Thursday, 2011-07-14

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termiemtaylor: HEAD ?01:00
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chompinghi guys, anybody here from openstack-dashboard?07:33
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annegentlefor those trying to get the Dashboard to work, you can use the Launchpad repo by using "bzr revert -r 46" to get it to work with trunk, I believe.14:43
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cp16netin nova how do you determine available capacity of a compute host? is there a call in the database that can be made?15:26
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cp16netnm looks like it DNE yet for openvz16:38
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dprincecomstud: you around?17:52
comstuddprince: yep17:53
dprinceGot a sec to help me with some agent related issues?17:53
comstudyeah, sure17:53
dprincecomstud: Okay. So I hit this:17:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 810635 in nova "KeyError; 'b64_file' when injecting file via nova agent" [Medium,In progress]17:54
dprincecomstud: I think I got that fixed....17:55
dprincecomstud: Sure. Thats my first issue BTW. Want to get agreement on that first :)17:56
comstudyeah, i wanted to just look at that real quick before moving on17:57
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comstudyeah, weird how that ended up.  definitely looks like agent plugin should be using b64_contents17:58
comstudso, yeah, you seem correct there..17:58
comstudthere was some confusion in the past... some code was left out of a merge by ed leafe, i think17:58
dprincecomstud: Okay. Cool. Thanks. Moving on to issue number 2...17:58
dprinceSo I've built a small 253 MB squeeze image with nova-agent installed.17:59
dprinceThat is the smallest nova-agent image I could easily build.18:00
dprinceAnyway it boots great. Networking comes up.18:00
comstudi have one, also, btw18:00
dprinceHow big is yours?18:00
comstudhm, 70-90M iirc18:00
dprinceWow. Is that squeeze?18:01
dprinceWHat distro?18:01
johan_-_that was probably freebsd :)18:01
comstudhrm, i lied.  it's 280M18:01
comstudfreebsd is 9018:01
johan_-_dprince: does yours have the locales package installed?18:02
dprinceSweet. Good to know. Yeah. I wanted squeeze for consistency.18:02
comstud-rw-r--r-- 1 cbehrens cbehrens 282M Jun 13 13:41 squeeze-110613.ova18:02
dprincejohan_-_: not sure. Would uninstalling that decrease the size a bit?18:02
johan_-_dprince: i'm not sure how big it is. i just know you get annoying warnings in most programs if you don't have it installed18:02
johan_-_i was mostly just poking comstud because his squeeze image doesn't have it installed :)18:03
comstudthe locales pkg is missing from mine, which I think is why johannes is asking18:03
comstudi'll generate a new one some day :)18:03
dprincejohan_-_: Sure. Thanks. My image has it.18:03
johan_-_i need to pick a new nick18:03
comstuddprince: ok, cools.. what's the 2nd issue?18:03
dprincecomstud: the correct version of the agent isn't detected.18:04
dprincecomstud: specifically for file injection.18:04
dprincecomstud: Let me get you a paste here....18:04
comstudthe reason for the 2 different calls is beacuse the original one for Slice has lame arguments... that's the 'injectfile' one...18:05
comstud'file_inject' is meant to replace it.. but we need to support both for a bit18:05
dprincecomstud: Sure. I understand that.18:05
comstudi can't remember if I implemented file_inject yet18:05
dprincecomstud: the detection just isn't working for me.18:05
dprincecomstud: I get this in /var/log/nova/nova-agent.log:18:06
dprincecomstud: one sec and I'll show you what is in nova-compute.log too...18:06
comstudjust trying to catch myself up on this... haven't looked in a while18:06
comstudlooks like i've only implemented 'injectfile' in nova-agent so far18:06
comstudso yeah, weird that it's not detecting correctly18:07
dprincecomstud: updating the agent would be one way to solve this I suppose. I think there is a regression in the detection code in the agent plugin however.18:07
comstud*looks at agent plugin code*18:07
dprincecomstud: yep18:07
comstudyeah, there is18:07
comstuddon't blame me.. i didn't write this part of the code!18:07
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comstudthis is really interesting18:09
comstudcode looks fine at first glance18:09
dprinceThat is nova-compute.log18:09
dprincecomstud: I'm gonna dump those into a ticket...18:09
dprincecomstud: Do you have time to take a stab at it? Or if not can you at least give me a pointer on what to fix?18:10
comstudthat one is also interesting... since resp_dict is obviously a string there18:10
comstudinstead of a dict18:10
comstudwhich just appears to be an error catching problem18:10
dprincecomstud: Yeah. I was wondering. Kind of masks the real issue a bit.18:11
comstudyeah, i should.. going to look for a few min more18:11
dprincecomstud: Cools.18:11
comstudi see one problem18:17
comstudi think18:17
comstudline 197 in _agent_has_method18:18
comstud'response' there will be a dict18:18
comstudwith keys: "18:18
comstud"returncode" and "message"18:18
comstudso really _agent_has_method should check that response['returncode'] is 0... to see that the command succeeded18:19
comstudand then it should check for "method in response['message']"18:19
dprinceSure. A little error handling would be nice.18:20
comstuderr, self._agent_methods should be response['message'].split(",")18:20
comstudi mean18:20
comstudi'm not sure what's going on here..18:20
comstudbecause it would seem that response.split(",") is doing a split on a dict18:20
comstudi think some debug logging is needed18:20
dprincecomstud: You want access to my setup?18:21
comstudi can do it here.. no big deal18:21
dprincecomstud: great.18:21
comstudi just have to finish up a couple other things first18:21
comstudi know the agent is returning the correct features tho18:21
dprincecomstud: Yeah. I debugged it a bit and the problem appears to be in agent_has_method.18:22
comstudit's definitely not storing the features correctly18:22
comstudself._agent_methods..  or at least, it shouldn't be based on what I see18:22
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comstudbut.. that means self._agent_has_method("file_inject") would still return False, though...18:23
comstudapparently ti's returning True.. which is very interesting.18:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 810657 in nova "agent plugin fails to detect correct file injection capability" [Undecided,In progress]18:24
dprincecomstud: ticket is assigned to me. Feel free to steal it if you want (once you finish up your tasks, etc.)18:25
comstudok cools18:26
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comstuddprince: yeah, i don't see how any of the agent calls can work at all.. at least ones that check for responses18:36
comstudthere's no checking in the json response for 'returncode' or 'message'18:36
dprincenetworking seems to work fine.18:36
dprinceas do password resets.18:36
comstudyeah, sorry... i mean they work... but18:37
comstudchecking responses is not at all18:37
comstudnova mostly is ignoring responses right now18:37
dprinceOh. yeah. nova-compute... yep.18:37
comstudok, will fix in a bit18:38
dprincesandy: I've got a novaclient issue? You around?18:39
DavieyHow upset will people be if boto 2.00 lands in ubuntu oneiric today?18:44
Daviey(noting that bug #704645, is already identified and there may be more)18:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 704645 in nova "EC2 API supports deprecated authorize and revoke methods, and not recommended methods" [Medium,Confirmed]
DavieyBasic functionaility seemed to work for me FWIW.18:45
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zulDaviey: i wouldnt have a problem with it19:12
Davieyzul: hah19:13
zulsoren: ping are you working on a debian package for keystone?19:18
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,098: SUCCESS in 4 min 11 sec:
openstackjenkinsProject nova-tarball-bzr-delta build #333: FAILURE in 2.1 sec:
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,099: SUCCESS in 4 min 5 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: corrected catching NoNetworksDefined exception in host setup and getting networks for instance22:14
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openstackjenkinsProject nova-tarball-bzr-delta build #334: STILL FAILING in 1.4 sec:
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openstackjenkinsProject burrow build #19: SUCCESS in 15 sec:
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