnt23:10
vishytermie: == migration explodes23:10
termiebut in general your service account could give you admin rights that glacne accepts and glance would then treat you as an admin23:11
vishytermie: the only workaround i can think of is to give the admin user that is calling migrate some superuser role in glance that lets them do anything23:11
termiefor example, your service token could have a role like compute:admin23:11
termieand it could also have image:admin23:11
termieso that when glance validates your token it sees an admin for glance also23:12
vishytermie: I'm kind of hoping to avoid that only because it forces the compute service to also have management control over glance23:12
termiethat is exactly what you are asking for23:12
vishytermie: but I can't think of a better short term solution23:12
termieyou can make it a specific role that can only do a specific action23:12
termieowner | admin | nova:admin23:12
vishyjaypipes: are you here?23:13
termieso glance will allow a compute:admin to make that one call23:13
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vishytermie: now i need to find out if such a thing exists in glance23:21
termievishy: well they hvae the policy code, yea?23:22
vishytermie: yeah, but I don't know if they have the concept of someone who can see all images or not23:22
vishytermie: might need a patch23:22
vishytermie: where is walrus when you need him?23:23
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termiei know right23:23
termiei'm going to have some fun trying to stall keystone for a week while i am at sxsw23:23
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jaypipesvishy: in pycon tutorial.. but yeah23:34
vishyjaypipes: is there anything like a superuser in glance?23:36
mtaylorhey termie:
jaypipesvishy: any user with the admin role...23:36
vishyjaypipes: a user who can access all images23:36
mtaylortermie: I get some test failures when I run keystone through code coverage23:36
vishyjaypipes: word! we are good then :)23:36
mtaylorheckj: ^^23:36
jaypipesvishy: glad to know :)23:36
vishyjaypipes: danger averted :)23:37
mtaylortermie, heckj: running at the moment via "tox -evenv -- /bin/bash -N -P --cover-package=keystone --cover-erase --with-xcoverage"23:37
heckjmtaylor: yeah, I've seen that before - not sure why.23:37
mtaylorheckj: k. just wanted to point it out23:37
mtaylorit's not putting a huge crimp in my day or anything23:37
vishyheckj, termie : urgency on that bug can be downgraded23:37
mtaylorbut you are the last guys with a broken coverage job23:37
heckjvishy: kk23:37
vishyI think we are good to work around for the moment23:37
termiemtaylor: coverage is not supported on keystone23:42
mtaylortermie: great!23:42
mtaylortermie: well, that's certainly easy then23:42
termiemtaylor:  :D23:42
termiemtaylor: we do some stuff in there that coverage doesn't like and it has been worth the time to fix23:43
mtaylortermie: should I just disable your coverage job for now then?23:43
termiemtaylor: if somebody wants to dump a lot of time into it then sure, but not a priority for me23:43
heckjsomething we did in the tests is horking the coverage mechanism horribly, but I don't know where it is23:43
termiemtaylor: as long as it isn't gating i don't mind it23:43
mtaylork. I'll leave it23:43
mtayloralso - if you guys get bored - there's one thing preventing us from using nose directly, which is that some of the tests are asusming that the cwd is the test dir (for finding config files)23:44
mtaylorI started poking at trying to fix it sensibly and got bored23:44
mtayloragain - low priority :)23:44
termiemtaylor: i'd love to ahve a bug or something noting that, 'cause i remember that also23:44
mtaylortermie: I'll file a bug23:44
heckjmtaylor: I'm trying to track down the test failures in this changeset:,488023:47
heckjWHen i run the tests in my own virtualenv (from clean), they're working fine.23:47
mtaylorheckj: are you driving via tox or via run_tests? (asking just in case there's a difference somewhere)23:47
heckj./run_tests was the first - couldn't repro with that23:48
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heckjThen I just activated the venv and ran "/bin/bash -N --no-pep8" - that also didn't reproduce the error.23:48
heckjTrying tox now23:48
heckjmtaylor: anything specific to run tox other than just invoking it outright?23:49
mtaylorheckj: awesome. I'm going to be thrilled if it's a) only in tox or b) only on one of our slaves23:49
mtaylorheckj: nope. it's going to run pep8, py27 and py27 by default23:49
mtaylorso you might want to try "tox -v -epy27"23:49
mtaylorto keep it simple23:49
heckjmtaylor: cool - trying that now23:49
mtaylorheckj: also, in case it helps for your debugging, tox makes its venv in .tox/$ENV_NAME - so tox -epy27 will make a venv in .tox/py2723:50
heckjmtaylor: cool - waiting now while the deps download. This'll be interesting!23:51
mtaylorheckj: the other difference between tox and is that tox makes an sdist and installs that into the venv23:51
heckjah, neat.23:52
heckjKind of gets us a packaging verification step with that, eh?23:52
mtaylorheckj: yup :)23:52
mtaylorheckj: (also, and I should send this to the list now that we've got configs in all of the trees) it respects the PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE env var - so if you set that to something, like PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE=~/cache/pip (that's mine) it'll skip re-downloading even if you blow away the venv and start fresh23:53
mtaylorafk for a bit23:54
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heckjmtaylor: I couldn't reproduce it with TOX either. Doing a full tox run to see...23:57
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