Wednesday, 2011-07-27

vishytrebuchet: seen this one? ClassNotFound: Class xenapi_net could not be found00:02
tr3buchetvishy: i have not00:02
tr3buchetvmware refers to xenapi?00:02
vishytrying to renable test_spawn_vlanmanager00:02
jhtranwould any of you know off the top of your head, where the OSAPI tests in nova go?00:02
tr3buchetjhtran: yes00:02
vishy'module' object has no attribute 'xenapi_net'00:03
tr3buchetjhtran: trunk/nova/tests/api/openstack00:03
jhtranah i see.  thanks!00:04
vishyi guess that network manager got removed00:04
jhtrancool!  Lots of tests in there00:04
tr3buchetvishy: i've never heard of it...00:04
vishygot removed recently i remember00:05
vishyoh yeah there is another typo00:05
vishyin a lot of the xenapi tests00:06
vishyit throws a KeyError['domid']00:07
vishytr3buchet: any idea about domid?00:13
vishytr3buchet it seems to be getting a string back instead of a vm_rec00:13
tr3buchetwhere is this?00:14
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vishyin xenapi/vmops.py00:16
vishyin wait_for_boot00:17
vishyit throws it a whole bunch00:17
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tr3buchetvishy: i ran into that00:24
tr3bucheti forgot about that00:24
tr3buchetwhere was it...00:24
tr3buchetinjecting network stuff if i recall00:24
tr3buchetvishy: there won't be a domid if the instance isn't running00:25
vishyi guess00:25
vishythe fake is not returning properly though00:26
vishythe fake is returning the string 'domid' as vm_rec00:26
vishywhich makes no sense00:26
tr3buchetis it just a typo maybe?00:27
tr3buchetcause yeah, no sense at all00:28
tr3buchetshit my lp810563 fix + bridge ended up being 200 lines00:28
tr3bucheti'll have to test it tomorrow, i'm starving00:30
tr3buchetvishy: i'll see ya later00:30
openstackjenkinsYippie, build fixed!00:40
openstackjenkinsProject keystone build #44: FIXED in 1 min 5 sec:
openstackjenkinsdolph.mathews: Making the API version configurable per API request00:40
vishysoren, ttx: I'm a test fixing machine...Got them all but libvirt.   Working on libvirt tests later tonight00:48
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TusharVishy: Skipped libvirt unit testcases are fixed in this merge proposal:
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vishyPlease to be reviewing my fixes for all of the skipped tests:06:43
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HugoKuo__while I upgrade glance , there's an error with db stuff07:33
HugoKuo__sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) table images already exists u'\nCREATE TABLE images    etc...07:34
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ttxHugoKuo__: bug 779311 ?08:23
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 779311 in glance "Glance update for Ubuntu failing" [Medium,Confirmed]
HugoKuo__ttx , checking08:35
adam_gany reason why the latest build for oneiric available in the trunk ppa is dated 07-14?08:39
ttxadam_g: due to the boto 2 migration in oneiric08:42
ttxbug 81436508:42
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 814365 in nova "Should support boto 2.0 server-side (was: EC2 API fails with >=boto2.0)" [High,In progress]
HugoKuo__ttx , seems same08:46
HugoKuo__ttx, a question08:46
adam_gttx: gotcha, thanks08:46
HugoKuo__ttx , what if you want to upgrade glance . just apt-get upgrade ?  or should I do anything before ? could glance migrate the db to new version .....?  I think the scheme is different in different version of glance08:47
openstackjenkinsProject nova-milestone build #6: SUCCESS in 13 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Cherry-pick of tr3buchet's fix for add_fixed_ip_to_instance.08:47
ttxHugoKuo__: looks like this bug needs to be more properly resurrected. Under its current form, it flies under the radar08:48
HugoKuo__while I copy the old sqlite file to new glance and then glance-manage db sync . got same error08:48
ttxjaypipes: we should probably create a new bug to track it08:48
ttxHugoKuo__: expected behavior is to just apt-get upgrade08:48
ttxHugoKuo__: if it fails, it's a bug we need to fix08:49
HugoKuo__ttx , ok got it08:49
HugoKuo__ttx , thaks08:49
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ttxIf any nova-core dev is nightsleeping, please consider approving
HugoKuo__ttx , additional question .   Is the migration of glance easy to do ?  I nerver success ..with copy /images  and glance.sqlite  from a old version to new one..... I though glance-manage will help user to handle the db table stuff08:51
ttxHugoKuo__: I admit not having looked at it from an upgrade perspective yet. You should try to corner Glance devs08:53
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ttxadam_g: I admit having trouble to reproduce your mysql db sync issue09:05
ttxadam_g: just tried a db sync on a virgin maverick setup, works well09:05
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adam_gttx: havnen't tried maverick, just tried running migrations manually on oneiric with some success, tho downgrading the migrations failed for similar reasons. booting natty once more right now09:10
* ttx refreshed natty setup09:10
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ttxadam_g: db sync works on natty for me09:16
ttxadam_g: Am I missing anything ?09:17
adam_gttx: yeah, odd. seeing the same. trying with a remote database as i was earlier09:17
ttxadam_g: did you have data in that table, perhaps ?09:17
adam_gttx: nope, fresh database09:18
ttxadam_g: setting to Incomplete, until you can reproduce it09:19
ttxadam_g: If you have specific reproduceable downgrade issues, would be good to file bug as well09:19
adam_gttx: sure thing.09:21
adam_gttx: if you still have a mysql setup going, try setting 'default_storage_engine = InnoDB'09:49
ttxadam_g: my show create table shows "ENGINE=InnoDB" so I suppose it's already active ?09:50
adam_gttx: there is a migration that sets all tables to innodb, long after they've been created09:51
adam_gby default i believe MyISAM is used09:52
* ttx respawns vm09:52
ttxadam_g: the 'default_storage_engine' line, I should add it in the [mysqld] section of my.cnf, right ?09:55
ttxadam_g: yep, reproduced09:59
adam_gwonder if sqlalchemy/migrate is able to cope with switching storage engine so late in the game.10:02
adam_gbedtime. cya10:04
ttxthx for your help in reproducing10:05
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Davieysoren: you were looking at the glance test failure fro scrub?10:50
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ttxjaypipes, soren: ok, so I know what's failing, thanks to Daviey for his help debugging12:50
ttxwill update bug12:50
Davieyttx: It seems glance needs more verbosity.. it should have been that tricky to find the reasoning for the failing test.12:54
ttxDaviey: glance-control is surprisingly quiet in that case, I agree12:54
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Davieyofc, s/should/shouldn't/12:55
ttxGlance code devs, please see
ttxIn related news, that test case was failing for a good reason :)13:04
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ttxsandywalsh: around ?13:18
ttxneed nova-core approval on
sandywalshgot it13:18
ttxalready been reviewed by a number of people, missing 2nd core approval though13:18
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ttxwould like to doublecheck early that it actually fixes building on Oneiric13:20
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ttxsandywalsh: if you have a few more cycles, is easy too (and blocking D3 as well)13:22
ttx(as well as all the lp:nova reviews at, but those take a bit more time)13:23
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 816699 in nova "skipped tests need to be reenabled" [High,In progress]13:23
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sandywalshttx, k, moving onto 81655513:37
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,155: SUCCESS in 5 min 38 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Makes security group rules with the newer version of the ec2 api and correctly supports boto 2.013:52
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* ttx will soon start Swift 1.4.2 release process, unless someone objects (/cc notmyname)14:07
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ttxjkoelker: looks like I found the issue on
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 816386 in glance "glance-scrubber missing from tarball (was: test_scrubber functional tests fail on package build)" [High,In progress]14:22
ttxjkoelker: should we keep your looping fix ?14:22
jkoelkerttx: probably don't need it14:24
jkoelkerttx: but it shouldn't hurt14:24
ttxjkoelker: right14:24
jkoelkerttx: wow, I'm an idiot ;)14:25
* jkoelker jsut saw the patch14:25
ttxjkoelker: see my postmortem notes on how to avoid that situation in the future14:26
ttxjkoelker: it was a bit too hard to debug.14:26
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ttxjkoelker: glance-control reporting "everythign is fine" did not really help.14:26
dabo got a meeting now - may not make it back in time for standup14:28
dabobasically nothing different from yesterday. Making some progress in re-creating my env; gonna look into the zone error stuff after that.14:28
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jkoelkerttx: yea, I'll see if I can track down why it didn't exit with non-zero and file a bug on it14:34
mtayloranybody have any idea of how to actually parse a date like '2011/06/01 08:27:30 -0700' in python? strptime in 2.6 doesn't seem to actually support %z for that offset...14:35
kbringardI've seen a lot of stuff comparing different hypervisors, but does anyone know of any good studies comparing KVM/Xen/etc. to bare metal?14:36
kbringardmtaylor: that for the dashboard?14:36
mtaylorkbringard: nope. it's for a script I'm working on - but jeez you'd think that would be a basic thing14:36
kbringard(sorry, I don't know the answer to your question off the top of my head though)14:37
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kbringardone would think14:37
kbringardstrftime claims to support it14:38
lorin1kbringard: For what types of applications?14:40
kbringardlorin1: any really, I'm just curious how KVM and/or Xen compare to bare metal when running a few standard things... like something memory intensive, something disk intensive, cpu intensive, etc14:41
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kbringardI'm trying to accomplish a couple of things which are kind of related, determine what kind of overhead I should expect and how much capacity is supported per metal node14:42
mtaylorkbringard: it does - it's lying14:43
lorin1kbringard: There was a paper in this year's IEEE Cloud 2011 conference that was looking at the impact on virtualization vs. bare metal for scientific computing applications, I think. I'd have to dig to find the reference.14:43
mtaylorkbringard: I mean, it does claim to support it - however, it does not14:43
kbringardmtaylor: sucks, sorry dude14:43
mtaylorkbringard: it's ok - string slicing is working for now :)14:43
lorin1kbringard: "Analysis of Virtualization Technologies for High Performance Computing Environments" was the name of the paper, first author is Andrew Younge. Out of Indiana University.14:44
kbringardI saw something about it tzname and daylight being true14:44
kbringardSupport for the %Z directive is based on the values contained in tzname and whether daylight is true. Because of this, it is platform-specific except for recognizing UTC and GMT which are always known (and are considered to be non-daylight savings timezones).14:44
kbringardmtaylor: it may be related to named timezones though14:44
kbringardsorry, I'm relatively new to python, so if I'm not helping, feel free to tell me to shtup14:44
kbringardlorin1: awesome, thanks, I'll go googling for it14:44
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kbringardone last quick question (for now :-)): I read that KVM doesn't yet support pinning... so in my mind that translates to mean that even though we specify the number of cores to provision it's not really enforcing it; is that true?14:53
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ttxok, let's see if glance package building is now unfucked15:37
kbringardif it's on the repos I'll be a guinea pig15:40
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ttxlooks like it's building ok now15:41
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* jkoelker does the dance of joy15:42
jaypipess1rp: bug thief.15:42
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kbringard100% unrelated to anything, but if anyone is on the fence about getting a new MacBook Air: just do it15:44
kbringardunless, of course, you believe the rumors about a new 15" air, and that's your bag15:44
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blamarkbringard: getting one for the wife I think but I'll never see it :(15:45
kbringardhaha, yea, I bought her an iPad awhile back, in an attempt to distract her from the Air I knew I'd be getting soon15:45
kbringardnow she has an iPad and an Air15:46
blamarkbringard: my wife?15:46
kbringardno commewnt15:46
blamarfair enough15:46
kbringardI'm perfectly fine with random people buying my wife expensive crap, so long as they don't expect anything in return15:46
ttxok, Swift 1.4.2 out.15:47
ttxjaypipes: pushing the scrubber fix in milestone-proposed15:48
ttxoh, you did it already15:48
ttxvishy: ping15:51
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kbringardhmmmm, I recall jay talking about Python 2.6.1 on OSX yesterday... is there any reason why pep8 wouldn't be running in that environment?15:59
bcwaldonkbringard: the OSX/py2.6.1 thing was related to a urlparse bug, btw16:06
kbringardah, OK, then unrelated16:06
bcwaldonurlparse python2.6.1 and python2.6.6 parse urls differently ;)16:06
kbringardI'm not getting any output when I run pep8 tests, which is disconcerting because a merge of mine had some pep8 bugs16:06
kbringardor "warnings" I should say16:07
bcwaldonwell somtimes a local pep8 v0.5.0 will complain while v0.6.1 on tarmac will not16:07
bcwaldonjust make sure you are using 0.6.1 and only checking the files indicated in run_tests.sh16:07
bcwaldonsome files are excluded16:08
kbringardyea, I'm just running -p16:08
kbringardon my branch16:08
bcwaldonright, and you don't get any output?16:08
bcwaldonrun ./tools/ pep8 --version16:08
dolphmis it intentional that you can +1 your own commits in gerrit?16:08
bcwaldonkbringard: then you're fine16:08
kbringardok, any suggestions for how to respond to this bug?16:09
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 816725 in nova "pep8 failures" [Undecided,In progress]16:09
bcwaldonkbringard: I added a comment16:10
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kbringardah, yea, and I see that Dave noticed as well and updated16:11
bcwaldonkbringard: just let it sit and ttx can invalidate it if he agrees16:11
kbringardokie, cool, thanks!16:11
bcwaldonttx: ^16:11
kbringardmakes me feel better too16:12
* ttx looks16:13
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kbringardcool, thanks... easiest bug fix ever :-p16:16
sorenmtaylor: I can't access right now.. Is that known?16:17
sorenmtaylor: It seems to keep reloading.16:17
mtaylorsoren: looking16:17
soren(I got the openid thing from Launchpad first, got sent back to Jenkins and am now stuck)16:17
mtaylorsoren: works fine for me16:17
sorenmtaylor: Log out and back in?16:17
dolphmsoren: i'm betting you're in some kind of openid loop16:18
mtaylorsoren: give a shot at that16:18
* mtaylor blames soren's browser16:18
sorenmtaylor: I can't. i'm suggesting *you* do it, so that you can reproduce it.16:18
Davieysoren is stacking up blame today.16:18
mtaylorsoren: I did.16:18
sorenmtaylor: Can't log out, since I'm not logged in :)16:18
mtaylorsoren: I was not logged in when I loaded the url16:18
mtayloris anybody else having problems getting to jenkins? or just soren?16:19
* soren tries something else16:19
kbringardworked for me16:19
sorenWorked in inkognito moe.16:20
sorenmode, even.16:20
sorenMeh. /me reboots web browser16:20
bcwaldonworks for me16:20
kbringardthat's what soren gets for trying to build broken merges as someone else ;-)16:21
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kbringardhaha, just messing with you16:22
dolphmsoren: log out of launchpad, gerrit, etc too16:23
sorendolphm: Just tried that. No dice.16:26
* soren nukes some more cookies16:28
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sorenOk, I've removed all cookies from * and * Didn't help. Suggestions?16:31
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,156: SUCCESS in 4 min 2 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Re-enables and fixes test_cloud tests that broke from multi_nic.16:31
vishytr3buchet: how is the fix for that bug coming?16:33
tr3buchetgood. i've got the version for milestone coded, testing now16:34
vishytr3buchet: ok we're getting close on the milestone, I think we can put in the mysql one as a known issue for now16:34
tr3buchetvishy: i tried to replicate that one, and couldn't16:35
vishytr3buchet: yeah it looks like it only happens if you initially create the db as innodb16:36
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openstackjenkinsProject nova-milestone build #7: SUCCESS in 14 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Fix for boto2.16:37
sorenmtaylor: Aha!16:38
vishyother two fix skipped test branches could use review16:38
mtaylorsoren: you got it?16:38
sorenmtaylor: If I set my local time to Portland time, I can't log in.16:39
mtaylorsoren: what was up?16:39
mtaylorsoren: WEIRD16:39
sorenmtaylor: Jenkins sends back a cookie that is already expired.16:39
sorenAt least I think it's Jenkins. Let me check agian.16:39
mtaylorwhy wouldn't that just re-direct you to log in again?16:39
vishythis one:
sorenmtaylor:  Nope, it's not.16:40
sorenmtaylor: It's
vishyand this:
sorenmtaylor: Darn it.16:40
mtaylorsoren: beautiful. tell lifeless16:41
sorenmtaylor: I don't grok openid 100%. I end up in a redirect loop, not a "please log in" loop. Not sure why.16:41
vishysandywalsh: can i get a rereview on ^^16:41
sandywalshvishy, looking at it now :)16:41
openstackjenkinsProject nova-milestone build #8: SUCCESS in 12 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Re-enables and fixes test_cloud tests that broke from multi_nic.16:42
vishyblamar: ping16:44
blamarvishy: greetings16:44
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vishyblamar: did you do the exception refactor?16:45
blamarvishy: bcwaldon I think, if I'm thinking of the refactor you're thinking of16:46
bcwaldonvishy: yes, twas me16:46
tr3buchetvishy: just realized I left my vpn token at the office, i'll need to drive there to do more testing16:46
tr3buchetvishy: here's the branch for the milestone:
tr3buchetbe back in a few16:47
vishybcwaldon: ah in that case16:47
s1rpjaypipes: heh, must have assigned at nearly the same time16:47
vishybcwaldon: do you mind the following added to your plate?
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 817107 in nova "Exceptions should be united and exception.wrap_exception should be updated or removed" [Undecided,New]16:48
bcwaldonvishy: I'll take it16:48
s1rpjaypipes: you want me to keep on with that, or do you have something already for it?16:48
vishybcwaldon: I don't think it is a huge amount of work.  It seems that wrap_exception isn't really doing anything valuable at this point16:48
vishybut we still have a few Error based exceptions.16:48
bcwaldonvishy: yeah, I didn't feel comfortable blowing it all away at the time16:49
jaypipess1rp: please go for it. I have a couple other bugs I'm working on (boto2 stuff.)16:49
vishybcwaldon: I noticed it because I was adding a test for libvirt checking for a raise, and it was getting wrapped because it didn't derive from Error16:49
s1rpjaypipes: k16:49
bcwaldonvishy: gotcha. I'll take a closer look later this week16:49
jaypipess1rp:  cheers16:49
vishybcwaldon: I added a quick change so it doesn't wrap NovaExceptions either, but i think the right move is probably just to kill wrap_exception16:50
vishybcwaldon: cool thanks16:50
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sorenuvirtbot`: nick uvirtbot16:52
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sandywalshvishy, can't kill wrap_exception ... that's our only hook to the notification system for detecting failed operations16:53
sandywalshvishy, it could ultimately be the hook for orchestration I think?16:53
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vishysandywalsh: ah, sorry didn't see that that was added16:53
sandywalshso vishy, will that other branch make it in for D3 and fix that failing test?16:54
vishysandywalsh, bcwaldon: well we just need to get rid of Error then16:54
bcwaldonvishy: loud and clear16:54
sandywalshvishy that would be good16:54
vishysandywalsh: sorry?16:55
vishysandywalsh: the test i put in is passing in the branch16:55
vishysandywalsh: is that what you mean?16:55
sandywalshvishy, not for me, fails16:56
sandywalshvishy, the raise was removed and the test has an assertRaises is still there16:57
vishysandywalsh: oh? hmm perhaps it only passes on mac. let me retry on ubuntu16:57
vishysandywalsh: the raise is in the other method16:57
sandywalshvishy, merge diff +51 and +2716:57
sandywalshvishy, oh, it was another test that failed16:58
vishysandywalsh: the removed test was redundant16:58
sandywalshlemme retry16:58
vishysandywalsh: ah might be that it was checking for a wrapped exception16:58
vishylet me check it16:59
sandywalshcould be heisenbug16:59
vishythat one?16:59
vishyyeah it is checking for Error17:02
vishyi should figure out what exception it should be getting17:02
vishyinteresting i just uncovered a bug i think17:03
vishysandywalsh: it is getting InstanceNotFound and I don't think that is the exception that was being expected17:03
sandywalshhmm, looking now17:04
sandywalshvishy, it was expecting the exception to be wrapped ... so perhaps we just fix that test?17:08
vishysandywalsh: no actually17:08
vishyit was passing because it got the wrong exception17:08
vishyit was being passed instance_id instead of a uuid17:09
sandywalshah, right17:09
vishybut because it was checking for Error it was passing17:09
vishybecause of the wrap17:09
sandywalshyup, false positive17:09
vishyI pushed a fix17:09
sandywalshnice, pulling17:09
sandywalshvishy, done17:17
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vishysoren: ping17:24
vishymtaylor: ping17:27
vishyttx: ping17:28
mtaylorvishy: whazzup?17:30
tr3buchetanyone seen ryu around?17:31
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vishymtaylor: so it looks like all of the launchpad builders blew up on the last merge17:32
mtaylorvishy: yay!17:32
vishymtaylor: although hudson and local tests run fine17:32
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mtaylorvishy: looking17:32
vishymtaylor: two of them blew up with an odd looking error about a missing flag17:34
vishyyeah that17:34
mtaylorvishy: yeah17:34
vishythe other two just look like they hung17:34
vishyis it possible a corrupted tarball was uploaded or something?17:34
mtaylordo we have different versions of libs? I mean, we're not using a weird version of gflags are we?17:35
mtaylorcorrupted tarball is unlikely17:35
vishythe thing is nothing even remotely related to flags changed in that branch17:35
mtayloryeah. that's pretty vexing17:36
vishythe only thing that changed was tests/test_cloud17:37
vishyit was just the last build that failed right?17:38
mtaylorvishy: is the tarball used for that build17:38
vishythe one before that branch was all roses?17:38
mtaylorand yeah - things look green before that17:38
vishypulled that tarball, tests run fine on my mac17:40
vishymtaylor: they run fine from the tarball on my maverick vm as well17:42
vishymtaylor: so seems like a dependency.  Did something change recently17:43
vishyeither a) un upstream dependency or b) a change in the packaging scripts?17:43
mtaylorvishy: not _that_ recently, no17:44
mtayloras in - not between the last build and this one17:44
vishywow super weird17:45
vishyi have no idea how to figure out what went wrong17:45
mtaylorI don't either - I'm thinking about re-running to see if it was some ephemeral thing there17:46
vishymtaylor: we should at least try it17:47
mtaylordoing now17:47
vishyok afk a few.  I'll check back17:49
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mtaylordevcamcar: were you the one talking to me about missing things for dashboard on jenkins?17:56
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,157: SUCCESS in 4 min 10 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Remove xenapi_inject_image flag.18:16
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jaypipesclayg: around? wondering if you could poke at Should fix the URI parsing and get_backend_class() problems you were experiencing, and adds unit tests to verify.18:22
dolphmcan anyone link me to an openstack implementation of a 300 multiple choice response?18:23
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claygjaypipes: that won't fix the issue, see
claygjaypipes: to be fair, my merge doesn't fix all the issues either - just the ones that I'm running into in my lab ;)18:30
claygbcwaldon: ping - I don't follow your last comment.  I'd rather not create a glance speicific exception that is only raised once in a mock of non glance component.  I'm hoping I misunderstood you.  Might be better to focus on Jay's branch anyway.  I'm happy to bow out.18:32
bcwaldonclayg: I was thinking the actual implementation would use whatever exception you put in the mock18:32
bcwaldonclayg: but it's not really a big deal18:33
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vishymtaylor: looks like it is not getting glance properly?18:42
vishymtaylor: the other ones are still having the gflags errors18:44
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mtaylorvishy: jesus18:45
mtaylorvishy: landing - will look when I'm back online18:46
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tr3buchetcan i get some eyes on this branch:
tr3buchetspecifically bang on nova-manage create network with whatever wacky configurations you have to make sure it handles everything correctly19:17
tr3bucheti'm pretty sure it does19:17
tr3buchetvishy: ttx: zulcss: any else interested: ^19:18
tr3buchetif it works to everyone's satisfaction we can merge it into milestone proposed, i'm going to merge trunk and push another branch to propose merging to trunk as well so you can see the diff19:19
tr3buchetmerge prop:
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vishytr3buchet: if you don't specify a bridge with network create what happens?19:40
vishytr3buchet: it should merge cleanly into trunk19:40
tr3buchetvishy: if you are using flat or flatDHCP and have not set the flat_network_bridge flag, it will raise suggesting --bridge is necessary19:41
vishytr3buchet: also i think the dict() around net_v6 is unneccessary.  Looks like it is always a dict19:41
tr3buchetvishy: i've just changed that part anyway19:41
tr3buchetdumb mistake there19:41
vishytr3buchet: can we keep the default as br100?19:42
vishya lot of install scripts don't specify one19:42
tr3buchetvishy: i don't want to because then it will always be set no matter what, even if it is a wrong value, and then we can't catch it19:42
vishycan we default in nova-manage then?19:43
vishyi'd prefer not to break install scripts again19:43
tr3buchetvishy: we can, but again, if that's an incorrect value we are in the same place19:44
vishywhat makes it an incorrect value?19:45
vishyin vlan mode it is autogenerated right?19:46
vishymaybe we could put a message in19:46
tr3buchetyes in vlan mode you don't need to pass in --bridge or use the flag19:46
tr3buchetand the command works with that19:46
vishyif the flag is None then set it to br100 but put a big message19:46
vishybridge not specified, using br100 to remain compatible with older scripts19:47
tr3buchetbut see for example we use xenbr019:47
vishywe've already messed up a lot of people with the label parameter19:47
tr3buchetso setting it to br100 and moving on then means we now have bad data in the db19:47
vishytr3buchet: so, you set it in a flag right?19:48
tr3buchetright, i'm saying we should make the command enforce using the flag19:48
tr3buchetinstead of trying to suggest a value (br100) that might work and just moving on as though it will19:48
vishybut that is exactly how it worked previously19:49
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vishyi don't understand the need to change the functionality19:49
tr3buchetno, previously it used the flag, or the flag's default value19:49
tr3buchetso even though i didn't set my flag, and br100 is wrong for my implementation i now have networks that don't work and have no idea why19:49
vishyright, the flag defaulted to br10019:50
tr3buchetinstead of having no networks and a reason why they couldn't be created19:50
tr3buchetyou are right about breaking scripts though19:50
vishyit seems like you are fixing an issue that we haven't really hit19:50
tr3buchetso are the scripts still broken if the only change is to add a flag to your conf?19:50
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vishyit means we have to add that flag to all of our instructions19:51
tr3bucheti mostly just wanted to either have a default that always works, or not have a default at all19:51
vishytr3buchet: but there are already a bunch of defaults that don't always work19:51
vishythe default libvirt driver won't work if you don't have hw vt19:52
vishyor if you are using xen19:52
tr3buchettrue, and i suppose we can never fix them all19:52
tr3buchetso can we leave the flag default to None19:52
tr3buchetuse your idea to point out a message19:52
vishytr3buchet: I agree with your usage of the flag, that is how it 'should' be, but i think we should leave the old behavior for compatibility19:52
tr3bucheteven though it's old and busted?19:53
vishyi really wish we had done the same for --glance_host and for the added label in nova-manage19:53
tr3bucheti figured that since this command was breaking scripts anyway19:53
tr3buchetas did the lvov patch19:53
tr3buchetthat now was the perfect time19:53
vishythe lvov patch actually didn't break things19:54
vishyyou can still specify params in order19:54
tr3buchetwell sure, but chances are you want to use the command as it is meant to be now19:54
vishybut i see your point19:54
tr3buchetthis backwards compatibility for scripts just gets worse over time19:55
vishyugh, this one is going to break everyone's install19:57
vishywho is using kvm19:57
vishyand flat19:57
tr3buchetmailing list about the flag?19:57
ttxvishy: pong19:58
tr3buchetif it's if it is a large enough issue, i'll concede to br100, but setting it in nova-manage, and using a deprecated warning that says you should set flat_network_bridge FLAG19:58
tr3bucheti also want to stick a sleep(10) in there or something too so it's visible19:59
jk0ttx: you may also be interested in if I recall, it is supposed to go into d3?20:08
ttxjk0: yes20:08
vishyjk0: nice20:12
vishyttx: do you have input on the tr3buchet issue?20:13
ttxjk0: we'll need the same fix proposed to the milestone-proposed branch20:13
vishyttx: i was trying to track down some help20:13
jk0ttx: ok, hold on to your short20:13
vishyfor figuring out why the nova launchpad builders are all failing20:13
jk0*shorts even20:13
ttxreading backlog20:14
tr3buchetttx: i removed the default value of the flat_network_bridge flag20:14
vishyjk0: you need to remake the branch off of milestone proposed20:15
jk0ah, crap20:15
jk0I'll fix20:16
vishyjk0: have you tried where mysql is not set to innodb as well20:16
ttxsomeone had a magic bzr merge command to cherrypick the fix20:16
jk0vishy: yeah, that was the first thing I tried20:16
ttxadam_g: could you check the fix from ?20:16
vishybzr merge <branch> -c <revno>20:16
ttxvishy: builds on trunk fail with missing python-xattr build dep apparently20:19
ttxhmm that doesn't make sense20:22
jk0ttx / vishy:
jk0python-xattr was added to glance recently as a dep for caching20:24
ttxsoren: around ?20:25
ttxI just don't see why it would suddenly need xattr20:29
bcwaldonttx: that's how cached images are identified20:29
ttxI mean why Nova would need it20:29
bcwaldonbecause it needs glance ;)20:30
vishyah, that makes sense20:30
bcwaldonglance client/server aren't in different packages (yet)20:30
bcwaldonand server needs xattr20:30
vishyyes it must be the use of glance client20:30
bcwaldonvishy: exactly20:30
ttxI can try to push a quick fix. An extra builddep never hurts anyway20:30
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vishyawesome thanks ttx20:35
ttx...and trigger a new build20:36
ttxThe commit it started to fail to build didn't introduce any glance change though20:37
ttxso I'm unsure of the fix20:37
ttxvishy: could you propose your boto2 fix to milestone-proposed ?20:40
ttxI know that one builds ok20:40
vishyttx: it is proposed and in20:41
ttxah, hm20:41
vishyttx: the test_cloud stuff may have re-enabled a glance client import that was disabled?20:41
vishyttx: or maybe that was the first build since glance updated their packages?20:42
* ttx is missing some emails for some reason20:42
ttxvishy: at this hour, I'm ready to accept that explanation, if the fix fixes it20:42
* vishy crosses fingers20:43
vishystill have 3 branches that need one more review20:43
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bcwaldonvishy: I'll look at lp81655520:45
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,158: SUCCESS in 4 min 20 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Drop FK before dropping instance_id column.20:51
adam_gttx: looking now20:52
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ttxadam_g: bah, fix is in, now, so it has better work20:53
* vishy goes to revert it20:53
ttxsuspense on the packagng fix is at a peak20:53
ttxfollow at home:
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ttxnatty built, so the others should be ok too20:55
ttxvishy: things look good now ?20:56
vishyi just popped in the mysql fix20:56
vishywaiting on 4 fixes still20:57
vishytr3buchet: still alive?20:57
ttxokay, will pick up the pieces tomorrow20:57
* ttx disappears20:57
vishyshould be ready to go by the time you wake up20:57
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adam_gjk0: was that migration patch tested on non-innodb databases as well?21:03
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adam_gjk0: ok, ill test as well. i was going to propose the same fix, but as far as i can tell, FKs are only named $table_ibfk_N when innodb is the default, and in other cases migrate is able to introspect the database and drop the FKs automatically as it needs21:04
jeblairjay pipes would like people to know that his laptop has died, and he won't be able to be on irc for a while.21:05
vishyadam_g, jk0: doesn't it just ignore in that case?21:05
jk0hm, I'm getting an error now in trunk21:06
jk0one sec21:06
adam_gvishy: the database ignore the DROP query? ya, probably21:06
adam_ger, ALTER21:07
jk0the DB does, but the migration fails21:07
jk0just needs to be wrapped in a try21:07
openstackjenkinsProject nova-milestone build #9: SUCCESS in 14 sec:
vishyjk0: doh21:07
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Drop FK before dropping instance_id column.21:07
vishynew fix!21:07
jk0fix coming21:07
vishyif you make it on milestone21:07
vishyyou can propose the same branch into both21:07
vishyjk0: ^'21:08
adam_gwonder if it can be later fixed in sqlalchemy migrate.  i believe workarounds exist there for similar cases with oracle21:08
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,159: SUCCESS in 4 min 7 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Fixes typo in attach volume.21:16
mwhookerHi guys. I'm fairly new to openstack and would like to make some contributions. Are there any bugs people could recommend I work on?21:21
vishymwhooker: we could always use more tests21:22
mwhookervishy: great, I'll look at the coverage reports. any modules which particularly need help?21:23
vishyalso general test cleanup would be useful21:23
vishya lot of the tests are throwing things into the database when they should be using mocks, etc.21:24
bcwaldonmwhooker: Check this out for coverage:
bcwaldonmwhooker: you can execute -c to get a local code-coverage report21:25
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,160: SUCCESS in 4 min 9 sec:
openstackjenkins* Tarmac: Fix the skipped tests in vmwareapi and misc spots. The vmware networking stuff is stubbed out, so the tests can be improved there by fixing the fakes.21:27
openstackjenkins* Tarmac: Fix all of the skipped libvirt tests.21:27
tr3buchetvishy: yes still alive, been trying to get a laptop for a while21:30
vishylooks like just your branch and the refix by jk0 to go in21:31
jk0vishy: coming in a few mins21:31
tr3buchetvishy: sorry i got behind. what did you decide?21:37
jk0vishy: and
vishytr3buchet, I thought we agreed on the deprecated option21:43
vishyor you conceded to use it i suppose :)21:44
vishywe can remove it later after the deprecated has been around for awhile and people have had a chance to upgrade scripts21:45
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jk0can we get one more set of eyes on pls?21:46
openstackjenkinsProject nova-milestone build #10: SUCCESS in 17 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Fixes typo in attach volume.21:49
tr3buchetok i'm in, i'll add that, and let you know21:49
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openstackjenkinsProject nova-milestone build #11: SUCCESS in 16 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Fix all of the skipped libvirt tests.21:52
tr3buchetvishy: let's say that i put the deprecated message in there, with a sleep so they see it, and suggest that they need to start setting the flag, or pass the --bridge option21:53
tr3buchetand that it will be removed in milestone d421:53
tr3buchetgiving everyone some weeks to update their "scripts"21:54
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vishymwhooker: also, some of these are real errors21:56
vishytr3buchet: sounds good21:56
openstackjenkinsProject nova-milestone build #12: SUCCESS in 17 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Fix the skipped tests in vmwareapi and misc spots. The vmware networking stuff is stubbed out, so the tests can be improved there by fixing the fakes.21:57
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jk0vishy: is Approved now22:21
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vishyjk0: thx22:24
jk0vishy: mind having a quick look at ? two lines :)22:27
vishyseems fine although I thought the real fix would be to pull out passwords from the log somehow22:27
jk0the main desc of the bug was that the logs were 644 by default22:28
jk0but I agree, passwords shouldn't be tossed around in verbose output22:29
jk0but that's a whole 'nother blueprint22:29
vishyseems fine, I don't really think anyone is ever going to change this, but i suppose it can't hurt22:29
jk0yeah, that one guy might use it, but I doubt many others will22:29
jk0lowers the open bug count if anything22:29
vishydoes this work if the log doesn't exist yet?22:30
clayghey ahale, I think the us authurl is hard-coded as a constant in woodchipper.auth - it even has a TODO about making it a config option :)22:30
jk0yeah, I tested it using new logs (I always run without --logfile)22:30
claygwrong channel :(22:30
jk0so it was forced to create new logs22:30
vishyhmm i'm also unsure about how logrotation will work22:31
jk0do we use logging's rotation or the actual logrotate?22:31
jk0if it's logging's, the nova uid will have access to it, same for logrotate if running as root22:32
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tr3buchetvishy: both branches are updated with setting to br100 + deprecation warning22:33
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tr3buchetvishy: also set merge prop to milestone22:34
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tr3buchetseparate one22:34
tr3bucheti hope i didn't do anything wrong there22:34
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,161: SUCCESS in 4 min 0 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Fail silently.22:36
vishytr3buchet: now we just need another reviewer22:36
* jk0 can22:37
tr3buchetjk0 tear it up!22:37
openstackjenkinsProject nova-milestone build #13: SUCCESS in 16 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Fail silently.22:37
tr3buchetthat's to milestone22:37
tr3buchetthat's the trunk merge22:37
jk0nice changes22:40
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vishynice as soon as those patches land we have all known milestone bugs fixed22:48
vishytr3buchet: test fail22:49
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tr3buchetah shit wtf, i just ran those22:50
vishytr3buchet: hmm looks like an error in the init scripts22:50
vishyfor nose22:50
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tr3bucheti see what it is, retarded..22:54
* vishy hands tr3buchet a samurai sword22:55
vishyyou know what you need to do...22:55
jk0tr3buchet isn't allowed near sharp/pointy objects22:55
tr3buchetjk0: that was a low blow22:58
* jk0 doesn't make the rules22:58
adam_gtrunk failing to install on natty:
vishyadam_g: it needs python-xattr23:03
vishyadam_g: perhaps ttx just added it as a build dep and not a depends?23:04
adam_gvishy: ill peak23:04
vishyshould be a dep of glance though, so you think glance would have pulled it in23:04
tr3buchetvishy: jk0: alright looks like tests are passing23:05
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tr3buchetvishy: and i've got instances with ipv6 addresses so i did it right23:10
donald650in swift source folder there is a test folder what is the difference between functional and functionalnosetest23:11
donald650i thought all tests can be ran through nose23:13
vishytr3buchet: approved, can you add the change to -ms as well?23:13
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tr3buchetvishy: already done23:15
vishytr3buchet: not showing here
tr3buchetvishy: might help if i push23:20
tr3bucheti'm scatterbrained today apparently23:20
vishyaye, 'tmight23:20
tr3buchetand i'm off!23:21
tr3bucheti'll check in in a bit and make sure everything is ok23:22
openstackjenkinsProject keystone build #45: SUCCESS in 1 min 10 sec:
openstackjenkinsdolph.mathews: pylint fixes for tenant-group unit tests23:23
openstackjenkinsProject keystone build #46: SUCCESS in 1 min 4 sec:
openstackjenkinsdolph.mathews: pylint fixes for tenant-group unit tests23:24
openstackjenkinsProject keystone build #47: SUCCESS in 1 min 12 sec:
openstackjenkinsyoga80: Changes to make cache time configurable.23:25
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,162: SUCCESS in 4 min 8 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: updates handling of arguments in nova-manage network create.23:26
openstackjenkinsupdates a few of the arguments to nova-manage and related help.23:26
openstackjenkinsupdates nova-manage to raise proper exceptions.23:26
openstackjenkinsupdates network manager create_networks to handle ipv6 more correctly and efficiently.23:26
openstackjenkinsflat_network_bridge FLAG now defaults to None.23:26
openstackjenkinsProject keystone build #48: SUCCESS in 1 min 15 sec:
openstackjenkinsyoga80: Flow diagram to support keystone service registration.23:27
adam_gvishy: python-xaddr added install depend for python-nova,
openstackjenkinsProject keystone build #49: SUCCESS in 1 min 4 sec:
openstackjenkinsdolph.mathews: pylint fixes for server unit tests23:28
openstackjenkinsProject keystone build #50: SUCCESS in 1 min 7 sec:
openstackjenkinsyoga80: Changes suggested by Ziad.Adding validateToken operation.23:29
vishyadam_g: saw that.  I was wondering if it should be a dependency of glance instead23:29
openstackjenkinsProject keystone build #51: SUCCESS in 1 min 13 sec:
openstackjenkinsdolph.mathews: Removing attribute duplicated from superclass; causes an issue in py 2.723:30
openstackjenkinsProject keystone build #52: SUCCESS in 1 min 3 sec:
openstackjenkinsdolph.mathews: pylint fixes for role api23:31
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openstackjenkinsProject keystone build #53: SUCCESS in 1 min 5 sec:
openstackjenkinsdolph.mathews: Restored identity.wadl w/ system test23:32
adam_gvishy: glance or python-glance? glance itself doesn't get pulled in when installing nova-common23:32
Davieyadam_g: that is a bug23:35
DavieyHmm. Does glance *need* to run on the same host as nova?23:35
adam_gDaviey: what is?23:36
Davieywell nova fails without access to glance, right?23:36
Daviey(not sure the *current* oneiric archive package does.. as that was a new coupling)23:37
vishyadam_g: ah it depends on python-glance? well it should be a dep of python-glance then23:38
adam_gAFAIK, local image service is deprecated in favor of glance running locally with local file backing?23:38
vishyyou have to run glance23:38
Davieyvishy: Does nova need glance itself to be running on the same host as nova?23:38
vishyso maybe it should just depend on the full glance23:38
* Daviey hasn't tried splitting them23:38
vishyDaviey: ah good point no23:38
vishyDaviey: it just needs to be running somewhere23:38
Davieyadam_g: in which case, it should be a Recommends.23:38
vishyso sounds like python-glance needs the dependency23:39
DavieyDoes nova need python-glance?23:39
DavieyI should just try this myself, but i'm being lazy.23:40
*** negronjl_ is now known as negronjl23:40
vishyDaviey: yes nova-needs python-glance23:40
vishybecause it uses glance-client23:40
Davieyah! thought so.23:41
DavieySo.. python-glance should be a Depends of nova, and glance should be a Recommends (perhaps even a Suggests) of python-glance.23:41
vishyso i think rather than nova > python-xattr we should have nova > python-glance > python-xattr23:41
adam_gvishy: aggree23:42
openstackjenkinsProject nova-milestone build #14: SUCCESS in 18 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: updates handling of arguments in nova-manage network create.23:42
openstackjenkinsupdates a few of the arguments to nova-manage and related help.23:42
openstackjenkinsupdates nova-manage to raise proper exceptions.23:42
openstackjenkinsupdates network manager create_networks to handle ipv6 more correctly and efficiently.23:42
openstackjenkinsflat_network_bridge FLAG now defaults to None.23:42
openstackjenkinschanges mirrored in a merge prop to trunk23:42
Daviey(noting that the default behavior in Ubuntu is to install Recommens by default, which is not the case in Debian)23:42
vishyso looks like python-glance is already a dep of python-nova23:45
vishyso maybe we just need python-xattr as a dep of python-glance and we are done?23:45
vishyyes it isn't there:
adam_gyeah, adding now. i think we can wait on recommending glance itself till things have settled?23:47
vishyadam_g: awesome thanks23:47
mwhookerHi, I'm trying to resolve some errors in nova/virt/vmwareapi/, but as I go through the code I wonder how it's even possible that this runs. Is it possibly being used by anything?23:47
vishymwhooker: why don't you think it runs?23:49
medberryadam_g, are you working on a bug (w/r/t python-xattr)? Is this a new behavior?23:49
vishymedberry: yes and yes23:49
mwhookerit makes a call to self.RerieveServiceContent at the bottom of __init__, which isn't defined anywhere23:50
mwhookerand object.__getattr__ isn't a method23:51
mwhookerwhich is the first statement in __getattr__23:51
vishyyes that does look broken, seems like it should be self.client.RetrieveServiceContent or something.  May not be used23:51
mwhookervishy, or perhaps it's doing something very tricky with getattr23:52
vishymwhooker: I might try starting somewhere else since you will have trouble testing your fixes there23:52
mwhookergood idea23:52
mwhookerthanks for looking at that23:52
vishymwhooker, unless you happen to have installed vmware with openstack23:52
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vishymwhooker: another way to find some stuff that is broken: apt-get install pyflakes and something like: pyflakes nova | grep -v "undefined name '_'" | grep -v unable23:58
vishymwhooker: for example, just uncovered this bug: nova/api/openstack/ undefined name 'ServerCreateRequestXMLDeserializer'23:58
mwhookergood idea, though I see pylint captures that, too

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