Wednesday, 2012-02-29

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jeblairI'm going to shut jenkins down for a gerrit-trigger rematch00:16
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heckjanotherjesse: bugs files and prioritized. Where I could (i.e. not devstack) I assigned against Essex400:19
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jdgAnybody familiar with the use of "filter_by" in the code base?  Particularly in the sqlaclchemy API?00:29
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andrewbogottI have used it, although I doubt I can tell you anything that you can't learn from looking at the source...00:31
andrewbogottWhat's up?00:31
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jdgandrewbogott:  Well I'm familiar with filtery_by, but I don't quite understand all these seemingly always true filters, ala: filter_by(id=id)00:32
andrewbogottthis is a guess, but... maybe one of the ids is a variable and the other refers to a field in the query?00:33
jdgandrewbogott:  I think that's a good guess, and that was my first.  But I don't know how python would tell the difference between them.00:34
andrewbogottGood point.00:35
jdganother example is (disabled=disabled), we pass in a var disabled and check against itself?00:35
jdgOh wait....00:35
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jdgMaybe it's closer to what you said but just different in how it works....00:36
dolphmthe one on the left is not a variable, per se... it's an assignment operation, not a comparison00:36
dolphmfilter_by(id=SOME_ID) --> WHERE `id`=SOME_ID00:36
jdgdolphm: right, but there is specific code where it's the same... ie filter_by(disabled=disabled)00:36
dolphmthe one on the left isn't being evaluated00:37
jdgdolphm: Sorry, I'm dense.  So how does the filter work?  What's it's purpose?  Does that mean it looks for anything in the query that has the value we've set in the filter then?00:38
dolphmi'm not quite sure how it works without looking it up, but I know there's a filter() and a filter_by() and the difference was non-intuitive00:39
dolphmbut i think they both result in WHERE clauses in SQL00:39
jdgdolphm: Yeah, I understand the difference between them.  Just can't figure out how it's working here.00:39
jdgcolumn == expression vs. keyword = expression, they do the same thing really.00:40
jdgAhhhh.... ok00:40
jdgSo the expression on the left is evaluated as a key in the DB00:41
andrewbogottI can't for the life of me understand how python parses that.  But it makes sense if I ignore that part.00:41
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jdgSo I can understand it if I assume that it means we happen to have a key in the DB that has the same name as the variable we passed in and are evaluating.00:42
jdgThen the DB queury is "smart" enough to know 'hey... the first item is the DB key we're looking for and we want to evaluate it against the variable on the right side of the expression.00:43
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andrewbogottI don't get why the inside of the parens isn't evaluated as an expression (True) before getting passed to filter_by.  Is there some secret punctuation I'm missing?00:44
jdgandrewbogott: And now you and I have arrived at the same place :)00:44
jdgThat's what I was saying to myself when I saw it, so I thought I'd shoot a question out here on IRC00:45
andrewbogottMaybe functions are evaluated from the outside in...00:45
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jdgI think filter_by() sort of "overloads" the '=' operator to use it in a different way00:46
jdgOne of those little pythonic things that make me beat my head against the wall the first time I see them.00:46
andrewbogottIt's too much magic to fit in my tiny head00:47
jdgandrewboggot: So I'm going to spin up a devstack instance and check the database to see if this is actually what I think it is.00:47
jdgandrewoggot: ditto00:47
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jdgRun a test against it00:47
Kialljdg, actually I think thats a standard python feature (I'm not a python guy BTW)00:48
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KiallThats named paramaters..00:48
KiallI could be wrong though ;)00:48
andrewbogottoh!  Of course!00:48
jdgkiall:  Yes, you're right it's standard python00:48
andrewbogottKiall:  That makes total sense.  We were hypnotized into thinking it was an expression.00:49
KiallYea - First time I saw that was a little weird - but its actually a nice feature00:49
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jdgkiall:  So it is in fact a key in the DB (or wherever you happen to be implementing the query).  In these cases it just so happens we pass in the same variable name as the DB key name correct?00:49
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jdgkiall:  The only case I didn't understand for example were things like:  filter_by(disabled=disabled)00:50
jdgthings like "filter_by(some.thing='wtf')" I totally get.00:51
Kiallso `def function(first, second):...` and `function(second="B", first="A")`00:51
Kiallyea, disabled=disabled looks like it would evaluate to TRUE, but since its not a comparison (its closer to an assignment), it doesnt00:51
KiallI think with filter_by, its a combination of named paramaters and kwargs coming into play...00:52
jdgkiall:  See, you are a python guy  :)00:52
KiallI've literally done about 200 lines of python in my life ;) Learning it though!00:53
jdgThrowing around default assignment operations in functions and kwargs00:53
jdgalright, I'll bring up an install and just verify for my own curiousity that things like "disabled" are actually a key in the table00:54
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anotherjessedtroyer / termie / heckj - taking a pass at while dean is doing the devstack using service tenant/users00:58
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 942984 in keystone "keystone should return 503 service unavailable when service can't get a token via admin user/pass" [Critical,Confirmed]00:58
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heckjppb vote is already closed?01:01
bcwaldonreed: can you shed some light on this?01:02
heckjit's showing closed after 83 votes cast - guessing something broke...01:02
reedheckj, I emailed the mailing list with an explanation01:02
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reedbloody launchpad is taking a f*ing nap01:02
reedheckj, the gist is that the ballot was missing a candidate01:03
adam_gkeystone dudes, whats the plan for service token? is it going away, in favor of user/passwd credentials for services or something else? getting close to cutting juju charms / our CI over to the post-redux branch, but realize i can't until this is all sorted01:03
heckjadam_g: created a pacel of bugs related to the issue once we nailed it down.01:03
heckjadam_g: general description of the issues and solutions intended:
adam_gheckj: bodacious, thanks01:04
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heckjadam_g: bugs all logged from that, so if you have commentary, make sure it's in the bugs. That etherpad should be just reference now01:05
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heckjreed: you really should delete that election, even though I was doing great in it01:06
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reedheckj, I stopped it, there is no way to delete it I think :(01:07
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zaitcevWhat a bummer.01:27
zaitcevSo, as it turnes out, S3 mandates that HMAC was calculated using un-decoded URL.01:28
zaitcevBut Swift relies on WSGI, and obviously env['PATH_INFO'] is decoded. Otherwise, of course, shell scripts that were running under CGI in 1993 would not be able to open right files.01:30
zaitcevThere is no un-decoded path available to Swift middleware.01:30
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zaitcevOK, I thought, let's just hook into webob and add a special env[] for us that has un-decoded URL01:31
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zaitcevI'm just wondering if creiht knew about any of this.01:31
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/keystone failed: Provide request to Middleware.process_response()
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notmynamezaitcev: ping02:33
zaitcevnotmyname: pong02:33
notmynamezaitcev: I wanted to follow up about the decoded URLs02:33
notmynamezaitcev: "un-decoded" == utf8?02:33
zaitcevNo, un-decoded means "escaped" actually... e.g.
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 936998 in swift "Object name containing colon results in 403 Forbidden" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:34
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notmynamezaitcev: I wrote a little eventlet test to look at the env02:36
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/keystone failed: Align tox jobs with project standards.
zaitcevnotmyname: I'd like to look, although from looking at eventlet/ the situation looks pretty bleak.02:37
notmynamezaitcev: env['PATH_INFO'] seems to match what I pass in02:37
zaitcevEven if you pass %3A ?02:38
notmynameah ha!02:39
notmynamethat gets translated02:39
reednew ballot for PPB election is out02:39
reedand I go to have dinner02:39
notmynamereed: is the first one bad? I need to vote again?02:39
zaitcevit happens here, as far as I understand:
notmynamereed: sorry, just saw your email02:39
zaitcevclass HttpProtocol(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):02:40
reednotmyname, the first one will tell you that the poll is closed02:40
reedthe new one... I hope it has enough details so that people will figure out what's happening before they clog my email02:40
zaitcevhandler's self has self.path which is not decoded, but I do not see any way at all to get at it from the outside.02:41
reedit was going so well so far... I brought my inbox down to 5 unread/unacted messages and I guess tomorrow it will have 50 and more again02:41
reedoh well02:41
reedbye folks, I go get drunk with other Italians02:41
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termiemtaylor: how do i go about removing people from core in keystone, btw?02:42
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anotherjessemtaylor: why did your change break pep8 -,462502:43
termieanotherjesse: all changes are triggering pep8 problems02:44
termieanotherjesse: i still don't know why, but anyway, other changes hit the same thign02:45
anotherjessegoing to play with my daughter while someone fixes ;) when she sleeps I hope to fix authtoken02:45
notmynamezaitcev: seems like this would be an issue with eventlet02:45
zaitcevnotmyname: Indeed. BTW, there's no urgency in fixing it. I don't have a customer hitting it. I just thought it would be a perfect beginner's bug to fix... I expected that someone forgot a split(':') or had one too many somewhere.02:46
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zaitcevbrb tea02:46
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notmynamezaitcev: ah, I see dweimer was asking about it in #eventlet earlier02:48
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notmynameanotherjesse: ping03:23
notmynameanotherjesse: nm03:23
notmynamevishy: ping03:23
anotherjessenotmyname: ping03:24
anotherjessenotmyname: nm03:25
notmynameanotherjesse: sorry, I was trying to remember how to do something with gerrit that vishy and I talked about03:25
notmynameI've got a good patch proposed, but it has one small pep8 issue03:27
notmynameI'd prefer not to have to send it back. we had talked about how to make the small patch, but I don't remember the details03:27
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anotherjessenotmyname - as core, you can check the branch out, make some changes, git add changes, git commit —amend, then git review updates it03:54
anotherjesse(to anyone's branch)03:54
anotherjessethey retain authorship (I think)03:54
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notmynamethat's with git review -d <patch number>?03:56
anotherjessenotmyname: perhaps - I just use the gerrit instructions for checking out the patchset03:57
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notmynameok. I'll look at the docs some more. I've only used git review to submit stuff, not to download03:57
anotherjesseI know it works if you do the checkout section03:58
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dweimernotmyname: I came to the same conclusion as zaitcev. The only workaround I've found so far is to set a separate env variable in with self.path and then use that in swift3.04:13
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notmynamedweimer: which doesn't actually sound like too bad an idea. normally, you want what path_info gives you. but not having any access at all to what what "on the wire" seems strange04:14
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/horizon failed: Adds usage vs quota data to the launch instance dialog. Adds a reusable progress bar indicator.
notmynamedweimer: if you've not submitted code to eventlet, they are pretty easy to deal with, from what I hear. we (the swift team, and I think other openstack teams too) have submitted several patches that have been accepted04:15
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dweimernotmyname: That's good to hear. I'll add a test for my change and send it in. Do they have any external review process like gerrit or is it just a pull request through bitbucket?04:17
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notmynamedweimer: no, all through bitbucket, I think04:18
dweimerRegarding swift3, should it be using the decoded path_info when writing objects to the object server? Right now it replaces path_info with a quoted version so you get objects like foo%40bar sent to the object server.04:25
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/quantum failed: remove pep8 and strict lxml version from
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zaitcevdweimer: I think it should, so that after the fix the objects remain where they were - in case of both S3 and naive (obviously you could not write them through S3 before).04:45
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dweimerzaitcev: I gree. I'll test against S3 first to make sure that's what Amazon does, but I wouldn't expect them to have container listings full of encoded characters. A patch will have to wait until there is a fix for the authentication issue though. If we save the decoded version now, swift3 users can't get the file back.04:52
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vishynotmyname: don't know if you figured it out but git review -d XXXX will create the branch for you07:05
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vishythen you can fiddle, git commit --amend -a and git review07:05
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LarsErikPwhere does dashboard log?07:34
anotherjesse1apache log07:34
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LarsErikPby default?07:35
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anotherjesse1it is a normal django app - so wherever you normally put it07:36
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LarsErikPhow can this be reported as an error? SELECT `django_session`.`session_key`, `django_session`.`session_data`, `django_session`.`expire_date` FROM `django_session` WHERE (`django_session`.`session_key` = 6b2600168283e84ba110e625050f314b  AND `django_session`.`expire_date` > 2012-02-29 08:51:01 );08:05
anotherjesse1looks like you haven't sync'd the db08:06
LarsErikPthere we have an interesting problem.. because.. wait for it08:06
LarsErikProot@dublin:~# nova-manage db sync08:06
LarsErikPCommand failed, please check log for more info08:06
LarsErikProot@dublin:~# tail /var/log/nova/nova-manage.log08:07
LarsErikP(nova): TRACE:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/migrate/versioning/", line 80, in changeset08:07
LarsErikP(nova): TRACE:     changeset = self.repository.changeset(database, start_ver, version)08:07
LarsErikP(nova): TRACE:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/migrate/versioning/", line 214, in changeset08:07
LarsErikP(nova): TRACE:     changes = [self.version(v).script(database, op) for v in versions]08:07
LarsErikP(nova): TRACE:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/migrate/versioning/", line 178, in version08:07
LarsErikP(nova): TRACE:     return self.versions.version(*p, **k)08:07
LarsErikP(nova): TRACE:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/migrate/versioning/", line 125, in version08:07
LarsErikP(nova): TRACE:     return self.versions[VerNum(vernum)]08:07
LarsErikP(nova): TRACE: KeyError: <VerNum(74)>08:07
LarsErikP(nova): TRACE:08:07
LarsErikPany ideas?08:13
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anotherjesse1LarsErikP: have you checked out what does in to setup dashboard?08:15
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comstudLarsErikP: looks like maybe migration 74 is missing, but you have a 75 somehow08:18
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LarsErikPactually, we used the managedIT scripts for initial install. I think I screwed it up, when i ran nova-manage db sync from my compute nodes.. After i did that, the command failed on my controller...08:18
LarsErikPso, what I'm trying to say... it worked before i did that08:19
LarsErikPdb version on the controller yields 7408:19
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LarsErikPuhm.. now nova-network is rude11:49
LarsErikPtrying to fetch columns from tables that doesn't exist11:49
LarsErikPOperationalError: (OperationalError) (1054, "Unknown column 'instances_1.local_gb' in 'field list'")11:51
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eglynn_any glance core reviewers on-line right now?12:28
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LarsErikPfixed nova-network..12:43
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LarsErikPanotherjesse: wich db, btw?12:50
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DavieyTop tip for today, make sure the tests pass before you start hacking... otherwise you spent too much time trying to work out what you did to break it :)13:09
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KiallDaviey: lol.. done that before ;)13:12
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maploinhow can I retrigger a failed Jenkins build (its fault, not the commiter's) from Gerrit?13:25
Davieymaploin: Mark it approved again?13:26
maploinDaviey: what if I'm the committer, not the reviewer?13:27
Davieymaploin: you can retrigger from within jenkins.13:27
Davieyoh, sad out of luck.13:27
maploinI can't retrigger from Jenkins either if I'm the committer?13:27
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Davieymaploin: no, pester a core dev of the component you are working on13:31
maploinok, thanks13:31
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LarsErikPwrong shell13:44
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/glance failed: Disallow file:// sources on location or copy-from.
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PotHix Someone working with quantum-client?13:57
blamarPotHix: worked with it a little, whats up?13:59
PotHixblamar: How are you running the unit tests?14:00
blamarPotHix: using 'tox'14:01
blamaronly running python 2.6 environment though14:01
blamari think it's 'tox -e py26'14:01
PotHixI'm using Python 2.7.2 for quantum, the 2.6 returns some errors for me14:03
PotHixblamar: Do you have other option to suggest?14:03
blamarPotHix: Can you put the errors on I might be able to assist14:03
blamarHow are you running the tests?14:04
PotHixThese errors I got on the quantum repository14:04
PotHixI don't know how to run the tests for quantum client14:04
PotHixcan you help me with that?14:05
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blamarPotHix: potentially I can, lemme test something really quick on a python 2.7 machine14:06
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PotHixblamar: which command are you using to run the unit tests?14:08
blamarPotHix: 'tox -e py27' just worked for me on ubuntu14:08
PotHixblamar: I'll try it! :)14:11
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PotHixit works! Tks blamar!14:15
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mjforkany one else having problems with horizon either via github or running tests with a new venv?14:35
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eglynn__nova folks: quick question14:57
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eglynn__I'm seeing odd transient failures in the Jenkins devstack integ tests gating a glance merge14:58
eglynn__looks like an instance isn't starting up quickly enough14:58
eglynn__ timeout 60 sh -c 'while ! nova show 8b4b3067-a7d2-4fd7-b8d1-b4069660d6b2 | grep status | grep -q ACTIVE; do sleep 1; done'14:58
eglynn__server didn't become active!14:58
eglynn__+ echo 'server didn'\''t become active!'14:58
eglynn__^^^ that failure ring any bells with anyone?14:59
uvirtbot`eglynn__: Error: "^^" is not a valid command.14:59
eglynn__here's the full context if anyone is interested ...
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annegentlettx: around? I have a Q about what to do with bugs once they are marked "Fix released" but the are not targeted to a milestone (doc bugs are like this). Do I have to target to a milestone to close a bug?15:24
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ttxannegentle: openstack-manuals bugs ? Or project bugs ?15:25
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ttxthe idea of adding the milestone is to be able to look at the milestone page and ~see what it fixed15:26
annegentlettx: specifically openstack-manuals bugs15:26
ttxannegentle: since openstack-manuals is not formally released at each milestone... I don't see the point15:26
annegentlettx: me neither. all I want to do is close bugs when I know they are fixed.15:26
ttxannegentle: then don't go through the hassle of targeting post-fix15:27
annegentlettx: published to trunk is "Fix Released"  for openstack-manuals (although another definition could be "published to release name"15:27
ttxannegentle: sounds fine to me15:28
annegentlettx: I'm still missing a step though. What marks a bug "closed"15:28
ttxannegentle: FixReleased, Invalid, Opinion, Wontfix15:28
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ttxannegentle: all those won't apear by default in bug searches15:29
annegentlettx: ok, and this may be a CI question, but if I know a branch was merged yesterday, should the bug be updated with a link to the Gerrit branch?15:29
annegentlemtaylor: or jeblair ^^ trying to see if openstack-manuals is behaving as it should be connected to Gerrit.15:29
ttxannegentle: that's useful info. Gerrit auto-updates the bug when it has the info15:30
annegentlefor example, I fixed 940416 yesterday. I don't see an auto-update.15:30
ttxannegentle: I wrote the update_bug script, let me check15:30
annegentlettx: awesome, let's figure this out15:30
ttxannegentle: what was the corresponding review ?15:31
annegentlettx: ah, never mind! It didn't actually get reviewed yet.,465215:32
annegentlettx: my mistake15:32
ttxannegentle: though it won't work when it does15:32
annegentlettx: here's one with the Gerrit info, but I have to manually mark it "Fix Released" yes?15:32
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 882781 in openstack-manuals "Flag for multi_host flag is missing from docs" [Medium,Fix committed]15:32
ttxyou need to say "bug 940416"15:32
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 940416 in openstack-manuals "On site, image API doesn't have a version number like v1 similar to the other APIs" [High,Fix released]
ttxnot just "940416"15:32
ttxin the commit message15:33
annegentlettx: ah ha!15:33
ttxthen it will link to it when you propose...15:33
ttxand mark it fixcommitted when it merges15:33
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ttxthough in your case you'd prefer if it was directly marked FixReleased.15:33
ttxannegentle: file an openstack-ci bug if you want update_bug to directly set merged changes to FixReleased for openstack-manuals15:34
annegentlettx: ok, that's fixed15:34
annegentlettx: ah, that might be what I want.15:34
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annegentlettx: tell me if you think that's a bad idea though.15:34
notmynamemtaylor: I've got a swift-core member that isn't showing up as core in gerrit (jay payne, aka letterj)15:34
ttxno, makes sense.15:35
annegentlettx: ok, thanks15:35
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gkottonhi, anyone have any difficulties with devstack at the moment?15:40
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ironcamelgkotton: not at the moment. what issue are you having?15:45
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gkottonironcamel: ./ line 619: cd: /opt/stack/nova: No such file or directory15:46
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ironcamelummm, do you have a /opt/stack/nova dir?15:46 actually should create that itself15:47
ironcameli wonder if it is a file system permissions problem15:47
ironcamelwhat user are you running as? root, stack, another user?15:48
gkottonironcamel: no, the directory does not exist - this is odd!15:48
jk0would be cool if LP had some sort of cap on all of these bug update emails15:48
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eglynnbcwaldon: did my response on,4645 address your concerns on the rate limiting duplication?15:55
milnerAny trick to get jenkins to test my approved branch?,445915:57
mtaylornotmyname: k. will figure out why15:58
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notmynamemtaylor: thanks15:58
mtaylorLinuxJedi: ^^^15:59
mtaylorLinuxJedi: notmyname reports that letterj/Jay Payne is in the swift-core team but not showing up in gerrit15:59
LinuxJedimtaylor: ok, I shall look into it shortly16:00
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zulmtaylor jeblair: the horizon tarballs is failing (we use it to build debs) can you see why?16:05
eglynnjpipes: can you re-trigger Jenkins build for,4602 ?16:06
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eglynnjpipes: unreproducable glance test failure didn't occur in the last 2 runs, but now seeing an intermittent devstack failure seemingly caused by slow nova instance start-up16:07
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LinuxJedimtaylor, notmyname: gerrit is showing Jay Payne as a swift-core member for me.  Maybe the sync script hadn't caught up at the time?16:15
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notmynameLinuxJedi: ya, he's listed in core in launchpad, but he can't do +-2 reviews or merge things16:15
LinuxJedinotmyname: he should be able to, gerrit says he can16:16
zaitcevdweimer: Thanks for the update, I was just going to poke eventlet ppl this morning...16:18
LinuxJedinotmyname: unfortunately the current version of the script doesn't log when he was added to it in gerrit (the new version coming soon will), so I can't say when that happened16:18
notmynameLinuxJedi: actually, he should have always been a member of core16:18
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LinuxJedinotmyname: ah, I see the problem, he is coming in via. a different launchpad OpenID16:20
notmynameLinuxJedi: ah. can the mapping be changed to the one he's using?16:21
notmynameLinuxJedi: I don't think he intends to have 2 ids16:21
LinuxJedinotmyname: it depends why that is happening.  I'll look into it now16:21
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LinuxJedinotmyname: has he had 2 LaunchPad account merged (or does he have 2 active accounts even?)16:25
notmynameLinuxJedi: I doubt he has two active accounts16:27
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LinuxJedinotmyname: all I can see so far is yesterday he started coming in via. a different openID, almost as if he was logged into someone else's LP account.  I really need to know if he has had accounts merged at any time and if he is really logged in as him in LP.16:33
notmynameLinuxJedi: I'll ask16:34
mtaylorzul: it's because horizon got fixed to behave like normal!16:34
* mtaylor kisses horizon on the mouth16:35
mtaylorzul: it's going to be a little while before I can fix that - but I'm on it16:35
LinuxJedimtaylor: you don't know where that has been ;)16:35
notmynameLinuxJedi: yes, he had 2 LP accounts, and they were merged16:35
notmynameLinuxJedi: he had a @rackspace account and a @gmail account. he moved everything to the @gmail one16:36
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LinuxJedinotmyname: fantastic.  It is a Launchpad bug.  We have instructions somewhere on what he needs to do.  I'll dig them out16:37
LinuxJedinotmyname: ok, full instructions (with his openIDs) are here:
notmynameLinuxJedi: thanks16:40
mtaylornotmyname: we're hoping that if we file enough of these, we'll convince the person who thinks it's not a bug that it's a bug16:40
notmynamemtaylor: happy to help :-)16:40
LinuxJedimtaylor: the good news is now that it has started to break Launchpad projects they do consider it a bug16:40
mtaylorLinuxJedi: we should investigate whether or not adding a second openid entry in the gerrit db is a valid workaround16:40
mtaylorLinuxJedi: excellent16:41
mtaylorLinuxJedi: they should listen to me more quickly16:41
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LinuxJedimtaylor: it is a workaround but the sync script won't know about it if we have to rebuild the DB at any time16:41
LinuxJedimtaylor: and I don't know any workaround for that :)16:41
LinuxJedimtaylor: will, they have like a gazillion other bugs in the openID system so it is just when they find time :)16:42
jeblairmtaylor: it would also require significant identity verification on our part16:42
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jeblairmilner: i re-approved it, jenkins should get to work on it now16:45
eglynnttx: quick question, what are the mechanics of taking a fix just merged to master and backporting it to milestone-proposed (in order to get it into E4)16:46
eglynnttx: is it just a case of re-proposing the review on the milestone-proposed branch?16:46
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milnerjeblair: great, thanks!16:47
eglynnttx: thx!16:47
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letterjLinuxJedi: I'm the one that notmyname was helping with  Can I ask a few questions?16:49
LinuxJediletterj: of course16:49
letterjWhere is launch pad do I find the identity that I want them to use?  I see the identity used on review.openstack.org16:50
LinuxJediletterj: if you go to your Lauchpad user page.  View the source and search for "openid2.local_id" you should find it there16:51
LinuxJediletterj: it is also in for you16:51
LinuxJediletterj: along with the wrong one Launchpad are sending when you login to gerrit16:51
letterjoh wow. thanks for the help.  I was told that was just an example of how someone else did it.  :-)16:53
annegentleletterj: LinuxJedi: I had to do the same thing, hopefully they'll see it as a bug and let us consolidate.16:53
letterjLinuxJedi: thanks again for your help16:54
LinuxJediletterj: no problem at all, unfortunately this comes up a couple of times a week now, really wish LP would pull their finger out and fix it :(16:55
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gkottonanyone try and run devstack as of late16:55
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mjforkgkotton: i did this AM and it failed.16:56
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dtroyergkotton, mjfork : there is known devstack breakage with horizon's refactor, review of fix is in progress16:57
eglynngkotton: I ran dtroyer's Fedora16-aware version yesterday16:57
gkottonmjfork: thanks16:57
eglynngkotton: worked fine with a couple tweaks16:57
gkottoneglynn: thanks - i ran into the problems on ubuntu. i'll give the fedora a bash16:57
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eglynn(e.g. creating the /opt/stack/logs dir in advance)16:57
mjforkgkotton: horizon related? looks like horizon was refactored and devstack not caught up16:58
dtroyermjfork: correct16:58
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gkottonmjfork: yes related to horizon17:01
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Kiallmtaylor / jeblair mind me asking how you have Jenkins report build status back for the nova-tarball run? eg
jeblairKiall: sure17:15
jeblairKiall: for a while we ran with a few tarball jobs set to trigger on change-merged17:15
jeblairKiall: we thought that was the right thing for a tarball job.  since change-merged has a change associated with it, it can report back to gerrit17:16
jeblairKiall: however, there's a problem with that and we stopped using change-merged:17:16
KiallRight, I've got some similar jobs trigger by change-merged - would like their results posted back once they complete..17:16
jeblairKiall: the job runs with parameters that are associated with the current patchset; however since we allow gerrit to merge commits if needed, sometimes the result in the tree is the patchset as uploaded PLUS a merge commit that merges it into the tip.  change-merged events lack information about the merge commit, so if you check out the git repo with only what's included, you'll get the change as the person submitted it, rather than the17:18
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jeblairKiall: that's the wrong thing to build a tarball from, so we stopped.17:18
jeblairKiall: that's when we started down the ref-updated path17:19
zaitceveglynn: Were you able to find an answer how to re-start Jenkins? I mean, other than "poke jpipes on IRC".17:19
jeblairKiall: though you can also solve that problem in another way: have gerrit include merge commit info in the change-merged event, and have the gerrit trigger plugin pick up on that.  I've actually just about finished a patch to gerrit to do the 1st part of that.17:19
zaitcevOr "upload the same rewiew set again"17:19
Kialljeblair: Aha, interesting.. I haven't considered that..17:20
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Kiallzaitcev: join the "nova" launchpad team and you seem to get access to the retrigger button..17:20
eglynnzaitcev: the IRC poke to a core reviewer is only way I know how to re-trigger unfortunately17:20
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eglynnKiall: interesting ...17:20
jeblairKiall: so for your actual question, er, i think we just left the defaults and it reported back.  i haven't tested that behavior in my latest build -- its possible something has happened to stop that.17:20
Kiall(At least - I'm guessing its that! Since I somehow see the retrigger button and most people dont)17:20
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Kialljeblair: I saw the same behaviour on an older build too, no reporting back for change-merged builds...17:21
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jeblairKiall: also, we hang out on #openstack-infra and talk about this sort of thing all day if you're interested.17:22
KiallLol - I would like to occasionally get some work done ;)17:22
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zulmtaylor: cool17:24
eglynnjaypipes: can I trouble you to repeat your earlier +2 on,4602 ?17:25
eglynnjaypipes: the patch now has multiple approvals and is verified (finally!) by Jenkins, but no current +2 so merge is blocked17:25
eglynnjaypipes: also,4447 if you have time17:26
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/quantum failed: remove pep8 and strict lxml version from
jaypipeseglynn: yup, gimme 10 minutes17:26
eglynnjaypipes: cool, thanks!17:26
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jaypipeseglynn: off to the pit of despair it goes...17:28
eglynnjaypipes: thanks, I'll re-propose patch on milestone-proposed once it's merged to master17:29
eglynn(so as to get it into E4)17:29
jaypipeseglynn: yup, same for 444717:30
eglynnjaypipes: cool17:30
jdgAnybody able to approve,4403 for me?  It's been sitting waiting for a while17:30
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jdgjaypipes: thanks!17:32
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jaypipesjdg: least I could do :)17:32
jaypipesjdg: not nova-core, though... so only a slight comfort :)17:32
jdgjaypipes:  Progress is good no matter what  :)17:33
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/quantum failed: remove pep8 and strict lxml version from
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zykes-Kiall: around ?17:36
zykes-what you think of the idea to17:36
zykes-couchbase > python > powerdns as prim dns ?17:37
KiallThe same (constructive) criticism as last time.. Why introduce the complexity of another service like Couchbase?17:38
zykes-why else is the use of using powerdns if you need to put bind in front of it ?17:38
jaypipesdtroyer: quick heads up.. I removed keystone from being affected by bug 942684 and updated the description to reflect the work you are doing in devstack to address the devstack pieces of
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 942684 in devstack "devstack should only use service_user/service_password, not admin_token" [Critical,In progress]
KiallPowerDNS can talk the the existing databases people deploy with nova, reusing those makes sense - unless there is a really good reason for deploying a new service...17:39
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/quantum failed: Split out pip requires and aligned tox file.
zykes-yeah, but it doesn't make sense to use powerdns when you need to have a bind one in front of it17:39
zykes-feels utterly silly17:39
dtroyerjaypipes: thanks.  It's actually in  942983 now.17:40
KiallThe reason I suggested BIND in front on PowerDNS is that a DB backed public DNS server will be resource heavy...17:40
KiallYou end up with the advantages of PowerDNS, but none of its drawbacks17:40
jaypipesdtroyer: ah.. ok. want me to mark the other a dup?17:41
dtroyerno, I think they're different.17:41
dtroyerdifferent details?17:41
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jaypipesdtroyer: well, I think the stuff that related to Keystone (me mistaking the changes in the handling of service tokens) turned out to be Invalid, so the only thing left is the same as the other bug :)17:42
dtroyerah, ok, dupe it then17:43
jaypipesdtroyer: done :)17:43
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dtroyerFor those having trouble with horizon and devstack this morning, the fix has been merged into devstack17:56
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eglynnjaypipes: those 2 patches re-submitted on milestone-proposed ...
jaypipeseglynn: cheers18:09
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jdgCan anyone confirm that summit registration for folks without any invite code opens up tomorrow?18:16
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jaypipesjdg: see my PM...18:20
annegentlejdg: confirmed, and if you have an invite, use it today18:20
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jdgannegentle: I've been asked by a customer how they can attend, already used my invite last week :)18:22
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termieheckj: did we do the thing with the cutting a release?18:29
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eglynnvishy: can I trouble you with,4706 ?18:41
eglynnvishy: just the same nova rate limiting fix you +2'd yesterday, resubmitted on milestone-proposed in order to get it into E418:42
jdgvishy:  While folks are making requests maybe,4403 as well (one line change to add lun number to volume update)18:46
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vishyeglynn: it didn't make it in?18:53
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/glance failed: Allow region selection when using V2 keystone
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eglynnvishy: nope, only got into master after the milestone-proposed branch was cut18:57
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jakedahngood call19:03
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jaypipesjeblair: ping19:06
jaypipeseglynn: ok, I'm officially stumped why that regional endpoint patch won't pass the integration-devstack-vm gate :( Keeps failing with this:
jaypipeseglynn: and I'd really like to get that patch into milestone-proposed...19:09
jaypipeseglynn: any ideas?19:09
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jaypipesjeblair: gonna run and grab some coffee, but my request is this: it seems that because I am a member of OpenStack admins (which is the owner of the keystone-core and horizon-core teams on Launchpad) that I have +2 ability on both keystone and horizon. I shouldn't have that ability, nor do I particularly want that ability, and I'm sure it would make termie's day if you could remove me from +2-ability in those projects.19:17
jaypipes Thanks.19:17
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bengrueanyone mind if I grab
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 942986 in keystone "auth_token needs logging enabled" [High,Confirmed]19:31
jaypipesbengrue: check with anotherjesse ... he may be working in there..19:32
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eglynnjaypipes: sorry missed your ping earlier19:33
eglynnjaypipes: so that devstack failure ...19:33
bcwaldonbengrue: anotherjesse is working here ->,467519:33
bcwaldonbengrue: confict-central19:33
eglynnjaypipes: nova image-list failing with 500 ... are the nova and glance logs preserved after the test run completes?19:34
bengrueoh, oh I see.19:34
heckjbengrue: I don't know that jesse is getting logging in there though19:34
bengrueis there any project that's not being gated on human interaction right now that needs some lovin'?19:35
bcwaldonheckj: he isn't addressing that bug, I was just pointing out a sure confclit19:35
heckjbcwaldon - yeah, definitely19:35
heckjbengrue: I'd love to see the logging in there, but be aware of the impending conflict ...19:36
jeblairjaypipes: it's likely that you slipped in there in an earlier version of the sync script.  i'll remove you from those groups now.  the next version of the script (to be deployed soon) should correctly remove people from groups.19:36
jaypipeseglynn: hmm...19:36
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jeblairjaypipes, eglynn:
jeblairthe syslog is preserved for each devstack gate job19:39
jeblair(look under "Build Artifacts" on the page for the build)19:39
eglynnjeblair: nice! thx19:39
* eglynn looking ...19:40
jaypipeseglynn, jeblair: related?,469819:40
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sbroekerI am having trouble with "git review"19:42
sbroekerI get the following error message:19:42
sbroekercp: :hooks/commit-msg: No such file or directory"19:43
sbroekerAny ideas?19:43
eglynnjaypipes: wasn't Stuart's patch failing devstack before 4698 went into nova?19:43
jaypipeseglynn: yes... I suppose we can rekick that job and see if it makes a diff...19:44
jeblairsbroeker: can you run "git-review -s -v" and copy the output to ?19:44
jaypipeseglynn: I retriggered it...19:44
eglynnjaypipes: cool19:44
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jaypipeseglynn: if it works, fine, if not, I think it may have to do with other devstack/keystone things currently being worked on.19:44
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eglynnjaypipes: I'll spin up a fresh devstack here with Stuart's patch applied to glance, do a bit a digging to see if I can twigg what's going on ...19:46
jaypipeseglynn: k, thx19:47
sbroekerjeblair: I did the paste #5509.19:48
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/glance failed: Allow region selection when using V2 keystone
anotherjesse1dtroyer / jaypipes - the service_pass/protocol/host/port/url - I think those can be removed19:50
anotherjesse1from - they were optional, so that you can deploy as a stand-alone service (eg, it turned it into an auth-ing proxy)19:51
jeblairsbroeker: what does "git-review --version" say?19:51
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sbroekerjeblair: git-review version 1.1419:52
jeblairmtaylor: it looks like your fix was applied after 1.14; time to cut 1.15?19:54
eglynnjaypipes: just tried on a day-old devstack, nova image-list failing in the keystone auth_token middleware:
eglynnjaypipes: actually scratch that ... I think dprince has already fixed the KeyError on the json.loads(data)["access"]["token"]["id"] nested lookup19:57
bcwaldoneglynn: should be fixed as of now19:57
bcwaldoneglynn: also, can't see that paste19:57
eglynnbcwaldon: here it is but yeah, you're right already fixed19:59
* eglynn spinning up a fresh devstack ...19:59
jeblairsbroeker: try installing that version; it has a fix for what I believe is the problem you are encountering.  let me knwo if it doesn't work20:01
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anotherjesse2jaypipes: around?20:06
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jaypipesanotherjesse: yep, back from coffee20:11
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anotherjesse2jaypipes: the "service" stuff was for a mode that wasn't used -
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anotherjesse2running in http auth proxy mode - if you want to do that it should be the middleware and then an additional (don't put both features in a single wsgi app)20:12
jaypipesanotherjesse: yes, no disagreement there :) I was just saying that I think s/admin/service/g, but it's not a huge deal.20:13
anotherjesse2jaypipes: if this review lands there won't be overlapping meaning of "service_*"20:13
anotherjesse2so - we could potentially go with service20:13
jaypipesanotherjesse: yeah, that's all I was suggesting, but it's not a biggie20:14
jaypipesanotherjesse: a more important comment from me was about removing the token entirely from the conf...20:15
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anotherjesse2jaypipes: I think we should mark it as deprecated but removing it might break people20:17
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anotherjesse2jaypipes / dtroyer: also replied to some of your comments in,4675 - still looking at the bottom two comments20:18
jaypipesanotherjesse: actually, keeping it in there is breaking people :) Since people have been putting in what they think is a service token (long-lived token), which is now not possible to generate...20:18
anotherjesse2the thing breaking is that (still) will mark _admin_token to None if the user's token is invalid...20:18
anotherjesse2I agree with improving the situation - still working through all the details - I might agree with you in the end ;)20:19
jaypipesanotherjesse: yup, agree, it's a tricky one..20:19
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jaypipesanotherjesse: the comment of mine that begins with Two things: is the important one IMHO20:21
anotherjesse2replying to that one now20:21
jaypipesanotherjesse: it's the source of the bug and the reason the 503 raise doesn't work properly.20:21
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anotherjesse2jaypipes: replied20:24
anotherjesse2jaypipes: I commented on where I think the issue is here:,sidebyside,4675,12,keystone/middleware/auth_token.py20:26
jaypipesanotherjesse: ok, so yeah... the property is accessed in validate_user_token(), true, but the logic that checks for not None (after the property will return None) is lacking from validate_user_token(), which means a X-Auth-Token: None is sent through...and not a 503 returned20:27
anotherjesse2agreed - hence I left the comment in admin_token method saying there is still a bug in here20:27
jaypipesanotherjesse: so I think it might be better to make the property into a pure function and have it raise a 503 and do the retry itself?20:27
anotherjesse2jaypipes: probably20:28
jaypipesanotherjesse: and only do the retry once in the main __call__ method?20:28
anotherjesse2jaypipes: btw, an issue that hit me for a bit.  if you do glance -A foo index; it will work if you have environmental variables set correctly (user/pass/tenant) - because it will hit glance with invalid token, which glance gets told is invalid, then glance client will talk to keystone and get a new token with the env variables and then hit glance again and succeed20:29
jaypipesanotherjesse: i.e. check for admin_token in __call__. If not existing, call self._get_admin_token(), with _get_admin_token() raising a 503 itself after a single retry to deal with expired admin token?20:29
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anotherjesse2jaypipes: I'm thinking something like that!20:29
jaypipesanotherjesse: yeah, there's some overhaul needed in glance CLI client...20:30
jaypipesanotherjesse: and better ways of logging debug messages in the glance client20:30
dprinceanotherjesse2/jaypipes: I'm a fan of switching from admin --> service for the config names.20:30
anotherjesse2I thought it was letting things through with the A**BAG token20:30
jaypipesanotherjesse: :)20:30
anotherjesse2turns out the client was smart20:30
jaypipesanotherjesse: no, have to use the super-special-secret "F**ktard" password.20:30
* jaypipes goes off to write easter egg into python-glanceclient...20:31
jaypipeseglynn: retrigger of the regional endpoint job failed again..20:32
eglynnjaypipes: bummer!20:32
eglynnjaypipes: I'll continue digging ...20:33
jaypipeseglynn: yeah I know... but I have a sneaking suspicion the root cause has something to do with what anotherjesse and others are in the process of working on20:33
eglynnjaypipes: cool20:33
jaypipesanotherjesse: OK, so we are definitely on the same wavelength re: the middleware. Good to know.20:34
anotherjesse2jaypipes: will continue on it after lunch20:34
anotherjesse2I'm waiting on dolphm to respond to my comment on patch 1220:34
jaypipesanotherjesse: rock on.20:35
jaypipesanotherjesse: good to hear they're letting you have lunch now.20:35
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ayoungheckj, is the current master of keystone client compatable with the current master of keystone?20:36
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heckjayoung: yes, we test keystone agressively against keystone-client with every potential update. Note: we don't do the reverse, so we can introduce breaks with changes to keystone-client (a hole we need to fill)20:39
ayoungheckj, so I finally ran the keystoneclient code against ldap Identity and found I missed user_by_name20:39
ayoungI'll be posting a patch for that shortly20:40
heckjayoung: excellent!20:40
ayoungwill I need a ticket for that?20:40
ayoungthis time I promise to run pep8 on it prior to submitting, too20:40
heckjayoung: a bug never hurts, but isn't required.20:42
ayoungheckj, OK.  I'll ticket it.20:43
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YorikSarbcwaldon: around?20:59
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Davieyvishy / devcamcar: Do one of you want to approve ?  you've both given it a +121:13
devcamcarDaviey: looking21:13
devcamcarahh, yes, i meant to21:14
devcamcarflipped the bit21:14
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/swift failed: Add support for URLs and absolute paths in staticweb CSS listings.
bcwaldonYorikSar: yep, what's up21:30
notmynamemtaylor: how do I unstuck that ^ (it's not a swift error, it's an error with the git server)21:31
notmynamemtaylor: ah. I found a "retrigger" button in jenkins21:34
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ttxjaypipes: don't forget to readjust the Glance E4 bugs list before EOD so that I know what we are blocking on21:43
jaypipesttx: yup, will do right now. thx for the reminder21:44
jaypipesbcwaldon, anotherjesse, mtaylor: started new glance CLI and client package:
jaypipesobviously long way to go, but it's a start... looking to Folsom to get alignment with other cores.21:45
jeblairjaypipes: would you like that to be in jenkins/gerrit?21:46
ttxjeblair: not for essex21:47
jaypipesjeblair: yes, but like ttx says, for folsom..21:47
ttxI'd rather not change the set of deliverables at this point21:47
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: Raise 409 when rescuing instance in RESCUE mode
jaypipesttx: I wasn't suggesting we would change deliverables21:47
jeblairwe don't have to wait until it's released to start using the project infrastructure; in general it's better to have projects move into our infrastructure earlier rather than later i think21:48
bcwaldonjaypipes: awesome, thanks for starting on that21:48
ttxvishy: suggest we add bug 943293 to E4, will do the MP backport tomorrow21:49
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 943293 in nova "Missing rootwrap filters for newly-introduced run_as_root commands" [High,Fix committed]
jaypipesjeblair: that's fine... just saying it's not a priority and it won't be replacing the python-glance package in PyPI for the Essex release21:50
jeblairjaypipes: cool, can you file an openstack-ci bug about adding it to jenkins/gerrit when you're ready?21:52
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Davieyjaypipes: you almost gave me a heart attack then.. i thought you were going to try to target that new thing at essex.21:53
jaypipesjeblair: will do21:53
jaypipesDaviey: lol, not a chance21:54
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anotherjesse2jaypipes: <- trying to get logging working21:54
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zaitcevI can tell you that's not going to work21:55
zaitcevMeh, I had a working logging patch somewhere.... in one of my repos21:55
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anotherjesse2zaitcev: yeah, I have no clue what is going on ;(21:56
zaitcevanotherjesse2: Anyway, basically, look how Swift does it. It has a helper loke get_logger() which actually works. You need some kind of... like set some flags or whatever. Just steal from there21:56
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eglynnjaypipes: dunno if this is the *same* issue that causing Jenkins devstack integ test to fail for Stuart's region patch21:56
eglynnjaypipes: but I'm seeing nova image-list fail in the strict creds completeness test he added21:57
eglynnjaypipes: but I'm seeing nova image-list fail in the strict creds completeness test he added jaypipes: failure
eglynnjaypipes: corresponding code change,sidebyside,4350,4,glance/common/ lines 81-8221:57
jaypipesanotherjesse: before using the swift stuff... what exactly are you experiencing? that middleware should be loaded into the pipeline *after* logging is configured.21:57
zaitcevWait, I found it21:57
anotherjesse2jaypipes: trying to make it so I can log critical exceptions in the auth_token middleware21:58
jaypipeszaitcev: all that code should already have been run in setup_logging() before the pipeline even initalizes the middleware...21:59
jaypipesanotherjesse: can you verify that setup_logging() has been called?21:59
jaypipeseglynn: looking...22:00
bcwaldonjaypipes: if so, then what jesse has in that paste is fine, right?22:00
bcwaldonjaypipes: RE logging22:00
jaypipesbcwaldon: should be... depends on the code that comes before the middleware initialization... setup_logging() needs to be called before load_paste_app().22:01
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jaypipeseglynn: but didn't that patch from stu with the strict creds already hit trunk? :(22:01
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bcwaldonjaypipes: but the middleware is getting a different logger than the setup would do22:02
jaypipeseglynn: or did he roll these patches into one? ..22:02
bcwaldonjaypipes: since the setup would be for glance or nova, but he's using a keystone logger22:02
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eglynnjaypipes: yep, I see, he just moved that line and added strategy to the required creds22:02
jaypipesbcwaldon: in setup_logging(), try putting logger.propogate = True22:03
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jaypipeseglynn: so we need to supply strategy now? ..22:04
jaypipeseglynn: hmm... not sure if that is very user-friendly :)22:04
jaypipeseglynn: if auth_url is specified probably would be best to default to keystone strategy. thoughts?22:04
eglynnjaypipes: yep, but its actually failing on a missing passwd22:04
eglynnMissingCredentialError: Missing required credential: password22:04
eglynnjaypipes: despite OS_PASSWORD being set in my env22:05
* eglynn will dig some more ...22:05
jaypipesk, appreciated.22:05
jaypipesI'll ping stuart and see what the status is on I could have sworn we'd gotten that into trunk already...22:06
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 920386 in glance "Client side SSL related variables" [Medium,Triaged]22:06
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mtaylorjaypipes: I'm making patches for you alreday...22:11
jaypipesmtaylor: ah, ok :)22:12
mtaylorjaypipes: no reason to not get you on all the latest hotness right off the bad22:13
jaypipesmtaylor: k22:14
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jaypipesmtaylor: merged22:17
jaypipesjeblair: ^^ in case you'd already started on that...22:17
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/nova failed: Be consistent with disabling periodic tasks.
jeblairjaypipes: i hadn't; thanks.22:18
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mtaylorjaypipes: just running "tox" in your source dir will do all of the virtualenv testing you've ever wanted (tox -v will be verbose about it)22:18
jaypipesmtaylor: rock on. that will be especially useful when tests are added. :P22:19
mtayloryes. and when they don't import keystoneclient :)22:19
jaypipesmtaylor: yeah, yeah :)22:19
eglynnjaypipes: one difference is that Stuart is calling KeystoneStrategy.check_auth_params() eagerly from __init__22:19
eglynnjaypipes: whereas previously this was called from the authenticate() method22:19
eglynnjaypipes: may be as simple as premature enforcement of required creds22:19
eglynnjaypipes: the corresponding nova logic hasn't changed since 2011-09-1022:19
jaypipeseglynn: hmmm... looks like you are on the right trail.22:20
jaypipeseglynn: care to push a change to his patch and see if that is the right issue?22:20
notmynamewhat is maru newby's nick in irc?22:20
eglynnjaypipes: yep, I'll spin up another clean devstack to compare22:21
notmynamemnewby: ping22:22
notmynamebhall: thanks22:22
bhallnotmyname: np22:23
notmynamemtaylor: ping (about testing with tox)22:24
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mtaylornotmyname: pong22:28
notmynamemtaylor: I'm loking at the tx patch proposed to swift22:29
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notmynamemtaylor: anything other than `[sudo] tox` to use it (and test this patch)?22:29
mtaylornope. that should do everything you've ever wanted22:29
mtaylornotmyname: if you want to run just a single environment, you can do "tox -epy27" or "tox -epy26" ... by default it does both22:30
notmynamemtaylor: ya, I just ran it. that's awesome22:32
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mtaylorsweet! glad you like it. (I was so happy when I jkoelker showed it to me)22:32
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notmynamemtaylor: so my understanding is that you can set up the .ini file for multiple environments, right? like py26 in lucid, py27 in natty, and py26 with packages from precise, etc?22:33
notmyname"in lucid" etc means "the package versions from that distro"22:33
notmynameso eg, py26 with different version of webob and eventlet22:33
mtaylornotmyname: well, it doesn't really undersand natty/precise or whatnot - but you could totally do that if you set up a requirements file with info about those distros22:34
mtaylornotmyname: totally. I hadn't thought of doing that22:34
notmynameya, that's what I meant22:34
mtaylorbut I like the idea22:34
notmynameso for example, get the dependencies list and then test with each version of python for each version of the packages that ship with different distros22:34
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notmynameeg rhel versions of dependencies, lucid version of dependencies, and even "company specific" versions of dependencies (eg we have packaged later versions of some things like webob and eventlet)22:35
mtaylorit would take a little bit of work to set that up - tox installs from pip ... but we could completely make a file like "pip-requires-lucid" and put the package versions in there by hand22:35
notmynamethat's really cool22:36
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jeblairnotmyname, mtaylor: keep in mind that even packages as shipped by a distro may not match (or even be available on) pypi because of disto-supplied patches (backported fixes, etc)22:37
jeblair(but perhaps you could get close enough for your goals)22:38
notmynamejeblair: ya. I'm not going to go out and build all these configs (I'm really only interested in py26 on lucid right now), but the idea of being able to do that is really good22:40
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notmynameand useful to the project overall22:40
notmynamemtaylor: any idea why the proposed patch uses "nosetests" in the tox.ini instead of our .unittests?22:41
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mtaylornotmyname: he was probably was just copying what I was doing in other projects22:41
notmynamemtaylor: they have test runners, too, right?22:42
blamarbcwaldon: 'glance add', should you be able to specify an id? it seems to be always randomly generate one for me even when I give it one22:42
mtaylornotmyname: many of them don't need them, so can use nose directly22:42
mtaylornova is the only one remaining that can't use nova by itself22:42
notmynameok. swift is the same22:42
mtaylorcan't use nose by itself22:42
notmynamesame == can use nose by itself22:42
mtaylorand we've almost got that one fixed22:42
notmynameok, so you'd rather see it use nose directly rather than the test runner?22:43
mtaylorit doesn't bother me to have it call .unittests instead if you'd prefer - since your .unittests really just calls nose without modification22:43
notmynamealso, the tox patch doesn't call the .functests runner (or the equivalent nose commands)22:43
mtaylorit's getting rid of boiler-plate/copied custom test runner code that I really want to see happen22:43
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notmynameya, if tox can replace our .*tests that's cool22:44
mtaylordo you think that both unittests and functest should be called as part of a "normal" test run?22:44
mtayloror do you just want a functests env in tox.ini?22:44
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notmynameunit tests, definitely. func tests are tricky (they require a running swift install) so they probably should be in a separate env22:45
mnewbynotmyname: hi22:46
mtaylorhey! it's mnewby22:46
notmynamemnewby: hi. looking at your tox patch for swift22:46
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mnewbySo should tox call .unittests instead of nosetests?22:48
notmynamemnewby: I've got some questions (see above about .unittests vs .functests, not to mention .probetests)22:48
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mnewbyI'm not sure teh func and probe tests should be executed by tox.22:48
mnewbyTox builds the execution environment, but I'm not sure that's useful for more than unittests.22:49
mnewbyfunc and probe tests require a running swift installation, and I don't think tox is right for that.22:49
notmynamemnewby: I'm leaning towards tox replacing (eventually) our .*tests runners22:49
notmynameah ok22:49
notmynameso then just .unittests22:50
mnewbymtaylor: Your thoughts?22:50
mnewbyI think just unittests, yes.22:50
notmynamewhich leads to another question. if you aren't doing anything with our test runners, why does your patch change them?22:50
mtaylormnewby: looking at the code, I think I agree - just unittests.22:50
mnewbyI added default nose configuration to setup.cfg22:50
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mnewbySo the .*tests were updated to remove config that was set in setup.cfg[22:51
notmynameah. and nosetests reads that? (I'm not a nose expert)22:51
mnewby(this included config for the nose plugin)22:51
mnewbyYes, nose will read default configuration from setup.cfg.22:51
notmynameah ok then22:51
mnewbySorry, meant to say 'included config for the openstack nose plugin'22:51
mnewby.unittests could probably go away.   Or call tox.  I left it because it seemed useful to be able to run the tests consistently against a system-installed swift rather than one in a tox virtualenv.22:52
eglynnjaypipes: yep, delaying the creds complete-ness check seems to do the trick22:54
notmynameso I've got code in a dev environment (on a VM) installed with `python ./ develop`. does tox and .unittests test the same thing in that case?22:54
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eglynnjaypipes: for nova image-list at least22:54
eglynnjaypipes: pushed a variant of Stuart's patch to milestone-proposed
eglynnjaypipes: lets get it approved and thru' Jenkins quickly22:55
mnewbynotmyname: No.  Tox creates (or updates) it's own virtualenv and runs the tests.  .unittests runs the tests against whatever python is active in the environment.22:55
mnewbynotmyname: tox and .unittests would only be testing the same thing if you were to manually activate the tox virtualenv prior to invoking .unittests.22:56
notmynameor if the current environment matched the tox virtual env22:57
notmynameok. (that's actually true with most of the dev environments)22:58
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eglynnbcwaldon: I need a quick turn-around on
eglynnbcwaldon: its a variant of Stuart's,4350 patch (already approved) with a fix to hopefully sort out the devstack failure that gating the merge23:00
notmynamemnewby: mtaylor: thanks for taking the time to explain it23:00
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eglynnVek, blamar, blamar__: I'm looking to scare up some glance core reviewers for a quick  turn-around on ... context ^^^23:04
blamareglynn: taking a look23:04
eglynnblamar: thanks!23:04
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eglynnblamar: only diff with previously approved patch is
eglynnblamar: avoids premature creds completeness checking on nova image-list23:06
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vishysmoser: ping23:14
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blamareglynn: haven't forgotten about you, gotta run but going to leave some quick questions on it23:27
eglynnblamar: cool, laters ...23:27
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eglynnblamar: great catch, you're absolutely right about the endpioint['publicURL']23:57
eglynnblamar: returning the entire dict caused the glance client to fail in a nasty way, fixed up in patch set 223:57
eglynnblamar: I'm just trying to get Stuart's patch knocked into shape for E4, so I'm at a bit of disadvantge in terms of explaining how that issue wasn't picked up in testing23:57
* eglynn suspects it was falling back to v1 auth in the tests23:57
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/melange failed: Add the tenant_id to the block data
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