Thursday, 2011-09-01

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pvovishy: quick question... that line you pointed to me earlier00:16
pvoI got it.00:16
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,317: SUCCESS in 3 min 41 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Simple usage extension for nova.  Uses db to calculate tenant_usage for specified time periods.00:25
openstackjenkins��������* index: return a list of tenant_usages, with option of incuding detailed server_usage00:25
openstackjenkins��������* show: returns a specific tenant_usage object00:25
openstackjenkinstenant_usage object:00:25
openstackjenkins��������* tenant_usage.total_memory_mb_usage: sum of memory_mb * hours for all instances in tenant for this period00:25
openstackjenkins��������* tenant_usage.total_local_gb_usage: sum of local_gb * hours for all instances in tenant for this period00:25
openstackjenkins��������* tenant_usage.total_vcpus_usage: sum of vcpus * hours for all instances in tenant for this period00:25
openstackjenkins��������* tenant_usage.total_hours: sum of all instance hours for this period00:25
openstackjenkins��������* tenant_usage.server_usages: A detailed list of server_usages, which describe the usage of a specific server00:25
openstackjenkinsFor larger instances db tables, indexes on instance.launched_at and instance.terminated_at should significantly help performance.00:25
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,318: SUCCESS in 3 min 36 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Correctly yield images from glance client through image service.00:35
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vishycomstud: can you flip there?00:47
comstudvishy: looking01:02
comstudi missed an email apparently01:03
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack/openstack-ci-puppet: Add pymox to keystone slaves.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/openstack-ci-puppet: Add pymox to keystone slaves.
comstudvishy: done01:05
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danielnegrihi guys, i'm new here03:45
danielnegrito help with doc translations, do i have to create one wiki account?03:46
danielnegrii have some materials to contribute03:46
annegentledanielnegri: Hi, translated materials would be welcomed! I can create a wiki account for you, just email me anne at openstack dot org. I think the wiki would be a good starting point for translated materials.03:47
danielnegrioh, very good… i send you now. :D03:48
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,319: SUCCESS in 4 min 36 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Accept keypair when you launch a new server. These properties would be stored along with the other server properties in the database (like they are currently for ec2 api).05:31
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,320: SUCCESS in 6 min 11 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: fix for lp838583 - fixes bug in os-floating-ips view code that prevents instance_id from being returned for associated addresses.05:47
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,321: SUCCESS in 4 min 46 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Fixes NotFound exceptions to show the proper instance id in the ec2 api.14:11
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sandywalsh__0x44, ping14:27
_0x44sandywalsh_: pong14:30
_0x44If it's about novaclient merge 66, I'm going to work on it tonight at the piston hackathon14:30
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_0x44(On a side note, merge 66 sounds like I'm going to kill all the Jedi)14:31
sandywalsh_haha, nope14:31
sandywalsh__0x44, so I started working on a gerrit alternative for github last night14:32
sandywalsh__0x44, stupidly simple14:32
sandywalsh__0x44, jk0 told me about roundabout14:32
sandywalsh__0x44, I think we have a merger coming up :)14:32
sandywalsh__0x44, it adds the state/workflow that roundabout needs and roundabout has the CI integration that hubcap needs14:33
_0x44I really like the stateful workflow, but would want the markup to be configurable14:33
sandywalsh_(I didn't know about roundabout until 10 min ago :)14:33
_0x44(So we can use emogi)14:33
sandywalsh_the keywords you mean (!foo)?14:34
sandywalsh_of course, trivial14:34
_0x44Right now roundabout has a configurable LGTM message, but that'd be easy to break out.14:34
* sandywalsh_ looks at emogi14:34
_0x44emogi are japanese emoticons14:35
sandywalsh_yeah, the idea is to pour through the pull request comments and take the last "vote" by each user to determine the pull request state14:35
sandywalsh_and since we know the project team members we know core14:35
_0x44I was being kind of silly with that, but I think it definitely needs to be configurable :)14:35
sandywalsh_haha, sure14:35
_0x44Yup, I'm grabbing the core team out of the github organization14:35
_0x44Also, why are you building your API strings manually instead of using python-github2 (or python-github3 (no tests don't use, needs cleaning))14:36
sandywalsh_just the road I went down, not a big deal to change14:36
sandywalsh_it was just a hack last night14:37
jk0_0x44: this is just a quick proof of concept14:37
_0x44Ah, ok, I wasn't sure if there was some objection to the api clients.14:37
vishybcwaldon: looks like your Needs Fixing was addressed a while ago?14:37
sandywalsh__0x44, I started down the oauth2 / github V3 api route at first, but it was a nightmare14:38
_0x44sandywalsh_, jk0: There's a guy at rackspace called hubcap that is or was using roundabout14:38
sandywalsh__0x44, see ... destiny14:38
_0x44I think he's on the reddwarf team14:39
sandywalsh__0x44, since roundabout looks more mature, I'll bring hubcap into it.14:39
sandywalsh_if that's cool with you?14:39
_0x44Yep! I really like the idea of greater states14:39
sandywalsh_(just the salient parts, of course)14:39
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sandywalsh_cool, and I'll bring over the html output part too14:40
sandywalsh_(all 10 lines :)14:40
sandywalsh__0x44, why did you go with json config file vs. a simple python file?14:40
_0x44sandywalsh_: Because originally it could have been json or yaml, and you could have nested configs14:41
_0x44sandywalsh_: So you could have a base config in /etc/roundabout/roundabout.cfg and ~/.roundabout.cfg and specify a config on the command line and the stuff that wasn't overridden would tumble out.14:41
sandywalsh_hmm, 'import' works for that too ;)14:42
_0x44Yup, now the reason I haven't changed it is that I have something like 30 roundabout configs that I'd have to update.14:43
_0x44Both Piston and I have a _lot_ of repos.14:43
sandywalsh__0x44, k, I'll look at roundabout some more and get started (side project #283)14:43
sandywalsh_stay tuned14:43
_0x44sandywalsh_: Cool, I'll be doing more cleanups on roundabout this month too. I hadn't touched it in a while.14:44
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ttxvishy: I started up -- you can add TODO placeholders for things we'll need to document. I already added a note about deprecated_auth.15:13
doudeI try to use Glance with keystone. When I upload an image to glance, I get this error :
doudeBut, I check the source code of glance, the class 'RequestContext' have attribute 'is_image_visible'15:20
doudein file glance/common/context.py15:23
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chmouelsandywalsh_: who does the pypi releases of python-novaclient ? i got report that the pipi currently broken with 1.0 (rscloud) for spinning up a server but trunk works15:39
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chmouelsandywalsh_:  i mean the current version on pypi is broken when trunk works15:40
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doudeOk I found a bug about that:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 827034 in glance "'RequestContext' object has no attribute 'is_image_visible'" [Critical,Invalid]15:54
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sandywalsh_chmouel, any of the novaclient owners on pypi can update it16:06
sandywalsh_chmouel, I'll update it16:06
chmoueltks, if you want i can do it in the future if you add me there (login: Chmouel.Boudjnah)16:07
mdomschI created Fedora/EPEL spec for keystone:
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mdomschzns: I created Fedora/EPEL spec for keystone:
sandywalsh_chmouel, you're now added as an owner ... welcome aboard!16:08
chmouelsandywalsh_:  cheers buddy16:09
chmouelsandywalsh_:  you just do a python sdist upload right? (assuming you have your creds in ~/.pypirc)16:11
sandywalsh_chmouel, yup, incantation is 'python sdist register upload'16:13
sandywalsh_chmouel, I'm see an error in runtests16:14
chmouelsandywalsh_:  humm lmc16:14
chmouelweird i have no problem16:16
chmouelon a newly checked out rackspace/master16:17
sandywalsh_I just did a trunk pull ... lemme check again16:17
vishyttx: made a few notes16:18
sandywalsh_chmouel, yeah, just did another pull in a new dir and on another machine and it fails16:23
sandywalsh_chmouel, can you try a clone in a new dir?16:23
chmouelsandywalsh_:  yep did that :)16:23
sandywalsh_strange, I get it on another machine as well16:24
sandywalsh_jk0, can you run tests from python-novaclient and see if it's working for you?16:24
sandywalsh_(fresh pull)16:24
chmouelsandywalsh_:  humm any chance to have a nosetests -v, i'll try from a linux box16:24
jk0sandywalsh_: all passing for me16:25
sandywalsh_thanks jk016:25
sandywalsh_must be some library out of sync16:25
chmouelsandywalsh_: which python version? not sure what Exception RuntimeError: 'maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object' in <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'> ignored is about16:26
sandywalsh_that's a common novaclient error when trying to access a Resource variable the wrong way (the getattr loops)16:27
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sandywalsh_chmouel, for now, how about you push to pypi and I can look into this16:27
chmouelsandywalsh_:  okay cool16:28
sandywalsh_chmouel, 2.6.5 btw16:28
chmouelsandywalsh_: i can see it on 2.6.x as well but not 2.7.216:28
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chmouelyeah I confirm seems to be the python version as I reproduce your exception on ubuntu 10.1016:31
chmouelbut no on macosx16:31
sandywalsh_jk0, what version of python are you running?16:33
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zykes-isn't there xml support yet in keystone ?16:37
zykes-seems that keystone uses json for default16:37
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sandywalsh_jk0, hmm, tests fail for me on 2.6.5 ... lemme investigate ... funny it never happened before. Looking at file history16:42
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sandywalsh_what's the "blessed" version of python for nova?16:55
sandywalsh_is it 2.6.x or a specific minimum value for X?16:55
jk0I would guess at leat 2.6.516:55
sandywalsh_yeah, that's what I would have though16:56
jk0actually, I wonder what version comes on the last ubuntu LTS16:56
jk0should be 2.6.516:56
kbringardit is16:58
kbringardpython2.6                         2.6.5-1ubuntu6                    An interactive high-level object-oriented la16:58
kbringardthat's what comes in 10.0416:58
jk0cool, that's what I would shoot for then16:59
kbringardand, just "python" is 2.6.5-0ubuntu116:59
sandywalsh_thanks kbringard jk016:59
kbringardnp, I love being able to fire up a VM real quick to check these things, haha16:59
kbringardthat's what I call recursion16:59
openstackgerritYogeshwar Srikrishnan proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Adding wadl for OS-KSCATALOG extension.
s1rpkeystone question: according to, keystone should be returning the tenant in the url. is that correct? does the endpointTemplate need to include a tenant field for that to work?17:10
s1rpsleepsonthefloor: ^^ looks like you got this working, any thoughts?17:13
zykes-noone knows ? :)17:16
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vishys1rp: yes you need to include a tenant field17:25
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sandywalsh_ttx, (likely gone) ... are we cool on this now?
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s1rpvishy: thanks, happen to know the format of that off-hand, or where it's documented?18:00
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,322: SUCCESS in 6 min 32 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: - implements changes-since for servers resource18:03
openstackjenkins- default sort is now created_at desc for instances18:03
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vishyI was just looking for it18:12
s1rpvishy: yeah i can't seem to find the format anywhere :/... getting ready to just hardcode it for now just to keep going18:13
vishys1rp: %tenant_id%18:16
s1rpvishy: a ha! thanks!18:19
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bfschotthow bad is the summit waiting list?19:27
bfschottshould I just register for the conference?19:27
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* soren misses Twisted :(19:29
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vishysoren: :(19:33
vishytired of annoying greenlet bugs19:33
sorenWell, that too, but I really just miss how convenient unit testing Twisted stuff is.19:34
vishysoren: btw with our new greenlet aware mysql connections, I think we cut the size of our zones significantly19:34
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sorenThe fact that everything in (idiomatic) Twisted is strung together as a series of callbacks rather than things that call other things that call yet other things etc. just makes testing so much simpler.19:36
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vishysoren: 10 connections per worker19:36
vishysoren: that makes sense19:36
sorenYou don't have to replace everything a particular method might call, because that's just not how it's done.19:36
sorenBut that ship (too) is sailed. Oh, well.19:38
sorenvishy: Sorry, why would we want to cut the size of our zones?19:39
vishysoren: we're going to max out sql connections way sooner19:39
vishywe're making 10x connections19:39
sorenI misread.19:40
sorenI thought you said "I think we can cut the size[...]"19:40
sorenImplying that this was a good thing.19:40
sorenWhich made no sense :)19:40
sorenvishy: I just want to get rid of that darned database.19:40
sorenOr switch to a more interesting one.19:41
vishysoren: do it!19:41
bfschottjust keep all the state on rabbit?19:41
vishysoren: zookeeper?19:41
sorenvishy: I was thinking Riak.19:45
vishysoren: :(19:46
sorenvishy: Not a fan?19:46
vishysoren: Has riak matured over the last 1.5 years?19:46
vishyit wasn't particularly easy to HA/scale when I last looked at it19:46
sorenThat's what Riak excels at.19:47
vishyi think they were just adding sharding19:47
sorenYou must be thinking of something else.19:47
vishyit was a long time ago :)19:47
heckjsoren: mongo has some nice potential19:47
vishyheckj: + its webscale19:48
sorenScaling and HA are exactly what Riak does the best. It's been lacking somewhat in terms of niceties for developers, but that's coming along pretty nicely now.19:48
vishysoren: admittedly, when were looking at riak, it was in the context of objectstore19:48
heckjvishy: Oh great, now I'm going to get that whole "web scale" video stuck in my head again19:48
sorenvishy: Ah.19:49
vishysoren: we weren't looking at it as a potential store for compute19:49
heckjhaven't looked closely at Riak, but recall it sounding interesting19:49
vishyits erlang.  So ++19:49
sorenI love its map/reduce stuff.19:49
sorenBut, before I can really add this, I want to add better testing of the db api.19:50
sorenI think we'd benefit a lot by having an extra db implementation. It would make some of the separation clearer.19:51
vishysoren: agreed19:51
heckjsoren: ++19:51
vishysoren: there is no real documentation of the linked tables that are required19:51
vishysoren: which is annoying19:52
vishysoren: we're breaking the law of demeter all over the place19:52
vishysandywalsh_: ping19:53
heckjtrying to come into the code of the project from no prior knowledge has been significantly challenging19:53
sorenheckj: Yeah, I can imagine. It's a massive amount to take in.19:57
sorenheckj: ...and it's a moving target.19:57
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sorenheckj: in case you're interested.20:02
sandywalsh_vishy, hey!20:02
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vishysandywalsh_: just noticed your suggestion of changing roundabout to have a status display page20:03
sandywalsh_vishy, yup, and extracting workflow status from the comments20:03
sandywalsh_vishy, more than just the single "lgtm"20:04
vishysandywalsh_: that was the initial suggestion we had pre-gerrit, we probably will need various views to get buy-in from ttx20:04
vishywho represents the non-developer perspective20:05
jk0chmouel: <-- this breaks a lot of unit tests. mind submitting a patch? :)20:05
sandywalsh_vishy, so, what happened with that initial proposal?20:06
vishysandywalsh: the initial proposal was to use roundabout20:08
vishysandywalsh_: it was rejected because a) there was no overall view of the status of an individual proposal and b) there weren't sufficient views where you could see all proposals and their status together, search, etc.20:09
vishyI don't know if b) is sufficiently satisfied, or if we need multiple views of the reviews20:10
vishyI assume that adding additional views wouldn't be significantly difficult20:10
sandywalsh_vishy, pretty simple to add20:10
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jsavak@zykes- still wondering about keystone xml support? It's supported -
larissajsavak: Error: "zykes-" is not a valid command.20:13
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openstackjenkinsProject swift build #317: SUCCESS in 35 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: obj replicator can now log replication stats for recon directly:20:17
openstackjenkinsin object-server.conf:20:17
openstackjenkinsvm_test_mode = yes20:17
openstackjenkinsrecon_enable = yes20:17
openstackjenkinsrecon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift20:17
openstackjenkinsAlso replaced the swift-recon bash cronjob with a friendlier/cleaner python version, that now only obtains async stats. Basic usage:20:17
openstackjenkins$ bin/swift-recon-cron20:17
openstackjenkinsUsage: swift-recon-cron CONF_FILE20:17
openstackjenkins#CONF_FILE = path to your object-server.conf20:17
openstackjenkins$ bin/swift-recon-cron /etc/swift/object-server.conf20:17
chmoueljk0: really20:22
chmoueljk0: i'll look at that20:22
jk0cool, thanks20:22
heckjsoren: nice, thanks for the link20:22
* heckj reads20:22
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blamarvishy: ty on empty-network-lp835242, answered your good observation but there isn't really a good reason IMO :)20:37
chmoueljk0: that was the quickest merge in python-novaclient i have ever seen ;)20:39
chmoueljk0: tks20:39
vishyblamar: yeah seems like the catch was to log it20:40
vishyblamar: we could probably just take out the whole exception clause20:40
chmoueljk0: there was a minor fix to I was commitiing (defining twice NOVA_PROJECT_ID) which i would resubmit for merge20:40
blamarvishy: yeah, no error was happening, it just looked like it because of the out of place LOG.exception20:40
chmouelvishy: do you know what the status of the console output on the openstack API ?20:40
vishychmouel: not sure.  We have it in our dash.  Perhaps we need another extension for it?20:41
chmouelvishy: probably, will bug report and propose something for it20:42
vishychmouel: I assume it is in openstackx, so we probably just need a little port20:43
chmouelchmouel: humm jesse was asking me about it if i can check that so I may assume it's not,  let me some digging20:44
chmoueljk0: that should be one button merge :)20:46
jk0vishy: you cool with jkoelker's updates on ?20:53
vishyjk0: still has session added to network_delete_safe, network_get, and fake_network_delete_safe20:58
jk0jkoelker: ^20:59
vishy(and fake_network_get)20:59
jkoelkerjsut pushed again20:59
jkoelkermissed the fake20:59
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adam_gupon pushing commits to gerrit, does the system try to resolve the authors launchpad account based on the the name or email address that is attached to the commit?21:00
jk0it will use whatever is in your bzr whoami setting21:01
jk0during the commit21:01
adam_gjk0: im talking about pushing to gerrit using git, not to lp with bzr21:02
jk0haha, oops, I need to clean my glasses21:02
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vishyjkoelker: did you notice this one:21:06
vishy850:                if fixed_ip_ref['network']['uuid'] != network_uuid:21:06
jkoelkerooo, that whole function is failsause21:07
jkoelkerlet me fix that too21:07
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DavieyDoes anyone else thing that github merge messages of "Merge pull request #X from foo/master" is less than ideal?21:08
vishyDaviey: you think they should provide a way to change the merge message when you click merge?21:09
Davieycomstud: BTW, did a first parse of making the carrot test conditional, and THAT works.. but the other tests are still coupled against fakerabbit, which is carrot centric.  Using kombu virtual / memory transport seems to be a good alternative.. but not an easy task.21:10
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,323: SUCCESS in 3 min 37 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Fix a few references to state_description that slipped through.21:10
vishyDaviey: if you manually merge the pull req you can put whatever you want21:10
Davieyvishy: TBH, i've only ever merged manually with github :)21:10
Davieygithub n00b21:10
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comstudDaviey: All of the other tests should be using the default rpc_backend which is kombu... (and if fakerabbit=True, kombu uses 'memory' transport')21:13
comstudDaviey: I think I'm not quite following what you're saying. :)21:13
Davieycomstud: perhaps i am missing the trick, but if the carrot test case is simply removed, carrot is not on the test env, the tests still fail because of fakerabbit import in no?21:15
comstudDaviey: ah.  looking.21:15
comstudDaviey: ooh. yeah.  that would need to be conditionalized as well21:15
jkoelkervishy: fixed and pushed21:16
Davieysimply patching that import out doesn't allow it to pass :)21:16
comstudDaviey: you patched around lines 145/146 as well?21:16
comstud145             if FLAGS.fake_rabbit:21:16
vishy=== renamed file 'nova/' => 'nova/'21:16
comstud146                 fakerabbit.reset_all()21:16
comstudthose lines should go away too21:16
Davieythe if fakerabbit: .. yeah, believe so21:16
comstudbe conditionalized21:16
comstudvishy: :)21:16
DavieyI may not have, i *thought* i did21:16
comstudvishy: unfortunately fakerabbit will go away post-diablo and you'll no longer have your bunny idea :)21:17
vishybut fakerabbit is supercexi21:17
comstudit's not used for kombu21:17
vishyi guess it should have been called fakecarrot21:17
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Daviey"not all rabbits are the same"21:17
comstudI think I commented on that at the time of your bunny comment months ago21:18
vishy=== renamed file 'nova/' => 'nova/'21:18
comstudI dunno, it's possible we may want to keep it around.. because there ARE some bugs with the kombu memory transport.21:18
comstudultimately those should be fixed in kombu tho21:18
* Daviey wonders if rabbit translates into other cultures as the same thing.21:19
comstudDaviey: 'tasty animal'21:19
Davieypoor bunny wabbit21:21
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comstudtrix are for kids.21:22
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vishycomstud, Daviey, fakerabbit only imports the base classes21:24
vishywe could just copy the stuff in21:24
Davieyvishy: Good thinking.. I started porting it to kombu, but then gave up21:24
vishywe could even just inherit them from object, then add the methods that we need for the tests21:25
Davieycomstud: Okay, whilst i DID try patching out that if section, i tried it when otherstuff was breaking.. now it works.. i am a plum21:25
Davieywhich means, if this test run completes.. having fakerabbit conditional is fine21:26
comstudDaviey: cools..21:28
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vishyjkoelker: with your patch, is an additional nova-manage command needed to create your first network?21:35
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pvovishy: re: libvirt and xen disk: can you explain what you mean again to Soren's question?21:39
jkoelkervishy, nope, it is backwards compatable21:39
jkoelkeryou don't have to use the subnet command if you don't want to21:39
vishyif the disk is secondary, we aren't depending on the resize to work for it to be usable by the guest21:39
jkoelkerthe only change to the network command is delete is by ID instead of cidr21:40
vishyjkoelker: if you create a network does it create a subnet as well?21:40
vishyjkoelker: have you run unit tests after merges and changes?21:40
vishyjkoelker: mine broke after the last couple of trunk merges21:41
jkoelkeri just ran them a second ago before the last push21:41
jkoelkerlet me merge trunk again and check21:41
pvovishy: you just mean we're not touching the OS disk, OK, I get that.21:42
pvoour default install of windows 2k8R2 is 10.7GB.21:42
pvoso I've been trying to think how that would be handled.21:42
pvoyou'd need different base sizes for different OSes, which is just as much a problem, no?21:42
pvoif you went to 20gb, that could still affect windows guests. I think they expect more disk for a default install21:44
vishythat is why we are only resizing up to 10G21:44
vishyand leaving as is above21:44
vishythe problem is you can't really tell how much disk is used21:44
vishybecause the base os is the size of the image21:44
pvosure, I get that.21:45
pvoI'm not following the reason why you wouldn't inflate to the size of the requested flavor21:45
pvoI think the issue we're trying to solve is the ability to reformat secondary paritions/disks as other than ext and ntfs.21:46
pvoand the ability to resize vhd/vdi images down.21:46
pvoif we give them the ability encrypt/reformat we can't assume and therefore can't mount21:46
pvoto copy files to a smaller disk size21:47
pvoeven if we went with 2 disks, that problem is still there.21:47
pvoyou can't know if you can mount or read the disk21:47
jkoelkervishy: I just remerged trunk and tests passed on my install21:48
jkoelkerlooked at the wrong tab21:49
jkoelkerthey failed21:49
openstackgerritYogeshwar Srikrishnan proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Adding wadl for OS-KSCATALOG extension.
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack/glance: Remove PWD from possible config_file_dirs.
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vishyjkoelker: also:
vishya few errors when trying to run an instance21:56
vishyjkoelker: clean those up and I will try again :)21:57
jkoelkerrock on21:57
openstackgerritYogeshwar Srikrishnan proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Adding wadl for OS-KSCATALOG extension.Fixing existing xsds.
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openstackgerritDavid Cramer proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Various documentation-related changes.
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,324: SUCCESS in 3 min 45 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Glance can now perform its own authentication/authorization checks when we're using keystone.22:40
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openstackgerritDavid Cramer proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Various documentation-related changes.
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jkoelkervish, I think its fixed however I'm not 100% sure about this sqlalchemy and I don't play nicely ;)23:43
jkoelkervishy ^23:43

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