Friday, 2012-03-02

jakedahnohnoimdead: are you volunteering? because that would be awesome00:01
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mnewbyI'd like to propose the addition of unittest2 to the test dependencies.00:04
mnewbyIs anyone familiar with it?00:05
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rmkWhat have you guys been referring to as RC1?00:12
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ohnoimdeadjakedahn: we've had some discussions and there are strong opinions on frameworks for integration tests (lots of selenium haters). we'll get some consensus and make progress on that in early folsom hopefully.00:23
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jakedahncool, we should talk about it at the summit for sure - today at this hackathon people have brough it up a few times00:29
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devcamcarwhats the other one people like … t something01:01
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mnewbywhy do people hate selenium?01:03
mnewbyWhen it comes to performing client-side testing, nothing can touch selenium.01:04
mnewbyTwill is an also-ran, since it doesn't test in a browser.01:04
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mnewbyThe secret to selenium is doing golden-path only, and using something like twill for more comprehensive non-js testing.01:05
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ohnoimdeadmnewby: no argument here01:06
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zaitcevWow guys, did you see this
devcamcaranyone around to answer a q about nova-rootwrap?01:18
zaitcevClick-through to download a whitepaper? Seriously?01:18
devcamcarright now my nova-api is complaining about not being able to execute iptables-save -t filter01:18
Ryan_Lanezaitcev: clickthrough? it wants your info too01:19
termieayoung, Ryan_Lane: rpedde has some questions about the ldap in keystone that i don't know how to answer01:19
zaitcevWell I suppose that's what is fot.01:19
termietrying to get him to log on01:19
ayoungI'm here01:19
termieayoung: cool, he should be in momentarily01:20
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termieayoung, rpedde: sounds like he is trying to fill up sample data into an ldap db, but doesn't know what structure you are using, do you have a sample data script?01:20
ayoungtermie, yes01:21
ayoungrpedde, you are looking fro the schema to use?01:21
termieayoung: that would probably be a big help if we could get at it01:21
rpeddeayoung: yes, exactly, and/or sample data01:21
ayoungtermie, that was what I wrote up here:
ayoungUsers will be stored in a flat collection. ou=Users,$SUBTREE and be based on the standard LDAP objectClass inetOrgPerson which is defined in01:22
ayoungTenants are in a collection that is a peer to Users. Tenants are instancs of the groupOfNames object class01:22
ayoungthey are in the Groups subtree.01:23
ayoungreally, that is all you need.  but roles get a subtree, too. although it isn't really used.01:23
ayoungRoles are instances of the LDAP object class organizationalRole defined in /etc/openldap/schema/core.ldif. Role assignment is indicated by the presence of the User’s DN in the roleOccupant attribute.01:23
Ryan_LaneI thought roles were going to be a subentry of the tenant?01:23
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ayoungso while there is a subtree ou=Roles...01:23
ayoungRyan_Lane, they are01:23
Ryan_Laneis ou=Roles for global roles?01:23
ayoungthe Roles subtree is a vestige,  I haven't even looked at what ends up in there01:24
termiefor the record we are trying to avoid global roles01:24
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termieso there shouldn't be anything in there01:24
ayoungso really, all you should need is Users and Groups01:24
ayoungtermie, yeah01:24
Ryan_Lanethat makes things painful for private clouds01:24
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termieRyan_Lane: which part?01:24
Ryan_Lanelack of global roles01:24
termieRyan_Lane: disagree but we can chat abou tit01:24
Ryan_LaneI occasionally need to do actions in all projects01:25
termieRyan_Lane: assign admin roles under and admin tenant01:25
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termiethe api was designed poorly so it makes it difficult to perform some actions on tenants you are not a member of01:25
* Ryan_Lane nods01:25
termiebut in general it doesn't matter01:25
termieand those api choices will be taken out back and shot01:26
ayoungIf we want global roles,  we should probably put them under ou=Tenants01:26
termieayoung: we don't01:26
ayoungtermie, agreeds,  just saying that having their own subtree makes no sense at all01:26
ayoungeven less sense?01:26
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ayoungrpedde, is that enough information for you to go by?01:27
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Ryan_Lanewell, I'd like to chat about this during the design summit...01:27
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rpeddeayoung: good except I don't see the roles -- appears to be organizationRole objects in the tenant ou.  Does this mean that roles cannot be named the same as tenants?  i.e. admin role on an admin tenant?  Since both orgRole and groupOfNames are structural?01:29
ayoungYOU can name the role the same as the tenant01:29
ayoungit would look like this01:29
ayoungyou would have a group named01:30
ayoungthen you would have a role01:31
ayoungwe don't have nesting01:31
ayoungso there is no conflict in the naming01:31
ayoungrole will have objectclass=organizationalRole01:32
ayoungand group will have objectClass=groupOfNames01:32
ayoungIf it proves to be a problem,  we can make an explicit container for roles under tenants01:32
ayoungso then it would be01:32
ayoungor something01:32
ayoungyou can override all of the values01:33
ayoungfor example say you already have user in a group called people01:33
ayoungyou would set01:33
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ayounguser_tree_dn = ou=people,dc=example,dc=com01:34
ayoungall of the config values are specified in the file01:34
ayoungso if you want to change an object class or attribute,  you have the power01:35
rpeddeayoung: thanks much.  I think I was led off-track by the Roles stuff01:35
ayoungrpedde, yeah,  need to drop that,  I think01:35
ayoungI'll probably deprecate the role_tree_dn01:35
ayoungrpedde, the bits are very fresh on this stuff01:36
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ayoungI know of at least one problem with LDAP that keeps it from working with the keystone client.  A patch has been submitted for that01:36
ayoungRyan_Lane, can you give a code review to,476201:38
Ryan_Lanelemme see01:38
ayoungI need that so I can fixup and resubmite 472501:38
Ryan_Laneheh. yeah, but it's going to take me a bit :)01:38
Ryan_LaneI'll do it tonight01:38
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zulheckj: pong01:39
heckjzul: wanted to give you a head's up on some packaging changes - horizon, specifically, has some significant change. Much simpler - so the patch is mostly deleting01:40
ayoungtermie, I have a branch with the patch from 4762 on it.  I've made an additional change which is 4725 minus the parts you said we needed to remove.  If I run git review with the same change ID,  I assume it will show up as patchset N+1 of 4725.  Is that the right thing to do?01:41
termiesounds like it01:41
zulheckj: yeah saw the email....started on the packaging changes last night01:41
heckjzul: cool01:42
notmynamemnewby: ping01:43
mnewbynotmyname: pong01:43
heckjzul: I've also ended up making a nova-consoleauth package locally - separate process in devstack. The vnc changes are all over the place01:43
notmynamemnewby: another question about the tox patch for swift01:44
notmynamemnewby: according to your last comment on it, it does introduce pep8 gating for swift?01:44
mnewbyIt is intended to.01:44
mnewbyIt doesn't have to though - whoever configures Jenkins can run only the unit tests.01:45
notmynamemnewby: ok, let me go change my vote. we don't want pep8 gating01:45
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mnewbyThe default is configured to run py26.py27,pep8, but Jenkins can be configured to run whichever of the configured tox builds.01:45
mnewbyWhy the aversion to pep8 gating?01:45
mnewbyswift already complies with it.01:46
notmynamemnewby: personally, I see it as a guideline instead of a hard requirement.01:46
notmynameswift tests don't pass it01:46
mnewbyThey do01:46
mnewbyI made sure of it01:46
mnewbyOr do you mean the unit tests?01:46
notmynameunit tests01:46
mnewbyThe configured pep8 build only checks the code.01:47
mnewbyI wouldn't have submitted this change if the builds wouldn't run.01:47
mnewbyI'm pretty sure this is standard in openstack projects.  The tests don't have to pass pep8.01:47
notmynamemnewby: and I'm also not going to introduce another gating mechanism without support from the other core devs (who don't want pep8 gating). I think we all have our reasons, but generally, we don't want to force that requirement01:47
mnewby*sigh* sure01:48
mnewbyNo reason for openstack projects to actually be consistent.01:48
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zulheckj: wha?01:49
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ayoungtermie, git review is smareter than I am:  "You have more than one commit that you are about to submit....Is this really what you meant to do?"01:50
mnewbynotmyname: I say again, this patch doesn't introduce pep8 gating anymore than pep8's existence introduces pep8 gating.  It is up to the CI team to enable pep8 gating in jenkins.01:50
ayoungit wants to submit both yours and mine....01:50
heckjzul: there's a new binary that does expiration of VNC auth tokens - it's called "nova-consoleauth". I made a package in my local nova package cluster to run that separately, with upstart scripts, etc.01:51
zulheckj: ah cool cool..01:51
notmynamemnewby: but the submitted patch would be the config the CI team uses for gating?01:51
notmynamemnewby: *patch == config file01:52
mnewbynotmyname: The submitted patch introduces many available builds.  The CI team can configure jenkins to use any of them.  There is no requirement to use the default builds.01:52
mnewbynotmyname: I suggest talking to monty about it.  He's the person I worked with to introduce this change, and he's likely the person responsible for configuring jenkins once the change goes in.01:53
notmynamemnewby: will do. thanks for the clarification01:54
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mnewbynotmyname: It is probably also possible to have jenkins run pep8 and report success or failure, but not have the result gate the commits.  That way those that care about pep8 compliance can worry about it, and those that do not can continue to ignore it.01:59
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anotherjesseannegentle: this might work -,4791,patchset=1 - it adds "Last updated on Tue Feb 28 19:29:28 2012, commit 95413dc." in the copyright line02:13
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hazmatcan anyone describe the problem with the previous attempt db_pool/tpool usage?02:22
hazmater.. just a link to a bug02:23
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annegentleooo coooool02:25
novas0x2a|laptopis there documentation on what exactly launchpad does with tying bug status to commit messages?02:30
novas0x2a|laptopi wanted to reference a bug, but it looks like now if my merge is accepted it will close that bug; that bug isn't fixed by my merge02:31
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jeblairnotmyname, mnewby: our practice with tox-based tests is to make a jenkins job for each test environment and run only that one in that job.  so for quantum there are gate-quantum-python26, gate-quantum-python27, and gate-quantum-pep8 jobs.  since swift doesn't gate on pep8, we won't create a gate-swift-pep8 job.  however, we will update the swift-pep8 job, which runs post-commit, to use the pep8 environment provided by tox.04:25
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novas0x2ai asked earlier, but i was offline for a bit; how does the autolinkify stuff work between git commit messages and launchpad?04:27
jeblairnovas0x2a: hi04:28
jeblairnovas0x2a: if you reference a bug in a commit, it will update the bug with a link to the commit and set it to "in progress" when the patchset is first uploaded.  when it's merged, it will set the bug to "fix committed".04:29
jeblairit never automatically sets it to "fix released".04:29
novas0x2athe commit in question affects a bug but doesn't fix it; is there any way to do that without making it switch to "fix committed"?04:29
jeblairif it's wrong, you can change it back in launchpad -- the scripted action is one-time only (it won't reset it again behind your back)04:29
novas0x2abecause it's not a fix04:29
jeblairnot that i'm aware of, other than to name the bug in a way that doesn't match the regex (which is pretty inclusive).04:31
jeblairthere is one other thing...04:31
jeblairit only updates bugs in the context of the project the patch is for; so if you are patching nova and the bug is not targeted to nova, it won't update it.04:32
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novas0x2ais this launchpad code, or something specific to us? (i.e. where's the code so i can fix it :))04:32
jeblair(just in case that happens to apply to what you're doing)04:32
jeblairit's ours, and patches are welcome!04:33
novas0x2ato be honest, i strongly prefer the trac long-form syntax ("fixes bug #10", "references #3") but it's probably too late to make that drastic of a change04:35
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 10 in launchpad "It says "displaying matching bugs 1 to 8 of 8", but there is 9" [Medium,Invalid]
jeblairthat's a good approach, but we'd have to ask developers to be much more consistent with how commit messages are written.  right now we're all over the place, and the script/regex reflects that.04:37
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rmkHmm, are the PPAs being updated anymore?05:47
rmkMilestone PPA's latest are E2 packages05:47
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anotherjessemtaylor: does this build really update ? if so is there a cache or something?06:41
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jeblairanotherjesse: yes, but changed where the output ended up.  i updated the jenkins job and re-ran it.07:20
anotherjessejeblair: the change was wanted - for project-wide standardization?07:20
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jeblairyep.  we're trying to get all the projects presenting the same interface to jenkins.  this will help, but we might run into things like this where jenkins and the project configs get out of sync.07:21
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anotherjessejeblair: seems like the content is still old07:25
rmkseems like essex even right now is in better shape than diablo stable07:28
anotherjessermk: :)07:28
anotherjessermk: I hope lots of organizations will be banging against it to smooth out the rough edges07:28
rmkwe're definitely going to be doing that07:29
rmkfrom this point forward we're not deploying diablo anymore, no real reason to do so07:30
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berendtis the horizon milestone 4 tarball broken?12:29
berendtthere is no included for example12:29
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chmouelI think there is missing some files on it12:30
chmouelttx: ^^12:30
berendtREADME.rst is also missing.. failed..12:31
ttxberendt: could be, they changed the packaging just before E412:32
ttxberendt: please file bug12:33
berendtwhy do that just before the release?12:34
ttxberendt: E4 is not a release, it's a milestone... so that we catch that kind of issue before the final release :)12:35
ttxso I prefer theyt change it just before, rather than just after.12:35
berendti meant before the milestone release12:35
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apevecvizsla, is that short for "milestone release" ?13:22
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smoservishy, sorry. here now.13:30
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smoservishy, i have a ping for you when you get in14:38
smoserregarding,4788,patchset=1 and,402514:39
smoser(your change, and mine that did some things similar)14:39
annegentletax or another admin, can you approve Jacek Artymiak on
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smoservishy, i hadded comment to the changeset.14:44
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jeblairanotherjesse_zz: i believe is pointing to the right docs now; but there seems to be a lot missing.15:18
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: Remove unnecessary setting up and down of mox and stubout
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davidkranzjaypipes: Ping16:08
jaypipesdavidkranz: 1 min16:09
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jaypipesdavidkranz: alrighty16:12
jaypipesdavidkranz: so, let's discuss the exception handling stuff (diff between diablo and essex)16:13
davidkranzOK, I didn't want to hardcode the bogus error codes into the test for diablo16:13
davidkranzBut it would be easy to do that16:13
jaypipesdavidkranz: I think first we need to determine if they are bogus or not, according to the API spec.16:14
jaypipesdavidkranz: if Diablo is throwing the wrong error code, we should log a bug for that16:14
davidkranzI thought 500 was always bogus, no?16:15
jaypipesdavidkranz: yes, it is... just want to make sure that if the 4xx codes are different between diablo and essex, that those diffs are valid...16:15
jaypipesdavidkranz: sorry, kinda talking about two things here :)16:16
davidkranzOK, there were only one or two of those. I'll check them.16:16
jaypipesdavidkranz: do we have a list of the places 500s are being thrown?16:16
davidkranzNo, but I can create one if that would be useful.16:17
jaypipesdavidkranz: yes, that would be good, just to track.16:18
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davidkranzAnything else, progress on the stress tests?16:19
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jaypipesdavidkranz: will have that done today. sorry, been battling flu-like symptoms for what is almost 3 weeks now :( difficult to focus..16:20
davidkranzThat's too bad. I will be in Taiwan next week so probably will miss the meeting.16:20
jaypipesdavidkranz: I will be at PyCon so will definitely miss the meeting...16:20
jaypipesdavidkranz: I will ping daryl to see if he can lead.16:20
davidkranzAt the end of the day, what are you suggesting the diablo exception catch type should be when diablo does the wrong thing?16:21
davidkranzThat is, are you suggesting I change the code I submitted or just provide more informatino about what diablo is actually doing.16:22
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davidkranzjaypipes: still there? Need answer to last question..16:27
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jaypipesdavidkranz: ah, sorry, lookiing...16:29
jaypipesdavidkranz: so I would take the following approach:16:30
jaypipesa) IF Diablo is returning a 500 for a Compute API call that it should be returning a non-500 return code for (according to the Diablo Compute spec), file a bug against Nova and use nose.skip() on that test -- indicating in the Skip message the bug report on LP that is relevant16:31
jaypipesb) If Diablo is returning a code different from Essex for the same API call, double-check if that is expected per the Diablo Compute spec. If it is, simply change the stable/diablo test case in question to expect the different return code. If not, file a bug as per a) above...16:32
jaypipesdavidkranz: in all cases, the source of truth is the compute API spec. if the result is different from the spec, follow a) above.16:33
chmoueljaypipes: are we in complete feature freeze for glance? would like to add auth_version 2.0 to swift connector16:33
jaypipeschmouel: that's fine. we can target a bug like that to RC1 milestone.16:34
davidkranzThe reason I didn't skip is that if some one changes diablo and some API starts returning 200 instead of 500, the test won't fail.16:34
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jaypipesdavidkranz: nobody is going to change diablo unless the patch specifically fixes a bug...16:34
jaypipesdavidkranz: there are no changes to the API spec allowed to diablo any more.16:34
davidkranzI know but the point of a regression test like this is to make sure they don't break something else while fixing a specific bug.16:35
davidkranzAnother bug, that is.16:35
jaypipesdavidkranz: I understand you, I'm just saying there's not a better way to do it, at least, AFAICT. :) We need to be vigilant about when skipper bugs are fixed in the various releases, and unskip the test case when the bug is fixed... unless you want to go through the effort of doing some launchpadlib-foo to determine if a bug is indeed fixed?16:36
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jaypipesdavidkranz: launchpadlib-fu isn't out of the question... but it would be a significant undertaking (because you would need to track against individual releases -- and you'd need to do that by ensuring the bug in question was tagged with a release name)16:38
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davidkranzGiven your strong feelings about this I think it would be best to just change the code to catch what is actually being thrown and note the bug number. That way, any change will cause the test to fail and then be fixed.16:39
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jaypipesdavidkranz: ok, that works too... Just make sure to make a comment in there explaining why the test is validating a bug.16:41
davidkranzThat shouldn't take too long. Will do.16:42
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jaypipesdavidkranz: cheers mate. thx for your effort on this!16:43
mtayloranotherjesse_zz: nice addition of git build info to sphinx for keystone - I think we should add that to the consistent project foo16:43
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anotherjessemtaylor: i've got a patch for nova - - going to propose for horizon/swift/glance next16:54
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mtaylor anotherjesse awesome16:57
mtayloranotherjesse: hey - can you wrap the git_cmd chunk in a try?16:58
mtayloranotherjesse: that's going to break folks building the docs from a tarball, which I believe happens in the debian packaging build16:58
mtaylor(or should)16:58
mtaylorI suppose I could have written that in code review...16:59
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letterjLinuxJedi: No movement on my launchpad ticket. Any ideas how long a resolution might take?17:08
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anotherjessemtaylor: don't think it is an issue - replied in review17:31
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mtayloranotherjesse: awesome. approved!17:33
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ayounganotherjesse or heckj, can you review,476218:12
ayoungIt is right and proper,  and I have work that depends on it18:12
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mikeypI"m looking at bug 933948 - volumes API doesn't filter by name.18:12
anotherjesseayoung: reading18:13
mikeypThe volumes API currently has no support for any filters - I can add, but is this supposed to be in Essex or is it a new feature ?18:14
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mtayloranotherjesse: you guys are using in-memory sqlite for db backend in unittests somewhere, yeah?18:15
anotherjessemtaylor: I think termie has keystone setup to use in-memory for tests18:16
Kiallmikeyp: I would imagine that would be both an API change, and additional feature.. Neither if which are allowed anymore in essex ;)18:16
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mtayloranotherjesse: cool. I've got a guy wanting to do a similar thing - I'll have him look at termie's work in keystone18:16
anotherjesseayoung: I think it is good - btw, you know you can do another commit after your current commit; git review will send both as two different reviews with proper dependencies18:17
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anotherjessemtaylor: thoughts on ?18:20
ayounganotherjesse, yes, but in this case,  It was getting confused because the original commit was termie's  which I then modified and I didn't want to send again18:21
mikeypKiall: that's what I thought - will update bug and move on.18:21
anotherjesseayoung: k I'm asking others to review - I already gave +218:21
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ayounganotherjesse, thanks18:22
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annegentlettx vishy notmyname or jaypipes can you approve Jacek Artymiak on please?18:27
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jaypipesannegentle: done18:33
annegentlejaypipes: thanks!18:33
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ayoungtermie, OK, so by me modifying,4762I actually slowed things down... anotherjesse has reviewed,  I've reveiwed your stuff.  If you add your click to the list,  either you or anotherjesse can approve.  All of my changes are confined to,sidebyside,4762,3,tests/_ldap_livetest.py18:34
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anotherjesseayoung: 4762 was approved - waiting on merge18:53
ayounganotherjesse, thanks.  Just saw that myself18:53
ayounganotherjesse, is there any reason not to use a Public Key approach for tokens?  It would mean that  'stack services wouldn't need to talk back to keystone to verify tokens.18:54
anotherjesseayoung: you mean don't just have text blobs that keystone gives to client, client gives to service, service sends to keystone?18:55
ayounganotherjesse, so if you take that text blob and encrypt it with a private key,  the services can confirm it came from keystone without phoning home18:56
ayoungkeystone publishes a public key18:56
ayoungand, say glance,  uses that public key to decrypt the token.  If it works,  then the token came from Keystone18:57
anotherjessethe service would still need to retrieve the information from keystone (user/tenant/roles/...) -- in general we want to move to something more like what you are talking about.  the reason for the current design is historical reasons18:57
anotherjessefolsom baby :)18:57
ayoungall that stuff can be in the token18:58
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ayounga user can get one token per tenant,  or a mega-token with all of their info in it18:58
ayoungwe cn use X509 or our own format depending on the constraints18:59
ayoungI'd prefer to not invent our own format if we don't have to18:59
anotherjessewant to start collecting your ideas in a wiki page? since this is definitely something we want to visit at the summit18:59
ayoungI started there thinking I would cut and paste to Etherpad at some point19:00
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/keystone failed: standardize ldap and related tests
anotherjesseeven better - is a ROUGH collection of topics we might want to think about at the summit - want to add yours19:00
ayounganotherjesse, is there any more information why that failed?19:01
anotherjessethe console output usually has more info19:02
anotherjesselet's re-trigger - I think this is an issue with the test that dtroyer is working on - filed a bug related to that last night19:03
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uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 944593 in devstack "exercise should catch launch failure earlier" [Medium,Confirmed]19:04
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anotherjesseayoung: in the meantime have a core person click "approve" a few times if needed - I have to head to airport soon19:04
ayounganotherjesse, possibly also due to changing what is returned from a user object,  which is why all of the other tests had to be modified in that patch19:04
ayoungdolphm, you are core,  right?  care to re-approve ?19:05
anotherjesseayoung: could be - in which case <3 gating :)19:05
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dtroyeranotherjesse:  that is the same failure that busted essex-kvm this morning19:06
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dolphmayoung: sure19:06
dtroyerI'm not sure what the actual cause is; I'm just detecting the failures quicker in the exercises now19:06
ayoungis there any way to see the output of the failure run?19:07
dolphmayoung: yes..19:09
dolphmayoung: from the review, click the failed job, and hit console output to get this ^19:09
termiethis could use some love at some point,,465919:09
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ayoungtermie, I'll take a look after this meeting I'm in...19:10
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jdgvim WriteGateInterface.cpp19:27
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jdgbcwaldon: Are you available for a minute or so?19:33
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vishywow a threaded openstack mail archive:
* vishy dances19:51
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vishysmoser: hmm i meant to link the bug in.  Oops19:52
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smoservishy, what do you think about my 'names in glance' solution rather than yours ?19:53
vishysmoser: i like yours better19:54
vishysmoser: mind if i steal that part from your patch?19:54
smoseri don't mind.19:54
smoserplease take it.19:54
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smoservishy, well, sort of threaded19:55
smosersurely there were more than 1 level in some of those threads19:55
vishysmoser:  actually, maybe i will just remove name mod to mine and let you put your patch in on top19:57
vishysmoser: I don't want to complicate the patch too much19:57
smoservishy, thats fine with me. mine would have been in if i wasn't having issue immeditely in writing a test case19:57
vishyi can help with the test case19:57
smoseri dont remmber what the problem was, ubt i was fighting it somehow. lack of experience.19:57
vishygimme a sec19:57
smoseryou helped me some with your insertion of that 'register_image' test19:58
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vishysmoser: almost got the test done20:29
vishysmoser: going to lunch20:29
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ayoungtermie, I uploaded another patch to,4725,  which still shows your "do not Submit" message.  THis new patch is rebased to origin/master,  so it takes into account the issues from the previous code review.20:58
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jaypipesjohan_-_: well said.21:10
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ohnoimdeadwho has the power to update the version of python-novaclient on pypi?21:31
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jaypipestermie: ping21:35
jaypipesdtroyer, termie: by chance, do you know if this: is the most up-2-date docs on the "common CLI auth" stuff?21:36
dtroyerjaypipes: AFAIK it is, could use some additions though, like {service}_API_VERSION, but that isn't auth...21:37
jaypipesdtroyer: k, thx! just wanted to make sure.21:38
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littleideawhat is Chris Behrens nick?22:01
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comstudlittleidea: here22:07
littleideacomstud: this is Andrew22:08
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comstudlittleidea: hi :)22:08
comstudsaw your last comment22:08
littleideacomstud: think I should slice and dice the manager to pull those methods out of _schedule22:08
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comstudI'm definitely for it... we could go one of 2 ways..22:08
jaypipesblamar: id should not be able to be passed to bin/glance's add method starting in Essex. that is a bug in the documentation in bin/glance. Note that this was not the case in Diablo when we had integer image IDs.22:08
comstudif you want to get a quick fix in for prep_resize, i think you can just fix up the last comment i made22:09
comstudbut if you'd prefer for the longer solution.. I support that also22:09
comstudyou could either do it now or after getting the current fix in22:09
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littleideacomstud: broken gets fixed, shitty lives forever22:10
jaypipesblamar: so, it seems there is a bug in Glance that is allowing ID to be manually set if the location attribute is also set....22:10
jaypipesbcwaldon: hmm, ^^ is that on purpose? I thought we no longer allowed ID to be set manually?22:10
littleideacomstud: I'd lean towards breaking them out22:10
comstudlittleidea: yeah, although, it really bothers me so i suspect it'll get fixed soonish :)22:10
comstudi support it.. so if you want to give it a try, go for it22:10
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littleideacomstud: shouldn't be too bad, simpler than what is there in some regards22:11
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littleideacomstud: k, that's what I'll do22:12
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annegentlehow do I set up an IRC channel just for one day? Thinking of a separate channel for DocDay, what do you think?22:18
russellbif you don't care much about configuring the channel, and just having a place to hang out and chat ... /join #openstack-docday ... that simple22:19
annegentlerussellb: ok, that's enough for the day, thanks22:25
andrewbogott_I'm getting a 404 when python-novaapi contacts a nova extension.  That's almost certainly my fault (because I'm developing the extension.)  But... where is such traffic logged?  I was expecting to find it in my system apache2 access.log...  but, nope.22:26
russellbannegentle: oxygen hates me, heh.22:26
russellbit's all good, i can edit with something else.22:27
andrewbogott_(Nor is it in nova-api.log.)22:27
annegentlerussellb: sadness… we send them all kinds of bugs so if it's something we can help with let me know22:27
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mtaylorohnoimdead: I can ... is it that time again?22:39
ohnoimdeadmtaylor: would be awesome to update python-novaclient in pypi to e4 final22:43
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anotherjesseannegentle: how does one go about become core on docs?23:00
vishysmoser: updated the tests:,402523:01
anotherjessejeblair / mtaylor: comments on - the hope is making errors on gates easier to understand23:04
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jeblairanotherjesse: looking23:06
anotherjessejeblair: dtroyer is going to change the function name to die_if_error23:08
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jeblairanotherjesse: i think it's great!23:13
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anotherjessevishy: commented on s3token test - isn't it supposed to fail if the bucket exists?23:16
anotherjesse(euca-bundle stuff)23:16
vishyanotherjesse: i don't know23:17
vishyanotherjesse: no it shouldn't23:17
vishyanotherjesse: it should create the bucket if it doesn't exist23:17
anotherjessevishy: my memory is from 2+ years ago23:17
vishyanotherjesse: or use it if it does23:17
vishyanotherjesse: i just tested today upload bundle into the same bucket23:17
vishyso it definitely works23:17
vishy* yesterday23:17
anotherjessecool - I'll update my comment23:17
jeblairanotherjesse: on the subject of making the output more accessible to developers, i filed bug 94523123:18
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 945231 in openstack-ci "screen output should be logged" [Undecided,New]
anotherjessejeblair: NICE23:19
anotherjessemade it a HIGH23:19
vishytr3buchet: network related fix
dtroyeranotherjesse, jeblair : function rename complete on
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anotherjessedtroyer: +2'd23:22
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